Title of Invention


Abstract A quadrangular or rectangular area en a medium surface of a printed material and the like is defined as a block. A straight line in a vertical direction and a horizontal direction nuclear along an edge of the block is defined as a reference grid line. A virtual grid point is placed at a predetermined interval on the reference grid line. A reference grid point dot is placed each on a virtual grid point on the horizontal reference grid lines. A straight line connecting the reference gria point dots and virtual grid points on a vertical line is defined as a grid line. An intersection point of grid lines is defined as a virtual grid point. A dot pattern is generated by arranging one or more information dots having a distance and a direction on the-base of the virtual grid point. An optical reading means is used to scan the dot pattern into image information. Then, the dot pattern is converted into a numerical value, and the information corresponding to the numerical information is read from a storage means and output.
Full Text

[Detailed Description of the Invention] [Technical Field of the Invention]
[0001] The present invention relates to an information input output method using a dot pattern for inputting and outputting various information and programs by optically scanning dot pattern information formed on a printed material and the like. [Background Art]
[0002] There has been proposed an information input output method for outputting audio information and the like by scanning a bar code printed on a printed material and the like. For example, a method has been proposed to store information corresponding to a given key in a storage means, and retrieve the information corresponding to the key scanned by a bar code reader. In addition, a technique has been proposed to generate a dot pattern in which fine dots are arranged based on a predetermined rule to output many information and programs, use a camera to scan the dot pattern printed on a printed material into image data, and digitize the data to output audio information. [0003] However, the aforementioned conventional method of using a bar code to output audio information and the like has a problem in that a bar code printed on a printed material and the like may obstruct the view. There is another problem in that, when a bar code is large enough to occupy a part of the paper, it is substantially impossible to arrange many bar codes in a. limited layout space with each bar code placed in part of text or a sentence or for each meaningful character and other object appearing in an image such as a photograph, a picture, and a graphic so as to be easily viewed.
[0004] A camera is used to capture a dot pattern as image data which is digitized into an achromatic 256-gray-scale image, and then a change in gray scale is differentiated to recognize a dot. The differential coefficient is compared with a

predetermined threshold value to obtain a dot eage. men, u:-e 256-gray-scale data is converted to binary data indicating white or black- This binary conversion may lead re a dot print error due to a printing blur or misalignment, or pixilation misalignment when dots are printed on paper. Conventionaliy, these printing errors are checked by parity checking. However, this error checking has a problem in that a specific dot causing a printing error cannot be identified and imaging range must be broadened because error checking is performed on a chunk of data containing a plurality of dots instead of individual dot.
[0005] Another problem lies in that, lens distortion, oblique imaging, expansion and contraction of paper, curved surface of a medium surface, and distortion at the time of printing may cause a dot pattern to be distorted, thereby requiring an advanced technique for correcting the distortions.
[0006] The present invention is provided to solve these problems. It is an object of the present invention to provide a technique in which a dot pattern to be displayed on a printed material and the like can be placed based on a new rule to define a large amount of data.
[Disclosure of the Invention]
[0007] A.first aspect of the present invention is an information output method using a dot pattern, wherein a quadrangular or rectangular area on a medium surface of a printed material and the like is defined as a block; a straight line in a vertical direction and a horizontal direction each along an edge of the block is defined as a reference grid line; a virtual grid point is placed at a predetermined interval on the reference grid line; a reference grid point dot is placed on a virtual grid point on the horizontal reference grid lines; a straight line connecting the reference grid point dots and virtual grid points on a vertical line is defined as a grid line; an intersection point of grid lines is defined as a virtual grid point; and one or more information dots having a distance and a direction on the base of the virtual grid point are arranged to form a dot pattern, the method comprising: generating the dot pattern; scanning the dot pattern into image information

by an optical reading means; converting the dot pattern into a numerical value; and reading and outputting the information corresponding to the numerical information from a storage means.
[0008] According to this method, a dot pattern capable of defining a large amount of information can be generated by placing an information dot on the base of a virtual grid point in an area between the upper and lower reference grid lines configuring an upper edge and a lower edge of a quadrangular block.
[000 9] A second aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to the first aspect thereof, wherein a sub-reference grid point dot in stead of the information dot is placed on the virtual grid point on a grid line which is parallel to the reference grid line horizontal to a reference block and is placed at a predetermined interval from the reference grid line in the block.
[0010] Use of a sub-reference grid point allows even low precision data to be used to easily identify a grid line and accurately calculate positional relation of an information dot from a virtual grid point. More specifically, use -. of a sub-reference grid point dot enables analysis for any misalignment of dots printed on a medium surface (paper), centering errors of digitized dots, folding of a print surface, and deformation of a dot pattern shot in an oblique direction by an optical reading means.
[0011] A third aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the first and second aspects thereof, wherein at least one of the reference grid dots or sub-reference grid dots constituting the block is displaced from a virtual grid point and is used as a key dot in which the displacement direction to the block and the configuration of the block are defined. [0012] Use of a key dot allows the optical reading means to recognize the direction of a dot pattern. Thus, a larger amount of information can be defined as a dot pattern by changing

the meaning of an information dot read for each di recti or.. [0013] A fourth aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the first to third aspects thereof, wherein a numerical difference between horizontally adjacent information dots m the information dot is calculated into numerical information to output an information group enumerating the numerical infontiation in the block.
[ 0014] A fifth aspecr of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the first to fourth aspects thereof, wherein the block is arranged consecutively in any area vertically and horizontally, and the reference grid dot is shared horizontally by each block.
[0015] A larger amount of information can be placed in a smaller area by sharing a reference grid dot. [0016] In addition, same data is defined for each block in any area so that, when the optical reading means shoots anywhere in the area, the same data can be obtained. Further, the X and Y coordinates are defined for each block so as to use the optical reading means as a coordinate indicating means such as a digitizer and a tablet.
[0017] A sixth aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to the fourth and fifth aspects thereof, wherein a reference grid dot and an information dot at left and right ends of the block are shared in a dot pattern placed consecutively in the area, and in the dot pattern in which a numerical difference between horizontally adjacent information dots is calculated to define numerical information between information dots, an initial value of an information dot at a horizontal end in the area is determined by any random-number.
[0018] This method also allows a larger amount of information to be placed in a smaller area by sharing a reference grid dot. .
[0019] Repetition of an uneven distribution of a dot in the same position can be prevented by applying a dot placement

'algorithm using a difference method to a dor pattern placed consecutively in an area. Thus, visual recognition of a blurred pattern and the like due to repetition of an uneven distribution of a dot in the same position can be prevented. [0020] A seventh aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to the third to sixth aspects thereof, wherein the key dot is placed on at least one of the four corners of a block. [0021] According to this method, a key dot is placed in any position on the four corners of a block to partition one block of data analytically and visually, thus facilitating generation and management of data.
[0022] An eighth aspect of the present invention is an information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the first to seventh aspects thereof, wherein information in an information dot of the block is defined by using a position of the information dot in the block to arbitrarily limit the distance and the direction from the virtual grid point for each information dot. [0023] This method allows information to be defined by arbitrarily limiting the distance and the direction from a virtual grid point, and a dot pattern in accordance with the present invention can be used by limiting the application, so as to ensure security of each other. More specifically, limitedly defined information can be read only by its corresponding optical reading means. [Brief Description of the Drawings]
[0024] FIG. I shows dot patterns in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention: (a) 5 blocks x 5 blocks, (b) 6 blocks x 5 blocks, and (b) 7 blocks x 5 blocks.
FIG.2 is a drawing (1) showing the definition of information of a dot pattern.
FIG. 3 is a drawing (2) showing the definition of information of a dot pattern.
FIG. 4 is a drawing (3) showing the definition of information of a dot pattern.
FIG. 5 is a drawing ■ (4) showing the definition of

'information of a dot pattern.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory drawing (1), each showing a dot reading order.
FIG. 7 is a drawing (1) , each showing a dot configuration.
FIG.8 is an explanatory drawing (2), each showing a dot reading order.
FIG. 9 is a drawing (2) , each showing a dot configuration.
FIG.10 is an explanatory drawing (1) , each showing a dc~ readina order in a difference method.
FIG. 11 is a drawing (I) , each showing a dot configuration when upper and lower reference dots are shared.
FIG.12 is an explanatory drawing, each showing a dot reading order corresponding to FIG. 11.
FIG. 13 is a drawing, each showing a dot configuration when an information dot is shared.
FIG.14 is a drawing showing a dot reading order and a method of calculating the value by a difference method.
FIG.15 is a drawing showing a dot configuration corresponding to FIG. 14.
FIG.16 is a drawing showing an alternative method of placing information dots.
[Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention]
[0025] Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention
will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
[0026] FIG. 1 shows exemplary dot patterns in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention: (a) 4x4 grids,
(b) 5 x 4 grids, and (c) 6 x 4 grids.
[0027] With reference to FIG 1 (a), reference grid lines la to Id are drawn horizontally or vertically along the quadrangle, and a virtual grid point 4 is placed at a predetermined interval within the quadrangle. [0028] Note that reference grid lines la to Id and virtual grid points 4 are not actually printed on paper, but virtually set in computer image memory when dot patterns are placed or read.
[0029] Next, a reference grid dot 2 is placed each on a virtual grid point 4 on upper and lower horizontal reference

grid lines la and lb.
[0030] Next, a line connecting virtual grid points 4 is assumed as a grid line 3, and an intersection point of the grid lines 3 is assumed as a virtual grid point 4. [0031] Next, one or more information dots 5, each having a distance and a direction from a virtual grid point 4 , are placed for each virtual grid point 4 to form a dot pattern. It should be nored rhat one information dot 5 is placed for each virtual grid point 4 in FIG.l.
[ 0032 ] As described above, FIG. 1 (a) shows that information dots are placed with four grids in rhe vertical direction and four grids in the horizontal direction (4x4 grids) , (b) 5x4 grids, and (c) 6x4 grids. It should be noted that any number of grids including and exceeding 2x1 grids can be placed.
[0033] FIG. 2 shows how to define an information dot. The value of an information dot is defined depending on the direction from a virtual grid point 4. More specifically, an information dot can be placed on one of the eight points, each shifted 45 degrees clockwise on a grid line 3 passing through a virtual grid point 4 so as to define a total of eight different information dots (000 to 111 in binary notation, three bits). [0034] With reference to FIG. 3, a two-step distance is provided, each in the same direction as described above to define a total of 16 different information dots (0000 to 1111 in binary notation, four bits).
[0035] With reference to FIG. 4 , a plurality of information dots 5 are placed concentrically around a virtual grid point 4. If a dot is present in a concentric ring, 1 is defined, and if not, 0 is defined so as to define a total of eight bits. Thus, a dot piaced in a vertical direction is defined as a first bit, and then subsequent bit information is defined clockwise. [0036] With reference to FIG. 5, the aforementioned concentric circle is doubled to define a total of 16 bits. This structure allows a large amount of information to be defined for a virtual grid point 4. [0037] FIG.6 explains the order for an optical reading

means to read information dots. The circled numbers in the Figs. 6 are used iust for convenience, and in actualirv corresoor.d to dot patterns shown in FIGS. 1 (a) to (c).
[0038] With reference to FIG. 6 (a) , scanning starts with the left-mo st vertical reference grid line Ic to read an information dot 5 for each virtual grid point 4 (circled numbers from (1) to (3) ) . Then scanning moves on to the next vertical grid line 3 to read from top to bottom (circled numbers from
■A) to (6) ) . This process is repeated sequentially to read for each grid point.
[0039] It should be noted that the above described order of reading for each grid point is to start with the left-most vertical grid line, but it is obvious to set any order of placing and reading information.
[0040] With reference to FIG. 7, a grid line 30 is assumed to be drawn in parallel between the upper reference grid line la and the lower reference grid line lb, and a sub-reference grid point dot 20 in stead of an information dot is placed each on this grid line 30.
[0041] When a conventional optical reading means reads these dot patterns, the optical reading means starts to scan the upper reference grid line la and the lower reference grid line lb to find reference grid point dots 2. Next, the optical reading means assumes a grid line 3 on a computer, and then assumes a virtual grid point 4 from the grid dine 3, and finally determines the distance and length of an information■dot 5 on the base of this virtual grid point 4.
[0042] However, with an increase in the number of grids between the reference grid lines la and lb, information dot reading errors may occur due to deformations of paper (medium surface) or reading precision of the optical reading means.
[0043] However, if a dot (sub-reference grid point dot 20) is placed on every virtual grid point 4 on a grid line 30 placed in the middle between the reference grid lines la and lb as shown in FIGS 7 (a) to (c) , these dots can be used as the base of reading. Thus, information dots can be easily read without any reading 'error even- if any deformation occurs in paper (medium surface) .

br the optical reading means has low precision. [0044] It should be noted that a grid line 30 is placed in an equal distance (equal number of grids) from between the reference grid lines la and lb, but sub-referer.ce grid point dots 20 may be placed on any grid line parallel to the reference arid lines la and lb.
[0045] With reference to FIG. 7 (b) , a sub-reference grid point dot 20 is placed each on a grid line 30 in a 4 x 5 gric area. With reference to FIG. 7 (c) , a sub-reference grid point dot 20 is placed each on a grid line 30 in a 6 x 4 grid area. It should be noted that any number of grids including and exceeding 4x1 grid can be set.
[00461 FIGS. 8 (a) to (c) show the order of reading information dots in a dot pattern having sub-reference grid point dots placed as described in FIG. 7. Circles numbers shown in the FIGS indicate the order of reading. As shown in these FIGS, sub-reference grid point dots are placed on a grid line C. Thus information dots cannot be placed on grid point portions, but reading precision can be greatly improved as described above, time to calculate information dot values can be reduced, and information dot 5 can be easily read without causing an error. With reference to FIGS. 9 (a) and (b) , key dots instead of reference grid point dots are placed on virtual grid points on a reference grid line. In FIG. 9 (a), a key dot is placed on a position shifted upward from a virtual grid point in a middle position of a reference grid line A. In FIG. 9 (b) , a key dot is placed on a sub-reference grid point dot on a middle grid line 30.
[0047] These key dots can be used to define the direction of a dot pattern.
[0048] FIG. 10 descrioes the order of reading information dots using a difference method. Hereinafter, bracketed numbers are indicated by [], circled numbers are indicated by (). [0049] For example, with reference to FIG. 10 (a) showing 4x4 grids, a value [1] is represented by a difference between information dot values (4) and (1). [0050] By the same token, a value [2] is represented by

a difference between information dot values (5) and (2), and a value [3] is represented by a difference between information dot values (6) and (3). Values [4] to [12] are represented in a similar manner.
[00511 Each of the values [1] to [12] is represented by a difference between information dot values as shown below. [Mathematical formula 1] ;0052;

[0053] FIG. 10 (b) shows that this difference is
represented by 4x2 grids. In this FIG. 10 (b) , a sub-reference
grid point 20 is placed.
[0054] Hereinafter, in FIG 10 (b) , values [1] to [8] are
represented each by a difference between information dots as
shown below.
[Mathematical formula 2]

[0056] This difference method allows a plurality cf different dot patterns to be generated from one true value, thereby enhancing security.
[0057] It should be noted that not only a difference method but also any formula defined between information dots can be used to calculate a true value.
[0058] With reference to FIG. 11, reference grid point dots on upper and lower reference grid lines are shared. [0059] With reference to FIG. 11 (a), vertical reference grid lines are not shared. In this case, the number of information dots remains unchanged.
[0060] With reference to FIG. 11 (b) , sub-reference grid lines are placed.
[0061] FIG. 12 shows the order of reading information dots corresponding to FIGS 11 (a) and (b).
[0062] With reference to FIG. 13 (a) , a difference method is used to share information dots on vertical reference grid lines with adjacent grids. In this case, random numbers are used for information dots (initial values in a difference) placed on left—most vertical reference grid lines to arrange the subsequent (rightward) dots in irregular positions, thereby preventing visual blurring of a dot pattern. [0063] With reference to FIG. 13 (b) , sub-reference grid point dots are placed on a grid line C in FIG. 13 (a) . In this case, information dots cannot be placed on grid points, but there are advantages that reading precision .is greatly improved

and Calculation time is reduced. FIG.14 is an explanatory drawing showing the order of reading information dots corresponding to FIG. 13.
[0064] FIG. 14 (a) is an example of 4 x 4 grids, and values [1] to [12] are represented by a difference between information dots as shown below. [Mathematical formula 3] [0065;

[0068] With reference to FIG. 15, a key dot is placed on each of the four corners to define the block. [0069] FIG. 15 (a) shows an example of a dot pattern having 4x4 grids, FIG. 15 (b) also shows an example of a dot pattern having 4x4 grids with sub-reference grid points. [0070] With reference to FIG. 16 (a) , information dots are placed shifted for each grid in vertical and horizontal directions and in an oblique direction.
In this way, distance and direction from a virtual grid point is shifted every one grid to define the dot position, thereby maintaining security based on the positional rule. More specifically, information dots are placed by rigorously defining the position so that only an optical reading means corresponding to this configuration can the read information dots.
[0071] With reference to FIG. 16 (b) , sub-reference grid points are placed in a dot pattern shown in FIG. 16 (a). [Industrial Applicability]
[0072] As described above, according to the information input output method using a dot pattern in accordance with embodiments of the present invention, a virtual grid point is placed at a predetermined interval in an area between the upper and lower reference grid points, and an information dot is placed in a position having a distance and a direction from a virtual grid point to define any information, thereby increasing the amount of information contained in a dot pattern.

'[0073] In addition, an optical reading means is used 10 scan a dot pattern and recognize a reference grid point dot and extract a key dot which is used to recognize the direction which can be used as a parameter. Next, an information dot placed between the upper and lower reference grid points is extracted to quickly output information and a program.
[0074] In addition, a reference grid point dot or a sub-reference grid point dot is placed in a dot pattern so that deformations of a dot pattern due to camera lens distortion, expansion and contraction of paper, curved surface of a medium, and distortion at the time of printing can be corrected when an optical reading means scans the dot pattern into image data.
[0075] Further, a dot configuration error can be checked by defining any information for each information dot in a block by specifying the distance and the direction from a virtual grid point, thereby enhancing security-

'What 'is claimed is:
i. An information output method using a dot pattern, wherein a quadrangular or rectangular area on a medium surface of a printed material and the like is defined as a block; a straight: line in a vertical direction and a horizontal direction each along an edge of the block is defined as a reference grid line; a virtual grid point is placed at a predetermined interval on the reference grid line; a reference grid point dot is placed or. a virtual grid point on the horizontal reference grid lines; a straight line connecting the reference grid point dots and virtual grid points on a vertical line is defined as a grid line; an intersection point of grid lines is defined as a virtual grid point; and one or more information dots having a distance and a direction on the base of the virtual grid point are arranged to form a dot pattern, the method comprising:
generating the dot pattern;
scanning the dot pattern into image information by use of an optical reading means;
converting the dot pattern into a numerical value; and
reading and outputting the information corresponding to the numerical information from a storage means.
2. An information input output method using a dot pattern, according to claim 1, wherein a sub-reference grid point dot in stead of the information dot is placed on the virtual grid point on a grid line which is parallel to the reference grid line horizontal to a reference block and is placed at a predetermined interval from the reference grid line in the block.
3. An information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the claims 1 to 2, wherein at least one of the reference grid dots or sub-reference grid clots constituting the block is displaced from a virtual grid point and is used as a key dot in which the displacement direction to the block and the configuration of the block are defined.
4. An information input output method using a dot pattern, according to one of the claims 1 to 3, wherein a numerical difference between horizontally adjacent information dots-in *

the information dot is calculated into numerical information to output an information group enumerating the numerical information in the block.
5. An information input output method using a dot pattern,
according to claims 1 to 4, wherein the block is arranged
consecutively in any area vertically and horizontally/ and the
reference grid dot is shared horizontally by each block.
6. An.information input output method using a dot pattern,
according to claims 4 to 5, wherein a reference grid do* and
an information dot at left and right ends of the block are shared
in a dot pattern placed consecutively in the area, and in the
dor pattern in which a numerical difference between
horizontally adjacent information dots is calculated to define
numerical information between information dots, an initial
value of an information dot at a horizontal end in the area is
determined by any random number.
7. An information input output method using a dot pattern,
according to one of the claims 3 to 6, wherein the key dot is
placed on at least one of the four corners of a block.
8. .An information input output method using a dot pattern,
according to one of the claims 1 to 7, wherein information in
an information dot of the block is defined by using a position
of the information dot in the block to arbitrarily limit the
distance and the'direction from the virtual grid point for each
information dot.


3325-CHENP-2007 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 23-12-2013.pdf

3325-CHENP-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 11-11-2014.pdf

3325-CHENP-2007 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 11-11-2014.pdf


3325-CHENP-2007 FORM-3 11-11-2014.pdf

3325-CHENP-2007 POWER OF ATTORNEY 11-11-2014.pdf






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Patent Number 265481
Indian Patent Application Number 3325/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 25-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 30-Jul-2007
Name of Patentee YOSHIDA, KENJI
Applicant Address 9-14-2302, KOISHIKAWA 1-CHOME, BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO 112-0002,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06K 7/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/JP04/19613
PCT International Filing date 2004-12-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA