Title of Invention


Abstract A pressure cap comprises a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of a container (3), engaging means (10) associable with a neck (2) of said container (3), said engaging means (10) being provided with retaining means (11) for engaging in a projection (7) of said container, a line of intended opening (15) in said engaging means (10) interposed between a side body (12) of said engaging means (10) and said closing part (8), said line of intended opening (15) being defined by fracturable means (16), said line of intended opening (15) and said closing part (8) being positioned in relation to one another so that said fracturable means (16) breaks along said line of intended opening (15) when said closing part (8) is induced to detach itself from said side body (12).
Full Text

Caps, containers and methods The invention relates to caps, containers and methods for manufacturing and opening caps.
Pressure caps (200) are known that are made of plastic, shown in Figures 1 and 2, that are associable with a container (204). These caps comprise a closing part (201) provided with a retaining element (202) that engages a neck (2 03) of the container.
The known caps are furthermore provided with a tamperproof ring (205) that, before opening, surrounds the neck. The tamperproof ring is connected to the closing part of the cap by means of fracturable elements.
The tamperproof ring is furthermore provided with hooking elements that prevent the closing part from being removed from the tamperproof ring, and thus the opening of the container, without breaking of" the f racturable elements occurring.
From the tamperproof ring an appendage (206) pro j ects arranged for being grasped by a user.
By exerting a force on the appendage it is possible to break the fracturable elements and possibly separate the tamperproof ring from the body of the cap.
Subsequently, the user, by acting on the closing part, can remove the retaining element from the neck and thus open the container.
A drawback of known pressure caps consists of the fact that they are removable from the respective containers with a certain difficulty.
In a first phase the user in fact has to break the fracturable elements by acting on the appendage of the tamperproof ring and subsequently removing the closing part from the neck.
To open the containers the user necessarily has to use both hands, one hand is in fact used to grasp the container whereas the other' hand is used to act on the appendage in order to break the fracturable elements.

Known caps cannot therefore be used for applications for
which the possibility of opening the containers using only
one hand is required, such as, for example, in the case of
containers the contents of which have to be consumed during
the course of a sporting activity, such as a bicycle ride or
the like.
Screw caps (300) are furthermore known, shown in Figures 3
and 4, provided with a body (301) screwable on a threaded
end of a container and of a closing part (3 02) connected to
the body by means of a hinge element (303) .
A drawback of the caps disclosed above is that they are very
complicated and expensive to make.
These caps are in fact obtained through injection moulding
of plastic material inside very complicated moulds.
An object of the invention is to improve known pressure
Another object of the invention is to obtain pressure caps
that can be opened easily.
A further object of the invention is to obtain pressure caps
that are. easily reclosable after a first opening.
A still further object of the invention is to obtain caps
provided with a hinge interposed between a closing part and
a fixing part fixing to a container that can be manufactured
without the use of complex moulds.
A still further object of the invention is to obtain
pressure caps that can be associated with usual threaded
necks of containers.
A still further object is to obtain containers that are
particularly suitable for being shut with pressure caps.
In a first aspect of the invention, a pressure cap is
provided, comprising a closure part associable with an
opening of a container, engaging means associable with a
neck of said container, said engaging means being provided
with retaining means for engaging a projection of said
container, a line of intended opening, in said engaging means
interposed between a side body of said engaging means and

said closing part, said line of intended opening being defined by fracturable means, characterised in that said line of intended opening and said closing part are positioned in relation to one another so that said fracturable means break along said line of intended opening when said closing part is induced to detach itself from said side body.
Owing to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to obtain a pressure cap that is provided with opening indicating means and that can be easily opened by a user, possibly with just one hand.
This enables a significant improvement to be obtained with respect to the state of the art which provides only two types of pressure caps. A first type consisting of easily openable caps, but devoid of opening indicating means, and a second type consisting of caps provided with opening indicating means but which are complicated to open. Owing to the invention, when the first opening of the container occurs the fracturable means is substantially fractured simultaneously to the removal of the closing part. It is not therefore necessary to perform two distinct operations, a first breaking operation of the fracturable elements and a second removing operation of the closing part.
In a second aspect of the invention, a screw cap is provided, comprising a side body screwable on a neck of a container and a closing part associable with an opening of said container, characterised in that it furthermore comprises a line of intended opening arranged substantially at the interface between said side body and said closing part,
Owing to this aspect of , the invention, it is possible to obtain a screw cap that can be opened without removing the side body from the neck, unscrewing it from the latter. In particular, the closing part can define a pressure closing element associated with an opening of the container.

In this way, it is possible to obtain easily openable caps, for example pressure caps, that can be associated with usual threaded necks and can be manufactured using usual moulds for forming plastic material, such caps being provided with opening indicating means that indicate to a user whether the container has been tampered with prior to the first use. In a third aspect of the invention, a method is provided for opening a screw cap, said cap comprising a side body screwable on a neck of a container, a closing . part associable with an opening of said container and a line of intended opening defined by fracturable means and arranged substantially at the interface between said side body and said closing part, comprising screwing said side body onto said neck so that an edge of said neck interacts with said closing part to break said fracturable means along said line of intended opening.
Owing to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to obtain a very simple method for opening a screw cap. In a fourth aspect of the invention, a screw cap is provided, comprising a side body screwable on a neck of a container and a closing part associable with an opening of said container, characterised in that it furthermore comprises unscrewing promoting means arranged for partially unscrewing said side body from said neck after a first opening of said cap.
Owing ' to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to obtain a cap that can easily be opened by screwing the side body onto the neck, so that an edge of the neck interacts with the closing part to break the fracturable means along the line of intended opening. Subsequently to the opening, the unscrewing promoting means partially unscrews the side body from the neck so as to position the side body suitably with respect to the neck.
In this case, if between the side body and the closing part a hinge is provided the unscrewing promoting means positions the side body so that the closing part, by rotating around

the hinge, can engage the neck correctly for enabling the
container to be closed again after a first opening.
In a fifth aspect of the invention, a cap is provided,
comprising a side body associable with a neck of a
container, a closing part associable with an opening of said
container and a line of intended opening interposed between
said side body and said closing part, characterised in that
it furthermore comprises a wall thickening on said line of
intended opening so as form hinge means that connect said
side body and said closing part.
Owing to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to
obtain a cap provided with hinge means made extremely
In particular, it is possible to obtain a cap provided with
hinge means by means of moulding of plastic material,
without very complex moulds having to be used.
During the first opening of the cap, the portion of the line
of intended opening that is not affected by the wall
thickening fractures, whereas the wall thickening, owing to
the greater section, is not fractured and defines the hinge
means around which the closing part can rotate in relation
to the side body to enable the dispensing of a product
contained in the container.
In a sixth aspect of the invention, a container is provided,
comprising a neck provided with a, dispensing end having a
transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse
dimension of a remaining part of neck, characterised in that
the dispensing end comprises wall means having a
substantially uniform thickness -
In a seventh aspect of the invention, a container is
provided compris ing a neck provided with a di spens ing end
defined by wall means, characterised in that it furthermore
comprises projection means extending from an intermediate
portion of said wall means.

Owing to these aspects of the invention it is possible to obtain containers that are particular suitable for being closed by pressure caps.
In an eighth aspect of the invention, a container is provided comprising a neck provided with a dispensing end having a transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension of a remaining part of neck, said dispensing end defining in said container a projection in which retaining means of a cap is engageable, characterised in that it furthermore comprises a further projection that cooperates with said projection to define seat means in which said retaining means is receivable.
In a ninth aspect of the invention, a combination of a cap comprising retaining means with a container comprising a neck provided with a dispensing -end having a transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension of a remaining part of neck is provided, said dispensing end defining in said container a projection in which said retaining means is engageable, and a further projection that cooperates with said projection to define seat means in which said retaining means is receivable.
Owing to these aspects of the invention, it is possible to obtain -a container that it is difficult to tamper with inasmuch as the retaining means is received inside the seat means.
Furthermore, if a cap provided with a hinge is associated with the container, the. further projection acts as a positioning element for preventing a move of the retaining means with respect to the container, so that the container can be' easily closed after a first opening. A move of a side body of the container that is integral with the retaining means with respect to the neck could in fact prevent a closing part from engaging correctly with the neck. In a tenth aspect of the invention, a container is provided comprising a neck provided with an opening and with a projection projecting from said neck, said neck comprising

wall means extending between said projection and said
opening, characterised in that said wall means comprises a
substantially smooth external surface.
In an eleventh aspect of the invention, a method is provided
for producing a cap provided with a hinge, comprising
forming a side body of said cap, weakening said side body
for obtaining a line of intended opening, characterised in
that said weakening comprises obtaining in said side body,
along said line of intended opening, a less weakened zone of
a remaining part of said side body, said less weakened zone
defining a hinge precursor.
Owing to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to
obtain a method for producing a cap provided with a hinge
that it is very simple to actuate inasmuch as it does not
require the use of complicated moulds.
Furthermore, in the case of caps formed by inj ection or
compression moulding of plastic material, the method is very
cheap inasmuch as the hinge precursor is obtained by the
same weakening operation with which the line of intended
opening is obtained.-
The method according to the invention does not therefore
involve any additional complication with respect to the
usual method of manufacture of the caps.
In a twelfth aspect of the invention, a cap is provided,
comprising a side body associable with a neck of a
container, a closing part associable with an opening of said
container and a line of intended opening defined by
fracturable means and interposed between said side body and
said closing part, characterised in that said fracturable
means has non-uniform breaking resistance.
Owing to this aspect of the invention, it is possible to
obtain a cap the opening of which can be initiated by
applying very modest force to the closing part.
This enables a user to open the cap easily, possibly using
just one hand.

The invention can be better understood and implemented with reference to the attached drawings that illustrate some embodiments thereof by way of non-limitative examples, in which:
Figure 1 is a" perspective lateral view of a pressure cap according to the prior art, shown in .a closed configuration; Figure 2 is a view like the one in Figure 1, showing the cap in an open configuration;
Figure 3 is a partially sectioned side view of a screw cap according to the prior art, shown in a closed configuration; Figure 4 is a view like the one in Figure 3, showing the cap in an open configuration;
Figure 5 is a perspective view of a pressure cap associated with a container neck;
Figure 6 is a perspective view of the cap in Figure 5 sectioned along a longitudinal plane;
Figure 7 is a schematic and fragmentary section, taken along a longitudinal plane, of a cap like the one in Figure 5 made according to a variation;
Figure 8 is a section like the one in Figure 7 showing the cap in an open configuration-Figure 9 is a section like the one. in Figure 7 showing a cap made according to another variation;
Figure 10 is a section like the one in Figure 7 showing a cap made according to a further variation;
Figure 11 is a .section like the one in Figure 7 showing a cap made according to a still further variation and associated with another container neck;
Figure 12 is a section like the one in Figure 11 showing a cap made according to a further variation;
Figure 13 is a section like the one in Figure 7 showing a cap made according to a still further version; Figure 14 is a section like the one in Figure 7 showing a cap made according to a further variation and associated with a further container neck;

Figure 15 is a transverse section of a cap-showing a line.of
intended opening defined by fracturable opening indicating
elements obtained by means of portions that have variable
circumferal extents;
Figure 16 is a section like the one in Figure 15 showing
fracturable opening indicating elements obtained by means of
wall portions of the cap that have variable circumferal
Figure 17 is a section like the one in Figure 15 showing
fracturable opening indicating elements obtained by means of
wall portions of the cap that have constant circumferal
Figure 18 is a transverse section of a cap provided with a
Figure 19 is a section like the one in Figure 18 showing
fracturable opening indicating elements defined by a wall
having a non-uniform thickness;
Figure 2 0 is a schematic section of a cap screwed on a
threaded neck of a container;
Figure 21 is a. section like the one in Figure 20 showing a
variation of the cap provided with locking means for
avoiding excessive screwing of the cap on the threaded neck;
Figure 22 is a section like the one in Figure 20 showing a
cap to which protection' cap means is applied;
Figure 23 is a section like the . one in Figure 20 showing
opening promoting means with which the cap is provided;
Figure 24 is a section like the one in Figure 20 showing a
variation of the locking means;
Figure 25 is a section like the one in Figure 20 showing
another variation of the locking means;
Figure 26 is a section like the one in Figure 20 showing a
further variation of the locking means;
Figure 27 is a schematic section taken along a longitudinal
plane of a container made according to a further variation;
Figure 28 is a schematic and fragmentary side view of a cap
provided with unscrewing promoting means.

With reference to Figures 5 and 6 a cap 1 is shown that is
associable with a neck 2 of a container 3.
The cap 1 can be made of plastic material, for example
through injection or compression moulding of plastics.
The container 3 comprises a substantially cylindrical first
wall 4 and a substantially. cylindrical second wall 5
arranged substantially coaxially, the second wall 5 having a
diameter less than that of the first wall 4.
The first wall 4 has a substantially constant thickness and
defines a dispensing end of the container 3.
Between the first wall 4 and the second wall 5 an annular
wall 6 extends transversely to the latter that defines a
collar 7.
With reference to Figure 11, a variation of the container 3
is shown in which from the first wall 4 a projection 25
extends that is arranged for interacting with the cap 1, as
will be disclosed in greater detail below.
The projection 25 comprises a further annular wall 26
extending substantially perpendicular with respect to the
first wall 4 and a tilted- wall 27 interposed between the
further annular wall 26 and the first wall 4,
With reference to Figure 14, another variation of the
container 3 is shown comprising a side wall 28 from which a
projection element 29 projects, nearer an opening-30 of the
container 3, and a second projection element 31, further
away from the opening 30.
The side wall 28 comprises a first substantially cylindrical
portion 32, interposed between the first projection element
29 and the opening 30, and a second substantially
cylindrical portion 33, interposed between the first
projection 29 and the second projection element -31.
The first portion 32 comprises a substantially smooth
external surface 34.
The first portion 32 and the second portion 3 3 can have a
substantially constant thickness.

In addition, the first portion 32 and the second portion 33
are shaped so that the container 3 is provided with a
dispensing, end 35 having a substantially constant inner
As shown in Figures 5 and 6, the cap 1 comprises a closing
part 8 removably associable with the opening 30 and engaging
means 10 provided with retaining means 11, provided with a
hook-shaped end, that engages the collar 7.
The engaging means 10 comprises a * side body 12 having a
first end 13 from which the retaining means 11 projects and
a second end 14, opposite the first end 13, at which a line
of intended opening 15 is provided extending between the
side body 12 and the closing part 8.
The line of intended opening 15 is defined by a plurality of
fracturable elements 16 that connect the closing part 8 to
the side body 12, between adjacent fracturable elements 16
there being interposed a weakened zone, for example a
through cut 17.
When the closing part is moved away from the side body 12,
the fracturable elements 16 are fractured, making the
opening of the cap 1 clear.
In other words, the engaging means 10, owing to the
retaining means 11 that prevents the cap 1 from being able
to be removed from the container without breakage of the
fracturable elements 16 occurring, acts like an antitamper
ring that assures the integrity of the cap l.
The closing part 8 comprises closing means 18 provided with
an annular appendage 19 that projects from a face 23 of the
closing part. 8 to be received inside the first wall 4.
The annular appendage 19 is shaped so as to interact with
interference with an internal surface 20 of the first wall
The closing means 18 enables a seal to be achieved between
the closing part 8 and the neck 2.

Closing means comprising the annular appendage 19 is also
provided in the embodiments of the cap 1 shown in the
Figures 8 and from 10 to 14.
The embodiment . of the cap 1 shown in Figure 7 is provided
with a closing part 8 provided with closing means 18
comprising a further annular appendage 21 that projects from
the face 23 for surrounding the first wall 4.
The further annular appendage 21 is shaped so as interact
with ' interference with a substantially smooth external
surface 22 of the first wall 4.
With reference to Figure 9, the further annular appendage 21
comprises a groove 65 arranged for receiving in a shapingly
formed manner a fashioned edge 66 extending from the
external surface 22.
The closing means 18 may comprise, instead of the annular
appendage 19, or of the further annular appendage 21, *
substantially annular and circumferentially fragmentary
bodies, defined, for example, by a plurality of protruding
elements extending from the face 23.
As shown in Figure 8, the cap 1 may comprise a hinge 36 that
connects the closing part 8 to the engaging means 10, so as
to enable the cap' 1 to be closed again after a first
The hinge 3 6 may comprise a portion of the plastic material
with which the cap 1 is made.
The hinge 3 6 can be obtained in- different ways, which will
be illustrated below.
Some steps of a production cycle for producing caps through
injection or compression moulding should be recalled
preliminarily, i.e. in order to enable the manner of making
the hinge to be better understood.
The caps are obtained through injection or compression
moulding of plastics.
At the outlet of the mould each cap comprises a continuous
side wall, i.e. devoid of a line of intended opening. In
other words, the cap comprises a closing part that is

connected to respective engaging means without a line of
intended opening being defined between the closing part and
a side body.
The line of intended opening is preferably but not
necessarily obtained in the course of a subsequent step of
the production cycle by making weakening between the closing
part and the side body.
This weakening can be obtained by making, using a suitable
tool, a fragmentary cut - possibly a through cut -through
the side wall of the cap. In this way fracturable elements
are obtained having a thickness, radially measured, that is
substantially the same as the initial thickness of the side
Alternatively, the weakening can be obtained by crushing the
side wall so as to reduce the section thereof to promote
breakage during first opening of the. cap.
Still alternatively, the cap may comprise ribs distributed
circumferentially on the side wall.
In this case, the weakening can be obtained by making a cut
that traverses, possibly completely, the entire thickness of
the side wall but which does not substantially cut the ribs.
As a result, the ribs form fracturable elements arranged for
being fractured during first opening of the cap.
As shown in Figure 15, the engaging means" 10 may comprise a
wall thickening 37 that forms the hinge 36 and a plurality
of ribs 38 arranged for forming the fracturable elements 16-.
The ribs 3 8 project inside the cap 1.
In an embodiment that is not - shown, the ribs can project
outside the cap 1.
During the manufacture, of the cap 1, the engaging means 10
is made to interact with a tool that makes a cut that cuts ■
the entire circumferal extent of the engaging means 10.
The cut weakens the engaging means 10, for example by
completely traversing the latter or extending for a
substantial part of the thickness thereof, but does not
completely traverse the wall thickening 37, or the ribs 38.

During a first opening of the cap 1, the fracturable elements 16 are fractured whereas the thickening 37 that is provided with a greater section, and therefore with greater resistance to breakage, does not break but is deformed, giving rise to the hinge 16.
Owing to the invention, it is possible to make caps provided with hinges with extreme simplicity, inasmuch as it is not necessary to use the complicated moulds provided in the prior art.
The moulds can in fact easily be designed with a geometry that is such as to enable the wall thickening 37 to be - obtained.in the caps. The caps provided with hinges. are thus obtained without increased costs or complications to the productive cycle, inasmuch as the wall thickening is obtained directly in the moulding step.
The closing part 8 comprises opening promoting means 39 arranged at a zone of the closing part 8 substantially opposite the thickening 37.
The ribs 38 have a growing circumferal extent proceeding from the opening promoting means 39 to the thickening 37. In this way fracturable elements 16 are obtained having a section and therefore a resistance to fracturing that is variable.
In particular, first ribs 38a, second ribs 38b and third ribs 3 8c are provided having gradually increasing circumferal extents.
During the first opening of the cap 1, the first ribs 3 8a, which are those having a lesser circumferal extent, can be easily fractured by a user who acts on the opening promoting means 3 9.
Subsequently, once the cap 1 has been partially opened, through the effect of greater leverage/torque, the user can fracture the second ribs 3 8b and the third ribs 3 8c easily, although the second ribs. 3 8b and the third ribs 38c have greater resistance to breakage than the first ribs 38a.

In this way, a cap is obtained the fracturable elements of which have significant resistance, when the cap is applied to a container, to ensure a hermetic seal, even if inside the container the pressure differs with respect to the pressure outside the latter, as occurs in the case of containers filled with gassy drinks. At the same time, the fracturable elements can easily be
broken to ensure good . inviolability and to facilitate
opening by the consumer.
With reference to Figure 16, a cap is shown provided with
the wall thickening 37 and with fracturable elements 16a,
16b and 16c having variable circumferal extents.
In this case, the fracturable elements 16 are obtained by
cutting, for example with a through cut, the engaging means
10 using a suitably fashioned tool, in particular a tool
provided with a fragmentary blade, or anyway provided with.a.
discontinuity, at least at the fracturable elements 16, and
possibly also the thickening 37.
With reference to Figure 17, a cap is shown that is not
provided with the wall thickening 37.
In this. case, a hinge precursor 24 and the fracturable
elements 16 are obtained by making a cut, possibly a through
cut, through the engaging means 10, this cut not affecting
zones of the engaging means 11 in which the fracturable
elements 16 and the hinge precursor 24 have to be defined.
Also in this case the use of a suitably fashioned cutting
tool is provided for.
With reference to Figure 18, a cap 1 is shown provided with
a thickening 37. that projects outside the engaging means 10.
In this case, the fracturable elements 36 are obtained by
using a tool shaped so as not to interact with the
thickening 37.
With reference to Figure 19, a cap 1 is shown provided with
a line of intended opening 15 made by crushing the engaging
means 10 so as to cause a decrease in the section thereof to
promote breakage at the line of intended opening 15.

The crushing can be irregular so as to obtain engaging means
provided with a lesser thickness at a zone nearer the
opening promoting means 39 and a larger thickness at a zone
that is more distant from the opening promoting means 39.
This enables a cap l to be obtained comprising a fracturable
part. provided with limited resistance to breakage in an
initial step of a first opening of the cap.
In other words, irregular crushing has a similar effect to
that obtained by providing fracturable - elements having
variable circumferal extents.
Alternatively to the crushing obtained with a suitable tool,
the moulding mould can be shaped so as to mould. engaging
means 10 having an irregular thickness.
With reference to Figure 10, a cap 1 is shown provided with
engaging means 10 the side body 12 of which is shaped as a
frustoconical wall, the diameter of the side body 12
decreasing proceeding from the closing part 8 to the
retaining means 11.
With reference to Figures 7 and Figures 11 to 14, the cap 1
comprises positioning means 40 arranged for substantially
preventing a movement of the engaging means 10 with respect
to the neck 2, particularly after a first opening of the cap
The positioning means 40 enables the cap to be easily closed
again after a first opening.
If there is no positioning means 40, a movement of the side
body 12 would prevent the; closing part 8 associated
therewith from engaging the neck 2 correctly to enable
closing of the container 3.
With reference to Figure 7, the positioning means 40
comprises an arresting element 59 provided at an end of the
retaining means 11 and arranged for being supportingly
received on a further collar 9 that protrudes from neck 2.
In this case, the collar 7 and the further collar 9 define a
cavity 62 in which the hook-shaped portion of the retaining
means 11 is received.

As the hook-shaped portion is substantially contained inside
the cavity 62, disengagement of the retaining means 11 from
the collar 7 by a saboteur and therefore tampering with the
cap is substantially prevented.
Alternatively, if the container 3 is not provided with the
further collar 9, the cavity can be delimited below by a
convex part of the container 3.
With reference, to Figure 27, a container 3 is shown in which
the cavity 62 is defined by the collar 7 and by an
enlargement 63 extending above. the proj ection 7 and
connected to it by a connecting wall 64 extending
substantially perpendicularly to the collar 7.
With reference to Figure 11, the positioning means 40
comprises shoulder means 41 extending inside the cap 1 so as
be interposed between the retaining means 11 and the line of
intended opening 15,
The retaining means 11 and the shoulder means 41 are shaped
so as to surround the projection 25.
With reference to Figure 12, the positioning means 40
comprises abutting means 42 arranged for interacting with
the neck 2.
The abutting means 42 comprises portions 43 of the ribs 38
associated with the side body 12 and supportingly received
on the projection 25.
With reference to Figure 13, the abutting means 42 comprises
an abutting element 45, with which the engaging means 10 is
provided, that interacts with an end zone 44 of the neck 2.
In this case, the side body 12 comprises a first annular
body 46, that surrounds the first wall 4', and- a second
annular body 47 having a smaller dimension than that of the
first annular body 46.
The abutting element 45 comprises a portion of tilted wall
that connects the first annular body 46 to the second
annular body 47.
The line of intended opening 15 extends between the second
annular body 47 and the closing part 8,

With reference to Figure 14, the abutting means 42 comprises
a ring 48 provided at an end of the engaging means 10 and
arranged for interacting with an upper edge 49 of the neck
The ring 48 also acts as a seal element for preventing part
of the contents of the container 3 from penetrating and
possibly partially remaining in a gap defined between the
neck 3 and the side body 12.
With reference to Figure 20, a cap 1 is shown comprising
engaging means 10 provided with a. side body 12 provided with
a thread 55 arranged for engaging a further thread 56
obtained on a neck 2 of a container 3.
The neck 2 furthermore comprises projection means 57, that
cooperates with retaining means 11 with which the engaging
means 10 is provided, and collar .means 58..
The cap 1 furthermore comprises a closing, part 8, between
the closing part 8 and the side body 12 a line of intended
opening 15 being provided.
By acting on the closing part 8 it is possible to open the
cap along the line of intended opening 15, to enable the
dispensing of a product contained inside the container 3.
In this way, it is possible to obtain a pressure cap that is
applicable to a usual container provided with a threaded
The cap is openable with remarkable simplicity, possibly
using a sole hand.
The closing part 8 can be provided with an annular appendage
19 . - or with a further annular appendage 21, similarly to
what was disclosed with reference to Figures 7. and 9 -
arranged to engage, respectively, an internal surface 20, or
a substantially smooth external surface 22, of the neck 2.
As shown in Figure 20, between the side body 2 and the
closing part 8 there can be interposed a hinge 36, that
enables the cap 1 to be reclosed after a first opening.
In order to- facilitate the opening of the cap 1, promoting
means 3 9 is provided that is obtained in a zone of the

closing part 8 substantially opposite a further zone in
which the hinge 36 is obtained.
The opening promoting means 39 comprises an activating
surface 50, on which the user exerts a force, which can be
obtained, for example, in an appendage 51 projecting from
the closing part 8, as shown in Figure 21, or in a recess 52
obtained in the closing part 8, as shown in Figure 23.
Alternatively, the activating surface 50, whether it be
defined in the appendage 51, or in the recess 52, can
peripherally affect the entire perimeter extent of the
closing part 8.
As shown by the dashed line in Figure 20, the annular
appendage 19 can have a variable height, for example a
decreasing height, by moving from the opening promtoting
means 39 to the hinge 36, so as to promote the insertion of
the annular appendage inside the wall 4.
The cap 1 furthermore comprises a further line of intended
opening 53 interposed between the side body 12 and hooking
means 11 with which the engaging means 10 is provided.
The line of intended opening 15, the further line of
intended opening 53 and the hinge 36 can be obtained with
the methods disclosed with reference to Figures 5 to 19.
It should be noted that caps provided with the line of
intended opening 15 (and possibly with the hinge 36) and
caps devoid of the line of intended opening 15 can be
obtained from the same semifinished product manufactured by
moulding plastics.
A manufacturer of caps can choose to weaken the side wall of
the aforesaid semifinished product for obtaining the line of
intended opening 15, if he is interested in manufacturing
caps according to the invention, or can decide not to weaken
the aforementioned side wall, obtaining in this way usual
caps that are applicable to threaded necks.
Thus a method of cap production is provided that is very
versatile, inasmuch as it enables a .change from the

production of caps of a certain type to caps of a different
type to be made with extreme facility.
The further line of intended opening 53 acts as an
indicating element for indicating a possible opening of the
container 3 achieved by unscrewing the side body 2 from the
neck 3.
With reference to Figure 22, a hood 71 is shown that is.
associable, for example by pressure, with the cap 1 so as to
substantially cover the closing part 8. The hood 71 protects
a part of the cap 1 from impurities that may come into
direct contact with the mouth of a user.
The hood 71 can easily be removed.before opening of .the cap
Also the cap embodiment specified in Figure 14 can be
equipped with a hood 71.
During bottling, a container 3, after being filled with a
product, is closed with a cap 1, which is screwed onto the
neck 3 by a capping head.
An opening mode of the cap according to the invention may
consist of further screwing of the cap 1 onto' the neck 2,
which makes an edge 44 of the neck 2 interact with the
closing part 8, so as to break fracturable elements 36 that
define the line of intended opening 15 and to remove the
closing part 8 from the neck 2.
With reference to Figure 28, a cap 1 is shown comprising
unscrewing promoting means 67 arranged for partially
unscrewing the side body 12 from the neck- 2 after a first
opening of the-cap 1, for example carried out through the
method disclosed above.
The unscrewing promoting means 67 acts as a positioning
means that positions the side body 12 so that the closing
part 8, by rotating around the hinge 36, can correctly
engage the. neck 2 to enable the container 3 to be closed
again after a first opening.
The unscrewing promoting means 67 comprises resilient means
68, for example an appendage 69 of the side body 12, shaped

so as to interact with activating means 70 associated with
the neck 2.
If it is preferable to prevent the opening mode disclosed
above, for example to prevent undesired breakages of the
fracturable elements 36 during application of the cap by the
capping head, using antiscrewing means 54 is provided for.
The antiscrewing means 54 also acts as positioning means
that prevents a movement of the side body 12 with respect to
the neck 2, to enable the cap 1 to be able to be closed
again easily after a first opening.
As shown in Figure 20, the antiscrewing means 54 comprises
portions 43 of ribs 38 that define the fracturable elements
36 of the line of intended openipg 15.
The portions 43 are supportingly received on the further
thread 56.
As shown in Figure 21, the antiscrewing means 54 comprises a
ring 48 provided at an end of the side body 12 and arranged
for being supportingly' received on an upper edge 49 of the
neck 2.
As the ring 48 is arranged abutting against the upper edge
49, the side body 12 prevents portions of a product
contained in the container 3 from penetrating a gap defined
between the side body 12 and the neck 2.
As shown in Figure 24, the antiscrewing means 54 comprises
shoulder means 41 arranged for interacting with the
projection means 57, so that the latter is received between
the shoulder means 41 and the retaining means 11.
As shown in Figure 25, the antiscrewing means 54 comprises
an arresting element 59 associated with the thread 55 and
arranged for interacting with the further thread 56 for
arresting the screwing of the side body 12 on the neck 2.
In this case, .the ring 48 acts as a seal element to prevent
part of the contents of the container 3 from penetrating and
possibly stagnating in a gap defined between the neck 3 and
the side body 12.

As shown in Figure 26, the antiscrewing means 54 comprises a further arresting element 60 provided at an end 61 of the retaining means 11 and arranged for being supportingly received on the collar.means 58.

Pressure cap, comprising a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of a container (3), engaging means
(10) associable with a neck (2) of said container (3), said engaging means (10) being provided with retaining means (11) for engaging in a projection (7) of said container, a line of intended opening (15) in said engaging means (10) interposed between a side body (12) of said engaging means (10) and said closing part (8), said line of intended opening (15) being defined by fracturable means (16), characterised in that said line of intended opening (15) and said closing part (8) are positioned in relation to one another so that said fracturable means (16) breaks along said line of intended opening (15) when said closing part (8) is moved away from said side body (12) and in that said closing part (8) comprises opening promoting means (39) provided with an activating surface (50) on which a user exerts a force so that said fracturable means (16) is fractured substantially simultaneously to the removal of said closing part (8) from said opening
(30) .
Cap according to claim 1, wherein said closing part (8)
comprises closing means (19) arranged for interacting
with interference with an internal portion (20) of said
neck (2).
Cap according to claim 1, or 2, wherein said closing
part (8) comprises further closing means (21) arranged
for interacting with interference with an external
portion (22) of said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 3, wherein said further closing
means (21) is circumferentially provided with groove
means (65) arranged for receiving in a shapingly
coupled manner appendage means (66) extending from said
external portion (22).

Cap according to any preceding claim, and furthermore comprising hinge means (36) that connects said closing part (8) to said side body (12).
Cap according to claim 5, wherein said hinge means comprises a wall thickening (37) obtained in said engaging means (10) along said line of intended openina (15).
Cap according to any preceding claim, wherein said fracturable means (16) has uneven resistance to fracturing.
Cap according to claim 7, wherein said fracturable means comprises wall means of said engaging means (10) having variable thickness.
Cap according to claim 7, wherein said fracturable means comprises a plurality of fracturable elements (16) having circumferentially different extents. Cap according to any one of claims 7 to 9, wherein said fracturable means (16) has a growing section moving away from a gripping zone (50) of said closing part (8) that can be grasped by a user for opening said cap (1). Cap according to any preceding claim, and furthermore comprising positioning means (40) arranged for substantially preventing a move of said side body (12) with respect to said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 11, wherein said positioning means (40) comprises an arresting element (59) provided at an end of said retaining means (11) shaped so as to be supportingly received on a rest portion (9) of said container (3).
Cap according to claim 11, wherein said positioning means (40) comprises shoulder means (41) extending inside said cap (1) and interposed between said retaining means (11) and said line of intended opening (15), said shoulder means (41) and said retaining means (11) being shaped so as to surround further projection means (25) extending from said neck (2).

Cap according to claim 11, wherein said positioning means (40) comprises rib (38) portions (43) that define said fracturable means (16) , said portions (43) being shaped so as to be supportingly received on further projection means (25) extending from said neck (2). Cap according to claim 11, wherein said positioning means (40) comprises an abutting element (45) associated with said engaging means (10) and shaped so as to interact with an end zone (44) of said neck (2). Cap according to claim 11, wherein said positioning means (40) comprises a further abutting element (48) associated with said engaging means (10) and shaped so as to be supportingly received on an edge (49) of said neck (2) that delimits said opening (30) . Screw cap, comprising a side body (10) screwable on a neck (2) of a container (3) and a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of said container (3), characterised in that it furthermore comprises a line of intended opening (15) arranged substantially at the interface between said side body (10) and said closing
part (8) .
Cap according to claim 17, wherein with said side body
(10) there is associated retaining means (11) arranged
for engaging said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 18, and furthermore comprising a further line of intended opening (53) interposed between said side body (10) and said retaining means
(11) -
Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 19, wherein said line of intended opening (15) and said closing part (8) are positioned in relation to one another so that fracturable means (16) that defines said line of intended opening (15) breaks along said line of intended opening (15) when said closing part (8) is induced to detach itself from said side body (10).

Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 20, wherein said closing part (8) comprises closing means. (19) arranged for interacting with interference with an internal portion (20) of said neck (2) .
Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 21, wherein said closing part (8) comprises further closing means (21) arranged for interacting with interference with an external portion (22) of said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 22, wherein said further closing means (21) is circumferentially provided with groove means (65) arranged for receiving in a shapingly coupled manner appendage means (66) extending from, said external portion (22) .
Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 23, and furthermore comprising hinge means (36) that connects said closing part (8) to said side body (12). Cap according to claim 24 , wherein said hinge means (36) comprises a wall thickening (37) obtained in said side body (10) along said line of intended opening
(15) .
Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 22, wherein
said fracturable means (16) has uneven resistance to
Cap according to claim 2 6, wherein said fracturable
means comprises wall means of said side body means (10)
having variable thickness.
Cap according to claim 26, wherein said fracturable
means comprises a plurality of fracturable elements
(16) having circumferentially different extents.
Cap according to any one of claims 2 6 to 28, wherein said fracturable means (16) has a growing section moving away from a gripping zone (50) of said closing part (8) that can be grasped by a user for opening said cap (1) .
Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 2 9, and furthermore comprising antiscrewing means (54) arranged

for preventing excessive screwing of said side body (10) onto said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises an arresting element (60) shaped so as to be supportingly received on a rest portion (58) of said container (3),.
Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises shoulder means (41) extending inside said cap (1).
Cap according to claim 30 as appended to claim 18, or 19, or to any one of claims 20 to 29 as appended to claim 18, or 19, wherein said shoulder means (41) is interposed between said retaining means (11) and said line of intended opening (15) , said hooking means (41) and said retaining means (11) being shaped so as to surround further projection means (57) extending from said neck (2) .
Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises rib (38) portions (43) that define said line of intended opening (15), said portions (43) being shaped so as to be supportingly received on thread means (56) provided on said neck (2). Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises an abutting element (45) associated with said side body (10) and shaped so as to interact with an end zone (44) of said neck (2). Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises a further abutting element (48) associated with said side body (10) and shaped so as to be supportingly received on an edge (49) of said neck (2) that delimits said opening (30).
Cap according to claim 30, wherein said antiscrewing means (54) comprises a further arresting element (59) associated with a thread (55) obtained inside said side body (10) and arranged for interacting with a further thread (56) obtained on said neck (2).

Cap according to any one of claims 17 to 37, and furthermore comprising unscrewing promoting means (67) arranged for partially unscrewing said side body (10) from said neck (2) after a first opening of said cap
(1) .
Cap according to claim 38, wherein said unscrewing promoting means (67) comprises resilient means (68) shaped so as to interact with activating means (70) associated with said neck (2).
Cap according to claim 39, wherein said resilient means (68) comprises an appendage (69) extending from said side body (10).
Method for opening a screw cap (1) , said cap comprising a side body (10) screwable on a neck (2) of a container (3), a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of said container (3) and a line of intended opening (15) defined by fracturable means (16) e arranged substantially at the interface between said side body (10) and said closing part (8) , comprising screwing said side body (10) on said neck (2) so that an edge (49) of said neck (2) interacts with said closing part (8) to break said fracturable means (16) along said line of intended opening (15). Cap, comprising a side body (10) associable with a neck
(2) of a container (3), a closing part (8) associable
with an opening (30) of said container (3) and a line
of intended opening (15) interposed between said side
body (10) and said closing part (8), characterised in
that it furthermore comprises a wall thickening (37) on
said line of intended opening (15) so as form hinge
means (36) that connect said side body (10) and said
closing part (8)•
Cap according to claim 42, wherein said fracturable means (16) has irregular resistance to fracturing.

Cap according to claim 43, wherein said fracturable means comprises wall means of said side body means (10) having a variable thickness.
Cap according to claim 43, wherein said fracturable means comprises a plurality of fracturable elements (16) having circumferentiaily different extents. Cap according to any one of claims 4 3 to 45, wherein said fracturable means (16) has a growing section moving away from a gripping zone (50) of said closing part (8) that can be grasped by a user for opening said cap (1) .
Cap, comprising a side body (10) associable with a neck (2) of a container (3), a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of said container (3) and a line of intended opening (15) defined by fracturable means (16) and interposed between said side body (10) and said closing part (8), characterised in that said fracturable means (16) has irregular breaking resistance.
Cap according to claim 47, wherein said fracturable means comprises wall means of said cap means (1) having a variable thickness.
Cap according to claim 47, wherein said fracturable means comprises a plurality of fracturable elements (16) having circumferentially different extents. Cap according to any one of claims 47 to 49, wherein said fracturable means (16) has a growing section moving away from a gripping zone (50) of said closing part (8) that can be grasped by a user for opening said cap (1) .
Cap according to any one of claims 47 to 50, and furthermore comprising a wall thickening (37) on said line of intended opening (15) so as to form hinge means (36) that connect said side body (10) and said closing part (8) .

Method for producing a cap (1) provided with a hinge
(36) , comprising forming a side body (10) of said cap
(1), weakening said side body (10) for obtaining a line
of intended opening (15), characterised in that said
weakening comprises making in said side body (10) ,
along said line of intended opening (15), a less
weakened zone of a remaining part of said side body
(10), said less weakened zone defining a hinge
Method according to claim 52, wherein said weakening comprises making an incision that completely aafects a perimeter zone of said side body (10).
Method according to claim 53, wherein before said weakening obtaining a wall thickening (37) in said side body (10) is provided, said wall thickening (37) defining said hinge precursor.
Method according to claim 53, or 54, wherein before said weakening obtaining rib means (38) in said side body (10) is furthermore provided, said rib means (38) defining fracturable elements (16) of said line of intended opening (15).
Method according to claim 53, or 54, wherein said weakening comprises making an incision in said side body with a cutting tool provided with an interrupted blade, so as to obtain along said line of intended opening (15) portions without incisions that defines fracturable elements (16) .
Method according to claim 52, wherein said weakening comprises making an incision that affects said remaining part but does not affect said less weakened part.
Method according to claim 57, wherein before said making obtaining a wall thickening (37) in said side body (10) is provided, said wall thickening (37) defining said hinge precursor.

Method according to claim 57, or 58, wherein said making comprises making an incision in said side body with a cutting tool provided with interrupted blade, so as to obtain along said line of intended opening (15) portions without incisions that define fracturable elements (16).
Method according to claim 58, or 59, wherein before said making obtaining rib means (38) in said side body
(10) is furthermore provided, said rib means (38)
defining fracturable elements (16) of said line of
intended opening (15) .
Container, comprising a neck (2) provided with a dispensing end (4) having a transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension of a remaining part of neck (5), characterised in that said dispensing end (5) comprises wall means having a substantially uniform thickness.
Container, according to claim 61, and furthermore comprising a further projection (9) that cooperates with said projection to define seat means (62) wherein retaining means (11) of a cap (1) is received, which retaining means (11) is shaped so as to engage said projection (7).
Container according to claim 61, or 62, and furthermore comprising appendage means (66) obtained at an edge (49) of said neck (2) and arranged for being received in groove means (65) of a closing part of a cap (1). Container, comprising a neck (2) provided with a dispensing end (4) having a transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension of a remaining part of neck (5), said dispensing end defining in said container a projection (7) in which retaining means
(11) of a cap (1) is engageable, characterised in that
it furthermore comprises a further projection (9) that
cooperates with said projection to define seat means
(62) wherein said retaining means (11) is receivable.

Container according to claim 64, wherein said dispensing end (5) comprises wall means having a substantially - uniform thickness.
Container according to claim 64, or 65, and furthermore
comprising appendage means (66) obtained at an edge
(44) of said neck (2) and arranged for being received
in groove means (65) of a closing part of said cap (1).
Combination of a cap {1) comprising retaining means
(11) with a container (3) comprising a neck (2)
provided with a dispensing end (4) having a transverse
dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension
of a remaining part of neck (5), said dispensing end
(4) defining in said container (3) a projection (7) in
which said retaining means (11) is engageable and a
further projection (9) that cooperates with said
projection to define seat means (62) wherein said
retaining means (11) is receivable.
Container, comprising a neck (2) provided with a dispensing end (4) defined by wall means, characterised in that it furthermore comprises projection means (25) extending from an intermediate portion of said wall means.
Container according to claim 68, wherein said dispensing end (4) has a transverse dimension that is greater than the transverse dimension of a remaining part of neck (5).
Container according to claim 68, or 69, and furthermore comprising appendage means (66) obtained at an edge (44) of said neck (2) and arranged for being received in groove means (65) of a closing part of said cap (1). Container comprising a neck (2) provided with an opening (30) and with a projection (29) projecting from said neck (2) , said neck comprising wall means (4) extending between said projection (29) and said opening (30), characterised in that said wall means (4) comprises a substantially smooth external surface (34).

Conrainer according to claim 71, and furthermore comprising appendage means (66) obtained at an edge
(44) of said neck (2) and arranged for being received in groove means (65) of a closing part of a cap (1). Screw cap, comprising a side body (10) screwable on a neck (2) of a container (3) and a closing part (8) associable with an opening (30) of said container (3) , characterised in that it furthermore comprises unscrewing promoting means (67) arranged for partially unscrewing said side body (10) from said neck (2) after a first opening of said cap (1).
Cap according to claim 73, wherein said unscrewing promoting means (67) comprises resilient means (68) shaped so as to interact with activating means (70) associated with said neck (2). Cap according to claim 74, wherein said resilient means
(68) comprises an appendage (69) extending from said side body (10).
Dated this 27 day of November 2007







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5441-CHENP-2007 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 26-03-2014.pdf


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5441-CHENP-2007 FORM-3 28-11-2014.pdf

5441-CHENP-2007-Petiton for Filing particulars.pdf

5441-CHENP-2007-Petiton for POR.pdf

Patent Number 265092
Indian Patent Application Number 5441/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 07/2015
Publication Date 13-Feb-2015
Grant Date 06-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 27-Nov-2007
Applicant Address VIA SELICE PROVINCIALE17/A, 40026 IMOLA (BO)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65D 43/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB06/01020
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 MO2005A000099 2005-04-27 Italy