Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for producing gaseous hydrogen and strong sulphuric acid (97 - 100 wt-%) simultaneously from sulphur dioxide gas and water. Sulphur dioxide gas stream is divided into two separate sub-streams, the first sub-stream is routed for water decomposition in a partial thermochemical cycle of the hydrogen and sulphuric acid production and the second sub-stream is fed to the oxidation of the sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide.
The present invention relates to a method for producing simultaneously
hydrogen and strong sulphuric acid from a sulphur bearing feedstock.
The growth of global demand of energy, and the necessity to master
greenhouse emissions, may lead to the introduction of a new and universal
energy carrier, hydrogen. Today most of energy production comes from
hydrocarbons: oil (18 %), coal (30 %) and natural gas (48 %), and only about
4 % comes from water by electrolysis. In a long term the prospected lack of
fossil resources leaves only water and maybe renewable biomass as the
sustainable candidate for hydrogen production.
Research on thermochemical water-splitting cycles began about 40 years
ago, and since that time hundreds of technical articles about them have been
published. More than 200 thermochemical cycles have been reported, and a
number of them have been evaluated quantitatively by computer model
simulations. A search program, which uses only the free energies of
formation has been developed to find new thermochemical cycles.
One of the major efforts in the development of these cycles was done at the
Joint Research Centre at Ispra (Varese, Italy). The program was approved
by the Council of Ministers of the European Communities and covered the
period 1973-1983. In another ten-year program in the USA (Gas Research
Institute), a very simplified evaluation of 200 distinct thermochemical cycles
was made, and finally eight cycles were operated successfully with recycled
materials to achieve proof-to-principle.

The most promising way to produce hydrogen without producing CO2 is
splitting water by high temperature energy from the sun, nuclear sources, or
waste heat in thermochemical cycles. There water is decomposed into
hydrogen and oxygen via a chemistry using intermediate substances, which
are cycled, and the energy needed is introduced as heat. About 100
thermochemical cycles have been found. Four of them were assessed for
further development: first the hybrid sulphur cycle - the Westinghouse
cycle', and then its three close challengers, the /spra Mark 13 hybrid cycle,
the UT-3 cycle, and the sulphur-iodine (S-/) cycle.
Except for the UT-3 cycle, the main reaction in the most promising
thermochemical processes is the decomposition of sulphuric acid (1), which
is endothermic and takes place at high temperature.

This reaction is complemented by other reactions, which then close the
thermochemical cycle in its variants as:
Westinghouse Electric Corporation pursued the development of a closure,
which is called a hybrid sulphur cycle (HyS process) because one of the
reactions (2) is electrochemical.

The hybrid sulphur cycle is described for example in US patent 4412895.
Generals Atomics pursued the development of a sulphur-iodine cycle, and
determined the conditions under which the products of the Bunsen reaction
of water, iodine and sulphur dioxide form two phases, one rich in HI and the
other rich in H2SO4. The cycle, consisting of the Bunsen reaction (3) and the
decomposition reaction (4), is also known today as the "GA process". The
process is described for example in US patent 4,089,940.

The Ispra Mark 13 is a hybrid cycle and a complete bench-scale continuous
process was built and operated at Ispra. The reactions in this closure are:

The UT-3 process, being invented at the University of Tokyo in the 1970s,
and selected by JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki,
Japan) for a further development, consists of four gas-solid reactions: two
Ca-compounds reactions (7), (8) and two Fe-compounds reactions (9), (10).
This process is operated in a cyclic manner in which the solids remain in
their reaction vessels and the flow of gases is switched when the desired
extent of reaction is reached.

From the four thermochemical cycles above, the Ispra Mark 13 cycle has not
been studied anymore in the recent years, and the same concerns the
adiabatic UT-3 cycle, which is no longer the focus of JAERI's investigations
in this area, either. So, recently the S-l and HyS cycles are favoured in the
world in comparison with other known thermochemical cycles studied over
the last 35 years.
The most energy demanding part of the thermochemical cycles is the
splitting of which forms during the cycle. The
original invention, as well as further developments of the S-l cycle, suggest

the application of nuclear energy as the primary heat source, and this is the
case concerning the HyS process, too.
Efficiencies (thermal to hydrogen) in the range of η = 47-56 % have been
calculated for the full process of the sulphur-iodine cycle, and it has been
shown that thermochemical cycles have potential to deliver overall system
efficiencies in excess of 40 %. This is much lower than the efficiency an
electrolysis producing hydrogen by water splitting. The efficiency of electric
power conversion (electricity to hydrogen) is currently about 80 %.
The sulphur-iodine (S-l) cycle can be split into the following reactions (11)-
(17), in which the temperatures between brackets are approximate and
depend upon the pressure which is not necessarily uniform in the different
parts of the cycle. The practical stoichiometrics are:

Reaction (11), named the Bunsen reaction, forms the first section. It
proceeds exothermically in the liquid phase and produces two immiscible

aqueous acid phases whose compositions are indicated between brackets:
L1 phase which is aqueous sulphuric acid and L2 phase, named Hlx, which is
a mixture of hydrogen iodide, iodine and water. The Bunsen reaction, as it
has been written in (11), involves an excess of both water and iodine, with
the reference to stoichiometric amounts. The excess of water is required to
make the reaction spontaneous, and the excess of iodine induces the phase
separation, which is a key point of the process. Such excesses, however, are
quite unfavourable for the following Hlx section as well as for the energy
Reactions (14)-(17) belong to the second section. Reactions (15)-(17)
proceed in the gas phase and produce H2O, SO2 and O2. These gases are
cooled down prior to being bubbled in the Bunsen reactor for separating
oxygen from SO2 and H2O. Alternatively, oxygen can be separated from the
gas before it enters the Bunsen reactor. HI decomposition according to (13)
must be achieved from the Hlx mixture produced in the previous Bunsen
reaction. This acid section appears to be the best known step of the cycle,
because of the experience gained in the sulphuric acid industry. Sulphuric
acid is concentrated through a series of flashes starting from low pressure. It
is then dehydrated, before SO3 is decomposed into SO2. This decomposition
being only partial, undecomposed SO3 is recombined with water, which
allows to recover its heat content.
The third section is formed by reactions (12) and (13). In reaction (12), HI is
separated from L2. This separation is the most critical stage of the cycle.
Reaction (13) is the thermal decomposition of HI. It has also been proposed
to perform reactions (12) and (13) in the same reactive distillation column.
The hybrid sulphur process (HyS, the Westinghouse process) is an all-fluids,
two-step thermochemical cycle, involving hydrogen production

electrolytically, and decomposition of sulphuric acid as another process step.
The net result of the two reactions is the decomposition of water into its
constituents, hydrogen and oxygen.
The system has three main processing units:
- a SO2 depolarized electrolysis tank for producing gaseous hydrogen and a
water-sulphuric acid mixture,
- a sulphuric acid concentration and decomposition step, and
- separation of O2 from SO2 before introducing SO2 back into the electrolysis
The first step of the HyS process involves hydrogen production in an
electrochemical cell by reaction (18). Sulphur dioxide is oxidized on the
anode of an electrochemical cell, while protons are reduced on the cathode
to produce hydrogen. The electrolyte used in the cell is sulphuric acid, and
sulphur dioxide is used to scavenge the anode.

The theoretical equilibrium voltage required to decompose water under
standard conditions (25°C, infinite dilution) is E° H2/H20 = 1.23 V, and the
commercial direct water electrolyzers, which have to deal with system
efficiency and overvoltage, operate with 1.8-2.6 V per cell. The presence of
sulphur dioxide depolarizes the anode and reduces the reversible voltage
relative to that required for the direct dissosiation of water.
The acid decomposition step involves multiple process operations, including
preheating, acid concentration, acid vaporization, acid dissociation, and
sulphur trioxide decomposition as is presented earlier by reactions (15)-(17).
This process step is common to all sulphur-based thermochemical cycles, so

the results obtained in the development of this section of the sulphur-iodine
process can be directly applied to the HyS cycle, too.
After the sulphuric acid decomposition unit, the oxygen thermally
decomposed from SO3 is removed from the stream. The separated sulphur
dioxide is recycled to the electrolysis tank, and oxygen is either used in some
other process or vented.
The original thermochemical cycles described above have been developed
with the application of nuclear energy in mind and the application of SO2
without recycling and decomposition of sulphuric acid has not been
discussed in this connection.
In the prior art there is also described in JP 2005219033 a method, which
removes sulphur oxide from a gas and utilizes it for hydrogen and sulphuric
acid production. Sulphur-oxide containing gas is discharged from a furnace
such as a coal/oil burning boiler, metal refining furnace and sulphur furnace.
Sulphur oxide containing gas is contacted with bromine and water, which
results forming of sulphuric acid and a gas containing hydrogen bromide
(HBr) and water. Iron bromide (FeBr2) and water are reacted to form ferric
oxide (Fe3O4) hydrogen bromide and hydrogen. Ferric oxide and hydrogen
bromide are reacted to generate bromine and iron bromide. Bromine is used
to contact sulphur oxide gas and iron bromide to form hydrogen. The method
seems to be a modification of the UT-3 process.
JP 8071365 relates to a method to use an oxidation/reduction system in the
desulphurization of sulphur oxide containing exhaust gas for obtaining
sulphuric acid and hydrogen as byproducts. Exhaust gas is contacted with a
sulphur dioxide absorbing solution containing dissolved iodine in water. The
solution forms two layers the light phase containing sulphuric acid and the
heavy phase hydrogen iodide. Hydrogen iodide is electrolyzed to produce
hydrogen and iodine. Separated iodine is reused for absorbing sulphur

dioxide gas. The light phase containing sulphuric acid is concentrated. The
method is a modification of SI process without sulphuric acid decomposition.
Both cited Japanese methods produce sulphuric acid in addition to hydrogen.
However, each mole of sulphuric acid in the light phase is
initially accompanied with 5 moles of water, which means that the acid is
dilute acid, which is not a commercial product. There is said in JP 8071365
that the sulphuric acid will be concentrated but not said how it takes place.
As is known, concentration by water evaporation does not succeed above 60
mol-% (≈ 90 wt%) and for a commercial product (100 wt%) the acid has to be
concentrated in a sulphuric acid plant. So the sulphuric acid production with
said method is not possible without connection to sulphuric acid plant.
The function of the present invention is to avoid recycling and decomposition
of sulphuric acid in the production of hydrogen. Instead of decomposing
sulphuric acid, the invention relates to a method in which sulphur dioxide gas
is used for producing hydrogen simultaneously with concentrated sulphuric
acid (93 - 100 wt%) or oleum (sulphuric acid with free SO3). Dependency of
any sulphuric acid plant can be avoided by dividing the sulphur dioxide gas
stream to two sub-streams wherein the first sub-stream is routed for the
production of hydrogen and sulphuric acid and the second sub-stream to
produce sulphur trioxide, which is used for concentrating the sulphuric acid to
strong sulphuric acid (preferably 97 -100 wt%).
The essential features of the invention are characterized in the claims.
The present invention relates to a method for producing gaseous hydrogen
and strong sulphuric acid simultaneously from sulphur dioxide gas and water.
Sulphur dioxide gas stream is divided into two separate sub-streams, the first
sub-stream is routed for water decomposition in a partial thermochemical

cycle of the hydrogen and sulphuric acid production and the second sub-
stream is fed to the oxidation of the sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide.
The partial thermochemical cycle here refers to a cycle without its high
temperature step of sulphuric acid decomposition.
The sulphuric acid formed in the partial thermochemical cycle is first
concentrated by evaporation. The final concentration to strong sulphuric acid
(97- 100 wt%) takes place with the Sulphur trioxide formed in the oxidation of
the second sub-stream of the sulphur dioxide. The amount of the sulphur
dioxide routed to the first sub-stream is in at least 40 % of the total amount.
The quantity of the second stream depends on the strength or concentration
degree of the sulphuric acid from the evaporation step.
The source of sulphur dioxide may be any technically feasible feedstock,
such as elementary sulphur or hydrogen sulphide, which are converted to
sulphur dioxide. The oxidant is preferably oxygen. The source may also be
sulphur dioxide, either as a result of sulphur combustion or as a by-product
of a sulphide smelter or roaster, or a SO2-enrichment step of an industrial
process gas cleaning plant. Also any other sulphur source, which can be
converted to SO2, may be used as feedstock of the method. The sulphide is
preferably at least one of the group: copper, nickel, zinc, lead or iron
The partial thermochemical cycle utilized in the present method may be any
of the possible processes using sulphur as a constituent and sulphuric acid
as an intermediate product, such as the sulphur-iodine cycle or hybride
sulphur cycle.
Figure 1 shows a flowsheet of a preferred method according to the invention,

Figure 2 presents a flowsheet of another preferred method according to the
invention, and
Figure 3 shows a flowsheet of third preferred method according to the
The main disadvantage in the prior art methods has been the big energy
requirement of the sulphuric acid decomposition since it consumes roughly
over 60 % of the heat energy of the hydrogen production and only minor than
40% is consumed in the decomposition of water. The methods described in
the cited Japanese patent publications avoid sulphuric acid decomposition
but however the production according to them must take place in connection
of a sulphuric acid plant since the sulphuric acid produced is not commercial
product as such.
The invention according to the present method reveals a new possibility to
produce independently and cost-effectively both hydrogen and strong
sulphuric acid (100%). In practice the acid content of the strong sulphuric
acid is between 97-100 wt% though it is mentioned in the specification to
be 100 wt%. It is also possible to produce oleum with the present method.
Some preferable process alternatives have been described in the light of the
flowsheets. Elementary sulphur has been used as a feedstock of sulphur
dioxide in Figure 1. However, also hydrogen sulphide can be used as a
source of sulphur. Sulphur is converted to sulphur dioxide by combusting it
with oxygen in a sulphur furnace 1. The figures describing the process have
been simplified and they do not reveal all details. It is however preferential
that the formed sulphur dioxide gas is cleaned from solids before dividing to
two separate streams.
The first substream of the created sulphur dioxide and possibly a small
amount of oxygen, which has been used in excess, is routed to a Hydrogen

line and there to a combining and mixing reactor 2 where water is fed and a
recycled composition of hydrogen iodide, elementary iodine and water. The
amount of the first sub-stream is at least 40 % of the total sulphur dioxide
The mixed composition of sulphur dioxide, water and iodine with its
compounds is directed to a so-called Bunsen reactor 3. The Bunsen reaction
(11) operates with excess water and also with excess iodine to allow the
separation of reaction products H2SO4 and HI in the form of two immiscible
liquid phases (H2SO4/H2O and Hl/I2/H2O). The reaction temperature is about
120°C. Separation of the two phases takes place in a settler 4. The heavy
phase containing hydrogen iodide, iodine and water is routed to a separation
and decomposition stage 5. The light phase consisting of dilute sulphuric
acid and water is directed to an evaporation stage 6.
Each mole of sulphuric acid in the light phase (H2SO4/H2O) is initially
accompanied by an excess of water, typically 4-5 moles. The remaining acid
(20 mol% = 57 wt%) is concentrated to commercial grades. The first part of
the concentration takes place in the evaporation stage 6. This is done to at
least 40 mol% (≈78 wt%) and preferably at least 60 mol% (≈ 90 wt%) in a
series of e.g. five flash evaporators (four heated flashes at 7.5 bar and one
adiabatic flash to 3 bar), and then the acid passes through a 1 atm vaporizer
to the absorption towers of the acid plant. Pure water is removed in the
overhead of the flashes and this is returned to the Bunsen reactor 3. Low
pressure steam from acid cooling in the absorption unit is applied in the acid
concentration section (flash evaporators). Higher acid concentrations require
high pressure steam which is gained from the sulphur combustion.
In the combustion of liquid elementary sulphur to generate SO2, pure oxygen
(technical grade oxygen = 90-100% O2) is preferably used. This allows a

greater efficiency of the Bunsen reactor, and it also enables the recirculation
of unconverted SO2 and oxygen back into the sulphur combustion furnace.
The second sub-stream of the sulphur dioxide formed in the sulphur furnace
1 is directed to a Sulphuric acid line and further to sulphur trioxide conversion
stage 7. It is advantageous to use pure oxygen under pressure for the SO2 to
SO3 conversion in the sulphuric acid line. The adaption of this kind of an
absorption technology is necessary because the low concentrated acid from
the S-l stage would inevitably lead to strong mist formation.
To avoid the mist formation, the diluted sulphuric acid from the evaporation
(6) can be used as a substitute for the conventional make-up water for the
sulphuric acid which come from the absorption stage (8) of the second sub-
stream. In this case, the SO3 is absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid as in
conventional plants and this higher concentrated acid is mixed with the
diluted acid from the evaporator to get the desired concentration.
At least half % of the generated SO2 goes into the S-l section to produce
acid at a strength of at least 78 wt%. The remaining part, the second sub-
stream goes directly to the conversion stage, and is converted into SO3. The
created sulphur trioxide is absorbed to the sulphuric acid cycled from the
evaporation stage 6 in an absorption stage 8. In the absorption stage the
content of the sulphuric acid is raised to the level of 97 - 100 wt%. As was
said before, the ratio in which the SO2 is routed to each line depends totally
on the efficiency of the evaporation stage. But it is also possible to control
the concentration of the sulphuric acid by the distribution of the SO2 gas to
the sub-streams or compensate lacking efficiency of the evaporation state
with other distribution of SO2 into the sub-streams.

The pressure contact in the conversion stage 7 is planned to use the inline
technology concept, in which the individual process steps are carried out in
tubes and pipes rather than in individual vessels. However, the capital cost
of the modified acid plant corresponds the cost of a conventional acid plant.
The production costs are competitive with the prior art.
Fgure 2 shows a flowsheet, in which the sulphur bearing feedstock is a
copper sulphide concentrate, which is combusted in a flash furnace 9 by
means of oxygen containing gas to copper matte and sulphur dioxide gas. It
is clear that the sulphide can also be another sulphide or roaster can be used
instead of smelter. The created sulphur dioxide gas is divided to two sub-
streams and treated in the same way as described in the connection with
Figure 1.
The sulphur bearing feedstock is also in the flowsheet of Figure 3 a copper
sulphide concentrate, which is combusted in a flash furnace 9 and the
created sulphur dioxide gas is divided to two sub-streams as explained
before but the production of hydrogen from the SO2 includes decomposing of
water electrolytically in an electrolyzer 10. The hydrogen is so produced by
using partial HyS cycle. In addition to hydrogen, sulphuric acid is formed, too,
and it is routed to evaporation stage 6 and treated as described in the
connection of Figure 1.
It is clear that the partial HyS line can also be used when the source of the
sulphur dioxide is elementary sulphur as described in Figure 1 or any other
possible source mentioned before.

1. A method for producing simultaneously gaseous hydrogen and
sulphuric acid from sulphur dioxide gas and water, characterized in
that the sulphur dioxide gas stream is divided to two sub-streams, the
first of them is fed with water to a partial thermochemical cycle for
production of hydrogen and sulphuric acid and the second sub-stream
is fed to the oxidation of the sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide, which
is used for concentrating the sulphuric acid created from the first sub-
2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the created
sulphuric acid is first concentrated by evaporation.
3. A method according to claim 1 and 2, characterized in that the
concentrated sulphuric acid is further concentrated to strong sulphuric
acid (97 -100 wt%) with the sulphur trioxide formed in the oxidation of
the second sub-stream.
4. A method according to claim 1 and 2, characterized in that the
concentrated sulphuric acid is further concentrated to oleum with the
sulphur trioxide formed in the oxidation of the second sub-stream.
5. A method according to claim 1 characterized in that the amount of
the first sub-stream is at least 40% of the total sulphur dioxide gas
6. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that a source of the
sulphur dioxide gas is elementary sulphur or hydrogen sulphide, which
are converted with oxygen to sulphur dioxide.

7. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that a source of the
sulphur dioxide gas is a by-product of a sulphide smelter.
8. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that a source of the
sulphur dioxide gas is a by-product of a sulphide roaster.
9. A method according to claim 7 or 8, characterized in that the sulphide
is at least one of the group: copper, nickel, zinc, lead or iron sulphide.
10.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the sulphur
dioxide gas is cleaned before dividing.
11. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that a source of the
sulphur dioxide gas is a sulphur dioxide enrichment step of an
industrial process gas cleaning plant.
12.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the partial
thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production is the sulphur-iodine
(S-l) cycle.
13.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the partial
thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production is the electrolytical
hybride-sulphur (HyS) cycle.
14. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that pure oxygen is
used for the oxidation of sulphur dioxide.

The invention relates to a method for producing gaseous hydrogen and strong sulphuric acid (97 - 100 wt-%) simultaneously from sulphur dioxide gas and water. Sulphur dioxide gas stream is divided into two separate sub-streams, the first
sub-stream is routed for water decomposition in a partial thermochemical cycle of the hydrogen and sulphuric acid production and the second sub-stream is fed to the oxidation of the sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide.






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2343-KOLNP-2009-(20-03-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf






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2343-kolnp-2009-international preliminary examination report.pdf

2343-kolnp-2009-international publication.pdf


2343-kolnp-2009-pct priority document notification.pdf

2343-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 265483
Indian Patent Application Number 2343/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 09/2015
Publication Date 27-Feb-2015
Grant Date 25-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 24-Jun-2009
Name of Patentee OUTOTEC OYJ
Applicant Address RIHITONTUNTIE 7, FI-02200 ESPOO
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C01B 3/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/FI2008/050010
PCT International Filing date 2008-01-17
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20070054 2007-01-19 Finland