Title of Invention


Abstract The embodiments of the current invention provide a circuit breaker electronic release 100 capable of establishing communication with a communication device 102, the circuit breaker electronic release 100 comprising an isolated optical communication interface 104 configured with the communication device 102 having a preloaded program, the optical communication interface 104 converts data from the 100 into optical signal; and an air circuit breaker electronic release 100 controller configured with the optical communication interface 104 to receive the optical signal and convert the same into electrical signal, wherein the controller 136 in return responds to the electrical signal and sends back the collected responsive data of the circuit breaker electronic release 100 in the form of electrical signal to the communication device 102 through the isolated optical communication interface 104.
Full Text FORM 2
(See Section 10)
numbered as dated
L&T House, Ballard Estate, P.O. Box No. 278,
Mumbai, 400 001, Maharashtra INDIA.


[0001] The present invention relates to circuit breakers, of the type that is operatively connected with a communication device and that communicates, configures and calibrates through communication device.
[0002] Protection devices such as current limiting circuit breakers are well known in the related field of art. Generally, a circuit breaker is installed at an electric power distributing board among several electric power systems. The circuit breaker serves as a switch for supplying or cutting off power to a load side under no load state, and cuts off power supplied to a load side from a power side in order to protect a circuit and components of the load side when a great abnormal current due to a short-circuit or a ground fault flows on a circuit under a load state. Normally, Circuit Breakers are usually installed to protect load equipment such as motor, converter and the like from an

abnormal current generated at an electric circuit such as power transmission/ distribution line and private power transforming facilities. The intelligence of the circuit breakers is Electronic Protection and Control Unit which senses the current level through current sensors and decides the tripping time of the circuit breaker.
[0003] The circuit breaker comprises of various components and contact system forms one part of the same. When very high current flows through the system the contacts are so shaped that they repel because of current repulsion effect and thereby tripping occurs.
[0004] Also it is quite well known in the art to control the circuit breakers or the switchgears from a remote computer for example to set various parameters of the circuit breaker like to set the current value at which the tripping will occur, the tripping time and to collect the history data of the circuit breakers. Normally the circuit breaker is directly configured by the remote PC by having a positive engagement with the remote PC. The remote Pc is fed with the desired program which configures the circuit breaker.
[0005] But there is a problem with such kind of available circuit breakers in which the circuit breaker is at a different voltage than the remote PC. The problem occurs when there is a faulty or a very high current flow through the electric circuit. In this case, such a condition may damage the equipments installed therein.

[0006] Another problem with the above mentioned available circuit breaker is that this does not provides security and protection features to the user and also the data concerning security and configuration settings of the circuit breaker may easily be tampered.
[0007] Such a situation is of course objectionable and accordingly demands an improvement. Hence it is an object of the present invention to provide a novel circuit breaker that eliminates atleast one of the above mentioned drawbacks.
[0008] The present invention is directed towards a circuit breaker which is calibrated and configured by a communication device with which the circuit breaker is operatively connected. An optical communication interface is provided with the communication device to provide electrical isolation with the circuit breaker.
[0009] Therefore it is an aspect of the present invention to provide a circuit breaker that is capable of establishing communication with a communication device and the circuit beaker comprising of an isolated optical communication interface. The communication device has a preloaded program stored therein and the optical communication interface converts the received data from the preloaded program into optical signals. Further, an air circuit breaker release is configured with the optical communication interface to receive the optical signals and convert the same into electrical signal. The release in return

responds to the electrical signal and sends back the collected responsive data from the circuit breaker in the form of electrical signal to the isolated optical communication interface which further transfers the electrical signals to the communication device. Due to this isolation of the optical interface with the circuit breaker manual intervention is prevented thereby protecting tampering of the data, calibration data and configuration settings.
[0010] Preferably, the isolated optical communication interface includes an optical probe having two ends., wherein, the first end contains an optical head having a set of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver and the other end configured to a serial port of the communication device.
[0011] Preferably, the air circuit breaker has a release to which is configured a second set of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver.
[0012] The circuit breaker and the communication interface interacts with each other with the help of IR transmitters and IR receivers as there is no electrical contact between the two. This provides a level of security as far tampering of the data like configuration setting and calibration data is concerned.
[0013] Preferably, the optical head of the isolated optical communication interface further comprises of a magnetic ring. Further, the release also includes a magnetic ring whereby

the optical head of the optical communication interface is held due the magnetic forces between the magnetic rings in the head and the release.
[0014] Preferably the communication device 102 may be multimedia device like a remotely held PC, a PDA, a mobile and also further the circuit breaker may be an air circuit breaker.
[0015] Other features of the embodiments herein will be apparent from the drawings, and detailed description that follows below.
[0016] These and other aspects of the embodiments herein will be better appreciated and understood when considered in conjunction with the following description and the accompanying drawings. It should be understood, however, that the following descriptions, while indicating preferred embodiments and numerous specific details thereof, are given by way of illustration and not of limitation. Many changes and modifications may be made within the scope of the embodiments herein without departing from the spirit thereof, and the embodiments herein include all such modifications.

[0017] Figure.1 illustrates the overall system having the communication device, isolated communication interface and the circuit breaker release according an embodiment of the present invention.
[0018] Figure.2 illustrates the front view of the Air circuit breaker electronic release having optical communication interface, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
[0019] Figure.3a shows the side view of the arrangement of magnetic ring and IR transmitter and receiver of optical head of communication cable in Figure 1.
[0020] Figure.3b shows the front view of the arrangement of magnetic ring and IR transmitter and receiver of optical head of communication cable in Figure 1.
[0021] Figure.3c illustrates the side view of the optical head of the isolated communication interface of Figure 1.
[0022] Figure.3d illustrates the front view of the optical head of the isolated communication interface of Figure 1.
[0023] Figure.4 shows the arrangement of IR devices in the release of the circuit breaker according to an embodiment of the present invention.

[0024] In the following detailed description of the embodiments of the present invention reference is made to the accompanying figures, which in conjugation with this detailed description, illustrates and describes working principle of an isolated communication interface with the circuit breaker and a communication device.
[0025] Reference herein is now being given with respect to Figure 1 and Figure 2 that explains one of the embodiments of the present invention in which a circuit breaker electronic release 100 is capable of establishing communication with a communication device 102. The circuit beaker comprises of an isolated optical communication interface 104 configured with the communication device 102 having a preloaded program.
[0026] Further, the optical communication interface 104 converts data from the communication device 102 into optical signal, and an air circuit breaker electronic release 100 configured with the optical communication interface 104 to receive the optical signal and convert the same into electrical signal. Wherein the circuit breaker electronic release 100 in return responds to the electrical signal and sends back the collected responsive data in the form of electrical signal to the communication device 102 through the isolated optical communication interface 104.

[0027] In the following description, for the purpose of explanation, specific details are set forth in order to provide an understanding of the embodiments herein. It will be apparent, however, to one skilled in the art that the embodiments herein may be practiced without these details. One skilled in the art will recognize that the embodiments herein, some of which are described below, may be incorporated into a number of different combinations. The description accompanying the figures provided herein is illustrative of exemplary embodiments and description of well-known components and processing techniques are omitted so as to not unnecessarily obscure the embodiments herein. Furthermore, connections between components within the figures are not intended to be limited to direct connections. Rather, data between these components may be modified, reformatted, or otherwise changed by intermediary components.
[0028] The set up of the whole system comprising of communication device 102, optically isolated communication interface and the circuit breaker electronic release 100 is such that data from the communication device 102 is being received by the interface, and further the data as converted into optical signals is transmitted to the circuit breaker electronic release 100 which is operatively connected with the interface and the communication device 102. The signal further interrogates the circuit breaker electronic release 100 and responds the meaningful data to the interface which further converts into electrical signal and transfers to the communication device 102.

[0029] The communication device 102 is preloaded with program like to set the various parameters such as, to break the circuit depending upon the critical current inflow and voltage, for calibration, to monitor history data and performance of the circuit breaker 100 like tripping time and the like functions. Once the program is loaded with the prerequisite information in the form of software on to the communication device 102, the communication device 102 is configured to be connected with the optically isolated interface 104 through serial port.
[0030] The optically isolated interface is specifically designed to establish communication between the communication device 102 and the circuit breaker electronic release 100. The interface is designed to be particularly suitable for the environment of electricity metering and switchgear. With this interface and protocol one may be able to calibrate, read history and metering data and configure electronic release 100 of the circuit breaker for various settings. As referred in Figure 1 the optically isolated interface contains the optical probe configured with the circuit breaker 100. By considering the design features into consideration the optical interface is designed to have the first end and the second end, wherein the second end has provision of having an HMI interface to be connected to the serial port 108 of the communication device 102, the first end of the optical probe has an optical head 128 having one set of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver.

[0031] Referring to Figure 1 and Figure 3 in combination it may be quite easy to understand the design features of the isolated communication interface 104. The second end of the interface has a plurality of HMI interface enabling connection between the communication device 102 and the isolated interface. Cable from the hardware of the communication device 102 may be coupled to the HMI interface 108 for transferring necessary prerequisite data to the optical interface. The first end of the isolated communication interface 104 has the optical head 128 where one set of IR receiver 116 and transmitter 114 is configured. The optical head 128 as referred in Figure 1 is observed to be set up at the bottom of the interface 104. Preferably, a magnetic ring 122 is also coupled with the optical head 128 at the first end of the interface 104. Placement of the IR transmitter 114, the receiver 116 and the magnetic ring 122 would become clear when referred to Figure 3. Side view and front view of the optical head 128 is shown in Figure 3a and Figure 3b respectively in which it may be observed that an annular magnet 126 surrounds the IR receiver 116 and the IR transmitter 114. Infrared LED works as the IR transmitter 114 whereas an infrared transistor works as an IR receiver 116 in the optical head 128. Self explanatory Figure 3c and Figure 3d shows the symmetrical position of the magnetic ring 122, the IR transmitter 114 and the IR receiver 116 inside the optical head 128 on the isolated communication interface 104. According to Figure 3d, approximate maximum length 134, width 132 and height 130 of the optical head 128 in the interface would be 45mm, 34mm and 50 mm respectively whereas the approximate maximum distance between the two centers of the IR transmitter 114 and the IR receiver 116 would be 6.5 mm inclusive of 0.5mm of tolerance. Further as it is evident form

Figure 3c that the magnetic ring also bulges out from the outer surface of the optical head 128 due to the design consideration, the approximate minimum distance up to which the magnetic ring 122 that can protrude outside would be 7mm.
[0032] The circuit breaker, which is normally installed to protect the load equipment such as motor, converter and the like from abnormal flow of current to damage the equipments, has an internal intelligence in the form electronic protection and control unit hereinafter would be referred to as circuit breaker electronic release 100 in the foregoing description. The release 100 of the circuit breaker is coupled to the circuit breaker, wherein the electronic release 100 decides when the release to be actuated depending upon the preloaded settings in it. It is to be noted that the release 100 of the circuit breaker is configured to have second set of IR receiver 120 and IR transmitter 118. Herein also the infrared LED works as the IR transmitter 118 and the infrared transistor would work as an IR receiver 120.
[0033] Preferably, the electronic release 100 of the circuit breaker also has a magnetic ring 124 similar to the magnetic ring 122 of the isolated communication interface 104. As shown in Figure 4, the magnetic ring 124 which is made up of annular magnet 126 has in symmetry the an IR receiverl20 and IR transmitter 118 with the same dimensions of approximate maximum distance between the two centers of the IR transmitter 118 and the IR receiver 120 would be 6.5 mm inclusive of 0.5mm of tolerance. The magnetic rings

122, 124 in both the optical head 128 and of the release 100 of the circuit breaker generates a magnetic force.
[0034] The placement of the annular magnet 126s in both the optical head 128 and the release is such that an attractive magnetic force is being generated which further enables the head to be held by the magnetic force generated by the two magnetic rings.
[0035] An important point and an advantageous feature to be noted herein is that no external power supply is needed to run the IR transmitter 114, and the IR receiver 116 circuits as they are enabled to draw necessary power from the serial port 108 of the communication device 102. Due to this hassle of extra power consumption by the IR receiver 116, 120 and transmitter 114, 118 circuit is eliminated. Further, the circuit breaker electronic release 100 also has provision of current sensors which in combination with the circuit breaker functions to trip the electrical circuit.
[0036] The various parameters such as critical current level for tripping of the circuit, tripping time, configuration of electronic release, 100 can be done by HMI software in communication device 102 using the optical interface. The serial port 108 of the communication device 102 transfers the required and necessary data upon demand and as required to interrogate the circuit breaker to the isolated optical interface via the serial port 108 of the communication device 102. Whenever upon request, the data from the communication device 102 in the form of electrical signal is transferred to the optical

interface wherein the electrical signal is converted into optical signal and transferred to the release of the circuit breaker. The electrical signal is converted into optical signal by the optical interface and transfers it further to the optical head 128 having the pair of IR transmitter 114 and IR receiver 116. The optical signal is transferred to the release where it is received by the IR receiver 120 therein in the release in the form of optical signal. The IR receiver 120 of the release converts the optical signal into electrical signal and transfers it further to the circuit breaker electronic release 100. The IR receiver 120 in the release of the circuit breaker 100 converts the optical signal into electrical signal and is sent through electronic circuit to the circuit breaker electronic release controller 136. It may be noted herein that the converted electrical signal functions as an interrogating signal corresponding to the query in the form of data and forwarded from the communication device 102. The electronic release 100 of the circuit breaker herein corresponds to the interrogating data and replies to the isolated communication interface 104 via IR transmitter 118 in the release.
[0037] The optical head 128 containing the set of IR transmitter 114 and the IR receiver 116 receives the responsive data from the circuit breaker release 100 and converts the same into electrical signal and transfers to the serial port 108 of the communication device 102. It may be observed herein that the converted optical signal by the optical head 128 is transferred via infra red medium to the release 100 of the circuit breaker containing IR receiver 120. Even the responsive data from the controller 136 to the optical head 128 of the isolated communication interface 104 is transferred via infrared.

Therefore there is no electrical connection between the configuration of the isolated communication interface 104 and the circuit breaker 100. Thus the concept of having electrical isolation after going through the above description may be clearly understood herein.
[0038] Alternatively the above working of the embodiment may be understood by carefully understanding the following illustrative example. As we know that the circuit breakers or switchgears are installed in the environment of high electrical voltage and current and therefore they protect the equipments such as motors, converters from being damaged whenever a faulty current flows. In this case, whenever a faulty current which is above the predetermined level by accident flows into the electrical circuit, the current sensor placed in the air circuit breaker senses it and decides the tripping of the release. Tripping of the circuit breaker and tripping time is all predefined and stored into the software downloaded in the electronic release 100. Further on request, one may also be able to take the history data of the circuit breaker through the isolated communication interface 104.
[0039] Another importance of having electrical isolation between the circuit breaker electronic release 100 and the communication device 102 is that normally the communication device 102 and the circuit breaker 100 are at different voltages with the former being at a voltage of as high as 11KV while the communication device 102 at being relatively smaller voltage. In case if a faulty current flows into the circuit and flows

and there is no isolation between the circuit breaker electronic release 100 and the communication device 102, then this may lead to the damage the devices. Hence it is extremely necessary and imperative to have electrical isolation between the two.
[0040] According to another embodiment of the present invention, the IR transmitter 114 in the optical head 128 in the isolated communication interface 104 is directly placed opposite to the IR receiver 120 of the release whereas the IR transmitter 118 of the release is placed directly opposite to the IR receiver 116 of the optical. This ensures optimum data transfer between the isolated communication interface 104 and the circuit breaker 100.
[0041] The rate of data transfer between the communication device 102 and the circuit breaker via is 9600bits/ second. The rate of data transfers is factory configurable from 1200 to 9600 bits/second. The wavelength of the radiated signals in both directions is between 800 nm and 1000 nm (infrared). Further, the transmitter in the circuit breaker electronic release 100 as well as in the optical head 128 generates a signal with a radiation strength Ee/T over a defined reference surface (optically active area) at a distance of 10mm (+/- 1mm) from the surface of the tariff device or the reading head.
[0042] It may be noted that the specification of this communication is as per International IEC 1107:1996/ IEC62056-21:2002.

[0043] According to various embodiments of the present invention the communication device 102 may be any of the multimedia devices like a computer, a remote PC, a mobile, a PDA or the like.
[0044] The foregoing description of the specific embodiments will so fully reveal the general nature of the embodiments herein that others can, by applying current knowledge, readily modify and/or adapt for various applications such specific embodiments without departing from the generic concept, and, therefore, such adaptations and modifications should and are intended to be comprehended within the meaning and range of equivalents of the disclosed embodiments. It is to be understood that the phraseology or terminology employed herein is for the purpose of description and not of limitation. Therefore, while the embodiments herein have been described in terms of preferred embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the embodiments herein can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

1. A circuit breaker capable of establishing communication with a communication
device, the circuit beaker comprising:
an isolated optical communication interface configured with the communication device having a preloaded program, the optical communication interface converts data from the communication device into optical signal; and an air circuit breaker electronic release configured with the optical communication interface to receive the optical signal and convert the same into electrical signal, wherein the controller of electronic release in return responds to the electrical signal and sends back the collected responsive data of the circuit breaker in the form of electrical signal to the communication device through the isolated optical communication interface.
2. The circuit breaker according to claim 1, wherein the isolated optical
communication interface includes an optical probe having a first end and a second

3. The circuit breaker according to claim 2, wherein the first end contains an optical head having a first set of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver.
4. The circuit breaker according to claim 3, wherein the optical head further comprises a magnetic ring towards the first end.
5. The circuit breaker according to claim 2, wherein the second end is configured to a serial port of the communication device 102.
6. The circuit breaker according to claim 1, wherein the air circuit breaker controller release is configured to a second set of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver.
7. The circuit breaker according to claim 1, wherein the release further includes a magnetic ring whereby the optical head of the optical communication interface is held due the magnetic forces between the magnetic rings in the head and the release.
8. The circuit breaker according to claim 3 and 6, wherein IR transmitter and IR receiver of the first set is configured directly opposite to the IR receiver and IR transmitter of the second set for optimum data transfer.
9. The circuit breaker according to claim 1, wherein the circuit breaker is an air circuit breaker.

10. The circuit breaker according to claim 1, wherein the communication device 102 is a multimedia device like a computer, a remote PC, a PDA or the like


Dated this the 28m day of February, 2008

Rakesh Prabhu,
Patent Agent, ALMT Legal,
No.2, Lavelle Road, Bangalore-560 001, INDIA
The Controller of Patents,
The Patent office,
At Mumbai


The embodiments of the current invention provide a circuit breaker electronic release 100 capable of establishing communication with a communication device 102, the circuit breaker electronic release 100 comprising an isolated optical communication interface 104 configured with the communication device 102 having a preloaded program, the optical communication interface 104 converts data from the 100 into optical signal; and an air circuit breaker electronic release 100 controller configured with the optical communication interface 104 to receive the optical signal and convert the same into electrical signal, wherein the controller 136 in return responds to the electrical signal and sends back the collected responsive data of the circuit breaker electronic release 100 in the form of electrical signal to the communication device 102 through the isolated optical communication interface 104.
10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets.
Rakesh Prabhu,
Patent Agent,













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Patent Number 265641
Indian Patent Application Number 452/MUM/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 03-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 05-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01H73/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
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