Title of Invention


Abstract A pedal operated tile making machine comprising a vibrating platform being mounted at the top of the main frame such that to be vibrated by a vibrating lever being secured rotatably with said main frame below said vibrating platform, a wheel secured with a crank shaft being provided for rotating said vibrating lever, said crank shaft supported on the main frame, being rotated by means of a pair of wooden pedals secured at the bottom of the main frame, a tile frame being provided with said vibrating platform for keeping the material within the boundaries thereon during the vibrating operation of the machine and to provide outer boundaries to a tile.
Full Text Field of invention
This invention relates to a pedal operated tile making machine. The machine is useful for making the tiles using the mixture of the cement and river sand/stone sand. The tiles so manufactured are useful to construct the roof of the building or the like purposes.
Background of invention
There are various kinds of manual as well as motorised tile making machine known in the art. One of such machines was developed by Ashok Jain. The machine is operated by a pair of pedals and comprises a main frame for supporting the means provided for vibrating the tray mounted over the main frame. The main frame used in the machine is the back portion of the bicycle having the driving mechanisms (including pedal, sprocket, chain and free wheel etc.) provided for rotating the vibrating means/vibrator. The vibrator is used to vibrate the tray directly. Brake means are provided to stop the operation of the machine as and when required.
Another manual tile making machine known in the art is a single or double tile making machine for making tiles invented by Solbric, RSA. This machine also has a frame provided with a rotor and vibrating lever. The rotor adapted to be operated manually being provided for vibration is provided to facilitate the vibration to vibrator. Further vibrator is used to vibrate the platform/vibrating frame of the machine. The machine can also be operated by using a motive means to vibrate the vibrator so as to make the tiles.
Disadvantages of the prior art
There are disadvantages associated with conventional devices. One of the main disadvantages is that the conventional device is costly and not affordable by the general public.
Yet another disadvantage is that the devices are complicated in construction, the maintenance thereof is also costly and skilled people are required to maintain and operate the same.
Still another disadvantage is that some of the conventional machines required electricity for its operation and can not be used in the remote areas where there is no electric power supply.
Object and advantages of the present invention
Therefore the main object the present invention is to provide a pedal operated tile making machine which obviates the disadvantages associated with the conventional devices.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a pedal operated tile making machine which is simple in constructions and maintenance thereof is negligible.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a pedal operated tile making machine which can be operated manually in the remote area.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a pedal operated tile making machine which is low in cost, easy in operation.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a pedal operated tile making machine which is useful make cemented tiles at a very low cost.
The following description contains many specifics but these should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the 'invention. These specifics may be treated as an exemplification of one preferred embodiment thereof. Many other variations are possible. Therefore the scope of the invention should not be limited to the embodiment illustrated, and the alterations and variations may be treated within the spirit and scope of this invention.
Statement of the Invention
According to the present invention there is provided a pedal operated tile making machine comprising a vibrating platform being mounted at the top of the main frame such that to be vibrated by a vibrating lever being secured rotatably with said main frame below said vibrating platform, a wheel secured with a crank shaft being provided for rotating said vibrating lever, said crank shaft adapted to be rotated by means of a pair of wooden pedals, being supported on the main frame of said machine, a tile frame being provided with said vibrating platform for keeping the material therein during the vibrating operation of the machine and to provide outer boundaries to a tile.
Brief description of invention
In accordance with this invention a pedal operated tile making machine has a vibrating platform which is mounted at the top of the main frame. The vibrating platform is vibrated by a vibrating lever secured rotatably with the main frame below the vibrating platform. A wheel is secured with a crank shaft for rotating the vibrating lever so as to provide the vibration to the vibrating platform. A crank shaft is secured to main frame rotatably. A pair of wooden pedal secured with the bottom of the main frame are connected to the crank shaft through the connecting rods, and provided for rotating the crank shaft. A support rope is provided with each of the pedals so as to keep the pedals in its position of operation. A tile frame is provided over the vibrating platform for keeping the material therein during the vibrating operation of the vibrating platform and to provide outer boundaries to a tile.
Detailed Description regarding the Present Invention
The pedal operated tile making machine according to a preferred embodiment is herein described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings wherein;
Fig. 1 shows the perspective view of the tile making machine
Fig. 2 shows the perspective view of the tile making machine without top
Fig. 3 shows the plan view of the tile making machine
Fig. 4 shows the side plan view of the tile making machine
Referring to the drawings particularly Fig 1, a pedal operated tile making machine has a vibrating platform (1) mounted at the top (2) of the main frame (3) such that to be vibrated by a vibrating lever (4) provided there under. The vibrating platform (1) is supported on the top (2) through the springs (5) (see fig 4) and bolts (6). The vibrating platform (1) is vibrated by a vibrating lever (4) secured rotatably with the main frame (3) below the vibrating platform (1). A vibrating lever (4) is rotated on a shaft (7) which is secured with the main frame (3) below the vibrating platform (1). A wheel (8) is mounted on a crank shaft (9) such that to rotate the vibrating lever (4) for providing vibration action to the vibrating platform (1). The crank shaft (9) is supported with the main frame (3) rotatably. A pair of wooden pedal (10) is supported with the bottom of the main frame (3) at one side such that to provide rotational movement to the crank shaft (9). The pedals (10) are connected to the crank shaft (9) through the connecting rods (11). The pedals are operated at the free ends thereof. A support rope (12) is provided with each of the pedals (10) so as to keep the pedals in its position during operation. A tile frame (13) is provided with the vibrating platform (1) for keeping the material within its boundary during the vibrating operation of the vibrating platform (1) and to provide outer boundaries to a tile. A hook (14) is attached to the tile frame for fixing and producing holding/supporting hook with the tile
During the operation of the device, pedals are operated by the operator and thus the crank having the wheel mounted thereon is rotated. Due to the rotation of the wheel the vibrating lever starts rotating at its own axis so as to provide a pushing action to the vibrating platform continuously in order to vibrate the same so as to remove the air bubbles from the tile material. An extension is provided with the tile sheet with the help of metallic hook die. The cement sheet so prepared within the boundaries of tile frame is then removed and put on to a precasted tile, so as to provide the shape of the precasted tile to the cement sheet. The tile so manufactured is cured for two-three days in the shade but not in sun light directly. The dried tiles so obtained are then put into water for further curing.

I claim:
1. A pedal operated tile making machine comprising a vibrating platform being mounted at the top of the main frame such that to be vibrated by a vibrating lever being secured rotatably with said main frame below said vibrating platform, a wheel secured with a crank shaft being provided for rotating said vibrating lever, said crank shaft supported on the main frame, being rotated by means of a pair of wooden pedals secured at the bottom of the main frame, a tile frame being provided with said vibrating platform for keeping the material within the boundaries thereon during the vibrating operation of the machine and to provide outer boundaries to a tile.
2. A pedal operated tile making machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said vibrating frame is supported on the top of the main frame by means of springs and bolts so as to provide vibrating action thereto.
3. A pedal operated tile making machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said vibrating lever is secured rotatably with said main frame of the machine such that to provide vibrating action to the vibrating platform during its rotation.
4. A pedal operated tile making machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said pedals are connected with said crank shaft by means of connecting rods, said pedals are operated at the free ends thereof.
5. A pedal operated tile making machine substantially as herein described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings.







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995-del-2004-Marked claims-(05-12-2014).pdf


Patent Number 265451
Indian Patent Application Number 995/DEL/2004
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 24-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 31-May-2004
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B28B 3/20
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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