Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides a catalyst for production of nitric oxide from ammonia and oxygen. The catalyst has the composition A((n+1)-x)BxC(n(1-y))DnyO(3n+1)+d, wherein A is a lanthanide (La, Gd, Nd, Sm) or yttrium , B is an alkaline-earth cation (Ca, Sr or Ba), C is Fe and D is Cr , Mn, Ni, Ce, Ti, Co or Mg, wherein A, B, C and D are selected independent of each other. The catalyst has a high selectivity towards nitric oxide and a low ignition temperature in the reactor. Further the present invention relates to a method for the production of gas comprising nitric oxide by the catalyst of the present invention. The produced gas has a very low content of nitrous oxide.
Full Text Catalyst for production of nitric oxide
The present invention relates to a catalyst for production of nitric oxide, its use and a method for the production of nitric oxide.
Currently, nitric acid is produced industrially via the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, over a platinum or platinum alloy-based gauze catalyst. This process, known as the Ostwald process, has essentially remained unchanged, since its inception in the first decades of the twentieth century. Ostwalds's patent was dated 1902 and when combined with Haber's development of synthesising ammonia, in 1908, the basis for the commercial production of nitric acid, which we use today, was in place.
The combustion of ammonia is carried out over a platinum-based metal or alloy catalyst in the form of a gauze or mesh or net. A number of gauzes are installed together, and they constitute the gauze pack. The upper-most gauzes have compositions optimised for the combustion of ammonia, and are referred to as the combustion gauzes. Gauzes with other compositions may be located below the combustion gauzes, and these may have other roles, as described below. The whole stack of gauzes is referred to as the gauze pack. The gauzes are produced either by weaving or knitting.
The operating temperatures of the plants are typically 850 to 930°C and the range of pressures is from 15 bara to 1 bara. Typically, the combustion gauzes are installed in the plant for between six months and two years, depending on the plant operating conditions. Plants operating at high pressures typically have shorter campaigns than low-pressure plants.
The duration of the campaign is governed by a loss in the selectivity of the catalyst, towards the desired nitric oxide product, through the increased formation of unwanted nitrogen and nitrous oxide by-products. The loss of selectivity is related to a number of phenomena. During combustion, platinum is lost through the formation of PtO2 vapour. Some of the platinum may be recovered by the installation of palladium metal-based gauzes, directly below the platinum-based combustion gauzes. The PtO2 vapour alloys with the palladium, therefore, platinum is retained in the catalytically active zone. However, due to the depletion of platinum in the upper combustion zone of the gauze pack, not all of the ammonia is immediately combusted. If the ammonia is combusted in the palladium gauze region, the selectivity towards nitric oxide is reduced, and secondly, if ammonia and nitric oxide coexist in the vapour phase for a period of time, nitric oxide is reduced
by ammonia, through a homogeneous reaction. This leads to both nitric oxide and ammonia losses. A final mechanism for loss of selectivity is related to the fact the platinum is lost from the combustion gauzes at a higher rate than the other alloying elements (typically rhodium). This leads to rhodium enrichment of the gauze surface which leads to selectivity loss.
Over the last sixty years, many attempts have been made to replace the expensive platinum-based combustion catalyst with lower cost catalysts, based for example on metal oxides. To date, the only commercially available oxide-based catalyst for ammonia combustion was developed by Incitec Ltd (Australia). This is based on a cobalt oxide phase. However, in terms of its selectivity of combustion of ammonia to the desired nitric oxide product, its performance is inferior to that of platinum-based systems. The cobalt oxide based systems have shown selectivity levels towards nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide of circa 90%, in commercial units, compared to the 94 to 98% achieved with platinum-based catalysts.
Another Norwegian Patent application NO20074325 relates to another oxide catalyst composition of the formula A3-xBxO9-y, wherein A and B independent of each other are selected from the group Mn, Co, Cr, Fe and Al, x is between 0 and 3 and y is between 0 and 5. This catalyst composition has high activity towards nitric oxide and provides high selectivity.
One objective of the present invention is to provide a catalyst with high selectivity for production of nitric oxide through oxidation of ammonia.
Another objective is to provide an active catalyst for production of nitric oxide.
Another objective is to provide an improved catalyst which overcomes some of the disadvantages mentioned above.
The objectives of the invention may be obtained by the features as set forth in the following description of the invention and/or in the appended patent claims.
The present invention provides a catalyst for ammonia oxidation based on low-cost oxide systems.
The general formula for the catalysts is A((n+1)-x)BxC(n(i-y))DnyO(3n+i)+d , where A is a lanthanide (La, Gd, Nd, Sm) or yttrium, B is an alkaline-earth cation (Ca, Sr or Ba), C is Fe and D is Cr , Mn, Ni, Ce, Ti, Co or Mg, wherein A, B, C and D are
selected independent of each other, n is larger than 0, x is between 0 and 1, y is between 0 and 1 and d is between -1 and +1.
The number d in the formula of the present catalyst is dependant on the numbers of the other metal ions. In the case of the La2FeO4 structure, the Fe has a nominal charge of 2+. However, if 25 % of the Fe is in a 3+ state, extra negative charge is needed, such that d = 0.25 which gives theformula La2FeO4.25. If 25% of the Fe is in an 1+ state, the charge is too negative in the structure and d = -0.25 such that the formula is La2FeO3.75. It is characteristic for these oxides that the metal oxidation state can change with both temperature and the oxygen concentration. Under operating conditions the exact oxidation state of each element cannot be established..
The general formula for the catalysts is A((n+i)-x)BxC(n(i-y))DnyO(3n+i)+d, wherein n > 0 or n is 1 to 5 or n is 1 to 3 or n is 1 to 2 or n = 1, and x is between 0 and 1 and the value of y is between 0 and 1. The structure-type of these oxides, for n > 0, can be referred to as Ruddleson-Popper phases.
Examples for formulas of the catalyst of the present invention with its limits for x and y are shown in table 1, wherein A is La and B is Sr.
Table 1 Examples for catalyst formulations

(Table Removed)
Without limiting the scope of the present invention, there can be mentioned the preferred catalysts with the formula LaSrFeo.75Coo.2504+d or LaSrFeo.sCoo.sC^+d or Lai.5Sr0.sFeo.5Coo.504+d.
The catalysts may be prepared by coprecipitation, complexation, combustion synthesis, freeze-drying or solid-state routes, or by other state-of-the-art methods of producing mixed-metal oxides.
Further the present invention provides a method for the production of a gas comprising nitric oxide wherein a gas blend, which comprises ammonia and oxygen, is converted in presence of a catalyst according to the present invention.
The method of the present invention comprises the following steps (a) continuously feeding the gas blend comprising ammonia and oxygen to a reactor which comprises the catalyst of the present invention, whereby the temperature of the feed Tal is increased until ignition of the reaction at temperature Tb, (b) thereafter adjusting the temperature of the feed Ta2 to achieve a defined temperature in the reactor Tc. The reactor may be an atmospheric pressure reactor with a catalyst bed. The temperature of the feed Tal may be increased with a rate of 2 to 10°/min or 3 to 6 °/min or 5°/min for example by increasing the temperature of the feedstock pre-heater.
Under heating, the fed gases will ignite at the ignition temperature Tb. Ignition results in a temperature increase in the reactor. Tb is defined as an increase in temperature in the catalyst bed (measured with a thermocouple placed in the catalyst bed) at a rate exceeding 20°/ second. The ignition temperature indicates that the catalyst is active towards ammonia oxidation and is therefore sought to be as low as possible. Further, a high ignition temperature could hinder the catalyst from being used in commercial reactors most commonly used today. The ignition temperature Tb of the method of the present invention is in the range of 330 to 450 °C or 330 to 390 °C or 330 to 370 °C.
After ignition in step (b) the temperature of the feed Ta2 is adjusted to achieve a defined temperature in the reactor Tc. Often, the adjustment is a decrease of the feed temperature, if the ignition temperature Tb is high, which may prevent a overheating in the reactor due to ignition. The adjustment may be done by reducing the temperature of the feedstock pre-heater. Tcmay be in the range of 800-950 °C or 800-900 °C or 800-850 °C. The temperature Tc may be a series of defined temperatures. For example Tcmay be composed of Tcl, TC2 and TC3, whereby for example of Tcl= 800 °C, Tc2= 850 °C and Tc3= 900 °C. Tc may have values higher or lower than the aforementioned temperatures, depending on the design of the reactor.
The selectivity of a catalyst can be determined by using the N2O concentration from infrared measurements and nitrogen concentrations from mass spectroscopic measurements. By measuring the concentrations of these two undesired byproducts, the concentration of the desired nitric oxide and additional nitrogen dioxide may be calculated. In the method of the present invention the selectivity of the conversion towards nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide was measured accordingly and found to be 90 to 96 % or 92 to 96 % or 94 to 96 % or 95 to 96 %.

The gases produced by the method of the present invention have a low concentration of nitrous oxide compared to conventional platinum-based combustion catalysts which often are in the range of 1000 - 4000 ppm. The concentration of nitrous oxide in gases catalysed by the catalyst of the present invention is lower than 100 ppm or lower than 80 ppm or lower than 60 ppm or lower than 40 ppm or lower than 20 ppm or lower than 10 ppm.
The present invention relates further to the use of a catalyst according to the present invention for conversion of a gas blend, which is comprised of ammonia and oxygen, to nitric oxide.
The catalysts of the present invention are shown to have a very high selectivity, up to 95 %. Further the catalyst has a high activity towards production of nitric oxide. Since the catalysts of the present invention consist of low cost oxides, it may replace the expensive platinum based catalyst systems in use today.
Further, the invention provides oxide catalysts from several elements and thereby gives many possibilities to produce different compositions. Thereby the present invention provides a concept to design catalysts for production of nitric oxide where the elements can be chosen e.g. according to considerations of costs and availability of elements. Since the different compositions will result in variations of their functional properties, their choice may be optimized to fit to the selected plant.
The range of the ignition temperatures in processes catalysed by the catalysts of the present invention is relatively narrow and thereby different catalyst compositions might replaced each other in processes without the need for extensive modifications of the process conditions.
Further, the catalyst of the present invention can be used in methods of the art, as in fluidized bed reactors and is easily installed in existing processing equipment. The method of the present invention results in a cleaner nitric oxide since the level of undesired nitrous oxide is very low and contents of only 5 ppm nitrous oxide have been measured. The high selectivity increases the efficiency of the method and reduces the need for further purification. Thereby the nitric oxide may find new application areas where very pure nitric oxide at low cost is demanded.
Brief description of the figures
Fig. 1 shows the experimental properties of LaSrFeo.75Coo.2504+4, which is one
embodiment of the catalyst of the present invention.
Fig. 2 shows the selectivity calculated from fig. 1 along with the catalyst bed
EXAMPLES Example 1
The catalysts were tested in an atmospheric pressure reactor, with an internal diameter of 8mm. The catalyst bed (0.15cm3), consisting of catalyst granules in the size range of 0.2 to 0.5mm, was supported on a quartz frit. The gas feedstock, consisting of 10 volume % ammonia in air or 20% oxygen/ 80% argon was passed through the catalyst bed, at a rate of 3 N.l/min, and the product gas was analysed using infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The experimental procedure involved increasing the temperature of the gas feedstock at a rate of 5°/min until the catalyst initiated combustion, defined as an increase in temperature in the catalyst bed (measured with a thermocouple placed in the catalyst bed) at a rate exceeding 20°/ second. After ignition, the temperature of the gas feedstock was adjusted to give a catalyst bed temperature of 900°C.
The ignition temperatures towards formation of NO and NO2, of the catalysts described in Table 1, are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Ignition temperature (°C) for La((n+i).X)SrxFe(n(i.y)ConyO(3n+i)d , where n = 1

(Table Removed)
Table 3 shows concentrations of nitrous oxide achieved for the gases catalyst of the catalysts of the present invention.
Table 3 N2O level for La((n+i)-x)SrxFe(n(l-y)ConyO(3n+1)+d, where n = 1

(Table Removed)
The selectivity towards formation of NO and NO2 of the catalysts described in table 1, are shown in table 4.
Table 4 Selectivity towards NO + NO2 for La((n+i)-X)SrxFe(n(i-y)ConyO(3n+i)+d, where n = 1

(Table Removed)
Example 2
An oxide with the composition LaSrFe0.75Co0.25O4+d was prepared by complexation. 1 molar La(NO3)3.6H2O, Sr(NO3)2, Fe(NO3)3).9H2O and Co(NO3)2.6H2O solutions were mixed in 1 : 1 : 0.75 : 0.25 volume ratios. To 100ml of the mixed-metal nitrate solution was added 25ml of 64% HN03, 100ml of ethylene glycol and 21 lg of citric acid. The resulting solution was heated to 150°C with stirring until a highly viscous liquid / gel was obtained. The gel was heated in a muffle oven at 400°C for 12 hours. The resulting solid was ground and calcined in a muffle oven at 900°C for 12 hours.
XRD analysis confirmed that this material was a single phase, mixed-oxide with the composition La((n+i)-x)SrxFe(n(i-y)ConyO4+d , where (n =1, x = 1 and y = 0.25) i.e. LaSrFe0.75Co0.25O4+d where d is between 0.5 and 0.
The calcined catalyst was pressed into pellets which were crushed to produce a sieve fraction between 0.2 and 0.5 mm. These granules (0.2778g) were loaded into the ammonia oxidation reactor, and were subjected to a test procedure described above. The temperature in the catalyst bed, concentrations of NH3, N2 and N2O are shown in Figure 1. The catalyst bed temperature reaches 900°C at time = 100 minutes.
It is observed that the catalyst ignites when the temperature of the oxygen-ammonia-argon gas feed reaches 395°C. After ignition, the ammonia level is observed to fall to zero %, indicating full combustion of the ammonia. The N2O levels are significantly reduced when compared to conventional platinum-based catalysts, in which N2O emissions are typically in the range of 1000 to 4000 ppm, depending on combustion conditions.
From Figure 2, we observe that a selectivity of LaSrFe0.75Co0.25O3+d towards NO + NO2 is circa 95%, at 900°C.

We Claims:-
1. Catalyst for production of nitric oxide,
wherein the catalyst comprises the composition A((n+1)-x)BxC(n(1-y))DnyO(3n+1)+d,
where A is a lanthanide (La, Gd, Nd, Sm) or yttrium, B is an alkaline-earth cation
(Ca, Sr or Ba), C is Fe and D is Cr , Mn, Ni, Ce, Ti, Co or Mg, wherein A, B, C
and D are selected independent of each other,
, l>n x is a number in the interval y is a number in the interval d is a number in the interval [-1 andl].
2. The catalyst according to claim 1, wherein A is La and B is Sr.
3. The catalyst according to claim 1 or 2, wherein nis l>nn 4. A method for the production of gas comprising nitric oxide,
wherein a gas blend comprising ammonia and oxygen is converted in presence of a catalyst according to claim 1.
5. The method according to claim 4,
wherein it comprises the steps
(a) continuously feeding said gas blend to a reactor comprising said catalyst, whereby the temperature of the feed Tal is increased until ignition of the reaction at temperature Tb.
(b) thereafter adjusting the temperature of the feed Ta2 to achieve a defined temperature in the reactor Tc.
6. The method according to claim 4 or 5,
wherein the ignition temperature Tb of said gas blend is of 330 to 450 °C or 330 to 390 °C or 330 to 370 °C.
Use of a catalyst,
wherein the catalyst comprises the composition A((n+1)-x)BxC(n(i-y))DnyO(3n+i)+d,
wherein A is a lanthanide (La, Gd, Nd, Sm) or yttrium, B is Sr, C is Fe and D is
Cr , Mn, Ni, Ce, Ti, Co or Mg, wherein A, B, C and D are selected independent
of each other,
l>n x is a number in the interval y is a number in the interval d is a number in the interval [-1 and 1],
for production of nitric oxide.
8. Use according to claim 7, wherein A is La.
9. Use according to claim 7 or 8, wherein 1> n n 10. Use of a catalyst according to claim 1 for conversion of a gas blend comprising ammonia and oxygen to nitric oxide.






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Petition under rule 137.pdf

Patent Number 265097
Indian Patent Application Number 2620/DELNP/2010
PG Journal Number 07/2015
Publication Date 13-Feb-2015
Grant Date 06-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 16-Apr-2010
Applicant Address P.O.BOX 2464 SOLLI, N-0202 OSLO, NORWAY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 23/83
PCT International Application Number PCT/NO08/000374
PCT International Filing date 2008-10-23
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2007 5402 2007-10-24 Norway