Title of Invention


Abstract The invention concerns a decorated injection molded article which is formed from at least one injected plastic material and at least one decorative element mechanically fixedly connected thereto, wherein the decorative element has one or more layer portions and provides a decoration and/or a protective layer for the injection molded article, wherein the injection molded article has at least one injection molded seam which is formed on the injected plastic material in the injection molding operation in the closing region of an injection molding mold or in the transitional region between at least two individual parts of the injection molding mold, and wherein the at least one decorative element only partially covers a surface region of the plastic material defined by an injection molded seam extending in an annular configuration on the plastic material and the decorative element has at least one protective lacquer layer and/or at least one decorative layer and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer at least one priming layer which softens at an injection molding temperature for the plastic material, wherein the priming layer is bonded to the plastic material. The invention further concerns an in mold-capable transfer film as well as a process for the production of such injection molded articles.
Full Text Decorated injection molded article as well as a transfer film and a process
for producing same
The invention concerns a decorated injection molded article which is
formed from at least one injected plastic material and at least one
decorative element mechanically fixedly connected thereto, wherein the
decorative element has one or more layer portions and provides a
decoration and/or a protective layer for the injection molded article and
wherein the injection molded article has at least one injection molded seam
which is formed on the injected plastic material in the injection molding
operation in the closing region of an injection molding mold or in the
transitional region between at least two individual parts of the injection
molding mold.
The invention further concerns a transfer film for the production of
such a decorated injection molded article, wherein the transfer film has at
least a carrier film, a release layer arranged on the carrier film and a
transfer layer means arranged on the side of the release layer remote from
the carrier film, as a decorative element, wherein the decorative element
has one or more layer portions and provides a decoration and/or a
protective layer for the injection molded article, wherein the transfer layer
means adjoining the release layer has at least one protective lacquer layer
and/or at least one decorative layer and adjoining the protective lacquer or
decorative layer on the side of the transfer film remote from the carrier film
at least one adhesive layer which softens at an injection molding
temperature and bonds to a plastic injection material to form the injection
molded article.
The invention further concerns a process for the production of a
decorated injection molded article using a transfer film has at least a carrier
film, a release layer arranged on the carrier film and a transfer layer means
arranged on the side of the release layer remote from the carrier film, as a
decorative element, wherein the decorative element has one or more layer
portions and provides a decoration and/or a protective layer for the
injection molded article, wherein the transfer layer means adjoining the
release layer has at least one protective k.cquer layer and/or at least one
decorative layer and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer on
the side of the transfer film remote from the carrier film at least one
priming layer, wherein the transfer film is arranged in an opened injection
molding mold comprising at least two individual parts, the injection molding
mold is closed and filled with plastic injection material, wherein the priming
layer softens at an injection temperature and bonds to the plastic injection
material and wherein formed on the injection molded article is at least one
injection molded seam which is formed in the closure region of the injection
molding mold or in the transitional region between the at least two
individual parts of the injection molding mold, wherein the plastic injection
material is hardened to provide a solid plastic material. Decoration
processes of that kind for injection molded articles are usually referred to
as inmold decoration processes or IMD injection molding processes.
Decorated injection molded articles, processes for the production
thereof and inmold-capable transfer films or IMD films are known per se.
Thus DE 102 21 482 Cl discloses an apparatus for the production of a
molding comprising a hardening injection molding material which is
decorated by inmold injection with a stamping film comprising a carrier film
and a decorative layer. In that case the stamping film is introduced into
the opened injection molding tool, the decorative layer of the stamping film
facing towards an upper part of the mold. The injection molding mold is
closed and liquid injection molding material is injected into the injection
molding mold cavity through an injection passage, in which case the
stamping film is caused to adhere closely to the visible side of the injection
molded part. In that situation the stamping film is joined to the injection
molding material which after hardening is removed from the injection
molding mold. After the carrier film is pulled off the decorative layer the
decorated molding is finished. Injection molded articles which are
decorated in that way are used in particular in relation to internal parts of
motor vehicles such as door strips, strips in instrument panels, shift lever
covers, central console covers and in relation to external parts of motor
vehicles such as door ram guard strips, covers on A, B and C pillars and in
the audio and video fields in relation to decorative strips on the casings of
radios and televisions.
DE 102 36 810 Al discloses partially structured multi-layered films
which are suitable for use in injection molding molds. Such an IMD-capable
multi-layer film or a multi-layer film for inmold decoration of injection
molded parts comprises a carrier film with a decorative element for transfer
onto the injection molded part. The carrier film is removed after the
decorative element has been applied to the injection molded body. The
decorative element has a release layer, a protective lacquer layer, a
structure layer with a spatial structure, an intermediate layer, a reflection
layer and an adhesive layer. The release layer serves in that respect for
releasing the decorative element from the carrier and can comprise for
example a wax-like material.
As disclosed by JP 62128720 A, IMD films are usually guided
between a fixed and a movable part of the injection molding mold by way
of a film advance device. In the case of individual image representations in
the region of the decorative film which is to be applied by lamination, the
IMD film is also positioned in the correct position relative to the injection
molding mold by way of sensors and position markings on the IMD film
before the injection molding mold is closed and the hot plastic injection
material is injected behind the IMD film.
Hitherto, due to the manufacturing procedure involved, injection
molded articles decorated with a decorative element in an inmold process
involve complete coverage with the decorative element of a surface region
which is defined by an injection molded seam extending in a ring
configuration on the plastic material. Such a surface region generally
predominantly also forms the visible surface of the injection molded article
so that this involves decoration over the entire area thereof of the complete
visible surface. Accordingly the optical appearance of the injection molded
article is hitherto dependent on the decorative element used.
Now, the object of the invention is to afford injection molded articles
decorated with decorative elements and having a novel optical appearance,
as well as an improvement in their subsequent further processability. The
invention further seeks to provide a transfer film suitable for forming such
decorated injection molded articles as well as a suitable process for the
production of such decorated injection molded articles.
For the decorated injection molded article which is formed from at
least one injected plastic material and at least one decorative element
mechanically fixedly connected thereto, wherein the decorative element has
one or more layer portions and provides a decoration and/or a protective
layer for the injection molded article and wherein the injection molded
article has at least one injection molded seam which is formed on the
injected plastic material in the injection molding operation in the closing
region of an injection molding mold or in the transitional region between at
least two individual parts of the injection molding mold, that object is
attained in that the at least one decorative element only partially covers a
surface region of the plastic material defined by an injection molded seam
extending in an annular configuration on the plastic material and that the
decorative element has at least one protective lacquer layer and/or at least
one decorative layer and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative
layer at least one priming layer which softens at an injection molding
temperature for the plastic material, wherein the priming layer is bonded to
the plastic material.
In a surface region defined by an injection molded seam extending in
an annular configuration on the plastic material, the injection molded article
as set forth in the invention has only partial coating with the decorative
element so that, in the visible region, beside the region or regions
decorated with the decorative element of the injection molded article, there
are there also regions with hardened plastic injection material without
being covered by a decorative element. That opens up a large number of
new possible ways of providing a visually attractive, decorated injection
molded article. If moreover attractive color configuration of the plastic
injection material is considered, that affords further new optical effects.
Thus for example it is possible to provide injection molded articles for the
automobile sector, which have a marquetry decoration. In that respect the
marquetry or the marquetry effect are produced by partially provided
decorative elements. In addition, the exposed regions of the hardened
plastic injection material provide that further processing of the injection
molded article is enormously simplified, as will be further described
It is particularly preferred if the at least one decorative element is
superimposed on a three-dimensional surface structuring of the plastic
material. In that case the three-dimensional structure can only be visible
through the decorative element, but it can also be detected by touch in the
region of the decorative element. That makes it possible to produce
particularly attractive visual effects.
It is further preferred if the at least one decorative element on its
side remote from the first plastic material is at least partially over-injected
with a second plastic material. In that respect further optical effects can be
produced, for achieving an optical depth, such as for example lens effects.
However, injecting plastic material over the decorative element just for
protecting it from mechanical loading and/or corrosive attack has also
proven its worth.
Further optically attractive effects can be achieved if on its side
remote from the at least one decorative element the second plastic material
is at least partially covered with at least one further decorative element. In
that respect the decorative elements can be optically superimposed so that
for example specific depth effects or color effects are attained.
For a transfer film for the production of such a decorated injection
molded article, wherein the transfer film has at least a carrier film, a
release layer arranged on the carrier film and a transfer layer means
arranged on the side of the release layer remote from the carrier film, as a
decorative element, wherein the decorative element has one or more layer
portions and provides a decoration and/or a protective layer for the
injection molded article, wherein the transfer layer means adjoining the
release layer has at least one protective lacquer layer and/or at least one
decorative layer and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer on
the side of the transfer film remote from the carrier film at least one
priming layer which softens at an injection molding temperature and bonds
to the plastic injection material to form the injection molded article, that
object is attained in that
a) a masking layer only partially covers the priming layer on its side
remote from the carrier film, wherein the masking layer is such that it does
not bond to the plastic material under injection conditions, or
b) the priming layer is only arranged region-wise and the protective
lacquer or decorative layer adjoining the priming layer is such that it does
not bond to the plastic material under injection conditions, or
c) the transfer layer is only arranged region-wise on the release layer
and the release layer is such that it does not bond to the plastic material
under injection conditions.
The fact that the respective layers in cases a), b) and c) are not
bonded to the plastic material makes it possible for injection molded
articles to be partially decorated at their surface in a simple and
inexpensive fashion.
Suitable layers which prevent adhesion or bonding to the plastic
injection material preferably have a softening temperature which is
markedly above the processing temperature in the injection molding tool.
It is particularly preferred in that respect if in case a) the masking layer, in
case b) the protective lacquer or decorative layer adjoining the priming
layer and in case c) the release layer withstands an injection temperature
for the plastic material without softening. That means that bonding to the
injected plastic material is made greatly more difficult.
It is further advantageous if in case a) the masking layer, in case b)
the protective lacquer or decorative layer adjoining the priming layer and in
case c) the release layer is chemically incompatible with the plastic material
so that repulsion already occurs at a molecular level, to prevent bonding to
the injected plastic material.
In contrast layers of the transfer film which are to be mechanically
firmly bonded to the plastic material preferably soften at least partially
under the processing temperatures in the injection molding mold and have
at least slight compatibility with the molten plastic material.
It has proven appropriate if in case a) the masking layer, in case b)
the protective lacquer or decorative layer adjoining the priming layer and in
case c) the release layer is a lacquer layer which is highly cross-linked by
radiation hardening, isocyanate hardening or acid hardening. Lacquer
layers which are highly cross-linked by radiation hardening, isocyanate
hardening or acid hardening do not bond to a hot plastic injection material
and therefore permit easy and defined separation from the injection molded
For example acid-hardened melamine resin lacquer, 2-component
polyurethanes or radiation-hardened lacquer have proven their worth as
the masking layer.
The release or separation action of such a layer can be further
enhanced if for example lacquers are used, which have a very uniform layer
thickness in the region of 0.1 - 20 urn, preferably 0.3 - 2.5 urn, and have a
smooth surface with a surface roughness in order as far as possible to
prevent mechanical interlocking with the plastic injection material. It is
also advantageous if those lacquer layers have a low surface tension. The
surface tension of the masking layer can be further reduced by suitable
additives, preferably wax-based, fluorohydrocarbon-based or silicone-based
additives so that the separation action thereof is further enhanced.
Suitable substances here are in particular hydroxyfunctional polyethermodified
polysiloxanes, dispersions of polyethylene waxes with a melting
range below 130°C and functionalized fluoroethylene mixed polymers
(hydroxy number: 55 mg KOH/g).
In order to avoid as completely as possible contamination of the
plastic injection material by the masking layer, it has proven advantageous
if the additive is anchored by chemical reactions in the polymer network of
the masking layer.
For the process for the production of a decorated injection molded
article using a transfer film which has at least a carrier film, a release layer
arranged on the carrier film and a transfer layer means arranged on the
side of the release layer remote from the carrier film, as a decorative
element, wherein the decorative element has one or more layer portions
and provides a decoration and/or a protective layer for the injection molded
article, wherein the transfer layer means adjoining the release layer has at
least one protective lacquer layer and/or at least one decorative layer and
adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer on the side of the
transfer film remote from the carrier film at least one priming layer,
wherein the transfer film is arranged in an opened injection molding mold
comprising at least two individual parts, the injection molding mold is
closed and filled with plastic injection material wherein the priming layer
softens at an injection temperature and bonds to the plastic injection
material and wherein formed on the injection molded article is at least one
injection molded seam which is formed in the closure region of the injection
molding mold or in the transitional region between the at least two
individual parts of the injection molding mold, and wherein the plastic
injection material is hardened to provide a first plastic material, that object
is attained in that the at least one decorative element is transferred onto a
surface region of the plastic material defined by an injection molded seam
extending in an annular configuration on the plastic material, in such a way
that the at least one decorative element only partially covers the surface
region. Such a process permits the production of injection moldings
according to the invention, which are only region-wise decorated and thus
give rise to particular visual impressions on the part of viewers. Thus for
example the viewer can be induced to think that there is marquetry here.
It has proven to be advantageous for the process according to the
invention if a transfer film according to the invention is used, which is
arranged in the injection molding mold in such a way that the carrier film
bears directly against the injection molding mold. When the plastic
injection material is injected into the injection molding mold the transfer
film is pressed against the inside wall of the injection molding mold.
The layers disposed on the carrier film which is preferably of a
thickness in the region of between 19 and 100 um are preferably produced
by intaglio printing, screen printing or, in particular the decorative layers,
also by digital, flexo or offset printing.
If a transfer film in accordance with case a) is used the hot plastic
injection material comes into contact with the masking layer and exposed
regions of the priming layer. The plastic injection material is mechanically
firmly bonded in the direct contact region to the priming layer, in which
case the priming layer at least starts to melt or melts completely. No
bonding occurs in the direct contact region between the masking layer and
the plastic injection material as the masking layer does not bond to the
plastic material, preferably, insofar as it does not soften or it softens only
above the injection temperature, and there is no chemical reaction with the
plastic injection material in the region of the injection temperature. After
cooling of the plastic injection material the injection molding mold is
opened and the carrier film is removed. In that situation, only the regions
of the decorative element which are mechanically fixedly joined to the
plastic material by way of the priming layer remain on the hardened plastic
injection material. The regions of the decorative element which were
covered by means of the masking layer are removed together with the
carrier film and the masking layer so that the result is a decorated injection
molded article in accordance with the invention. The use of a transfer film
in accordance with case a) is particularly inexpensive as it is possible to use
a conventional, IMD-capable transfer film which is only provided with a
masking layer in the desired pattern or decoration. That means that a
change in pattern can also be implemented easily, inexpensively and
It has proven advantageous if the masking layer is of a thickness in
the region of between 1 and 4 urn. With such a layer thickness, particularly
sharp edges and good transfer results are achieved for the decorative
elements which are transferred in region-wise manner.
In order to guarantee reliable transfer of the transfer layer of the
transfer film in case a), it is preferred if the masking layer has at least one
opening of a diameter of at least 0.15 mm. Smaller diameters lead to
incomplete transfer of transfer layer regions, with untidy, randomly varying
edges, as the hot plastic injection material cannot penetrate through the
opening or can only limitedly penetrate through the opening and bond to
the priming layer.
If a transfer film in accordance with case b) is used, the hot plastic
injection material comes into contact with the partially arranged priming
layer and with the regions of a protective lacquer or decorative layer, which
are uncovered by the priming layer. The hot plastic injection material
mechanically fixedly bonds in the direct contact region to the priming layer,
in which case the priming layer at least starts to melt or melts completely.
No bonding occurs in the direct contact region between the protective
lacquer or decorative layer and the plastic injection material as the
protective lacquer or decorative layer does not bond to the plastic material,
preferably insofar as it does not soften or it softens only above the injection
temperature and there is also no chemical reaction with the plastic injection
material in the region of the injection temperature. In that respect, the
materials which can be used for the protective lacquer or decorative layer
adjoining the priming layer can be those which are also suitable for the
masking layer of case a), for example UV lacquer on a polyacrylate base or
2-component polyurethane lacquer. After cooling of the plastic injection
material the injection molding mold is opened and the carrier film is
removed. In that case only the regions of the decorative element which
are mechanically fixedly joined to the plastic material by way of the priming
layer remain on the hardened plastic injection material. The regions of the
protective lacquer or decorative layer or layers which were uncovered by
the priming layer are removed together with the carrier film so that the
result is a decorated injection molded article in accordance with the
invention. The use of a transfer film in accordance with case b) is also
inexpensive as it is possible to use a conventional IMD-capable transfer film
which is only provided with a priming layer in the desired pattern or
decoration. That means that in this case also a change in pattern can be
effected easily, inexpensively and quickly.
If a carrier film in accordance with case c) is used the hot plastic
injection material comes into contact with the priming layer of the partially
provided transfer layer as well as the exposed regions of a release layer
which can also be produced over a surface of a carrier film of suitable
material. The hot plastic injection material is mechanically fixedly bonded
in the direct contact region to the priming layer, in which case the priming
layer at least starts to melt or melts completely. No bonding occurs in the
direct contact region between the release layer and the plastic injection
material, preferably insofar as the release layer does not soften or softens
only above the injection temperature and there is also no chemical reaction
with the plastic injection material in the region of the injection temperature.
In that respect the materials which can be used for the release layer can be
those which are also suitable for the masking layer in accordance with case
a), for example acid-hardened melamine resin lacquer, 2-component
polyurethanes or radiation-hardened lacquer. After cooling of the plastic
injection material the injection molding mold is opened and the carrier film
is removed. In that case the decorative elements which are respectively
mechanically fixedly joined to the plastic material by way of the priming
layer remain on the hardened plastic injection material. The release layer
is removed together with the carrier film so that the result obtained is a
decorated injection molded article in accordance with the invention. The
use of a transfer film in accordance with case c) is somewhat more
expensive as the protective lacquer and decorative layers as well as the
priming layer must be formed one above the other in register relationship.
That means that a change in pattern here is somewhat more timeconsuming
than when using the transfer films of case a) or b).
Preferably in case a) the masking layer, in case b) the priming layer
and in case c) the transfer layer are of a patterned configuration so that the
result is patterned decoration of the injection molded article. In that
respect the masking layer represents the negative for the pattern while in
case b) the priming layer and in case c) the transfer layer represent the
positive for the pattern. In that respect the term pattern is used to denote
regular or irregular patterns, alphanumeric character representations or
image representations such as coats of arms, logos, nature motifs or the
For the transfer film according to the invention, it has proven
advantageous if the decorative layer includes an at least partially provided
metal layer and/or an at least partially provided interference layer and/or
an at least partially provided color layer and/or an at least partially
arranged layer with relief structures such as macroscopic relief structures,
diffractive structures or holograms, and/or a pigmented layer which has
fluorescent or phosphorescent pigments or pigments with viewing angledependent
color change effects.
For the protective lacquer layer of the transfer film according to the
invention it has proven advantageous if the protective lacquer layer is
colorlessly transparent, colored transparent or at least region-wise opaque.
Further optical effects can be achieved in that way.
If the carrier film is formed from a material which can be readily
released from the transfer layer after the injection molding operation, the
transfer film has a surface which itself forms the release layer. The carrier
film and the release layer thus form a unit. In that case it is possible to
dispense with an additional release layer on the carrier film.
As already mentioned hereinbefore, further processing of the
injection molded article is enormously simplified by virtue of the exposed
regions of the hardened plastic injection material. Thus exposed regions of
the hardened plastic injection material can be lacquered in a simple fashion
without having to take account of the decorative film. In that respect the
lacquer used only has to be matched to the material of the plastic injection
material employed. More specifically, when the visible surface of the
injection molded article was covered with the decorative film over the
entire surface area, it was hitherto necessary for the lacquer for lacquering
given regions of the injection molded article to be matched to the
respective uppermost layer of the decorative film used. In the worst-case
scenario that meant that a plurality of lacquer layers had to be produced on
the uppermost layer of the decorative film in order to achieve the desired
lacquering result.
Furthermore, it is now possible in a simple and uncomplicated
fashion for a region of the injection molded article according to the
invention, in which the hardened plastic injection material is not covered by
the decorative film, to be glued, pressed or welded to further structural
units, for example by means of laser radiation or ultrasound. In that
respect, it is only necessary to heed matching of the process parameters of
the joining process adopted, to the hardened plastic injection material of
the injection molded article and the counterpart components which are to
be joined thereto, without however heeding the decorative film used which
frequently can only be exposed to lower temperatures or lower mechanical
stresses than the hardened plastic injection material.
The injection molded article according to the invention is also found
to be advantageous if a second plastic injection material is to be injected
thereover in a further injection molding mold in order for example to
produce lens-like elements. In that case it is usually possible to afford a
good durable join between the hardened plastic material and the second
plastic injection material. In principle the same or different plastic
materials can be employed for the hardened plastic material and for the
second plastic injection material, in which respect the reference to the
same materials also denotes those which only involve different coloration of
the plastic which is otherwise the same. In that respect the structure of
the decorative film is advantageously not of significance.
Such an exposed region of the hardened plastic injection material
can also be labeled or written upon without complication in the visible
region of the injection molded article, for example by means of a laser.
There is also the possibility that any optical lens systems arranged on the
injection molded article or contact surfaces of electrically conducting
contact structures incorporated into the plastic injection molded body
remain uncovered by the decorative film so that they remain directly visible
and accessible or in the case of contact surfaces so that they can be
connected to electrical cables or electrical components. Therefore, it is no
longer necessary to take any account of the decorative film so that in
general terms this permits the injection molded article according to the
invention to be further processed in a highly uncomplicated, fast and
therefore inexpensive manner.
Figures la through 3a are intended to describe the invention by way
of example. In the Figures:
Figure la shows a cross-section through a transfer film in accordance
with case a),
Figure Ib shows a cross-section through a transfer film in accordance
with case b),
Figure Ic shows a cross-section through a transfer film in accordance
with case c),
Figure 2a shows a cross-section through a decorated injection
molded article,
Figure 2b shows a cross-section through a decorated injection
molded article, with a second plastic material injected thereover in the
visible region,
Figure 3a shows a cross-section through a further decorated injection
molded article having a three-dimensional structure in a surface region,
Figure 3b shows a cross-section through a further decorated injection
molded article having a three-dimensional structure in a surface region,
and which has a second plastic material injected thereover.
Figure la shows a cross-section through a transfer film la in
accordance with case a). The transfer film la has a carrier film 2 of PET
with a layer thickness of 36 urn, a release layer 3 which is arranged on the
carrier film 2 and which comprises a polyethylene wax with a melting range
of 90 - 100°C and a transfer layer 7 as a decorative element, arranged on
the side of the release layer 3 remote from the carrier film 2, the
decorative element having a plurality of layer portions. The transfer layer 7
has a protective lacquer layer 4 adjoining the release layer 3, a decorative
layer 5 and, adjoining the decorative layer 5, on the side of the transfer
film la that is remote from the carrier film 2, a priming layer 6 of polyvinyl
chloride copolymers, polymethyl methacrylate (molecular weight 60,000
g/mol). A masking layer 8 partially covers the priming layer 6 on its side
remote from the carrier film 2. The masking layer 8 is a highly cross-linked
lacquer layer arid has patterned openings 9a which partially expose the
priming layer 6. A suitable lacquer for forming the masking layer 8 is of
the following composition:
Example A
Acetone 30 parts
Butyl acetate 5 parts
Urethane acrylate (molecular weight about 1,600 g/mol) 20 parts
Trifunctional acrylic acid ester 40 parts
Photoinitiator type I 5 parts
Example B
Ethanol 10 parts
Isopropanol 8 parts
Methyl ethyl ketone 8 parts
Toluene 8 parts
Hexamethylmethylmelamine 25 parts
Solution of a hydroxy-functionalized polymethyl
metacrylate (60%) in xylene 31 parts
Hydroxyfunctional polysiloxane 3 parts
p-Toluene sulfonic acid 7 parts
The masking layer 8 can be used if PMMA, ABS, SAN, PS, PC, PP or
suitable compatible mixtures of those materials is used as the plastic
Figure Ib shows a cross-section through a transfer film Ib in
accordance with case b). The transfer film Ib has a carrier film 2 of PET, a
release layer 3 which is arranged on the carrier film 2 and which comprises
a polyethylene wax (melting range of 80 - 100°C) and a transfer layer as
the decorative element, which is arranged on the side of the release layer 3
that is remote from the carrier film 2, the decorative element having a
plurality of layer portions. The decorative element has a protective lacquer
layer 4 adjoining the release layer 3, a colored decorative layer 5 and a
priming layer 6 adjoining the decorative layer 5 on the side of the transfer
film la that is remote from the carrier film 2. The priming layer 6 only
partially covers the decorative layer 5. The colored decorative layer 5 was
formed by means of the following composition:
Example for lacquer for forming the decorative layer 5
Methyl ethyl ketone 63 parts
Cyclohexanone 5 parts
Polymethyl metacrylate (molecular weight 100,000 g/mol) 20 parts
High-molecular dispersing additive 3 parts
Mica-based effect pigment 9 parts
Example for primer 6
Acetone 12 parts
Toluene 45 parts
Chlorinated polyolefin (chlorine content 30%) 33 parts
Pyrogenic silicic acid 10 parts
That decorative layer 5 can be used if PP, PE or TPO are used as the
plastic materials.
Figure Ic shows a cross-section through a transfer film Ic in
accordance with case c). The transfer film Ic has a carrier film 2 of PET, a
release layer 3 arranged on the carrier film 2 and a transfer layer as the
decorative element 9, arranged on the side of the release layer 3 that is
remote from the carrier film 2, the decorative element 9 having a plurality
of layer portions. The decorative element 9 has adjoining the release layer
3 a protective lacquer layer 4, a decorative layer 5 and a priming layer 6
adjoining the decorative layer 5 on the side of the transfer film la that is
remote from the carrier film 2. The decorative element 9 only partially
covers the release layer 3, wherein the protective layer 4, the decorative
layer 5 and the priming layer 6 are arranged in substantially coincident
mutually superposed relationship.
The release layer 3 was formed by means of the following
Example A
Ethanol 10 parts
Isopropanol 8 parts
Methyl ethyl ketone 8 parts
Toluene 8 parts
Hexamethylmethylmelamine 25 parts
Solution of a hydroxy-functionalized polymer
methacrylate (60%) in xylene 29 parts
Pyrogenic silicic acid 5 parts
p-Toluene sulfonic acid 7 parts
Example B
Methyl ethyl ketone 25 parts
Ethyl acetate 25 parts
Cyclohexanone 5 parts
Polymethyl metacrylate (molecular weight 60,000 g/mol) 18 parts
Dipentaerithrolpentaacrylate 25 parts
Photoinitiator type I 2 parts
This version functions for all thermoplastic polymers such as PMMA,
ABS, ASA, PC, PP, PE, SAN, PVC and compatible mixtures thereof.
Figure 2a shows a decorated injection molded article 1 la as a crosssection.
Decorative elements 9 are disposed partially on a surface of the
hardened colored plastic material 10 of PMMA. The broken line denotes the
position of an injection molded seam which is produced on the plastic
material 10 in the seam region between the two halves of a closed, twopart
injection molding mold.
Figure 2b shows a cross-section of a decorated injection molded
article lib. Decorative elements 9 are disposed partially on a surface of
the hardened colored plastic material 10 of PMMA. The broken line denotes
the position of an injection molded seam which is produced on the plastic
material 10 in the seam region between the two halves of a closed, twopart
injection molding mold. The decorative elements 9 as well as the
surface region of the plastic material 10, which is defined by the injection
molded seam, has a second, colorlessly transparent plastic material 12 of
PMMA or PC, PS, SAN or PA injected thereover, thus affording a depth
Figure 3a shows a cross-section of a decorated injection molded
article 13a. Decorative elements 9 are disposed partially on a threedimensionally
structured surface of the hardened colored plastic material
10. In this respect the decorative elements 9 emphasize the raised
portions in the hardened colored plastic material 10. The broken line
denotes the position of an injection molded seam which is produced on the
plastic material 10 in the seam region between the two halves of a closed,
two-part injection molding mold.
Figure 3b shows a cross-section of a decorated injection molded
article 13b. Decorative elements 9 are disposed partially on a threedimensionally
structured surface of the hardened colored plastic material
10. In this respect the decorative elements 9 emphasize the raised
portions in the hardened colored plastic material 10. The broken line
denotes the position of an injection molded seam which is produced on the
plastic material 10 in the seam region between the two halves of a closed,
two-part injection molding mold. The decorative elements 9 as well as the
surface region of the plastic material 10, which is delimited by the injection
molded seam, has a second, colorlessly transparent plastic material 12
injected thereover, thereby giving a depth effect, with the threedimensional
structure of the hardened colored plastic material 10 remaining
A large number of further possible design options for the decorated
injection molded article will be readily apparent to the man skilled in the

1. A decorated injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) which is
formed from at least one injected plastic material (10) and at least one
decorative element (9) mechanically fixedly connected thereto, wherein the
decorative element (9) has one or more layer portions and provides a
decoration and/or a protective layer for the injection molded article (lla,
lib, 13a, 13b) and wherein the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a,
13b) has at least one injection molded seam which is formed on the
injected plastic material (10) in the injection molding operation in the
closing region of an injection molding mold in the transitional region
between at least two individual parts of the injection molding mold,
characterized in that
the at least one decorative element (9) only partially covers a
surface region of the plastic material (10) defined by an injection molded
seam extending in an annular configuration on the plastic material and that
the decorative element (9) has at least one protective lacquer layer (4)
and/or at least one decorative layer (5) and adjoining the protective
lacquer or decorative layer (4, 5) at least one priming layer (6) which
softens at an injection molding temperature for the plastic material (10),
wherein the priming layer (6) is bonded to the plastic material (10).
2. A decorated injection molded article as set forth in claim 1
characterized in that at least two mutually independent decorative
elements (9) arranged in mutually juxtaposed relationship only partially
cover the surface region of the plastic material (10), which is defined by
the injection molded seam extending in an annular configuration on the
plastic material (10).
3. A decorated injection molded article as set forth in one of claims 1
and 2 characterized in that the at least one decorative element (9) is
superimposed on a three-dimensional surface structuring of the plastic
material (10).
4. A decorated injection molded article as set forth in one of claims 1
through 3 characterized in that the at least one decorative element (9) on
its side remote from the first plastic material (10) is at least partially overinjected
with a second plastic material (12).
5. A decorated injection molded article as set forth in claim 4
characterized in that on its side remote from the at least one decorative
element (9) the second plastic material is at least partially covered with at
least one further decorative element.
6. A transfer film (la, lb, Ic) for the production of a decorated
injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) as set forth in one of claims 1
through 5, wherein the transfer film (la, lb, Ic) has at least a carrier film
(2), a release layer (3) arranged on the carrier film (2) and a transfer layer
means (7) arranged on the side of the release layer (3) remote from the
carrier film (2), as a decorative element (9), wherein the decorative
element (9) has one or more layer portions and provides a decoration
and/or a protective layer for the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a,
13b), wherein the transfer layer means (7) adjoining the release layer (3)
has at least one protective lacquer layer (4) and/or at least one decorative
layer (5) and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer (4, 5) on
the side of the transfer film (la, lb, Ic) remote from the carrier film (2) at
least one priming layer (6) which softens at an injection molding
temperature and bonds to a plastic injection material to form the injection
molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b),
characterized in that
a) a masking layer (8) only partially covers the priming layer (6) on
its side remote from the carrier film (2), wherein the masking layer (8) is
such that it does not bond to the plastic material (10) under injection
conditions, or
b) the priming layer (6) is only arranged region-wise and the
protective lacquer or decorative layer (4, 5) adjoining the priming layer (6)
is such that it does not bond to the plastic material (10) under injection
conditions, or
c) the transfer layer (7) is only arranged region-wise on the release
layer (3) and the release layer (3) is such that it does not bond to the
plastic material (10) under injection conditions.
7. A transfer film as set forth in claim 6 characterized in that in case
a) the masking layer (8), in case b) the protective lacquer or decorative
layer (4, 5) adjoining the priming layer (6) and in case c) the release layer
(3) withstands an injection temperature for the plastic material (10)
without softening.
8. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 and 7 characterized
in that in case a) the masking layer (8), in case b) the protective lacquer or
decorative layer (4, 5) adjoining the priming layer (6) and in case c) the
release layer (3) is chemically incompatible with the plastic material (10).
9. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 8
characterized in that in case a) the masking layer (8), in case b) the
protective lacquer or decorative layer (4, 5) adjoining the priming layer (6)
and in case c) the release layer (3) is a lacquer layer which is highly crosslinked
by radiation hardening, isocyanate hardening or acid hardening.
10. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 9
characterized in that in case a) the masking layer (8) is of a thickness in
the region of between 1 and 4 urn.
11. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 10
characterized in that in case (a) the masking layer (8) has at least one
opening (9a), the opening (9a) being of a diameter of at least 0.15 mm.
12. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 11
characterized in that in case a) the masking layer (8), in case b) the
priming layer (6) and in case c) the transfer layer (7) is patterned.
13. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 12
characterized in that the decorative layer (5) includes an at least partially
formed metal layer and/or an at least partially formed interference layer
and/or an at le^st partially formed color layer and/or an at least partially
arranged layer with relief structures such as macroscopic relief structures,
diffractive structures or holograms, and/or a pigmented layer which has
fluorescent or phosphorescent pigments or pigments with viewing angledependent
color change effects.
14. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 13
characterized in that the protective lacquer layer (4) is colorlessly
transparent, colored transparent or opaque.
15. A transfer film as set forth in one of claims 6 through 14
characterized in that the carrier film (2) has a surface which forms the
release layer (3).
16. A process for the production of a decorated injection molded
article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) using a transfer film (la, lb, Ic) which has at
least a carrier film (2), a release layer (3) arranged on the carrier film (2)
and a transfer layer means (7) arranged on the side of the release layer (3)
remote from the carrier film (2), as a decorative element (9), wherein the
decorative element (9) has one or more layer portions and provides a
decoration and/or a protective layer for the injection molded article (lla,
lib, 13a, 13b), wherein the transfer layer means (7) adjoining the release
layer (3) has at least one protective lacquer layer (4) and/or at least one
decorative layer (5) and adjoining the protective lacquer or decorative layer
(4, 5) on the side of the transfer film (la, lb, Ic) remote from the carrier
film (2) at least one priming layer (6), wherein the transfer film (la, lb,
Ic) is arranged in an opened injection molding mold comprising at least two
individual parts, the injection molding mold is closed and filled with plastic
injection material, wherein the priming layer (6) softens at an injection
temperature and bonds to the plastic injection material and wherein formed
on the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) is at least one injection
molded seam which is formed in the closure region of the injection molding
mold or in the transitional region between the at least two individual parts
of the injection molding mold, and wherein the plastic injection material is
hardened to provide a first plastic material (10),
characterized in that
the at least one decorative element (9) is transferred onto a surface
region of the plastic material (10) defined by an injection molded seam
extending in an annular configuration on the plastic material (10), in such a
way that the at least one decorative element (9) only partially covers the
surface region.
17. A process as set forth in claim 16 characterized in that a transfer
film (la, Ib, Ic) as set forth in one of claims 6 through 13 is arranged in
the injection molding mold in such a way that the carrier film (2) bears
directly against the injection molding mold.
18. A process as set forth in one of claims 16 or 17 characterized in
that the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) is lacquered at least
in region-wise manner in a region which is free of the decorative element
19. A process as set forth in one of claims 16 through 18
characterized in that a second plastic injection material (12) is injected
region-wise over the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b).
20. A process as set forth in one of claims 16 through 19
characterized in that the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) is
glued, pressed or welded, preferably by means of laser radiation or
ultrasound, to further structural units.
21. A process as set forth in one of claims 16 through 20
characterized in that the injection molded article (lla, lib, 13a, 13b) is
written upon in a region free of the decorative element (9), preferably by
means of a laser.
22. A process as set forth in one of claims 16 through 21
characterized in that optical lens systems and/or contact surfaces of
electrically conducting contact structures incorporated into the plastic
material are arranged at a surface of the injection molded article (lla, lib,13a, 13b).





1224-delnp-2007-Correspondence Others-(10-09-2012).pdf

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1224-delnp-2007-Correspondence Others-(21-05-2012).pdf

1224-delnp-2007-Correspondence-others (01-08-2008).pdf



1224-delnp-2007-Description (Complete)-(12-03-2013).pdf

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1224-delnp-2007-Form-18 (01-08-2008).pdf







Patent Number 265213
Indian Patent Application Number 1224/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 13-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 14-Feb-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B29C 45/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/DE2005/001487
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-23
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102004041867.5-16 2004-08-27 Germany