Title of Invention


Abstract A parametric model (25) is used for error concealment. The mode] filter (25) allows for recovering signal components (x; (n)) of original audio channel signals that now are lost or erroneous from signal components (m-i(n)) of at least one other audio channel. During error-free reception of valid frames, the parameters (hl(n")") of that mode] will be derived and stored (24). In case of frame loss or frame error affecting the multi-channel information, a conjecture of the missing information is recovered by applying the model, using the stored parameters (hi(n)). In case of several subsequent lost or erroneous frames, it is possible either to use the parameters derived during the last valid frame or to use parameters derived from the recovered multi-channel information of the respective previous invalid frame. Furthermore, if there are long sequences of lost frames, it can be beneficial to apply some gradual muting of the model parameters, which essentially results in a gradual muting of the model parameters.
The present invention relates in general to methods and devices of multi-channel audio systems, and in particular to methods and devices for concealment of erroneous channel signals.
There is a large interest in handling audio signals, and in particular multichannel audio signals. Audio signals are achieved, either as direct recordings or generation of stereophonic sound or as retrieval of earlier stored representations of audio signals, and transmitted in some way to an end unit, such as a loudspeaker system or storage for audio signals. In digital signal systems, the audio signals are typically encoded before being transmitted, and decoded at the receiver side.
Parametric encoding is found to be very attractive, since the required bit rate for transmitting multi-channel data can be reduced significantly compared to mere waveform encodings. There are several examples of parametric encoding schemes in prior art.
Regardless of what transmission method is used, communications systems are typically associated with error-prone transmission channels, e.g. in wireless communication or through the Internet. There are several levels of combating erroneously received signals. Directly in the transmission layer, there are error handling routines, such as forward error correction (FEC) and retransmission schemes, which tries to compensate for certain types of transmission-induced errors. However, some errors cannot fully be repaired by such transmission-error schemes and the decoders, in the case of digital signals, have to be configured to receive also corrupted signals or even cope
with lost signal portions. Typically, the decoders will receive coded data corresponding to frames of the input signal and there is typically a flag indicating if the frame data is error-free or corrupted or lost, i.e. unusable. In case of unusable data, the decoder will not be able to decode and reconstruct the corresponding signal frame. Instead means for frame loss concealment will be deployed rendering the loss as inaudible as possible.
In case of stereophonic or multi-channel audio signals the frame loss may specifically affect the stereo or multi-channel audio representation. E.g. if one of the transmitted channels is affected, the decoder may still be able to reconstruct the other channel, or, depending on the chosen equivalent representation, it may still be possible to reconstruct a monophonic signal. However, a sudden loss of one of the audio channels as well as e.g. the sudden change from a stereo to a mono signal will harm the perceived audio quality. An important part of audio codec error concealment is thus.the mitigation of losses of stereophonic or multi-channel information.
Most signal loss concealment methods of prior art are directly connected to the type of encoding used during a transmission step. Depending on the type of audio codec, parametric or non-parametric, there are various ways to realize error concealment for audio codecs in general including those for stereophonic or multi-channel audio. Common for all of these are that they are performing concealment attempts during or in direct connection to the actual decoding process.
Non-parametric audio codecs will typically repeat or estimate e.g. by means of interpolation correctly received signal values in order to generate a substitution for the erroneous values. As an example, the US patent 6,490,551 by Wiese et. al. teaches about substituting lost spectral components by estimates (e.g. by interpolation) from corresponding components of the same or another (stereo) channel including time or frequency domain sampled values. The merit of this patent is that, as it claims, it maintains the stereophonic impression.
Another similar technique particularly for stereo signals is described in the patent DE 3638922 according to which lost signal sections of one of the stereo channels are replaced by corresponding signal sections of the other channel.
Typical frame loss concealment for parametric audio codecs involves replacing an erroneous parameter by an earlier and correctly received corresponding parameter. This is a temporal technique widely used in speech codecs that is directly applicable for parametric audio codecs. It is described in detail e.g. in the 3GPP specification on error concealment of lost frames for the AMR speech codec, 3 GPP TS 26.091, clauses 6 and 7.
The patent EP 0 637 013 by Cluever describes a parametric frame loss concealment method for non-parametric monophonic speech codecs: The signal values from a correctly received speech frame are used to derive the parameters of a speech synthesis model. In case of a frame loss the missing speech frame is synthesised by applying that model using the parameters derived during the last valid speech frame. Such a technique could in principle be applied for error concealment in audio codecs, and in the multichannel case channel by channel.
Among the loss concealment methods discussed above, most approaches restore the transmitted channels in multi-channel audio systems independently of each other, ignoring any statistical inter-channel dependencies. The methods of US 6,490,551 and DE 3638922 do explicitly exploit inter-channel dependencies, but are limited as solutions of non-parametric codecs. Moreover, they are employing a principle of repeating or interpolative estimation of correctly received signal values in order to generate a substitution for the erroneous values, which typically doesn't lead to the best perceptual quality.
A general object of the present invention is thus to provide improved methods and devices for channel signal loss concealment, allowing more accurate generation of replacement signals of missing or erroneous signal components. Another object of the present invention is to provide concealment methods and devices, which are useful together with any encoding principles, and in particular with parametric encoding systems.
The above objects are achieved by methods and devices according to the enclosed patent claims. In general words, a parametric model is used, which allows for generating replacements of lost or erroneous components of an audio channel from an input signal. During error-free reception of valid frames, the parameters of that model will be derived and stored. In case of frame loss or frame error affecting the multi-channel information, the missing information or at least a conjecture of it is recovered or generated by applying the model using the stored parameters. The application of the model may involve filtering of input signal components of at least one other audio channel or some other signal not necessarily related to any audio signal. In case of several subsequent lost or erroneous frames, it is possible either to use the parameters derived during the last valid frame or to use parameters derived from the recovered multi-channel information of the respective previous invalid frame. It is also possible to combine both techniques, i.e. to use parameters, which have been derived as a combination of the stored parameters of the previous valid frame and the parameters derived from the recovered multi-channel information of the previous invalid frame. Furthermore, if there are long sequences of lost frames, it can be beneficial to apply some gradual muting of the model parameters, which essentially results in a gradual muting of the model parameters, which essentially results in a gradual attenuation of the recovered multi-channel information. In case of complete muting, no multi-channel signal will be recovered, which results in falling back to a sole playback of the main or mono audio channel.
In case of loss not only of multi-channel information but also of the input signal information, first a state-of-the-art temporal error concealment technique is applied for recovering the input signal from input signal information received at an earlier time instance. Then, in a second step, the error concealment according to the invention is applied generating a conjecture of the original multi-channel information from the recovered input signal.
More generally, the multi-channel information recovery according to the invention can be combined with traditional temporal error concealment techniques, which recover lost information of the respective same channels based on information received for these channels at an earlier time instance.
One advantage of the present invention is that losses of multi-channel information can be mitigated in an improved manner, since inter-channel correlations are utilised for recovering the original channel signals. Moreover, the invention is very generally applicable and can e.g. be used in multi-channel audio signal transmission systems using any type of encoding techniques, or in systems not even utilising signal encoding.
The invention, together with further objects and advantages thereof, may best be understood by making reference to the following description taken together with the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIGS. 1A-C are a schematic block schemes of embodiments of audio systems according to the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a block scheme of an embodiment of a concealment device according to the present invention;
FIG. 3 is a block scheme of an embodiment of a channel filter section according to the present invention;
FIG. 4 is a block scheme of another embodiment of a concealment device according to the present invention;
FIGS. 5A-B are flow diagrams of the main steps of embodiments of a method according to the present invention;
FIG. 6 is a part flow diagram showing a step of embodiments according to the flow diagrams of Figs. 5A-B in more detail;
FIGS. 7A-D are diagrams illustrating the data correlations according to embodiments of the present invention;
FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating an implementation of an embodiment of a concealment device according to the present invention integrated in a parametric filter decoder; and
FIG. 9 is a block diagram of an embodiment of an analogue audio system according to the present invention.
In the present disclosure, the term "multi-channel" is used to characterise more than one channel. For example, stereo channel systems are included in the term "multi-channel" systems. An alternative definition is a system of n channels, where n-2-
Furthermore, the term "erroneous signal" comprises all kinds of errors, also including the absence or loss of the signal.
A typical site for a concealment device is within or in the vicinity of a receiver or decoder. However, the present invention is due to its characteristic parts more generally applicable, and may be applied almost anywhere in multichannel audio systems. For illustrating this, the present detailed description begins with a few examples of systems, in which the present invention is advantageously applicable.
Fig. 1A illustrates an embodiment of an audio system 1 that is based on digital signals. A multi-channel signal source 10, retrieves stored signals from an audio signal storage 12, in this embodiment a CD of digitally encoded signals representing audio signals. The multi-channel audio signals
are transmitted via source outputs 14. In an alternative system, the audio multi-channel signals could also be provided in real time, as indicated by broken lines and a set of microphones 11.
In the process of providing the audio signals, errors may occur. The signal content of the CD disk 12 could be deteriorated and difficult or impossible to interpret. The retrieval procedure could also produce some bit errors, giving totally or partly corrupted channel signals. A concealment device 20 according to the present invention could thereby by advantage be connected to the source outputs 14. The "repaired" multi-channel signals are then transmitted to destination inputs 34, in this embodiment connected to one respective loudspeaker 30.
Fig. IB illustrates another embodiment of an audio system 1, which in this case is based on a stereo source 10 of an analogue type. A vinyl disc 12 comprises audio signals encoded as geometrical undulations in tracks of the vinyl disc 10. The stereo-channel audio signals are via source outputs 14provided to a sampling unit 13, which samples the analogue sound into digital representation. In other words, the sampling unit 13 operates as an analogue-to-digital converter for audio signals.
Also in this process of providing the audio signals, there are error sources. The signal content of the vinyl disk 12 could be mechanically altered e.g. by grains or scratches. The retrieval procedure could also produce errors significantly influencing the perceptual quality. Finally, the analogue-to-digital conversion vaecy also give rise to totally or partly corrupted channel signals. A concealment device 20 according to the present invention could thereby by advantage be connected to the source outputs 14. The "repaired" multi-channel signals are then again transmitted to stereo destination inputs 34, in this embodiment connected to two loudspeakers 30.
Fig. 1C illustrates yet another embodiment of an audio system 1. Here, some ' multi-channel audio signals are down-loaded from a multi-channel audio
signal source 10, in this embodiment a music tracks provider. The multichannel signals are retrieved from the source 10 and provided over a multichannel connection 4 to an encoder 5. The encoder 5 converts the multichannel signals into one common data stream transmitted via a connection 6 to a radio transmitter unit 7. Any type of encoding principles can be utilised. The radio transmitter unit 7 prepares to common data stream for being transmitted as radio signals 9 from a sender antenna 8 to a receiver antenna 15. A radio receiver unit 16 receives the signals and provides an as correct version of the original common data stream as possible via a connection 17 to a decoder 18. The decoder 18 converts the common data stream of connection 17 into a number of channel signals, provided at source outputs 14.
The radio part of this system is probably the main origin of errors in the audio signals. Both the radio receiver 16 and the decoder 18 typically comprise more or less complicated error-handling functionalities or concealment devices. However, a concealment device 20 according to the present invention could anyway be of advantage if connected to the source outputs 14. The "repaired" multi-channel signals are then again transmitted to multi-channel destination inputs 34, in this embodiment connected to an audio signal storage 31.
Audio signals transmitted through Internet are also often exposed to transmission errors. A corresponding concealment device 20 is therefore advantageously applied on the receiving side of an Internet based audio transmitting system.
The basic principle of the invention is that one channel signal out of a multichannel signal set can be reproduced fairly accurate by applying a parametric filter to an input signal. The input signal may be any signal, e.g. a noise signal. However, in preferred embodiments, the input signal is dependent on a linear combination of at least one of the other multi-channel signals - giving a "main" signal. The main signal may be a mono signal, i.e. a
signal representing the audio signals if they were recorded by only one source (microphone). However, other embodiments utilise a main signal that excludes the channel signal to be reproduced. Fig. 2 illustrates this principle more in detail. Channel signals are provided at source outputs 14. The concealment device 20 comprises a linear combination unit 21, which creates main signals m. In other embodiments, the main signal m could be provided from elsewhere. The main signal m is provided to a number of channel filter sections 40, in which concealment of an erroneous channel signal can be performed according to the present invention. The main signals provided to the different channel filter sections 40 could be the same main signal or different ones. The non-erroneous or concealed channel signals are provided to the destination inputs 34.
The channel filter sections 40 are based on parametric filters, controlled, by a set of coefficients. These coefficients are adaptively derived during reception of valid frames from the channel signal in question and preferably from at least one of the other channels through the main signal. The computed parameters are stored in a parameter memory. In case of a frame loss or frame error, which affects at least parts of the channel signal in question, the parametric model is applied using the stored model parameters and the main signal of the at least one other channel signal. The resulting output signal of the parametric model may be used as a substitute for the lost channel signal or it may be combined with a channel signal that has been derived using any prior art technique in order to generate such a substitute.
Fig. 3 illustrates an embodiment of one of the channel filter sections 40 according to the present invention. The concealment device 20 connected to the source outputs 14 comprises a number of channel filter sections 40, preferably one per channel, of which only one is illustrated in Fig. 3. The illustrated channel filter section 40 is indicated as dotted. The illustrated channel filter section 40 affects the channel signal xi, which is assumed to be divided in time portions, e.g. frames. The time portion n of the channel signal is denoted x^n). An error status investigating means 23 is connected
to the channel signal x1(n). If the signal portion is free from errors, i.e. a valid frame is present, the channel signal is forwarded to a signal tracking means 22. The linear combination unit 21 of the concealment device 20 provides a main signal m-1(n), which excludes the channel signal x1{n), to a parametric filter means 26 of the signal tracking means 22. The filter generates an output signal x1(n), which is intended to be an estimate of the channel signal x1(n). An addition means 28 generates a difference signal x1(n), which is provided to a filter optimising means 27, optimising the parameters or coefficients of the parametric filter in order to minimise the difference signal x1(n) according to a minimum criterion. Preferably, the difference signal x1(n) is rmnimised in a mean-square or a weighted mean-square sense. Optimised parameters h1(n) achieved in this manner are provided as output signal from the signal tracking means 22, and represents the momentary correlation between the main signal m-1(n) and the channel signal x1(n). The optimised parameters h1(n) are stored in a memory 24 for later use.
The rninimisation procedure can alternatively be implemented by using a known Wiener filter error rninimisation procedure solving a linear equation system by, e.g., applying a Levinson recursion, discussed further below.
The channel signal x1,(n) is connected in an unmodified manner through a switch means 42 to the multi-channel destination inputs 34.
If the error status investigating means 23 concludes that the present channel signal portion x1(n) is erroneous, entirely or partly, the channel signal portion is not forwarded to the signal tracking means 22. Instead, a control signal is provided for the switch means 42 to interrupt the channel signal portion. At the same time, the main signal in-1{n) is provided to a reconstruction filter 25, which is defined by parameters associated with the previous error-free channel signal portion h,(n-l). (The case of more than
one sequential erroneous channel signal is discussed more in detail below.) An output signal x1(n) from the reconstruction filter 25 is a conjecture of the original, now erroneous, channel signal, generated from the main signal m-1{n) using the previous momentary correlation between the main signal m-1(n-l) and the channel signal x1(n-l). The switch means 42 replaces the incoming erroneous channel signal with the conjecture signal x1(n) in order to conceal the error in a best possible way.
In the case, several successive channel signal portions (frames) are erroneous, different approaches are possible to apply. In one embodiment, the reconstruction filter 25 uses the latest stored set of parameters associated with an error-free channel signal portion. This means that if two successive erroneous portions occur, the conjecture signal of the second one is based on the correlation between the main signal m-1(n-2) and the channel signal x1(n-2) for a channel signal portion two portions back. The longer the sequence of erroneous signals is, the more inaccurate the filter relevancy becomes.
In another embodiment, the conjecture signal x1(n) regenerated for a first
erroneous channel signal is connected back, as illustrated by the broken line 41, to the signal tracking means 22 to form the basis of a new filter estimation. A concealment of a successive erroneous channel signal can then be based on always the latest available filter version, regardless whether this filter version is associated with an error-free or a conjecture signal.
In a third embodiment, a successive erroneous channel signal can be concealed using a signal deduced as a combination of the two previous approaches, i.e. a combination of the latest error-free filter and the latest conjecture signal based filter.
In the embodiments discussed above, the signal tracking by means of creation of parametric filters is performed on each individual channel signal.
In other embodiments, it might instead be advantageous to use filters reproducing linear combinations of the channel signals instead. Fig. 4 illustrates such an alternative. Here, four channel filter sections 40 are provided, which are applied on linear combinations of the channel signals, created in respective linear combinators 44. In case of any erroneous signals, the conjecture signal outputs from the channel filter sections 40 are again linearly combined in an output combinator 45, in order to generate the replacement signals for the erroneous channel signals.
The channel signals may also themselves be linear combinations of original channel signals. For instance, a common approach for transmitting stereo audio signals is to transmit a mono signal, which is a mean of the two channel signals, and a side signal being half the difference between the original signals. In such a system, an error may very well appear in either the mono or side signal, whereby a channel signal concealment according to the present invention advantageously is performed e.g. on the side signal based on the mono signal.
In a more specific example of a stereophonic audio signal transmission system, an encode/decoder system uses a side and mono signal representation of the original input signal. The mono signal is defined as:
(Equation Removed)
while the side signal is given by:
The parametric model applied for error concealment according to the present embodiment of the invention is assumed to be a linear FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter of order P with transfer function:
(Equation Removed)
The input signal to the parametric model is a decoded mono signal m'(n) while the model generates an estimate s'(n) of the decoded side signal s'(n). An error minimisation procedure calculates the filter coefficient vector h such that the filter output signal s'(n) best matches the side signal s'(n). There are known error minimisation procedures that can be applied here, of which one is the Wiener filter approach.
According to the Wiener approach, the filter h valid for one frame of data is chosen such that it minimises the sum of the squared error between the side signal s'(n) and the filter output s'(n), i.e. the sum of
where n indexing the samples of one received frame. This minimisation criterion leads to requiring the error and the delayed version of signal m being orthogonal:
(Equation Removed)
This leads to the following linear equation system for the filter coefficient vector h :
R -h, = (Equation Removed)
and where rms is a vector of cross-correlations of signals m' and s':
(Equation Removed)
After calculation, the filter coefficients are merely stored but not further used. However, if the subsequent frame is erroneous such that at least parts of the side signal s' are unavailable, then the stored coefficients will be used.
In a first step, the mono signal m'(n) will be derived. The case where also the mono signal is affected by the frame loss is discussed more in details further below. In a second step, the parametric model will be applied in order to reconstruct a substitution signal s'*(n) for the side signal. This is done by first setting the filter coefficients to those stored in the memory. Then the mono signal is filtered, which will generate the signal s' * (n).
The main steps of an embodiment of a concealment method for a channel signal according to the present invention are presented in a flow diagram in Fig. 5A. The procedure starts in step 200. In step 202, an input signal is provided, preferably a main signal based on a linear combination calculation of received channel signals. The main signal can also be provided as one of the channel signals. This is a special case of the first alternative, where the "linear combination" of only one channel signal is used. The main signal can also be provided from elsewhere, e.g. as a result of another concealment procedure. Preferably, the mono signal is in some sense associated with the present channel signals. These alternatives will be further discussed below.
In step 204, the error status of the channel signal in question is investigated. In many digital systems, a frame comprising signal data is typically provided with some error status bits. The investigation step will in such a case comprise the checking of the error status bits. In other cases, where there are no explicit error status information, one has to take more detection-like actions. For instance, parity or redundancy bits can be checked. In even more advanced systems, the actual signal content could be analysed for
detecting "unrealistic" behaviours. This may e.g. be useful in analogous audio systems.
Based on the error status of the channel signal, it is decided in step 206 if the present portion or frame of the channel signal is erroneous, totally or in part. If the channel signal is error-free, the procedure continues to step 208, where the parametric filter is optimised, e.g. according to principles similar to what was described above. The optimised parameters are then stored in step 210 for any possible future use.
If the channel signal is erroneous in any sense, i.e. if the content is corrupt or if the frame is missing, an actual concealment procedure will take place. A signal that is going to replace and thereby conceal the erroneous signal is generated in step 212 by filtering the provided main signal in a filter defined by parameters from the preceding error-free frame or signal portion. In step 214, the generated signal replaces the erroneous signal portion, thereby concealing the error in a best possible manner. The procedure stops in step 299.
The above procedure is repeated for every signal portion, which is indicated by the broken line 250.
The above flow diagram is also valid for one of the embodiments when treating several subsequent erroneous frames. For each erroneous frame, in step 212, the filter parameters associated with the last error-free signal portion is used, regardless of how far back that signal was received. In a slightly altered embodiment, step 212 can also be modified to comprise a gradual muting of the filter parameters, which will lead to a gradual transfer to a pure main signal.
Fig. 5B illustrates an alternative embodiment. All steps that are similar as in Fig. 5A have the same reference numbers and will not be further discussed. If an erroneous signal portion is detected, the procedure will continue to step
211, in which a concealment signal is produced. This signal is based on earlier filter parameters according to any predetermined configuration.
When the concealment signal is generated and has replaced the original erroneous signal, the steps of optimising the filter and storing the optimised parameters are performed, but now based on the concealment signal instead of an error-free original signal. In such a way, filters that in some sense comprise latest possible information can be used in successive erroneous signal portions.
In some embodiments, the step 211 may even include a combination of parameters deduced from error-free signals and from concealment signals. Such alternatives will be discussed further below.
In order further to visualise the utilisation of information, Fig. 7A illustrates a concealment situation having a single erroneous signal. During a frame n-1, filter parameters hk(n-\) for channel xkare' generated, based on signal
information from the other channel signals. During frame n, the channel xk is erroneous and cannot be used. However, the remaining channels in frame n can be utilised to produce a main signal m_k{n). The main signal m_k(n) and
the stored filter parameters hk(n-l) are then used to generate a conjecture x*k(n) of an original signal, which is used for concealing the erroneous signal. In such a way, correlations, not only in the temporal direction, but also in the channel space, are used for creating the conjecture signal x*t(n).
For consecutive erroneous signals, the situation may look like Fig. 7B, if the embodiment of Fig. 5A is applied. The filter parameters of frame n-2 are stored. A main signal m_k(n) is provided and applied to the filter with the
parameters from frame n-2 to achieve a replacement signal x*k(n). In this
case, channel correlations of frame n-2 and frame n are used, together with temporal correlations between frames n-2 and n. However, the information of frame n-1 is essentially unused. For shorter sequences of erroneous frames,
such an information neglecting might not be very serious. However, if the number of sequential erroneous signals becomes large, more accurate conjectures may be possible if also the intermediate frames are considered.
Fig. 7C illustrates the situation according to a method according to the embodiment illustrated in Fig. 5B. The error-free filter parameters hk(n-2)
are achieved in the same way. However, the conjecture signal x'k(n-l) of frame n-1 is here also utilised to produce another set of filter parameters h'k(n-l), however, not based on totally error-free signals. A conjecture signal
x.k(n) of frame n can be determined by using the h.k{n-l) parameters on a main signal m_k(n). The conjecture signal x.k(n) will then involve correlations from both frame n and n-1.
Another possibility is to combine information deduced from the parameters h.k(n-l) and hk(n-l), which will further increase the base upon -which the concealment is founded.
Fig. 7D illustrates a further embodiment of the invention. The situation is that for frame n components of channel signal k are erroneous and need to be concealed according to the invention. In the preceding frame n-1 at least channel p is affected by errors, but not channel k. The frame n-2 is assumed to be totally error-free. A set of filter coefficients hk(n-l) can be derived for the time instance n-1 according to the methods described above, for which a main signal m-p excluding the erroneous channel p is used in the derivation of the filter parameters. However, as for frame n channel signal k is erroneous, it may even be more advantageous to use a main signal m-P-k excluding both channels p and k when deriving the filter parameters. Using a set of filter parameters derived such way will lead to a conjecture signal x.k{n). As however this set is not based on totally error-free signals, it can be
advantageous to use a conjecture signal x.k (77.) for frame n by using the filter parameters hk(n-2) derived from the last totally error-free frame n-2. An even
better solution is to combine both conjecture signals or to derive the conjecture signal by applying the model using a set of filter parameters combining both sets of filter coefficients hk(n-2) and hk((n-l).
For a given channel k it is thus possible to calculate different model parameter sets, depending on which combination of channel signals is excluded from the main signal. A receiver may pre-calculate and store for each channel k all possible model parameter sets by permuting all possible combinations of channel exclusions from the main signal. Having pre-calculated all such models allows the receiver at some subsequent frame with errors to use that specific model parameter set which matches the pattern of erroneous and error-free channels.
As seen from above, it is possible to use a different linear combination of channel signals for deriving the filter parameters - a deriving input signal -than is used for generating the replacement signal - the generating, input signal. However, the deriving and generating input signals are preferably as similar as possible.
Assuming an example where a multi-channel signal xt(n) is lost and needs
to be recovered. This is done using the stored model coefficients derived for the last valid frame. If, however, there are several subsequent frame losses and the present lost frame is the qth lost frame in a row, then the stored model coefficients belong to a frame with time index n-q and the coefficient set can be denoted hk(n-q). In this case it can be beneficial to make use of
parameters hk {n -1) derived from the preceding frame even though it was a recovered invalid frame. In general, the coefficients to be used for recovery of the multi-channel signal xk(n) can be derived as a combination of all
parameter sets derived during the preceding frames back to the last valid frame (or even longer). One suitable choice is to use a linear combination of the parameter sets:
(Equation Removed)
where α(i) are weighting factors which sum is equal to one. Setting α(n-q) to 1 and all other weights to 0 results in only using the parameters of the last valid frame, while setting α(n-1) to 1 and all other weights to 0 results in only using the parameters of the previous invalid frame.
In cases of long sequences of lost frames, it can be beneficial to apply some gradual muting of the model parameters, which essentially results in a gradual attenuation of the recovered multi-channel information. In case of complete muting, no multi-channel signal will be recovered, which results in falling back to a sole playback of the mono audio channel.
One example realisation of such a muting technique for the case that the model is a FIR filter is to gradually attenuate the filter coefficients. Full muting is achieved by setting all coefficients to zero.
In some applications e.g. using the real mono signal as a main signal, the main signal is not available as such, but has to be synthesised from the individual channel signals. If all the individual channel signals are defect, no useful main signal for the multi-channel concealment according to the invention is available. Also, if the main signal is achieved from elsewhere, the main signal may be erroneous. In such cases, any prior-art conventional concealment technique can be employed for obtaining a substitution signal for the main signal, before the main signal is used in the creation of filter parameters or channel signal concealment signals. In case the main signal has to be obtained as a linear combination of the individual channel signals, the procedure of step 202 in Figs. 5A and 5B may look like Fig. 6. Entering from step 200, a decision whether all the individual channel signals are erroneous and thereby no useful main signal is available has to be made in step 216. As in the investigation of the error status of a particular channel signal, this decision can be based on either frame error status bits or on
more sophisticated error detection techniques. If any of the channel signals is error-free, the procedure continues to step 220, in which a linear combination of the non-defective channel signals is created as the main signal excluding the erroneous channel signals. If all channel signals are erroneous, the procedure continues to step 218, where a main signal concealment technique according to conventional methods is used for providing an estimated main signal, which later can be used in the channel signal concealment procedure according to the present invention. A case in which multiple channel signals are erroneous and the invention is applied recursively in order to recover all erroneous channel signals will be described below.
Even if the present invention is applicable in systems using any kind of encoding schemes, there might be some additional advantages when applying it to systems using encodings based on parametric filters. When considering e.g. Fig. 1C, it can be seen that if the decoder uses parametric decoding based on a mono signal, the very same mono signal may be provided also to the concealment device. An error in one channel signal may therefore not necessarily affect the mono signal.
Furthermore, if the decoder utilise the same filter type as in the concealment device, further advantages can be made. Fig. 8 illustrates a combined decoder and concealment device 90, both based on parametric filter techniques. An encoded mono signal m" is provided at a first connection 17A, and encoded filter parameters h"i-h"3 are provided at a second connection 17B. The mono signal is decoded in a mono signal decoder 80 according to any conventional mono signal techniques, giving a decoded mono signal m'. The mono signal m' is provided to a decoder filter unit 86.
The encoded filter parameters h"1-h"3 are decoded in a parameter decoder 84. The decoded filter parameters h'1-h'3 are provided to a decoder filter unit 86 for defining a filter, which applied to the mono signal regenerates linear combinations c'1-c'3 of channel signals. The linear combinations c'i-c'3 and
the mono signal m' are combined in a linear combination unit 82 to four channel signals x'i-x'4.
The decoded filter parameters h'1-h'3 are also provided to a memory 24 for storage waiting for any possible future use. An error status investigating means 23 checks if the parameters are erroneous or not. If an error is discovered, the decoded mono signal is additionally provided to a reconstruction filter 25, defined by stored filter parameters. The generated signal replaces the erroneous signal by a switch means 42 in analogy with earlier described embodiments.
Even if the present invention is based on digital processing of audio signals, the invention can also be applied on analogous audio systems. Fig. 9 illustrates a block scheme of an embodiment of a concealment device 20 according to the present invention applied in an analogous audio system. Two analogue channels xi and X2 are provided to a mono signal deriving unit
96 in the concealment device 20. The mono signal deriving unit 96 takes the
average of the two channels and samples the combined signal into a digital
representation of the mono signal m . The analogue signals are forwarded to
one channel filter section 40 each, of which only one is illustrated in detail.
An error detector 93 is connected to sense the characteristics of the analogous signal. Normal audio signals typically follow certain statistical behaviours, where the changes in signal characteristics either is fairly slow or follows certain harmonics statistics. An error in an analogous signal often appears as a sudden and extremely uncorrelated change in the spectral characteristics. There are different kinds of detectors in prior art for finding probable error portions of analogous audio signals. If no error is detected in the error detector 93, the analogous signal is brought through a delay unit
97 for adjusting the timing of an unmodified analogous signal to the timing
of a concealed error signal. A switch means 42 provides the unaltered
analogous signal on the output from the channel filter section 40.
If no error is detected, the analogous signal is also transferred to sampling unit 92, where the analogous audio signal is digitised and divided in frames of a predetermined duration. The digitised version of the channel signal 3c, is in analogy with the description above used for optimising a parametric filter 26. The digitised mono signal in is used as input signal of the filter 26, and a filter optimising means 27 optimises the parameters, which then are stored in a memory 24. During non-error conditions, these are the complete actions.
However, if the error detector 93 finds an error in the analogous signal, the switch means 42 is controlled to instead accept an analogous concealment portion. The digitised mono signal m is modified by any prior art methods for mono signal concealment in a mono signal concealment unit 95 if any of the channel signals are erroneous. The modified mono signal is provided to a reconstruction filter 25 defined by parameters earlier stored in the memory 24, in analogy with the above described principles. The digital concealment signal is brought to a digital-to-analogue audio converter 94, which converts the digital signal into an analogue signal, which is connected by the switch means 42 to replace the erroneous signal.
The present invention is thereby possible to use also for analogous audio signal restoration.
One aspect of the present invention is the possibility to apply the technique to components of the different audio channels rather than only to the complete audio channels. It is e.g. possible to apply the invention on one or several sub-bands or spectral components. One specific embodiment is the application of the invention in a predetermined frequency range, preferably comprising only frequencies below 2 kHz and more preferably only to spectral components below 1 kHz.
The resulting output signal of a concealment device according to the present invention can be combined with concealment signals obtained by other
concealment methods. This can for example be done by means of averaging or weighting the generated replacement signals in different relations.
The present concealment method can also be used in a recursive manner in order to conceal erroneous signals of more than one channel. The method is initially applied such that it recovers a first erroneous channel signal based on the available main signal excluding the erroneous channel signal portions. Then, subsequently, all other erroneous channel signals are recovered recursively, where each of these recursions make use of the available main signal excluding the erroneous channel signal portions and the recovered multi-channel signals of the previous recursion.
If the main signal is affected by the erroneous signal, the present concealment method can also be used in a recursive manner also for a single channel. A first replacement signal is generated according to the principles of the present invention based on a recovered main signal. This first replacement signal is then utilised to refine the estimation of the true main signal and the method according to the principles of the present invention can be repeated to generate a refined replacement signal. Such a procedure can be repeated until the change between two successive replacement signals falls below a certain limit. Also when more than one channel signal is erroneous, the procedure can be repeated cyclically to successively refine the replacement signals.
The embodiments described above are to be understood as a few illustrative examples of the present invention. It will be understood by those skilled in the art that various modifications, combinations and changes may be made to the embodiments without departing from the scope of the present invention. In particular, different part' solutions in the different embodiments can be combined into other configurations, where technically possible. The scope of the present invention is, however, defined by the appended claims.
US 6,490,551
DE 3638922
3 GPP TS 26.091, clauses 6 and 7.
EP 0 637 013

1. Method for recovering erroneous components of multi-channel signals
(XI-XN), comprising the steps of:
deriving and storing, during error-free conditions for a predetermined channel signal (XI-XN), parameters hk of a parametric model (27) giving an estimate of a portion of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) when applied to a deriving input signal;
detecting if at least a portion of the predetermined channel signal is erroneous; and
generating, when a portion of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) is erroneous, a replacement signal portion to the erroneous portion of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) by applying the parametric model (25) based on the stored parameters (hk) associated with a preceding error-free signal to a generating input signal.
2. Method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the deriving, detecting and generating steps are performed for each of the channel signals (XI-XN).
3. Method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the input signals for at least two of the channel signals (XI-XN) are different.
4. Method as claimed in claim 1 or 3, wherein the erroneous portion of the at least one channel signal (XI-XN) is missing or not completely correct.
5. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 4, wherein the input signals are corresponding portions of a linear combination (m; m-i(n); m-k(n); m') of the channel signals (XI-XN).
6. Method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the deriving input signal is equal to the generating input signal.
7 Method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the linear combination of the deriving input signal is equal to the linear combination of the generating input signal.
8 Method as claimed in claim 5 or 7, wherein a plurality of sets of parameters hk of the parametric model (27) are derived for a plurality of linear combinations in the deriving and storing step, whereby the step of generating the replacement signal comprises selecting the set of parameters hk associated with the same linear combination as an available generating input signal.
9. Method as claimed in any of the claims 6 to 8, wherein the linear
combination (m, m') is proportional to a sum of the channel signals (XI-XN).
10. Method as claimed in any of the claims 5 to 9, comprising the step of:
estimating erroneous portions of the linear combination (m; m-1(n); m-
k(n); m') of channel signals by temporal error concealment, whereby at least parts of the estimated portions of the linear combination are used in the linear combination.
11. Method as claimed in claim 5, 6 or 7, wherein the linear combination (m-1(n); m-k(n)) excludes at least a portion of the predetermined channel signal (X1-XN).
12. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 4, wherein the input signal is a noise signal.
13. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 12, comprising generating replacement signal portions to subsequent erroneous portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) by applying the associated parametric model (25) based on at least the stored parameters associated with the last error-free signal to the input signal.
14. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 13, comprising: deriving
and storing model parameters (hk) of the parametric model associated with
replacement signal portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN); and
generating replacement signal portions to subsequent erroneous portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) by applying the associated parametric model (25) based on at least the stored parameters associated with a preceding replacement signal portion to the input signal.
15. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 14, comprising the step of:
gradually muting model parameters during subsequent erroneous
portions of the predetermined channel signal.
16. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 15, wherein the portions of signals are frames of digital signals.
17. Method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the step of detecting comprises monitoring of frame status information.
18. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 15, wherein the portions of signals are portions of analogue signals having uniform durations.
19. Method as claimed in claim 18, wherein the step of detecting comprises the step of analysing the spectral characteristics of the analogue signals.
20. Method as claimed in claim 18 or 19, comprisingthe steps of:
converting analogue channel signals to digital channel signals (x,);
whereby the step of deriving and storing model parameters (hk) is
based on the digital channel signals (x,);
converting recovered digital signal portions to analogue signal portions; and
replacing erroneous analogue signal portions with the recovered analogue signal portions
21. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 20, wherein the signal portions are limited in a frequency range.
22. Method as claimed in claim 21, wherein the method is applied on sub-bands of the multi-channel signals.
23. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 22, comprising the steps of:
generating a second replacement signal portion for the erroneous portion according to a second temporal signal recovery method; and
combining the first and the second replacement signal portions into a final replacement signal portion, which is used to replace the erroneous channel signal portion.
24. Method as claimed in any of the claims 1 to 23, wherein the method is
applied recursively on more than one simultaneously erroneous channel
25. Multi-channel signal error concealment device (20), comprising:
means (22, 24) for deriving and storing model parameters (hk) of a
parametric model (27) giving an estimate of portions of a predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) when applied to a deriving input signal;
error status investigating means (23) of erroneous portions of channel signals (XI-XN); and
means (25) for generating a replacement signal portion of an erroneous portion of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN), connected to the means (22, 24) for deriving and storing model parameters (hk),. applying the associated parametric model (25) based on the stored parameters (hk) associated with a preceding error-free signal to a generating input signal.
26. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 25,
wherein the means for deriving and storing model parameters, error status
investigating means and means (25) for generating a replacement signal portion are arranged to be operable on each of the channel signals (XI-XN).
27. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 26, wherein the input signals for at least two of the channel signals (XI-XN) are different.
28. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 25 or 27, wherein the erroneous portion of the at least one channel signal (XI-XN) is missing or not completely correct.
29. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 28, wherein the input signals are corresponding portions of a linear combination (m; rrui(n); m-k(n); m') of the channel signals (XI-XN).
30. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 29, wherein the deriving input signal is equal to the generating input signal.
31. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 29, wherein the linear combination of the deriving input signal is equal to the linear combination of the generating input signal.
32. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 29 or 31, wherein a plurality of sets of parameters hk of the parametric model (27) are derived for a plurality of linear combinations in the means for deriving and storing, whereby the means for generating the replacement signal comprises means for selecting the set of parameters hk associated with the same linear combination as an available generating input signal.
33. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 30 to 32, wherein the linear combination (m, m') is proportional to a sum of the channel signals (XI-XN).
34. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 29 to 33, comprising means for estimating erroneous portions of the linear combination (m; m-1(n); m-k(n); m') of channel signals by temporal error concealment, whereby at least parts of the estimated portions of the linear combination are used in the linear combination.
35. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 29, 30 or 31, wherein the linear combination (m-i(n); m-k(n)) excludes at least a portion of the predetermined channel signal (X1-XN).
36. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 28, wherein the input signal is a noise signal.
37. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 36, comprising generating replacement signal portions to subsequent erroneous portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) by applying the associated parametric model (25) based on at least the stored parameters associated with the last error-free signal to the input signal.
38. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 37, comprising:
means for deriving and storing model parameters (hk) of the parametric model associated with replacement signal portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN); and
means for generating replacement signal portions to subsequent erroneous portions of the predetermined channel signal (XI-XN) by applying the associated parametric model (25) based on at least the stored parameters associated with a preceding replacement signal portion to the input signal.
39. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the
claims 25 to 38, comprising means for gradually muting model parameters
during subsequent erroneous portions of the predetermined channel signal.
40. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 39, wherein the portions of signals are frames of digital signals.
41. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 40, wherein the means for detecting comprises a monitor for frame status information.
42. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 39, wherein the portions of signals are portions of analogue signals having uniform durations.
43. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 42, wherein the means for detecting comprises an analyser of the spectral characteristics of the analogue signals.
44. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 42 or 43, comprising:
means for converting analogue channel signals to digital channel signals (x,);
whereby the means for deriving and storing model parameters (hk) is arranged to be based on the digital channel signals (x,);
means for converting recovered digital signal portions to analogue signal portions; and
means for replacing erroneous analogue signal portions with the recovered analogue signal portions
45. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 44, wherein the signal portions are limited in a frequency range.
46. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in claim 45, wherein the multi-channel signal error concealment device is arranged to be applied on sub-bands of the multi-channel signals.
47. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the
claims 25 to 46, comprising:
means for generating a second replacement signal portion for the erroneous portion according to a second temporal signal recovery method; and
means for combining the first and the second replacement signal portions' into a final replacement signal portion, which is used to replace the erroneous channel signal portion.
48. Multi-channel signal error concealment device as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 47, wherein the multi-channel signal error concealment device is arranged to be operable recursively on more than one simultaneously erroneous channel signal.
49. Audio system (1) comprising a multi-channel signal error concealment device (20) as claimed in any of the claims 25 to 48.
50. Audio system as claimed in claim 49, wherein the multi-channel signal error concealment device is connected to or integrated in a receiver (16-18).
51. Audio system as claimed in claim 49, wherein the multi-channel signal error concealment device (20) is connected to an analogue audio signal system.







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Petition Form 1.pdf

Petition Form 3.pdf

Patent Number 265652
Indian Patent Application Number 5274/DELNP/2005
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 03-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 16-Nov-2005
Applicant Address S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G10L 19/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2004/001866
PCT International Filing date 2004-12-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA