Title of Invention


Abstract In the existing mobile terminals capable of DVB-H reception, due to constant refreshing of SI/PSI tables, there is wastage of power. Also, the user is not aware of changes in the program schedule, as ESG is not refreshed at frequent intervals. The embodiments as disclosed provide a method and apparatus to decrease the power consumption of the mobile terminal, while using DVB-H services and also, keep the user updated about changes in the program schedule.
Full Text

The invention is related to telecommunication systems and more particularly, the invention is related to DVB-H technology which enables mobile users to watch TV programs on handheld devices.
Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld (DVB-H) is a technology to deliver video broadcasts to mobile terminals. DVB-H is a physical layer specification designed to enable the efficient delivery of IP-encapsulated data over terrestrial networks. While delivering multimedia broadcasts to mobile terminals, the power usage is of prime importance. The power consumption should be reduced so as to increase the battery usage time.
Mobile terminals need to refresh Service Information (SI)/Program Specific Information (PS!) tables at regular intervals. PSI tables consist of data enabling the mobile terminal to demultiplex the received data. The SI tables provide the identification of DVB-H services to the user. The SI tables also provide information on DVB services carried by different multiplexes, and even on other DVB networks. The terminal checks version number of each of the SI/PSI tables and takes decision to update the tables. Hence, the SI/PSI tables get updated very frequently. However, it can be seen that broadcaster changes the SI/PSI tables very infrequently; the tables are updated only when a network deployment parameters change. Hence there is no need to update the SI/PSI tables at periodic intervals. The tables need to be updated by the mobile terminal only when any of network parameters change.
In DVB-H networks, there is no mechanism to inform sudden changes in the program schedule due to unexpected events. As an example in case of sudden death of head of the government, all programs may have to be canceled or there

might be a change in the program schedule due to technical difficulties. Such unexpected changes, which are not present in the Electronic Service Guide (ESG) might not be welcome by the user of a mobile terminal. The ESQ contains information about current services available on a broadcaster network; including program schedules. Through the information in the ESG, user of a mobile terminal can select items and services of interest and view such items on a mobile terminal. Hence there is a need to update ESG data base on sudden changes in program schedule. Currently, the File Delivery Table (FDT) field in ESG data contains information about time interval between updates of ESG. However, once again, there is a need to update ESG database only when there has been a change in ESG data.
The periodic updating of SI/PSI data and ESG database results in consumption of more power, even though, in most updates, the data being updated is same as the incoming data. Hence there is wastage of power by unnecessary updates of data.
WIPO application WO2007042886 discloses a notification to inform the user of information regarding upcoming events, programs or services, changes to existing events, programs or services, advertisements, emergency announcements, and the like. However, the disclosed method sends the information to the mobile terminal by encapsulating the information in a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet using a predefined UDP port. However this application does not mention updating SI/PSI protocols, nor does it mention updating the ESG database to reflect changes in program schedule. It only discloses sending a notification to the user regarding the changes to the program schedule.
Hence there is a need for a method of updating the SI/PSI tables only when there has been a change in network deployment parameters. There is also a need to update the ESG database, when there are changes in program schedule.

In view of the foregoing, an embodiment herein provides a method of providing network initiated refresh of the SI/PSI tables and/or the ESG update in a mobile terminal using DVB-H services. The method comprises the steps of checking the version number of the SI/PSI tables for any change, upon detecting a change in the version number, changing bit "S51" of TPS to "!S51", on receiving a notification regarding a change in ESG. changing bit "S50" of TPS to "!S50" at the transmitter side. At the receiver side, checking the bits "S50" and "S51" of TPS for any change, on detecting a change in "S50", receiving ESG, refreshing the ESG and storing the current value of "S50" and on detecting a change in "S51", receiving the SI/PSI tables, refreshing the SI/PSI tables and storing the current value of "S51".
Furthermore, an embodiment herein provides an apparatus in a telecommunication system, adapted to provide network initiated refresh of the SI/PSI tables and/or the ESG update in a mobile terminal using DVB-H services. The apparatus comprises on the transmitter side of a memory to store the version number of the SI/PSI tables, a comparator to compare the current version number of the SI/PSI tables with the version number stored in the memory and a bit changer to change the bits of the TPS on detecting a change in the SI/PSI tables or receives an indication of a change in the ESG. The apparatus further comprises on the receiver side of memory to store the bits of the TPS and a comparator to compare the received bits of the TPS with the bits of the TPS stored in the memory.
These and other aspects of the embodiments herein will be better appreciated and understood when considered in conjunction with the following description and the accompanying drawings. It should be understood, however, that the following descriptions, while indicating preferred embodiments and numerous

specific details thereof, are given by way of illustration and not of limitation. Many changes and modifications may be made within the scope of the embodiments herein without departing from the spirit thereof, and the embodiments herein include all such modifications.
The embodiments herein will be better understood from the following detailed description with reference to the drawings, in which:
Figure 1 shows a complete DVB-H system.
Figure 2 shows the detailed implementation of a DVB-H system.
Figure 3 shows the implementation of the comparator and bit changer within the
COFDM modulator, which is present in the broadcaster.
Figure 4 shows a flow of the logic at the transmitter side.
Figure 5 shows a flow of the logic at the receiver side.
The embodiments herein and the various features and advantageous details thereof are explained more fully with reference to the non-limiting embodiments that are illustrated in the accompanying drawings and detailed in the following description. Descriptions of well-known components and processing techniques are omitted so as to not unnecessarily obscure the embodiments herein. The examples used herein are intended merely to facilitate an understanding of ways in which the embodiments herein may be practiced and to further enable those of skill in the art to practice the embodiments herein. Accordingly, the examples should not be construed as limiting the scope of the embodiments herein.
As mentioned in the background section, there is a need to come up with a need for a method of updating the SI/PSI tables only when there has been a change in network deployment parameters. There is also a need to update the ESG database, when there are changes in program schedule.

Figure 1 shows a complete DVB-H system. The ESG provider (101) provides the ESG data which has the information about services (channels), program available in those channels and schedules. CAS (102) appends the data in this ESG data depending on whether the service is free or paid and sends the information to the broadcaster (104). If it is paid, it also adds the ways by which user can purchase the paid channel/content. Content provider (103) provides the service contents which needs to be broadcast, which is passed onto the broadcaster (104). The Broadcaster (104) multiplexes all these data and also adds PSI/SI tables and prepares the bit stream for broadcast. The CAS (102) also sends the mobile network operator (105) information about the purchasable services available to the customer through the user's mobile terminal (106). The mobile terminal (106) receives information regarding the digital rights from the network operator (105) and the broadcast bit stream from the broadcaster (104).
Figure 2 shows a DVB-H system. The Conditional Access System (CAS) (102) receives data from the ESG (Electronic Service Guide) provider (101). ESG is a program guide along with technical information. ESG is needed for opening a program stream. It contains information about what channel's content is coming from what IP multicast address/port, which codec the channel is using etc. ESG also contains information about the available paid services. The CAS (102) appends the data in this ESG data depending on whether the service is free or paid and sends the information to the broadcaster and sends this service information to the IP encapsulator (201). The encapsulator (201) processes the service information sent from the CAS (102) into DVB-H compliant MPEG-2 ASI stream. The stream from the encapsulator (201) and the content provider (103) is sent to a multiplexer (202) in the broadcaster (104) (if the content is scrambled/paid, it will be encrypted and then send to the multiplexer (202) by the Broadcaster). The multiplexed information is sent to the COFDM modulator (203). The COFDM modulator (203) modulates the input from the multiplexer (202) onto a DVB-H compliant COFDM spectrum (output) in accordance with the rules for channel coding and modulation specified in the DVB-H ETSI Standards.

The COFDM modulator (203) also has a memory (301) to store the version number of the SI/PSI tables. A comparator (302) compares current version number of the SI/PSI tables with the version number of the SI/PSI tables stored in memory (301). A change in network deployment parameters is indicated by changing version number of the SI/PSI tables. If a change has been detected in the version number of the SI/PSI tables, then a bit changer (303) changes bit S51 of the TPS to "IS51". If there is a change in the ESG, the ESG provider (101) provides an indication of the change in the ESG to the bit changer (303). On receiving an indication of the change in the ESG, the bit changer (303) changes bit S50 of TPS to "IS50". Once changes, if any, are incorporated in the TPS, the bit stream is broadcasted through a channel (204).
At the mobile terminal (106), the receiver (205) receives the broadcasted bit stream. The COFDM demodulator (206) demodulates the bit stream and sends the demodulated bit stream to both the IP decapsulator (207) and the TPS comparator (208). The IP decapsulator (207) sends IP datagrams to a DVB terminal, located in the mobile terminal (106). The memory (209) stores the initial values of bits S50 and S51 of the TPS. The TPS comparator (208) receives the TPS packets and compares the S50 and S51 bits of the TPS with the bits stored in the memory (209). If the TPS comparator (208) detects a change in bit S50 of the TPS, the ESG module (211) is told to receive the ESG and ESG is updated. Also, the new value of bit S50 is stored in the memory (209). In a similar situation, if the TPS comparator (208) detects a change in bit S51 of the TPS, the PSI/SI module (210) is told to receive the PSI/SI tables and PSI/SI tables are updated.. Also, the new value of bit S51 is stored in the memory (209).
Figure 4 shows a flow of the process at the broadcaster side. Bits S50 and S51 are set to 0 0 (401). The version number of the SI/PSI tables are stored in the memory (301). The broadcaster (104) broadcasts services along with the TPS parameters, SI/PSI tables and ESG (403). The comparator (302) compares the current version number of the SI/PSI tables with the version number of the SI/PSI tables stored in memory (404). If a change in the version number of the

Sl/PSI tables is detected, the bit changer (303) changes bit "S51" of TPS to "!S51" (405) and the new version number of the Sl/PSI tables is stored in memory (406). Also, if the bit changer detects a change in the ESG (as provided by the ESG provider (101)) (407), then bit "S50" of TPS is changed to "!S50" (408). Once the flow has been completed then the bit stream is broadcasted by the broadcaster (409).
Figure 5 shows the flow of the process at the receiver side. The bit stream is received and the value of bits S50 and S51 are stored in the memory (501). The Sl/PSI tables and ESG are received and stored (502). The TPS comparator checks for change in bits S50 and S51 of TPS (503). If the comparator on comparing bit S51 of TPS with bit S51 of TPS, stored in the memory (504), detects a change in the bit, the comparator requests the PSI/SI module (210) to receive the Sl/PSI tables, updates the Sl/PSI tables (505) and stores the new value of bit S51 of TPS (506). If the comparator on comparing bit S50 of TPS with bit S50 of TPS, stored in the memory (507), detects a change in the bit, the comparator requests the ESG module (211) to receive the ESG, updates the ESG (508) and stores the new value of bit S50 of TPS (509).
As there is no need for frequent updation of Sl/PSI tables, the power consumption of the mobile terminal will decrease. Also, broadcasters can inform all the users of sudden changes in the programs which are getting broadcasted due to unexpected events by updating the ESG. Hence, by implementation of the above mentioned invention, mobile vendors and the broadcasters can provide better DVB-H capable mobile terminals to the users, with reduced power consumption and updated channel and program information dynamically all the time.
The foregoing description of the specific embodiments will so fully reveal the general nature of the embodiments herein that others can, by applying current [knowledge, readily modify and/or adapt for various applications such specific embodiments without departing from the generic concept, and, therefore, such

adaptations and modifications should and are intended to be comprehended within the meaning and range of equivalents of the disclosed embodiments. It is to be understood that the phraseology or terminology employed herein is for the purpose of description and not of limitation. Therefore, while the embodiments herein have been described in terms of preferred embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the embodiments herein can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

We Claim :
1. A DVB-H broadcaster, which comprises of:
a) a memory module to store version number of SI/PSI tables;
b) a comparator module, to compare version number of current SI/PSI tables with version number of SI/PSI tables stored in said memory;
c) a bit changer module, to change bits of TPS based on information received from said comparator, where information received is relating to change in version number of SI/PSI tables;
d) said bit changer module to change bits of TPS based on an indication received from ESG provider; and
e) a RF circuit coupled with an antenna to broadcast DVB-H signal.

2. A DVB-H broadcaster, as claimed in claim 1, where said bit changer module changes bit "S50" of TPS to "!S50" on receiving an indication from ESG provider.
3. A DVB-H broadcaster, as claimed in claim 2, where initial value of bit "S50"of TPS is O.
4. A DVB-H broadcaster, as claimed in claim 1, where said bit changer module changes bit "S51" of TPS to "!S51" on detecting a change in version number of SI/PSI tables.
5. A DVB-H broadcaster, as claimed in claim 4, where initial value of bit "S51"is 0.
6. A DVB-H receiver, which comprises of:

a) a memory to store bits of TPS; and
b) a comparator to compare received bits of TPS with bits of TPS stored in said memory.
7. A DVB-H receiver, as claimed in claim 6, where TPS bits being compared

are bit "S50" and bit "S51".
8. The DVB-H receiver, as claimed in claim 6, where said DVB-H receiver on detecting a change in bit "S50"of TPS, receives ESG data and stores bit "S50" of TPS in memory.
9. The DVB-H receiver, as claimed in claim 6, where said DVB-H receiver on detecting a change in bit "S51"of TPS, receives SI/PSI tables and stores bit"S51"of TPS in memory.
10. The DVB-H receiver, as claimed in claim 6, where said DVB-H receiver is a mobile terminal.
11. In a DVB-H broadcaster, a method to indicate change in network deployment parameters or ESG data, the method comprising steps of:

a) storing version number of SI/PSI tables in a memory;
b) comparing version number of current SI/PSI tables with version number of SI/PSI tables stored in said memory; and
c) changing bits of TPS when a change in the version number of SI/PSI tables or ESG data is detected.
12.A method, as claimed in claim 11, wherein said DVB-H broadcaster changes bit "S50" of TPS to "!S50" on detecting a change in ESG data.
13. A method, as claimed in claim 12, wherein initial value of bit "S50" of TPS is 0.
14. A method, as claimed in claim 11, wherein said DVB-H broadcaster changes bit "S51" of TPS to "!S51" on detecting a change in network deployment parameters.
15. A method, as claimed in claim 14, wherein initial value of bit "S51" of TPS is 0.

16. In a DVB-H receiver, a method to detect a change in network deployment
parameters or ESG data and update the data, the method comprising
steps of:
a) storing bits of TPS in a memory;
b) comparing received bits of TPS with bits of TPS stored in memory;
c) updating said bits of TPS in said memory, when there is a change
in said bits of TPS; and
d) receiving and updating SI/PSI tables and ESG data, when there is
a change in said bits of TPS.
17. A method, as claimed in claim 16, wherein said DVB-H receiver on
detecting a change in bit "S50"of TPS, receives ESG data and stores bit
"S50" of TPS in memory.
18. A method, as claimed in claim 17, wherein initial value of bits "S50" as
stored is 0.
19. A method, as claimed in claim 16, wherein said DVB-H receiver on
detecting a change in bit "S51"of TPS, receives the SI/PSI tables and
stores bit "S51" of TPS in memory.
20. A method, as claimed in claim 19, wherein initial value of bits "S51" as
stored is 0.



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Patent Number 265224
Indian Patent Application Number 2853/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 13-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 30-Nov-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01L
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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