Title of Invention


Abstract An interleaving apparatus and method to determine a new interleaver size N'=2mx(j+l) and addresses of 0 to N'-l, if a given interleaver size N is larger than 2mxj and smaller than 2mx(j+l), where m represents a first parameter indicating a number of consecutive zero bits from a least significant bit (LSB) to a most significant bit (MSB), and j represents a second parameter corresponding to a decimal value except said consecutive zero bits. The interleaving apparatus and method sequentially stores N input data bits in an interleaver memory with the new interleaver size N' from an address 0 to an address N-l. The interleaving apparatus and method then executes a Partial Bit Reversal(PBRO)-interleaving the memory with the new interleaver size N', and reads data from the memory by deleting addresses corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l of the memory before interleaving.
Field of the Invention:
The present invention relates generally to a communication system, and in particular, to
an interleaving apparatus and method for a radio communication system. Specifically,
the present invention relates to an interleaving apparatus and method that can be used to
generate interleaving addresses and determine interleaver size such that interleaver
memory efficiency is improved.
Description of the Related Art:
Interleaving, a technique typically used to increase the performance of an error
correction code in a fading channel, is closely associated with decoding of a random
error correction code. Many applications, such as an air interface for International
Mobile Telecommunication-2000(IMT-2000) requires a well established method for
implementing various interleaving techniques. In addition, such technologies further
serve to improve the reliability of digital communication systems, and in particular,
performance improvements for existing and future digital communication systems.
The IMT-2000 standard recommends using a bit reverse interleaver for a channel
interleaver. However, this interleaver can have various sizes, and the forward link and
the reverse link defined by the IMT-2000 standard can have various types of logical
channels. Therefore, in order to provide the ranges of the IMT-2000 standard, an
increased memory capacity is required for the interleaver memory. For example, in an
N=3 forward link transmission mode, interleavers with various sizes, such as between
144 bits/frame to 36,864 bits/frame, can be used. A brief description of the bit reversal
interleaver is presented below.
In FIG. 1, a block diagram illustrates a permutation method of the bit reversal interleaver.
Referring to FIG. 1, bit reversal interleaving is a technique for generating an interleaving
address by exchanging bit positions from the most significant bit (MSB) to the least
significant bit (LSB) of an address. This interleaving method includes a number of
advantages. First, since the interleaver can be implemented using an enumeration
function, it is simple to use the memory and it is easy to implement interleaves with
various sizes. In addition, the bit positions of the permutated sequence are distributed at
random in major locations. However, an interleaver having a size which cannot be
expressed in terms of a power of 2 has low memory efficiency. For example, in order to
implement a 36,864-bit interleaver, a 64Kbit (65,536=216) memory is required. This is
because the largest integer which can be expressed in terms of a power of 2 among
integers smaller than 36,864, is 65,536. Therefore, 28,672 (65,536-36,864) bits are
unused in the interleaver memory, thereby causing a memory loss. In addition, even
though the memory has a sufficient capacity, it is very difficult to implement a method
for transmitting the symbols. Further, it is difficult for a receiver to detect accurate
positions of the received symbols. Finally, since various types of interleavers are used, it
is necessary to store various interleaving rules in memory thereby requiring a controller,
such as a central processing unit (CPU), to have a high memory capacity as well.
Conventional interleaving methods have a number of additional disadvantages as well.
First, in existing interleaving methods, the size of the interleaver cannot be expressed in
terms of a power of 2, and the interleaver having the largest size has the lowest memory
efficiency level. That is. in designing an interleaver for an IMT-2000 forward link, the
size of each logical channel is not expressed in terms of 2m, and the interleaver has a
large size. Therefore, it is inefficient to use the bit reversal interleaving method.
Second, in existing interleaving methods, it is typically necessary to store various
interleaving rules, or instructions, according to the interleaver sizes in the controller,
CPU or host of a transceiver. Therefore, the host memory requires separate instruction
storage in addition to an interleaver buffer.
Third, if the size of the interleaver is set to 2m in order to use the bit reversal interleaving
method, it is necessary to delete unnecessary invalid addresses. Therefore, the
interleaver has a complex transmission method and has difficulty in acquiring symbol
synchronization during realization.
Accordingly, a need exists for an interleaving apparatus and method which provides a
memory efficient interleaver which can use a bit reversal interleaving technique without
undue complexity.
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide an interleaving apparatus
and method for generating interleaving addresses for various interleaver sizes through a
single algorithm in a communication system.
It is another object of the present invention to provide an interleaving apparatus and
method that is more memory efficient and requires only as much interleaver memory
capacity as a frame size N in a communication system.
It is another object of the present invention to provide an apparatus and method for
interleaving input data with an interleaver size of N=2mxj+a (where 0 communication system.
These and other objects are substantially achieved by providing an interleaving
apparatus and method which employ the operations of determining a new interleaver
size N'=2mx(j+1) and addresses of 0 to N'-l, if a given interleaver size N is larger than
2mxj and smaller than 2mx(j+l), sequentially storing N input data bits in a memory with
the new interleaver size N' from an address 0 to an address N-l, performing a Partial Bit
Reversal Order (PBRO),interleaving the memory with the new interleaver size N\ and
reading data from the memory by deleting addresses corresponding to addresses of N to
N'-l of the memory before interleaving.
The apparatus and method further provides for interleaving input data with N=2mxj+a
(where 0 operations of determining addresses in a sequential column direction of a memory with
an RxC matrix structure of N'=2mx(j+1), storing the input data in a sequential column
direction in the memory from an address 0 to an address N-l, and, where no input data is
stored in (2m-a) areas corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l in a last column of the
memory, generating output addresses with the RxC matrix .structure by PBRO-
interleaving the determined addresses. The apparatus and method further generates a
read address for reading data stored in the memory by determining the output addresses
in the sequential column direction, where the generated read address excludes output
addresses corresponding to the addresses of N to N'-l.
The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will
become more apparent from the following detailed description when taken in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is a block diagram that illustrates an example of a known permutation method of
a bit reversal interleaver according to the background art;
FIG. 2 is a block diagram that illustrates an example of a structure of an interleaver in
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 3 is a block diagram that illustrates an example of a structure of a deinterleaver
corresponding to the interleaver of Fig. 2;
FIG. 4 is a flowchart that illustrates an example of a Partial Bit Reversal Order (PBRO)
interleaving process in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 5 illustrates an example of a method for performing a PBRO interleaving operation
in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention; and
FIG. 6 illustrates a PBRO interleaving operation for an interleaver size N-406 in
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
A preferred embodiment of the present invention is described below with reference to
the accompanying drawings. In the following description, well-known functions or
constructions known to those skilled in the art are not described in detail for conciseness.
During operation, an interleaver/deinterleaver according to an embodiment of the
present invention permutates the sequence of input . symbols with an
interleaving/deinterleaving algorithm. The sequence of symbols are then stored in an
output buffer in a new sequence. Therefore, the interleaver/deinterleaver described
below includes at least an interleaver memory, such as an input data buffer and output
data buffer, an address generator, and a general counter.
The interleaver memory, address generator and counter of the interleaver/deinterleaver
are shown in FIG. 2, which illustrates an example of a structure of an interleaver 200
according to an embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 2, an address
generator 211 generates an interleaving address for reading bit symbols sequentially
stored in an interleaver memory 212 by receiving an interleaver size N, a first parameter
"irf (or BIT_SHIFT parameter), a second parameter 'j' (or UP_LIMIT parameter) and a
clock. The interleaver memory 212 sequentially stores input bit symbols in a write mode
of operation, and outputs bit symbols according to an address provided from the address
generator 211 in a read mode of operation. A counter 213 counts the input clock signal
214 and provides a clock count value to the interleaver memory 212 as a write address.
As described above, the interleaver 200 sequentially writes input data in the interleaver
memory 212 in the write mode of operation, and outputs the data stored in the
interleaver memory 212 according to a read address generated from the address
generator 211.
Here, the address generator 211 generates the read address, or an interleaving address,
according to a partial bit reversal (PBRO) interleaving algorithm defined below as
equation (1).
In equation (1), 'k' represents a sequence number between zero and N-l, (0 indicating the sequence of an output data bit, 'm' represents a first parameter indicating
the number of consecutive zero (0) bits from the LSB to the MSB, and 'j' represents a
second parameter corresponding to a decimal value of the bits other than the consecutive
zero bits. Here, the interleaver size N is defined as 2mxj.
A description will now be made regarding a method of generating an interleaving
address for reading input symbols sequentially written in an interleaver memory 212
with reference to Equation (1). If, as in the example above, the size of the interleaver is
N, then in equation (1), k (=0,1,2, •••, N-l) indicates a time index of the input data, and a
third parameter 'r', PUC, and a fourth parameter 's' indicate predetermined parameters.
Further, 'mod' and 7" indicate modulo operation and divider operation for calculating a
remainder and a quotient, respectively. In addition, BRO(H) indicates a bit reversal
function for converting 'H' to a binary format and then converting it to a decimal value
by reverse ordering the binary value from the MSB to the LSB. Therefore, by using the
function of equation (1), the interleaver 200 may calculate a read sequence index
ADDRESS_READ corresponding to the input data sequence 'k' and read the contents of
the memory according to the read sequence index ADDRESSREAD. The first
parameter 'm' and the second parameter 'j" are determined according to the interleaver
size. Once the interleaver size N, the first parameter 'm' and the second parameter °j" are
determined, the interleaver generates, depending on these values, a new addressing index
ADDRESS_READ corresponding to each *k' according to the following algorithm, and
reads data from the interleaver memory 212 using the addressing index
A description will now be made regarding a method for determining the first parameter
'm' and the second parameter 'j' from the frame size (or interleaver size) N. For a
predetermined interleaver size N is expressed in a binary value. Further, the maximum
number of consecutive '0' bits from the LSB to the MSB is calculated, and this value is
defined as the first parameter 'm'. In addition, the second parameter 'j' is defined by
gathering truncated bits, excluding the consecutive '0' bits, and converting them to a
decimal number. For example, if N=576, it can be expressed in a binary value of N=[10
0100 0000]. Therefore, m=6 and j=( 1001 )2=9.
FIG. 3 illustrates a structure of a deinterleaver 300 corresponding to the interleaver 200
described above. Referring to FIG. 3, an address generator 311 generates an interleaver
memory address for performing a write mode of operation by receiving an interleaver
size value N, a BIT_SHIFT value (i.e., first parameter 'm'), an UPLIMIT value (i.e.,
second parameter 'j') and a clock, and provides the generated interleaver memory
address to a deinterleaver memory 312. The deinterleaver memory 312 stores input data
according to the write address provided from the address generator 311 in a write mode
of operation, and sequentially outputs the stored data in a read mode of operation. A
counter 313 counts the input clock 314 and provides the clock count value to the
deinterleaver memory 312 as a read address value.
The deinterleaver 300 has substantially the same structure as the interleaver 200
described above, and performs the reverse operation of the interleaver 200. That is, the
deinterleaver 300 is different from the interleaver 200 in that input data is stored in the
deinterleaver memory 312 using the algorithm of equation (1) in the write mode of
operation, and the data is sequentially read in the read mode of operation. The
deinterleaver 300 stores the data in the original sequence in the write mode of operation
in order to restore the original sequence of the data transmitted from the transmitter.
For convenience, the description below will now be made with reference to the
interleaver 200. Reference will be made to an embodiment which is applied to either an
IMT-2000 or a Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA-2000) system.
First, with reference to Table 1 below, a detailed description will be made regarding the
interleaver size used in the forward link of the IMT-2000 system.
In Table 1, F-FCH stands for a forward fundamental channel, F-SCH for a forward
supplemental channel, F-CCCH for a forward common control channel, F-SYNC CH for
a forward sync channel, F-PCH for a forward paging channel, and F-DCCH for a
forward dedicated control channel.
It is noted from Table I that the IMT-2000 system proposes 12 interleaver sizes (N=12)
each applied to the forward logical channels as indicated by 'O'. For example, a forward
fundamental channel F-FCH (Rate Set 2) uses 144-bit, 576-bit and 1,152-bit interleaver
sizes. Here, a 5ms frame is used for the 144-bit interleaver size.
Table 2 below shows a first parameter 'm' and a second parameter 'j' calculated for the
interleaver sizes of Table 1.
With reference to Table 2, a description regarding calculating BIT_SHIFT and
UP_LIMIT for the interleaver size of N=9,216 is presented below. First, the interleaver
size, 9,216, can be expressed as a binary value of N=[10 0100 0000 0000]. For this
binary value, the maximum number of consecutive zero (0) bits from the LSB to the
MSB is calculated, and the calculated value is defined as the first parameter 'm' (or
BIT_SHIFT). Thereafter, the truncated bits, excluding the consecutive zero bits, are assembled
and converted to a decimal value (1001=9(10)). This decimal is the UP_LIMIT(9).
Tables 3 and 4 below illustrate a write mode and a read mode for an N=576 interleaver,
respectively, by way of example.
In the write mode of operation, the input data bits are sequentially stored in the
interleaver memory 212 from an address 0 to an address 574, as shown in Table 3. Next,
in the read mode of operation, the data bits are output from the interleaver memory 212
using the read address generated from the address generator 211.
The third output data bit (k=2) can also be described with reference to equation (1). First,
for N=576, BIT_SHIFT=6 and UP_LIMIT=9. Therefore, r=2 mod 9=2, and PUC=2/9=0.
In addition, s=BRO(0)=0. As a result, the finally calculated address ADDRESS_READ=
2x26+0=128. However, since Table 4 shows read addresses from 1 to N, a valid address
is determined by adding 1 to the calculated address.
The above-stated PBRO interleaving operation has been described with reference to a
case where the interleaver size N is equal to 2mxj determined by the first parameter ;m'
and the second parameter "j\ However, if the interleaver size N is larger than 2mxj and
smaller than 2mx(j+l), the PBRO interleaving operation must be performed, in a different
way. That is, if the interleaver size N is 2mxj+a, it is necessary to perform another
interleaving operation. Here, 'a' is a positive number larger than 0 and smaller than 2m
(0 equal to 2mxj according to a characteristic of an upper layer, or the first parameter 'm' is
too small, even though the interleaver size is equal to 2mxj. In this case, the interleaver
may not have a PBRO characteristic, so another interleaving operation is required. If the
interleaver size is 384=27x3, the first and second parameters can be defined as m=7 and
j=3, respectively. However, in the case where the interleaver size is 406==27x3+22, the
interleaver size cannot be expressed in terms of 2mxj, although the first and second
parameters are defined as m=7 and j=3, respectively. Since a possible interleaver size
that can be expressed in terms of 2mxj is 2x(26x3+ll) =2x203, the first and second
parameters can be defined as m=l and j=203, respectively. Actually, however, if m=l,
the PBRO characteristic is not provided.
Table 5 below illustrates a case where the PBRO interleaving is possible according to
the interleaver size and a case where the PBRO interleaving is not possible according to
the interleaver size. Specifically, Table 5 illustrates parameters m and j' determined for 6
interleaver sizes of 406, 790, 1,558, 2,326, 3,094, and 3,862 with a=22.
"Perfect Cases", shown in the left column of Table 5, represent the cases where the
PBRO interleaving is possible, since the interleaver size is N=Nmax, such as 384, 768,
1,536, 2,304, 3,072 and 3,840. However, "Imperfect Cases", shown in the right column
of Table 5, represent the cases where the PBRO characteristic is lost, "Discard"
represents the number of addresses to be deleted among output interleaving addresses.
Therefore, the present invention will provide a method for enabling the PBRO
interleaving for any interleaver size illustrated in Table 5.
FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating an example of a PBRO interleaving process for an
interleaver 200 according to an embodiment of the present invention. Specifically, FIG.
4 illustrates a procedure for performing PBRO interleaving with respect to the
interleaver sizes belonging to "Imperfect Cases" in Table 5. This procedure includes the
steps of storing input data in the interleaver memory 212 according to a write address, a
count value from the counter 213, and reading the data stored in the interleaver memory
212 according to a read address generated by the address generator 211. A method of
generating a write address by the counter 213 is well known to those skilled in the art, so
a description will not be provided. Instead, a detailed description will be made of a
method for generating a read address by the address generator 211 of the interleaver 200.
Referring to FIG. 4, the address generator 211 determines an interleaver size N in step
401. The interleaver size N is equal to a size of data to be interleaved. Thereafter, the
address generator 211 calculates the maximum Nmax value satisfying 2mxj among
Nmax values being smaller than the interleaver size N in step 403, and calculates a first
parameter m and a second parameter j satisfying Nmax=2mxj using the PBRO
interleaving method applicable to the "Perfect Cases" of Table 5 in step 405.
The address generator 211 then determines j' by adding 1 to the second parameter j in
step 407, and initializes a parameter k in step 409. As described above, k represents a
read sequence. Thereafter, in step 411, the address generator 211 defines a new
interleaver size N'=2mxj'=2mx(j+1) from the m and the j'=j+l. Here, the new interleaver
size has a relationship of N'>N>Nmax. Thereafter, the address generator calculates an
output address PBRO(k) with the PBRO interleaving method according to the first
parameter m and the second parameter j.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, a series of information symbols
(input data) received in a write mode of operation are sequentially stored in the
interleaver memory from an address 0 to an address N-l. Therefore, the interleaver
requires a memory of size N. That is, although the interleaver may be designed such that
the interleaver memory has additional areas from an address N to an address N'-l, these
memory areas are unused. This write operation is performed by generating a write
address by the counter 213 of FIG. 2. The counter 213 serves as a write address
In the embodiment of the present invention described above, the address generator
performs PBRO interleaving of equation (1) using the new interleaver size N' in a read
mode of operation to generate a read address PBRO(k) for an output sequence k, and
then reads the information symbols sequentially stored in the interleaver memory
according to the generated read address.
While performing in the read mode, the address generator determines in step 413
whether the generated read address PBRO(k) is larger than N-l. If the generated
PBRO(k) is larger than N-l, the address generator discards the generated read address in
step 423. Otherwise, if the generated read address PBRO(k) is smaller than or equal to
N-l, the address generator reads the data stored at the generated read address in step 415.
Thereafter, the address generator increases the parameter k representing the output
sequence by 1 in step 417, and determines in step 419 whether the parameter k is larger
than 2mxj'-l (or N'-l). If the parameter k is smaller than or equal to 2mxj'-l, the address
generator returns to step 411 in order to continuously generate a read address. However,
if the parameter k is larger than 2mxj'-l, the address generator ends the read address
generation operation in step 421. Among the generated read addresses, an address larger
than or equal to the interleaver size N is discarded. Therefore, as many addresses as the
number N of input bit symbols can be used as final read addresses for interleaving.
In addition, Table 5 shows the parameters m and j' determined for each of the 6
interleaver sizes of 406, 790, 1,558, 2,326, 3,094, and 3,862. As illustrated in Table 5, j'
is larger by +1 than j calculated from the Nmax.
FIG. 5 illustrates a method for performing a PBRO interleaving operation, belonging to
the "Imperfect Cases", using the m and the j' illustrated in Table 5. Referring to FIG. 5,
22 bit symbols are added to a last column 501, and 2m-22 addresses, determined by
excluding 22 elements from the elements in the last column, are unused. Therefore, after
the PBRO interleaving is performed, the bit symbols belonging to this part are deleted. If
it is assumed that input data with an interleaver size N=2mxj+a (where 0 input data is sequentially stored in a column direction in the address memory from an
address 0 to an address N-l, and at this moment, no input data is stored in (2m-a) areas
corresponding to the addresses of N to N'-l.
FIG. 6 illustrates a PBRO interleaving operation for an interleaver size N=406 according
to an embodiment of the present invention. For an interleaver size N=406, the Nmax is
384=27x3 as illustrated in Table 5, and the first and second parameters are defined as
m=7 and j=3, respectively. Therefore, j'=j+l=4. In the write mode of operation, the
interleaver 200 sequentially stores 0th to 40th input bit symbols in the interleaver memory
as illustrated in FIG. 6. Since the remaining bit symbols do not exist, they are
represented by X in the drawing. The interleaver sequentially stores 406 input bit
symbols in a column direction in an interleaver memory having a shape of an RxC
(=27x(3+l)) matrix. Here, only 22 bit symbols are stored in the last (j-H-i)th column, and
no bit symbol is stored at the remaining 106 addresses.
The interleaver 200 performs PBRO interleaving according to equation (1) in a read
mode of operation. If an output address is larger than or equal to the interleaver size of
406, the interleaver does not output the corresponding output address. Therefore, the
proposed interleaver outputs exactly N=406 addresses and has an interleaver memory
with a size N=406.
Another application of the embodiment of the present invention described above can be
applied to a case where input data with N=2mxj+a (where 0 an interleaving operation is achieved by first determining addresses in a sequential
column direction of a memory with a matrix structure of N'=2mx(j+1). Next, the input
data is stored in the sequential column direction in the memory from an address 0 to an
address N-l. Here, no data is stored in (2m-a) areas corresponding to the addresses from
N to N'-l in the last column of the memory. The determined addresses then undergo
PBRO interleaving to generate output address having an RxC matrix. The output
addresses are determined in the sequential column direction to generate a read address
for reading data stored in the memory. Here, as in the generated read address, the output
addresses corresponding to the addresses from N to N'-l are deleted.
Tables 5 and 6 illustrate parameters m and j' needed to perform PBRO
interleaving corresponding to "Imperfect Cases" according to another
embodiment of the present invention. As shown above, Earlier, Table 5
illustrated parameters m and j' determined for 6 interleaver sizes of 406, 790,
1,558, 2,326, 3,094, and 3,862 with a=22.
Table 6 illustrates parameters m and j' determined for 6 interleaver sizes of 408, 792,
1560, 2328, 3096, and 3864 with a=24.
When the interleaver size corresponds to "Imperfect Cases", deinterleaving is performed
in a reverse process of the interleaving process which has been described in conjunction
with PBRO interleaving and deinterleaving. That is, in the deinterleaving process, a
write address is generated using the procedure of FIG. 4 for generating a read address,
which was used in the interleaving process. Therefore, although a write address is
generated with a new interleaver being larger in size than an actual interleaver,
unnecessary addresses are deleted from the generated write address, and the memory
then stores as many data bits as the actual interleaver size.
As described above, the present invention provides a method for effectively generating
addresses for various interieaver sizes which cannot be expressed in terms of a power of
2, thereby contributing to an increase in memory inefficiency of the interieaver. In
addition, an address for the various interieaver sizes can be generated with a single
algorithm, preventing a waste of memory capacity caused by storing interleaving rules
for the respective interieaver sizes in the CPU. Further, the present invention contributes
to an increase in memory efficiency, since the proposed interieaver requires as much
memory capacity as the size N of a frame.
While the invention has been shown and described with reference to certain
embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various
changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and
scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. For example, although the
present invention has been described with reference to the case where the value 'a' is 22
and 24, the invention can be applied even to a case where the value 'a' is smaller than 2'n.
1. An interleaving method comprising the steps of:
determining a new interleaver size N'=2mx(j+1) and addresses of 0
to N'-l, if a given interleaver size N is larger than 2'"xj and smaller than
sequentially storing N input data bits in a memory from an address
0 to an address N-1:
Partial Bit Reversal Order (PBRO)interleaving the memory's
address ; and
reading data from the memory by discarding addresses
corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l .
2. The method of claim 1. wherein the size of the memory is N.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the size of the memory is
4. A method for interleaving input data with N=2mxj+a (where
0 determining addresses in a sequential direction of a memory with
an RxC matrix structure of N'=2mx(j+1);
storing the input data in a sequential direction in the memory from
an address 0 to an address N-1. and wherein no input data is stored in (2m-a)
areas corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l in a last column of the
generating output addresses with the RxC matrix structure by Partial
Bit Reversal Order (PBRO)-interleaving the determined addresses; and
generating a read address for reading data stored in the memory by
determining the output addresses in the sequential direction, wherein the
generated read address excludes output addresses corresponding to the
addresses of N to N * -1.
5. The method of claim 4, further comprising the step of
reading data stored in the memory according to the generated read address.
6. An interleaving apparatus comprising:
a counter, adapted to count addresses of 0 to N'-l according to a
new interleaver size N'=2mx(j+1), if a given interleaver size N is larger than
2mxj and smaller than 2mx(j+l);
a memory, adapted to sequentially store N input data bits from an
address 0 to an address N-1. based on the counting result by the counter; and
an address generator, adapted to generate a read address for reading
data stored in the memory by Partial Bit Reversal Order (PBRO)interleaving,
wherein the generated read readdress excludes addresses corresponding to
addresses of N to N'-l .
7. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the size of the memory is
8. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the size of the memory is
9. An interleaving apparatus in a communication system, the
apparatus comprising:
a memory with an RxC matrix structure of N'=2mx(j+1);
a write address generator; and
a read address generator;
wherein the write address generator is adapted to generate a read
address for reading input data with N=2mxj+a (where 0 sequential direction in the memory from an address 0 to an address N-1;
wherein no input data is stored in (2m-a) areas corresponding to
addresses of N to N'-l of the memory;
wherein the read address generator is adapted to generate a read
address for reading data stored in the memory by determining in the
sequential direction output addresses with an RxC matrix structure
generated by PBRO interleaving the addresse 0 to N-l, wherein the
generated read address excludes output addresses corresponding to the
addresses of N to N'-l.
10. A computer-readable medium of instructions, adapted to
control an interleaver, the instructions comprising:
a first set of instructions, adapted to control an interleaver to
determine a new interleaver size N'=2mx(j+1) and addresses of 0 to N'-l, if
a given interleaver size N is larger than 2mxj and smaller than 2mx(j+l),;
a second set of instructions, adapted to control said interleaver to
sequentially store N input data bits in a memory with the size N' from an
address 0 to an address N-1;
a third set of instructions, adapted to control said interleaver to
perform a Partial Bit Reversal (PBRO)-interleaving the memory with the
size N'; and
a fourth set of instructions, adapted to control said interleaver to read data
from said memory by discarding addresses corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l.

An interleaving apparatus and method to determine a new interleaver size N'=2mx(j+l)
and addresses of 0 to N'-l, if a given interleaver size N is larger than 2mxj and smaller
than 2mx(j+l), where m represents a first parameter indicating a number of consecutive
zero bits from a least significant bit (LSB) to a most significant bit (MSB), and j
represents a second parameter corresponding to a decimal value except said consecutive
zero bits. The interleaving apparatus and method sequentially stores N input data bits in
an interleaver memory with the new interleaver size N' from an address 0 to an address
N-l. The interleaving apparatus and method then executes a Partial Bit
Reversal(PBRO)-interleaving the memory with the new interleaver size N', and reads
data from the memory by deleting addresses corresponding to addresses of N to N'-l of
the memory before interleaving.









943-kolnp-2004-description (complete).pdf



943-KOLNP-2004-FORM 1.1.1.pdf

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943-kolnp-2004-form 2.pdf

943-KOLNP-2004-FORM 3.1.1.pdf

943-kolnp-2004-form 3.pdf

943-kolnp-2004-form 5.pdf






943-kolnp-2004-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 265566
Indian Patent Application Number 943/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 27-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 05-Jul-2004
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H03M 13/27
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2003/00033
PCT International Filing date 2003-01-09
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2002-1252 2002-01-09 Republic of Korea