Title of Invention


Abstract The invention is directed to a process for the anaerobic purification of waste water using a sludge bed system, which process comprises feeding waste water, and optionally recycle water, to the lower part of an upflow reactor, containing mainly granular biomass thus producing biogas in the treatment passing the resulting gas/liquid/solid mixture upward and separating the gas and solid from the liquid in a three phase separator and thereby generating an anaerobic effluent that is withdrawn from the top of the separator, the improvement comprising separating the solids from the liquid in a separator, wherein, above the separation of the gas from the liquid phase, titled plates, tubes or other titled internals are installed in the three phase separator body to increase the effective settling surface, to an upflow reactor suitable for this process as well as to a three phase separator.
Full Text Title: Process and reactor for anaerobic waste water purification
The present invention is in the area of biological waste water
purification and more in particular in the use of sludge bed systems in
anaerobic waste water purification.
Biological wastewater treatment uses active biomass (bacteria) to
convert the pollutants (organic substances) to harmless components.
Basically there are two types of bacteria that can perform this
treatment. For so-called anaerobic treatment (without oxygen) a consortia of
anaerobic bacteria convert pollutants substantially to biogas.
In aerobic treatment the pollutants are reduced under aerobic (with
oxygen) conditions for a great extend to new bacteria / biomass (surplus
sludge) which needs then to be separated from the treated wastewater and
processed separately.
Anaerobic sludge bed reactor systems utilise anaerobic bacteria to
convert pollutants in wastewater to biogas. These anaerobic bacteria mainly
grow in aggregates, often referred to as granular biomass. The systems are
often characterised by low net biomass production (typically 2-4 % of converted
COD) as a result of the low net yield of anaerobic bacteria involved.
This is on one hand a big advantage, as the excess biomass
developed in wastewater treatment systems has to be disposed as a solid
waste, at significant cost, but it makes on the other hand a sensitive aspect to
retain / maintain sufficient active biological sludge in the treatment system
The method of retaining biomass in anaerobic treatment reactors
can be done in various ways. The immobilization of biomass on a fixed or
mobile carrier is one method to uncouple liquid retention time from biomass
retention time.

A better and preferred method however is to make use of mainly-
granulated biomass as applied in UASB, EGSB and IC reactors.
To date more than 85% of any new industrial applications for high
rate anaerobic treatment are based on anaerobic sludge bed technologies
(Frankin R.J. (2001). Full scale experiences with anaerobic treatment of
industrial wastewater. Wat Sci. Tech., 44(8), 1-6).
The purification process generally comprises the use of a system
wherein raw wastewater is introduced at the bottom of an upflow reactor,
containing dispersed biomass in (partly purified) wastewater. During the
anaerobic purification process biogas is produced and a mixture of liquid
(water), solids (biomass) and gas flows upward in the reactor. Before purified
wastewater can be discharged, a gas-liquid-solid separation has to take place.
A typical system for such a process is based on a conditioning tank
to which the raw waste water is fed. A recycle of anaerobic effluent from the
reactor is also fed (normally by gravity) to the conditioning tank. From the
conditioning tank the mixture is introduced into the base of an upflow reactor
through a special design influent distribution system. Subsequently the water
flows upwards through the dense anaerobic sludge bed. Soluble COD is readily
converted to biogas which is rich in methane and an upward circulation of
water and gas borne sludge is established. The specially constructed three
phase separator sections at the top of the reactor first of all allow effective
degasification to occur. Next the solids particles, now devoid of attached gas
bubbles, sink back to the bottom of the three phase separator and are returned
to the reactor.
In sludge bed reactors the biomass is retained by virtue of the good
settleability of such biomass and the use of a three phase separator or three
phase separators in the reactor that can effectively separate (from the treated
wastewater and the produced biogas) and retain such biomass in the reactor.
The object of the present invention is to provide an improved
anaerobic wastewater treatment process based on sludge bed technology.

This is achieved by using a process and a reactor for anaerobic
wastewater treatment with one or more of the following features of the
improved system, which features comprise:
• Improved sludge retention and performance by using an
o Improved anaerobic effluent recycle method
o improved three phase separator or three phase separators with:
• Tilted plates, tubes or other internals installed in the three
phase separator body to increase the effective settling
• In process cleaning facilities for the three phase separator
or three phase separators and the internals.
• Multi plate gas separation baffles under the three phase
separator or three phase separators to make the gas
separation more effective.
o Improved influent distribution system(s).
In a first aspect the present invention resides in an improved
separation of the solids for the liquid. In this embodiment a three phase
separator is used, having tilted plates, tubes or other tilted internals installed
in the three phase separator body with the aim to increase the effective
settling surface without changing the volume.
Accordingly the invention is defined as a process for the anaerobic
purification of waste water using a sludge bed system, which process
comprises feeding waste water, and optionally recycle water, to the lower part
of an upflow reactor, containing mainly granular biomass thus producing
biogas in the treatment passing the resulting gas- liquid- solid mixture upward
and separating the gas and solid from the liquid in a three phase separator
and thereby generating an anaerobic effluent that is withdrawn from the-top of
the separator, the improvement comprising separating the solids form the
liquid in a separator, wherein, above the separation of the gas from the liquid

phase, tilted plates, tubes or other tilted internals are installed in the three
phase separator body to increase the effective settling surface.
In a further embodiment thereof the invention is directed to an
upflow reactor suitable for this process, which reactor comprises a reactor tank
having incorporated therein three phase separators for separating gas, solid
and liquid, which three phase separators are present in the upper part of the
said reactor, influent distribution means for introducing a flow of waste water
into the reactor, said influent distribution means being present in the lower
part of the reactor, effluent withdrawal means for withdrawing anaerobic
effluent from the separator and optionally recycle withdrawal means for
withdrawing a recycle flow from the reactor, wherein the three phase
separator has tilted plates, pipes or other tilted internals installed in the three
phase separator body, above the separation of the gas from the liquid phase.
A third way of defining this invention is through a three phase
separator, which separator comprises a main separator body, at least one entry
for a gas-liquid-solid mixture, single or multiple- biogas separation baffle
plates for separating gas from the mixture, tilted plates, pipes or other tilted
internals installed in the three phase separator body, above the separation of
the gas from the liquid phase,, and means for withdrawing effluent and
optionally also recycle water from the top of the three phase separator.
The internals in the separator are positioned in an angle of typically
50 to 70° to allow gravity settling of the collected solids and the free space
between the plates, in the tubes or between the internals is typically at least
50 mm to prevent blockage. An important aspect herein is that the gas
separation is located below these internals.
This can be further explained with the following example:
• Design raw wastewater flow 100 m3/h.
• Actual wastewater flow 60 m3/h
• Feed flow to the reactor 150 m3/h, so 50 m3/h anaerobic effluent recycle
under design conditions

• The reactor has 3 three phase separators of equal lengths each of 5 m2
effective settling surface, without extra internals and 25 m2 effective
settling surface as a result of a package of tilted pipes ~ 100 no of pipes
of 0150 mm each, the pipes are positioned under an angle of 60°) in the
three phase separator body).
The effective surface load on the three phase separator both for the
design and actual situation is 100/15 = 6.67 m3/m2.hour in a conventional
system. According to the invention the effective surface load on the three
phase separator is 100/75 = 1.13 m3/m2.hour under design conditions and only
60/75 = 0.S m3/m2.hour under actual operating conditions.
This is a big advantage both for a more effective process (better
sludge inventory, better performance and reduction rates) and to achieve lower
overall investment cost.
To realize the same surface load less three phase separator (surface)
is required.
Recirculation of part of the anaerobic effluent is beneficial for stable
operation of an anaerobic sludge bed process, reactor or device. It provides
stable hydraulic conditions, recycle of alkalinity and nutrients and dilution of
the raw feed / wastewater (to prevent toxicity and / or local overloading). In the
current anaerobic sludge bed processes, reactors or devices it is common
practice to recycle (part of) the anaerobic effluent by gravity back to a
conditioning tank, after it has passed the complete three phase separator or
three phase separators. This results in an extra surface load (expressed as m3
water / m2 three phase separator surface, hour) on the three phase separator
or three phase separators, as the surface load is determined by the total feed to
the reactor (= actual raw wastewater flow recirculation flow) divided by the
available net surface area of the three phase separator.
With the tilted internals of this invention already an important
improvement is achieved. However, by combining this with an improved
recycle method, even further improvement may be obtained.

Accordingly a preferred embodiment is withdrawing the recycle
water separately from the effluent, either from the top of the reactor outside
the three phase separator or from the three phase separator.
The novel aspect thereof is that the anaerobic effluent recycle is not
taken from the three phase separator effluent, as is conventional, but from the
top of the reactor outside the three phase separator, from a dedicated section of
the three phase separator or preferably from the bottom of the three phase
separator where the biogas has already been separated and the settled solids
(from the three phase separator body) are collected.
There are various ways in which the recycle water can be withdrawn
from the top of the reactor or the three phase separator. In a first embodiment,
the recycle water is withdrawn from the separator at a location where the gas
has already been separated off. This is preferably done from the bottom of the
separator, just above gas deflecting plates.
In another embodiment, the recycle is withdrawn from the top of the
reactor, outside the separator, i.e. from the solid-gas-liquid phase. In this
embodiment it is also possible to locate the withdrawal behind a gas-deflecting
device, such as a tilted plate, thereby providing some separation of the gas
from the solid-gas-liquid mixture.
In yet another embodiment it is also possible to dedicate one or more
of the three phase separators (provided more than one is present) or part of the
three phase separators for the recycle whereas the remainder of the separators
or parts of the three phase separators are solely dedicated as effluent
producing separators.
The amount of recycle water (by volume) will generally be between
>0 and 95 % of the combined amount of recycle water and anaerobic effluent.
Conversely, the amount of anaerobic effluent will be between 5 and thereof.+

As a result the effective surface load (m3/m2.hour) on the three phase
separator is always the lowest possible and directly proportional to the actual
raw wastewater feed flow.
Important advantages of the invention are the possibility to either
design smaller three phase separators, which would reduce the investment
cost, or to have a better performance of the three phase separator because of
the lower hydraulic load thereof.
Quite often a number of three phase separators are present in a
reactor. In such a situation it is important to have an effective and equal
recycle of anaerobic effluent from each three phase separator and over the
length/surface of each three phase separator.
In a further embodiment of the invention this is achieved by
accomplishing the effluent recycle by a modulating min / max flow system.
Automatic open / close valves are then installed in the recycle lines /
pipes from each three phase separator. In this way a full or partly recycle can
be accomplished from each three phase separator or pipe separately. In other
words, in this embodiment the recycle flow from each three phase separator is
controlled by the valves with which the distribution of the amount of recycle
from each three phase separator is determined.
In the first embodiment each three phase separator contains an
anaerobic effluent recirculation collection pipe at the bottom, with several
openings / slots (in the three phase separator) over its lengths.)
Each pipe is extended through the walls of respectively the three
phase separator and the reactor tank and contains an open/close automatic
valve (outside the reactor) just before all the pipes are connected to a header.
This header collects the anaerobic effluent recycle flow from each
three phase separator and discharges it to the conditioning tank. This can be
further explained with the following example:
• Design raw wastewater flow 100 m3/h.
• Actual wastewater flow 60 m3/h

• Feed flow to the reactor 150 m3/h, so 50 m3/h anaerobic effluent recycle
under design conditions
• Effective three phase separator surface 15 m2.
• The reactor has 3 three phase separators of equal lengths.
In the prior art situation, the effective surface load on the three
phase separator, both for the design and actual situation, is 150/15 = 10
m3/m2.hour. According to the preferred embodiment of the invention, with the
improved recycle location, the effective surface load on the three phase
separator is 100/15 = 6.67 m3/m2.hour under design conditions and only 60/15
= 4 m3/m2.hour under actual operating conditions.
According to a preferred embodiment, the open / close valves in the
recycle line have for example the following sequence:
• At any time 2 valves are closed and 1 is open.
• Every 5 minutes there is a change over: One of the closed valves opens
and at the same time the valve which is open closes.
So at any moment the full recycle flow is taken from one of the 3
three phase separators at 50 m3/h under design conditions and maximum 150
m3/h in case there is no raw wastewater feed flow.
The result of these fluctuating flows over time is:
• (More) equal recirculation from each three phase separator and over the
lengths of each three phase separator.
• Automatic cleaning of the three phase separator, with less risk for
Moreover, the combination of extra settling surface and the new
means for anaerobic effluent recycle results into a more effective extraction of
the settled solids at the bottom of three phase separator. This also reduces the
risk of blockage.
In case a separator or part thereof is specifically dedicated for
recycle water, it is possible to have different kind of internals than in the
separators for the effluent, or to use no internals at all.

The means of anaerobic effluent extraction gives also the possibility
(or in- process cleaning of the three phase separator(s) and its internals by
introduction of a back flow of water or (bio) gas recycles through the same
extraction pipe and holes or slots.
This is of special importance when a reactor is operated under
biogas pressure (completely closed) as under such conditions it will be very
inconvenient to open a reactor for inspection or cleaning purposes.
The three phase separator(s) according the present invention will
make use of multiple (2 to 10) biogas separation baffles plates similar as they
are used in the Biothane UASB and Biobed three phase separators. The
settled solids from the three phase separator will positively be returned to the
reactor as a result of a by gravity difference induced circulation flow
(mammouth. stream).
A further important preferred feature related to this innovative
anaerobic sludge bed process and reactor according to the invention is related
to the improvement of the mixing and distribution of the to be treated
wastewater with (all of) the available biomass.
Typically the influent distribution system will be executed with 1
nozzle per 1 up to 4 m2- reactor surface and having an even number of nozzles
equally distributed over the reactor surface, using strings with several nozzles
at one string.
The special feature of this embodiment of the invention is that the
reactor will be executed with several of these influent distributions over its
Not only will this give a better distribution and mixing of the reactor
feed flow with the available biomass, it will also, very effectively, break
stagnant sludge layers to prevent building up of biogas in gas pockets which
may result in irregular and undesired biogas production flows from the

Preferably a reactor will have at least 1, preferably 2 to 5
independent operating influent distribution systems. These systems will be
located at different planes over the height of the reactor. In general the first
system is located near the bottom of the reactor. The other influent
distribution systems will be located above the first one at locations between 15
and 55% of the height of the reactor.
In a typical configuration one system is located at the bottom of the
reactor and further one at respectively 2, 4 and 6 m from the bottom.
The influent distribution system can be executed as a modulating
min / max flow system with preferably horizontal outflow for better mixing and
breaking-up of the sludge bed (to prevent biogas entrapment). Typically 0-40%
of the flow is directed to one half of the nozzles and as a result 100-60% to the
other half. The preferred change over from min to max is every 1 to 5 minutes.
In a set-up using two influent distribution systems typically 20 to
80% of the flow is directed to the bottom influent distribution system and as a
result 80 to 20% of the flow to the influent distribution system at higher
In case more than two influent distribution systems are used, the
distribution of the influent over the systems is 20-80% to the bottom influent
distribution system and the rest, so 80-20% is distributed equally over the rest
of the influent distribution systems at higher elevations.
This embodiment is further explained in the following example:
• Design raw wastewater flow 100 m3/h.
• Actual wastewater flow 60 m3/h
• Feed flow to the reactor 150 m3/h, so 50 m3/h anaerobic effluent recycle
under design conditions
• -Reactor 600 m3, 15 m high so 40 m2 reactor surface
• The reactor has 3 influent distribution systems over its height, one near
the bottom, one at 2 m and one at 4 m height

• Each influent distribution system is equipped with 4 strings and 10
nozzles in total.
• 1/2 of the reactor feed flow (so 75 m3/h) is directed to the bottom influent
distribution system and 1/4 (so 37.5 m3/h) is directed to the influent
distribution system at respectively 2 and 4m.
• Each Influent distribution system is operated with a min / max flow
distribution of 30% / 70% as explained above.
The various aspects of the invention are now elucidated on the basis
of the attached figures, wherein
figure 1 gives the general process arrangement consisting of a reactor and a
conditioning tank,
figure 2a a side view of a three phase separator,
figure 2b a top view of the separator,
figure 2c another top view of the separator,
figure 3 an upflow reactor with multi level influent distributions systems,
figures 4a and 4b two embodiments of direct recycle pipes,
figure 5 a top view of an upflow reactor with multiple three phase separators,
figure 6 a recycle from the top of the reactor using a gas deflecting plate.
In figure 1, raw waste water 1 is fed to conditioning tank 2, where it
is combined with recycle water 10 (gravity flow from the upflow reactor 5). In
the conditioning tank 2 the water is conditioned (temperature, pH, nutrients
addition) by means not shown. Reactor feed pump 3 pumps the conditioned
water via valves 4 to the influent distribution systems 6 near the bottom of
reactor 5.
The waste water rises in the reactor, wherein a sludge bed is present
consisting of mainly granular sludge. Due to the anaerobic breakdown of the
contaminants in the waste water biogas is formed and a mixture of solid, liquid
and gas develops. The mixture enters the three phase separator 8, where the
gas is removed via the tilted baffles 12. The solids in the mixture settle

through the separator and are returned to the reactor. Cleaned effluent is
withdrawn through 9. The gas produced is removed through line 7. Recycle is
withdrawn (by gravity) through line 10. In the alternative the recycle (all by
gravity) can be withdrawn form location 10a (outside the three phase
separator) or 10b (from part of the three phase separator).
Figure 2a gives a detailed view of three-phase separator 8, wherein
13 denotes the water flow inlet. This water further contains gas and solids and
flows between the multiple biogas separation baffle plates 12. Due to the
turbulent, downward flow of the mixture attached gas is separated from the
solids. Part of the mixture flows down through the section between the bottom
of the baffle plates and the lower gas gap 11 and part flows upward into
internal section 15 of the separator 8. Internal section 15 is preferably
provided with internals such as tilted tubes or titled plates to improve the
liquid- solid separation. The solids settle in downward direction and flow down
back into the reactor through section 16. Liquid flows upward out of the
internal section 15 and via overflow launders 14 effluent is removed through
line 9. The recycle can be withdrawn from the bottom part of the three phase
separator 8 and next via pipe 10 gravity flow to the conditioning tank.
In figure 2b a top view of the three phase separator 8 has been
given, wherein the numeric indications correspond to the numeric indications
in the description of figure 1 and 2a. In this figure various possibilities for
tilted plates have been given. 15a denote corrugated tilted plates, 15b denote
tilted tubes and 15c denote tilted flat plates.
In figure 2c a top view of a three phase separator has been given,
which has a specific dedicated section for collecting recycle. This section has
been denoted as 16. This section can be with or without internals; The water
from section 16 flows through overflow launders 14a to recycle pipe 10. The
effluent flows via the launders 14 to effluent discharge pipe 9.

In figure 3 a multiple influent distribution system has been
described, having four distribution systems 6a, 6b, 6c en 6d. The amount of -
water to the various discharge pipes is regulated via valves 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d.
Figures 4a and 4b show details of direct recycle pipes, which are
located preferably in the bottom of the three phase separator 10. Figure 4a
shows the pipe having orifices 17. Figure 4b shows slots 17a.
In figure 5 a top view of multiple three phase separators in an
upflow reactor are shown. In this embodiment two separators have been
shown, but it is also possible to include more separators. Each of the
separators is connected through direct recycle pipes with the recycle line 10.
The recycle pipes have been provided with valves, which can either have an
open-close position or can be used to regulate the flow from 0 to 100%, either
gradually or stepwise.
In figure 6 a possible embodiment of a gas deflecting outside the
three phase separator has been shown. This device consists of gas deflection
means 19 and 20, which are located before the withdrawal means 10.

1. Process for the anaerobic purification of waste water using a sludge
bed system, which process comprises feeding waste water and optionally
recycle water, to the lower part of an upflow reactor, containing mainly
granular biomass thus producing biogas in the treatment passing the
resulting gas/liquid/solid mixture upward and separating the gas and solid
from the liquid in a three phase separator and thereby generating an
anaerobic effluent that is withdrawn from the top of the separator, the
improvement comprising separating the solids from the liquid in a separator,
wherein, above the separation of the gas from the liquid phase, tilted plates,
tubes or other tilted internals are installed in the three phase separator body
to increase the effective settling surface.
2. Process according to claim 1, wherein the internals are positioned in
an angle of 50 to 70°.
3. Process according to claim 1 or 2, wherein recycle water is
withdrawn separately from the effluent, either from the three phase separator
or from the top of the reactor outside the three phase separator.
4. Process according to claim 1-3, wherein the recycle water is
introduced, preferably by gravity into a conditioning tank into which also the
(raw) waste water is introduced, and from which the combined flow of waste
water and recycle is introduced into the reactor.
5. Process according to claim 1-3, wherein the tilted plates, tubes or
other tilted internals in the three phase separator body increase the effective
settling surface with a factor 2 to 10.
6. Process according to claim 1-5, wherein multiple- biogas separation
baffle plates are present at the inlet of the three phase separator to prevent
that biogas enters the actual settling section of the three phase separator and

provides effective separation of the biogas (bubbles) attached to the solid
7. Process according to claim 6, wherein 2 to 10 biogas separation
baffles plates are present.
8. Process according to claim 1-7, wherein the feed to the reactor is
introduced therein through a multi level influent distribution system.
9. Process according to claim 8, wherein 2 to 5 levels of the influent
distribution system are present.
10. Process according to claim 8 or 9, wherein the first influent
distribution system is located near the bottom of the reactor and the other
influent distribution system or influent distribution systems will be located
above the first one at locations between 15 and 55% of the height of the
11. Upflow reactor suitable for the process of claim 1-10, which reactor
comprises a reactor tank having incorporated therein three phase separators
for separating gas, solid and liquid, which three phase separators are present
in the upper part of the said reactor, influent distribution means for
introducing a flow of waste water into the reactor, said influent distribution
means being present in the lower part of the reactor, effluent withdrawal
means for withdrawing anaerobic effluent from the separator and optionally
recycle withdrawal means for withdrawing a recycle flow from the reactor,
wherein the three phase separator, above the separation of the gas from the
liquid phase, has tilted plates, pipes or other tilted internals installed in the
three phase separator body.
12. Reactor according to claim 11, wherein the internals are positioned
in an angle of 50 to 70°.
13. Reactor according to claim 11 or 12, wherein a conditioning tank is
present, provided with waste water feed means, recycle feed means, preferably
gravity based, connected with the recycle withdrawal means of the reactor, and
feed means to feed the recycle and waste water flow to the reactor.

14. Reactor according to claim 11-13, wherein recycle withdrawal means
are present for withdrawing recycle water, which means are separate from the
effluent withdrawal means and which recycle withdrawal means are designed
to withdraw water from the three phase separators or from the top of the
reactor outside the three phase separators
15. Reactor according to claim 11-14, wherein multiple- biogas
separation baffle plates are present at the entrance of the three phase
16. Reactor according to claim 15, wherein 2 to 10 biogas separation
baffle plates are present.
17. Reactor according to claim 11-16, wherein the feed to the reactor is a
multiple level influent distribution system.
18. Reactor according to claim 17, wherein 2 to 5 influent distribution
systems are present at different levels in the reactor.
19. Three phase separator, suitable for use in the process of claim 1-10,
or the reactor of claim 11-18, which separator comprises a main separator
body, at least one entry for a gas-liquid-solid mixture, single or multiple-
biogas separation baffle plates for separating gas from the mixture, tilted
plates, pipes or other tilted internals installed in the three phase separator
body, above the separation of the gas from the liquid phase, and means for
withdrawing effluent and optionally also recycle water from the top of the
three phase separator.

The invention is directed to a process for the
anaerobic purification of waste water using a sludge
bed system, which process comprises feeding waste
water, and optionally recycle water, to the lower part
of an upflow reactor, containing mainly granular
biomass thus producing biogas in the treatment passing
the resulting gas/liquid/solid mixture upward and
separating the gas and solid from the liquid in a three
phase separator and thereby generating an anaerobic
effluent that is withdrawn from the top of the
separator, the improvement comprising separating the
solids from the liquid in a separator, wherein, above
the separation of the gas from the liquid phase, titled
plates, tubes or other titled internals are installed
in the three phase separator body to increase the
effective settling surface, to an upflow reactor
suitable for this process as well as to a three phase




02819-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

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02819-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

02819-kolnp-2008-pct priority document notification.pdf

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2819-KOLNP-2008-(01-11-2012)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf


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2819-KOLNP-2008-(04-12-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

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2819-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf


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Patent Number 265076
Indian Patent Application Number 2819/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 06/2015
Publication Date 06-Feb-2015
Grant Date 05-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 11-Jul-2008
Applicant Address 1'Aquarene, 1 place Montgolfier, 94417 Saint Maurice, France.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C02F 3/28
PCT International Application Number PCT/NL2007/000003
PCT International Filing date 2007-01-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 06075014.8 2006-01-05 EPO