Title of Invention


Abstract An improved cigarette packet with match box comprises a slide having side flaps on two longitudinal sides and end closures at the two transverse sides; a shell accommodating the said slide; a bundle of cigarettes wrapped in a foil;a match box with match sticks in a tray, the said tray optionally having a dispensing window to dispense the match stick at one end of the tray, the said tray slidingly fitted in a sleeve;and a match striking surface to ignite the match stick glued on a surface of cigarette packet or match box; the bundle of cigarettes being fixed by glue in the slide. An apparatus, for manufacturing a cigarette packet with a match box comprises a vibrator bowl feeder with a track to feed a prepared match box, the track having twin rails to take the match box, feeding and transferring mechanism for a prepared bundle of cigarettes pack fixed on the slide, and a shell, a transfer hopper with a pusher to assemble slide with bundle of cigarettes , match box and a shell.
The present invention relates to an improved cigarette packet with match box and it also relates to an apparatus for manufacturing thereof.
Generally cigarette packet and match box are sold as a separate packet. User of cigarette needs a match box as and when lighting a cigarette is required. Non-availability of match stick at the time of lighting cigarette causes inconvenience to the user of the cigarette. The present invention provides a solution to this problem by proposing an improved cigarette packet with match box.
The main object of the invention is to propose an improved cigarette packet with match box to overcome the inconvenience caused to a cigarette user at time of lighting a cigarette.
Another object of the invention is to propose an apparatus for making the improved cigarette packet with match box.
Yet another object of the invention is to propose an improved cigarette packet having an integral match box.
Yet another object of the invention is to propose an improved cigarette packet for easy access to cigarette as well as match stick in need.
Other object of the invention is to propose a cigarette packet which is cost effective and amenable to automation and also an apparatus for automatically manufacture such cigarette packet.
Further objects and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the ensuing description claims and accompanying drawings.
In the past, efforts have been made to keep the lighting arrangement of cigarette integral with the cigarette packet. Prior documents G B 2 402 039, G B 217,532, U S 6,644,470 are some examples of inventions relating to such cigarette packet. G B 2,402,039 teaches a releasable cigarette lighter attachment, device comprises a main body with two flexible jaw supports for a cigarette box and a cigarette lighter. The jaw supports may be arranged at either end of the main body and radiate symmetrically from the main body. It may be made from plastics material, wood or metal. It may also include a holder for articles such as match boxes or rolling papers. No lighter is used in the present invention as it is claimed in the above patent.
G B 217,532 teaches a device of the character described comprising in combination with a receptacle, a supplemental back extending therefrom and foldable thereagainst, said back having a pair of slots cut there through, and a book of matches having a tab extending therefrom and adapted to be passed through said slots. No book of matches on the outer surface of the cigarette packet is used in the present invention as shown in the above patent. In this above patent match sticks are exposed to vagaries the atmosphere and more possibilities of fires.
Similarly, U S 6,644,470 teaches a cigarette package with incorporated matches including a container dimensioned for containing a quantity of cigarettes therein. The container has an upper end, a closed lower end, a front wall, a rear wall, and opposed side walls. The front wall has a lower front foldable cover with a flap. The rear wall has a cover member foldably secured thereto for selectively covering the open upper end. One of the opposed side walls has a match striking surface disposed thereon upwardly of the closed lower
end. A match protector is layered between the front inside wall of the container and the matches providing space for the lightable match tips and for container rear wall cover member to uniformly close upon. upon. An upper set of matches are removably coupled with the front wall of the protective insert downwardly of the open upper end. Each of the upper set of matches has lightable tip. A lower set of matches are removably coupled with the front wall of the container downwardly of the upper set of matches. Each of the lower set of the matches has a lightable tip. Match sticks are placed in upper end and lower end as claimed in the above patent while it is not so in the present invention. These match sticks in side the cigarette packet increase the chance of odor transfusion into the cigarettes.
Each of the above patents is providing the lightable arrangement with the cigarette packet but these are entirely different from the present invention.
According to present invention an improved cigarette packet with match box comprises a match box and a pack of cigarettes in one unit. The cigarette packet has a slide. This slide is lengthier than the conventional slide to accommodate the match box also. A bundle of cigarettes wrapped in a foil is glued in the slide. The match box includes a tray slidingly fitted in a sleeve. The tray contains match sticks. One end out of the two ends of the tray which are not covered by the sleeve, is optionally having a dispensing window to dispense a match stick. The dispensing window may be of circular, oval, square shape or any other shape suitable for dispensing only one match stick at one time. Non striking end of the match stick comes out first. The side flaps of the slide do not allow the tray of match box to come out of the sleeve by it shelf except with a little jerk when the match stick is required by the user. A match striking surface to ignite the match stick is glued on the surface of the cigarette packet or match box. The match striking surface is preferably glued at any outer surface of the shell of the cigarette packet or at the top surface of the match box or at the closure ends of the slide of the cigarette packet.
According to one aspect of the present invention an improved cigarette packet with match box comprises:
a slide having side flaps on two longitudinal sides and end closures at the two transverse sides; a shell accommodating the said slide; a bundle of cigarettes wrapped in a foil;
a match box with match sticks in a tray, the said tray optionally having a dispensing window to dispense the match stick at one end of the tray, the said tray slidingly fitted in a sleeve;
and a match striking surface to ignite the match stick glued on a surface of cigarette packet or match box; the bundle of cigarettes being fixed by glue in the slide;
According to another aspect of the present invention an apparatus, for manufacturing a cigarette packet with a match box comprises a vibrator bowl feeder with a track to feed a prepared match box, the track having twin rails to take the match box, feeding and transferring mechanism for a prepared bundle of cigarettes fixed on the slide, and a shell, a transfer hopper with a pusher to assemble slide with bundle of cigarettes, match box and a shell.
Figure 1 shows exploded view of a preferred embodiment of an improved cigarette packet with match box.
Figure 2 also shows a preferred embodiment of an improved cigarette packet with match box.
Figure 3 shows a preferred embodiment of a match box with tray to be fixed in the improved cigarette packet.
Figure 4 shows a preferred embodiment of an improved cigarette packet with match box. when it is closed state.
Figure 5 shows a preferred embodiment of an apparatus for making the improved cigarette packet with match box.
According to one aspect of the invention, a preferred embodiment of the improved
cigarette packet (10) with match box comprises a match box (8) and a bundle of cigarettes and sold as a single unit.
The cigarette packet (10) consists of a slide (5) having side flaps (21) on two longitudinal sides and end closures (22) at the two transverse sides. This slide is lengthier than the conventional slide to accommodate the match box (8) also. The said slide slides in a shell (9). A bundle of cigarettes wrapped in a foil (4) is glued in the slide (5). A match box (8) comprises of a tray (23) to keep match sticks (25) therein and a sleeve (26). The tray is slidingly fitted in a sleeve (26). The sleeve covers only the longer sides of the tray. The two ends of the tray are covered by the side flaps (21) of the slide (5). These side flaps (21) do not allow the tray to come out of the sleeve (26) by it self except with a little jerk when the match stick (25) is required by the user. Out of the two ends, one end of the tray is optionally having a dispensing window (not shown in figure) to dispense the match stick. The dispensing window may be of circular, oval, square shape or any other shape suitable for dispensing only one match stick (25) at a time. Non striking end of the match stick comes out first. A match striking surface (27) to ignite the match stick is glued on the surface of the cigarette packet (10) or match box(8). The match striking surface (27) is preferable glued at any outer surface of the shell (9) of the cigarette packet or at the top surface of the sleeve (26) of the matchbox or at the closure end (22) of the
slide (5) of the cigarette packet.
In accordance with another preferred embodiment of another aspect of invention, an apparatus for making the cigarette packet with match box includes a feeding vibrator (6) for feeding the match boxes. The feeding vibrator (6) is designed to feed the match box (8) one by one to at least one track for getting match boxes from feeding vibrator. The speed (delivery per minute) of the feeding vibrator is directly proportional to the amplitude of vibration, and also equal to the number of cigarette packets produced / minute. Each track is provided with suitable twin rails (7) designed to transfer the matchbox from feeding vibrator (6). A variable speed motor (11) driven belt conveyor (12) is designed with suitable guides (14) to convey the match-box to the desired location from exit of the rails. A pair of sensors (16) is provided to control by switching ON/OFF of the feeder vibrator (6). At least one primary pneumatic pushers (17) is provided to push the product from the conveyor (12) to the respective product transfer hopper (20). The number of primary pneumatic pushers (17) will depend on the number of hoppers. The hoppers are designed as per the product size and required height (transfer belt to machine bed). The product in the hopper moves down by the gravity and final pneumatic pushers (18) are provided at the exit of the hoppers to deliver the product on the top of the bundle of cigarettes The stroke of the pusher is selected as per the desired displacement. A pair of sensors (15) is provided to detect the presence of match-box in the final product (cigarette packet). Packets without the match-box are rejected.
Means are provided for folding of the slide (5) with side flaps (21) and end closures (22) in the regular fashion and final insertion into the slide the product - bundle of cigarettes with match-box. The said slide with bundle of cigarettes and match box is inserted in the shell (9). Optionally means is provided for punching a dispensing window in one of the ends of the tray (23) of the match box (8).

We Claim:
(1) An improved cigarette packet with match box comprising:
a slide having side flaps on two longitudinal sides and end closures at the two transverse sides; a shell accommodating the said slide; a bundle of cigarettes wrapped in a foil;
a match box with match sticks in a tray, the said tray optionally having a dispensing window to dispense the match stick at one end of the tray, the said tray slidingly fitted in a sleeve;
and a match striking surface to ignite the match stick glued on a surface of cigarette
packet or match box;
the bundle of cigarettes being fixed by glue in the slide;
(2) The cigarette packet as claimed in claim 1, where in the said dispensing window is an
opening of circular , oval or any other shape for dispensing the match stick only one at a
time with non striking end of it coming out first.
(3) The cigarette packet as claimed in claim 1, where in the said match striking surface is
glued at any surface of the shell of the cigarette packet.
(4) The cigarette packet as claimed in claim 3, where in the said match striking surface is
glued at the top surface of the said sleeve.
(5) The cigarette packet as claimed in claim 3, where in the said match striking surface is
glued at any of the end closure of the slide of the cigarette packet.
(6) An apparatus, for manufacturing a cigarette packet with a match box comprising a
vibrator bowl feeder with a track to feed a prepared match box, the track having twin rails
to take the match box, feeding and transferring mechanism for a prepared bundle of
cigarettes pack fixed on the slide, and a shell, a transfer hopper with a pusher to assemble
slide with bundle of cigarettes , match box and a shell.
(7) An apparatus for manufacturing a cigarette packet as claimed in claim 6, where in
sensors are provided to detect the presence of match box in the cigarette packet.
(8) An apparatus for manufacturing a cigarette packet as claimed in claim 6 or 7 where in
speed controls are provided to control the speed of said track of match box and a transfer
mechanism for a bundle of cigarettes and a shell.
9) An apparatus for manufacturing a cigarette packet as claimed in any of the previous
claims where in optionally means is provided for punching a dispensing window in one
of the ends of the tray of the match box.
10) An improved cigarette packet with match box substantially herein before described
and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings.
11) An apparatus for manufacturing a cigarette packet substantially herein before
described and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings.


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2922-del-2005-Pre-Grant Opposition-(08-02-2013).pdf

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Form 13-1.pdf

Marked up Final.pdf

Patent Number 265458
Indian Patent Application Number 2922/DEL/2005
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 25-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 31-Oct-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A24F 15/18
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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