Title of Invention


Abstract A system and method are provided for controlling a three-phased permanent magnet electric motor terminal voltages in relation to both changes in speed and torque of the permanent magnet electric motor, whereby phase currents are first rotated from a stationary frame to two decoupled current components in a rotor synchronous frame, which enable to derive a voltage along a quadrature axis and a voltage along a direct axis thereof, before rotating back the quadrature and direct axis voltages from the rotor synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield the permanent magnet electric motor terminal voltages.
System and method for controlling a permanent magnet
electric motor.
[0001] The present invention relates to permanent magnet electric
motors. More precisely, the present invention is related to a system and a
method for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor.
[0002] Generally, in order to control a permanent magnet motor,
characteristics of the permanent magnet motor such as the phase, the
frequency and the amplitude of the electric motive force ("emf) voltage
generated by the rotation of the motor rotor, need to be determined to yield a
voltage to be applied to the motor terminals.
[0003] These characteristics of the permanent magnet motor may be
obtained by using a position sensor, which results in increased costs and
reduces the reliability of the method because feedback signals are subject to
changes in the ambient environment such as noise and temperature and to the
presence of impurity for example.
[0004] A possible method involves estimating the emf of the
permanent magnet motor. However, in case of a high-speed motor this method
requires a high computation speed, which may result costly. Moreover, since
the characteristics of the motor are dependent on the ambient environement,
such a control method can be complex.
[0005] European Patent EP0944164 teaches a system and a
method for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor using an induced
voltage estimator.
[0006] From the foregoing, it appears that although a number of
methods are Known to control permanent magnet motors, these methods either
require position sensors and complicated computation or must be adapted to
the environment according to each design of permanent magnet motors.
[0007] Therefore, there is a need for a system and a method, which
allow controlling a permanent magnet electric motor in a simple, reliable way
and which automatically adapts to environmental changes.
[0008] An object of the present invention is therefore to provide an
improved controller system and method for a permanent magnet electric motor.
[0009] More specifically, in accordance with the present invention,
there is provided a system for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor,
comprising a motor controller and a power stage, the motor controller using
phase currents of the permanent magnet electric motor to generate voltage-
controlling signals in relation to both changes in speed and torque of the
permanent magnet electric motor, which are fed back to the permanent magnet
electric motor via the power stage.
[0010] Moreover, there is provided a method for controlling a
permanent magnet electric motor comprising determining a current of each
phase of the permanent magnet electric motor; obtaining voltage controlling
signals in relation to both changes in speed and torque of the permanent
magnet electric motor; and feeding the voltage controlling signal back to the
permanent magnet electric motor.
[0011] There is further provided a circuit for controlling a permanent
magnet three-phases electric motor provided with a rotor and a stator,
comprising a rotator allowing rotation of current signals of the phases of the
permanent magnet electric motor from a stationary frame to two decoupled
current components in a rotor synchronous frame along a direct axis (lq) and a
quadrature axis (lq) respectively; a proportional and integral operator for
deriving a voltage (Vq) along the quadrature axis and a voltage (Vq) along the
direct axis; a rotator allowing rotating the voltages Vq and Vq back from the rotor
synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield terminal voltages Va, Vb and
Vcof the permanent magnet electric motor.
[0012] There is still further provided a method for controlling a
permanent magnet three-phases electric motor provided with a rotor and a
stator, comprising rotating current signals of the phases of the permanent
magnet electric motor from a stationary frame to two decoupled current
components in a rotor synchronous frame along a direct axis (la) and a
quadrature axis (lq) respectively; deriving a voltage (Vq) along the quadrature
axis therefrom; deriving a voltage (Vq) along the direct axis; rotating the
voltages Vq and Vq back from the rotor synchronous frame to the stationary
frame to yield terminal voltages Va, Vb and Vcof the permanent magnet electric
[0013] There is also provided a method for controlling a permanent
magnet electric motor having three-phases Bach supporting a current ia, ib and
ic respectively, comprising determining the currents ia, ib and ic; rotating the
currents ia, ib and ic by an angle -?n to yield currents lq and lq; computing a
current torque of the permanent magnet electric motor; computing a current
rotating angle ?n+1; computing a voltage output Vq; computing a voltage output
Vq; rotating the voltages Vq and Vq by the rotating angle 8n+1 to yield three
voltage controlling signals Va, Vb and Vc; and applying the voltage controlling
signals Va, Vb and Vc to the permanent magnet electric motor.
[0014] Other objects, advantages and features of the present
invention will become more apparent upon reading of the following non-
restrictive description of embodiments thereof, given by way of example only
with reference to the accompanying drawings.
[0015] In the appended drawings:
[0016] Figure 1 is a simplified diagram of a motor controller system
according to an embodiment of a first aspect of the present invention; and
[0017] Figure 2 is a flowchart of a method for controlling an electric
motor according to an embodiment of a second aspect of the present invention.
[0018] Generally stated, the present invention provides a system
and method for controlling a three-phased electric motor, by monitoring the
terminal voltages thereof in relation to both changes in speed and torque of the
[0019] More specifically, the present invention provides that the
phase currents of a permanent magnet electric motor are first rotated from a
stationary frame into two decoupled current components in a rotor synchronous
frame, which enable to derive a voltage along a quadrature axis and a voltage
along a direct axis thereof, before rotating back the quadrature and direct axis
voltages from the rotor synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield the
motor terminal voltages.
[0020] The system 10 shown in Figure 1 comprises a permanent
magnet motor, referred to hereinafter as PM motor 12; a power stage 14; and a
motor controller 16.
[0021] The PM motor 12 is a three-phase electric motor provided
with a rotor and a stator (not shown), each one of the phases carrying a
current, ia. ib and ic, respectively. These phases currents are sensed and used
by the park vector rotator unit 16 to generate three voltage-controlling signals
Va, Vb and Vc, which are then supplied to the power stage 14.
[0022] For example, the power stage 14 may be of the type provided
by Semikron, in particular the SKiiPACK™ 342 GD 120-314 CTV for example.
[0023] The angular speed "?" of the motor is controlled by a user by
setting a value representing the speed of the PM motor 12 into thB system 10.
The user chooses a reference current value "I", normally set at 0, but other
values may be selected.
[0024] The motor controller 16 is in the form of a park vector rotator
unit. The park vector rotator unit 16 generates two continuously rotating angles
having instantaneous values ?n+1 and -?n, wherein the negative sign represents
an opposite direction of rotation, the subscript "n+1" labels a current computing
angle, and the subscript "n" labels the previous computing angle.
[0025] For clarity purposes, the main steps of a method for
controlling a permanent magnet electric motor using the system 10 according
to a second aspect of the invention will now be described in reference to Figure
[0026] In a first step 100, the three currents ia, ib and ic, from the
three phases of the PM motor 12 are determined by the use of standard current
[0027] Then, in a following step (200), the three currents ia, ib and ic
are processed in an inverse park vector rotator 18, which rotates them by an
angle -?n, to output two currents ld and lq-.
[0028] in step 300, the two currents ld and lq are used to compute a
current torque "T" of the PM motor 12, which is in turn used to compute the
current rotating angle ?n+1 (step 400).
[0029] Additionally, the two currents ld and lq are used to compute
two voltage outputs Vq and Vd (steps 500 and 600). The voltage outputs Vq and
Vd are then rotated in a park vector rotator 20 by the rotating angle ?n+1 to yield
three voltage controlling signals Va, Vb and Vc(step 700).
[0030] Returning now to Figure 1. the steps of the method of the
present invention will now be described in more details.
[0031] The current computing angle is derived in response to
changes of the speed ? and of the torque T of the PM motor 12 from the
following equation:

where k1 and k2 are constants.
[0032] As seen in Figure 1, the phase currents ia,.ib and ic are
directed through lines 12a, 12b and 12c to a first inverse park vector rotator 18,
which rotates them by the angle -?n, to output the two currents Iq and lq.
according to the following relations on the d-q axis fixed on the rotor axis:

[0033] It is to be noted that either the three currents ia, ib and ic from
the three phases of the PM motor 12 are measured, or only two of them, the
third phase current being calculated from the other two phases since, as is
known in the art. the following relation holds:

[0034] The lq and lq rotated values are further used to generate a
first voltage output Vq which takes into account an error between the preset
value I* and lq, according to the following equation on the d-q axis fixed on the
rotor axis:

where k3 is a constant, "PI" refers to a proportional and integral operator,
defined as follows:

where a and b are constants and the integration is overtime.
[0035] The ld and lq rotated values are also used to generate the
second voltage output Vq. according to the following equation on the d-q axis
fixed on the rotor axis:

where k4 and k5 are constants.
[0036] Moreover, the speed ? is set by the user as stated
hereinabove, whereas the torque T can be calculated by the following formula:

using the ld and lq currents and Vd and Vq on the d-q axis fixed on the rotor
frame, as determined hereinabove by equations (2)-(3)-
[0037] The two voltages Vd and Vq in the continuously rotating
reference frame are then submitted to a second park vector rotator 20, whereby
they are rotated by the angle ?n+1, to produce three voltage controlling signals,
namely Va , Vb and Vc, which control the power unit 14, according to the
following equations:

[0038] It is to be noted that the values k1 to k5 are constants that the
user sets, when designing the system 10, based on a number of parameters,
including the sampling rate of the computer to be used, condition of the power
drive, sensitivity of the current sensors, the characteristics of the motor etc....
[0039] From the foregoing, it should be apparent that the present
invention provides for a system and a method whereby the motor terminal
voltages are self-adapting. More specifically, three current signals are first
rotated from a stationary frame to two decoupled current components in a rotor
synchronous frame, along a direct axis (Id) and a quadrature axis (lq)
respectively. Then, on the first hand, a voltage (Vq) along the quadrature axis is
derived therefrom, by applying a proportional and integral operator on the direct
axis current component added with a product of a constant and the current
components along the quadrature axis (see equation 5). On the otner hand, a
voltage (Va) along the direct axis is derived, as a product of the direct axis
current component added to a product of the speed of the motor by the
quadrature current component (see equation 7). Finally, the quadrature and
direct axis voltages (Vq and Va) thus computed are rotated back from the rotor
synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield the motor terminal voltages
(Va, Vb and Vc see equations 9-11).
[0040] Therefore, the present system and method allow for a
continuously updating value of the angle in response to changes of speed and
variations in the torque as well as to changes in ambient conditions
[0041] From the foregoing, it is now also apparent that the present
invention provides a circuit for controlling a permanent magnet three-phases
electric motor provided with a rotor and a stator, comprising a rotator allowing
rotation of current signals of the phases of the permanent magnet electric
motor from a stationary frame to two decoupled current components in a rotor
synchronous frame along a direct axis (ld) and a quadrature axis (lq)
respectively; a proportional and integral operator for deriving a voltage (Vq)
along the quadrature axis and a voltage (Va) along the direct axis; a rotator
allowing rotating the voltages Vq and Vd back from the rotor synchronous frame
to the stationary frame to yield terminal voltages Va, Vb and Vcof the permanent
magnet electric motor.
[0042] In particular, people in the art will appreciate that the method
and system of the present invention allows controlling a permanent magnet
motor without resorting to position sensors or characteristics of the permanent
magnet motor such as the emf, which are liable to depend on the environment,
thereby adaptable to environmental conditions.
[0043] Although the present invention has been described
hereinabove by way of specific embodiments thereof, it can be modified,
without departing from the spirit and nature of the subject invention as defined
in the appended claims.
1. A system for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor
(12), comprising:
a motor controller (16), said motor controller (16) using phase
currents of the permanent magnet electric motor (12) to generate voltage-
controlling signals in relation to both changes in speed ? and torque T of
the permanent magnet electric motor (12); and
a power stage (14), said power stage (14) receiving the voltage-
controlling signals from the motor controller (16) and feeding them back to
the permanent magnet electric motor (12), wherein said motor controller
(16) is a park vector rotator unit that generates continuously rotating
2. The system for controlling a permanent magnet electric
motor as claimed in claim 1, said system continuously responding to
changes of speed and torque of the permanent magnet electric motor (12)
as well as to changes in ambient conditions.
3. A method for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor
(12) comprising:
determining a current of each phase of the permanent magnet
electric motor (12);
obtaining voltage controlling signals in relation to both changes in
speed and torque of the permanent magnet electric motor (12); and
feeding the voltage controlling signal back to the permanent
magnet electric motor, said method further comprising computing a
current torque T of the permanent magnet electric motor (12), wherein
said computing a current torque T comprises rotating the currents of
each phase of the permanent magnet electric motor by an angle -?n to
output two currents ld and lq, according to the following relations on a d-q
axis fixed on a rotor axis of the permanent magnet electric motor (12):
Id = 2/3 x [ia x cos(?n) + ib x cos(?n +120°) + ic x cos(?n -120°)] (2) and
lq = 2/3 x [ia x sin(?n) + ib x sin(?n +120°)+ ic x sin(?n -120°)] (3).
4. A method for controlling a permanent magnet electric motor
(12) comprising:
determining a current of each phase of the permanent magnet
electric motor (12);
obtaining voltage controlling signals in relation to both changes in
speed and torque of the permanent magnet electric motor (12); and
feeding the voltage controlling signal back to the permanent
magnet electric motor (12), said determining a current of each phase of
the permanent magnet electric motor (12) comprising measuring a current
of two phases thereof and calculating a current of a third phase using the
relation: wherein said obtaining voltage controlling signals
computing a current rotating angle ?n+1;
computing two voltage outputs Vqand Vd; and
rotating the voltage outputs Vq and Vd by the angle 6n+1.
5. The method for controlling a permanent magnet electric
motor as claimed in claim 9, wherein said computing a current rotating
angle 6n+1 is done using a current torque T and a speed ? of the
permanent magnet electric motor (12) with the formula ?n+1 = ?n + k1 ? +
k2 x T (1) where k1 and k2 are constants.
6. (Previously amended) The method for controlling a permanent
magnet electric motor as claimed in claim 5, wherein said computing two
voltage outputs Vq and Vd comprises:
computing the voltage output Vq on a d-q axis fixed on a rotor axis:
Vq = PI (I* - ld) + k3 x lq (5) where k3 is a constant, "PI" referring to a
proportional and integral operator, defined as follows: P1(x) = ax + b?x dt
(6) where a and b are constants and integration is over time; and
computing the voltage output Vd, according to the following
equation on the d-q axis fixed on the rotor axis: Vd = k5 x ld + k4 x lq x ? (7)
where k4 and k5 are constants.
7. The method for controlling a permanent magnet electric
motor as claimed in claim 5, wherein said obtaining voltage controlling
signals comprises obtaining three voltage controlling signals Va, Vb and Vc
according to the following equations: Va= Vd x cos(?n+1) + Vq x sin(?n+1), Vb
= Vd x cos(?n+1+120°) + Vq x sin(?n+i+120°) and Vc= Vd x cos(?n+1-120°) +
8. A circuit for controlling a permanent magnet three-phases
electric motor provided with a rotor and a stator, comprising:
a rotator allowing rotation of current signals of the phases of the
permanent magnet electric motor (12) from a stationary frame to two
decoupled current components in a rotor synchronous frame along a
direct axis (ld) and a quadrature axis (lq) respectively;
a proportional and integral operator for deriving a voltage (Vq) along
the quadrature axis and a voltage (Vd) along the direct axis;
a rotator allowing rotating the voltages Vq and Vd back from the
rotor synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield terminal voltages
Va, Vb and Vc of the permanent magnet electric motor;
wherein a current rotating angle ?n+1 is computed using a current
torque T and a speed ? of the permanent magnet electric motor with a
formula as follows: ?n+1= ?n + k1 x ? + k2 x T (1) where k1 and k2 are
9. A method for controlling a permanent magnet three-phases
electric motor provided with a rotor and a stator, comprising:
rotating current signals of the phases of the permanent magnet
electric motor (12) from a stationary frame to two decoupled current
components in a rotor synchronous frame along a direct axis (Id) and a
quadrature axis (lq) respectively;
deriving a voltage (Vq) along the quadrature axis therefrom;
deriving a voltage (Vd) along the direct axis;
rotating the voltages Vq and Vd back from the rotor synchronous
frame to the stationary frame to yield terminal voltages Va, Vb and Vcof the
permanent magnet electric motor;
wherein a current rotating angle ?n+1 is computed using a current
torque T and a speed co of the permanent magnet electric motor (12) with
a formula as follows: ?n+1= ?n + k1 x ? + k2 x T (1) where k1 and k2 are
10. A method for controlling a permanent magnet electric
motor having three-phases each supporting a current
la, lb and lc respectively, comprising:
determining the currents la, lb and lc;
rotating the currents la, lb and lc by an angle -?n to yield
currents Id and lq;
computing a current torque of the permanent magnet electric motor
computing a current rotating angle ?n+1;
computing a voltage output Vq;
computing a voltage output Vd;
rotating the voltages Vq and Vd by the rotating angle ?n+1 to yield
three voltage controlling signals Va, Vb and Vc; and
applying the voltage controlling signals Va, Vb and Vc to the
permanent magnet electric motor;
wherein a current rotating angle ?n+1 is computed using the current
torque T and a speed ? of the permanent magnet electric motor (12) with
a formula as follows: ?n+1= ?n + k1 x ? + k2 x T (1) where k1 and k2 are
A system and method are provided for controlling a three-phased permanent magnet
electric motor terminal voltages in relation to both changes in speed and torque of
the permanent magnet electric motor, whereby phase currents are first rotated from
a stationary frame to two decoupled current components in a rotor synchronous
frame, which enable to derive a voltage along a quadrature axis and a voltage along
a direct axis thereof, before rotating back the quadrature and direct axis voltages
from the rotor synchronous frame to the stationary frame to yield the permanent
magnet electric motor terminal voltages.





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1357-kolnp-2004-examination report.pdf

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1357-kolnp-2004-form 3.pdf

1357-kolnp-2004-form 5.pdf


1357-KOLNP-2004-OTHERS 1.1.pdf

1357-kolnp-2004-reply to examination report.pdf


Form 6.pdf


Turbocor Inc to Danfoss Turbocor Compressors B.V. Annexure .pdf

Patent Number 265434
Indian Patent Application Number 1357/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 24-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 14-Sep-2004
Name of Patentee TURBOCOR INC,
Applicant Address 1850 TRANS-CANADA, DOVAL, QUEBEC H9P 2N4
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02P 21/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/CA2003/00486
PCT International Filing date 2003-04-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2,379,732 2002-04-02 Canada