Title of Invention


Abstract A method for providing dynamic messages to callers on hold is disclosed. A telephone call is received into a queue (200) and a first wait time is calculated which corresponds to a first estimated length of time expected to elapse before an agent is available to answer the telephone call (215). A plurality of message elements are assembled to create a message having a length approximately equal to the first wait time (220), and playback of the message is initiated (225). A second wait time is calculated during the playback of the message (235). The message is modified during playback to have a length approximately equal to the second wait time (240, 245). The invention also discloses a call center for providing dynamic message content to callers on hold.
Full Text

Field of the Invention
[0001] The present invention generally relates to call centers and, more particularly, to
providing content to callers on hold.
Related Art
[0002] In conventional call centers, the number of incoming telephone calls generally
exceeds the number of persons (e.g., agents) available to answer the telephone calls. As a
result, incoming telephone calls are typically entered into a queue and distributed as agents
become available to respond. Meanwhile, callers (e.g., customers) are forced to remain on
hold until they are eventually connected with an agent
[0003] While callers remain on hold, the call center may use various, statistical methods to
calculate and periodically inform each caller of the estimated length of time expected to
elapse before an agent becomes available to answer the caller's individual telephone call.
Unfortunately, the actual wait time experienced by each caller can vary in response to
unpredictable changes in the number of available agents and the number of prior callers
who chose to hang up or remain on hold.
[0004] The call center may also provide callers on hold with music, advertising, or other
content, all of which is often generally referred to as "music on hold." Such content is
often provided in the form of a pre-recorded loop of fixed duration which cannot be readily
modified in realtime. However, because of the fixed nature of such content, it cannot be
readily adjusted in response to variations in wait times experienced by callers described
above. This can lead to dissatisfaction on the part of callers and resource inefficiencies on
the part of the call center.
[0005] For example, if a caller spends a relatively long time on hold, the same looped
content may be repeated to the caller many times. As a result, the caller may become
frustrated or lose interest in any advertising or other information included in the content
Conversely, if the caller spends a relatively short time on hold, the caller may hear only
part of the content, such as only part of an advertisement; before being connected with an

agent. In this case, the advertisement may be rendered ineffective if the caller does not
hear a complete message that includes an introduction portion, a body portion, and a
closure portion.
US Patent Publication 2005/0069102 A1 to Chang et al. (hereinafter
"Chang") describes a call routing system and a method of communicating with a call
originator. Further, US Patent No. 6,885,734 B1 to Eberle et al. (hereinafter "Eberle")
describes a system and method for the creation and automatic deployment of
personalized, dynamic and interactive inbound and outbound voice services.
Nevertheless, neither Chang nor Eberle describes steps for making dynamic changes to
a message during a playback of the message when a caller is on hold.
[0006] Accordingly, there is a need for an improved approach to providing content to
callers of a call center that overcomes deficiencies in prior approaches identified above.
[0007] Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a plurality of agents and callers in
communication with a call center in accordance with an embodiment of the present
[0008] Fig. 2 is a flowchart illustrating a process for providing dynamic message content to
callers in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0009] Fig. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a message prepared by a call center in
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0010] Figs. 4A-C are block diagrams illustrating lengthened versions of the message of
Fig. 3 prepared by a call center in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0011] Figs. 5A-C are block diagrams illustrating shortened versions of the message of
Fig. 3 prepared by a call center in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0012] Like element numbers in different figures represent the same or similar elements.
[0013] Referring now to the drawings wherein the showings are for purposes of illustrating
embodiments of the present invention only, and not for purposes of limiting the same, Fig.
1 is a block diagram illustrating a plurality of agents 180 and callers 170 in communication
with a call center 100 in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. As
further described herein, call center 100 can be configured to provide dynamic message
content to callers 170 while waiting on hold to speak with agents 180.
[0014] In Fig. 1, each caller 170 is associated with one telephone call that has been placed
into call center 100. In normal operation, the number of telephone calls/callers 170
(identified as n) will typically exceed the number of available agents 180 (identified as m).
As a result, each caller 170 will remain on hold until an agent 180 becomes available to
answer the caller's associated telephone call. As further described herein, call center 100

can be implemented to dynamically create messages in realtime to be provided to callers
170 on hold that are waiting to speak with agents 180.
[0015] Call center 100 may be implemented using appropriate hardware and/or software
components configured to facilitate communication between callers 170 and agents 180.
For example, in one embodiment, call center 100 may be configured to provide voice-
based support (e.g., customer service) to customers of a business entity, non-profit entity,
and/or other organization associated with call center 100. It will be appreciated that call
center 100 may also be implemented as a centralized or distributed system as may be
desired for particular applications.
[0016] Callers 170 are human beings who desire to communicate with agents 180 in order
to receive or provide information in relation to agents 180. For example, in one
embodiment, callers 170 may be customers of an organization associated with call center
100. Agents 180 are human beings having the task of fielding incoming telephone calls
from callers 170. For example, in one embodiment, agents 180 may be customer service
representatives of an organization associated with call center 100.
[0017] As illustrated, call center 100 includes telephony interfaces 110 and 120, a message
database 130, a telephone call queue 140, a message processor 150, and a call router 160.
Telephony interfaces 110 and 120 may be implemented with conventional hardware and/or
software to interface call center 100 with callers 170 and agents 180, respectively. It will
be appreciated that call center 100 may include additional components (not shown) to
implement various conventional call center features.
[0018] Call router 160 can be implemented to manage queue 140 and distribute telephone
calls from queue 140 to agents 180. Call router 160 receives the incoming telephone calls
into queue 140, and callers 170 are placed on hold until one of agents 180 becomes
available to service the next telephone call in queue 140. Call router 160 can also be
implemented with appropriate software or hardware to continuously calculate an estimated
wait time 165 for each of the telephone calls. For example, estimated wait time 165 may
correspond to an estimated length of time expected to elapse before an agent 180 is
available to answer the telephone call.
[0019] It will be appreciated that the estimated wait time 165 for each caller 170 can vary
in realtime. For example, if an agent (say, agent 181) becomes temporarily unavailable to
service telephone calls, the estimated wait time 165 will increase. On the other hand, if an

agent (say, agent 182) is added to call center 100, the estimated wait time 165 will
decrease. Similarly, if a caller (say, caller 171) ahead of caller 172 chooses to terminate a
telephone call, the estimated wait time 165 for caller 172 will decrease.
[0020] Message database 130 stores a plurality of message elements 135 which may be
assembled by message processor 150 to dynamically create one or more messages to be
provided to callers 170 while on hold. In various embodiments, message elements 135
may be stored as text strings, digital audio recordings, or other digital data formats as may
be desired for particular applications. Each message element 135 may correspond to one or
more words, phrases, sentences, or other prose which, when assembled with one or more
additional message elements 135, can encompass a complete message having an
introduction, body, and closure. As further described herein, each of message elements
135 may be associated with a particular message element type (for example, an
introduction, body, or closure), a list of other possible preceding message elements 135
(i.e., precursors), a priority level, and a length. In one embodiment, message processor 150
may optionally include text-to-speech converter 190 which prepares audio speech signals
from message elements 135 stored as text.
[0021] As will be further described herein with reference to the remaining figures, message
processor 150 can be implemented to dynamically assemble messages from message
elements 135 maintained in message database 130. The assembled messages can be
provided to callers 170 while on hold and modified in realtime to closely associate the
lengths of the messages with the estimated wait time 165 provided by call router 160.
[0022] Table 1 below lists an exemplary set of message elements 135 that may be
maintained in message database 130 in accordance with an embodiment of the present
invention. It will be appreciated that the message elements 135 of Table 1 are provided for
purposes of example only, and that any desired number of message elements 135 (for
example, dozens, hundreds, or thousands) may be utilized by call center 100.

[0023] As set forth above, Table 1 includes 13 exemplary message elements, each of which
has an associated element number, a message element type, a precursor element list, a
priority level, a length* and various text. For example, message elements 1-2,3-8, and 9-13
are identified as being introduction, body, and closure element types, respectively. As
such, messages assembled from the message elements in Table 1 will begin with one of
introduction elements 1-2, following by one or more of body elements 3-8, and end with
one of closure elements 9-13.
[0024] The precursor list of each of message elements 3-13 identifies which of the other
message elements they may immediately follow in order to create a cohesive,
understandable message (i.e., a message element may be immediately preceded by one of
the message elements of its precursor list). In the example of Table 1, each of body
elements 3-4 may follow either of introduction elements 1 or 2, but body elements 5-7 may
follow only body elements 3 or 4. Similarly, body element 8 may follow body elements 5,
6, or 7. It will be appreciated that the use of precursor lists allows individual message

elements to refer to information in other message elements. For example, as identified in
Table 1, body elements 5-7 can introduce new information (i.e., "Product B") and also refer
to information previously introduced in body elements 3-4 (i.e., "Product A").
[0025] Each of message elements 1-13 of Table 1 also has an associated priority level
which indicates a preferred message element to be selected whenever two or more message
elements are available to be selected. As a result, message elements which include higher
priority information (for example, advertising information concerning a heavily promoted
product or service) may be selected more often to be included in assembled messages
provided to callers 170. For example, introduction message element 1 of Table 1 has a
higher priority level than introduction message element 2. As a result, message element 1
will generally be selected over message element 2 unless the length of message element 1
(20 seconds) is too long for a complete message (including an introduction, body, and
closure) to be included in the current estimated wait time 165. In addition, priority levels
can also be used to identify particular message elements to be removed from a message, as
further described herein.
[0026] The dynamic creation of messages performed by message processor 150 can be
further understood with reference to the flowchart of Fig. 2 which illustrates a process for
providing dynamic message content to callers in accordance with an embodiment of the
present invention. At initial step 200, a telephone call associated with one of callers 170 is
received at call center 100 through telephony interface 110. If an agent 180 is available to
take the call (step 205), then the call is transferred to the next available agent 180 (step
265). Otherwise, the caller 170 is placed on hold (step 210) and call router 160 begins
calculating the estimated wait time 165 (step 215). Because the estimated wait time 165
can vary for a variety of reasons previously discussed, call router 160 continues to re-
calculate and update the estimated wait time 165 during the duration of the process of Fig.
[0027] Message processor 150 assembles a message to be provided to the caller 170 during
the estimated wait time 165 (step 220). For example, in step 220, message processor 150
may use dynamic path planning techniques to select an introduction message element, one
or more body message elements, and a closure message element, all of which collectively
add up to a combined length equal or approximately equal to the estimated wait time 165
previously determined in step 215. As previously discussed in relation to Table 1,

individual message elements 135 can be selected on the basis of their relative priority
within each type, and the selection and ordering of the various message elements 135 can
also determined by the precursor list associated with each message element 135.
[0028] Fig. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a message 300 prepared by call center 100 at
step 220 in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. In the example of
Fig. 3, it is assumed that the estimated wait time 165 was determined in step 215 to be 73
seconds. Accordingly, message 300 is assembled from various message elements 135 of
Table 1 which have a collective length of 73 seconds. From inspection of Table 1, it will
be appreciated that each element of message 300 appears in the precursor list of the next
immediate element (for example, element 1 appears in the precursor list of element 3).
[0029J Turning again to Fig. 2, at step 225, message processor 150 initiates playback of the
message prepared in step 220 (for example, message 300) to the caller 170 on hold. In one
embodiment where message elements 135 are stored as text strings, step 225 can include
the conversion of the text of the various selected message elements 135 into audio speech
by text-to-speech converter 190. The audio speech may be provided to the caller 170 on
hold through telephony interface 110. In another embodiment, message elements 135 are
stored as digital audio recordings which are played back through telephony interface 110.
It will be appreciated that conventional playback hardware (not shown) can also be
provided in call center 100 to further facilitate audio playback.
[0030] As previously discussed, call router 160 continuously recalculates and updates the
estimated wait time 165 during the process of Fig. 2. If the estimated wait time 165 does
not change during the playback of the message (step 230), the message continues to play
(step 250) until completed (step 255) or the estimated wait time 165 has changed (step
[0031] However, if the wait time has changed (step 230) while the message is playing (for
example, while an introduction message element or a body element is playing), then the
process of Fig. 2 transitions to step 235 where message processor 150 determines whether
the estimated wait time 165 has increased or decreased.
[0032] In the case of an increase, the process transitions to step 240 where message
processor 150 adds and/or exchanges one or more message elements of message 300,
and/or decreases the playback speed of message 300. Figs. 4A-C are block diagrams
illustrating various alternate lengthened versions of message 300 prepared by message

processor 150 in step 240 in response to a 20 second increase in the estimated wait time
165 (i.e., an increase from 73 seconds in the example of Fig. 3 to 93 seconds in the
examples of Figs. 4A-C). The examples of Figs. 4A-C provide various alternate messages
that have been lengthened as a result of inserting message elements, exchanging message
elements, and/or decreasing the playback speed of message elements.
[0033] In the example of Fig. 4 A, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 410. As indicated by the elements shown in bold type, body element 8 has been
inserted after body element 5, and closure element 9 of message 300 has been exchanged
for closure element 11 in message 410. From Table 1 above, it is evident that newly
inserted body element 8 is 20 seconds in length which corresponds to the increase in the
estimated wait time 165. In addition, because body element 8 is not present in the
precursor list of closure element 9 (see Table 1), closure element 9 has been replaced by
new closure element 11 which may follow body element 8 according its precursor list.
[0034] In the example of Fig. 4B, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 420. As indicated by the elements shown in bold type, body element 5 and
closure element 9 of message 300 have been exchanged for body element 6 and closure
element 12 of message 420, respectively. As identified in Table 1, body element 6 and
closure element 12 have a collective length of 60 seconds which provides a net increase of
20 seconds over the collective length of previous body element 5 and closure element 9 of
message 300. It will be appreciated that the positioning of new body element 6 and new
closure element 12 have also been selected to correspond to the precursor lists of Table 1.
[0035] In the example of Fig. 4C, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 430. As indicated by the elements shown in bold type, body element 5 and
closure element 9 remain in message 430, but are played back at a slower speed which
causes their collective length to increase from 40 seconds to 60 seconds which provides a
net increase of 20 seconds over the previous message 300. As a result, the length of
message 430 will correspond to the new estimated wait time 165 of 93 seconds.
[0036] Turning again to Fig. 2, if message processor 150 determines that the estimated
wait time 165 has decreased (step 235), then the process transitions to step 245 where
message processor 150 removes and/or exchanges one or more message elements of
message 300, and/or increases the playback speed of message 300. Figs. 5A-C are block
diagrams illustrating various alternate shortened versions of message 300 prepared by

message processor 150 in step 245 in response to a 20 second decrease in the estimated
wait time 165 (i.e., a decrease from 73 seconds in the example of Fig. 3 to 53 seconds in
the examples of Figs. 5A-C). The examples of Figs. 5A-C provide various alternate
messages that have been shortened as a result of removing message elements, exchanging
message elements, and/or increasing the playback speed of message elements.
[0037] In the example of Fig. 5 A, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 510. As illustrated, body element 5 has been removed in message 510. In
addition, because body element 3 is not present in the precursor list of closure element 9
(see Table 1), closure element 9 has been replaced by new closure element 10 which may
follow body element 8 according its precursor list. As indicated in Table 1, new closure
element 10 has a length of 20 seconds which corresponds to the length of previous closure
element 9. However, with the removal of body element 5, the length of message 510 is 53
seconds which corresponds to the new estimated wait time 165 of 53 seconds. As also
indicated in Table 1, remaining body element 3 has a higher priority than removed body
element 5. Accordingly, body element 5 has been removed in lieu of body element 3.
[0038] In the example of Fig. 5B, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 520. As indicated by the elements shown in bold type, body element 5 and
closure element 9 of message 300 have been exchanged for body element 7 and closure
element 13 of message 510, respectively. From Table 1 above, it is evident that body
element 7 and closure element 13 have a collective length of 20 seconds which provides a
net decrease of 20 seconds over the collective length of previous body element 5 and
closure element 9 of message 300. It will be appreciated that the positioning of new body
element 7 and new closure element 13 have also been selected to correspond to the
precursor lists of Table 1.
[0039] In the example of Fig. 5C, message 300 has been modified to obtain alternate
message 530. As indicated by the elements shown in bold type, body element 5 and
closure element 9 remain in message 530, but are played back at a faster speed which
causes their collective length to decrease from 40 seconds to 20 seconds which provides a
net decrease of 20 seconds over the previous message 300. As a result, the length of
message 530 will correspond to the new estimated wait time 165 of 53 seconds.
[0040] Turning again to Fig. 2, after message processor 150 increases (step 240) or
decreases (step 245) the length of the current message, the process of Fig. 2 transitions to

step 250 where it continues to play the current message in its modified form until the
message playback has been completed (step 255) or the estimated wait time 165 has
changed (step 230). If the estimated wait time 165 changes again, then steps 235,240, and
245 can be repeated as may be desired to further modify the current message to correspond
to the estimated wait time 165.
[0041] After the message playback has been completed (step 255) and the estimated wait
time 165 has expired (step 260), then call router 160 transfers the call to the next available
agent 180. However, if the estimated wait time 165 has not yet expired at step 260 (i.e., an
agent 180 is not yet available after the message has played), then the process returns to step
220 where a new message is assembled based on the remaining estimated wait time 165.
[0042] If view of the present disclosure, it will be appreciated that messages can be
dynamically created by call center 100 to correspond to the estimated wait time 165
determined by the call center. Moreover, the messages can be modified in realtime during
playback to further extend or shorten the messages in response to realtime changes in the
estimated wait time 165. As a result, callers 170 interacting with call center 100 can
receive continuous content while on hold for an agent 180 without experiencing undue
repetitions or interruptions of the content. Advantageously, this arrangement allows
organizations affiliated with call center 100 to provide cohesive messages having an
introduction, body, and closure which may communicate information more effectively than
prior approaches.
[0043] Other embodiments of call center 100 are also contemplated. For example, in one
embodiment, call center 100 may also include a caller database which stores various caller
attributes (for example, area code, zip code, occupation, name, or others) associated with
one or more of callers 170 which may be used to associate various message elements 135
with particular callers 170 through conventional caller identification techniques, and
include such elements in messages provided to such callers 170.
[0044] In another embodiment, message processor 150 may also-include a counter which is
incremented in response to the playback of each message element 135 containing
information deemed especially important by the organization associated with call center
100 (i.e., key points in the played message). The selection of a closure message element
may be adjusted in realtime such that the closure message element includes a summary
statement which incorporates the counter value. For example, the selected closure message

element could state: "In summary, ABC company provides [counter value] products that ,
can benefit you..." As a result, the information provided by the closure message element
can be modified to conform with earlier-played body elements of the message.
[0045] In another embodiment, it is contemplated that messages may be lengthened or
shortened in realtime by adding or skipping individual words, respectively, based on
priority levels associated with the words (i.e., where message elements 135 comprise
individual words). Moreover, although call center 100 has been described primarily in
relation to text or voice-based messages, it is also contemplated that the principles
described herein can also be applied to music or other content which may be desirable to
provide to callers 170 while on hold.
[0046] Where applicable, various embodiments provided by the present disclosure can be
implemented using hardware, software, or combinations of hardware and software. Also
where applicable, the various hardware components and/or software components set forth
herein can be combined into composite components or separated into sub-components
comprising software, hardware, and/or both without departing from the spirit of the present
disclosure. In addition, where applicable, it is contemplated that software components can
be implemented as hardware components, and vice-versa.
[0047] Software in accordance with the present disclosure, such as program code and/or
data, can stored on one or more computer readable mediums. It is also contemplated that
software identified herein can be implemented using one or more general purpose or
specific purpose computers and/or computer systems, networked and/or otherwise.
[0048] Where applicable, the ordering of various steps described herein can be changed,
combined into composite steps, and/or separated into sub-steps to provide features
described herein.
[0049] The foregoing disclosure is not intended to limit the present invention to the precise
forms or particular fields of use disclosed. It is contemplated that various alternate
embodiments and/or modifications to the present invention, whether explicitly described or
implied herein, are possible in light of the disclosure.
[0050] Having thus described embodiments of the present invention, persons of ordinary
skill in the art will recognize that changes may be made in form and detail without
departing from the scope of the invention. Thus the invention is limited only by the claims.

1. A method of providing dynamic message content in realtime, the method
receiving a telephone call into a queue of telephone calls;
calculating a wait time corresponding to an estimated length of time expected
to elapse before an agent is available to answer the telephone call;
assembling a plurality of message elements to create a message having a
length approximately equal to the wait time, wherein each of the plurality of message
elements is associated with at least one of a plurality of context sensitive message
attributes, and wherein the assembling comprises dynamically selecting and ordering
the plurality of message elements in accordance with the message attributes so that
the created message is cohesive and provides content that is non-repetitive;
initiating a playback of the message;
recalculating the wait time during the playback of the message to an updated
estimated length of time expected to elapse before the agent is available to answer the
telephone call;
modifying the message during the playback of the message to extend or
shorten the message in response to a change in the wait time to have a length
approximately equal to the wait time and to maintain the message as cohesive,
wherein the modifying comprises modifying the plurality of message elements in
accordance with the message attributes; and
continuing the playback of the message.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein modifying the message comprises
inserting at least one additional message element into the message.
3. The method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the at least one additional message
element is an individual word.

4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein modifying the message comprises
removing at least one of the message elements from the message.
5. The method as claimed in claim 4, wherein the at least one of the message ele-
ments is an individual word.
6. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein modifying the message comprises
adjusting a playback speed of at least one of the message elements.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the message elements are text
strings, and wherein the playback of the message comprises converting the text strings
to speech signals.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the message elements are digital
audio recordings.
9. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the message attributes comprise an
associated priority level.
10. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the message attributes comprise an
introduction message type, a body message type, and a closure message type, wherein
the assembling comprises:
selecting an introduction message element from a plurality of message
elements associated with the introduction message type;
selecting at least one body message element from a plurality of message
elements associated with the body message type to follow the introduction message
element; and
selecting a closure message element from a plurality of message elements

associated with the closure message type to follow the at least one body message
11. The method as claimed in claim 10, wherein the message attributes comprise a
precursor list, and wherein the at least one body message element is associated with a
precursor list value identifying at least one message element preceding the at least one
body message element.
12. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the message attributes comprise an
introduction message type, a body message type, and a closure message type, wherein
after the modifying operation the message comprises an introduction message element
associated with the introduction message type, at least one body message element
associated with the body message type following the introduction message element,
and a closure message element associated with the closure message type following the
at least one body message element, the method involving completing playback of the
introduction message element, the at least one body message element, and the closure
message element during the wait time.

13. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the telephone call is associated
with a caller, the method involving placing the caller on hold prior to initiating the
playback of the message.
14. The method as claimed in claim 1, which involves transferring the telephone
call to the agent after playback of the message is completed.
15. The method as claimed in claim 1, which involves repeating the method for a
second telephone call.

16. A call center comprising:
a queue of telephone calls;
a database of message elements;
a processor in communication with the queue and the database of message
elements; and
a memory in communication with the processor, the memory comprising a
machine-readable medium having executable instructions adapted to instruct the
processor to perform a method of providing dynamic message content in realtime, the
method comprising:
calculating a wait time corresponding to an estimated length of time expected
to elapse before an agent is available to answer a one of the telephone calls,
assembling a plurality of the message elements from the database of message
elements to create a message having a length approximately equal to the wait time,
wherein each of the plurality of message elements is associated with at least one of a
plurality of context sensitive message attributes, and wherein the assembling
comprises dynamically selecting and ordering the plurality of message elements in
accordance with the message attributes so that the created message is cohesive and
provides content that is non-repetitive,
initiating a playback of the message,
recalculating the wait time during the playback of the message to correspond
to an updated estimated length of time expected to elapse before the agent is
available to answer the telephone call,
modifying the message during the playback of the message to extend or
shorten the message in response to a change in the wait time to have a length
approximately equal to the wait time and to maintain the message as cohesive,
wherein the modifying comprises modifying the plurality of message elements in
accordance with the message attributes, and
continuing the playback of the message.

17. The call center as claimed in claim 16, having:
a first telephony interface adapted to facilitate communication between the call
center and a plurality of callers associated with the telephone calls; and
a second telephony interface adapted to facilitate communication between the
call center and a plurality of agents.
18. The call center as claimed in claim 16, wherein modifying the message
comprises inserting at least one additional message element from the database of
message elements into the message.
19. The call center as claimed in claim 16, wherein modifying the message
comprises removing at least one of the message elements from the message.
20. The call center as claimed in claim 16, wherein modifying the message
comprises adjusting a playback speed of at least one of the message elements.
21. The call center as claimed in claim 16, having means for
transferring the telephone call to the agent after playback of the message is completed.


A method for providing dynamic messages to callers on hold is disclosed.
A telephone call is received into a queue (200) and a first wait time is calculated
which corresponds to a first estimated length of time expected to elapse before an
agent is available to answer the telephone call (215). A plurality of message elements
are assembled to create a message having a length approximately equal to the first
wait time (220), and playback of the message is initiated (225). A second wait time is
calculated during the playback of the message (235). The message is modified during
playback to have a length approximately equal to the second wait time (240, 245).
The invention also discloses a call center for providing dynamic message content to
callers on hold.






3613-KOLNP-2008-(24-07-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




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3613-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

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3613-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

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3613-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

3613-kolnp-2008-pct priority document notification.pdf

3613-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf





Patent Number 265563
Indian Patent Application Number 3613/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 27-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 04-Sep-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04M 3/00, H04M 5/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2007/063403
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/370,486 2006-03-07 U.S.A.