Title of Invention


Abstract AN EASY COMPOSTING GARDEN POT This new composting opaque garden pot (1) of chosen shape, size, and material has a partial partition (4) forming soil and composting parts. The soil part has the water drain hole (8) and stem support tube insert (9) and is filled with garden soil. The compost chamber part has a side snout (2) covered with a lid (3) for organic waste feeding. The compost chamber has a top plate (6) with holes (7) and primed with earth worm and decomposing germs. The waste is composted in few weeks. The plant roots grow into partition holes (5) and suck up this nutrition for faster growth and yield. Any excess water is drained out by hole (8) in the soil part. Tree pots are tapering cylinders with a detachable upper part with snout (2), its lid (3) and vent holes(7) and lower part has root nutrition holes(5). Organic waste becomes useful home vegetables and fruits in few weeks with free nutrition and no pollution.
Full Text

This invention in general relates to garden pots. More particularly this invention relates to a garden pot that composts organic waste in situ as a fertliser for plants.
State of Art
Existing garden pots do not compost any organic waste. If an organic waste is left on pots, it is attacked by birds, insects and soon emits foul smell. There are separate composting bins, but no garden pot with a composting chamber. All homes, hotels generate large organic waste from vegetables, meat, fish etc that is sent to city dumping yard, where the waste is land filled with air, water and land pollution. If all organic food is composted in home pots and used as fertlisers of useful fruit or vegetable plants, we have pesticide free organic healthy food available at home saving on waste disposal cost and food costs. The plants trap dust, C02, give Oxygen, and purify city air.
Ideal composting garden pots should be: 1. Compost daily all organic waste. 2 should be clean, smell free. 3 allow plants to use up the compost for more 4. Easy to plant, run and use. 5. Safe and reliable. There are no simple devices as of now!
The following description gives critical examination of the pots for planting known in the art. It also discusses the shortcomings of the conventional methods. Further in order to overcome the problem associated with composting, the invention offers the solution to overcome the impediments in the construction and the process of using the same.
Constraints in all garden pots are as follows:
1. There is no clean composting.
2. The pots are not user friendly.
3. There is no useful nutrition from the plants potted
Accordingly the object of the invention is to identify the solutions for problem associated with the conventional pots. An extensive search has been carried out using the Internet and related patent specifications were studied for pots that can compost and allow plant growth in same pot. Since the present invention is radically different, in using the same pot for composting

and plant growth, the inventors are unable to site any patent specification out of the available databases. Only separate composting chambers and pots are seen globally. The invention is directed to a novel type of easy composting pots for use even by kids and women too, at home.
Accordingly it is the primary object of the invention to invent a novel composting pot, which is unique in design and construction, working and use. Further objects of the invention will be clear from the ensuing description.
Summary of the invention:
The device comprises of a pot with an organic waste feeding inlet covered by a tight lid. The inlet leads to a composting chamber with earthworms, germs and manure. This composting chamber has holes for roots to suck up the nutrients from the compost to grow faster and yield more fruits and vegetables. The non-composting part of pot is filled with garden mud, seeded for plant growth. The daily organic waste is mashed and fed into the snout and capped with tight lid. The home waste is decomposed by germs and yields the nutrients to the root of plant for faster, better growth. The organic waste becomes eatable food. The pots can be placed indoors or on windows, roof tops, sit outs with any open sunny place. The plants yield the needed vegetables and fruits. The pots will be made in various sizes depending on the plant root system and its yield. This is an easy way to save on city waste and also generate free food with free oxygen and carbon trapping too. A series of 30 pots of 30 centimeter diameter can recycle all home waste eternally with 15 different types of plants (each two for cross pollination.) as free safe home nutrition with no city garbage collection, transport, disposal costs running into millions. For trees pots are modified with only the larger composting chamber.
Statement of Drawings:
These and other objects and features of the invention will become more apparent upon perusal of following description taken in conjunction with accompanying drawings wherein: Figure 1 shows in elevation the details of composting pot. Figure 2 shows the various components of a cut pot. Figure 3 shows the exploded view of the pot plant growth. Figure 4.shows a modification for trees. Figure 5.shows a modification for grasses.

The following specification describes salient features of invention, the method of construction, the method of use and the advantages of the novel invention.
The novel device has a pot made of plastic, clays, metal or earth. It has a waste feeding inlet with a lid. The inside of pot has a composting partition with holes for roots and is roofed. The other part of pot is filled with garden soil and planted. The novel device according to the invention is placed on any open surfaces or roof for plant growth.
The novel pot according to invention is better because the all organic waste is decomposed at home. The plants in few weeks give vegetables or fruits too. The city avoids organic garbage collection cost. Food is now made at home at zero cost and in plenty. Oxygen is increased, carbon dioxide is trapped. Home and City air is now healthy. Special feature of the invention is that it is easy to set up, run, and use even by illiterates or kids too.
The novel device has higher efficiency of decreasing global warming. The existing garden pots have not been improved for long. The object of the invention is to overcome the inherent defects. To this end the new invention is addressed.
The device comprises of an appropriate sized garden potl, with a feeding snout2 covered by a lid 3. The inside of pot has a partition 4 with holes 5 for roots. The composting chamber is covered by a flat top plate 6 with venting holes 7. The Pot is filled with garden soil around the composting chamber and planted. Water drain 8 in soil part removes excess water.
Fig 3 shows the working of pot. The composting chamber is primed with earthworms, germs for decay of the organic waste with no strong chemicals. The organic waste is fed into snout 2 and covered with lid 3. The plant roots pass into holes 5 of the partition 5 and allow faster plant growth. The organic waste is better filled as a mashed waste in a simple low cost easy cleaned grinder to decrease the composting time. Smaller pieces are faster decomposed than larger pieces. The soil germs convert all organic residues to ammonia that escapes by vent hole 7 and nitrified by the above soil bacteria. The broken down proteins fats, carbohydrates are absorbed to plant roots for growth. Nitrates, phosphates minerals etc are absorbed by roots. Growing two plants of same species in two pots helps easy cross pollination and more yield. When the plant dies, the soil is taken out and dried. The compost chamber is emptied into soil part and dried soil is added for seeding. The compost chamber starts with little of manure, earthworms, and soil germs again for next plant yield. Some plants need stem support in growth. There are two

plastic tube inserts 9 in soil part for climber's plant's stem support. Plastic pipes fixed in this inserts 9 and surrounded by soil is a good support for plant's stem on windy days. The plastic tubes can be joined by cross bars as space for climbers and plants as snake gourd, beans, etc. A plastic film may be spread on top of soil in the pot to prevent water evaporation in day. All sunny open parts of home - roof, balcony, door steps and land for placing the pots- can be used adding to beauty of the house with decreased global warming and more food.
Fig 4 shows a modification for trees, since trees cannot be grown in pots. A tapering cylinder 9(for easy pullout and reuse) with a top snout 2 and lid 3 is used. It has holes 5 at the lower end for root nutrient supply. Nitrogenous composted gases escape from top venting holes? into soil. The tree pots are larger taking in many days of organic waste. Depending on tree, many pots can be used around a tree. A hole in ground for the size of the tree pot is dug and pot inserted. When full, the cylinder can be pulled out and used in another place. The body of tree pot is made as two halves with smooth top with snout2, coverS and vent holes?and bottom has the root holes 5. The top can be twisted off, removed from ground and fitted with another lower half for reuse saving on costs.
Fig 5 shows another modification for grasses as rice. A shallow pot with a snout2 and long narrow compost chamber with root holes 5 and vent holes? is used for plants with short adventitious roots.
The pots can be modified. They may be made from earth, clay, porcelain, metals, plastics of any safe type, cast or moulded. The pots may be of any shape, size needed with outside omamentation. The composting chamber may be of any shape- circle, square, etc. The partition hole size, number may be varied for different plants- more for roots with more branches. The pots may be made with two snouts and a central partition for rotating of composting chamber after life of plant- the composting chamber becomes the plant part vice versa for better pant nutrition. The die for pot is cast as for washing buckets with a side snout 2, and partition 4. The snout cover 3, and compost chamber top plate 6 is made in separate dies. Alternately, the pot with snout alone, partition and compost top plate and lid are made in different dies and fitted. For tree pots two dies may be used -an upper with snout2, vent holes? and lower with root nutrition holesS.

It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that modifications to the invention described herein can readily be made without departing from the spirit of the invention. Protection is sought for all the subject matter described herein including any such modifications.
Advantages of the new invention:
1. Organic waste is now safely composted and gives food at home.
2. No cost in garbage collection, transport, dumping and landfill site.
3. Safe food is created at home with no pesticides.
4. National nutrition increases with lower air C02 levels
5. City and home air is better with more free oxygen with lower dust.
6. Kids learn to use safe earth practices- good for all future generations.
7. Global warming will decrease.
8. Nations need not waste farm lands for vegetables and fruits.
9. Only open surfaces are used- no land costs except the pot cost and earth, seeds.
10. Appropriate plants of any culture or nation can be grown.

11. Plant water use is lower as water is root fed not top soil fed
12. World can meet its future food needs with no deforestation forever.

We Claim:
1. an easy composting garden pot wherein the improvement comprises of additional
integrated composting chamber, the said pot(l) of needed shape and size and provided
with a side snout (2) covered by a lid(3), the said pot has on hs inside a partial
parthion(4) , the said inside partition (4) dividing the said pot inside into the compost
chamber and soil part, the said composting chamber having a top plate (6) with gas vent
holes (7)and the side snout (2) with cover(3), the said partition(4) itself having multiple
holes (5) for the roots, the said soil part has an excess water drain hole (8) and is filled
with garden soil and planted.
2. An easy composting garden pot as claimed above, wherein the said compost chamber is
formed of a part of partitioned floor of the pot, its sidewalls are formed of the partition
(4) and a part of the side wall of the pot, and the roof is formed of the said top plate (6),
the said snout (2) with the lid (3) is placed near the top of the compost chamber in the
pot wall , the said chamber gets the organic waste and primed with earthworms and
germs for fast decomposition of the organic waste.
3. An easy composting garden pot as claimed above wherein the said non transparent pots
of chosen shape, size and material has in the soil part a hole (8) for excess water drain
away from the said composting chamber and in the floor inserts (9) for stem supporting
4. An easy composting garden pot as claimed above wherein the said pot partition (4) has
multiple holes (5) for the plant roots nourishment from the compost chamber.
5. an easy composting garden pot as claimed above wherein the said pot for trees is a
tapering cylinder shaped two part body, an upper half with a top snout (2) covered by
a lid (3) with vent holes(7), and lower part having root nourishing needed root holes(5),
the said halves are detachably fixed by screw thread or slots.


2912-CHE-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 10-10-2014.pdf



2912-CHE-2007 FORM-3 10-10-2014.pdf

2912-CHE-2007 FORM-5 10-10-2014.pdf

2912-che-2007 abstract.pdf

2912-che-2007 claims.pdf

2912-che-2007 correspondence-others.pdf

2912-che-2007 description (complete).pdf

2912-che-2007 description (provisional).pdf

2912-che-2007 drawings.pdf

2912-che-2007 form-1.pdf

2912-CHE-2007 FORM-18 04-03-2010.pdf

2912-che-2007 form-18.pdf

2912-che-2007 form-5.pdf



2912-che-2007-form 1.pdf

2912-che-2007-form 5.pdf

Patent Number 264898
Indian Patent Application Number 2912/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 05/2015
Publication Date 30-Jan-2015
Grant Date 28-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 06-Dec-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01G9/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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