Title of Invention


Abstract A turbocharger assembly is provided. The turbocharger assembly includes a turbine assembly having at least one internal aerodynamic surface and a compressor assembly having at least one internal aerodynamic surface. At least one of the at least one internal aerodynamic surface of the turbine assembly and the at least one internal aerodynamic surface of the compressor assembly is at least partially coated with a catalyst material. The internal aerodynamic surfaces of the turbine assembly may include a volute, variable geometry mechanism, turbine wheel, and outlet. The internal aerodynamic surfaces of the compressor assembly may include and inlet, compressor impeller, diffuser, variable geometry mechanism, and a volute. An internal combustion engine incorporating the disclosed turbocharger assembly is also provided.
Full Text GP-308314-PTE-CD
[0001] The present invention relates to turbochargers for internal combustion
[0002] Internal combustion engines may use an exhaust driven compressor or
turbocharger assembly to increase the manifold air pressure or MAP, thereby
providing increased engine performance for a given engine, displacement. A typical
turbocharger assembly includes a turbine assembly in fluid communication with the
exhaust gases and a compressor assembly in fluid communication with the inlet gases.
A portion of the energy contained within the exhaust gases operate 10 spin or rotate a
turbine wheel disposed within the turbine assembly. The turbine wheel is connected
to a compressor impeller, disposed within the compressor assembly, through a
common shaft. As such, the turbine wheel and compressor impeller rotate unitarily.
In operation, as the exhaust gases rotate the turbine wheel, the rotating compressor
impeller inducts or draws intake gases into the compressor assembly where it is
pressurized for subsequent introduction to the internal combustion engine.
|0003] Recent advances in turbocharger design have led to the introduction of
so-called variable geometry turbochargers. The variable geometry turbocharger
typically includes a plurality of movable vanes disposed in one or both of the
compressor assembly and turbine assembly, which operate to vary the operating
characteristics of the turbocharger. Such variable geometry turbochargers may be
effective in reducing so-called "turbo lag" in addition to improving the operating
efficiency of the turbocharger assembly over a range of engine speeds. The
accumulation of deposits, such as hydrocarbons and soluble organic fraction on the
internal aerodynamic surfaces of the compressor housing and/or turbine housing may
reduce the efficiency of the turbocharger and possibly cause sticking of the movable
vanes contained therein.

[0004] A turbocharger assembly is provided having a turbine assembly with
at least one internal aerodynamic surface and a compressor assembly having at least
one internal aerodynamic surface. At least one of said at least one internal
aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly and said at least one internal
aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least partially coated with a
catalyst material operable to effect burn-off of hydrocarbon deposits.
[0005] The turbine assembly may include a turbine housing having a volute.
The at least one internal aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly may be at
least partially defined by said volute of said turbine housing. Additionally the
turbine housing may define an outlet at least partially defining the internal
aerodynamic surface of the turbine assembly. The turbine assembly may further
include a turbine wheel and variable geometry mechanism each of which may
partially define the internal aerodynamic surface of the turbine assembly. The
variable geometry mechanism of the turbine assembly may include a plurality of
movable vanes.
[0006] The compressor assembly may include a compressor housing having
a volute. The volute may at least partially define the internal aerodynamic surface
of the compressor assembly. Additionally, the compressor assembly may include a
compressor, impeller, diffuser, and variable geometry mechanism each of which may
partially define the internal aerodynamic surface of the compressor assembly. The
variable geometry mechanism of the compressor assembly may include a plurality of
movable vanes.
[0007] An internal combustion engine incorporating the disclosed
turbocharger assembly is also provided. The internal combustion engine may
include an exhaust gas recirculation system operable to recirculate exhaust gas
through the internal combustion engine.
[0008] The above features and advantages and other features and advantages
of the present invention are readily apparent from the following detailed description

of the best modes for carrying out the invention when taken in connection with the
accompanying drawings.
[0009] Figure 1 is a schematic diagrammatic illustration of an internal
combustion engine having a turbocharger assembly mounted thereto; and
[0010] Figure 2 is a cross sectional view of the turbocharger assembly shown
schematically in Figure 1.
[0011] Referring to figure 1, there is shown a schematic illustration of an
internal combustion engine, generally indicated at 10. The internal combustion
engine 10 may be a compression ignited or spark ignited type internal combustion
engine. The internal combustion engine 10 includes an engine block 12 defining a
plurality of cylinders 14. Although four cylinders 14 are shown in Figure 1, those
skilled in the art will recognize that engines having an alternative number of
cylinders, such as 1,2, 6, 8, 10, and 12, may be used while remaining within the scope
of that which is claimed. An intake manifold 16 and an exhaust manifold 18 are
mounted with respect to the internal combustion engine 10. The intake manifold 16
operates to communicate inlet gases 20, such as air, recirculated exhaust gases (EGR),
etc.,.to the cylinders 14 of the internal combustion engine 10. The cylinders 14 at
least partially define a variable volume combustion chamber operable to combust the
intake gases 20 with a fuel, not shown. The products of combustion or exhaust gases
22 are expelled from the cylinders 14 into the exhaust manifold 18.
[0012] The internal combustion engine 10 includes a turbocharger assembly
24. The turbocharger assembly 24 includes a turbine assembly 26, a compressor
assembly 28, and a center housing 30. The turbine assembly 26 includes a turbine
wheel 32 rotatable within the turbine assembly 26. Similarly, the compressor
assembly 28 includes a compressor impeller 34 rotatable within the compressor
assembly 28. The center housing 30 rotatably supports a shaft 36 operable to
interconnect the turbine wheel 32 with the compressor impellor 34. As such, the

turbine wheel 32 and compressor impellor 34 rotate unitarily. The compressor
assembly 28 is provided in fluid communication with an inlet duct 38 operable to
introduce inlet gases 20 to the turbocharger assembly 24. The compressor assembly
28 is also provided in fluid communication with the intake manifold 16 to introduce
inlet gases 20 thereto. Additionally, the turbine assembly 26 is provided in fluid
communication with the exhaust manifold 18 to receive exhaust gases 22 therefrom.
Exhaust gases 22 are communicated from an outlet 40 to an exhaust discharge pipe 42
for subsequent release to the atmosphere.
[0013J The internal combustion engine 10 includes an exhaust gas
recirculation, or EGR, system 44. The EGR system 44 includes a valve 46 operable
to selectively and variably communicate a portion 48 of the exhaust gases 22 into a
passage 50 for subsequent introduction to the inlet duct 38. The portion 48 of the
exhaust gases 22 may be introduced to the passage 50 either upstream or downstream
of the turbine assembly 26. Those skilled in the art will recognize that the use the
EGR system 44 has proven to be an effective means of reducing certain emission
constituents, such as oxides of nitrogen.
[0014] In operation of the internal combustion engine 10, exhaust gases 22 arc
expelled from the cylinders 14 into the exhaust manifold 18. The exhaust gases 22
are ducted into the turbine housing 26 where a portion of the energy contained within
the exhaust gases 22 is utilized to spin or rotate the turbine wheel 32. The exhaust
gases 22 are then communicated to the exhaust discharge pipe 42. The rotating
turbine wheel 32 will cause the compressor impeller 34 to spin or rotate by virtue of
the shall 36. The rotating compressor impeller 34 will induct inlet gases 20 into the
compressor assembly 28 where the inlet gases 20 are pressurized and introduced to
the intake manifold 16 for introduction to the cylinders 14. By increasing the pressure
within the intake manifold 16, the density of the inlet gases 20 is increased thereby
enabling a greater amount of fuel to be oxidized and combusted within the cylinders
14 thereby increasing the peak pressure within the cylinders. As such, a greater
amount of power may be produced from a turbocharged internal combustion engine
compared to a naturally aspirated internal combustion engine of the same

displacement. The turbocharger assembly 24 will be discussed in greater detail
hereinbelow with reference to Figure 2.
[0015] Figure 2 is a cross sectional view illustrating an exemplary
embodiment of the turbocharger assembly 24 of Figure 1. The turbine assembly 26
includes a turbine housing 52. The turbine housing 52 defines a scroll or volute 54
operable to direct exhaust gases 22 radially inwardly toward the turbine wheel 32 to
effect rotation thereof. The turbine assembly 26 further includes a variable geometry
mechanism 56 operable to vary the flow pattern of the exhaust gases 22 from the
volute 54 to the turbine wheel 32. The variable geometry mechanism 56 of the
turbocharger assembly 24 includes a plurality of radially arranged vanes 58 disposed
about the turbine wheel 32. The vanes 58 are preferably movable in unison through
an actuation means such as a control ring 60. Those skilled in the art will recognize
that other variable geometry mechanisms may be used within the turbine assembly 26
while remaining within the scope of that which is claimed.
[0016] Portions of the volute 54, variable geometry mechanism 56, turbine
wheel 32, and outlet 40 at least partially constitute the internal aerodynamic surfaces
of the turbine assembly 26. The internal aerodynamic surfaces are surfaces in contact
with the exhaust gases 22 as the exhaust gases 22 flow through the turbine
asscmbly32. Consistent with the present invention, at least a portion of at least one of
the internal aerodynamic surfaces is preferably coated with a catalyst material 61,
shown schematically in Figure 1. The catalyst material 61 must be durable and
activatable within the range of temperature of the exhaust gases 22. Additionally, the
catalyst material 61 is preferably effective in the oxidation of hydrocarbons such that
any hydrocarbon material coming in contact with the catalyst material 61 will oxidize
and burn and therefore not be deposited on the respective internal aerodynamic
surface. This is especially beneficial since excessive hydrocarbon deposits within the
turbine assembly 26 may cause the variable geometry mechanism 56 to malfunction
and/or reduce the flow efficiency of the turbine assembly 26.

[0017] The compressor assembly 28 includes a compressor housing 61. which
defines an inlet 62 operable to direct inlet gases 20 axially toward the compressor
impeller 34. The compressor assembly 28 further includes a diffuser section 64
operable to reduce the speed of the inlet gases 20 and a variable geometry mechanism
66 operable to vary the flow pattern of the inlet gases 20 from the compressor
impeller 34 to a volute 68 defined by the compressor housing 61. The variable
geometry mechanism 66 of the turbocharger assembly 24 includes a plurality of
radially arranged vanes 70 disposed about the compressor impeller 34. The vanes 70
are preferably movable in unison through an actuation means such as a control ring
72. Those skilled in the art will recognize that other variable geometry mechanisms
may be used within the compressor assembly 28 while remaining within the scope of
that which is claimed.
[0018] Portions of the inlet 62, compressor impeller 34, diffuser 64, variable
geometry mechanism 66, and volute 68, at least partially constitute the internal
aerodynamic surfaces of the compressor assembly 28. The internal aerodynamic
surfaces are surfaces in contact with the intake gases 20 as the intake gases 20 flow
through the compressor assembly 28. Consistent with the present invention, at least a
portion of at least one of the internal aerodynamic surfaces is preferably coated with a
catalyst material 61. The catalyst material 61 must be durable and activatable within
the range of temperature of the inlet gases 20. Additionally, the catalyst material 61 is
preferably effective in the oxidation of hydrocarbons such that any hydrocarbon
material coming in contact with the catalyst material 61 will oxidize and burn and
therefore not be deposited on the respective internal aerodynamic surface. This is
especially beneficial since excessive hydrocarbon deposits, such as those that may
occur as a result of operation of the EGR system 44, within the compressor assembly
28 may cause the variable geometry mechanism 66 to malfunction and/or reduce the
How efficiency of the compressor assembly 28.
10019] The catalyst material 61 provided on the internal aerodynamic surfaces
of the turbine assembly 26 and the compressor assembly 28 may include surface
binding material, precious metals (platinum, palladium, etc), stabilizers, activity
enhancers, and carriers produced by certain thin layer catalyst washcoat technologies.

Additionally, the catalyst material 61 is preferably operable to oxidize hydrocarbons,
soluble organic fractions, and/or particulatc matter over a broad range on engine
operating conditions. Further, the catalyst material 61 may provide an amount of
reduction of oxides of nitrogen within the turbine assembly 26.
|0020] . While the best modes for carrying out the invention have been
described in detail, those familiar with the art to which this invention relates will
recognize various alternative designs and embodiments for practicing the invention
within the scope of the appended claims.

1. A turbocharger assembly comprising:
a turbine assembly having at least one internal aerodynamic
surface; and
a compressor assembly having at least one internal
5 aerodynamic surface; and
wherein at least one of said at least one internal aerodynamic
surface of said turbine assembly and said at least one internal aerodynamic surface of
said compressor assembly is at least partially coated with a catalyst material.
2. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said turbine
assembly includes a turbine housing having a volute and wherein said at least one
internal aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly is at least partially defined by
said volute of said turbine housing.
3. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said turbine
assembly includes a turbine housing having an outlet and wherein said at least one
internal aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly is at least partially denned by
said outlet.
4. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said turbine
assembly includes a turbine wheel and wherein said at least one internal aerodynamic
surface of said turbine assembly is at least partially defined by said turbine wheel.
5. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said turbine
assembly includes a variable geometry mechanism and wherein said at least one
internal aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly is at least partially defined by
said variable geometry mechanism.
6. The turbocharger assembly of claim 5, wherein said variable
geometry mechanism of said turbine assembly includes at least one vane member.

7. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said
compressor assembly includes a compressor housing having a volute and wherein said
at least one internal aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least
partially defined by said volute of said compressor housing.
8. ' The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said
compressor assembly includes a compressor impeller and wherein said at least one
internal aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least partially defined
by said compressor impeller.
9. The turbocharger assembly of claim I, wherein said
compressor assembly includes a diffuser and wherein said at least one internal
aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least partially defined by said
10. . The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said
compressor assembly includes a variable geometry mechanism and wherein said at
least one internal aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least
partially defined by said variable geometry mechanism.
11. The turbocharger assembly of claim 10, wherein said variable
geometry mechanism of said compressor assembly includes at least one vane member.
12. The turbocharger assembly of claim 1, wherein said catalyst
material is operable to effect burn-off of hydrocarbon deposits.

13. An internal combustion engine comprising:
a turbocharger assembly including;
a turbine assembly having at least one internal
aerodynamic surface;
5 a compressor assembly having at least one internal
aerodynamic surface; and
wherein at least one of said at least one internal
aerodynamic surface of said turbine assembly and said at least one internal
aerodynamic surface of said compressor assembly is at least partially coated with a
10 catalyst material.
14. The internal combustion engine of claim 13, wherein at least
one of said turbine assembly and said compressor assembly includes a variable
geometry mechanism.
15. The internal combustion engine of claim 13, wherein said
catalyst material is operable to effect burn-off of hydrocarbon deposits.
16. The internal combustion engine of claim 13, further comprising
an exhaust gas rccirculation system operable to recirculate exhaust gas through the
internal combustion engine.
17. A turbocharger assembly comprising:
a turbine assembly including;
an outlet;
a volute;
5 a turbine wheel; and
wherein at least one of said outlet, said volute, and said turbine
wheel is at least partially coated with a catalyst material sufficient to effect burn-off of
hydrocarbon deposits.

1 8. The turbocharger assembly of claim 17, further comprising:
a compressor assembly including;
a volute;
a compressor impeller;
5 • a diffuser; and
wherein at least one of said volute, said compressor impeller,
and said diffuser is at least partially coated with said catalyst material.
19. The turbocharger assembly of claim 18, wherein at least one of
said turbine assembly and said compressor assembly includes a variable geometry
mechanism, and wherein said variable geometry mechanism is at least partially coated
with said catalyst material.
20. The turbocharger assembly of claim 19, wherein said variable
geometry mechanism includes a plurality of vanes.

A turbocharger assembly is provided. The turbocharger assembly
includes a turbine assembly having at least one internal aerodynamic surface and a
compressor assembly having at least one internal aerodynamic surface. At least one
of the at least one internal aerodynamic surface of the turbine assembly and the at
least one internal aerodynamic surface of the compressor assembly is at least partially
coated with a catalyst material. The internal aerodynamic surfaces of the turbine
assembly may include a volute, variable geometry mechanism, turbine wheel, and
outlet. The internal aerodynamic surfaces of the compressor assembly may include
and inlet, compressor impeller, diffuser, variable geometry mechanism, and a volute.
An internal combustion engine incorporating the disclosed turbocharger assembly is
also provided.




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316-KOL-2008-PRIORITY DOCUMENT 1.1.pdf


Patent Number 265341
Indian Patent Application Number 316/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 19-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 21-Feb-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F02B37/00; F01D5/28; F16L11/00,F01N7/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/685,839 2007-03-14 U.S.A.