Title of Invention


Abstract There is disclosed a sliding course (1) for sliding persons and objects down a slope (20) having a surface, said course comprising sliding elements covering the surface of the slope, and a water source for moistening said elements characterized in that said sliding elements comprise pools located. one below the other, wherein said pools form water filled micro-terraces (l0); the pools forming the micro-terraces (10) are formed by a covering sheet covering the slope in a water-tight manner and flexible ribs (2) emerge from said sheet; and each pool is bordered by said covering sheet and by at least one of said flexible ribs (2) and is closed by a flexible transverse sectioning rib joined to said covering sheet and said at least one flexible rib (2).
The present invention relates to a sliding course for sliding
down objects and persons and a covering element therefor.
Technical Field
The invention relates to a downhill sliding course or sliding track for sliding
objects and persons down a slope or a hill comprising of covering or cladding
elements for covering the surface of the slope and a water source to moisten the
elements with water. With suitable accessories activities similar to skiing,
sleighing and surfing can be performed on the sliding course, Accordingly, the
object of the invention includes also accessories that can be used to perform
these activities. The invention provides individual appliances to implement the
sliding course.
Background art
All summer and winter sports are based on conditions created by nature,
making use to smaller or grater extent of all possibilities available at the site and
the possibilities provided by the climatic conditions.
The biggest obstacle to summer skiing is that water runs-off very fast from
the slopes and artificial ski trails. The continuous replacement of the run-off
water has been solved earlier too, replacing it by way of a simple pump making
the surface of the slope slippery and cooling it at the same time.

But this water is very different from the snow suitable for skiing or from the
waves of the ocean. It is not only warmer, melted, but it also moves along (or
faster) with the user of the slope, and therefore there is no difference of impulse
between them which could be used for control (it is a good visual illustration that
an excellent snow covered slope is only suitable for skiing as long as the snow is
stagnant, and at the moment the snow starts to slide - when avalanche develops
- the skier is no longer able to direct the ski with the help of the snow moving
together with him, and is carried away together with any obstacles on its path.
For all sports mentioned above the basic paradigm of physics is valid :
namely the phenomenon and law of conservation of momentum. It states
that all bodies conserve their original state of movement as long as external
forces do not force them to change it. In a closed system comprising two
bodies of any type, the change in the state of motion of one of the
bodies is equal to the change in the state of motion of the other. In the instant
case, the two bodies are the user and the sliding course (slope) or the user and
the water. Thus, changing the state of motion is only possible, if there is another
body which can be forced to change its state of motion. This other body can be
the Earth, sufficient quantity of water, air, etc. The change in the state of motion
is determined by the vector sum of the effect of one or more forces. In the case
of skiing, the change in the state of motion for hard slope is the result of the

friction force and the force of inertia of the dislodged snow, while for powder snow the force
of inertia of the dislodged snow alone. In the case of surfing the reaction force of the
dislodged water enables the sports person to control the movemen.. In the case of slides
dieting is impossible as the water moves together with the user, sometimes even faster than
the user, and instead of giving a support for controlling direction the water sweeps away the
user using a different sign forcing.
One of the most enjoyable types of sliding is ski, particularly Alpine skiing. The sliding
modes described in the technical state of the art try to create alf these enjoyment m the
climatic conditions of summer. All modes, which have become independent sport can
reproduee however only in a limited way the feeling of sliding down a high forest slope on a
stable snow. Besides their special advantages and extraordinary richness in experience all
have some disadvantages, which should be eliminated.
We have observed that sea wave surfing is the sport that provides the movement
expereences closest to skiing (and within that the sport that co-ordinates movement in a slope
at a higher level, snowboarding, which is expanding rapidly). Nevertheless, there are a
number of circumstances that hinder it becoming a real mass sport.
- It can only be pursued at sections of the beach where the wind and soil surface suppott
the evolution of exceptionally high, braking waves. (Skiing too, can only be pursued in
winter, and only on the mountains, and thus, for instance, the several billion people living in
poorer and warmer countries are excluded form it.)
- It is only possible to surf when wind conditions are ideal (it is only possible to ski when
snow conditions are good, although snow cannons are already available).
- In order to have time to enjoy travelling upon the waves it is necessary to get into the
see far away from the shore swimming hard. (this corresponds to the necessity of climbing up
to the top of a hill in order to slide down).
US Patent 4,339,122 describes a slide of inhomogeneous inclination built on sloped
terrain, imitating the experience of wave surfing, where the slippery surface is provided by a
constant flow of water onto a plastic surface coming from pipes located at not too big
distancss from each other on the underside, while the surfer slides down the slide on a
footboard similar to the surfing board or a snowboard.
The deficiencies of this known solution are the following:
-The water supply of the sloped surface is not solved. The planned water supply system
is not able to provide an even water layer with even water thickness.
-The thickness of the water is unregulated to such an extent, that is not possible to
exclude fully the formation of deep rivulets, streams hindering the sliding down, while at

other places the covering surface might remain completely dry. For this reason, the friction
and resistance will change from centimeter to centimeter making the control of direction more
Nothing in the irregular covering surface with a curvature that is not pre-calculable,
ensures'the even spreading of the water. The introduction of the water at numerous discrete
points provides only an imaginary solution and only at the start of the operation, since at the
points of outflow as a result of the special outlet the water spreads, but due to the unevenness
and curvatuee of the surface on the one hand,' and to the springing effect of surface tension,
after a distance of just but a fraction of a meter the water forms a stream.
It is a significant disadvantage that the water needs to be supplied almost evenly on the
whole height of the route for even the hope of having the water spread evenly, but in this way
at the bottom of the slope the full volume of water is collected and the water layer will
probably be thick, making impossible to control the direction of sliding and taking away the
The depicted water supply system requires large volumes of water as the water poured
onto the surface flows away immediately and so the water must be replaced continuously,
otherwise the surface will not be evenly moist. To minimize water demand the inclination of
the slope must be maximized at 7-20 deg.
The yield of the water outlet points must be carefully regulated, but at least carefully
adjusted, and this is a meter the patent does not discuss at all. Lacking this, the inequaltty of
the water flow is even greater.
The water outlet points and the piping conduciing to them must be positioned before the
construction of the track covering, and therefore the effect of the water-film and how much
additional water is still required can only be observed later, but modifications, if necessary,
can only be carried out by breaking-up the covering.
Should the water run on the track be spread evenly in spite of the above, even then a
favorable direction control could not be achieved as the principle of physics to be described
later suffers, as the momentum conservation phenomena used for controlling direction does
not make the change in the state of motion possible for bodies moving togethe..
In practice, the shaping of the sliding device "board" makes difficutt and cumbersome
the required steering. The exertion of the bottom steering element arrests the slide at times
even when this is not desirable, and when turning (banking) the user must tilt over the plane
defined by the steering element and the board, which causes instability.

At higher speeds the protuberant bottom steering element will only sink into the material
of the covering panel and produced the required effect if the user is rather experienced Oust
think about unwilling acceleration..
ARTEFICAL SURFACES" provides method and apparatus for surfing on artificial surface.
- The shortages of this known method are the following:
- does not provide even miniaturization, because although the excess drip water is
partially drained, it is not able to spread evenly the water from the supply pipes.
-Huge amounts of water are required for continuous operation, even when the water in
the different sections is individually recalculated.
-Huge dimensions also are required for the desired operations the size of the canal
visibly exceeds that of a house.
-Large amounts of capital are needed for construciing an architecturally correct facility.
-It is questionabee whether is it possible for more than one sports person to be close by.
-It demands extensive surfing experiences.
-The principle of operation resembles more that of the roller boarding than surfing, i.e. at
high speeds it is difficult to stop based on braking on artificial grass, and thus the tracks
planned for high speed can be life threatening.
-The length of the characteristically enclosed track must be limited for clear end-to-end
visibility; otherwise it is not possible to provide fast help in case of possible accidents.
Disclosure of the invention
The airn to be achieved by the invention is the production of a sliding course enabling
direction controlled sliding executed on it on a suitable sloping terrain along with an
additionll auxiliary aim to provide an enjoyment or experience similar to winter skiing in
summe,, optionally to make it suitable for use in recreation parks, ski trail tracks or in
enclosed or indoor areas. A further objective is that the sliding course be safe, environment
friendly, energy and water saving, that its constructio,, maintenance and repair be as simple
and cost saving as possible and that its use be easy to learn.
There are no sports opportunitiss in the summer recreation parks, bathing estabiishments
that serve this purpose, require activity, and action, provide individual and collective
enjoyment without requiring skill and knowledge, but demand toil and offer challenge_ People
looking for diversion can only chose dry-land team sports, i.e. ball games or at the most, can
enjoy the passive delights of a slide, or can chose as recreation the passive joys of doing

It is true in general; the real enjoyment for people is action, movement that he is able
to control at (direct) all times. There are actions that offer momentary pleasure e.g. slides,
when for a short period the person looses control over their state of motion, but only
because it is evident right form the beginning, that at the end they will arrive at a safe,
controlled state.
The realization of an apparatus suitable to turn the world-wide practiced winter
skiing, that had become a mass sport available to all into a sports activity that can be
pursued in summer as an aquatic sport, by having the micro-terraces made along the
surface of the slides made of more slippery material than ever, and made even more
slippery with water poured on it stop the downpour of water, and thus rendering the
sliding surface suitable for having direction controlled movement made on it.
If the upper surface layer of the water mass is separated by a suitable, watertight
plastic sheet with a smooth surface, suitably soft and flexible, and dividing the water
layer thus produced into small pools located in compartments, micro-terraces, than these
micro-terraces will not allow the water to pour down. The losses caused by small seeping
and the water dislodged during the use by objects, sports people, surfers sliding down can
be simply replaced with the water pumped into the basin located at the top of the slide so
that the water runs through a slipover and flows smoothly to the uppermost micro-terrace
and down the others one after the next to the lowest micro-terrace replacing the water
shortage in each of them.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a sliding course for sliding persons
and objects down a slope having a surface, said course comprising sliding elements
covering the surface of the slope, and a water source for moistening said elements
characterized in that
said sliding elements comprise pools located. one below the other, wherein said
pools form water filled micro-terraces;
the pools forming the micro-terraces are formed by a covering sheet covering the
slope in a water-tight manner and flexible ribs emerge from said sheet; and

each pool is bordered by said covering sheet and by at least one of said flexible
ribs and is closed by a flexible transverse sectioning rib joined to said covering sheet and
said at least one flexible rib.
In accordance with preferred embodiments of the sliding course of the present
invention :
- the surface of the rib accosting the pool is made of a material having low
friction coefficient in the moist state;
- the ribs andlor the covering sheet is affixed onto an underlay sheet;
- the underlay sheet is made of a self-supporting, rigid material.;
- the pools are limited by crossing ribs protruding from the covering sheet;
- there is at least one water passage bore in the bottom of each pool:
- there is at least one overflow on each pool;
- there are cavities parallel to the ribs located in the ribs andlor covering sheet,
closed in an airtight manner and connected to a source of compressed air;
- it is mounted on a conveyor belt and the water source is the basin located at
the bottom of the conveyor belt;
- the inclination angle of the conveyor belt ,is adjustable.
The present invention also provides covering element for constructing a sliding
course as hereinbefore described for sliding persons and objects down a slope having a
surface, which course comprises covering elements covering the surface of the slope,
characterized in that said covering element comprises a covering sheet adapted to be
fastened to a sloped surface and having a basin on its upper side formed by ribs located
at the lower part of the slope and closed by transverse rib sections at both ends, and
having at least one water passage bore at the bottom of the pool and at least one
overflow ; and the length of the covering sheet along the direction of slope is at least
twice and at most thrice the length of the basin measured in the direction of the slope.

Brief description of the Accompanying drawings
The invention is described in more detail with reference to the exemplary
embodimenss shown in the drawings.
Figure 1 is a detail of a sliding course according to the invention with a sliding
appliance on it,
Figure 2 is an overall picture of a sliding course according to the invention and a lift
installed along it,
Figure 3 is a site view of a strip cut from the sliding course,
Figure 4 is the schematic representation of the lateral section of the sliding course
according to the invention,
Figure 5 is the schematic view

of the section of different profile ribs used to make the sliding course according to the
Figure 6 is the sectional representation of the sliding course according to the invention
constructed with self-supported covering sheet,
Figure 7 is the sectional representation of the sliding course constructed with screwed-on
underlay-piates and screwed-on covering sheet and the ribs hitched to it,
Figure 8 shows an overall picture of the version of sliding course according to the
invention constructed with horizontally placed ribs, with the overflow depressions and water
leak bores,
Figure 9 is an overall picture of a pan of the sliding course constructed with ribs having
grooves on their surface,
Figure 10.is the sectional representation of a part of the sliding course according-to the
invention where the covering sheet is made of strips having connecting elements, with the
strips being held together by ribs connecting into the connecting elements,
Figure 11 is a section of the sliding course constructed with ribs not fully horizontal, with
micro-terraces divided into sections by sectioning grooves,
Figure 12 is a section of the sliding course constructed with crossing ribs,
Figure 13 is the front view of the sliding course constructed with a slope covered with
discrete covering elements, and overall view of one of its details,
Figure 14 is a version of the covering sheet used for making the sliding course which can
be manufactured by extrusion, with integrated ribs,
Figure 15 shows different pictures of a version of sliding device similar to the snow
board which can be used on the sliding course according to the invention,
Figure 16 is a simple version of sliding device similar to the sleigh , which can be used,
on the sliding course according to the invention,
Figure 17 is the upper view and side view of a steerable version of the sliding device
made in the form of a rubber boat, which can be used on the sliding course according to the
Figure 18 is the front view of a steerable version of the sliding device made in the form
of a rubber boat, which can be used on the sliding course according to the invention,
Figure 19 is the schemaiic side view of the continuous version of the sliding course
according to the invention,
Figure 20 is the schematic side sectional View of a version of the sliding course
according to the invention constructed with covering sheet having inflatable cavities.
Description of preferred embodimenss of the invention

Figure 1 shows the operation of the sliding course I according to the invention. The
sliding course has a sliding surface from which ribs 2 protrude. Between the ribs'2 there are
gaps, slots, cavities, depressions or pools, respectivey,, containing water and so a sliding
device 7 placed on top of the ribs 2 presses the ribs made of flexibIe material from the inside,
which bend down. When the nbs bend down the stiding device 7 dislodges tbe water filling
tbe pools between the ribs 2, consequenly, changes the state of motion. The force required for
it acts on the sliding device 7 and thereby steering motions can be achieved similar to skiing if
suitably controlled.
One of the advantageoss solutions of the invention is the sliding surface 1 mounted for
suppott on a slope 20 e.g. as found in nature or constructed, installed in recreaiion parks or
bathing establishments.. The sliding surface 1 due to its width, provides sufficient place for
the maneuvering required during surfing. Figure 2 shows a sliding course installed in such a
larger area, where for lnstance the sliding surface 1 is placed on a hillside. The hillside is not
necessarily straight and therefore the sliding surface 1 can include jumps 1a on the prosilient
part of the slope. At the top of the hill there is a more or less horizontal launching pad 9 and
the sliding surface 1 begins there. The sliding surface 1 widens along the slope, and both
above it and along its sides there are water feeders 39. water feeders 39 must be arranged
especially at the top of the sliding surface 1 and at widening sections of it. Each water feeder
39 is equipped with an adjusting element or control valve 41. There are protective guard-rails
3 at the side of the sliding surface 1 which prevenss the water from running off, and if made
with a suitable, flexible and soft material serves as protection device, preveniing the persons
sliding down the slope from sliding beyond the sliding surface 1. There is a collecting basin 4
at the bottom of the sliding surface 1. There is a lift 33 by the sliding surface 1 which if
necessary can divide the sliding surface into two parts. Both the part below the lift and the
sliding surface 1 can be supplied with water continuously, which means that almost identical
quantities of water flow down on each partition on the full width of the sliding surface I. The
water is supplied to the water feeder 39 from the collecting basin 4 by a pump 11.
Persons wishing to slide down the sliding surface 1 get to the launching pad 9 located at
the top of the hill with the lift 33, from where they can slide down the sliding surface, which
is continuously flushed by water slowly streaming to the collecting basin 4 and can execute
maneuvess if they wish. During their slide a sliding device 7 can be affixed to their feet
pushes down the ribs 2 located on the sliding surface in the manner shown in Figure 1, and
the sliding device 7 transfers a part of the persons and of its own impulse to the water located
in the space between the ribs 2. It is mainly due to this transfer of impulse that it is possible to

carry out maneuvess during sliding down the sliding surface I, that is, it is possible to come
down in a meandering fashion and not only along a straight line.
The character of the sliding surface 1 is fully identical with all features of the skimg track
(Figure 2). The users sliding down the sliding surface 1 can be seen well. The users starting
from the launching pad 9 fasten the sliding device 7 to their feet and doing the maneuvess '
they wish or now proceed towards .the end of the slope.
The outrun surface area 1b located at the bottom of the sliding surface 1 has a very slight
inclination or can even be a horizontal sliding surface. The importance of the overrun surface
1b is to allow the users stop there and break in a more pleasant way.
Figure 2 shows a lift 33 deployed to make scaling more pleasan,, together with its
engineering structure. The sliding surface 1 is visibly not horizontal and it does not have an
even width. The track sections having different inclination make sliding down- more
enjoyable. The differenee in the width of the course in case of a slight downward widening
does not cause problems due to the water spreading effect of the micro-terraces. In case of
more significatt widening or of using assembly methods other than the horizontal (e.g. slated,
distinct micro-terraced, micro-cellulrr construction mode) it is necessary to provide for
additionll water feeding. The water is supplied directly to the sliding surface 1 by bleeding
the pipe 12 conducted along the track or with separate water supply through control valves 41
or other fixtures, but also spraying can be used, increasing thereby the entertainment feature
of the course. Safety rail-rail 3 must be installed at the side of the sliding surface 1. A
supplementary water supply could playa role in the faster fill-up of the course as water filling
could start simultaneously at different levels of the course. In this case water control must be
provided for after the filling, as during use less water is required than during filling.
When narrowing the width of the course, a minor reduction of width will result in an
insignificant water surplus, but the water surplus will become significant if the narrowing is
more pronounced, creating pleasant and exciting rapid areas, where stopping or passing with
ski represenss a serious challenge.
The collecting basin 4 located at the bottom of the course should not necessarlly be an
inherent part of the course. The basin can be hidden, in this case the users will stop on the
overrun lb. The basin, however, is indispensabee for replacing the run-off water. The pump
supplies the water collected and cleaned in the basin, and often warmed up on the slope, into
the basin 8 located at the top of the course.
Figure 3 shows the structure of the sliding surface 1. The ribs 2 located on the sliding
surface 1 are able to retain water in the space between them, that is, there is a pool 10 or
micro-terrace between two adjacent ribs. These micro-terracss 10 must naturally be closed at

their lateral sides or ends and this is solved by a length of a transverse or sectioning rib 17
abridging said ribs 2 with said sliding surface.
The micro-terraces 10 can be elongate pools bordered by flexible ribs 2 having suitable
profiles and made of a suitable material, and extending along an approximately horizontal
path, approximately perpendicular to the angle of the slope, and vertical sectioning ribs 17
limiting the lateral flow of water.
The micro-terraces must always be closed on the sides to prevent water from pouring out
or limiting the outflow to the required rate. The water-filled space between two adjacent ribs
2, i. e. the micro-terrace must be interrupted by inserting vertical sectioning ribs 17 between
the horizontal ribs according to the solution shown in Figure 3, detailed later on the basis of
the solution shown in Figure 11, either by pasting or screwing them onto the upper covermg
sheet 5, (if necessary to the horizontal sections can be interrupted by pasting supplementary
vertical sectioning ribs 17). This solution allows the safe use of creek-surfing in those surface
sections of slopes covered by large underlay sheets manufactured economically in coils or
boards, that deviate from the horizontal by intention or accident.
Figure 4. shows the structure of sliding surface 1 in a schemaiic sectional view. It is
appreciated that the sliding surface I is placed on the surface created by the suppott surface
20, and the sliding surface 1 can have jumps la or raised sites too. The collecting basin 4
already referred to, is located at the bottom of the sliding surface 1, and is occasionally
connected to the sliding surface 1 through the overrun surface Ib. The surface of the overrun
Ib is horizontal or has a slight inclination. There is a underlay-plate 6 placed onto the support
surface 20 to even out minor unevenness and to soften the course. The micro-terraces 10
formed by the ribs 2 are located there. The below the launching pad 9 located at the top of the
slope there is an upper basin 8, which allows the continuous replacement of the water on the
lower parts of the course should the pump II stop. The ribs 22 below the sliding device 7
placed on the sliding surface 1 bend and the dislodged water from there 13 runs off and
spreads on the lower parts of the sliding surface 1. The continued feed and the dislodged
water. 13 forms a permanent overflow curtain 19, which if properly adjusted spreads evenly
through the whole width of the sliding surface 1.
All sloping surfaces can be covered impermeably with a slippery material - preferably
plastic - in such a manner that narrow pools, micro-terraces 10 are formed by ribs 2
protruding from the surface, and then water is let onto the surface at the top. The water will
stop at the micro-terraces 10, and the flow will slow down form there on to such an extent
than can be taken as approximately zero. The body sliding down in the slope covered in this
way by water opens the way for the flow of water by bending the ribs (see Figure 4.) and thus

the surface becomes more slippery, and at the same time, the resultant of the reaction force of
the dislodged water and the force required to bend the ribs is suitable to change the state of
motion of the body (e.g. breaks, changes its direction.. The ribs 2, due to their flexibiltty
return to their original position soon after the body passed, forming once again micro-terraces
that fill, up with the permanently slow water flow and thus, the sliding surface I is almost
immediately regenerated.
Figure 4. shows the general theoretic scheme of the design of the course. The different
elements can be left out as the case may be, and can be assembled into numerous variants.
The sliding surface is in all cases mounted onto a natural or constructed support surface
20. A support structure 20 is built onto the natural hillside after suitable preparation, and then
the sliding surface 1 is fastened to it. In the absence of a natural hillside, the understructure is
supported by a constructed support. In all cases the understructure must be made on the basis
of and architectural static design. In the dimensioning the full filled-up water weight must be
considered, as well as dynamic use and the changing load.
The pools, micro-terraces 10 formed by the ribs 2 built onto the sliding surface 1 in their
normal state are filled with water and allow the run-off of a minimal water overflow 19
corresponding to the norma,, base level water transpott of the pump. The inclination of the
sliding surface 1 is not always constant, it may have depressioss and protrusions la, which
might create hogbacks, making the slide more enjoyable. The course at its lower section has
an overrun surface 1b a few meters long, with a very small inclination, which could be almost
horizontal or even of negative inclination. The water flowing down gets into the basin 4. The
job of the basin 4 is to store the water required to fill up the whole length of the course and
replace water losses, to provide space for water circulation and cleaning.
The pump 11 placed in the inside of the basin 4 space or outside of it, conducss the water
through the pipe 12 onto the basin 8 located at the top of the course. The yield of the pump '
must be regulated, this can be achieved either by using several pumps or through the electric
or water side regulation of the pump. The yield of the pump depends on the lift of the course,
the geometric dimension,, water contents, the time requirement for filling-up and the number
of users.
The basin 8 ensures the even flow of water onto the course.
The basin 8 is covered by the launching pad 9 at the top of the course, from there the
users can start without damaging the course.
In case of increasing the width of the sliding surface 1, or to replace water losses,
additional water feeders 39 can be used in different sections of the course. Water feeders can

have an important role at the start-up of the course, as starting the filling at several levels
reduces the time required for the complete filling-up.
Sliding surface can be produced in any slopped surface with any of the surface making
methods described below.
The material of the sliding surface 1 can be (poly)urethane-, PVC, KPE or other plastic,
all UV stabilized, water resistan,, without any water soluble paint or any hazardous material
contenss and it must be made of a wear resistant and elastic materia..
The material of the ribs 2 can be (poly)urethane-, PVC, KPE or other plastic, all must be
elastic, properly soft, UV stabilized, water resistan,, without any water soluble paint or any
hazardous material contents and it must be made of a wear resistant and elastic materia..
The ribs 2 can be fixed securely in different ways, e. g. by
-shaped fitting, joining
- clamped down with a fastening element
-the combination of the above.
The ribs as seen, can be structured in a variety of shapes and manners.
Figure 5.shows the different version of the ribs placed onto the sliding surface 1. For all
versions it can be said that the position could be reversed in comparison to the Figure, that is
they can bend not only towards the direction of the slope, downward,, but upwards too,
relative to the normal of the sliding surface 1. This could be useful for instance for the lift 33,
where the suitably constructed and positioned ribs can bend upward when the person proceeds
upwards on the slope, sliding up with the aid of two sliding devices.
The shapes of the ribs 2:
- 2/a horizontal rib, straight: is a rib perpendicular to the inclination line of the course
made with a protrusion angle not deviating from it by more than +10 deg.
- 2/b horizontal rib uniform strength: identical tension is created through the whole cross-
section of the rib
- 2/c horizontal rib straight forward bending: ensures soft track characteristic, bending
more easily at the arrival of the user, the course is more slippery. The angle of its position is
more than +10 degree from the perpendicular, but without being horizonta.. Mounting this rib
in the opposite sense a backward bending rib is achieved, making the course harder, it is more
difficutt to use, but at the same time more enjoyable.
- 2/d horizontal rib curving backward:: combines the softness of the forward bending rib
with the relatively large water space, and allows pasted or painted promotional material to be
placed on the valley-side surface.

- 2/e horizontal rib curving forward : An even softer track characteristic than the straight
forward bending rib.
- 2/f horizontal rib with a stiffening profile; the rounded stiffening profile helps fast
return to the original position, and protects the first user from damages caused by the thin
profile edges. The stiffening profile placed on the hillside helps stopping providing shaped
- 2/g horizontal rib with cavernous inside profile: the air sacks can have an advantagoous
effect on the flexibility of the ribs. The sliding course can be made even more pleasant if the
cavernous internal rib profile 2/g according to Figure 5 is used in such a manner that the
caverns inside the ribs are closed, connected to each other and to a regulated power
compressor, than the pressure of the enclosed air is varied. As a result the character of the
course changes significantly, becoming harder as the pressure increases.
- 2/h horizontal rib with grooved surface (Figure 9): the cross grooving of the ribs 2
improvss significantly the friction across the axis of the course, improving the possibility of
turning. The depth of the grooves is 1-10 mm, the width is 5-20 mm.
- 2/multi covering sheet including several ribs (Figure 14): the manufacture of the ribs 2
with the covering 5 accelerates site mounting. It is not necessary to pay attention to the
horizontal assembly, water tightness is ensured without it. The 21m covering sheets are placed
over each other with overlap, then they are fastened relative to the slope and pasted togethe..
- rib 2/z structured in a similar manner than the slates or shingles used for roofing (Figure
13), it has an upward bend along one side forming a rib 2/z and a partial upward bend on two
adjoining sides and represenss thereby a genarally rectangular course covering elemen.. These
elemenss are positioned on the surface with a mutual overlap in the way as roofing tiles are
laid on a roof. Its advantage is its almost complete insensitivity to horizontal assembly,
completely different course surfaces resembiing spatial curves can be covered with it. The
lower section can even be curved, but the tree sides melting together can form a spoon,
concave spatulate or slipper-like elemen,, respectively. The full lower surface of the slate-like
rib is pasted, thus the water tightness of the sliding surface 1 is guaranteed. On the lower side
of the micro-terraces water passages and overflow bores are made.
All of the forms described above can be combined with any of the fastening method..
Figure 6 shows a version of the sliding surface 1 where,the ribs join self-supporting
cover sheet Sa equipped with stiffening ribs. The covering sheet Sa is structured by bands and
affixed to the supporiing surface 20 by screws. In this case bolsters too can act as or replace a
supporting surface 20. The bands of the covering sheet Sa can be fastened to the supporiing
surface 20 with the aid of fastening elemenss 25 for instance screws.

Figure 6 shows one of the most obvious methods for the construction of the course. The
course is made of plastic profile covering sheet Sa made specially for this purpose, which
overlapping and fastened in a base-board-like manner fastens at the same time the horizontal
ribs placed between them. The upper part of the plastic profile is smooth, while on the bottom
is equipped with ribs of such height and strength that guarantee stable sliding surface even is
the suppott is located at 60-120 cm. Fastening is ensured by the fastening elements 25 made
in the form of screws and sunk into the base structure forming the supporiing surface. Water
tightness too, is basically ensured by the entire bottom part of the rib 2 and the upper hillside
of the base being filled without gap with adhesivessea.. In this way the course is self-
supporting, the assembly time is reduced, the replacement of the elements is fast and simple.
With the utilization of this solution it is sufficient to have the base structure consist of
The. ribs 2 forming tbe micro-terraces 10 of the course joint tbe covering sheet 5 with
shaped fitting. Their shape is chosen based on the use of the course. The angular offset of the
. ribs 2, their frequency and shape can change, always in order to achieve the desired results.
Figure 7 shows the use of a cover sheet 5 made of flexible material, on which there are
notches narrower than the surface and widening inside. On the side of the nbs 2 connecting to
the covering sheet 5 there is a beading that fits into the notches. The covering sheet 5a is
indirectly fastened to the supporting surface 20 through the underiay-piate 6. Both the
covering sheet 5 and the underlay-paate 6 are for instance affixed with the aid of fastening
elemenss 25 made in the form of screws. The covering sheet 5 thickens at the notches 24 and
thus the whole surface becomes more flexible. The covering sheet 5 can be made of bands and
the bands join together sidewise with connecting surfaces 21a.
Figure 8 shows how is it possible to make the spreading of the water even along the
width of the sliding surface 1. Probably the upper edge of the ribs 2 is not exactly horizontal.
Probably the strength of the ribs 2 also is not even along their full length. At the same time the
ribs 2 are easy to bend to allow the sliding device 7 to bend the easily. For this reason it can
happen that as a result of the pressure of the water contained within, the first edge of the rib 2
is located lower at certain places than at others, and so the water retained by it will seep down
at this place onto the micro-terrace formed by the rib 2 below it. In unfavorable cases such
seeping occur at the edge of the course, or are distributed unevenly along the width of the
course, and thus, a small rivulet can form on the sliding surface 1. It is better if such an
overflow is not caused by a slipover extending to the full length, but depressions 42 of smaller
width are made intentionally, which form an overflow slit, and make the flow of the water to
the water surface below 44 more even. Water passage bores 43 must be made on the ribs 2

, too, which could have two roles. One of the roles is that they allow the draining of the water
in case of cleaning or stoppage. The other role is that making such bores 43 subsequently or
adjusting them can make the water flowmore even during operation.
For the installatioss exposed to freezes in winter it is necessary to ensure the drainage of
the water. For this purpose water passage bores 43 are formed at the lowest part of the water
filled pond of the micro-terracss 10 and made after assembly are extremely suitable, as the
bores located at the bottom of micro-terraces 10 can be considered as serially conneciing an
upstream pond with a downstream pond, and thus the total loss of water can be limited to the
water volume passing through all bores 43 located along a singe horizontal rib.
Overflows can be formed on the top of the horizontal ribs. The overflows are small slits
made in the material of the ribs, through which the water contained m the basin can drain
away before reaching the lowest point of the upper edge of the horizontal rib. Their total
cross-section is only slightly less than the flow cross-section of the freely flowing water, thus
they cause swells within the micro-terraces. The water mass of the micro-terrace will start to
dram away before the complete filling-up through the slipovers 42 and the water passages 43
making streaming down of water more even. Their use is justified for large (especialyy wide)
It is a basic requirement for the vertical sectioning ribs 17 is that they must allow that the
horizontal ribs to flexibly bend, while providing adequate water tightness after recovery. The
sectioning or transverse elements cut to size at the assembly site can be made of the same
material as the ribs 2 and screwed or pasted to the sliding surface 1 thereby these
requirements are fully met. It is however necessary ensure that pasting involves only the
sliding surface 1.
Figure 9 shows a sliding surface where there are 2h ribs with grooves.
Figure 10 shows a solution similar to that on Figure 7, where the covering sheet 5 is
made of bands 15, but in this case the bands 15 are relatively narrow and there is a rib 16
between two adjacent bands 15. Both the edge of the bands 15 and the root of the ribs 16 are
equipped with conneciing elements. The ribs 16 have two connecting elemenss each and these
each connects to a band 15 fastening two adjacent bands 15 together.
In implementations where the surface is not even, and its geometry cannot be described
by a cylinder-jacket due to nature or intentionall,, the use of long horizontal ribs is not
satisfactory. In such cases systems made up of discrete micro-terraces 10 must be used
(Figures 11, 12, 13), which basically represenss the version of the micro-terrace system
broken into short elemental sections. Such other methods of forming micro-terraces are also
possible, (Figure II) e.g. systems made up of discrete micro-terraces formed in a honeycomb

. or rhomboidal (Figure 12), or slated (Figure 13) manner. In this way it is possible to construct
courses of complex geometric design.
Figure II shows a version where the ribs 2 are not rally horizontal. This means that the
micro-terrace between the ribs also is not horizonaal. This howeve,, would be impossible, as
the surface of the water 29 in the micro-terrace is always horizontal. Thus, in order to prevent
lateral flow there are sectioning ribs 17 placed between two adjacent ribs 2, which can be
identical to the ribs 17 closing the ends of the micro-terraces 10. As shown in the Figure it is
preferred to locate the ribs 17 are not exactly below each other but in-laterally offset position.
Tbis allows water to flow down from each micro-terrace 10 onto two downstream micro-
terraces 10 positioned below it. Thus, overflow slit 42 and water passage bore 43 can be made
separately in each micro-terrace 10 and even two overflow slits and two water passage bores
can be made on each of them and even their size can be differen.. With a suitable adjustment
of their number and size the uneven flow rates of the water can be compensated while or after
installing the course.
The micro-terraces 10 made by two crossing ribs 2 shown in Figure 12 are already
equipped with defined overflow slit and thus, they need not be made. Here the water passage
bores 43 provide opportuntty for adjustmen,, and they are the primary resourcss for solving
unevenness. The water flow 19 running off from a micro-terrace 10 mainly stream only into
another one of the micro-terracss 10.
Figure 13 shows the sliding surface 1 made up of discrete covering elements. The
covering element 27 comprises basically of a flat covering sheet 30 and a pond or basin 31
made at its end. The covering element 27 must be placed in such a manner onto the slope that
the basin 31 is at the bottom. The basin 31 is bordered by the covering element 30 and the 2v
rib connected to the lower edge of the covering sheet 30, the basin 31 formed this way is
closed on the sides by sectioning ribs 57. These covering elemenss 27 can simply be mounted
individualyy onto the slope, for instance using additionally an underlay-plate 6, with the aid of
screws or nails or other fastening elements, or adhesive or both. The placing of the covering
elements 27 must start at the bottom of the slope with the same technique as for roofing, and
continued upwards. The top covering element 27 must be placed on the covering element 27
below in such a manner that the lateral juncture of adjacent covering elemenss 27 should be
covered overlapped by the covering element 27 next above. In this overlappdd state water
tightness can be achieved in a manner similar to roofing without any additional measure.. To
have adequate water tightness the covering sheet 30 of the covering element 27 must be 2-3
times longer than the length of the basin 31. These dimensions are understood along the
direction of slope.

Figure 14 shows a prefabricated covering sheet 5, where the multi-ribs 2
come factory made. This can be with extrusion or line welding. The covering
sheet 5 manufactured this way can be rolled-up in the form of a carpet since the
material is flexible.
This is a significantly simplified version, but due to the cost reduction
effect, the combined rib 2/multi plays a non negligible role, because the covering
sheet 5 and at least two pieces of horizontal ribs 2 are factory mounted, the
micro-terraces being co-extruded from different quality materials onto a T shape
or assembled separately and are manufactured in a single work phase with the
covering sheet. The foot-type ribs must be pasted close together with an
adhesive layer deposited onto their bottom surface (e.g. according to Figure 5
with the adhesive layer shown for rib 2e) to the bolster prepared in advance (the
precondition here is that the upper surface of the bottom bolster be suitable for
pasting, i.e. equipped with a plastic sheet pasted to it), making this way a
monolithic covering sheet 5 with horizontal rib 2. (See later the description of
Figure 16). An additional advantage of using foot-type ribs is that in certain cases
one of the foot-type ribs 2a-2f, 2h is suitable without any changes to perform the
tasks of the vertical sectioning rib 17 (being perhaps cut to size at the site). The
surface unevenness caused by the shoulders of the slope can easily be
corrected with the longitudinal cut of the feet of the ribs or by leaving a spline-like
indentation, and it is easy to set the ribs 2 as horizontal as possible.

The sliding devices used for skiing can be used on the sliding course.
Both ski and snowboard are suitable for sliding down if their slipperiness is
adjusted and their very sharp steel edges made for snow are rounded down.
To enjoy in full the possibilities inherent in the sliding course a sliding
device similar to the snowboard developed specifically for the purpose can the
used. The device fastening the feet of the user can be rather simple, or more
complex, which enhances safety causing very little discomfort. Figure 15 shows
a sliding device similar in design to the snowboard.. It can be used with special
shoes 35, which protects the feet 37 of the user from bruises. The shoes 35 are
similar to those used for surfing, skiing, snowboarding, but most of all to those
used for roller-skating, and are made of aerated, strong, or even' completely
rigid, water resistant material.
There are bridles 34 on the sliding device 7 to accommodate the shoes
35. The sliding device 7 can be a plane sheet by both the front and the end can
be bent upwards to a small extent. Both longitudinal ends of the sliding device 7
are suitably rounded. The edges of the sliding device 7 also can be rounded,
excessive rounding however reduces direction control. If suitable material is
used the edges can be made angular too.

Figure 16 shows a sleigh like sliding device 38, which can accommodaee two people
even; and is equipped with a gnp 40 to prevent falling down.
It is possible to slide down alone or in groups with the sleight-tike board sliding device
38. The sliding device has one or multiple layers, of a plastic, water resistant material, has a
flat structuee resembling a flying saucer, and one or more persons can sit thereon. While
sliding down, they can hold the gnp 40 and can control the direction of movement by the
relocaiing their body weigh.. This sliding device 38 can be steered by extending feet just us in
case of sliding down by a sleigh.
A sleigh board can be braked with the aid of the breaks described for the rubber boat. As
sliding device 38 is less steereable than sliding device 7, their simultaneous use in the sliding
course is not recommended.
An additionll possibility for group sliding is the special steereable rubber boat (Figures
17 and 18). The difference in comparison to an inflatable plastic or rubber boat is that the
bottom 51 is stiffened and is equipped longitudinally with ribs, and in stead of the oars,
braking oars or members 46 can be mounted permanenlly or temporarily onto it. The braking
oars can be in the front or in the back, and always the persons sitting in the boats are those
who handle them. The braking oars can be moved separately from each other. If the persons
in the boat press the oar on one side using the braking arm and push it against the sliding
surface 1 the symmetry of the boat gets broken, its state of balance changes and a strong
backward force develops turning the boat towards the braked side. The ribs made on the
bottom of the boat ensure that the direction is kept, that is, that the boat move towards the
direction of least resistance, and that moving in directions perpendicuarr to it is made harder.
Figure 17 shows a sliding device 45 similar to a rubber boat. There is a pair of oars
46affixed to one of its ends fastened with the aid of a fastening device 47. There is an arm 48
linked to the oars 46 with the aid of which the oars 46 can be turned around the axis 49. When
lifting the arm 48 the oar 46 is pressed against the sliding surface 1 and by exercising a break
effect it serves to steer the sliding device. To improve steering, ribs should be made on the
bottom of the sliding device 45.
Figure 18 shows the version of the sliding device 45 made from a rubber boat, on the
bottom of which there is a sheet 51 affixed with the aid of a rope 50. The sheet 51 is suitably
shaped in the form of a tray ribbed on the bottom side. This sheet 51 can be affixed with the
aid of the rope 50 to the rope eyelets 56 of the rubber boat serving as core fore the sliding
device 45. The sliding device 45 is further equipped with oars 52 affixed in pairs, which are
fastened to an. axle tube 54 through a brace.

The sheet 51 that forms the rigid plastic sliding surface to be mounted on the bottom of
the commercially available rubber boat is fastened to the eyelets on the sides of the boat with
the rope 50 affixed to its side. The rudders on the two sides of the boat are linked by an axis
49 passed through the rudder fastening axle tube placed into the oar ring of the boat where it
can turn The boat side rudder fastening axle tube 54 cannot escape form the oar ring and thus
it positions the rudders. The end of the axle tube opposite to the boat is affixed to the axis 49
in a manner that makes turning possible. The rudder S5 is rigidly affixed to the axle tube 54
(by welding or with separable connection) with a stiffening element or steel sheet. Its role is
to make the plastic rudder resistant against the significant steering forces The rudders and
braking arms are mounted on the axle tube at an angle at which in a stationary state the
rudderl point upwards and the braking arms are pushed forward. When the braking arms are
pulled back the rudders are pressed into the sliding surface I, they bend down the ribs 2
creating significant friction. The user pulls one of the pair of braking arms 53 welded to the
axle tube in accordance with the desired change of direction and as a result the rudders are
pressed separately or for braking simultaneously against the sliding surface 1, where the
created friction breaks the rudder changing the state of motion of the boat. The longitudinal
ribs on the bottom of the boat stabilize the changed direction.
With this additional fixtures the mass-produced rubber boats available commercially can
be simply used.
The physical principle of steered boat slide is based in a smaller part on the reaction force
of the water, and in a greater part on the shape resistance of the ribs.
One of'the special areas of utilization of the sliding surface I shown in Figure 19 is the
mobile slide. This is an equipment resembling a conveyor belt, with the horizontal ribs 2 and
the side sectioning ribs 17 forming the micro-terraces 10 being mounted onto a wide conveyor
belt 63 (as wide as 3-20 meters). The conveyor belt 63 is driven by a driving motor 62 with a
suitable gear, with the driving speed being variable to allow adjustment to the optimum speed.
The conveyor belt 63 is dragged almost on its total width upon and along a stationary
supporting surface 65 which provides support and ensures plane surface. The suppott surface
65 can naturally be equipped with rollers to reduce friction. The lower end of the conveyor
belt 63 is immersed under the water surface of the basin 4 and the micro-terraces' 10 get filled
under the level of water in the basin 4 and moving together with the conveyor belt while
carrying the water upwards. At the top of the course the micro-terraces 10 are emptied, tbe
discharged water is collected and conducted back througb a water drain 64 directly into the
basin 4 or onto the lower levels of the course. The users can access the course by stairs or
ladder 59 and start from a launching pad 9 located at the top of the course. The water

dislodged by the skier is constantly replaced as a result of the upward motion. The angle of
the conveyor bett 63 can be adjusted with the aid of a hydrauiic cylinder/piston unit 61 and
thereby the slope can be ~djusted to be steeper or milder verj quickly. The conveyor belt 63
has a stable supporiing structure and can be placed on a foundaiion 60.
If the adjustment is good the person sliding down on the sliding surface 1 will practically
remain in the same level or place. The position of the person can be monitored with the help
of suitable sensors, and if the person gets too close to the basin the operating speed of the
driving motor 62 can be increased. If the person gets too high up, the speed of the driving
motor 62 can be reduced. The same result can be achieved with the operaiion of
cylinder/piston unit 61, that is by change the steepness of the sliding surface 1. This solution
allows for a compact implementation in a relatively small area and also for training. With a
proper design ski beginness can be trained.
Figure 20 shows a version where the covering sheet 5 placed on the supporting surface
201 has cavities 28. There are two cavities 28 made between two adjacent ribs 2, and two
adjacent cavities 28 are separated by spacer rib 26. The spacer rib can be airtight or air
permeable. With this structure it is possible to make inflatable sliding surface 23, the
flexibility of which reduces significanlly the risk of bruises. There is an other inherent
possibility, namely that with the use of airtight spacer rib 26 the pressure in the cavities 28
located between two adjacent ribs 2 can be adjusted to different values and thus the angle of
the ribs 2 can be adjusted between certain limits, allowing thereby adjustment of the
characteristics of the sliding surface 23. A pillow is made from plastic foil with one or more
air chambers or pockets an is placed to extend across the slope. The air pockess are made by
the cavities 28 between which the ribs 2 are placed, which will occupy their working position
after the air pockets are inflated forming then the micro-errraces 10. The bottom of the pillow
can be affixed to the suppott surface 20 by pasting. This version is sensitive to damages but
provides a soft surface.
The invention has been described above and shown in the attached drawings on hand on
preferred embodimenss of the solution according to the invention. Howeve,, based on these
teachings and presentation person skilled in the art can develop numerous modifications and
versions for the invention.

1. A sliding course (1) for sliding persons and objects down a slope (20)
having a surface, said course comprising sliding elements covering the surface
of the slope, and a water source for moistening said elements characterized in
said sliding elements comprise pools located. one below the other,
wherein said pools form water filled micro-terraces (10);
the pools forming the micro-terraces (10) are formed by a covering sheet
covering the slope in a water-tight manner and flexible ribs (2) emerge from said
sheet; and
each pool is bordered by said covering sheet (5) and by at least one of
said flexible ribs (2) and is closed by a flexible transverse sectioning rib joined to
said covering sheet (5) and said at least one flexible rib (2).
2. The sliding course as claimed in claim 1, wherein the surface of the rib (2)
accosting the pool is made of a material having low friction coefficient in the
moist state.
3. The sliding course as claimed in claim 2, wherein the ribs (2) and/or the
covering sheet is affixed onto an underlay sheet.

4. The sliding course as claimed in claim 3, wherein the underlay sheet (6) is
made of a self-supporting, rigid material.
5. The sliding course as claimed in claim 1, wherein the pools are limited by
crossing ribs (2) protruding from the covering sheet (5).
6. The sliding course as claimed in any of claims 1 to 5, wherein there is at
least one water passage bore in the bottom of each pool.
7. The sliding course as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein there is at least one
overflow (6) on each pool.
8. The sliding course as claimed in any of claims 1 to 7, wherein there are
cavities (28) parallel to the ribs (2) located in the ribs (2g) and/or covering sheet,
closed in an airtight manner and connected to a source of compressed air.
9. The sliding course as claimed in any of claims 1 to 8, wherein it is
mounted on a conveyor belt and the water source is the basin (4) located at the
bottom of the conveyor belt.
10. The sliding course as claimed in claim 9, wherein the inclination angle of
the conveyor belt (63) is adjustable.

11. Covering element for constructing a sliding course as claimed in any of
claims 1 to 10 for sliding persons and objects down a slope having a surface,
which course comprises covering elements covering the surface of the
slope, characterized in that said covering element comprises a covering sheet
(30) adapted to be fastened to a sloped surface and having a basin (31) on its
upper side formed by ribs (2z) located at the lower part of the slope and closed
by transverse rib sections (58) at both ends, and having at least one water
passage bore (31) at the bottom of the pool and at least one overflow (43) ; and
the length of the covering sheet (30) along the direction of slope is at least twice
and at most thrice the length of the basin (31) measured in the direction of the




IN-PCT-2001-01298-(06-02-2014)-FORM 1.pdf

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IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-CANCELLED DOCUMENTS.pdf



IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-DESCRIPTION COMPLETE.pdf


IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-FER REPLY.pdf


IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-FORM 1.pdf

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IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-OFFICE LETTER.pdf

IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-OTHERS 1.pdf



IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-PCT SEARCH REPORT & OTHERS.pdf

IN-PCT-2001-1298-(10-12-2001)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf






Patent Number 265153
Indian Patent Application Number IN/PCT/2001/1298/KOL
PG Journal Number 07/2015
Publication Date 13-Feb-2015
Grant Date 11-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 10-Dec-2001
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02J3/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/HU00/00058
PCT International Filing date 2000-06-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 P 9902073 1999-06-21 Hungary