Title of Invention


Abstract A method of optimizing the timing offsets with which data frames are transmitted over the lur/lub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN. The method comprises, for a given lur/lub interface or set of lur/lub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s), transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset sufficient to ensure a likelihood that the frames will be received at the or each receiving node within the defined receiving window, reducing the timing offset at the sending node in a stepwise manner, and adjusting the timing offset at the sending node in response to the receipt of late Time of Arrival error reports at the sending node. In a second embodiment, the frame synchronisation of frames corresponding to speech services and data services is carried out by delaying the frames corresponding to speech sservices a fixed delay and the frames corresponding to data services a variable delay based on a received time of arrival feedback.
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to frame synchronisation in a radio access network and in particular to frame synchronisation between a Radio Network Controller and a NodeB of a UMTS Radio Access Network (UTRAN).
Background to the invention
The Third Generation Partnership Project group, known as 3GPP, is involved in ongoing standardisation work on me WCDMA group of protocols referred to as UMTS or 3G. A UMTS operator network can be separated into a number of major (YunpoiKints, namely one or more cons networks which are responsible for setting up aad controlling user sessions, cad a UMTS Radio Access Network (UTRAN) which controls access to die ah* interface. The architecture of a UTRAN is illustrated schematically in Figure 1. The interface between the UTRAN and me user equipment (UE) is provided by nodes referred to as "NodeBs". The NodeBs are responsible for transmitting and receiving data over the air interface and are controlled by Radio Network Controllers (RNCs). User and control data is routed between UEs and a core network via the NodeBs and the RNCs. The interface between a NodeB and an RNC is referred to as the Inb interface.
There are situations in which the same data may be transmitted between a given UE and an RNC via two or more NodeBs. This is referred to as Diversity Handover Function (DHO). The NodeBs may be controlled by the same or different RNCs. In the latter case, data is routed to the controlling (or serving) RNC via a drift RNC. The interface between the serving and the drift RNC is referred to as the lur interface. Both scenarios are illustrated in Figure 1.
The user-plane protocols between an RNC NodeB, and UE are illustrated schematically in Figure 2. One job of these (UP) protocols is the implementation of a Frame
Synchronization function which takes care of the riming of frames over the lub interface between an RNC and the associated NodeB's. An important function influencing Frame Synchronization is the handling of the DHO scenario in which the same frames are transmitted over a number of legs, some of which also may be relayed via a Drift RNC over the lur interface. In the downlink direction, as the transmission over the air has to be synchronized, the Frame Synchronization function has to make sure (hat copies of the same frame received over different lub's/lur's with differing delays are received on time for sending. Figure 3 illustrates the frame synchronisation window at a NodeB in relation to the (DL) radio frame structure, where the time taken to process a frame at the NodeB is defined as Tproc. In the uplink direction, the serving RNC must coordinate the receipt of identical frames received over the different rab's/Iur's, and agam the Fiajue Synchronization function must ensure that frames are received at the serving RNC on time.
Considering farther the downlink direction, a certain frame with aa associated CFN number most be tcansmittod over oe air at a given time, ff mere are several NodeBs and lub/Ior links involved, afl NodeBs have to tnpfjmit ftmt particular frame at die t*m* time. Assuming that the delays over the lub iMg? differ, the serving RNC must send die frame with a sufficient time-offset, so that the frames are received at all transmitting NodeBs on time. Those NodeBs "behind" a fast Inb link must buffer the frames onto the scheduled time for transmission.
To supervise this function, 3GPP TS 25.402 specifies parameters defining a "Receiving Window", which facilitates monitoring of whether frames are received eariy or late at a NodeB. These parameters are illustrated in Figure 3. The window serves as a 'target' so that ToAWS (Time of Arrival Window Start point) defines the earliest point and the minimum buffering capability needed by the NodeB, while the ToAWE (Time of Arrival Window End point) defines the latest 'desired' arrival time of a frame. Frames received during the period between ToAWE and a LtoA (Latest Time of Arrival) point are considered late, but not too late for transmission. Frames received after LtoA are discarded. The standard specifies how the NodeB shall report to the RNC in case the frames are received outside the widow, so that the RNC can adapt its offset accordingly: for each frame received outside the Receiving Window, the NodeB shall respond with a
'Timing Adjustment" frame, indicating the ToA (Time of Arrival) of the frame, so that the serving RNC can adjust its offsets.
In order to make sure that all NodeBs receive frames on time, the Frame Synchronization must be in a "worst-case" mode, where the lub/Iur 'leg" with the worst delay is ruling the offset A similar approach may be applied to ensure frame synchronisation in the uplink direction.
The standard 25.402 supports certain tools fir Tuning adjustment and ToA monitoring on the lub/Iur interfaces. One such tool simply involves busting the "Receiving Window" function as described above. However, in order to receive frequent and trustworthy measurements of the fame-arrival process, it would be necessary to define a very narrow window such that frequent feedback from die receiving node (RNC or NodeB) is achieved. This is fir from ideal, as to do so would generate a tot of reverse link traffic. With very small windows, the messages from different receiving nodes could also be ambiguous, wilfa one receiving node repotting a need to reduce me offset, while another is reporting a need to increase it la practice, a rafter large window (based on pre-configured parameters settable by the operator) tends to be defined. Timing adjustments are assumed to be very rare. Thus, the window-mechanism is not used in practice for offset timing - rather it is used as a tool for recovering from fault events. Of course the result of adopting this approach is mat mere is no means for actively monitoring and adapting the offset timing in real or near real-time, and the offset delay used for frame synchronisation is likely to unnecessarily delay the end-to-end transfer of data, especially during periods of relatively light loading of the data link (or a favourable transport topology).
A second tool for determining timing adjustments involves using DL Synchronization Control frames. The specification 25.402 defines that die NodeB must always respond to the receipt of such a frame with a UL Synchronization Control frame including the value of the ToA of the DL Synchronization Control frame. However, the DL Synchronization Control frames can only be sent when no DL data frames are sent This means that the ToA monitored with this procedure does not provide a reliable measure of the "true" ToA characteristics of data frames. In addition, in order to obtain
high quality statistics of the ToA process, it would be necessary to perform frequent ToA measurements. A procedure using DL Synchronization Control frames would result in excessive extra traffic in both the up- and downlink directions. For an "active" connection with a lot of traffic, it is not possible to use this function. It is noted that there is no standardised solution for the uplink direction, equivalent to this approach. Uplink solutions are vendor specific.
Summary of the Invention
The current solution for achieving frame synchronisation has a major drawback, namely (he potential unnecessary Imffning and delays in both uplink and downlink. A hypothesis pot forward here is that different RAB types (and traffic sources) place
MfffTfitt rtMTifinfc nji thft correot Frame Synchronization designs may be very weQ suited for speech, these designs do not necessarily provide the best possible service for Acknowledged Mode (AM) beams, transporting fcr example data.
Speech services belong to the "ConversationaT class in terms of QoS classification. This QoS class has the most stringent delay requirements regarding delay and delay jittering. Speech services should be prioritised over lub interface, resulting in tight delay requirements for Speech. Relative to other services, the delay offsets are therefore most stringent for Speech services. Speech services are typically realised using TM bearers, although mis need not be the case (e.g. Voice over IP).
Speech is particularly sensitive to delay jittering, due to limited buffering in the end-to-end path between the speech encoder and decoder. Once the speech encoder-decoder pair is synchronized to a given (one way) delay, large jittering may cause frames to be lost resulting in a reduction of the subjective speech quality. It is therefore most important to maintain the delay and pacing of the transfer, as in the current Frame Synchronization solutions. The absolute delay is of less importance given the insensitivity of human perception to short delays (e.g. less than 150ms) in verbal communication. However, the acceptable delay variation (jitter) during a caD is limited to 1ms.
Packet Switched (PS) bearers belonging to the Interactive or Streaming class have relatively loose requirements on delay. PS bearers can therefore be realized using Die AM mode, in order to increase radio resource efficiency. One to the non-stringent formal requirements on delay, the offset related to Frame Synchronization can be set to rather loose values.
Due to the loose delay requirements in terms of QoS, a common misconception is to assume that packet-data performance is non-sensitive to delay. Indeed, packet-data services work also over high-latency connections, but the performance is critically dependent on die latency. This is particularly true fix highly interactive traffic such Telnet, which is characterized by its request-response nature, b the case of gaming applications, it wefl known that players behind low-latency connections have a competitive edge over players experiencing long delays. In addition, we note mat also web-traffic and FIP transfers raffer if the end-to-end delay is high, fa these cases, it is not only the dow response to human action that matters (as in gaming and Tdnet). but also the requirements set by the TCP protocol. TCP performance is highly dependent on die end-to-end delay through its congestion control mechanisms and TCP session setup and release procedures.
Thus, compared to Speech services, packet data services are much less sensitive to jitter, but potentially more sensitive to delay. There is therefore a strong incentive to provide the lowest link latency for packet-data bearers that can be supported at any moment of time, even if some delay jittering would be the cost
According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of transporting data over the lub/Iur interface of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, in which frame synchronisation at the receiving node is achieved by delaying the sending of data frames from the sending node by an offset delay, the method comprising:
for speech services, defining said offset delay as a substantially fixed delay; and
fear data services, defining an initial offset delay and dynamically varying the delay at the sending node based upon Time of Arrival feedback received from the receiving node, to optimise the offset delay value.
According to a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the node comprising:
means for transmitting A*t* frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iur interfaces with an initial timing offset; and
means for applying dynamically varying the offset for data services based upon Time of Arrival feedback received from the receiving node(s), whilst maintaining the timing offset substantially constant for speech services.
It is aa object of the present invention to overcame or at lent mitigate me disadvantages
nf Imnwn frmtf tfynrbtnmtfaifan tf^jqm-g over fitf Tun/My interfere This and Other
objects an achieved by providing processes which cinahlf. a more continuous nxiaitorJngofawToAs of frames at me receiver.
According to a second aspect of the present invention mere is provided a method of optimising the timing offsets with which data frames arc transmitted over me far/tab interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the method comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
reducing the timing offset at the sending node in a stepwise manner, and
adjusting the timing offset at the sending node in response to me receipt of late Tune of Arrival error reports at the sending node.
In certain embodiments of the present invention, the initial timing offset may be set to a value sufficient to ensure a likelihood that the frames will be received at the or each receiving node within the defined receiving window. In other embodiments, the initial timing offset may be set to a value short enough to ensure a likelihood that early frames

are received outside of that defined window, thus triggering the sending of a late Time of Arrival error report.
According to a third aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the method comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
at the or each receiving node, collecting and/or computing Time of Arrival statistics for received data frames;
periodically reporting said statistics to the sending node; and
adjusting die timing ofiset at OK seeding node on me basis of foe received
The statistics collected at a receiving node may be any suitable statistics relating to Times of Arrival. Preferably, these include one or more of; the mean, minimum, maximum, and variance of Times Of Arrival for data frames received daring some time period, that time period typically being the tune period since the last statistics report was sent to the sending node.
The method may comprise sending from the sending node to the or each receiving node instructions identifying the statistics to be collected at the receiving node and sent to the sending node. The instructions may identify the regularity with which the statistics must be sent, or events defining when the statistics should be sent (e.g. upon a change in one or more parameters).
The method may comprise sending polling requests from the sending node to the or each receiving node instructing the return of statistics.
The sending node may be one of a Radio Network Controller, RNC, or a NodeB. The or each receiving node will be the other of an RNC or NodeB. The different aspects of the present invention may be applied hi one or both of the uplink and downlink directions.
The different aspects of the present invention are particularly applicable in a Macro Diversity scenario, where identical user plane data is being transmitted between User Equipment, UE, and an RNC via two or more NodeBs.
Adjustment of the timing offset is performed by intelligence implemented at me sending node. The offset may be varied using some predefined algorithm and the information received from the or each receiving node.
According to a fourth aspect of die present invention there is provided a node for use in
a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the note comprising:
means for transmitting data frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iar
interfaces wiln an initial fimng offset;
means fix reducing the timing offset in a stepwise manner; and
means for adjusting the timing offset in response to the receipt of late Time of
Arrival error reports.
According to a fifth aspect of the present invention there is provided a node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the node comprising:
means for transmitting data frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iur interfaces with an initial riming offset; and
means for receiving statistical data sent periodically from the or each receiving node and relating to the Tunes of Arrival of data frames at respective receiving nodes, and for adjusting the timing offset on the basis of the received statistics.
The node of the third or fourth aspect of the present invention may be a Radio Network Controller or a NodeB.
The terminology used here to define the communications network and die radio access network is specific to 3G, i.e. UMTS, UTRAN, and Inb/Iur. However, the skilled person will appreciate that the present invention is also applicable to enhancements and successors of 3G, including 4G, whatever the terminology used hi the relevant standards and protocols to describe equivalent components and interlaces.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 illustrates schematically a UTRAN of a UMTS network;
figure 2 illustrates schematically the user plane protocols providing for communication
between an RNC, NodeB, and UE of the UTRAN of Figure 1;
Figure 3 iOustntes frame synchronisation requirements at an RNC or NodeB of die
UTRAN of Figure 1;
Figure 4 illustrates srhfirmf'^Hy j. timing offset optimisation procedure according to a
uijtt emboormept of the present mvertion; and
FigUreS illustrates y^iff» •fiffrily « pnr»yH^ii»» finmylimitiiig timing OflsetS aOCOHfiUg 10
a second embodiment of the present invention.
Detailed Description of Certain Embodiments of the Present Invention
The comparably low sensitivity to jittering for packet switched services has made it possible to realize packet switched domain bearers using the Acknowledged Mode RLC. By itself, AM-mode typically also introduces delay jittering, since SDUs suffering from transmission losses are delayed until re-transmissions repair them. In-sequence delivery further increases die traffic burstmess over the RAB egress Service Access Point (SAP). Burstiness is in fact an inherent feature of IP traffic, due to the non-existent QoS guarantees in today's IP backbone networks. In case there are some end-to-end requirements on the delay of the packets, as for Streaming applications, these requirements are typically handled by buffering before play-out
In addition, it is noted that no strict pacing of die Frames towards the AM RLC is required. This is true, since the AM RLC cannot maintain any paced delivery over its
egress SAPs. At times of low Frame Protocol latency, the RLC round trip time (RTT) could be shortened, and the end-to-end perception of the service would be improved.
The requirement for setting the offset deky for frame transmissions over the lub/Iur interface in the UTRAN has been discussed above with reference to Figures 1 to 3. It will be appreciated that for minimal end-to-end data transmission delay with rare frame losses, as is desirable for packet data services, it is desirable to have the frames received as close to the Latest Time of Arrival (LtoA) as possible (see Figure 3) with rare receptions in the Too Late" region. As noted above, the existing procedures for setting the offset delay do not provkfe efficient means to achieve mis in an optimal way. Either ToA data is received by the frame sender only rarely, so that only a very prudent sohrtkm with excessive offsets is feasible, or it is necensmy to send significant extra measurement traffic over die hib/Iur.
A East preferred sokrtioH provides for an adaptive transmission offset control method. by whjcfa the deky over die lub/br is oontinoondy adapted to me prevailing conditions in the transport network. Using mis method, be lowest possible delay - at any point in time and for any transport network topology - can in principle be achieved. The ToAWE limit is continuously challenged by successively (but slowly) decreasing the transmission offset at the sending node, with Tuning Adjustment Frames being issued by the receiving node when frames are received after the ToAWE point When a Tuning Adjustment Frame is received by the sending node, the timing offset is increased with an amount which is large relative to a single reduction step.
The procedure is illustrated in Figure 4. The lowest limit of the offset is continually probed at the sending node by decreasing the offset by an amount or step a for each successively transmitted frame. When the limit is hit, Le. a first frame is received after ToAWE and a Timing Adjustment Frame received by the sending node, the offset is increased by a step P (where p = ka and k is a constant greater than 1). Note that the average number of Timing Adjustment Frames relative to the number of data frames can be determined from the fraction tx/p. Note also mat me variance of the transport network delay should preferably be reflected in the steps of a and fi: if the delay
variations are very low, the method can be operated with very small steps, i.e. arriving at a stable operating point very dose to the "optimal" offset.
The steps a and (3 may be of fixed size, or one or both may be of variable size. In the latter case, the step size may be varied adaptively, depending upon feedback timing information received at the sending node from the receiving node.
The mechanism proposed here is applicable using the Release99 version of 3G standards 25.402, 25.427 and 25.435. Of coarse the mechanism is also likely to be applicable to later versions and to other standards.
An alternative sobtion to die problem of optimising frame synchronisation is to define and implement a measoement faction at a receiving node (e.g. NodeB) which, for each Transport Bearer, monitors the ToA process, and reports statistics of the arrival process to me sending node (e^g. RNQ. These statistics win typically be coDected over aane predefined time period. Baaed on the received stan'itical information. jnteDJeeace at the RNC wffl judge if mere are reasons to increase or decrease the tinting offset This is illustrated schematically in Figure 5.
The statistical information of the ToA process might be any standard statistical information. However, useful and easy to produce examples are the mean, minimum and maximum values of the ToA, and possibly the variance, over die predefined period. Using the received statistics, it is easy for the sending node to decide if the timing offset can be reduced, or if it must be increased.
Based on the received ToA statistics, the receiving node may decide to trade Frame Handling reliability for transmission delay: If a certain proportion of frame losses is acceptable, the sending node may decide to set the offset so mat a certain percentile of transmitted frames "hit" the receiving node in the 'Too Late" region. This contrasts with the conventional approach which is to set the offset so tbat frames never, or only very rarely (e.g. in the event of a fault) arrive in this region.
The statistical reporting function implemented at the receiving node shall be configurable by the sending node. It shall be possible to enable or disable measurements. It shall also be possible to define the period over which the measurement reports are collected, and when they are sent. For example, the function may be configured such that a ToA Measurement Report shaD be transmitted in the uplink after each block of 100 DL frames. Optionally, it shall be possible to define the period relative to the CFN, which is increasing irrespective of whether or not data is transmitted.

1. A method of transporting data over the lub/Iur interface of a UMTS Terrestrial
Radio Access Network, UTRAN, in which frame synchronisation at the receiving node
is achieved by delaying the sending of data frames from the sending node by an offset
delay, the method comprising:
for speech services, defining said offset delay as a substantially fixed delay; and for data services, defining an initial offset delay and dynamically varying the
delay at the sending node based upon Time of Arrival feedback received from the
receiving node, to optimise the offset delay value.
2. A node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the node
means for transmitting data frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iur interfaces with an initial timing offset; and
means for applying dynamically varying the offset for data services based upon Time of Arrival feedback received from the receiving node(s), whilst maintaining the tuning offset substantially constant for speech services.
3. A method of optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are
transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network,
UTRAN, the method comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
reducing the timing offset at the sending node in a stepwise manner; and
adjusting the timing offset at the sending node in response to the receipt of late Time of Arrival error reports at the sending node.
4. A method according to claim 3, wherein upward adjustments in the timing offset
are carried out in steps which are greater than the steps by which the timing offset is

5. A method of optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are
transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network,
UTRAN, the method comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
at the or each receiving node, collecting and/or computing Time of Arrival statistics for received data frames;
periodically reporting said statistics to the sending node; and
adjusting the timing offset at the sending node on the basis of the received statistics.
6. A method according to claim 5, wherein the collected statistics include one or
more of; the mean, minimum, maximum, and variance of Times Of Arrival for data
frames received during some time period.
7. A method according to claim 6 and comprising sending from the sending node
to the or each receiving node instructions identifying the statistics to be collected at the
receiving node and sent to the sending node.
8. A method according to claim 7, wherein said instructions identify the regularity
with which the statistics must be sent, or events defining when the statistics should be
9. A method according to any one of claims 5 to 7 and comprising sending polling
requests from the sending node to the or each receiving node instructing the return of
10. A method according to any one of claims 3 to 9, wherein the sending node is one
of a Radio Network Controller, RNC, or a NodeB, and the or each receiving node is the
other of an RNC or NodeB.

11. A method according to claim 3 or 5, wherein said initial offset value is sufficient
to ensure a likelihood that the frames will be received at the or each receiving node
within the defined receiving window
12. A node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the node
means for transmitting data frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iur
interfaces with an initial timing offset;
means for reducing the timing offset in a stepwise manner; and
means for adjusting the timing offset in response to the receipt of late Time of
Arrival error reports.
13. A node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, the node
means for transmitting data frames to one or more receiving nodes via lub/Iur interfaces with an initial timing offset; and
means for receiving statistical data sent periodically from the or each receiving node and relating to the Times of Arrival of data frames at respective receiving nodes, and for adjusting the timing offset on the basis of the received statistics.
14. A node according to claim 12 or 13, wherein the node is a Radio Network
Controller or a NodeB.
15. A system for transporting data over the lub/Iur interface of a UMTS Terrestrial
Radio Access Network, UTRAN, in which frame synchronisation at the receiving node
is achieved by delaying the sending of data frames from the sending node by an offset
delay, the system comprising:
for speech services, means for defining said offset delay as a substantially fixed delay; and
for data services, means for defining an initial offset delay and dynamically varying the delay at the sending node based upon Time of Arrival feedback received from the receiving node, to optimise the offset delay value.

16. A system for optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are
transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network,
UTRAN, the system comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be sent, means for defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
means for transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
means for reducing the timing offset at the sending node in a stepwise manner; and
means for adjusting the timing offset at the sending node in response to the receipt of late Time of Arrival error reports at the sending node.
17. A system for optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are
transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network,
UTRAN, the method comprising:
for a given lur/Iub interface or set of lur/Iub interfaces over which identical user plane data is to be seat, means for defining a duration of a data frame receiving window for use by the receiving node(s);
means for transmitting data frames from a sending node with an initial timing offset;
means at the or each receiving node, collecting and/or computing Time of Arrival statistics for received data frames;
means for periodically reporting said statistics to the sending node; and
means for adjusting the timing offset at the sending node on the basis of the received statistics.
18. A method of transporting data over the lub/Iur interface of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, a node for use in a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, a method of optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, a system for transporting data over the lub/Iur interface of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN and a system for optimising the timing offsets with which data frames are transmitted over the lur/Iub interfaces of a UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, UTRAN, substantially as herein described, particularly with reference to, and as illustrated in the accompanying figures.







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Patent Number 265617
Indian Patent Application Number 2800/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 02-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 17-May-2006
Applicant Address 164 83 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2003/050881
PCT International Filing date 2003-11-24
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PCT/EP2003/050881 2003-11-24 Finland