Title of Invention


Abstract A radiant heating for heating the building material in a laser sintering device and a laser sintering device having such a radiant heating are described. The radiant heating has a sheetlike heat radiating element (113, 213, 313), which is characterized in that it is made of a material, that has a low thermal inertia with a thermal diffusivity of preferably more than 1.5·10-4 m2/s and preferably has a thickness of 2 mm or less.
Full Text PCT/EP2006/003991
Electro Optical Systems et al.
The present invention is related to a radiant heating accord-
ing to the preamble of claim 1 and to a laser sintering appa-
ratus having such a radiant heating.
Such a radiant heating and such a laser sintering device for
the manufacturing of a three-dimensional object are known from
WO 92/08566.
A resistive heating element made of graphite in order to pro-
cess semiconductor wafers at temperatures up to 1200°C is
known from US 2004/0074898 Al. The thickness of the resistive
element in such a case is 0.1 inch (2.54 mm) or more. Due to
the high thickness of the resistive heating element its ther-
mal inertia is high. In particular at lower temperatures no
fast temperature control or adjustment is possible with it.
When manufacturing a three-dimensional object by subsequently
solidifying layers of a powder material by a laser beam the
temperature of the material has to be within a certain process
window in order to ensure a good quality of the three-
dimensional object. For a fast and exact adjustment/control of
this temperature the dynamic behavior of the radiant heating
is decisive.
Therefor-e, the object of providing a radiant heating for a la-
ser sintering device and providing a laser sintering device
having such a radiant heating, by which the temperature of the

material can be adjusted/controlled in a fast and exact way,
forms the basis of the invention.
The object is achieved by a radiant heating according to claim
1 and by a laser sintering device for manufacturing of a
three-dimensional object according to claim 14. Further devel-
opments of the invention are described in the sub-claims.
Compared to the use of conventional radiant heaters such as
lamps or heating rods the use of a panel radiator in a laser
sintering device has the advantage that it can be operated at
the same radiated power at lower temperatures. This leads to
less lateral radiation to the walls of the process chamber and
to a cooler atmosphere in the process chamber.
The inventive radiant heating has the particular advantage
that it has a heat radiating element having a lower thermal
inertia. Therefore, the power emitted by the heat radiating
element can be quickly changed. This allows for a fast and ex-
act adjustment/control of the temperature of the material that
is heated by the radiant heating.
Moreover, due to the invention the manufacturing of a three-
dimensional object of a high quality at a short building time
is possible.
The use of graphite for the inventive heat radiating element
has the advantage that graphite has a high heat conductivity
and at the same time has a low specific heat capacitance. This
corresponds to a high thermal diffusivity a, which can be cal-
culated from the specific thermal conductivity λ, the specific
density p and the specific heat capacity c according to the
following equation:

a = λ/(p-c) .
A high thermal diffusivity is accompanied by a low thermal in-
ertia and a homogeneous temperature distribution or radiant
power of the heat radiating element. Further, graphite has the
advantage that it can be used at high temperatures.
Further features and the usefulness of the invention will
arise from the description of embodiments on the basis of the
accompanying drawings.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of an example of the laser
sintering device;
Fig. 2 shows a radiant heating according to a first embodi-
ment ;
Fig. 3 shows a modification of the radiant heating from Fig.
Fig. 4 shows a radiant heating according to a second embodi-
ment ; and
Fig. 5 shows a radiant heating according to a third embodi-
ment .
Fig. 1 shows a laser sintering device having the inventive ra-
diant heating. The laser sintering device comprises a con-
tainer 1, which is open to the top. A support 2 for supporting
the object 3 to be formed is provided in the container 1. The
support 2 can be moved up and down in the container 1 in a
vertical direction A by means of a drive 4. The upper edge of
the container 1 defines a work plane 5. An irradiation device
6, which is a laser, is positioned above the work plane 5 and

emits a directed laser beam that is deflected onto the work
plane 5 by a deflection device 7. Moreover, an application de-
vice 8 is provided for applying a layer of a powder material
to be solidified onto the surface of the support 2 or a previ-
ously solidified layer. The application device can be moved
back and forth across the work plane 5 by means of a drive
that is schematically indicated by the arrows B. The applica-
tion device 8 is fed from two powder reservoirs 10 by means of
two dosing devices 9 at the left and at the right of the con-
struction field. Furthermore, two spill-over containers 11 are
provided at the left and at the right of the construction
field, which can take up the excess powder that accumulates
during the powder application.
Furthermore the device comprises a radiant heating 12, which
is located above the work plane 5, for pre-heating an applied
powder layer, which has not yet been sintered, up to a work
temperature TAsuitable for sintering. The radiant heating 12
is constructed such that the applied powder layer may be
heated uniformly.
Above the work plane 5 a temperature measuring device 13 is
provided at a distance, which serves for a non-contact measur-
ing of the temperature of the previously applied or uppermost
powder layer.
The work area is secluded from the surrounding by a process
chamber 16. Thereby the oxidation of the powder and the re-
lease of possible process gases can be prevented, if neces-
A control and/or adjustment device 17 serves for controlling
and/or adjusting the power of the radiant heating 12 as well
as the power of the irradiation device 6. For that purpose the

control and/or adjustment device 17 is connected to the radi-
ant heating 12, the temperature measuring device 13 and to the
irradiation device 6.
Fig. 2 shows a first embodiment of the radiant heating.
The radiant heating 112 according to the first embodiment com-
prises a resistive element 113 as heat radiating element. The
resistive element 113 is formed of a graphite plate (e.g. car-
bon fiber reinforced graphite plate ®SigraBond of SGL Carbon)
having a thermal diffusivity a > 1.5.10-4 m2/s at a temperature
of 20°C and a thickness of d = 2.0 mm. It substantially has
the shape of a rectangle with a rectangular opening 114 for
the laser beam and the optical path of the temperature measur-
ing device being positioned at the center. The resistive ele-
ment surrounding the rectangular opening is interrrupted at
the periphery by means of a gap 115. On both sides of the gap
a contact 116 and 116' , respectively, which in each case is
designed as a copper bar, is attached to the resistive ele-
ment. A controllable voltage supply 117 that is designed for
high currents (approximately 20-40 A at a voltage of 30-60 V)
is connected to the contacts 116, 116'. Slits 118 are extend-
ing from the corners of the opening 115 towards the corners of
the outer periphery of the resistive element in order to
achieve a more homogeneous distribution of the current density
and an increase of the heating power in the area of the outer
corners, respectively, as soon as a voltage is applied to the
contacts 116, 116' in the resistive element.
In the following the operation of the previously described la-
ser sintering device and the inventive radiant heating will be

At first, a first powder layer is applied onto the support 2
by means of the application device 8.
It is particularly important for the quality of the finished
object that the temperature of the uppermost powder layer to
be solidified is a temperature within a predetermined range
that is the process window. Above of this process window the
powder is already sintered without additional radiation en-
ergy, while at temperatures below the process window warping
may occur in the solidified layer. Often the so-called curl
effect, wherein the edges of the solidified layer bend up or
roll up, is also attributed to a too low temperature of the
uppermost powder layer. Therefore, in order to achieve good
results, in particular to prevent warpage in the manufactured
object, before the solidification the powder layer applied by
the application device must be heated by the radiant heating
12 up to a work temperature TA within the process window.
For this purpose after the application of the powder layer the
temperature of this layer is measured without contact by the
temperature measuring device 13. Depending on the temperature
measured thereby the heating power of the radiant heating 12
is determined. After the uppermost powder layer has been
heated up to the work temperature TA, the positions in the pow-
der layer corresponding to the cross-section of the object are
solidified by irradiation with the laser.
After the solidification of a layer the support 2 is lowered
by a distance corresponding to the layer thickness and a new
powder layer is applied onto the previously irradiated layer
by means of the application device 8. Then the previously de-
scribed steps are repeated until the manufacturing of the
three-dimensional object is completed.

In Fig. 3 a modification of the first embodiment is shown. A
heat radiating element 113' according to this modification
differs from the heat radiating element shown in Fig. 2 in
that it comprises meander-shaped area paths, by which the
value of ohmic resistance - and thereby the heating power for
a certain voltage applied to the resistive element - can be
In Fig. 4 a cross-section of a second embodiment of the inven-
tive radiant heating is shown.
In the radiant heating 212 according to the second embodiment
a graphite foil 213 (e.g. ®Sigraflex graphite foil from SGL
Carbon) is provided as heat radiating element, which has a
thermal diffusivity of a = 2.14.10-4 m2/s at a temperature of
20°C in a direction parallel to the foil and which has a
thickness of d = 0.5 mm.
In order to achieve a high emission coefficient the graphite
foil 213 is treated with a blackbody spray. It is pressed
against a heating wire 215 by means of thin rigid profiled
bars 214, so that a good thermal contact is formed between the
heating wire 215 and the graphite foil 213. Moreover, the pro-
filed bars contribute to the mechanical stability of the
graphite foil.
At the side of the heating wire 215 facing away from the
graphite foil a first insulation 216 is provided, which has a
bottom side that is reflective for heat radiation. A material
having high mechanical stability is selected as material for
the first insulation. Preferably this first insulation 216 is
made of graphite rigid felt (e.g. ®SigraTherm Graphite Rigid
Felt of SGL Carbon) having a low heat conductivity (the ther-

mal conductivity λ. of ®SigraTherm Graphite Rigid Felt is lower
than 0.3 W/mK at temperatures below 1000°C).
At the side of the first insulation 216 facing away from the
heating wire 215 a second insulation 217 is provided. This
second insulation need not have mechanical stability, however,
must have good heat insulating characteristics. Preferably the
second insulation is made of a material having a heat conduc-
tivity λ = 0.03 W/mK or less at temperatures below 400°C (e.g.
OPromalight of Proma).
At the side facing away from the graphite foil and at the lat-
eral sides of the first and second insulations are surrounded
by a stainless steel frame 218 at which also the profiled bars
214 are mounted. Also, in order to achieve mechanical stabili-
sation, spacers 218 of an insulating material are provided
laterally between the graphite foil and the first insulation
Fig. 5 shows a third embodiment of the inventive radiant heat-
As it was the case in the second embodiment, in the radiant
heating 312 according to the third embodiment a graphite foil
313 is provided as heat radiating element. However, differing
from the second embodiment, this graphite foil is not heated
by a heating wire, but by IR heat radiators 314, which are po-
sitioned at a distance on one side of the graphite foil. Lat-
erally and at the side facing away from the graphite foil the
IR heat radiators 314 are surrounded by an insulating shell
315 with a distance inbetween. The insulating shell is charac-
terized in that it is reflective for heat radiation towards
the side of the IR radiators and that it has preferably low
heat conductivity. Like the heat insulation consisting of the

first and second insulation in the second embodiment, the in-
sulating shell 315 may have a multi-layer construction in or-
der to combine a mechanical stability with good insulating
characteristics at the same time.
Alternatives and modifications of the above-described laser
sintering device, radiant heating and the above-described
method are possible.
The inventive radiant heating was described to comprise a heat
radiating element having a shape with a rectangular outline.
This geometry of the heat radiating element is particularly
suited for a uniform heating of a rectangular target field.
However, the shape of the heat radiating element is not lim-
ited to this, but may have any arbitrary two-dimensional shape
that is adapted to the corresponding geometrical proportions.
Thus, e.g. the heat radiating element may be formed having a
circular outline. Accordingly also the rectangular opening may
have a different shape such as a round shape.
It is also possible to provide a plurality of heating zones.
Thus, in the radiant heating according to the first embodiment
a plurality of resistive heating elements may be provided, in
the radiant heating according to the second embodiment a plu-
rality of heating wires may be provided and in the radiant
heating according to the third embodiment a plurality of IR
heat radiators may be provided, which in each case can be op-
erated independently of each other in order to form a plural-
ity of heating zones that are independent from one another.
In the first embodiment a graphite plate has been described as
material of the heat radiating element. The use of a different
material is possible as long as the thermal diffusivity has a
value above approximately a = 1.5.10-4 m2/s at a temperature of

20°C. In particular, it is also possible to use a graphite
foil as heat radiating element like in the second embodiment.
If necessary, elements providing mechanical stabilisation have
to be provided in case the heat radiating element is not self-
supporting. It is e.g. possible to clamp or apply the graphite
file onto a grid.
The second embodiment has been described to comprise a heat
radiating element being pressed to a heating wire. However,
the heating wire can also run within the heat radiation ele-
ment and in particular within a groove in the heat radiation
element. In addition, the heating wire may be sandwiched bet-
ween two graphite elements by pressing.
In the second and third embodiment the use of a graphite foil
as heat radiating element has been described. However, the use
of another material having a thermal diffusivity above ap-
proximately a = 1.5.10-4 m2/s, preferably above a = 2.10-4 m2/s
at 20°C, is also possible. In particular, also a graphite
plate can be used.
The different embodiments of the radiant heating have been de-
scribed having heat radiating elements of a certain thickness.
A different thickness, in particular a smaller thickness, is
possible. With respect to the thermal characteristics a pref-
erably small thickness is desirable. A lower boundary for the
thickness is the mechanical stability.

1. Radiant heating for heating the building material in
a laser sintering device comprising a two-dimensional heat ra-
diating element (113, 213, 313), characterized in that
the heat radiating element (113, 213, 313) consists of a
material having a low thermal inertia.
2. Radiant heating for heating the building material in
a laser sintering device comprising a two-dimensional heat ra-
diating element (113, 213, 313), characterized in that
said heat radiating element (113, 213, 313) consists of a
material having a thermal diffusivity of more than approxi-
mately 1.5.10-4 m2/s at a temperature of 20°C.
3. Radiant heating according to claim 1 or 2, wherein
the heat radiating element (113, 213, 313) consists of a mate-
rial having a thermal diffusivity of more than approximately
2.l0-4 m2/s at a temperature of 2 0°C.
4. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 3,
wherein the heat radiating element (113, 213, 313) has a
thickness of approximately 2 mm or less.
5. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 4,
wherein the heat radiating element (213, 313) consists of a
graphite foil.
6. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 4,
wherein the heat radiating element consists of a graphite
plate (113).

7. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 6,
wherein current terminals (116, 116') are provided at the heat
radiating element (113), so that a current can be circulated
through the heat radiating element in the direction of the
surface in order to operate it as resistive heating element.
8. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 7,
wherein a heating wire (215) is provided in contact to the
heat radiating element (213) for heating the heat radiating
element (213).
9. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 8,
wherein an IR radiant heater (314) is provided for heating the
heat radiating element (313).
10. Radiant heating according to claim 9 further compris-
ing an insulating shell (315), wherein
the radiant heater (314) is included between the insulat-
ing shell (315) and the heat radiating element (313) and
the insulating shell (315) on its side facing the radiant
heater (314) is reflective for the heat that is radiated by
the radiant heater (314).
11. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 10,
wherein the heat radiating element (113, 213, 313) comprises
at the centre an opening for passing the laser beam.
12. Radiant heating according to one of claims 7 or 8,
wherein at least a portion of the heat radiating element
(113') is formed in the shape of a meandering sheet-like path.

13. Radiant heating according to one of claims 1 to 12,
wherein at one side of the heat radiating element an insula-
tion (216) made of graphite is provided at a distance.
14. Laser sintering device for manufacturing a three-
dimensional object by subsequently solidifying layers of a
powder material that can be solidified at positions corre-
sponding to the respective cross-section by means of radiation
a radiant heating (112, 212, 312) according to one of
claims 1 to 13 for heating the material that can be solidi-

A radiant heating for heating the building material in a laser
sintering device and a laser sintering device having such a
radiant heating are described. The radiant heating has a
sheetlike heat radiating element (113, 213, 313), which is
characterized in that it is made of a material, that has a low
thermal inertia with a thermal diffusivity of preferably more
than 1.5·10-4 m2/s and preferably has a thickness of 2 mm or




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Patent Number 265560
Indian Patent Application Number 3128/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 27-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 24-Aug-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H05B 3/00, B22F 3/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/003991
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005 024790.3 2005-05-26 Germany