Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention concerns high-temperature lubricant for the hot processing of metals comprising a mixture of fine-powder materials. To provide a high-temperature lubricant having good trickle and flow characteristics for dissolving scale on heated metal surfaces, which applied in powder form permits good coverage of the metal surface and which even after prolonged storage under production conditions still has good trickle and flow characteristics without severe lump formation and which avoids the use of graphite, in accordance with the invention it is proposed that the mixture includes at least the following constituents (a) a secondary and/or tertiary calcium phosphate compound, (b) a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt, (c) boric acid, a boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral containing boric acid salt (borate), and (d) condensed alkali metal phosphates, and wherein the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain size of < 150 &#956;n and the lubricant does not contain any addition of graphite.
Full Text Graphite-free high-temperature lubricant
The present invention concerns a high-temperature lubricant for the hot
processing of metals.
Background of the invention
In the hot working of metals, in particular steel, in a temperature range of 700 -
1300°C, scale formation occurs at the heated metal surface, at the ambient air. In the
case of hot rolling methods for steel for the production of seamless tubes and pipes, a
solid material is pierced and a hollow block formed, which is then elongated in
subsequent rolling steps. Here the danger of scale formation on the heated metal
surface of the hollow block during transfer to the elongation procedure is particularly
high. In the subsequent rolling steps that occurrence of scale can lead to internal flaws
in the seamless tube or pipe. For that reason the scale involved is blown off for
example with compressed air or inert gas. In addition very widely differing substances
in powder form are applied as lubricants or mordant agents to the inside surface of the
hollow blocks. Examples of such lubricants or mordant agents contain graphite, boron
nitride, molybdenum sulphide, silicates or alkaline earth phosphates and mixtures
Many lubricants for the hot working of metals contain graphite by virtue of its
good lubricating properties. It will be noted however that graphite suffers from
considerable disadvantages such as for example the absorption of graphite carbon into
the worked metal surface, whereby the composition and the properties of the metal
surface can be altered. In addition graphite is undesirable for reasons relating to
working hygiene as the graphite powder is easily atomised into the ambient atmosphere
and represents a health risk by breathing in the graphite powder for people working in
the vicinity.
Furthermore by virtue of their physical properties and grain sizes many known
lubricants do not have good trickle and flow characteristics. A coarse material
involving large grain sizes frequently results in inadequate and irregular covering of the
metal surface and thus poor scale reduction. Known fine-grain materials of small grain
sizes, for example less than 50 μm, frequently have a tendency to form lumps, in

particular upon storage, and for that reason it is only with difficulty that they can be
sprayed in powder form onto the metal surface. A finer grain size however would
afford the advantage that better layer formation can be achieved, but that advantage in
known compositions of fine grain size is nullified again by the severe tendency to form
Object of the invention
The object of the present invention was therefore that of providing a high-
temperature lubricant with good trickle and flow characteristics for dissolving scale on
heated metal surfaces, which permits good covering of the metal surface when applied
in powder form and which even after prolonged storage under production conditions
still has good trickle and flow properties without severe lump formation and which
avoids the use of graphite.
Description of the invention
According to the invention that object is attained by a high-temperature
lubricant for the hot processing of metals comprising a mixture of fine-powder
materials, wherein the mixture includes at least the following constituents:
(a) a secondary and/or tertiary calcium phosphate compound,
(b) a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt,
(c) boric acid, a boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral containing boric acid
salt (borate), and
(d) condensed alkali metal phosphates,
and wherein the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain size of lubricant does not contain any addition of graphite.
It has surprisingly been found that the mixture according to the invention with
the constituents (a), (b), (c) and (d) is particularly well suited as a lubricant for the hot
processing of metals. It will be appreciated that the lubricant according to the invention
may include further constituents if they do not substantially detrimentally influence the
desired advantageous properties.
Secondary and/or tertiary calcium phosphate compounds have surprisingly
proven to be particularly suitable trickle flow aids in a high-temperature lubricant of the
kind according to the invention for the hot processing of metals. Monocalcium
phosphate is unsuitable as it leads to lump formation in the presence of humidity in the

air. The calcium phosphate compound of the high-temperature lubricant according to
the invention is quite particularly preferably selected from hydroxyapatite
[Ca5(PO4)3OH] and tricalcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2], with hydroxyapatite being
particularly preferred.
The mixture of the high-temperature lubricant according to the invention further
includes a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt in combination with the other constituents. It
has surprisingly been found that the use of a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt means that
lump formation of the fine-grain powder can be considerably reduced and the capability
of withstanding storage can be improved. Without the applicants hereby feeling
themselves bound down to a theory, it is assumed that the fatty acid or the fatty acid
salt is attached to the grains of one or more further constituents of the mixture and in
that way prevents or reduces lump formation of the grains, keeps moisture away from
the grains and thereby improves the capacity for withstanding storage as well as the
trickle or flow characteristics of the lubricant.
In a preferred embodiment of the high-temperature lubricant according to the
invention the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is selected from saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids with 6 to 26 carbon atoms or salts thereof. Particularly preferably the fatty
acid or the fatty acid salt is selected from capronic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid,
lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, margaric acid, stearic acid, arachic acid,
behenic acid, lignoceric acid, cerotic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, elaidic acid,
vaccenic acid, icosic acid, erucic acid, nervonic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid,
arachidonic acid, timnodonic acid, clupanodonic acid and salts thereof. Quite
particularly preferably the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is stearic acid or the salt
thereof, in particular magnesium stearate. A prerequisite for the selection is that the
fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is in the form of a solid at a temperature > 30°C.
As a further constituent the high-temperature lubricant according to the
invention contains boric acid, a boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral containing
boric acid salt (borate). Boric acid [H3BO3], borax [Na2B4O5(OH)4 8H2O or
Na2B4O7 10H2O], further sodium borates such as Na2B4O7 5H2O, Na2B4O7 (water-free),
sodium metaborate [Na2BO2 4H20] and boric acid anhydride [B2O3] are particularly
preferred. The use according to the invention of boric acid, a boric acid salt (borate)
and/or a mineral containing a boric acid salt (borate) improves uniform distribution of

the lubricant on the metal surface and reduces scale formation. At the high
temperatures of the metal processing operation the high-temperature lubricant forms a
molten material.
As a further constituent the high-temperature lubricant according to the
invention contains condensed alkali metal phosphates, preferably condensed sodium or
potassium phosphates or mixtures thereof, particularly preferably polyphosphates
and/or pyrophosphates and/or metaphosphates or mixtures thereof. Disodium
pyrophosphate [Na2H2P2O7], trisodium pyrophosphate [Na3HP2O7], tetrasodium
pyrophosphate [Na4P2O7], sodium tripolyphosphate [Na5P3O10], sodium
trimetaphosphate [(NaPO3)3], sodium polyphosphate [(NaP03)n], dipotassium
pyrophosphate [K2H2P2O7], tripotassium pyrophosphate [K3HP2O7], tetrapotassium
pyrophosphate [K4P2O7], potassium tripolyphosphate [K5P3O10], potassium
trimetaphosphate [(KPO3)3] and/or potassium polyphosphate [(KPO3)n] are quite
particularly preferred, with sodium tripolyphosphate [Na5P3O10] being most preferred.
It has been found that the use of a polyphosphate and/or a pyrophosphate and/or a
metaphosphate in the mixture of the high-temperature lubricant according to the
invention advantageously contribute inter alia to scale dissolution.
In the high-temperature lubricant according to the invention the constituents of
the mixture have a mean grain size of of the mixture of particularly preferred. The low mean grain sizes of the constituents of the mixture
according to the invention provide that the trickle and flow characteristics of the high-
temperature lubricant according to the invention are considerably improved in
comparison with known lubricants, spraying onto surfaces in the form of powder is
easier and better and more uniform layer formation or coating on the metal surface is
guaranteed. At the same time the combination of the constituents according to the
invention of the mixture prevents or reduces lump formation which usually occurred in
the case of lubricants in accordance with the state of the art of small grain sizes and
resulted in serious shortcomings.
It is further preferred if the constituents of the mixture of the high-temperature
lubricant according to the invention have a mean grain size of > 3 μm, preferably > 10
urn, particularly preferably > 15 μm. It has been found that excessively small mean

grain sizes on the one hand can be produced only with very great difficulty and
complication and at comparatively high costs while on the other hand they also increase
the tendency to lump formation again. A mean grain size in the range of 20 to 50 μm
has therefore proven to be optimum.
In a preferred embodiment of the high-temperature lubricant according to the
invention the secondary or tertiary calcium phosphate compound (a) is included in the
mixture in an amount of 0.1 to 15 % by weight, preferably 0.5 to 10 % by weight,
particularly preferably from 1 to 5 % by weight.
In a further preferred embodiment of the high-temperature lubricant according
to the invention the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt (b) is contained in the mixture in an
amount of 0.1 to 15 % by weight, preferably 1 to 10 % by weight, particularly
preferably from 3 to 7 % by weight.
In a further preferred embodiment of the high-temperature lubricant according
to the invention boric acid, boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral (c) containing boric
acid salt (borate) is contained in the mixture in an amount of 5 to 30 % by weight,
preferably 10 to 25 % by weight, particularly preferably 15 to 20 % by weight.
In a further preferred embodiment of the high-temperature lubricant according
to the invention polyphosphate and/or pyrophosphate and/or metaphosphate (d) is
contained in the mixture in an amount of 60 to 95 % by weight, preferably 70 to 85 %
by weight, particularly preferably 75 to 80 % by weight.
Storage characteristics, agglomerate formation and moisture absorption
Storage tests in respect of various mixtures were carried out under production
conditions to test the tendency to lump formation under production conditions. For that
purpose 150 g of sample was stored in an air-conditioning cabinet (type 3821/15 from
Feutron) at a constant 30°C and 80 % relative air humidity for 0 h, 67 h and 96 h, and
then its agglomerate formation (trickle flow capability) was determined in a sieve test
and its moisture absorption was determined on the basis of the increase in weight in
comparison to the original weighing.
It is only the overall assessment of combined storage and trickle flow
characteristics of a respective mixture, that permits information to be afforded about its
quality and suitability under production conditions. The results of the investigation on
various mixtures are shown in Table 1.

Determining grain size
The operation of determining the mean grain size of the mixture or of the
constituents of the mixture of the high-temperature lubricant according to the invention
is effected by means of a laser granulometer Cilas model 715/920 from Cilas U.S. Inc.
About 80 mg of sample is suspended in propan-2-ol and measurement is effected a
minute after production of the suspension in accordance with the manufacturers'

1. A high-temperature lubricant for the hot processing of metals comprising a
mixture of fine-powder materials, wherein the mixture includes at least the following
(a) a secondary and/or tertiary calcium phosphate compound,
(b) a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt,
(c) boric acid, a boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral containing boric acid
salt (borate), and
(d) condensed alkali metal phosphates,
and wherein the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain size of lubricant does not contain any addition of graphite.
2. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that constituent (c) is selected from boric acid [H3BO3], borax
[Na2B4O5(OH)4 8H2O or Na2B4O710H2O], sodium borates such as Na2B4075H2O,
Na2B4O7 (water-free), sodium metaborate [Na2BO24H2O] and boric acid anhydride
[B2O3] and mixtures thereof.
3. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that constituent (d) is selected from condensed sodium or potassium
phosphates or mixtures thereof, preferably from polyphosphates and/or pyrophosphates
and/or metaphosphates or mixtures thereof, particularly preferably from disodium
pyrophosphate [Na2H2P2O7], trisodium pyrophosphate [Na3HP2O7], tetrasodium
pyrophosphate [Na4P207], sodium tripolyphosphate [Na5P3O10], sodium
trimetaphosphate [(NaPO3)3], sodium polyphosphate [(NaP03)n], dipotassium
pyrophosphate [K2H2P2O7], tripotassium pyrophosphate [K3HP2O7], tetrapotassium
pyrophosphate [K4P2O7], potassium tripolyphosphate [K5P3O10], potassium
trimetaphosphate [(KPO3)3], potassium polyphosphate [(KP03)n] or mixtures thereof,
wherein constituent (d) is most preferably sodium tripolyphosphate [Na5P3O10].
4. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that calcium phosphate compound is selected from hydroxyapatite

[Ca5(PO4)3OH) and tricalcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2], wherein hydroxyapatite is
particularly preferred.
5. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is selected from saturated and
unsaturated fatty acids with 6 to 26 carbon atoms and salts thereof, preferably from
capronic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid,
margaric acid, stearic acid, arachic acid, behenic acid, lignoceric acid, cerotic acid,
palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, elaidic acid, vaccenic acid, icosic acid, erucic acid,
nervonic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, timnodonic acid,
clupanodonic acid and salts thereof, provided that the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is
present as a solid at a temperature > 30°.
6. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt is stearic acid or salt thereof.
7. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the secondary or tertiary calcium phosphate compound (a) is
contained in the mixture in an amount of 0.1 to 15 % by weight, preferably 0.5 to 10 %
by weight, particularly preferably 1 to 5 % by weight.
8. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the fatty acid or the fatty acid salt (b) is contained in the mixture in
an amount of 0.1 to 15 % by weight, preferably 1 to 10 % by weight, particularly
preferably 3 to 7 % by weight.
9. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that boric acid, boric acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral (c) containing
boric acid salt (borate) is contained in the mixture in an amount of 5 to 30 % by weight,
preferably 10 to 25 % by weight, particularly preferably 15 to 20 % by weight.
10. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that polyphosphate and/or pyrophosphate and/or metaphosphate (d) is
contained in the mixture in an amount of 60 to 95 % by weight, preferably 70 to 85 %
by weight, particularly preferably 75 to 80 % by weight.

11. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain size of μm, preferably 12. A high-temperature lubricant according to one of the preceding claims
characterised in that the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain size of > 3 μm,
preferably > 10 μm, particularly preferably > 15 μm.

The present invention concerns high-temperature lubricant for the hot
processing of metals comprising a mixture of fine-powder materials. To provide a
high-temperature lubricant having good trickle and flow characteristics for dissolving
scale on heated metal surfaces, which applied in powder form permits good coverage of
the metal surface and which even after prolonged storage under production conditions
still has good trickle and flow characteristics without severe lump formation and which
avoids the use of graphite, in accordance with the invention it is proposed that the
mixture includes at least the following constituents (a) a secondary and/or tertiary
calcium phosphate compound, (b) a fatty acid or a fatty acid salt, (c) boric acid, a boric
acid salt (borate) and/or a mineral containing boric acid salt (borate), and (d) condensed
alkali metal phosphates, and wherein the constituents of the mixture have a mean grain
size of


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Patent Number 265646
Indian Patent Application Number 299/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 03-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 21-Jan-2009
Applicant Address RHEINSTRASSE 27, 55257 BUDENHEIM
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10M 169/04
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/056260
PCT International Filing date 2007-06-22
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2006 030 113.7 2006-06-28 Germany