Title of Invention


Abstract A method of controlling idle mode comprises requesting to enter idle mode by a mobile subscriber station by transmitting an idle mode request to a serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated. The method also comprises entering the idle mode by receiving an idle mode grant command from the serving base station. The method also comprises initiating a ranging request between the mobile subscriber station and the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the ranging request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
The present invention ruluU;.s ycnwally to a wireless access ••.y.M'-m anil, mor particularly, to idle mode in a mobile subscriber station.
Broadband wireless access systems typically support an idle-mode to rninimiw tlie power consumption of a mobile subscriber station (M'SS). During the- idle-mode, the
MSS does not perform a handover procedure when moving between base stations iu Ihc saint; paging /one. Therefore, the MSS does not need .*o transmit uplink information for tin-handover procedure., which reduces corresponding power consumption.
A paging zone is defined as a zone that is controlled by u plurality of base siuiion.s called a paging group. Each of the base stations in the paging group has the same paging cycle (Puging_Cycle) and the same paging offset (Paging._Of'fset).
If traffic, needs to be transmitted by the MSS while in the idle-mode, the MSS may terminate the idle-mode. For example, the MSS may be enabled to terminate the idle-mode by the BS. l-urthermore, if the MSS moves to another poking /.one or losus ils sync while in an idle-mode and is unable to receive a paging at a predefined time, the MSS may terminate the idle-mode.
When the MSS is in the idle-mode, the MSS normally receives a periodic paging to secure its free move in the same paging zone without performing the handover procedure.
In configuring a paging zone, a backbone message (paging-group-action), is transferred by wire between base stations. An exemplary paging-group-action backbone message is shown in Table 1. [Table 1]
(Table Remove)
The paging-group-action backbone message is communicated between base stations. The paging-group-action backbone message may be used for four puqmses based on contents of an action field (Action). A receiving base station (target BS) may be assigned (designated) to a specific paging group (Action=0). Alternatively, the target BS may be excluded from the specific paging group (Action=l). Alternatively, the target BS may be queried regarding the paging group to which the target BS belongs (Action-2).ternatively, the target BS may be informed of the paging group to which a transmitting base station (sender BS) belongs (Action=3).
Since a single base station may belong to one or more paying /.ones, ihe p^'jng-group-action backbone message may contain information pertaining to a multitude of paging groups. The base stations may be informed of the paging cycle and offset used in each paging zone via the paging-group-action backbone message. Furthermore, the base stations may be dynamically assigned to the paging groups via the paging-group-action backbone message.
In switching an MSS to an idle mode, a DREG_REQ message (one of previous MAC messages) is used. A format of the DREG_REQ message is shown in Table 2. [Table 2]

(Table Remove)
An MSS may send a request to a serving base station that the MSS will be switched to idle mode by setting a De-registration Request Code of the DRHG_RI.iQ message to 0x01 and then delivering the DREG^REQ message to the base station. This enables delivery of a specific paging cycle.
The serving base station receives the DR£G_REQ message and may respond to the request by the MSS via a conventional DRHG CM I.) message. A formal nl the 1)K message is shown in Table 3. [Table 3J
(Table Remove)
The serving base station may allow the switching to the idle mode via an action code (Action code = 0x05). Alternatively, the serving base station may allow the MSS to make the request for the switching to the idle mode after a time duration (Action code =

0x06). Alternatively, the serving base station may not allow the MSS to make the request lor the switching to the idle mode until the serving base station transmits the DREG_CMD message (Action uulo - 0x07).
Details of the action code of the DREG_CMD message are shown in Table 4. [Table 4]
(Table Remove)

Base stations belonging to the same paging zone may be able to share i.ic information pertaining to the MSS switched to the idle mode. Using this information, the serving KS may notify tlic MSS ol'proccdurcs to execute in eticli paging cycle.
A Paging-announee backbone message is shown in Table 5. [Table 5]
(Table Remove)
The paging-announce backbone message may be delivered to all base stations belonging to the same paging zone. The base stations receiving the paging-announce backbone message perform the paging by matching MAC addresses of MSSs included in the message with the paging cycle and offset within the message.
Consequently, due to the paging-announce backbone message, all of the base stations belonging to a specific paging zone rfiay identically maintain MAC addresses of MSSs to page. Thus, a specific MSS may receive its paging information at each paging cycle unless the MSS leaves (deviates from) a current paging zone.
A format of a paging message MOB-PAG_ADV transmitted to MSSs in the idle mode via paging by each base station is shown in Table 6. The paging message is delivered to MSSs in a broadcast format. [Table 6]
(Table Remove)
The MSS receives the paging message and may decide whether to maintain the idle mode continuously (Action Code=00), whether to perform ranging to establish a location information update (Action Code=01), and/or whether to terminate the idle mode to receive downlink traffic (Action Code=TO).
The MSS may terminate the idle mode if the MSS needs to transmit traffic (uplink traffic occurrence). The MSS also may terminate the idle mode if the MSS needs to
reoaivo truffle (downlink trafifid occurrence), The MSS also may terminate the idle mode if the MSS is unubla tp receive » periodio paging due to deviation from a current paging zone
or due to a transmission problem.
FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating a procedure for terminating an idle mode of a mobile subscriber station (MSS) in case of downlink traHc occurrence.
Referring to FIG. 1, a procedure for tcnhincting the idle mode in a MSS is explained, with respect to a case where downlink traffic 101 needs to be delivered to an
MSS in an idle mode. Base stations are unaware of the domain to which the MSS in an idle mode belongs. Downlink traffic is unconditionally delivered to a first base station (initial b;isc station) In which the MSS initially made the request for switching ID the idle uunir.
Upon receipt of the downlink traffic to the MSS, the initial base station .sets an action code to 11 for all base stations lying within the paging zone of the initial base station. The initial base station then transmits a paging-announce backbone message to the MSS (Sll).
Each of the base stations receive the paging-announce message, sols an action code of a paging message MOV_PAG_ADV to 10, and transmits the paging message all of the MSSs lying within the paging zone, in a broadcast format (S12).
1'he corresponding MSS receives the paging message, terminates the idle mode, and requests a second base station (current base station) that is in charge of the paging /one where the MSS currently lies, for a re-registration to a network (SI3). The second base station receives a base station ID of the first base station via the paging-announce message.
The second base station receives the re-registration request and sets an action flag of an MSS_Info_Request backbone message to 1. The MSS_Info_Request backbone message is communicated between base stations by wire, and then transmitted to notify the first base station that the MSS is seeking to exit the paging zone (SI4).
A format of an MSS_Info_Request backbone message is shown in Table 7. [Table 7]
(Table Remove)



48 bits

48-bit unique identifier used by MSS (as provided by the MSS or by the I-am-host-of message)

Action flag


Request information

MSS arrived from Idle mode
MSS has transitioncd to another paging

Security field


A means to authenticate this message

The first base station receives the MSS_Info_Request and notifies the base stations within the same paging zone that the MSS has terminated the idle mode and is to be deleted from a paging list.
Accordingly, the present invention is directed to controlling an idle mode of a mobile subscriber slation (MSS) in a wireless access system that substantially obviates one or more problems of the related art.
An object of the present invention^ is to provide a method for controlling an idle mode of a mobile subscriber station in a wireless access system, in a case where the idle
mode of an MSS in a first paging zone needs to be terminated when the mobile subscriber station has moved out of one paging zone into another paging zone. The base station that initially allowed the idle mode is notified of the termination of the idle mode to prevent unnecessary paging in the previous paging zone.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a method for controlling an idle mode of a mobile subscriber station in a wireless access system, by which the idle mode is efficiently controlled using a paging controller in a case where a mobile subscriber station moves away from one paging zone into another paging zone.
Additional advantages, objects, and features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description which follows and in part will become apparent to those having ordinary skill in the art upon examination of the following or may be learned from practice of the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by the structure particularly pointed out in the written description and claims hereof as well as the appended drawings.
To achieve these objects and other advantages and in accordance with the purpose of the invention, as embodied and broadly described herein, in one embodiment, in a method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and a network at least comprising a serving base station associated with a serving paging group and a target base station associated with a target paging group, the method comprises requesting to enter a.1

idle mode by the mobile subscriber station by transmitting an idle mode request to the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier. The method also comprises
entering the idle mode by receiving an idle mode grant command from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises initiating a ranging request between the mobile subscriber station and l!ie target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the ranging request comprises the serving base station idcntiiicr and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
The network may preferably further comprise a paging controller that is operatively connected to the serving base station. The serving base station identifier may preferably be substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging controller. The ranging request to the target base station may preferably further comprise a location update request. The method may preferably further comprise receiving a ranging response from the target base station, wherein the ranging response comprises a location update response.
In another embodiment, in a method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and a network comprising at least a serving base station associated with a serving paging group and a target base station associated with a target paging group, the method comprises receiving an idle mode request from the mobile subscriber station to the serving base station to enter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station, die serving base station having a serving paging gioup identifier with which the serving base station is
associated and the serving base station identifier. The method also comprises transmitting an idle mode grant command to the mobile subscriber station from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier ami Hie vScrviug paging group identifier. The method also comprises receiving a connection request from the mobile subscriber station to the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the connection request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
The connection request to the target base station may preferably further comprise
a location update request. The method may preferably further comprise transmitting an idle
mode information request message to the paging controller, receiving an idle mode
information response from the paging controller, and transmitting a ranging response to Hie
mobile subscriber station.
The paging controller may preferably inform the serving base station and other base stations associated with the serving paging group that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station. The paging controller may prefcrably inform the target base station and other base stations associated with the target paging group that the mobile subscriber station re-entered the idle mode with the target base station.
The foregoing and other objects, features, aspects and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the following detailed description of the present invention when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. It is to be
understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description of the present invention are exemplary and explanatory and are intended to provide further explanation of the invention as claimed.
The accompanying drawings, which are included to provide a further understanding of the invention and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this application, illustrate embodiments ol'the invention and together with the description serve to explain the principles of the invention.
FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating a procedure for terminating an idle mode of a mobile subscriber station (MSS) in case of downlink traffic occurrence.
FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a procedure for terminating an idle mode of a mobile subseriber station (MSS) in a wireless access system, according to one embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to a first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having n paging controller, according to a second embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating icile mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to a third embodiment of the present invention.
1'1U. o is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless ucccss system having a paging controller, according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention.
Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiments of the present invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the same reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like parts.
The present invention may be used in the context of the EEE802 broadband wireless access system standard. Alternatively, the present invention may be used in the context of any type of wireless access system.
FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating j. procedure COT terminating an idle mode of a mobile subscriber station (MSS) in a wireless access system, according to one embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 2, an MSS 250 in an idle mode within a first paging zone 225 is shown. The MSS 250 is also shown as moved to a second paging zone 235. A procedure for terminating the idle mode of the MSS 250 in the first paging zone 225 may be execute^.
With reference to terminating the idle mode, each paging zone may use a different paging cycle and a different paging offset. When the MSS 250, which was in the idle mode within the first paging zone 225, moves into the second paging zone 235, the MSS 250 may not be able to receive a periodic paging. A first base station (initial base station) 220 may allow the MSS 250 to switch to the idle mode in the first paging zone 225.
The MSS 250 may terminate the idle mode and request a second base station 230 within the second paging zone 235 foi a re-regisrration to a network (S21). The second base
station 230 may be unaware of a base station ID of the first base station 220. The MSS 250
may therefore provide the base station ID of the first base station 220 when requesting the re-registration to the network.
'I'o provide Hie base station ID of the first base station 220 to the second base station 230, a network re-registration request message (e.g., RNG_REQ) may be used. \ preferable configuration of the RNG_REQ message is shown in Table 8. [Table 8]

The second base station 230 may receive the re-registration request from the MSS 250 and may set an action flag of an MSS_mfo_Request backbone message to 2 (i.e., to indicate that the MSS 250 has moved to another paging zone, cf. Table 7). The second base station 230 may deliver the MSS_Info_Request backbone message to the first base station 220 (S22). Furthermore, upon receipt of the base station ID of the first base station 220 from the MSS 250, the second base station 230 may transmit the MSS_Info_Request backbone message to the first base station 220.

The first base station 220 receives the MSS_Info_Request from the second base station 230 and may notify the base stations within the paging zone of the first base station 220, i.e. within the first paging zone 225, that the MSS 250 has terminated the idle mode and is to be deleted from a paging list. Each of the base stations within the first paging zone 225 may receive the notification of termination of the idle mode by the MSS 250 and may delete the MSS 250 from the paging list to terminate the idle mode for the MSS 250.
FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to a first embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 3, when an MSS 350 attempts to enter an idle mode, the MSS
350 may transmit an idle mode entry request (e.g., DREG-REQ) message to a serving BS to which the MSS 350 belongs, such as a first BS 320, to request an idle mode entry (S31). The DREG-REQ message may include information pertaining to a request for de-regislralicm /rum (lie serving BS to which the MSS 350 belongs (e.g., do-registration request code), as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Cycle Request TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The first BS 320 may receive the idle mode entry request message from the MSS 350 and may transmit an idle mode information request message to provide information pertaining to the MSS 350 requesting the idle mode entry to a paging controller 370 (S32). Table 9 shows an exemplary idle mode information request message. [Table 9]
(Table Remove)
Referring to Table 9, the idle mode information request message may include information that a specific MSS has requested an idle mode entry. The idle mode information request mess«£* m*y also include « MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).

The paging controller 370 may receive the idle mode information request message and may transmit an idle mode information response (e.g., Idle-Info-RSP) message to the serving BS, that is the first BS 320 (S33).
Table 10 shows an exemplary idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP)
[Table 10]

(Table Remove)
Service and operational information and/or administering paging activity for the MSS while in Idle Mode.

Idle Mode


The first 8 bits of this item indicates Idle Mode Retain Information included in DREG-CMD message, and the rests are MSS service and operational information associated with Idle Mode Retain Information. This item may be included in Paging-announce message with Action Code=0011.


BS ID to which MSS in Idle Mode attempts
to re-enter network. This item may be
included in Idle-Infb-RSP message if Action

Code is 0011.


BS ID in which MSS enters Idle Mode. Last Attachment BS may be updated after successful Location Update. This item may be included in Idle-Info-RSP message if Action Code is 0010.

MAC Hash

Maximum number that BS is allowed to skip MSS MAC address hash of an MSS in successive MOBJPAG-ADV messages when

an Action Code for the MSS is 00, 'No
Action Required'. The unit is the number of MOB_PAG-ADV message transmissions.

HO Optimization
This item may be included in Idle-Info-RSP message with Action Code=0011. 'MSS reentry complete'.
Referring to Table 10, the idle mode information response (Idlc-Info-RSP) message may preferably include information that the MSS 350 has entered an idle mode, a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
A second BS 330 may receive the idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message and may transmit an idle mode command (e.g., DRUG-CMD) message U> UK; MSS 350 (S34). The idle mode command message may include information pertaining to a command to enter the idle mode, as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
In one embodiment, if the MSS 350 transitions to an area belonging to the second BS 330, which is part of another paging group, i.e. Paging group ID=2, then the MSS 350 may transmit a ranging request message RNG_REQ that includes a handover indicator TLV and a paging controller ID TLV to the second BS 330 (S35) to notify the second BS 330 that the idle mode will be terminated. The second BS 330 may deliver an idle mode

information request (e.g., Idle-Info-RJBQ) message to the paging controller 370 with a paging controller ID received via the ranging request message to notify the paging controller 370 that the MSS 350 has terminated the idle mode (S36).
Furthermore, the second BS 330 may transmit a ranging response message RNG_RSP to the MSS 350 (S37). The MSS 350 may also perform a network entry procedure based on the ranging response message (S38). The paging controller 370 may transmit an idle mode information response message to all BSs belonging to the same paging group as the first BS 320, i.e. Paging group ID=1, to notify the BSs that the MSS 350 has terminated the idle mode (S39). In response to receipt of the idle mode information response message, each BS in Paging group ID=1 may update a list of MSSs currently in idle mode.
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to u second embodiment ot'lhe present invention.
Referring to FIG. 4, when an MS-8 450 attempts to enter an idle mode, the MSS 450 may transmit an idle mode entry request (e.g., DRLG-REQ) message to a serving BS to which the MSS 450 belongs, such as a first BS 420, to request an idle mode entry (S41). The DREG-REQ message may include information pertaining to a request for da-registration from the serving BS to which the MSS 450 belongs (de-registration request code), as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Cycle Request TLV, Idle Mod ; Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The first BS 420 may receive the idle mode entry request message from the MSS 450 and may transmit an idle mode information request message to provide information

pertaining to the MSS 450 requesting the idle mode entry to a paging controller 470 (S42). Table 9 shows an exemplary idle mode information request message. The idle mode information request message, as shown in Table 9, may preferably include information tlmt a specific MSS has requested an idle mode entry, a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The paging controller 470 may receive the idle mode information request message iiinl limy transmit an idle mode information response (Idle-Inlb-RSl') massage to the serving BS, that is the first BS 420 (S43). Table 10 shows an exemplary idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message.
The idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message, as shown in Table 10, may preferably include information that the MSS 450 has entered an idle mode, as well as a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information
TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
A second BS 430 may receive the idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message and may transmit an idle mode command (DREG-CMD) message to the MSS 450 (S44). The idle mode command message may include information pertaining to a command to enter the idle mode, as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).

In aziother embodiment, if the MSS 450 transitions to an area belonging to the second BS 430, which is part of another paging group, i.e. Paging group ID=2, then the MSS 450 may transmit a ranging request message RNC_RJEQ that preferably includes a handover indicator TLV, a paging controller ID TLV,'and a location update request TLV to the second BS 430 (S45). The second BS 430 may transmit an idle mode information request message to the paging controller 470 (S46).
Furthermore, the paging controller 470 may transmit an idle mode information response message to all BSs belonging to the paging group of the first BS 420, i.e. Paging group ID=1, to notify the BSs that the MSS 450 has terminated the idle mode (S49). In response to receipt of the idle mode information response message, each BS in Paging group ID=1 may update a list of MSSs currently in idle mode.
FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to a third embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 5, when an MSS 550 attempts to enter an idle mode, the MSS 550 may transmit an idle mode entry request (DREG-REQ) message to a serving BS to which the MSS 550 bdwtpi, i«e* M » fl«» »« «Wt »* WNiwI »H W!» m««4» »Wty (Mil). The DREG-REQ message may include information pertaining to a request for de-registration from the serving BS to which the MSS 550 belongs (de-registration request code), as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Cycle Request TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The first BS 520 may receive the idle mode entry request message from the MSS 550 and may transmit an idle mode information request message to provide information

pertaining to the MSS 550 requesting the idle mode entry to a paging controller 570 (S52). Table 9 shows an exemplary idle mode information request message. The idle mode information request message, as shown in Table 9, may preferably include information that a specific MSS has requested an idle mode entry, a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The paging controller 570 may receive the idle mode information request message and may transmit an idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSI') message to tlie serving BS, that is the first BS 520 (S53). Table 10 shows an exemplary idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message.
The idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message, as shown in Table 10, may preferably include information that the MSS 550 has entered an idle mode, as well as a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
A second BS 530 may receive the idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message and may transmit an idle mode command (DREG-CMD) message to the MSS 550 (S54). The idle mode command message may include information pertaining to a command to enter the idle mode, as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).

In response to the ranging request message, t::e second BS 530 may notify the MSS 550 that a location update procedure is requested via a ranging response message. The MSS 550 may then perform a procedure for re-entering a network (S57). If (he MSS 550 performs the network re-entry procedure, the second BS 530 may transmit an idle mode information request message to the paging controller 570 to notify the paging controller 570 that the MSS 530 has re-entered the network (S58).
Furthermore, the paging controller 570 may transmit an idle mode information response message to all BSs belonging to the paging group of the first BS 520, i.e. Paging group ID=1, to notify the BSs that the MSS 550 has terminated the idle mode (S59). In response to receipt of the idle mode information response message, each BS in Paging group ID=1 may update a list of MSSs currently in idle mode.
FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating idle mode control in a wireless access system having a paging controller, according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 6, when an MSS 650 attempts to enter an idle mode, the MSS 650 may transmit an idle mode entry request (DREG-REQ) message to a serving BS to which the MSS 650 belongs, such as a first BS 620, to request an idle mode entry (S61). The DREG-REQ message may include information pertaining to a request for de-registration from the serving BS to which the MSS 650 belongs (de-registration request code), as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Cycle Request TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The first BS 620 may receive the idle mode entry request message from the MSS 650 and may transmit an idle mode information request message to provide information

pertaining to the MSS 650 requesting the idle mode entry to a paging controller 670 (S62). Table 9 shows an exemplary idle mode information request message. The idle mode information request message, as shown in Table 9, may preferably include, inloriiialinii thai a specific MSS has requested an idle mode entry, a MSS MAC address, MSS service ilow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
The paging controller 670 may receive the idle mode information request message and may transmit an idle mode information response (Idlc-Info-KSl') message to the serving BS, that is the first BS 620 (S63). Table 10 shows an exemplary idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message.
The idle mode information response (Idlc-Info-RSP) message, as shown in Tab'e 10, may preferably include information that the MSS 650 has entered an idle mode, as well as a MSS MAC address, MSS service flow information, and TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).
A second BS 630 may receive the idle mode information response (Idle-Info-RSP) message and may transmit an idle mode command (DREG-CMD) message to the MSS 650 (S64). The idle mode command message may include information pertaining to a command to enter the idle mode, as well as TLV encoded information (e.g., Paging Information TLV, Paging controller ID TLV, Idle Mode Retain Information TLV, MAC Hash Skip Threshold TLV).

In yet another embodiment, if the MSS 650 transitions to an area belonging to the second BS 630, which is part of another paging group, i.e. Paging group ID=2, then me MSS 650 may transmit a ranging request message fur u locution update to the second US 630 (S65).
In response to the ranging request message, the second BS 630 may deliver an idle mode information request message to the paging controller 670 to notify the paging controller 670 that the MSS 650 has requested a location update (S66). If the paging controller 670 is unable to perform the requested procedure for the location update, the paging controller 670 may notify the second BS 630 that the requested location update procedure is unavailable via an idle mode information response message (S67). The second BS 630 may notify the MSS 650 that the location update procedure has failed via a ranging response message (S68). The MSS 650 may then perform a procedure for re-entering a network based on the ranging response message (S69).
Once network re-entry is completed, the second BS 630 may notify the paging controller 670 that the network re-entry procedure is terminated via an idle mode information request message (S70). Furthermore, the paging controller 670 may transmit an idle mode information response message to all BSs belonging to the paging group of the first BS 620, i.e. Paging group 10=1, to notify the BSs that the MSS 650 has terminated the idle mode (S69). In response to receipt of the idle mode information response message, each BS in Paging group ID=1 may update a list of MSSs currently in idle mode.
In one embodiment, in a method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and a network at least comprising a serving base station associated will) a

serving paging group and a target base station associated with a target paging group, the method comprises requesting to enter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station by transmitting an idle mode request to the serving base station having u serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier. The method also comprises entering the idle mode by receiving an idle mode grant command from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises initiating a ranging request between the mobile subscriber station and the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the ranging request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
The network may preferably further comprise a paging controller that is operatively connected to the serving base station. The serving base station identifier may preferably be substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging controller. The ranging request to the target base station may preferably further comprise a location update request. The method may preferably further comprise receiving a ranging response from the target base station, wherein the ranging response comprises a location update response.
In another embodiment, in a method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and a network comprising at least a serving base station associated with a

serving paging group and a target base station associated with a target paging group, the method comprises receiving an idle mode request from the mobile subscriber station lo the serving b;ise station to enter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station, the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the sewing base station is associated and the serving base station identifier. The method also comprises transmitting an idle mode grant command to the mobile subscriber station from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises receiving a connection request from the mobile subscriber station to the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the connection request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier. The method also comprises connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
The connection request to the target base station may preferably further comprise a location update request. The method may preferably further comprise transmitting an idle mode information request message to the paging controller, receiving an idle mode information response from the paging controller, and transmitting a ranging response to the mobile subscriber station.
The paging controller may preferably inform the serving base station and other base stations associated with the serving paging group that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station. The paging controller may preferably

inform the target base station and other base stations associated with the target paging group that the mobile subscriber station re-entered the idle mode with the target base station.
Accordingly, in controlling an ,j;.!le mode o" a mobile subscriber station in a wireless access system according to the present invi ition, if the MSS in the idle mode deviates from a paging zone, the idle mode for the former paging zone may be efficiently terminated. Thus, the present invention may prevent unnecessary traffic. Furthermore, the present invention may provide efficient control of the idle mode using a paging controller.
it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications ai.d variations may be made in the present invention without departing from the spirit or scope of the inventions. Thus, it is intended that the present invention covers the modifications and variations of this invention provided they come within the scope of the appended claims and their equivalents.
The present invention can be applicable to a wireless communication system including a broadband wireless access system with various effects.

1. A method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and a network at least comprising a serving base station associated with a serving paging group and a target base station associated with ajtarget paging group, the method comprising:
requesting to enter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station by transmitting an idle mode request to the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier;
entering the idle mode by receiving an idle mode grant command from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier;
initiating a ranging request between the mobile subscriber station and the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the ranging request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier; and
connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the network further comprises a paging controller that is operatively connected to the serving base station.
3. The method of claim 2, wherein the serving base station identifier is
substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging controller.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the ranging request to the target base station
further comprises ;i location update request.
5. The method of claim 4, further comprising:
receiving a ranging response from the target base station, wherein the ranging response comprises a location update response.
6. A method of controlling idle mode between a mobile subscriber station and
a network comprising at least a serving base station associated with a serving paging group
and a target base station associated with a target paging group, the method comprising:
receiving an idle mode request from the mobile subscriber station to the serving base station to cuter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station, the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier;
transmitting an idle mode grant command to the mobile subscriber slat ion from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier;
receiving a connection request from the mobile subscriber station to the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the connection request comprises tlie serving base station identifier and the serving paging group idciililier; and
connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is infonned, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
7. The method of claim 6, wherein the network further comprises a paging
controller that is operatively connected to the serving base station.
8. The method of claim 7, wherein the serving base station identifier is
substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging controller.
9. The method of claim 6, wherein the connection request to the target base
station further comprises a location update request.
10. '1 he method of claim 9, further comprising:
transmitting an idle mode information request message to the paging controller; receiving an idle mode information response from the paging controller; and transmitting a ranging response to the mobile subscriber station.
11. The method of claim 9, further comprising:
transmitting a ranging response to the mobile subscriber station.
12. The method of claim 7, wherein the paging controller informs the serving
base station and other base stations associated with the serving paging group that the
mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
13. The method of claim 7, wherein #ie paging controller informs the target base
station and other base stations associated with the target paging group that the mobile
subscriber station re-entered the idle mode with the target base station.
14. A mobile subscriber station for controlling idle mode with a network
comprising a serving base station associated with a serving paging group and a target base
station associated with a target paging group, the mobile subscriber station comprising:
moans for requesting to enter m idle mode by the mobile subscriber stuliou by transmitting an idle mode request to the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier;
means for entering the idle mode by receiving an idle mode grant command from ihc .scrviny base .station, the idle mode grant command comprising Ihc sci vinjj base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier;
means for initiating a ranging request between the mobile subscriber station and the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the ranging request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier; and
means tor connecting with the target base station, wherein the serving base station is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscribor station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
15. The mobile subscriber station of claim 14, wherein the network further
comprises a paging controller that is operativcly connected to the serving base station.
16. The mobile subscriber station of claim 15, wherein the serving base station
identifier is substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging
17. The mobile subscriber station of claim 14, wherein the ranging request to the
target base station further comprises a location update request.
18. A network wilh a mobile subscriber station, the network comprising at least
a serving base station associated with a serving paging group and a target base station
associated with a target paging group, the network comprising:
means for receiving an idle mode request from the mobile subscriber station to the serving base station to enter an idle mode by the mobile subscriber station, the serving base station having a serving paging group identifier with which the serving base station is associated and the serving base station identifier;
means for transmitting an idle mode grant command to the mobile subscriber station from the serving base station, the idle mode grant command comprising the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier;
means for receiving a connection request from the mobile subscriber station to the target base station associated with the target paging group, wherein the connection request comprises the serving base station identifier and the serving paging group identifier; and
means for connecting with the target base station, wherein (lie sei vinr, bust- sui is informed, by using the serving base station identifier, that the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
19. The network of claim 18, wherein the network further comprises a paging
controller th;it is operalively connected to the serving base station.
20. The network of claim 19, wherein the serving base station identifier is
substituted with a paging controller identifier that is associated with the paging controller.
21. The network of claim 18, wherein the connection request to the turget base
station further comprises a location update request.
22. The network of claim 19, wherein the paging controller informs the serving base station and other base stations associated with the serving paging group that
the mobile subscriber station is not in the idle mode with the serving base station.
23. The network of claim 19, wherein the paging controller informs the target base station and other base stations associated with the target paging group that the mobile
subscriber station re-entered the idle mode with the target base station.









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Patent Number 265477
Indian Patent Application Number 7477/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 25-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 11-Dec-2006
Name of Patentee LG ELECTRONICS INC.
Applicant Address 20, YOIDO -DONG, YOUNGUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-721 (KR)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 31/43
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2005/001711
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-08
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-200-0019324 2005-03-08 Republic of Korea
2 10-2005-0014751 2005-02-23 Republic of Korea
3 10-2004-0041572 2004-06-08 Republic of Korea