Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT The invention relates to an emergency beacon (10) comprising a housing (11) fitted with a connector (12) for connecting the beacon to an antenna (13, 14) that is external to the housing. Inside the housing, the beacon comprises an incident sensor (15), a transmitter (16), and a detection and control member (18) connected to the sensor (15) and to the transmitter (16) and arranged to trigger operation of the transmitter in the event of an incident being detected. The beacon further includes, inside the housing an incorporated antenna (19), a changeover switch (20) interposed between the transmitter and the connector and also interposed between the transmitter and the incorporated antenna, and a sensitive .tiember (21) sensitive to the electromagnetic power Pi conveyed towards the connector and to the electromagnetic power Pr returned by the connetctor. The sensitive member (21) is connected to the member (18). The member (18) is connected to the changeover switch and is programmed to cause the signals from the transmitter to be delivered to the external antenna or to the incorporated antenna, depending on the state of the sensitive member.
The present invention relates to an improved emergency beacon for rotorcraft and other aircraft.
The technical field of the invention is that of fabricating rotorcraft.
The present invention relates more particularly to an eroergency beacon adapted to be fitted to an aircraft provided with an antenna and to be connected to said antenna.
It i» known to fit a helicopter with an antenna that is secured to the fuselage and that is connected to a radio transniitter as described foe example in patent FR 2 743 198.
In particular, it is known to fit a helicopter vith an emergency beacon comprising a housing fitted with a connector and containing a radio transraitter and a connection member connecting the transmitter to the connector, the connector enabling the beacon, and its transmitter, to be connected either to an antenna that is secured to the helicopter, or else to a portable auxiliary antenna,
That enables a person on board the helicopter, after an accident that has damaged the antenna secured to the helicopter, to connect the beacon to the auxiliary antenna, and where appropriate to take the beacon and the auxiliary antenna away from the helicopter so as to trigger or maintain transmission of an emergency radio signal by the beacon.
The transmitter of the beacon can be activated as a result of an incident, such as an impact, being detected by a circuit that is connected to an impact sensor incorporated in the beacon, and/or can as a result of a human being taking manual action on a trigger member incorporated in the beacon, such as a svitch.
US patent No. 6 411 2SO describes an antenna for an emergency beacon that is designed to transmit distress

signals at three radio frequencies, i.e. 121.5 megahertz (MH2), 243 MHz, or 406.025 MHz.
Patent No. FR 2 S60 09S describes a power supply device for a beacon that transmits at 406.025 MHz.
Patent Mos. FR 2 776 391, FR 2 873 451, and JP 11 177 462 describe other characteristics and uses for emergency beacons.
Emergency beacons for aircraft present drawbacks.
In particular in the. event of the aircraft crashing, the antenna secured to the aircraft, the auxiliary cable, the cable (s) connecting said antenna (s) to the transmitter/ and/or the connector incorporated in the housing of the beacon can break or be damaged, which can limit or prevent the transmission of a distress signal.
Furthermore, in particular in the event of a crash causing the antenna that is secured to the aircraft breaking An object of the invention is to remedy that problem.
An object of the invention is to provide an aircraft emergency beacon that is in^roved and that remedies, at least in part, the shortcoir.ings or drawbacics of previously-known emergency beacons for aircraft.
In an aspect of the invention, an emergency beacon is proposed that, comprises a housing fitted with a connector for connecting the beacon to an antenna external to the housing, the beacon including, inside the housing:
' a sensor that is sensitive to an incident such as an impact or immersion;
■ a transmitter;
■ a detection and control member that is connected to the sensor and to the housing and that is arranged to

trigger operation of the transmitter in the event of an Incident being detected;
• an incorporated antenna;
• a changeover switch interposed between the transmitter and the connector, and also between the transmitter and the incorporated antenna and
• a sensitive member that is sensitive to the electromagnetic power Pi transmitted (by the transmitter) and conveyed (through the changeover switch) to the connector, and to the electromagnetic power Pr returned by the connector, i.e. that is sensitive to the impedance match between the external antenna and the transmitter, which sensitive member is connected to or incorporated in the detection and control member, and is preferably disposed between the changeover switch and the connector;
the detection and control member being connected to the changeover switch and being arranged (in particular programmed to cause the signals provided by the transmittar to be delivered to the external antenna or else to the incorporated antenna, depending on the state of the sensitive membsr.
In preferred embodiments of the invention:
• the detection and control member is arranged to
monitor the state of the sensitive member at regular time
intervals after an incident has been detected;
■ the sensitive member is Sensitive to the voltage standing wave ratio V5WR in a transmission line connecting an outlet of the changeover switch to the connector;
• the detection and control member is arranged to compare the VSWR to a determined value, at regular time intervals after an incident has been detected;
• the detection and control member is arranged to k^ep the state or position (posl, pos2) of the changeover switch unchanged for a determined duration (timelr t ime 2);

• the incorporatfed antenna may be a slot aatenna; and
• the transmitter is arranged to transmit signals at one ox more frequencies, and in particular at two or three frequencies, particularly at at least one of the following frequencies; 121.5 MHz; 243 MHz; and 4 06,025 MHz.
Other aspects, characteristics, and advantages of the invention appear from the following dascription given with reference to the accompanying drawings that show preferred embodiments of the invention without any limiting character.
Figure 1 is a block diagram showing the main components of a beacon of the invention in a configuration for transmitting a distress signal via an antenna external to the housing of the beacon.
Figure 2 is a block diagram of the figure 1 beacon in a configuration for transmitting a distress signal via the antenna that is internal to the housing of the beacon.
Figure 3 is a simplified flow chart showing the method of monitoring and adapting the impedance of the transmission line for conveying distress signals to the connector for the external antenna, and the timed changeover command acting between the two states/positions of the changeover switch of the beacon of the invention.
With reference to Figures 1 and 2 in particular, the beacon 10 comprises a housing II fitted with a connisctor 12 for connecting the beacon to an antenna (13 or 14) external to the housing; either an antenna 13 secured to the fuselage of a helicopter, or a portable auxiliary antenna 14 on board the helicopter and suitable for being connected to the portable beacon 10 by a person on board who has observed that the antenna 13 has been damaged or by a person who has left helicopter, taking the beacon and the auxiliary antenna.

Inside the housing 11, the beacon includes an impact sensor IS such as a piezoelectric accelerometer/ a transmitter circuit 16 for transmitting distress signals in a suitable format (in terms of amplitude, duration, modulation, and frequency, in particular), and a defection and control member 18 that is connected to the sensor 15 and to the transmitter 16 via respective connections 30, 31.
The member 19, such as a microprocessor circuit, ig programmed to trigger operation of the trananitter when an impact is detected.
Inside the housing, the beacon further includes an incorporated antenna 19, a changeover switch 20 connected between the transmitter 16 and the connector 12, and also between the transmitter 16 and the incorporated antenna 19, and a member 21 that is sensitive both to the electromagnetic power Pi that is delivered towards the connector and to the electromagnetic power Pr that is returned by the connector.
The incorporated antenna may be a slot antenna.
The sensitive member 21 is connected to or incorporated in the detector and control member 16, and it ia connected between the changeover switch 20 and the connector 12. The member 21 is thus sensitive to the voltage standing wave ratio VSWR in the transmission line connecting the outlet from the changeover switch to the connector.
The detection and control member 18 is connected to the changeover switch and it is arranged (in particular it is programmed) to cause the signals delivered by the transmitter to be applied either to the external antenna 13 or 14, or else to the incorporated antenna 19, depending on the state of, or the level detected by, the sensitive meirber 21.
The detection and control member 16 is also arranged to monitor the state of the sensitive member 21 at regular time intervals (after an incident has been

detected) . The detection and control member 18 is arrangad in particular to compare the standing wave ratio VSHR with a determined value at regular intervals, after an incident has been detected,
As shown in Figure 3, the detection and control member 18 is also programmed to maintain the changeover switch tn an unchanging state or position (posl or pos2 corresponding respectively to Figure 1 and to Figure 2) for a determined duration (timel, timeZ)! after a command for causing the changeover switch 20 (Figures 1 and 2} to change over to position posl (step 104) or to position pos2 (step 102), the VSWR value is monitored again (step IDO] and then said value is compared with the determined value X (step 101), but only after a predetermined duration has elapsed, respectively the duration timel (step 105) or the duration time2 (step 103.) .
In accordance with an aspect of the invention, the antenna incorporated in the beacon is used for transmitting a distress signal only if the external antenna is damaged or disconnected. Such damage or disconnection can be detected by measuring the VSWR on rhe transmission line between the changeover switch and the transmitter:
• when the value of the VSWR is less than a predetermined value x, e.g. 3, then the control unit 18 causes the changeover switch '20 to be changed over to, or to be Itept in, the position posl that corresponds to the configuration shown in Figure 1, in which it is the external antenna that is used for transmitting the distress signal provided by the transmitter, with the incorporated antenna 19 then not being used; or
• on the contrary, when the value of the VSWR is greater than the predetermined value x, the control unit 18 causes the switch 20 to change over to, or to be )cept in, the position pos2 that corresponds to the configuration shown in Figure 2, in which the incorporated antenna 19 is used for transmitting the

distress signal provided by the transmitter, the external antenna 13 or 14 then not being used.
The voltage standing wave ratio is defined as follows:

where pr corresponds to the return power (from the connector 12 to the changeover switch 20), and Pi corresponds to the incident power (from the changeover switch 20 to the connector 12).
When an antenna is not matched to the impedance of the transmitter, a fraction of the signal is returned to the transmitter. An ideally-adjusted transmitter and antenna pair does not lead to any loss of power in which case the VSWR is equal to 1, since Pr is zero. In contrast, if the external antenna is disconnected fron the transmitter, then ail of the power is returned towards the transmitter (Pr = Pi), thereby giving a VSWR having a value that is theoretically infinite.
Thus, when the VSWR exceeds the value x, that means either that the external antenna has been broken or that the connection between the transmitter and the external antenna has been broken; when the unit 19 detects this excess value, it then activates the antenna that is internal to the beacon via the unit 18 and the changeover switch 20.
By means of the invention, in the event of a crash, transmission of the distress signal is independent of the ' following events:
• breaking of the external antenna;
• breaking a coaxial cable connecting the connector the beacon to the external antenna; and
■ inability of the people on board the aircraft to recover and connect the transmitter to the portable (auxiliary) external antenna.

In addition, the logic for activating the changeover switch by the control unit 18 in the event of the distress signal being activated by a parson on board the aircraft acting manually on the beacon causes transmissaion to take place preferably via the fixed antenna 13 (so long as the beacon has not been extracted from the aircraft); a distress signal is thus obtained that is of good quality regardless of circumstances. Changeover to the antenna 19 incorporated in the beacon takes place only when the beacon is separated from the helicopter or when the external antenna (fixed main antenna or portable auxiliary antenna) is not functioning.

1. An emergency beacon (10) for a rotoccraft, the beacon
comprising a housing (1.1) fitted with a connector (12)
for connecting the beacon to an antenna (13,. 14) external
to the housing, the beacon (10) for recovering in the
event of a crash comprising, inside tha bousing, an
incident sensor (15), a transmitter US), and a detection
and control member (18) that is connected to the sensor
(IS) and to the transmitter (16) and that is arranged to trigger operation of th& transmitter in the event of an incident being detected, the beacon' being characterized in that it further includes, inside the housing:
• an incorporated antenna (19],;
• a changeovar switch (20) inserted between the transmitter and the connector, and also between the transmitter and the incorporated antenna/ and
' a sensitive member (21) that is sensitive to the electromagnetic power Pi conveyed to the connector and the electromagnetic power Pr returned from the connector, which sensitive member (21) is connected to or incorporated in the detection and control member !18);
and in that the detection and control member- (16) is connected to the changeover switch and is arranged to cause the signals provided by the transmitter to be delivered to the external antenna or else to the incorporated antenna, depending on the state of the sensitive member (21); said detection and control member (18) being programmed to monitor the state of the sensitive member (21) at regular time intervals after an incident has been detected, said sensitive member (21) measuring the voltage standing wave ratio VSWB in a transmission line connecting an outlet of the changeover switch to the connector.
2. A beacon (10) according to claim 1, in which the
detection and control member (18) is arranged to compare

the standing wave ratio VSWR with a determined value at regular intervals after detecting an incident.
3. h beacon (10) according to claim 1 or claim 2, in
which the detection and control member C18) is arranged
to keep the state or the position (posl, pos21 of the
changeover switch unchanged for a determined duration
(timel, time2).
4. A beacon (10) according to any one of claims 1 to 3,
in which the incorporated antenna is a slot antenna.
5. A beacon (10) according to any one of claims 1 to 4,
in which the transmitter Is arranged to transmit signals
at at least two or three frequencies.
€, A beacon (10) according to any one of claims 1 to 5, in which the transmitter is arranged to transmit signals at at least one of the following frequencies: 121-5 MHz; 243 MHz? and 406.025 MHa.


1674-CHE-2008 FORM-1 09-01-2015.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 26-09-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 FORM-1 26-09-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 FORM-3 26-09-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 09-01-2015.pdf


1674-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 08-04-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 09-01-2015.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 01-04-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 01-04-2014.pdf


1674-CHE-2008 FORM-13 08-04-2014.pdf

1674-CHE-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 08-04-2014.pdf

1674-che-2008 abstract.pdf

1674-che-2008 claims.pdf

1674-che-2008 corresp0ndence-others.pdf

1674-che-2008 description(complete).pdf

1674-che-2008 drawings.pdf

1674-che-2008 form-1.pdf

1674-che-2008 form-3.pdf

1674-che-2008 form-5.pdf



Form 13.pdf

Patent Number 265129
Indian Patent Application Number 1674/CHE/2008
PG Journal Number 07/2015
Publication Date 13-Feb-2015
Grant Date 09-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 10-Jul-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01S
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 07 05039 2007-07-12 France