Title of Invention


Abstract A method for audio signal enhancement comprising obtaining (222) a first audio signal from a first physical microphone element and obtaining a second audio signal from a second physical microphone element. The audio signals are array processed (226) to generate a virtual linear first order element and a virtual non-linear even order element. The array processing (226) includes combining the virtual linear first order element and the virtual non-linear even order element to generate a directional audio signal having a primary audio beam. An apparatus is disclosed for implementing the method.
Full Text WO 2006/071405 PCT/US2005/042165
[0001] This application is related to the following U.S. patent application:
• Application No. 11/021,395 entitled "Multielement Microphone" by Robert
A. Zurek (Attorney Docket No. CS25131RL); and
the related application is filed on even date herewith, is assigned to the assignee of the
5 present application, and is hereby incorporated herein in its entirety by this reference
[0002] This invention relates in general to audio signal enhancement, and
more specifically to a method and apparatus for audio signal enhancement.
[0003] Microphones are often employed in noisy environments where a
plurality of audio sources and noise are present in a sound field. In such situations,
audio signal enhancement is used to obtain the desired audio signal. High quality
enhancement of the desired audio signal, detection of the direction of an audio source
generating the desired audio signal and noise suppression are important issues to be
addressed for audio signal enhancement.
[0004] Refer now to figures, which are exemplary, not limiting, and wherein
like elements are numbered alike in several figures and, as such may not be discussed
10 in relation to each figure.
[0005] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of an apparatus
for audio signal enhancement.
[0006] FIG. 2 is a flow diagram illustrating one embodiment of a method for
audio signal enhancement.

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[0007] FIG. 3 illustrates an angular response of a first order uni-directional or
cardioid element.
[0008] FIG. 4 illustrates an angular response of a first order bi-directional
5 [0009] FIG. 5 illustrates an angular response of an omnidirectional element.
[0010] FIG. 6 illustrates mathematical addition of opposing angular responses
of first order uni-directional or cardioid elements.
[0011] FIG. 7 illustrates mathematical subtraction of opposing angular
responses of first order uni-directional or cardioid elements.
10 [0012] FIG. 8 illustrates the mathematical addition of an angular response of a
virtual linear first order element to an angular response of a virtual non-linear even
order element to generate a resultant hybrid array.
[0013] FIG. 9 illustrates a resultant hybrid array for dipole order n with 2
minor lobes.
15 [0014] FIG. 10 illustrates a resultant hybrid array for dipole order n with 3
minor lobes.
[0015] FIG. 11 illustrates a microphone array having two first order uni-
directional physical microphone elements, in accordance with one embodiment of the
20 [0016] FIG. 12 illustrates a microphone array having one first order uni-
directional physical microphone element and one omnidirectional physical
microphone element, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.
[0017] FIG. 13 illustrates a microphone array having four first order uni-
directional physical microphone elements in accordance with one embodiment of the
25 invention.
[0018] FIG. 14 illustrates a microphone array having two first order uni-
directional physical microphone elements and one omnidirectional element, in
accordance with one embodiment of the invention.
[0019] FIG. 15 illustrates a microphone array having six first order uni-
30 directional physical microphone elements, in accordance with one embodiment of the

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[0020] FIG. 16 illustrates a microphone array having three first order uni-
directional physical elements and one omnidirectional physical microphone element,
in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.
[0021] Disclosed herein is a method and apparatus for audio signal
enhancement. The method and apparatus utilize a microphone array comprising
angularly separated physical microphone elements that can be integrated into small
portable electronic devices such as portable communication devices. The method and
10 apparatus further utilize a mixture of linear and non-linear processing of audio signals
obtained from the microphone array to generate a directional audio signal with a
distortion that is low enough for the method and apparatus to be efficiently used in
intelligible speech communication.
[0022] One embodiment is a method for audio signal enhancement that
obtains a first audio signal from a first physical microphone element and obtains a
second audio signal from a second physical microphone element. The audio signals
are array processed to generate a virtual linear first order element and a virtual non-
linear even order element. The array processing includes combining the virtual linear
first order element and the virtual non-linear even order element to generate a
directional audio signal having a primary audio beam.
[0023] Another embodiment is an apparatus for audio signal enhancement.
The apparatus includes a first physical microphone element and a second physical
microphone element. A first divider scales an audio signal from the first physical
microphone element by a scaling factor and a second divider scales an audio signal
from the second physical microphone element by the scaling factor. A processor array
processes the scaled audio signals to generate a virtual linear first order element and a
virtual non-linear even order element, and combines the virtual linear first order
element and the virtual non-linear even order element to generate a directional audio
signal comprising a primary audio beam. A multiplier multiplies the directional audio
signal by the scaling factor to maintain an output level consistent with the input level
to the system.

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[0024] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an apparatus 100 for audio signal
enhancement, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The apparatus
100 includes a first physical microphone element 102 and a second physical
microphone element 104. As described in further detail herein, more than two
microphone elements may be used. The output signals from the microphone elements
102 and 104 are provided to amplifiers 112 and 114, respectively, to calibrate the gain
of the microphone elements 102 and 104. The outputs of amplifiers 112 and 114 are
divided into time windows, and then provided to maximum signal detectors 122 and
124. The maximum signal detectors detect and hold the maximum signal output from
the amplifiers 112 and 114 for a given time window. The maximum signal detector
having the larger amplitude is selected at maximum signal selector 130. This signal is
then used as a scaling factor at dividers 132 and 134 to scale the output signals from
amplifiers 112 and 114. This processing normalizes the outputs of the amplifiers 112
and 114. The normalized microphone signals are then array processed by array
processor 140. The array processing is described in further detail herein. The
resultant of the array processing is then scaled through a multiplier 150 using the
same scaling factor employed at dividers 132 and 134. An audio signal enhancement
block 190, indicates the processing components that operate using time windows.
[0025] In embodiments of the invention, the distance separating the physical
microphone elements 102 and 104 is less than one-half of the wavelength of the
shortest wavelength of interest. For example, if the frequency is full-range audio (20-
20 ,000 Hz), then the shortest wavelength of interest is 17.3 millimeters. If the
frequency is telephone audio (300 - 3400 Hz) then the shortest wavelength is 100
[0026] Referring to FIG. 2, a flow diagram depicting a method for audio
signal enhancement within each time window or frame is illustrated. The first step, as
indicated by step 222, obtains audio signals from a microphone array, the microphone
array comprising two or more physical microphone elements 102 and 104. The audio
signals are then scaled at step 224 (e.g., by dividers 132 and 134). At step 226, the
audio signals are array processed to generate a virtual linear first order element and a
virtual non-linear even order element. The virtual linear first order element and the

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virtual non-linear even order element are combined. The array processing is described
in further detail herein. Step 228 comprises scaling the audio signal, again, this time
performing the inverse operation as that performed in step 224, namely multiplying
the audio signal by the scaling factor (e.g., at multiplier 150). As indicated at step 230,
the resultant is a directional audio signal comprising a primary beam.
[0027] The processing of steps 222-230 may be performed by a processor
such as a general-purpose microprocessor executing code, a digital signal processor
(DSP), an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), a combination of software,
hardware and/or firmware, etc. Thus, the term processor as used herein is intended to
have a broad meaning encompassing a variety of components for implementing the
described method.
[0028] The microphone array comprises first order directional elements or a
combination comprising first order directional elements and omnidirectional
elements. The first order directional elements are "non-dimentional." As used herein,
the term "non-dimentional" refers to physical microphone elements, which have a size
that is small compared to the wavelength of sound. This is typically achieved in a
single microphone capsule by introducing an acoustic delay element (e.g., a felt or
screen) in the rear path to the microphone's diaphragm. An angular response of a first
order directional element can be represented as P(ø) and is expressed as in equation
(1) where 0 P(ø) = α+ (1- α) * Cosine(ø).
[0029] FIG. 3 illustrates an angular response 322 of a first order directional
element. As used herein, the first order directional elements include first order
cardioid elements, first order non-cardioid elements, as well as combinations
comprising at least one of the foregoing elements.
[0030] FIG. 4 illustrates an angular response 432 of a first order bi-directional
element. The virtual first order bi-directional element is generated when alpha has a
value of 0 in equation (1). The angular response 432 is a response that has equal
maximum angular response in both front and the rear directions.

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[0031] FIG. 5 illustrates an angular response 542 of a omnidirectional
element. The virtual omnidirectional element is generated when alpha has a value of 1
in equation (1). The angular response 542 is a response that has equal angular
response in all the directions.
[0032] First order directional elements may be used to generate virtual first
order bi-directional elements and virtual omnidirectional elements. FIG. 6 illustrates a
mathematical addition of opposing angular responses 652 and 654 of first order
directional physical microphone elements to generate an angular response 656 of a
virtual omnidirectional element. FIG. 7 illustrates a mathematical subtraction of
opposing angular responses 752 and 754 of first order directional physical
microphone elements to generate an angular response 756 of a virtual first order bi-
directional element. For non-cardioid elements, weighted addition and subtraction has
to be used for generating the virtual first order bi-directional and virtual first order
omnidirectional elements.
[0033] A virtual linear first order element is generated by linearly mixing a
real or virtual first order bi-directional element with a real or virtual omnidirectional
element. A virtual non-linear even order element is generated by raising a real or
virtual first order bi-directional element to an even power (n).
[0034] Referring to FIG. 8, in one embodiment, an angular response 862 of a
linear first order element is mathematically added to an angular response 864 of a
virtual non-linear even order element (the value of n is 2) to generate a hybrid
resultant array signal comprising the directional audio signal represented by an
angular response 866. The directional audio signal may have a primary beam with a
very low distortion.
[0035] A hybrid resultant array (X) for dipole order n with 2 minor lobes is
expressed in Equation (2):

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[0036] In Equation (2) M1 represents a first audio signal obtained from a first
physical directional microphone element and M2 represents a second audio signal
obtained form a second physical directional microphone element. FIG. 9 illustrates a
sample angular response 966 for the hybrid resultant array (X) for dipole order n with
2 minor lobes.
[0037] A hybrid resultant array (X) for dipole order n with 3 minor lobes is
expressed in Equation (3):

[0038] In Equation (3) M1 represents a first audio signal obtained form a first
physical directional microphone element and M2 represents a second audio signal
obtained form a second physical directional microphone element. FIG. 10 illustrates a
sample angular response 1066 for the hybrid resultant array (X) for dipole order n
with 3 minor lobes.
[0039] Equations 2 and 3 assume the first order directional elements are of the
cardioid form. If a non-cardioid physical element is used, the equations would have to
be modified accordingly. In this case, M1 would be the sum of a real or virtual
omnidirectional element with a real or virtual bidirectional element, the sum of which
is then divided by two. M2 would be the difference of a real or virtual omnidirectional
element and a real or virtual bidirectional element, the sum of which is then divided
by two.
[0040] As illustrated in FIG. 11, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1100 comprises two physical microphone elements: a first physical microphone
element 1110 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1112
for a first audio signal obtained from the first physical microphone element 1110; and
a second physical microphone element 1120 that is a first order directional element

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having an angular response 1122 for a second audio signal obtained from the second
physical microphone element 1120. The first physical microphone element 1110 and
the second physical microphone element 1120 are at an angular separation of 180
degrees to each other parallel to a beam axis 1192. In this embodiment, the first
physical microphone element 1110 and the second physical microphone element 1120
are actually on the beam axis 1192. A primary audio beam is oriented along the beam
axis 1192.
[0041] As illustrated in FIG. 12, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1200 comprises: a first physical microphone element 1210 that is an omnidirectional
element having an angular response 1212 for a first audio signal obtained from the
first physical microphone element 1210; and a second physical microphone element
5 1220 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1222 for a
second audio signal obtained from the second physical microphone element 1220. The
second physical microphone element 1220 is oriented parallel to the beam axis 1292.
In this embodiment, the first physical microphone element 1210 and the second
physical microphone element 1220 are actually on the axis 1292. A primary audio
10 beam is oriented along a beam axis 1292.
[0042] As illustrated in FIG. 13, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1300 comprises four physical microphone elements: a first physical microphone
element 1310 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1312
for a first audio signal obtained from the first physical microphone element 1310; a
15 second physical microphone element 1320 that is a first order directional element
having an angular response 1322 for a second audio signal obtained from the second
physical microphone element 1320; a third physical microphone element 1370 that is
a first order directional element having an angular response 1372 for a third audio
signal obtained from the third physical microphone element 1370; and a fourth
20 physical microphone element 1380 that is a first order directional element having an
angular response 1382 for a fourth audio signal obtained from the fourth physical
microphone element 1380.
[0043] The first physical microphone element 1310 and the second physical
microphone element 1320 are at an angular separation of 180 degrees to each other

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and oriented along (or parallel to) a first axis 1392. The third physical microphone
element 1370 and the fourth physical microphone element 1380 are at an angular
separation of 180 degrees to each other and oriented along (or parallel to) a second
axis 1394. The axes 1392 and 1394 may be orthogonal to each other, and in such a
case, the microphone elements oriented along the first axis 1392 (i.e., the first
physical microphone element and the second physical microphone element) are at an
angular separation of 90 degrees from the physical microphone elements oriented
along the second axis 1394 (i.e., the third physical microphone element and the fourth
physical microphone element). In this embodiment, a primary audio beam is oriented
along a vector originating at an intersection 1396 of the first axis 1392 and the second
axis 1394, the vector having a tip that can be steered through 360 degrees in a plane
formed by the first axis 1392 and the second axis 1394.
[0044] As illustrated in FIG. 14, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1400 comprises three physical microphone elements: a first physical microphone
element 1420 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1422
for a first audio signal obtained from the first physical microphone element 1420; a
second physical microphone element 1480 that is an omnidirectional element having
an angular response 1482 for a second audio signal obtained from the second physical
microphone element 1480; and a third physical microphone element 1430 that is a
first order directional element having an angular response 1432 for a third audio
signal obtained from the third physical microphone element 1430.
[0045] The first physical microphone element 1420 is oriented along a first
axis 1492. The third physical microphone element 1430 is oriented along a second
axis 1494. The axes 1492 and 1494 may be orthogonal to each other, and in such a
case, the microphone element oriented along the first axis 1492 (i.e., the first physical
microphone element) is at an angular separation of 90 degrees from the physical
microphone element oriented along the second axis 1494 (i.e., the third physical
microphone element). In this embodiment, a primary audio beam is oriented along a
vector originating at an intersection 1496 of the first axis 1492 and the second axis
1494, the vector having a tip that can be steered completely through 360 degrees in a
plane formed by the first axis 1492 and the second axis 1494.

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[0046] As illustrated in FIG. 15, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1500 comprises six physical microphone elements, i.e., a first physical microphone
element 1510 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1512
for a first audio signal obtained from the first physical microphone element 1510; a
second physical microphone element 1520 that is a first order directional element
having an angular response 1522 for a second audio signal obtained from the second
physical microphone element 1520; a third physical microphone element 1570 that is
a first order directional element having an angular response 1572 for a third audio
signal obtained from the third physical microphone element 1570; a fourth physical
microphone element 1580 that is a first order directional element having an angular
response 1582 for a fourth audio signal obtained from the fourth physical microphone
element 1580; a fifth physical microphone element 1540 that is a first order
directional element having an angular response 1542 for a fifth audio signal obtained
from the fifth physical microphone element 1540; and a sixth physical microphone
element 1550 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1552
for a sixth audio signal obtained from the sixth physical microphone element 1550.
[0047] The first physical microphone element 1510 and the second physical
microphone element 1520 are at an angular separation of 180 degrees to each other
and oriented along (or parallel to) a first axis 1592. The third physical microphone
element 1570 and the fourth physical microphone element 1580 are at an angular
separation of 180 degrees to each other and oriented along (or parallel to) a second
axis 1594. The fifth physical microphone element 1540 and the sixth physical
microphone element 1550 are at an angular separation of 180 degrees to each other
and oriented along (or parallel to) a third axis 1598. The axes 1592 ,1594 and 1598
may be orthogonal to each other, and in such a case, the microphone elements
oriented along the first axis 1592 (i.e., the first physical microphone element and the
second physical microphone element) are at an angular separation of 90 degrees from
the physical microphone elements oriented along the second axis 1594 (i.e., the third
physical microphone element and the fourth physical microphone element) and also at
an angular separation of 90 degrees from the physical microphone elements oriented
along the third axis 1598 (i.e., the fifth physical microphone element and the sixth

WO 2006/071405 PCT/US2005/042165
physical microphone element). In this embodiment, a primary audio beam is oriented
along a vector originating at an intersection 1596 of the first axis 1592, the second
axis 1594 and the third axis 1598,the vector having a tip that can be steered
completely through a sphere formed about the intersection of the first axis 1592,
second axis 1594 and third axis 1598.
[0048] As illustrated in FIG. 16, in one embodiment, the microphone array
1600 comprises four physical microphone elements, i.e., a first physical microphone
element 1620 that is a first order directional element having an angular response 1622
for a first audio signal obtained from the first physical microphone element 1620; a
second physical microphone element 1680 that is a first order directional element
having an angular response 1682 for a second audio signal obtained from the second
physical microphone element 1680; a third physical microphone element 1640 that is
a first order directional element having an angular response 1642 for a third audio
signal obtained from the third physical microphone element 1640; and a fourth
physical microphone element 1630 that is an omnidirectional element having an
angular response 1632 for a fourth audio signal obtained from the fourth physical
microphone element 1630.
[0049] The first physical microphone element 1620 is oriented along a first
axis 1692; the second physical microphone element 1680 is oriented along a second
axis 1694; the third physical microphone element 1640 is oriented along a third axis
1698; and the fourth physical microphone element 1630 is at the intersection 1696 of
the first axis 1692, the second axis 1694 and the third axis 1698. The axes 1692, 1694
and 1698 may be orthogonal to each other, and in such a case, the first physical
microphone element 1620, the second physical microphone element 1680, and the
third physical microphone element 1640 are at an angular separation of 90 degrees to
each other. In this embodiment, a primary audio beam is oriented along a vector
originating at an intersection 1696 of the first axis 1692, the second axis 1694 and the
third axis 1698, the vector having a tip that can be steered completely through a
sphere formed about the intersection of the first axis 1692, second axis 1694 and third
axis 1698.

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[0050] As described above, the embodiments of the disclosure addresses the
issue for audio signal enhancement by generating the directional audio signal with
low distortion. The method and apparatus of the disclosure enable angularly
differentiated microphone elements in a microphone array in a small assembly. Such
microphone arrays allow for simpler packaging, product integration, and therefore
reducing the cost involved in the processing. Such assemblies can be embedded in
handsets, helmet microphones, hearing aids, portable recording devices, position
and/or location sensors, automotive systems, and the like, as well as combinations
comprising at least one of the foregoing. Possible applications that can utilize this
audio signal array processing include: animation and sound recording, systems for
voice memo, hands-free telephones, teleconference systems, guest-reception systems,
automotive systems, and the like.
[0051] All ranges disclosed herein are inclusive and combinable, meaning
ranges of "up to about 180" or "about 90 to about 180" are inclusive of the endpoints
and all intermediate values of the ranges. The terms "first," "second," and the like,
herein do not denote any order, quantity, or importance, but rather are used to
distinguish one element from another, and the terms "a" and "an" herein do not
denote a limitation of quantity, but rather denote the presence of at least one of the
referenced item.
[0052] While the disclosure has been described with reference to exemplary
embodiments, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes
may be made and equivalents may be substituted for elements thereof without
departing from the scope of the disclosure.In addition, many modifications may be
made to adapt a particular situation or material to the teachings of the disclosure
without departing from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that the
disclosure not be limited to the particular embodiment disclosed as the best mode
contemplated for carrying out this disclosure, but that the disclosure will include all
embodiments falling within the scope of the appended claims.

WO 2006/071405 PCT/US2005/042165
1. A method for audio signal enhancement, the method comprising:
obtaining a first audio signal from a first physical microphone element;
obtaining a second audio signal from a second physical microphone element
5 oriented differently than the first physical microphone element;
array processing the first audio signal and the second audio signal to generate
a virtual linear first order element;
array processing the first audio signal and the second audio signal to generate
a virtual non-linear even order element; and
10 combining the virtual linear first order element and the virtual non-linear even
order element to generate a directional audio signal having a primary audio beam.
2. The method of Claim 1, wherein the virtual linear first order element is added to the
virtual non-linear even order element to generate the directional audio signal.
3. The method of Claim 2, wherein array processing the first audio signal and the
second audio signal to generate the virtual non-linear even order element comprises:
raising a first order bi-directional element to an even power.
20 4. The method of Claim 3, wherein the first order bi-directional element is a virtual
first order bi-directional element created by:
taking a mathematical difference of the first audio signal and the second audio
wherein the first physical microphone element is a first order directional
25 element and the second physical microphone element is a first order directional
5. The method of Claim 2, wherein array processing the first audio signal and the
second audio signal to generate the virtual linear first order element comprises:
30 linearly mixing a first order bi-directional element and an omnidirectional

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6. The method of Claim 5, wherein the first order bi-directional element is a virtual
first order bi-directional element created by:
taking a mathematical difference of the first audio signal and the second audio
5 signal,
wherein the first physical microphone element is a first order directional
element and the second physical microphone element is a first order directional
10 7. The method of Claim 5, wherein the omnidirectional element is a virtual
omnidirectional element created by:
taking a mathematical sum of the first audio signal and the second audio
wherein the first physical microphone element is a first order directional element and
15 the second physical microphone element is a first order directional element.
8. The method of Claim 1, wherein the primary audio beam is oriented along a beam
axis parallel with an orientation of at least the first physical microphone element.

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9. An apparatus for audio signal enhancement, comprising:
a first physical microphone element that is a first order directional element;
a second physical microphone element;
first divider for scaling an audio signal from the first physical microphone
5 element by a scaling factor to produce a first scaled audio signal;
a second divider for scaling an audio signal from the second physical
microphone element by the scaling factor to produce a second scaled audio signal;
a processor for array processing the first scaled audio signal and the second
scaled audio signal to generate a virtual linear first order element and a virtual non-
10 linear even order element, and combining the virtual linear first order element and the
virtual non-linear even order element to generate a directional audio signal
comprising a primary audio beam;
a multiplier for multiplying the directional audio signal by the scaling factor.
15 10. The apparatus of Claim 9 wherein the scaling factor is based on a magnitude of a
largest audio signal from the first physical microphone element and the second
physical microphone element.
11. The apparatus of Claim 9 wherein the second physical microphone element is a
20 first order directional element.
12. The apparatus of Claim 9 wherein the second physical microphone element is an
omnidirectional element.
13. The apparatus of Claim 9 further comprising:
a first amplifier for calibrating gain of the first physical microphone element;
25 and
a second amplifier for calibrating gain of the second physical microphone
14. The apparatus of Claim 9, wherein a distance separating the first physical
30 microphone element and the second physical microphone element is less than one-
half of a wavelength of a shortest wavelength of interest.

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15. The apparatus of Claim 9, wherein the first physical microphone element and the
second physical microphone element are oriented approximately in parallel to a first
axis and at an angular separation of about 180 degrees to each other.

A method for audio signal enhancement comprising obtaining (222) a first audio signal from a first physical microphone element and obtaining a second audio signal from a second physical microphone element. The audio signals are array
processed (226) to generate a virtual linear first order element and a virtual non-linear even order element. The array processing
(226) includes combining the virtual linear first order element and the virtual non-linear even order element to generate a directional
audio signal having a primary audio beam. An apparatus is disclosed for implementing the method.





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Patent Number 265254
Indian Patent Application Number 1060/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 16-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 26-Mar-2007
Name of Patentee MOTOROLA, INC.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04R 3/00, H04R 1/40
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/042165
PCT International Filing date 2005-11-17
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/021,350 2004-12-23 U.S.A.