Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract CAPTURING AND SHARING MEDIA CONTENT AND MANAGEMENT OF SHARED MEDIA CONTENT A media device allows users to watch and capture portions from a media broadcast. The media device receives a media stream, plays the media stream, and caches a portion of the media stream as it is being played. A user can define a media clip by selecting its boundaries in the cached portion of the media stream. The media device creates the media clip based on the user's input and enables the user to transmit the media clip to another system, such as a website. Before providing requested media content, the website may combine it with advertisements. The website may receive advertising revenue from advertisers and may share it with owners of the media content in exchange for their permission to provide the media content. The advertisers may provide restrictions on how the advertisements are combined. The content owners may provide restrictions on how the media content items are provided.
Full Text

Field of the Invention
1000 JI This invention relates generally to media player and media content
management, and in particular to capturing and sharing media content among users, distributing shared media content with advertisements, and financial arrangements among distributors, advertisers, and content owners. Background of the Invention
{0002J Television and other video content, as well as a myriad of other multimedia,
are increasingly finding a home on new devices. For example, television programming is no longer found solely on the television. Through computer networks, as well as other delivery mechanisms, idevision and other media content are increasingly becoming available on other devices, such as personal computers, mobile phones, PDAs, and other portable computing devices. The increasing availability of the media content also enables viewers to record and share them with others.
|0003] The process of recording and sharing media content is cumbersome and time
consuming. Platforms upon which consumers watch video, and the sources of such video,
such as televisions, DVRs, personal computers, and mobile phones, do not provide for a
sufficiently integrated and easy to use solution for content viewing, capture, edit, and upload.
{0004} For example, a user who is watching a television show via a DVR (such as
TiVo) connected their living room television may see something that catches his interest. Furthermore, he may have a desire to share what he just saw with a friend or a community of individuals. If so. he must, engage in a multistep process, which likely involves multiple applications using multiple devices to accomplish the task of capture, edit, and upload. First, the user must connect the DVR to another device, such as a PC, in order to capture in a format for upload. This likely involves connecting the DVR via analog cables to a PC with a video capture card. The user would use an application such as Windows Media Encoder to

digitize the content to create compressed digital file. Once that file is created, the user can then visit a community web site, which may have its own tools for allowing the consumer to upload the video. As part of this process, the video may need to be Iranscoded into a format compatible with the Web site, which would add additional time to the process. This process
i is both user unfriendly and inefficient.
jOOOSj If the consumer does not have a DVR which ailows him to revisit a clip for
later formatting, editing, and upload, an additional problem is encountered. That is, the user will need to anticipate that an upcoming video segment will be of interest and worth recording and sharing. A user must start recording the media steam in advance. For
> example, in order to record the latest news on TV, the user can learn the scheduled
broadcasting time of the news from TV Guide and start reamiing the TV broadcasting betbre
that time. Therefore, if the user notices something interesting in the media stream that he or
she did not expect, it is already too late for the user to record the interesting content.
[0006] Thus, from the above, there is a need for an improved system and process for
users to record media content and share the recorded media content with other users.
[0007] One conventional approach for people to share media content is through a peer
to peer {P2P) computer network, such as Napster. A P2P computer network is a network that relies primarily on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than concentrating them in a relatively low number of servers. Users of the P2P
! computer network can share media content stored in computers on the network. However, because much of the media content shared includes copies of copyrighted popular multimedia content (e.g., music and movies), sharing of the media content without copyright owners' permissions is illegal in most jurisdictions. Copyright owners (also known as content owners) tend not to grant such permissions because they do not receive any benefit in return. Also, P2P computer network does not provide content owners with the ability to control the distribution of their media content.
J0008J Another conventional approach to share media content is for the content:
owners to provide mechanisms tor users to share their media content. For example, the content owners can provide their media content in their websites. People who want to access
i the media content can visit these websites to access them. However, this approach is inconvenient for the users because there is no central place to access media content. Also, not all content owners have the financial capacity to provide mechanisms for users to access their media content.

10009j Thus, from the above, there is also a need for a system and process allowing
users to .share media content, granting the content owners rights to control the use of their media content, and enabling operators of the system and process to generate advertisement revenue.
J0010] Embodiments of one disclosed invention allow users to capture media content
from a media source or stream while playing it and then share the captured media content
with other users through an integrated user interface in a media device.
[00 i 11 In one embodiment, within a single interface, the media device receives a
media stream, plays the media stream, and caches a portion of the media stream as it is being played. While viewing the media, a user provides a user interface with a command to capture a segment of the media stream being played on the device. The captured segment may comprise, for example, a video clip, hi one embodiment, the user can use the user interface to define the clip by selecting start and end boundaries in the cached portion of the media stream and to input meta data describing the clip. The media device creates the media clip based on the user's input and transmits the clip to another system, such as a community website for sharing the clip with other users.
J00.I.2J Another embodiment enables users of a community website to share media
content with other users of the website while grant rights to owners of the shared media content to control the use of their content. Embodiments of the invention also enable the operator of the website to generate advertising revenue and share the revenue with the content owners for the sharing of their content.
(O0I3J In one embodiment, the community website receives media content from users
and combines the media content with advertisements. Upon users' request, for the media content, the community website provides the combined media content and advertisements to the users. The community website receives advertisement fees from advertisers in exchange for providing the combined media content and advertisements to the users. The community website provides a portion of the advertisement fees to owners of the media content in exchange for permission to provide the combined media content and advertisements to the users.
10014) In another embodiment, owners of media content can set restrictions on their
media content to control the use of their media content. In exchange for the website's enforcement of the restrictions the content owners may give permission to distribute the

content items. In yet another embodiment, advertisers can set restrictions on their advertisements to control the combination of the advertisements with the media content.
|00151 Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an architecture of a media device, in
accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
|00!6] Fig. 2 is a flowchart of a process for recording arid sharing media clips, in
accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
J0017] Figs. 3(a)-(c) illustrate examples of user interfaces for recording and sharing
media clips, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
[0018] Fig. 4 is a block diagram illustrating an architecture of a media content
management system, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
(0019] Fig. 5 is an interaction diagram of a process for sharing media content, in
accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
(0020} Fig. 6 is a diagram illustrating the interactions among the website, users,
advertisers, and content owners in a business model using the media content management
system, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
10021] One skilled in the art will readily recognize from the following discussion that
alternative embodiments of the structures and methods illustrated herein may be employed
without departing from the principles of the invention described herein.
|0022] Embodiments of the invention provide an integrated user interface to users of
a media device to view media content, record media ciips, edit the ciips, associate the clips with relevant sneta data, and share the processed media clips with others. As used herein, media content and media clips may include any type of media content, including audio or video content, or both. Users can view a media stream, reeord a portion of the media stream they deemed interesting into a media clip, and send the media clip to others using the integrated user interlace.
|0023] Embodiments of the invention allow users of a media content management
system to share media content with other users of the system. Users of the media content management system can upload media content {e.g., media clips) to the system to share the uploaded media content to others, who can download that media content from the system.

Alternatively, the media may ultimately be distributed to viewers via a peer to peer
distribured system. That is, the content may be alternatively stored on the computers and
other devices of the end users of the system. When a user wishes to view a clip from the
system, the clip is sourced from one or more of the other users, or peers.
|0024] Embodiments of the invention allow owners of the shared media content
('content owners") to control the use of their content. Content owners can set a broad range
of restrictions on their media content limiting the use of their media content. Examples of the
restrictions include the duration, the quality (e.g., resolution, frame rate of a video content, bit-
rate of an audio content), and the number of people allowed to access the media content.
[00251 Embodiments of the invention may also enable the operator of the media
content, management system to generate advertising revenue. The system combines media content with advertisements arid provides the combined media content and advertisements to users upon their requests for the media content. The advertising revenue includes advertising fees paid by advertisers for providing their advertisements to the users. The advertising revenue can be shared with the content owners for their permission to share their content with the users of the system. Advertisements may be sold by the operator of the media content management system or the content owners. Advertisements may also be sold via the use of an automated ad purchase system using key words or other meta data available which is associated with a clip. That is, a small business may want to place an ad opposite any clip of a specific show. Perhaps through a web interface, the small business owner could purchase the ad and upload the creative content which would be shown as an advertisement whenever a clip of the desired show is viewed by a user.
{0026} The media content management system described herein can also promote the
lawful sharing of copyrighted media content by giving the copyright owners right to control the use of their media content and sharing the advertising revenue generated by distributing advertisement with their media content. Media Device Architecture
[0027] Fig. 1 is a block diagram of the architecture of a media device 100 in
accordance with one embodiment of the invention. As illustrated, the media device 100 includes a media player module 110, a media editor module 120, and a network client module 130. The media device 100 is communicatively connected to a media broadcaster 140 and a server 150.
[0028} The media device 100 includes hardware and/or software devices that are
configured to enable users to view media content; record, edit, and associate meta data with

the media clip ("clipping"); and share the recorded media clip with others through a single, integrated user interface. The media device 100 is adapted to execute computer program modules. As used herein, the term "module" refers to computer program logic and/or data for providing the specified functionality. A module can be implemented in hardware, firmware, and/or software.
J0029J In one embodiment, the media device 100 is a software application running on
any general or multi-purpose device (such as a personal computer, mobile device, cellular phone, or any other computing device with sufficient capabilities for these tasks), beneficially avoiding the need for users to carry special equipment to transmit media content to arufor reccis'e media content from the media management server 410. Alternatively, the media device 100 can be a dedicated appliance, such as a place-shifting system or a personal video recorder (PVR}. In the case of a placeshifting system (an example of which is the Slingbox from Sling Media), the placeshifting appliance interacts with software located on another device such as a PC or mobile phone by streaming content from the placeshifting appliance to the client device.
J0030] The media player module 110 is configured to play media content received
from the media broadcaster 140, which may be any source of media, including a placeshifting device. The media content may be delivered to the media device 100 in a variety of ways, including over the air transmission (analog and digital), via cable infrastructure, IP transport (via wired and wiieiess means), satellite transmission, as well as through many other methods. The models for delivery of content to the media device 100 may vary, including pay-per-view, linear programming, on demand streaming, download and playback, and live streaming from another location, placeshifting, among many others.
J0031] 1'hc media editor module 120 is configured to provide users with functionality
of recording (or capturing) the media content played by the media player module 110. In one embodiment, the media editor module 120 can cache the media content played and provide users with an editing window to define a media clip from the cached content. This allows a user to capture, process, edit, and upload easily a clip that they recently viewed. The media editor module 120 can be further configured to converting the defined media ciip lrom one 1 media format to another or perform any other transcoding, encoding, or other processing on the clip as desired.
|0032 j The network client module 130 is configured to transmit the recorded media
clip to the server 150, or alternatively, to other end users in a distributed storage and distribution architecture. The network client module 130 can be configured to connect with

the server 150 through a wired or wireless network. Examples of the network include the
Internet, an intranet, a cellular network, or a combination thereof. The server 150 can be a
web server, an email server, or other computing devices with network capacity.
|0033} The media broadcaster 140 transmits the media content to the media device
! 00. It can be a central server at a remote broadcasting location, or a computer at a user's home. In one embodiment, the media broadcaster 140 can be a time-shifting device (e.g., a personal video recorder) or a piaceshifling device (e.g., a personal broadcaster). In placeshitting, a user can watch ov listen to live, recorded or stored media on a remote device via a data network. For example, a user may stream content from a device at home (such as a satellite receiver, cable box, or digital video recorder) to a cellular phone, which can receive the media from across the house, across town, or across the world. This transmission may use public or private networks. A product that, currently provides such a placeshitting application is the SUNG BOX1'" from Sling Media, Inc., and described in co-pending U.S. Application No. 11/147,664, filed June 7, 2005, the content, of which are incorporated by reference in its entirety. Operation of the Media Device
J0034J Fig. 2 is a flowchart of a process of the media device iOO for recording (or
clipping) and sharing media clips in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The process illustrated in Fig. 2 maybe implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of hardware and software.
[0035} The process illustrated in Fig. 2 starts with the media device 300 receiving 210
media content from the media broadcaster 140. The media content can be in the form of a media stream (e.g., television broadcasting). In one embodiment, the media player module 110 plays the media stream on the integrated user interface. One example of this user interface is illustrated in Fig. 3(a). The user interface in Fig. 3(a) includes a media display window 310 to display the received video stream live, which includes controls for users to control the video play (e.g., volume control 312, record button 314) and indicators indicating the status of the video stream (e.g.. network transmission speed, video stream status, and video stream title.).
[0036] Referring back to Fig. 2, the media device 100 receives 220 a command from
a user to ciip or otherwise capture a portion of the media. The user may submit the command by interacting with the integrated user interlace. For example, the user can trigger a designated control (e.g.. the record button 314} using a pointing device (e.g., a mouse or touch sensitive screen) or using a keypad. Alternatively, the user may submit the command

using devices such as a remote control (e.g., a remote control for a DVR, cable box, satellite receiver, or other media source,}.
(0037] Once the device 100 receives the command, the media editor module 120 may
bring up a media editing window in the integrated user interlace. The media editing window
allows the user to select the starting point and the ending point of the media content that the
user would like to capture. In one embodiment, as the media player module 110 plays the
media stream, the media editor module 120 continually captures and caches the last five
minutes (or some other designated time period) of media content played. The media editor
module 110 may be configured to discard tlie earliest recorded content when the cached
stream hits five minutes (or some other designated time period) so that the media that is
cached is always the most recent media that has been played. This ailows the user to select a
portion of what is currently in the cache. In another embodiment, such as with a PVR, the
media stream being played by the device 100 may already be stored in a memory, so there is
no need to cache a portion of the media being played. In such a case, the captured clip is just
a cropped version of a larger media file already stored in memory.
|0038] One example of this user interface is illustrated in Fig. 3(b). The user
interlace in Fig. 3(b) displays the media editing window 320 adjacent to the media play window 310. The media editing window includes a video window 322 displaying the cached media content. The video editing window also includes a slider 324 below the video window representing the duration of the cached portion of the video stream. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the media editing window 320 is displayed adjacent to the media play window 310; however, the media editing window 320 may be displayed as a separate window or by any other method as desired for the user interface.
{0039] Referring back to Fig. 2, the media device 100 receives 230 user selections for
defining a desired media clip. In one embodiment, a user can select the desired start point and vnd point through the media editing window. For example, in the user interface illustrated in Fig. 3(b), a user can make the selection by marking the start and end points on the slider 324. In one embodiment, the media device 100 checks and enforces restrictions contained in the metadata of the media stream or othei-wi.se associated therewith. For example, if the restrictions limit the duration of a clip, the media device 100 will not allow the media clip to exceed that limit. The user may also select a frame within the media clip as a representative thumbnail image for the media clip. The media device 100 creates a media clip based on the user selection.

10040] The media device 100 may also tag 240 information to the media clip, such as
meta data that describes the clip. The information to be tagged can be manually input by the
user and/or it may be automatically associated with the clip. For example, once the clip is
captured, the user may input words, phrases, pictures, URLs, titles, actors, networks,
channels, or other meta data that the user believes should be associated with the clip.
Alternatively or additionally, other methods for automated tagging may be used, such as
methods that automatically determine information about the content of the clip and tag the
clip with that information. This information may be retrieved from a number of sources,
including an electronic program guide (EPG) or the settings on the computing devices. Other
observed information may also be a source for tagging information, including the time of day,
time zone or location, channel number, title of show, episode, network, etc. The information
may further include information expressly associated with the video clip, which may be
delivered via the VB1, over an IP network, or by some other means. Other information, such
as the closed captioning, may also be a source for automatic tagging. The information tabbed
to the media clip can be stored in its metadata. In some embodiments, the user can also
change the format of the media clip and set other encoding parameters, such as bit rate.
|004l j The media device 100 can transmit 250 the media clip as the user instructs.
The user can submit the instruction through the integrated user interface. For example, the media edit, window can include a designated button for uploading the media clip to a community website. The user can configure the button to send automatically, manually post, or otherwise upload the media clip to the community website or other online location. The user can configure the button to link with his account in the website. The user can click the button and the network client module 130 will upload the media client. Alternatively, the media edit window can include a drop-down menu allowing the user to select recipients of an email notification. After the media clip is uploaded, a notice will be sent to the email addresses of the selected recipients, noticing them that the user has uploaded a clip, with a pointer reference to the clip stored on the website. This allows the user to share content with a community of users rather than a particular selected person or persons. The community sharing model also enables certain business and advertising schemes, described in greater detail below. In other embodiments, the user can also instruct the media device 100 to save the media clip in a local or remote location.
J0042} Alternatively, rather than uploading the media clip, the media device 100 may
calf an email client (or other local communication client) to create a new email message and attach the media clip to the message. The user can then select the intended recipients of the

message and send the message. The media device 100 can also automatically send out the message if the recipient or destination of the video clip has already been determined. The address book databases can be those available from email clients such as Microsoft. Outlook, Lotus Notes, and others, as well as any Internet based messaging services, such as MSN Messenger and AOL- Instant Messenger. Example Process for the Media Device
[0043] The process described above can be further illustrated through an example of
an operation of the media device 100 in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. In this example, the media device 100 is a laptop computer. The media device 100 receives a video stream from a placeshifting system (e.g., a SLINGBOX™} and plays the video stream in an integrated user interface on the computer screen to a user.
101)441 When watching the video stream, the user sees something he wouid like to
share with friends. The user presses the record button on the integrated user interface, which immediately launches a media editing window within the application. Within the media editing window, the user has access to last five minutes (or some other duration) of video viewed, which was cached on the hard drive of the laptop computer. The user sets the start point and end point, adds a title to the clip, and presses a recipient button, which brings up a list of friends. The user selects the intended friends. Meta data associated with the clip may also be added manually or automatically. Then the user clicks an upload button on the integrated user interface. The media device 100 uploads the video clip to a community website, and sends a notification email with a pointer reference to the uploaded video clip to the selected friends.
10045} After receiving the notification email, the user's friends can click the pointer
and view the video clip in the community website.
[0046| Similar experiences are also possible with other devices and solutions. For
example, a similar experience can be had on a mobile phone that receives a video stream from a placeshifting device. Alternatively, the interface can be integrated into a DVR connected to the Internet, with the clipping experience presented to the user via a television set and controlled via a remote control In yet another alternative, the interlace may be used on a PC that is not receiving content via a placeshifting device but rather directly' via an audio video input (e.g., cable coax) into the PC. Accordingly, the process of viewing, clipping, and sending clips can be advantageously used in a number of different contexts.

Media Content Management System Architecture
|00471 Fig. 4 is a block diagram of the architecture of a media content management
system 400 in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. In this embodiment, the
system 400 includes a media management server 410, an advertisement server 420, and three
client devices 430A-C. The media management server 410, the advertisement server 420,
and the client devices 43(5 are communicatively coupled through a network 440.
|0048| The media management server 410 includes a hardware and/or software
device that is configured to receive media content from and/or provide the received media content to the client devices 430 through the network 440. Media content may include data in medium such as text, audio, still images, video, and graphics, and a combination thereof. Media content can be in different formats. For example, audio content can be encoded in Windows Media Audio (WMA) format or in MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 (MP3) format. In one embodiment, the media management server 410 includes a web server 412, an application server 414, a payment server 416, and a media store 418. The media management server 410 can also include other components (e.g.. an email server), although Fig. 4 omits such components for clarity.
|0049J The web server 412 is a front end of the media management server 410 and
functions as a communication gateway of the media management server 410. The web server 412 receives media content transmitted to the media management server 410 from the client devices 430 through the network 440 and stores the received media content in the media store 418. The web server 412 also receives requests for specific media content units from the client devices 430, retrieves the requested media content units from the media store 418, and provides them to the client devices 430. in one embodiment, the web server 412 is an. Internet web server hosting one or more websites.
[0050J The web server 412 can support multiple communication protocols for the
client devices 430 to send and request media content. For example, the web server 4! 2 can be configured to support file transfer protocol (FTP) such that the client devices 430 can provide and/or access media content using FTP. As another example, the web server 412 may host webpages for users to upload and/or download media content. The web server 412 can provide media content to the client devices 430 in the form of media fries or media streams that are suitable for transmission over the network 440, where the media streams can be viewed by end users at the client device 430.
[0051J The application server 414 is configured to combine media content with
advertisements and provide the combined media content and advertisement to the web server

412. Like media content, advertisements can include data in medium such as texts, audio and video. In some embodiments, instead of advertisements, the application server 414 combines media content with other information (e.g., information about the subject matter of the media content).
{0052] The payment server 416 is configured to track balances of related parties (e.g.,
advertisers, copyright owners, users) based on a payment model. The payment server 4S6
can also work, with the web server 412 to provide the related parties online access to their
accounts. The related parties can check account balance, make payments, and transfer funds
to their other accounts by accessing their accounts. The payment server 416 can also
periodically send invoices and account balance reports to the related parties. In one
embodiment, the payment server 416 can be configured to enable the related parties to
connect their accounts with their bank accounts and authorize the payment server 416 to
automatically deposit money to and/or withdraw money from their bank accounts.
J0053J In one embodiment, the payment server 416 is also configured to keep track of
the relationships between the media content and the related parties. The relationships include content owners and their media content, advertisers and their advertisements, and users and the media content that they uploaded and/or downloaded. Multiple parties can have ownership interests in one media content unit. For example, a video clip can have multiple copyright holders and multiple licensees. The identities of these content owners can be provided in the metadata accompanying the media content unit. In one embodiment, the payment server 416 creates an account for each content owner and links the account with media content units the content owner has interests in. For example, the account for the Walt Disney Studios can be associated with all video content and graphical content having the image of Mickey Mouse along with other media content owned by the Wait Disney Studios. Similarly, the payment server 416 can also create an account for each advertiser and associate the account, with its advertisements, and create an account for each user and associate the account with media content units the user uploaded and/or downloaded. This inionnation can be used to determine balances of the parties. The account information can be saved in the media store 418 together with the media content.
10054] The media store 418 stores the data received from the web server 412, the
application server 414 and the payment server 416. These data include media content received from the client devices 430, inionnation associated with the media content (e.g., ownership information), and information about the related parties (e.g., account inionnation). The media store 418 may be a relational database or any other type of database that stores the

above-described data. The media store 418 may be accessible by the web server 412, ^he application server 414, and the payment server 416. The web server 412, the application server 414, the payment server 416, and the media store 418 may be stored and operated on a single computer or on separate computer systems communicating with each other through a network.
[0055] The advertisement server 420 includes a hardware and/or software device that
is configured to provide advertisements to the media management server 410 and/or the client devices 430. In one embodiment, the advertisement server 420 includes an adverti.sem.ent application server 422 and an advertisement store 424.
(0056J The advertisement application sewer 422, similar to the web server 412 in the
media management server 430, is configured to receive advertisements transmitted to the
advertisement server 420 and stores the received advertisements in the advertisement store
424. The received advertisements may include associated ownership information.
10057 j The advertisement store 424 stores the advertisements and associated
ownership information received from the advertisement application server 422. Similar to the media store 418, the advertisement store 424 may be a relational database or any other type of database. The advertisement store 424 may be stored centrally and operated on a single computer. Alternatively, the advertisement store 424 can include multiple databases, each individually maintained by an advertiser.
[0058J In one embodiment, the advertisement server 420 can be combined with the
media management server 410. For example, the application server 414 and the web server
412 can be configured to implement the functions of the advertisement application server
422, and the media store 418 can be configured to store the advertisements and associated
ownership information that would otherwise be stored in the advertisement store 424.
[0059) The client devices 430A-C include hardware and/or software devices that are
configured to transmit media content to and/or receive media content from the media
management server 410 and/or the advertisement server 420. The client devices 430 can
optionally include displays (e.g., an LCD screen) and speakers. In one embodiment, one or
more of the client devices 430 can be a media device 300. There can be many client devices
430 in the system 400. Fig. 4 displays only three client devices 430 for clarity.
I0060J in one embodiment, the client device 430 is configured to play the combined
media content and advertisements received from the media management server 410 and/or the advertisement server 420. For example, the client device 430 can include the media

player client as described above, which can play video clips received from the media
management server 410 to end users.
J0061 j In one embodiment, the media management server 410, the advertisement
server 420 and the client devices 430A-C are structured to include a processor, memory,
storage, network interfaces, and applicable operating system and other functional software
(e.g., network drivers, communication protocols).
[00621 The network 440 is configured to connect the media management server 410,
the advertisement server 420, and the client devices 430A-C. The network 440 maybe a
wired or wireless network. Examples of the network 440 include the Internet, an intranet, a
cellular network, or a combination thereof.
Operation of the Media Content Management System
J0G63) Fig. 5 is an interaction diagram of a process of the media content management
system 400 for sharing media content in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.
in this process, the media management server 410 hosts a community website where users of
the website can upload, download, share, and exchange media content (e.g., video clips). The
process illustrated in Fig. 5 may be implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of
hardware and software.
{0064| The process illustrated in Fig. 5 starts with a client device 430A receiving 510
a media stream. As described above with reference to Fig. 5, the client device 430A can
include a media device 100 receiving media content, and/or media stream from a plurality of
sources, such as a TV broadcasting network. The client device 430A can be configured to
play the media stream to a user as the stream is received.
{0065J The client device 430A captures 520 a media clip in the received media
stream. In one embodiment, the client device 430A continually captures and caches the most
recently received media stream. The user can use a graphical interface provided by the client
device 430A to select the beginning and end of the clip in the cached portion of the media
stream that the user would like to capture.
{00661 The client device 430A sends 530 the captured media clip to the community
website using a communication protocol supported by the web server 412. The web server
412 can require the user to first become a community member by registering an account
before they can upload any media content in the community website. The client device 430A
can be configured to send 530 the media clip to die community website using the user's

|0067] After receiving the media clip from the client device 430A, the web server 412
stores it in the media store 418. in. one embodiment, the web server 412 also receives identification information related to the received media clip, and stores it in the media store 418 along with the media clip. The web server 412 can provide the received media ciips on the community website for members to access. One example of the community website-listing the received media clips is illustrated in Fig. 3(c). The webpage shown in Fig. 3(c) lists media clips received from members of the community website. Users accessing this webpage can access the listed media clips by clicking on them.
{0068] The application server 414 combines 540 advertisements with the received
media clip. As described above with reference to Fig. 4, the application server 414 can receive advertisements from the advertisement server 420 through the web server 412 and the network 440.
JO069] Hie application server 414 can combine 540 the media clip and the
advertisements in different manners. As described above, media content and advertisements
can include data in medium such as text, audio, still images, video, and graphics. The
application server 414 can determine a manner to combine a media clip and an advertisement
based on the forms of information included in the media clip and the advertisement. For
example, if both include video and/or audio, the application server 414 can join mem
together, so that the advertisement leads into or follows the media clip. As another example,
the application server 414 can present the advertisement alongside the media clip in a web
page, such that interested users can access the web page for the media clip, and thereby view
the advertisement. As still another example, the application server 414 can place the
advertisement as an overlay to the video portion of the media clip. The application server
414 can combine the advertisements with the media clip when the web server 412 first
receiving the media clip or after receiving a request for the media clip. Alternatively, the
application server 414 can conduct the combination 540 periodically.
[0070] In one embodiment, the application server 414 can be configured to enforce
restrictions associated with the media content and the advertisements. The advertisements can have restrictions limiting the media content that can be associated with them. For example, an advertiser can prohibit its advertisements from being associated with media content including adult material. As another example, an advertisement (e.g., an automobile advertisement) can require the associated media content to include content relevant to the subject matter of the advertisement (e.g., video clips about car race). Media content can aiso have restrictions limiting the advertisements that can be associated with the media content.

(0071 j In one embodiment, the application server 414 identifies restrictions
associated with the media clip and/or the advertisements and combines 540 the media clip and the advertisements only if the associated restrictions are satisfied. For example, the application server 414 can combine 540 the media clip with advertisements by first identifying advertisements that satisfy restrictions associated with the media clip, then selecting one or more of the identified advertisements where the combination does not violate the restrictions associated with the selected advertisements, and combining 540 the media clip with the selected advertisements.
10072} Another user of the community website sends 550 a request for the media clip
to the community website using a client device 430B. After receiving the request, the web server 412 provides 560 the combined media clip and advertisements to the client device 430B through the network. 440. The web server 412 can provide the combined media clip and advertisements in different manners. For example, the web server 412 can send an email to the user containing the associated advertisement and a pointer reference to the media clip. The user can access the media clip by clicking the pointer reference. Alternatively, the web server 412 can provide the user with a webpage including the combined media clip and the advertisements. After receiving the combined media clip and advertisements, the client device 430B can .play 570 it to the user.
(0073] The operator of the community website may receive 580 an advertisement fee
from an advertiser in exchange for providing 560 the combined media clip and advertisement to the user. As described above with reference to Fig, 4, the payment server 416 keeps track of the relationship between the advertisers and their advertisements. Therefore, the payment server 416 car. identify the advertisers associated with the combined advertisements, determine the advertisement fees for the advertisers to pay, and charge the advertisers accordingly.
10074} hi one embodiment, the advertisement fees are determined by a standard
advertising model (e.g., Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Pay Per Thousand Advertising (PPM), Fixed Rate) determined by the operator and the advertisers. Various advertising models that may be used with the system 400 are disclosed in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/780.709, filed March 8, 2006, the content of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. The advertising model can provide a range of advertising fees based on multiple factors, such as the nature of the advertisement (e.g., video, audio, or text) and the manner of the association (e.g., the advertisement, is joined with a video clip). The

payment server 416 can charge the advertising fees from the advertisers by debiting their accounts.
J0075J The operator of the community website may also provide 590 a portion of the
advertising fees to a content owner in exchange for permission to provide 560 the combined media clip and advertisement to die users. As described above with reference to Fig. 4, the payment server 416 keeps track of the ownership information of the media content. Therefore, the. payment server 416 can identify the content owners of the media clip, determine the portion of the advertising fees to the content owners, and credit the content owners accordingly.
10076] In one embodiment, the payment is determined by a royalty rate determined
by the operator and the content owners. Similar to the advertising mode!, the royalty rate ears provide a range of royalty payments based on factors such as the nature of the media content, in one embodiment, the royalty is a fixed percentage of the advertisement revenue generated by providing advertisements with media content owned by the content owner. The content owners can also set a fixed fee for their media content. For example, the owner of a home video clip can require 50 per access to the video clip. The payment server 416 can provide 590 tlie royalty payment to the content owners by crediting their accounts. Business Model for the Media Content Management System
{0077) Fig. 6 is a diagram depicting the interactions among entities involved in the
operation of the media content management system 400 (hereinafter called "the system 400") according to a business model. The interactions illustrated in Fig. 6 may be implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of hardware and software.
J0078] As illustrated in Pig. 6, the system 400 can operate to enable users to share and
exchange media conicnt, generate advertising revenue hy distributing advertisements with the media content, and share the revenue with content owners in exchange for permissions to provide the media content to users with the advertisements, hi stead of or in addition to sharing the revenue with the eontent owners, the system 400 can enables the content owners to control the use of their media content by providing restrictions for permissions to provide their media content to users with the advertisements.
|0079 j Entities involved in the operation of the system 400 include an operator of the
community website 610, advertisers 620, content owners 630, and users 640. The operator runs the media management server 410 to provide a community website 610 for the users 640 to store, share, and exchange media content, and distribute advertisements with the media convent to the users 640. The advertisers 620 provide advertisements to the community

website 610 to be provided to the users 640 together with the media content in exchange for payments. The users 640 share media content through the community website 610. The content owners 630 give the community website 610 rights to distribute their media content to the users 640 in exchange for payments and/or control.
{0080] The community website 610 receives media content from the users 640. As
described above with reference to Fig. 4, the community website 610 can require the users 640 to become registered members to upload media content to and/or download media content from the community website 610. The received media content include media content that the users 640 are interested in themselves and/or fee! will have a wide appeal to a large audience. The users 640 can also provide descriptive information about the media content to the community website 610.
[0081 j The community website 610 receives restrictions of the media content from
the content owners 630. In one embodiment, a media content unit can have one or more associated restrictions limiting the use of the media content unit. In one embodiment, these restrictions can be provided in the metadata of the associated media content. For example, restrictions associated with a video clip can be transmitted during the Vertical Blanking interval (VBI) when the video clip is transmitted to the media management server 410. VBi is the period of time between frames in a video transmission when information is still being transmitted but when the information is not being displayed on the screen. Alternatively, the web server 412 can be configured to accept these restrictions separately from the associated media content. For example, the content owners 630 can set restrictions applicable to all or a portion of their media content by interacting with the web server 412. The content owners 630 can also set. restrictions applicable to their media content not yet in the media management server 410.
[0082] In one embodiment, the community website 610 can enable the content
owners to set a broad range of restrictions to their media content, such as: the duration, the quality (resolution, frame rate of a video content, bit rate of an audio content), and the number of people allowed to access the media content. For example, a content owner can set a generic rule like; "Ail Seinfeld video clips display at lower resolution and may be no longer than 2-5 minutes." After identifying a piece of media content containing a Seinfeld video clip, the community server 610 may allow access to the media content only if the restriction is not violated. The community website 6It) can be configured to modify the media content (e.g., reduce the duration and/or resolution oka video) to enforce the associated restrictions.

Alternatively, the modification can be conducted on the user side (e.g., the client devices 430 can be configured to enforce the restrictions).
|0083] Content owners 630 may also restrict the access to their media content. For
example, the content owners 630 can restrict the access to a media content unit to be by
invitation only {e.g., sharing video clips with friends and acquaintances) or available only to
registered members. Therefore, the community website 610 will allow users 640 to access a
media content unit only if the associated restrictions set by the content owners are satisfied.
(00841 Content owners 630 may also restrict the advertisements that can he associated
with their media content. For example, a media content unit can have a restriction prohibiting any association with automobile advertisements. As another example, a piece of media content can have a restriction limiting the duration of the associated video advertisement.
{0085] Under this business model, content owners 630 may have strong incentives to
allow sharing of their media content with the public to promote the popularity of the media
content and generate more royalty income, even without receiving a portion of any
advertising revenue. For example, Walt Disney Studios may specify in the restrictions that
its Mickey Mouse media content are publicly available to promote a re-release of a Mickey
Mouse movie or to promote visiting its theme parks. The content owners may have
additional incentives by allowing third-party advertisers to attach their own advertisements to
the clipped video content, by then receiving a portion of or the entire advertising fee.
J0086] The community website 610 receives advertisements from the advertisers 620.
'Hie community website 610 can also receive restrictions from the advertisers 620. Similar to the restrictions provided by the content owners 630, these restrictions limit the media content to be combined with the advertisements, and thereby enable the advertisers 620 to better target their advertisements to the right audience.
[0087j The community website 610 combines the media content with the
advertisements. This combination normally must satisfy the restrictions provided by both the content owners 630 and the advertisers 620. The community website 610 then provides the combined media content and the advertisements to the users 640.
{0088] The operator receives advertising fees from the advertisers 620 for distributing
the advertisements to the users 640. The operator can share this revenue with the content owners 630 for permissions to provide the media content to the users 640 with the advertisements, to the extent the content owners 630 have rights in the media content.

{0089j In one embodiment, the community website 610 distributes the advertising
revenue among all entities involved in the operation of the system 410. including the
operator, the content owners 630, and even the users 640 that uploaded and/or downloaded
the media content. In other embodiments, the advertising fees may be shared just between a
subset of the parties, such as the content owners 630 and the operator. In stil! other
embodiments, the advertising fees maybe shared with other participants in the distribution
chain of the media content, such as the operator of the originating television service (such as
a cable provider, especially if the media content originate from content served by an
associated set top box), an Internet service provider (ISP) that provides the bandwidth used
by the scarce (such as a place-shifting device), and/or the ISP that provides the bandwidth
used by the client device 430 (such as a wireless network provider in the case where the
client device 430 is a portable device using a wireless network).
J0090J As described above, the operator can operate the system 400 to generate
advertising revenue by distributing user-supplied media content with advertisements. The operator can share the revenue with the content owners 630 in exchange for permissions to provide the media content to the users 640 with the advertisements. The system 400 also provides the content owners 630 with the ability to control the use of their media content to address their fears of losing control over their media content. Example Process for the Media Content Management System
J0091] The principles described herein can be further illustrated through an example
of an operation of the media content management system 400 (hereinafter called "the system
400") in accordance with one embodiment of the im'ention. In this example, the system 400
host.1-: a community website 610 where users of the website can share audio/video clips.
J0092J The example commences with a user 640 watching a TV program Seinfeld
previously captured by a Personal Video Recorder (PVR, client device 430). The user 640 finds a section of the video interesting, and invokes a graphical interface of the PVR to capture the video section by selecting the beginning and end of the section. The PVR creates a video clip (Seinfeld clip) containing the captured video section and upload the Seinfeld clip to the community website 630 using the user's account.
[00931 The application server 414 identifies the subject matter of the received clip
using the metadata stored during the VB! of the video clip, associates the clip with the content owner, Sony Pictures Digital Inc., and stores the clip and the related information in the media store 418.

[0094] A second user 640 of the community website 610 subsequent!y conducts
searches in the website 610 for video clips related to Seinfeld using a computer (ciient device 430), and locates the Seinfeld clip previously received. The second user 640 then submits a request for the Seinfeld clip.
10095j In response to the second user 640's request, the community website 610
checks the restrictions applicable to the Seinfeld clip. The content owner. Sony Pictures Digital Inc., has set a restriction applicable to all Seinfeld video clips limiting their duration to be no more than 2.5 minutes. After confirming that the Seinfeld clip lasts no more than 2.5 minutes, the community website 610 identifies an advertisement for eBay promoting its Seinfeld related auction items (eBay advertisement). Advertiser eBay sets a restriction limiting the eBay advertisement to be combined only with video clips related to Seinfeld. The application server 414 confirms that combining the Seinfeld clip and the eBay advertisement does not violate the restrictions associated with either the clip or the advertisement, then, joins the advertisement and the clip into a combined clip, such that the eBay advertisement leads into the Seinfeld clip. Subsequently, the community website 610 generates a webpage including a pointer reference to the combined clip, and redirects the second user 640 to the generated webpage, where the second user 640 downloads the combined clip.
(0096) After the combined clip is downloaded in the second user 640's computer, the
computer plays the eBay advertisement and the Seinfeld clip to the second user 640. The payment server 416 calculates an advertisement fee for the advertiser eBay and deducts the fee from its account. The payment server 416 also calculates a royalty payment for the content owner, Sony Pictures Digital Inc., and credits the payment to its account. Summary
(0097J Embodiments of the invention can provide a web portal for users to share and
exchange media contents, while grant content owners rights to control the use of their media content. Operator of the web portal can generate advertising revenue by distributing advertisements together with media contents to the users, and share the revenue with the content owners to compensate them for their permissions to provide their media content to the users.
{0098J Any of the steps, operations, or processes described herein can be performed
or implemented with one or more hardware or software modules, alone or in combination with other devices, in one embodiment, a software module is implemented with a computer program product comprising a computer-readable medium containing computer program

code, which can be executed by a computer processor for performing any or all of the steps operations, or processes described. For example, the physical components used in the system may depend on the method in which the media content is delivered to one or more users of that media content.
|0099j 'Hie foregoing description of the embodiments of the invention has been
presented for the purpose of illustration; it is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. Persons skilled in the relevant art can appreciate that many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teachings. It is therefore intended that the scope of the invention be limited not by this detailed description, but rather by the claims appended hereto.
|0O'J00j Finally, it. should be noted that the language used in the specification has been
principally selected for readability and instructional purposes, and may not have been selected to delineate or circumscribe the inventive subject matter. Accordingly, the disclosure of the invention is intended to be illustrative, but not limiting, of the scope of the invention, which is set. forth in the following claims.

What is claimed is:
1. A computer-implemented method for sharing media content, the method
playing a media stream on a display of the local computing device; receiving a user command to capture a portion of the media stream via a user
interface while playing the media stream; responsive to receiving the user selection, creating a clip comprising at least a
portion of the received media stream; and responsive to creating the clip,
receiving information related to the clip,
associating the information with the clip, and
transmitting the clip and the associated information to a remote computing system.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the media stream is received from a place-shifting media system.
3. The method of claim 3, further comprising:
caching the received media stream in a memory of the local computing device.
4. The method of claim 1, further comprising:
receiving a user selection that defines a start point and an end point for the clip within the media stream, the user selection used in creating the clip.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the user selection is received via a graphical interlace thai allows a review of the media stream.
6. The method of claim 1, wherein the information is received at least in part from a user input
7. The method of claim 1, wherein the information is received at least in part from an automatic process for obtaining information about the clip.
8. The method of claim 1, wherein the information is received at least in part by extracting meia data embedded in the media stream.
9. The method of claim 1. wherein transmitting the clip comprises uploading the clip to a media content sharing website.
10. A computer program product for sharing media content, the computer program product comprising a computer-readable medium containing computer program code for performing a method comprising:
playing a media stream on a display of the local computing device;

receiving a user command to capture a portion of the media stream via a user
interface while playing the media stream; responsive to receiving the user selection, creating a clip comprising at least a
portion of the received media stream; and responsive to creating the clip,
receiving information related to the clip,
associating the information with the clip, and
transmitting the clip and the associated information to a remote computing system.
13. The computer program product of claim i 0, wherein the media stream is
received from a place-shifting media system.
12. The computer program product of claim 10, further comprising:
caching the received media stream in a memory of the local computing device.
i 3. The computer program product of claim 10, further comprising:
receiving a user selection that defines a start point and an end point, for the clip within the media stream, the user selection used in creating the clip.
14. The computer program product of claim 13, wherein the user selection is received via a graphical interface that allows a review of the media stream.
15. The computer program product of claim 10. wherein the information is received at least in part from a user input.
!6. The computer program product of claim 10. wherein the information is received at ieast in part from an automatic process for obtaining information about the clip.
i 7. The computer program product of claim 10, wherein the information is received at. least in part by extracting meta data embedded in the media stream.
18. The computer program product of claim 10, wherein transmitting the clip
comprises uploading the clip to a media content sharing website.
19. An integrated media system for sharing media content, the system comprising:
a media player module for playing a media stream, the media stream received by
the integrated media stream; a media editor module for cachir.g the media stream, receiving user selection of the cached media stream, creating a clip comprising at least a portion of the cached media stream based on the user selection, receiving information related to the clip, and associating the information with the clip; and

a network client module for transmitting the clip and the associated infomiation to
a remote computing system. 20. A method for sharing media content, the method comprising: receiving a media stream on a local computing device; playing the media stream on an integrated user interface; receiving a first user command to capture the media stream via the integrated riser
interface; responsive to receiving the first user command, displaying a media edit window
via the integrated user interface; receiving a user selection for defining a portion of the media stream via the media
edit window; responsive to receiving the user selection, creating a clip comprising the defined
portion of the media stream based on the user selection; receiving information related to the clip via the integrated user interface; associating the received information with the clip; receiving a second user command to transmit the clip to a computing system via
the integrated user interface: and responsive to receiving the second user command, transmitting the clip and the
associated information to the computer system. 2 i. A computer program product for sharing media content, the computer program product comprising a computer-readable medium containing computer program code for performing a method comprising:
receiving a media stream on a local computing device;
playing the media stream on an integrated user interface;
receiving a first user command to capture the media stream via the integrated user
interlace; responsive to receiving the first user command, displaying a media edit window
. via the integrated user interface; receiving a user selection for defining a portion of the media stream via the media
edit window; responsive to receiving the user selection, creating a clip comprising the defined
portion of the media stream based on the user selection; receiving information related to the clip via the integrated user interface; associating the received information with the clip;

receiving a second user command to transmit the clip to a computing system via
the integrated user interface; and responsive to receiving the second user command, transmitting the clip and the
associated information to the computer system.
22. A computer-implemented method for providing media content to users, the
method comprising:
receiving the media content from users of a community website;
combining advertisements with the received media content;
providing the combined media content and advertisements to the users upon
requests for the media content; receiving advertising fees from one or more advertisers in exchange for providing
the advertisements to the users; and providing a portion of the advertising fees to one or more owners of the media
content in exchange for permission to provide the media content to the
23. The method of claim 22, wherein receiving the media content comprises receiving the media content through a network from at least one selected from a group consisting of: a personal video recorder, a place shifting system, and a media player client.
24. The method of claim 22, wherein the media content comprises video clips.
25. The method of claim 22, further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the media content from the owners, the
restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content is provided to the users.
26. The method of claim 25, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit the advertisements that can be combined with the media content.
27. The method of claim 25, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit the length of the media content that can be provided to the users.
28. The method of claim 25, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit a quality characteristic of the media content that can be provided to the users.
29. The method of claim 28. wherein the quality characteristic is selected from a group consisting of: a resolution, a frame rate, and a bit rate.
30. The method of claim 25, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit the number of users who can be provided a particular item of the media conteni.

3 i. The method of claim 25, wherein one or more of the restrictions identify a particular item of the media content that cannot be provided to the users.
32. The method of claim 22, further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the advertisements from the advertisers, the restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content is combined with the advertisements; and
applying the restrictions when combining the advertisements with the media content.
33. Hie method of claim 32, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit the subject matter of the media content that can be combined with a particular advertisement.
34. The method of claim 32, wherein one or more of the restrictions limit, the number of times a particular advertisement can be provided to the users.
35. The method of claim 22, wherein combining the advertisements with the media content comprises displaying the advertisements as overlays to the media content.
36. The method of claim 22, wherein the advertising foes are determined by one or more of: the owner, the advertiser, and an operator of the community website.
37. The method of claim 22, further comprising:
providing a portion of the advertising fees to the users from whom the media content was received.
38. A computer-implemented method for sharing content items among members
of a community, comprising:
receiving a content item from a first member;
receiving a request for the content item from a second member;
providing the content item with an advertisement to the second member, the
advertisement being associated with an advertiser; receiving an advertising fee from the advertiser in exchange for providing the
advertisement to the second member; and providing a portion of the advertising fee to an owner of the content item in
exchange for permission to provide the content item to the second
39. The method of claim 38, wherein receiving the content item comprises receiving the content item through a network from at. least, one selected from a group consisting of: a personal video recorder, a place shifting system, and a media piayer client.
40. The method of claim 38, wherein the content item comprises a video clip.

41. The method of claim 38, further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the content item from the owner, the
restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the content item is provided to the second member.
42. The method of claim 38, further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the advertisement from the advertiser, the restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the content item is combined with the advertisement; and
combining the advertisement and the content item based on the restrictions, wherein providing the content item with the advertisement comprises providing the combined content item and advertisement to the second member.
43. A computer program product for providing media content to users, the
computer program product comprising a computer-readable medium containing computer
program code for performing a method comprising:
receiving the media content from users of a community website;
combining advertisements with the received media content;
providing the combined media content and advertisements to the users upon
requests for the media content; receiving advertising fees from one or more advertisers in exchange for providing
the advertisements to the users; and providing a portion of the advertising fees to one or more owners of the media
content in exchange for permission io provide the media content to the
44. The computer program of claim 43, wherein receiving the media content
comprises receiving the media content through a network from at least one selected from a
group consisting of: a personal video recorder, a place shifting system, and a media player
45. The computer program of claim 43, wherein the media content comprises
video clips.
46. The computer program of claim 43, wherein the method further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the media content from the owners, the
restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content is provided to the user?

47. The computer program of claim 43, wherein the method further comprising:
receiving restrictions associated with the advertisements from the advertisers, the
restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content is combined with the advertisements; and applying the restrictions when combining the advertisements with the media content.
48. A system for providing content to a user, comprising:
a web server for receiving media content items from users of a website, and the web server configured to receive requests from users for media content items and, responsive to the requests, to provide the requested media content items in combination with advertisements to the requesting users, the advertisements associated with one or more advertisers and the media content items associated with one or more owners;
an application server coupled to the web server, the application server configured to combine the media content items with one or more advertisements; and
a payment server for debiting the advertisers associated with the provided advertisements for an advertising fee in exchange for providing the advertisements and crediting the owners associated with the provided media content items for a royalty payment in exchange for permission to provide the media content items.
49. The system of claim 48, wherein the media content items are received through a network from at least one selected from a group consisting of: a personal video recorder, a place shifting system, and a media player client.
50. The system of claim 48, wherein the media content items comprises video clips.
51 The system of claim 48, wherein the web server is further configured to receive restrictions associated with the media content items from the owners, the restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content items are provided to the users.
52. The system of claim 48, wherein the web server is further configured to receive restrictions associated with the advertisements from the advertisers, the restrictions indicating one or more limitations on how the media content items are combined with the advertisements; and apply the. restrictions when combining the advertisements with the media content items.

53. A computer-implemented method for providing media content to users, the method comprising:
receiving media content items from users of a community website, at least some
of the content items associated with content owners having rights to
distribute the media content, items; receiving restrictions associated with one or more of the media content items from
the content owners, the restrictions indicating one or more limitations on
how the media content items can be provided to the users; receiving requests for the media content items from users of the community
website; and providing the requested media content items to the users in response to the
requests, the content items provided only in accordance with the associated


921-CHENP-2009 POWER OF ATTORNEY 14-01-2015.pdf

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921-CHENP-2009 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 17-02-2014.pdf

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Patent Number 265667
Indian Patent Application Number 921/CHENP/2009
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 04-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 18-Feb-2009
Name of Patentee SLING MEDIA, INC.
Applicant Address 1051 E.HILLSDALE BLVD, SUIDE 500, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E04D13/18
PCT International Application Number PCT/US07/73667
PCT International Filing date 2007-08-20
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/620,711 2007-01-07 U.S.A.
2 11/620,707, 2007-01-07 U.S.A.
3 60/823,066 2006-08-21 U.S.A.