Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention is a novel composition for mineralization of purified water which provides essential mineral ions content which are lost during various water purification techniques such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) technique, Deionization process, Distillation process and alike. The addition of the mineral powder into purified water increases the pH of water making water little alkaline. The total hardness of water increases after the addition of mineral water powder to purified water. The amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) increases in water when mineral water powder is added to it because the acidity in the water reacts with bicarbonates and hydroxides in the water. The water with the added mineral water powder is able to satisfy the palate and imparts natural taste to purified water. The said composition can be produced in powder, tablet, granule or concentrated solution form being easily soluble in water.
Full Text F O R M - 2
(39 OF 1970)
(SEC - 10, RULE 13)
Adult, An Indian National,
having his address at, 4B, Rupal Park Society,
Nr .ESI Hospital, Gotri Road,
Vadodara-390 021, Gujarat State, INDIA
The following specification particularly describes the nature of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed:-

The present invention relates to mineralization of demineralized or purified water used for drinking and cooking purpose. It particularly relates to a mineral water composition which when added in drinking and cooking water provides essential mineral ions to the body which are lost from water by various water purification techniques. The water on addition of the said mineral powder also serves as a health drink.
Water is the basic essentiality for human life. Water covers about 3/4th part of this planet, however only 2% of total water is available for drinking purpose. Man because of his various activities has deteriorated the quality of water by polluting it. Quantity of water is also reducing day-by-day due of global warming effect. Thus availability of pure water for drinking purpose is very essential.
Various water purification techniques are employed for sterilization and disinfection of water. Demineralization is possible with various water purification processes like Reverse Osmosis (RO) technique, Deionization process and Distillation process. Deionization process removes salts of carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides of sodium and potassium responsible to provide alkaline nature to water. Along with removing the dissolved organic and inorganic impurities and pathogenic microorganisms from water these techniques also remove the minerals that are essential for our body. Thus the mineral ion content of the body is reduced. The purified water is slightly bitter in taste and acidic in nature. Moreover purified water is not wholesome and

unable to satisfy thirst. Purified water contains very less quantity of total dissolved solids (TDS). Food material losses its natural taste on cooking with purified water and requires more energy in cooking process. Thus purified water alone is not recommended for drinking and cooking purpose.
Loss of bicarbonate ions reduces the natural alkalinity of the water and reduces the pH of water. Thus water becomes acidic and reduces the satisfaction of palate. Loss of sodium and potassium ions affects the blood pressure and cardiovascular system. Loss of calcium and magnesium ions creates osteoporosis problems and affects the brain efficiency. Loss of various metallic ions affects the enzymatic reactions of the body resulting in reduction of the performance of the various organs of the body and gradually reduces the immunity power of the body. Loss of various mineral ions in water due to demineralization affects the health, hygiene, stamina and development of the body. Thus to avoid all these problems water used for drinking and cooking purpose should consist of the essential mineral ions in appropriate proportion. Thus it is essential that the mineral ions are consumed in regulated amount as per the requirements of the human body.
Purified water i.e. water treated by various purification techniques like Reverse Osmosis (RO) technique, Deionization process and Distillation process if used for drinking and cooking purpose has various disadvantages which are as follows:
• It can cause gastric and digestives troubles.
• Jt can cause the problem of piles.
• It is bitter in taste.
• It causes disorders related to bone density such as osteoporosis due to the loss of calcium and magnesium.
• It causes disorders related to blood pressure due to the loss of sodium and potassium.

• It is acidic in nature and makes the gastric environment acidic and causes generation of gases. Thus causing acidity in stomach causing gastric troubles.
The following table shows the Mineral Overview and its Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA):

Ion or
Salt Usefulness/Advantage RDA
HCO3- To maintain acid balance in the stomach and the intestines and support the digestion 800 to 1000 mg
Ca++ To build bones and teeth.
For prevention of osteoporosis.
For muscle activity and transmission of nerve signals.
For coagulation of the blood and regulation of blood pressure and heart activity.
Regulation of Hormone secretion and in enzyme production. 800 to 1000 mg
Mg++ Essential for bones and cells, especially the muscular cells.
To maintain the muscular and nervous equilibrium.
For building bones and tendons and in the construction of many enzymes.
For prevention of osteoporosis and kidney stones. 300 to 400 mg
Cl- To maintain osmotic pressure in the cells. 700 to 2400 mg

Helps in the digestion.
Na+ Essential for the exchange of water between the cells and the intercellular medium.
Essential for the activity of muscles. 1100 to 2400 mg
K+ For regulation of water in the cells and to maintain the osmotic pressure.
For transmission of nerve impulses and for muscle contractions.
Essential in maintaining blood pressure. 2000 to 4700 mg
N03- Excess of nitrate and nitrite can cause methemoglobinemia or "blue baby" disease. 200 to 500 mg
pH 7.1-8.2
TDS Total Dissolved Solids indicates quantity of minerals and other solutes contained in one litter of water.
TDS are the dry residue that remain after the water has been heated to 180 C. 500 to 1500 mg/1
As per ISI and
200 to 500 mg/1 as INS.
NB: The above RDA values are suggested by various international agencies working for nutritional values for human metabolism.
Various inventions related to mineralization of purified water have been known as discussed below:
U. S. Patent no. 5,786,006 entitled "Mineralized drinking water and method of making same" describes mineralized water consisting of 0.01-0.08 mg/liter Chromium ions; 30-100 mg/liter Magnesium ions; 30-125 mg/liter Calcium ions; 0.06-0.15 mg/liter Lithium ions; and 10-100 mg/liter Potassium ions.

The said patent does not include sodium ions which play an essential role in the body's metabolism.
U.S. patent no 5597585 entitled "Vitamin/mineral composition" describes a composition containing, Vitamin A 33,000 to 40,000 I.U. Vitamin C 4,000 to 5,000 mg. Vitamin E 600 to 650 I.U. Vitamin B-l 20 to 200 mg. Vitamin B-2 10 to 150 mg. Vitamin B-6 30 to 150 mg. Vitamin B-l2 30 to 250 mg. Niacin 40 to 70 mg. Niacinamide 20 to 50 mg. Pantothenic Acid 20 to 500 mg. Folic Acid 0.3 to 0.6 mg. Biotin 30 to 100 mg. Choline 400 to 725 mg. Inositol 40 to 100 mg. DL-Methionine 160 to 1,000 mg. Magnesium 300 to 420 mg. Potassium 100 to 420 mg. Manganese 5 to 10 mg. Zinc 15 to 30 mg. Chromium 130 to 200 mg. Selenium 200 to 250 mg. Betaine 120 to 130 mg. L-Cysteine 660 to 1,000 mg. Thymus Concentrate 30 to 100 mg.; and Spleen concentrate 30 to 100 mg. The composition of the said patent includes various vitamins and minerals but do not include the some essential minerals like calcium and sodium.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,325,975 entitled "Mineralized Drinking Water and Method of
Making Same," describes drinking water consisting essentially of: 20-40 mg/liter Strontium ions; 50-100 mg/liter Magnesium ions; 60-125 mg/liter Calcium ions; and 0.06-0.15 mg/liter Lithium. All the chemical elements are present in the ionic form as water soluble salts, e.g., as sulfates, nitrates, or chlorides of the elements. The mineral water contains no sodium or potassium ions which are essential for the regulation of blood pressure.
The water mineralized with the mineral water powder of the proposed invention has various advantages as follows:
• It provides all the essential mineral ions and mineral salts to the water in their recommended daily allowance which are removed by various water

purification techniques like Reverse Osmosis (RO) technique, Deionization process and Distillation process
• It gives relief from gastric trouble, indigestion and constipation on long term use.
• It increases digestion power.
• It gives relief against problem of piles on long-term use.
• It helps to maintain the normal blood pressure on long-term use.
• It protects against cardiac as well as bone density problems.
• It increases brain efficiency in small babies, children and young people.
• It is beneficial to athletes on long-term use as it provides the essential KUtt&tals, to ths body,
• It gives pleasant taste like stream water.
• The water with the proposed mineral water powder when used for cooking purpose reduces the time and energy utilized for cooking.
• It is little alkaline in nature thus satisfies thirst. Improved alkalinity of water will react with the acids generated in the stomach, keeping control over the acidic environment and the generation of gases. These way gastric troubles will subside.
• Addition of mineral ions to the water encourages some enzymatic reactions for better performance of metabolic reactions in the body, giving freshness and energy for better work.
• The presence of calcium and magnesium ions in the mineral water powder helps prevent against osteoporosis.

It restores the pH balance in the body. Alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled waters. A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids. The presence of bicarbonates in the mineral powder helps to separate out all the components of the food materials resulting in complete digestion of food.
The presence of magnesium ions in the mineral powder sustains the energy of intentional muscular cells and controls the absorption of water. It further smoothen the motion of stool stop the constipation problems. Moreover smooth stool prevents causing friction to the wall of the anus; this provides relief to people suffering with piles problems.
Magnesium and possibly calcium present in the mineral powder are effective in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive individuals on long-term use.
Mineral ions present in the mineral water powder catalyze various enzymatic reactions that reduce the precipitation of various proteins on the wall of the cardinal veins resulting in relief of some cardinal problems.
The main object of the present invention is to propose a mineral powder composition for mineralization of demineralised water used for drinking and cooking purpose.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a mineral water powder that easily dissolves in water. The said mineral powder of the present invention is to be added in water after the process of demineralization
Further object of the present invention is to provide drinking and cooking water with essential amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) required for the body.
Further object of the present invention is to provide drinking and cooking water that is little alkaline in nature having appropriate pH value.
Further object of the present invention is to provide drinking and cooking water with increased hardness.
The present invention is a novel composition for mineralization of purified water used for drinking and cooking which has lost the essential mineral ions by various water purification techniques such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) technique, Deionization process, Distillation process and alike. The loss of essential mineral ions from the drinking water causes mineral ions deficiency in the body. Thus a need arises to provide purified water having the essential mineral ions content.
The mineral powder of the proposed invention has the following mineral ions in its composition:
1) Bicarbonate ions (HCO--) about (42-50 %)
2) Gluconate ions (Ghr) about (15-20 %)
3) Potassium ions (K+) about (14-16 %)
4) Sodium ions (Na+) about (10-13 %)
5) Calcium ions (Ca++) about (0.7-1.2 %)

6) Citrate ions (Citrate-) about (0.5-1.0 %)
7) Magnesium ions (Mg++) about (0.3-0.9 %)
8) Chloride ions (CI) about(0.2-0.5 %)
The optimal formulation lies within the mid range of the limits stated above,
The mineral powder of the proposed invention consists of the above mentioned mineral ions in association with its water soluble salts; the composition of the mineral salts in the mineral powder is as follows:
1) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCOs) about (35 - 40%)
2) Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) about (30 - 35 %)
3) Calcium Gluconate(Ca-glu2) about (8 - 12 %)
4) Magnesium Gluconate (Mg-glu2) about (2-5%)
5) Potassium chloride (KC1) about (2 - 5 %)
6) Magnesium Chloride (MgCh) about (0.5 - 0.8 %)
7) Sodium chloride (NaCl) about (0.1 - 0.5 %)
8) Sodium citrate (Na-Citrate) about (0.1 - 0.3 %)
9) Citric acid about(0.1 - 0.3 %)
The optimal formulation lies within the mid range of the limits stated above.
The addition of the mineral powder into purified water increases the pH of water making water little alkaline. The total hardness of water increases after the addition of mineral water powder to purified water. The amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) increases in water when mineral water powder is added to it because the acidity in the water reacts with bicarbonates and hydroxides in the water. The water with the added mineral water powder is able to satisfy

the palate and imparts natural taste to purified water. The water after addition of the mineral water powder is found to be fit for potable use.
The mineral salts and mineral ions used in the mineral water powder composition are sieved properly and of high purity pharmaceutical grade. The granule size ranges from 75 nm to 300 nm.
The following table shows the report on chemical examination of water; wherein Sample no. 1 is tap water, sample no. 2 is RO product water of tap water and sample no. 3 is mineral water after adding 200mg/l mineral water composition into RO product water.

Sr. No. Characteristic IS-10500:1991(F.R.) Analytical value
e Permissibl
e Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
1 Colour Hazel Unit 5 25
2 Odour UO UO
3 Turbidity 5 10
4 Dissolved solids (mg/1) 500 2000 298 36 210
5 PH 6.5-8.5 7.60 6.80 7.10
6 Total hardness ( as CaCo3 mg/1) 300 600 164 12 32
7 Calcium (as Ca in mg/1) 75 200
8 Magnesium (as Mg in mg/1) 30 100

9 Chloride (as CI in mg/1) 250 1000 40 8 32
10 Sulphate (as S04 in mg/1) 200 400 2 Nil 2
11 Nitrate (as N03 in mg/1) 45 100
12 Fluoride (as F in mg/1) 1.0 1.5
13 Alkalinity (as CaCo3 in mg/1) 200 600 192 20 116
Note: UO= unobjectionable

The following table shows how addition of different amount of the mineral powder to the water affects the quality of water which has been purified through RO process having TDS of 10 or 20 PPM.
Mineral One Approxim Weight Public Resu
powder gram ate of acceptan ltant
composit powde resultant powder ce. alkal
ion r TDS. required inity
added to require (PPM) to add (PPM
water. d in 5000 )
(PPM) to add in
water. (Litre) litre of
40 20 40-50 200 Does not
affect the taste of water. TDS is very low then desired. 0-10
Sr. TDS Desir
No of RO ed
produ TDS
ct in
water, water.
1 10 50

2 10 80 75 14 75-90 360 Very little 20-
effect on 35 taste 8B alkalinity of water. pH
ranges from 6.9 to 7.0
3 10 100 100 10 100-110 500 Give little 40-
acceptan 50 ce and
taste to water. pH >7.0
4 10 150 154 6.5 150-170 750 Give good 60-
taste & 75 alkalinity to water. Help to improve health & immunity .pH > 7.2
5 10 200 190 5 190-215 1000 Give very 100-
good 110
taste and
to water,
& able to
to health.
pH > 7.5
6 20 50 30 30 45-60 165 Does not 0-15
affect the taste of water. TDS is

very low
from 6.8
to 7.0
7 20 80 65 15 75-90 330 Very little 20-
effect on 30 taste 85 alkalinity of water. pH > 7.0
8 20 100 80 12.5 90-115 400 pH >7.2. 40-
9 20 150 158 6.5 150-170 770 Give good 60-
taste to 75 water & alkalinity to water. Help to improve health & immunity .pH > 7.5
10 20 200 180 5.5 190-220 910 Give very 90-
good 110
taste and
to water,
& able to
to health.
pH > 7.8
Note: As per international drinking water quality standard minimum desirable limit for TDS is 200 PPM.

The above said novel composition can be prepared in powder, tablet, granule or concentrated solution form according to the requirement.
The result of the Report on Chemical Examination of water shows that on addition of 200 mg/1 of mineral powder composition to purified water.
• The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of purified water increase from 36 to 174 mg/1.
• The pH of purified water increases from 6.8 to 7.1.
• The total hardness of purified water increases from 12 PPM to 32 PPM.
• The total alkalinity of purified water increases from 20 PPM to 116 PPM.

I Claim,
1. A composition for mineralization of purified water containing mineral ions in proportion of:
42 to 50 % of Bicarbonate ions;
15 to 20 % of Gluconate ions;
14 to 16 % of Potassium ions;
10 to 13 % of Sodium ions;
0.7 to 1.2 % of Calcium ions;
0.5 to 1.0 % of Citrate ions;
0.3 to 0.9 % of Magnesium ions and
0.2 to 0.5 % of Chloride ions.
Wherein each of said ions is present in association with its water-soluble salts, and the water-soluble mineral salts are present in proportion of:
35 to 40 % of Sodium bicarbonate;
30 to 35 % of Potassium bicarbonate;
8 to 12 % of Calcium Gluconate;
2 to 5 % of Magnesium Gluconate;
2 to 5 % of Potassium chloride;
0.5 to 0.8 % of Magnesium Chloride.
to 0.5% of Sodium chloride;

to 0.3 % of Sodium citrate and to 0.3 % of Citric acid.
2. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which upon addition renders the purified water little alkaline having pH value about 6.9 to 7.2.
3. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which upon addition increases the hardness of purified water having hardness about 30 PPM to 34 PPM.
4. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which upon addition increases the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) of purified water having total dissolved solid about 172 to 175 mg/1.
5. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which upon addition increases the total alkalinity of water having total alkalinity about 115 PPM to 118 PPM.
6. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which renders the water fit for potable use.
7. A composition for mineralization of purified water as claimed in claim 1, which gives natural taste to purified water satisfying the palate.

8. A composition for mineralization of water as claimed in claim 1 which may be produced in powder, tablet, granule or concentrated solution form being easily soluble in water.




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2862-MUM-2009-SPECIFICATION(MARKED COPY)-(21-8-2013).pdf

Patent Number 265265
Indian Patent Application Number 2862/MUM/2009
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 16-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 14-Dec-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C02F1/40
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA