Title of Invention


Abstract The invention explains a method and system for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP where the information about the various jobs performed by the MFP can be stored on an in-built storage device such as Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP. Moreover, links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP is also provided in the various reports generated by the MFP. The patent publication enables only authorized users to view the reports generated by the MFP.
The present invention, relates to the field of Multi-function Peripherals (MFPs). Specifically the invention relates to the field of storage in MFPs. More particularly, the present invention, relates to a method and system for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP.
The presently available MFPs enable a user (or an administrator) to list out the various jobs that have been performed by the MFP.
Structure of the related art - These MFPs store data about the various jobs that have been performed on the MFP. The data can be stored for various time intervals, for example for one day, one week, etc. The time interval can be selected by the user or can be pre-specified. The MFPs also make available various reports about the jobs performed on them. The various details that are available in the reports include the type of jobs performed, the users who accessed the MFPs, computers from which accessed, number of pages of the jobs, success/ failure of the jobs etc.
Operation of Related Art- The above details can be made available to a user through the Local User Interface on the MFP, by printed out reports from the MFP,

or through an Embedded Web Server (EWS) in the MFP. The EWS can be accessed by the user through an HTTP client such as Internet Explorer on a computer connected to the MFP via a network. The EWS makes available for the user various reports from the MFP that can then be viewed through the HTTP client.
The invention US20060119887A1 relates to a networked printing system capable of storing and chasing printed data. According to the patent publication, the networked printing system maintains a history of all the jobs performed by the printers. Further, the stored data can be retrieved only by an authorized user. According to the patent publication a host computer extracts and generates chasing data from the print request. Additionally, the host computer transmits the chasing data to a chasing information storage server where it is stored. However, the patent publication does not explicitly mention the mechanism for generating a report and sending it to the desired user.
The patent publication JP10187364A discloses a printer, wherein the printer is part of a network. According to the patent publication the data which reached the printer is converted to a low resolution bit map data. Further, the low resolution bit map data is stored in a storage device. Additionally, the stored data can be retrieved later as per the demand of the user. However, the patent publication does not explicitly mention the different data items which are transmitted to the desired user.
The patent publication US6912059 discloses an image formation system, wherein the image formation system includes multi functional peripherals (MFP) such as

printer, scanner, faxes etc. The MFP stores each job on a high capacity memory such as a Hard Disk Drive (HDD). According to the patent publication details like author name, creation date, file size are stored on the HDD. Further, the access to the data is provided to selected users authorized to view the same. However, the patent publication does not explicitly mention the concept of accessing the contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP.
The patent publication US20060012823A1 discloses an image forming apparatus. The apparatus consists of a Multi Function Peripheral (MFP) such as printer, scanner, copying apparatus etc. According to the patent publication the data related to the completion of processed jobs is stored in a large capacity hard disk drive. Further, the stored data is transmitted in the form of a report to a desired destination. However, the patent publication does not explicitly mention the concept of storing and accessing the exact contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP.
1. The stored data in the presently available MFPs does not enable the administrators to view the whole job that has been performed by the MFP. For example, if a print job of 100 pages has been printed on the MFP, then the administrator cannot obtain information about what has been printed.
2. If further information is required about the nature of the job, that is what was actually performed, then it has to be obtained from the user who performed the job on the MFP. This might not always be feasible or convenient.

The present invention enables storing of complete job information about the various jobs performed by an MFP. Information about the actual content of the various jobs is also stored along with the details of the jobs. This information can be used to provide a user with detailed and complete reports about the various jobs performed by the MFP. The reports can include the content of the various jobs along with the other details.
Accordingly, this invention explains a method for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP comprising:
(a) storing information about the various jobs performed by the MFP on an in built storage device such as Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP or on a computer connected to the MFP;
(b) providing links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP in various reports generated by the MFP;
where only an authorized user can view the reports generated by the MFP.
Information about jobs is adapted to be stored for a specific time interval where the time interval is pre-specified in the MFP, or is selected by the user or automatically configured using the storage capacity of the MFP. The complete information about the jobs is accessed by a user through the EWS of the MFP where through the EWS, the user is enabled to directly access the content of any job by clicking on a link provided in the report. Complete information about the

various jobs stored in the MFP is accessed through the LUI on the MFP, which enables a user to print out the content of a job from the MFP.
Accordingly, the invention further explains a system for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP comprising:
(a) storage means to store the information about the various jobs performed by the MFP;
(b) means for providing links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP in the various reports generated by the MFP;
where only an authorized user can view the reports generated by the MFP.
The storage means is an in-built Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP or a computer connected to the MFP.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the ensuing detailed description of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be

embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
The present invention relates to the field of Multi-functional Peripherals (MFPs). The patent publication describes a system and a method for storing complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP. According to the invention the user of the MFP can obtain complete reports about the various jobs performed by the MFP, in a specified time interval. Further the information about the various jobs performed by the MFP can be stored on an in-built storage device such as Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP. Moreover, links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP is also provided in the various reports generated by the MFP. The patent publication enables only authorised users to view the reports generated by the MFP.
An object of the invention is to enable a user of an MFP to obtain complete reports about the various jobs performed by the MFP, in a specified time interval along with comprehensive information about content of the various jobs, and other details, such as username, computer name, success/failure, number of pages, etc.

The invention provides an MFP with an additional high-capacity storage device that can store complete information including the content of the various jobs performed by the MFP. For example, if the MFP performs a scan job, then the scanned image(s) is also stored along with the other details about the job. This information can be then be accessed by a user. Appropriate safeguards can be provided so as to allow only authorized users or administrators to access the information.
The complete information about the jobs can be stored in a hard disk in-built in the MFP. The complete information about the jobs can be stored by the MFP in an external storage such as a CD drive or a Hard Disk, or even on a computer connected to the MFP.
Information about jobs in a specific time interval can be stored. The time interval can be pre-specified in the MFP, or can be selected by the user. Alternatively, the time interval can automatically be decided by the storage capacity of the MFP. For example, in case of content information the older jobs can be automatically deleted when newer jobs are performed by the MFP.
The complete information about the jobs can be accessed by a user through the EWS of the MFP. When a user is viewing, through the EWS, a report about the various jobs performed by the MFP, he can directly access the content of any job by clicking on a link provided in the report. Hence, if a user feels interested in a

particular job when viewing the report, he can easily access further information through the provided link. The links to the complete details and content of the various jobs performed by the MFP can be provided in the various reports generated by the MFP.
Complete information about the various jobs stored in the MFP can also be accessed through the LUI on the MFP, which can enable a user to print out the content of a job from the MFP.
The invention can also be implemented in document handling devices other than MFPs, for example, in printers, scanners, facsimile equipment, etc.
1. The invention enables access to complete information including content of the jobs performed by an MFP in a specified time interval. Complete reports about the various jobs performed by the MFP are available for the users. These can include content of the various jobs along the other details about the jobs.
2. This information can be used to keep a tab on the various jobs performed by the different users of the MFP.

3. Users that are accessing the MFP for unauthorized jobs can be identified.
4. Security is enhanced since it can be determined if any secure documents were printed or transmitted through the MFP.
It will also be obvious to those skilled in the art that other control methods and apparatuses can be derived from the combinations of the various methods and apparatuses of the present invention as taught by the description and the accompanying drawings and these shall also be considered within the scope of the present invention. Further, description of such combinations and variations is therefore omitted above. It should also be noted that the host for storing the applications include but not limited to a microchip, microprocessor, handheld communication device, computer, rendering device or a multi function device.
Although the present invention has been fully described in connection with the preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be noted that various changes and modifications are possible and are apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications are to be understood as included within the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims unless they depart therefrom.

MFP - Multi-Function Peripheral LUI - Local User Interface EWS - Embedded Web Server

1. A method for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP comprising:
(a) storing information about the various jobs performed by the MFP on an in- built storage device such as Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP or on a computer connected to the MFP; and
(b) providing links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP in various reports generated by the MFP;
where only an authorized user can view the reports generated by the MFP.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein information about jobs is adapted to be stored for a specific time interval where the time interval is pre-specified in the MFP, or is selected by the user or automatically configured using the storage capacity of the MFP.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the complete information about the jobs is accessed by a user through the EWS of the MFP where through the EWS, the user is enabled to directly access the content of any job by clicking on a link provided in the report.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein complete information about the various jobs stored in the MFP is accessed through the LUI on the MFP, which enables a user to print out the content of a job from the MFP.

5. A system for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP comprising:
(a) storage means to store the information about the various jobs performed by the MFP; and
(b) means for providing links to the complete details and contents of the various jobs performed by the MFP in the various reports generated by the MFP;
where only an authorized user can view the reports generated by the MFP.
6. A system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the storage means is an in-built Hard Disc Drive (HDD) or on a CD drive connected to the MFP or a computer connected to the MFP.
7. A method for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP substantially as herein described.
8. A system for obtaining complete details and contents of the various jobs performed on an MFP comprising substantially as herein described.



2492-CHE-2006 AMENDED CLAIMS 01-11-2013.pdf


2492-CHE-2006 FORM-1 01-11-2013.pdf

2492-CHE-2006 FORM-13. 01-11-2013.pdf

2492-CHE-2006 POWER OF ATTORNEY 01-11-2013.pdf

2492-CHE-2006 FORM-13 12-12-2013.pdf

2492-CHE-2006 FORM-13 16-12-2013.pdf





2492-che-2006-form 1.pdf

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Patent Number 265222
Indian Patent Application Number 2492/CHE/2006
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 13-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 29-Dec-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 9/32
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA