Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to an improvement-node used for deployment on a peer to peer network. The improvement-node is programmed for monitoring the network to receive communication messages mere from and to forward said communication messages, optionally changing the communications radius parameters to an optimal or near optimal value. The improvement-node can forward messages from one network to another or from one network to the same network. The invention also provides a method for monitoring communication messages for selected objects by nodes on a peer to peer network. The method includes interposing the improvement-node on the network. The improvement-node has at least one stored object corresponding to a communication message object stored at said improvement-node; and monitors the network to detect communication messages matching at least one of the stored objects and decides whether or not to forward or change communication message radius parameters based on some defined programming or configuration.
Related Patent Application
This is a continuation in part of United States Patent Application Serial No.
10/764111 filed January 23,2004 entitled Method for Monitoring and Providing
Information Over a Peer to Peer Network.
Field of the Invention
The present invention provides a method for improving peer to peer network
communications, and, in particular, to connecting one or more peer to peer networks
together and accepting communication messages from one and providing it to another
and optionally changing communication message radius parameters to increase the
communication message radius of travel on the network.
Background of the Invention
As used herein, peer to peer networks which are the subject of the present
invention comprise multiple nodes, each node typically consisting both of file server
and client which can send and receive data or "Communication messages" to or from
a node to which such is connected.
In a peer to peer network each node is connected to other nodes over a
communication medium such as the internet either directly or through some type of
proxy. For example, when a search request is issued such originating node sends a
search request to all of the nodes to which it is connected, (see Figure 1) These nodes
search their list of available files and if a match is found they send a response back
with the location. However, a peer to peer proxy network typically consists of node A
which is connected to a node B and node B is connected to a node C. (see Figure 2)
Node A is not directly connected to node C such that if node A issues a search request
it will be forwarded to node B and Node B will search its available files and if a
match is found it will send a response back to node A. Node B will then forward
node A's request to node C and Node C will search its available files and if a match is
found it will send a response back to node B. Node B will then forward this response
to node A. Figure 3 depicts a nonproxy loop network wherein each node is directly
connected to another.
Some peer to peer networks utilize a leaf node/main node proxy topology (See
Figure 4) where some codes are classified as main nodes and the remaining nodes are
classified as leaf nodes. Leaf nodes can only connect to main nodes. Only main
nodes can connect to other main nodes. When a leaf node issues a search request it
sends the request to the main node with which it is connected. The main node then
forwards the request to any other leaf nodes that are connected to it and also to any
main nodes to which it is connected. These main nodes forward the request to any
leaf nodes that are connected to them.
In peer to peer networks, communication messages are sent to the nodes to
which they are connected and, in turn, each of those nodes send the communication
messages to other nodes to which they are connected.
Multiple peer to peer networks exist, usually each having a preferred set of
attributes. Users wishing to utilize one peer to peer network for its specific attributes
must install specific software to access the specific network. Often users wish to
access multiple networks and therefore have multiple software applications installed
on their computer. When the user wishes to search a specific network the user must
start the specific software application and initiate the search. If the result is not
satisfactory, the user must launch a second application and search a second peer to
peer network. Thus, it would be advantageous if users could search one network
using the software application of their choice and have their communication messages
be forwarded to a second network automatically.
Referring to Figure 9, a peer to peer networks is depicted but which is
normally quite large. Often these networks comprise hundreds of thousands of nodes.
To reduce the bandwidth required to operate such networks, nodes have a community
imposed transmission distance or "Radius" limitation. Communication messages
contain communication message radius parameters such as "hops" and time to live.
Hops is a value that normally starts at 0 and increments each time the communications
is forwarded. Time to live is a value that normally starts at S and is decremented each
time the communications is forwarded. When hops reaches a preset limit, often 5, or
time to live reaches 0, the communications is dropped from the network. Often nodes
have a "Max time to live" setting and this value is typically set to 5. If a node
receives a communication message time to live which is higher than its configured
max time to live, the packet is either dropped or the communication message time to
live is dropped to the configured value in the max time to live. This effectively
enforces a community time to live value and limits the number of nodes that would
receive communication message from a transmitting node. It would be advantageous
if the communication message could travel some distance and then have its
communication message radius parameters changed to an optimal or near optimal
value to increase the distance the communication message could travel. For instance,
a communication message could travel 4 hops and then have its settings changed back
to 0.
Accordingly it is an object of the present invention to provide a method for
improving peer to peer network communications. It is yet another object of the
present invention to connect two or more peer to peer networks together and accept
communication messages from one and provide it to another. It is yet another object
of the present invention to accept communication messages from a peer to peer
network and change the communication message radius parameters to an optimal or
near optimal value and retransmit the communication message so that the radius or
distance of the communication is extended.
Generally, the present invention provides a method for improving peer to peer
network communications by utilizing at least one of the methods set forth below. The
preferred method comprises the steps of:
For example, at least one improvement-node is placed into a peer to peer
network. The improvement-node (a) may optionally connect a second time to
the same or a different peer to peer network; (b) may accept communication
messages from one network and forwarding it onto the same or another
network, optionally setting the communication message radius parameters to
an optimal or near optimal value. Additionally, the improvement-node may
accept communication messages from one network and compare it to a set of
definitions to make a decision to drop or forward the communication message.
It may optionally set the communication message radius parameters to an
optimal or near optimal value and forward the communication message.
Thus, the present invention provides a method for connecting one or more
peer to peer networks together and accepting communication messages from one and
providing it to another. The invention does not require that all communication
messages be forwarded or that the improvement-node connect to multiple networks.
In one such embodiment the improvement-node only forwards search and search
resoonse communication messages while not forwarding other communication
messages. In another embodiment the improvement-node connects to the same
network and accepts communication messages, changes the communication messages
radius parameters to an optimal or near optimal value, and resends it on the same
network. In another embodiment the improvement-node accepts all communication
messages and forwards all communication messages. In another embodiment the
improvement-node accepts communication messages from one network and uses
preconfigured information to decide if it should forward it onto another network. In
yet another embodiment the improvement-node accepts communication messages
from a node on a network and issues new communication messages containing the
same information onto the same network or different network on behalf of the original
In all of the embodiments, the improvement-node is configured to have one or
more of the features set forth below. These features are employed in the method for
improving peer to peer network communication to provide enhanced capabilities
compared to the network nodes in the particular network being addressed. Thus, not
all of the capabilities need to be programmed into each improvement-node in order to
accept and forward communication messages. The presently preferred configurations
• The improvement-node is configured to connect to the same network
multiple tunes.
• The improvement-node is configured to connect to multiple networks.
• The improvement-node is configured to connect to multiple networks
multiple times.
• The improvement-node is configured to accept communication messages
from one network and forward it to another.
• The improvement-node is configured to accept communication messages
from one network, change its communication message radius parameters,
and resend the communication message on another network.
• The improvement-node is configured to accept communication messages
from one network, change the communication message radius parameters,
and resend the communication messages on the same network.
• The improvement-node is configured to make a decision to forward a
communication message based on a preprogrammed configuration.
« The improvement-node is configured to make a decision to change
communication message radius parameters based on a preprogrammed
• The improvement-node is configured to accept communication messages
from one node, create new communication messages with the same
information except changing the identification information to that of its
own, forward the new communication messages onto the same or different
network, receive responses to said new communication messages and
forwarding response of new communication messages to the original node.
• The improvement-node is configured to speak multiple protocols.
• The improvement-node is configured to bridge together multiple networks.
• The improvement-node is configured to route one network to another.
• The improvement-node is configured to repeat a communication message
to extend its distance of travel.
Other advantages of the present invention will become apparent from a perusal
of the following detailed description of presently preferred embodiments of the
invention taken in connection with the accompanying drawings.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 is a simplified schematic of a two node peer to peer network;
Figure 2 is a simplified schematic of a peer to peer proxy network;
Figure 3 is a simplified schematic view of a peer to peer, nonproxy, loop
Figure 4 is a simplified schematic of a peer to peer leaf/main node network;
Figure 5 is a flowchart representation of the programming or configuring an
improvement-node to connect two networks together;
Figure 6 is a flowchart representation of the programming or configuring an
improvement-node to change the communication message radius parameters
to an optimal or near optimal value;
Figure 7 is a simplified schematic of two peer to peer networks being
connected together via an improvement-node;
Figure 8 is a simplified schematic of an improvement-node being used to reset
communication message radius parameters;
Figure 9 is a simplified schematic of a large peer to peer network.
Description of Presently Preferred Embodiments
With reference to Figures 7 and 8, the preferred methods of the present
invention advantageously utilize at least one improvement-node. The improvementnode
has certain preferred attributes and these attributes are configured for the
specific type of communications improvement desired by the end user.
In one preferred embodiment of the present invention, an improvement-node
comprises both a hardware system such as a computer, thin appliance, ASIC based
device or other similar device, which can be programmed with specific logic or
programming code (i.e. software). In the preferred embodiments, the device
preferably has the capability of being connected with a physical network either
directly or though the use of a gateway. The programming logic provides the device
with the capability to transmit and receive on both physical networks as well as the
peer to peer networks which typically ride on top of a physical network. In the
preferred embodiment of the invention programming logic is a software program but
may also be hardcoded non-changeable procedural information such as typically
found on an ASIC based device.
Referring generally to Figure 5, a flow chart discloses one method for the
programming logic that configures a device acting as improvement-node to attach to
two peer to peer networks. This improvement-node accepts communication messages
from nodes participating on one network and forwards them onto another network.
Referring generally to Figure 6, a flow chart discloses one method for the
programming logic that configures a device acting as an improvement-node to attach
to the same peer to peer network twice. This improvement-node accepts
communication messages from nodes participating on the network, changes the
communication message radius parameters, and forwards the communication
messages onto the same network.
It may be advantageous to prevent transmission of communications from one
network to the other, for instance if the operator of the improvement-node was trying
to prevent copyright infringement requests from transversing the networks. In this
case the programming logic can be configured to receive communication messages
and compare them to criteria and to then perform some event whether or not a match
is found. The programming logic may elect to drop the communication message and
not pass it on to other networks. This election can be automatic depending on trigger
points such as load or it can be configured to do so by the user of the programming
The method for comparing may include inter string, complete string, partial
string, fuzzy logic, patricia tree or any other method that could be used to compare the
likeness of two or more strings or portions of two or more strings. String comparison
can occur in parallel with other searches to increase throughput or they can be
compared serially (meaning one after another). If a match is made, the programming
logic can drop the communication message if it is programmed to do so.
In one such embodiment the improvement-node only forwards search and
search response communication message while not forwarding other communication
messages. In this embodiment the improvement-node would accept the
communication message, decide if it is a search or a response to a search and then
forward on or drop the communication message based on its findings.
In another embodiment the improvement-node is functioning as a "repeater"
so the communication message can travel further on the network then it normally
would. In this case the improvement-node would accept the communication message
from a node or network and set the communication message radius parameters to an
optimal or near optimal value and retransmit the communication message.
In another embodiment the improvement-node accepts all communication
messages and forwards all communication messages. In this embodiment the
improvement-node would accept all communication messages from one network and
forward it to another network.
In another embodiment the improvement-node accepts communication
messages from a node and makes a request onto either the same network or a different
network on behalf of the node. This would be useful in a caching environment or in
an environment where the original node wished to hide its identity. The node would
issue a communication message which the improvement-node would accept. The
improvement-node would replace the original communication message with one of its
own, making it appear as though it is sending the communication message for the
benefit of itself. The improvement-node would maintain a table of node
communication messages to "on behalf of' communication messages. As
communication messages or services were returned to the improvement-node, the
improvement node would look in this table for a correlation. It would then forward
the communication messages or services to the original node.
The following Examples illustrate various embodiments of the methods
according to the present Invention.
Example 1: Referring to Figure 7, this example illustrates a method for
connecting two networks together, accepting communication messages from one and
forwarding it to another.
In this example nodes A, B and C are on a first network and nodes E, F and O
are on a second network. Each network is unable to communicate with each other
because they speak different protocols. Node D is an improvement node and is part of
both networks and can speak both protocols. Node A searches for a file named "A"
and sends this search request to nodes B and C. Nodes B and C accept this search
request. Node C forwards the search request to node D. D accepts the search request
and forwards it to node E. Node E accepts the search request and forwards it to nodes
FandG. Nodes F and G accept the search request. All nodes process the search
request. Node O finds that it has the file and sends a response to node E. Node E
forwards this response to node D. Node D forwards this response to node C. Node C
forwards this response to node A. Node A receives the response from node O which
is on another network.
Example 2: Referring to Figure 8, this example illustrates a method for
accepting communication messages from nodes participating on a single network,
changing the communication message radius parameters, and forwarding the
communication messages onto the same network.
In this example all nodes are on one network and node C is an improvementnode
and is configured to accept any communication messages, change the
communication message radius parameters to an optimal or near optimal value and
retransmit the communication messages.
Node A is configured to send a search request no further than 3 hops away
from where it is connected into the network. It sends the search to node B. Node B
accepts the search and increments its hop value to 1 and forwards it to node C. Node
C accepts the search and resets the hops value to 0 and forwards the search to node D.
Node D accepts the search and increments its hop value to l and torwards tbe search
to node E. Node E receives the search and increments its hop value to 2 and forwards
the search to node F. Node F accepts the search. All node process the search request.
Node F finds that it has the file and generates a response with a hop value of 0 and
sends the response to node E. Node E accepts the response and increments the hop
value to 1 and forwards this response to node D. Node D accepts the response and
increments the hop value to 2 and forwards the response to node C. Node C accepts
the response and changes the hop value to 0. Node C forwards the response to node
B. Node B accepts the response and increments the hop value to 1 and then forwards
the response to node A. Node A accepts the response. The end result is that even
though Node G was 5 hops away it was still able to communicate with Node A.
Example 3: Referring to Figure 7, example 3 illustrates a method for
connecting two networks together, accepting communication messages from one,
comparing it a list of criteria and dropping the communication message if it matches
or forwarding it if it doesn't.
In this example nodes A, B and C are on a first network and nodes E, F and G
are on a second network. Each network is unable to communicate with each other
because they use different protocols. Node D is an improvement-node and is part of
both networks and can operate with both protocols. Node D is configured to drop
searches for "Madonna,txt". Node A searches for a file named "Madonna.txt" and
sends this search request to nodes B and C. Nodes B and C accept this search request.
Node C forwards the search request to node D. Since node D is configured to drop
searches that match "Madonna.txt" and because node A searched for "Madonna.txt"
node D drops the search.
Node A then searches for a file named "A" and sends this search request to
nodes B and C. Nodes B and C accept the search request. Node C forwards the
search request to node D. Since node D is configured to drop searches for
"Madonna.txt" and because node A searched for "A" node D forwards the search
request to node E. Node E accepts the search request and forwards it to nodes F and
G. Nodes F and G accept the search request. All nodes process the search request.
Node G finds that it has the file and sends a response to node E. Node E forwards this
rcsponse to node D. Node D forwards this response to node C. Node C forwards this
response to node A. Node A receives the response from node G which is on another
Example 4: Again, referring to Figure 7, example 4 illustrates a method for
connecting two networks together, accepting communication messages from one, and
forwarding only searches and search responses and nothing else to another network.
In this example nodes A, B and C are on a first network and nodes E, F and G
are on a second network. Each network is unable to communicate with each other
because they use different protocols. Node D is an improvement-node and is part of
both networks and can utilize both protocols. Node A searches for a file named "A"
and sends this search request to nodes B and C. Nodes B and C accept this search
request. Node C forwards the search request to node D. D accepts the search request
and forwards it to node E. Node E accepts the search request and forwards it to nodes
F and G. Nodes F and G accept the search request. All nodes process the search
request. Node G finds that it has the file and sends a response to node E. Node E
forwards this response to node D. Node D forwards this response to node C. Node C
forwards this response to node A. Node A receives the response from node G which
is on another network.
Node A then sends a ping request to nodes B and C. Node B receives the
request and responds. Node C receives the request and responds. Node C forwards
the ping request to node D. Because node D is configured to only forward search
requests and responses it accepts the ping and responds but it does not forward the
Example 5: Referring to Figure 7, example 5 illustrates a method for
accepting communications from a node on a first network and forwarding the
communications onto a second network while making it appear that the original
communications came from the improvement-node when in fact it did not For this
example refer to Figure 7.
In this example node D is the improvement node. Node C wishes to locate a
file named "X" and sends a search request to node D. Node D accepts this search
request and creates a new request with the same search terms but with its own address
information. Node D stores this request in a table so that it knows that if any requests
are received it should forward them to node C. Node D forwards this request to node
E. Node E accepts the search request and finds that it has a match. Node E generates
a response with node D's address information and forwards the response to node D.
Node D accepts the response and looks in it tables and finds that this response was
meant for node C so it forwards this response to Node C.
While presently preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown and
described, the invention may be otherwise embodied within the scope of the appended

1. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the step of
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network, wherein
said improvement-node accepts communication messages from the network,
and, prior to forwarding said communication to the same network, sets any
communication message radius parameters of said message to an optimal or
near optimal value; and forwards said message onto the same network
2. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the step of:
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network, said
improvement-node accepts communication messages from said network, and
compares it to a set of criteria to either drop or forward said communication
message, and, thereafter forwarding or dropping said communication message
based on said comparison.
3. A method as set forth in claim 2, wherein said improvement-node sets the
communication radius parameter of said message to an optimal or near optimal value.
4. A method as set forth in claim 2 wherein dropping or forwarding of communication
messages is based on protecting the property of others.
5. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the step of:
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network, said
improvement-node connects to a first network and connects a second time to a
different peer to peer network, and said improvement-node accepting a
communication message from one network and forwarding it onto another
network, optionally setting the communication radius parameters to an optimal
or near optimal value.
6. A method as set forth in claim 5 wherein said improvement-node sets the
communication radius parameters of said message to an optimal or near optimal
7. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the steps of:
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network, and said
improvement-node connects to a first network and connects a second time to a
different peer to peer network, said improvement-node accepts communication
messages from one network and comparing it to a set of criteria and either
drops or forwards the communication message.
8. A method as set forth in claim 7,
9. A method as set forth in claim 8 wherein said dropping or forwarding said
communication messages is for the protection of the property of others.
10. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the step of:
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network; wherein
said improvement-node accepts communication messages from said network,
and creates new communication messages with the same information and a
new identification information to replace that in the accepted messages, and
wherein said improvement-node forwards said new communication messages
onto the said network and receives responses to said new communication
message, and forwards said responses to new communication message to the
original node that forwarded the accepted message.
11. A method for improving peer to peer network communications, said method
comprising the step of:
interposing at least one improvement-node on a peer to peer network; wherein
said node connects to a second peer to peer network and accepts
communication messages from first said network; and wherein said
improvement-node creates new communication messages with the same
information and new identification information to replace that in accepted
messages and wherein said improvement-node forwards said new
communication messages onto said second network; said
improvement-node receives responses to said new communication message
and responses to new communication message to the original node of the first
said network.
12. A method as set forth in claim 11 wherein said improvement-node hides the identity
of the original node.
13. An improvement-node for deployment on a peer to peer network, said improvementnode
including means to monitor said network to receive communication messages
and to forward communication messages.
14. An improvement-node for deployment on a peer to peer network, said improvementnode
including means to monitor said network to receive communication messages
and to change communication message radius parameters a different value and to
forward said communication messages.
15. An improvement-node as set forth in claim 14 wherein said different value is an
optimal or near optimal value.
16. An improvement-node for deployment on a peer to peer network, said improvementnode
including means for monitoring said network to receive communication
messages, to replace address information and to forward communication messages on
behalf of the original node and to receive response communication messages and to
forward said response communication messages to the original node.
17. A method as set forth in claim 16 wherein said improvement-node hides the identity
of the original node.
18. A method for monitoring search requests for selected objects by a node on a peer to
peer network, said network having at least two nodes, and providing a response to
substantially all of such requesting nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network, said
improvement node configured to provide at least one IP address and
optionally at least one client ID, said improvement node having at least
one stored object corresponding to a request object stored at said
improvement node;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement
node to detect requests matching said at least one of said stored
c. acquiring a unique ID generated by any network node requesting said
object matching said stored object; and
d. responding to substantially each node representing an ID.
19. A method as set form in claim 18 wherein at least one of said IP and client ID is
changeable upon the occurrence of a preselected event or events.
20. A method as set forth in claims 18 and 19 wherein responding comprises transmitting
null data to each of said nodes having an acquired ID.
21. A method as set forth in claims 18 and 19 wherein said responding comprises
transmitting data to each of said nodes having an acquired ID wherein said
information contained in said response is data different from that requested.
22. A method as set form in claims 18 and 19 wherein said responding comprises
transmitting to each of said nodes having an acquired ID infonnation that comprises
file names that are in a form to notify said nodes having said acquired ID that it is or
may be violating copyright laws.
23. A method as set forth in claims 18 and 19 wherein responding comprises file name
infonnation which is the result of a second search originating from at least one of said
improvement nodes.
24. A method as set forth in claims 18 and 19 wherein responding comprises transmitting
to each of said nodes having an acquired ID information that is the result of
forwarding a search request to other nodes and receiving a response.
25. An improvement node for deployment on a peer to peer network comprising an IP
address and optionally at least one client ID, that is changeable upon the occurrence
of a preselected event and having a list containing at least one searchable data object,
said improvement node having means for monitoring said network to receive search
requests therefrom and to compare each said received search with said list of data
objects and to respond to such request.
26. A method for calculating statistics for search requests and responses for selected
objects by a node on a peer to peer network having at least two nodes, said method
comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for,
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect requests and responses; and
c. using said detected requests and responses to calculate statistics.
27. A method aa sot forth in claim 26 wherein the statistics calculated are business loss
28. A method as set forth in claim 26 wherein the statistics calculated are statistics of
requests or responses or both that occurred on the network.
29. A method as set forth in claim 26 wherein said statistics calculated are used to provide
statistics on the file types that are shared on the network.
30. A method for viewing available files on a specific node on a peer to peer network
having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for,
b. requesting a specific node upload a file bdex number starting at N, where N is
a real number, to said improvement node;
c. recording said specific file name that is sent; and
d. incrementing the file index number and repeating the request until such time
as the specific node no longer responds.
31. A method as set forth in claim 30 wherein said method is used to locate copyrighted
or illegal information.
32. A method as set forth in claim 30 wherein said method is used to build profiles of
users and what they have downloaded.
33. A method as set forth in claim 30 wherein said method is used for marketing
34. A method for obtaining an IP address that will help identify a node on a peer to peer
network having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. requesting that the specific node upload a file index number starting at N,
where N is a real number, to said improvement node; and
c. recording an IP address of a node that is in communication with said
improvement node.
35. A method for obtaining attribute information on nodes on a peer to peer network
having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. sending at least one search request containing specific or generic terms or by
forwarding on real requests from other nodes from said improvement node;
c. recording requested attribute information of those nodes that respond.
36. A method as set forth in claim 35 wherein attribute information is an IP address.
37. A method as set forth in claim 35 wherein attribute information is a client ID.
38. A method as set forth in claim 35 wherein attribute information can be used to
identify the node.
39. A method for obtaining and recording a list of searches that are occurring on a peer to
peer network having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network; and
b. recording search requests that said improvement node receives.
40. A method of obtaining and recording search responses that are occurring on a peer to
peer network having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. forwarding search requests by nodes that are received by said improvement
node; and
c. recording responses that are received.
41. A method for monitoring responses from a specific node on a peer to peer network
having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. monitoring search responses;
c. detecting search responses from a specific node; and
d. recording responses that are sent by a specific node.
42. A method for monitoring search requests for selected objects by a node on a peer to
peer network having at least two nodes and removing responses from the network,
said method comprising the steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network, said improvement
node configured to provide at least one IP address and optionally at least one
client ID and having at least one selected requested object stored at said
improvement node;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect requests matching said at least one of said stored objects;
c. forwarding said request to other nodes of the network; and
d. dropping and responses that are received.
43. A method for monitoring search requests for selected objects by a node on a peer to
peer network having at least two nodes and removing responses from the network,
said method comprising the steps of:
ft. interposing at least one improvement node on said network, said improvement
node configured to provide at least one IF address and optionally at least one
client ID and having at least one selected requested object stored at said
improvement node;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect requests matching said at least one of said stored objects;
c. replacing the search term within the search request with random characters;
d. forwarding said request to other nodes of the network.
44. A method for monitoring search requests for objects by a node on a peer to peer
network, said network having at least two nodes, said method comprising the steps of;
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network, said improvement
node configured to provide at least one IP address and optionally at least one
client ID and
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect search requests from nodes on said peer to peer network.
45. The method set forth in claim 44 wherein said detected search requests are stored on
said improvement node.
46. The method set forth in claim 45 wherein said detected search requests detected by
said improvement node and a unique ID generated by the network node requesting
said search is at least temporarily stored by said improvement node.
47. The method set forth in claim 46 wherein said improvement node responds to said
requesting node.
48. A method for advertising on a peer to peer network having at least two nodes, said
method consisting of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect requests; and
c. responding with information that is used to advertise a product or service.
49. A method as set forth in claim 18 wherein said responding is in response to a specific
50. A method for identifying terrorist activity on a peer to peer network having at least
two nodes, said method consisting of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for,
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect requests or responses; and
c. data mining said detected requests or responses for terrorist information or
51. A method for identifying terrorists on a peer to peer network having at least two
nodes, said method consisting of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. having said improvement node send a request for a specific term; and
c. data mining said detected requests or responses for terrorist information or
patterns; and
d. recording the client identification of the responding node.
52. A method for identifying the terrorist threat level of a node or user on a peer to peer
network having at least two nodes, said method consisting of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. having said improvement node send a request for a specific term; and
c. walking the list of files of any responding node; and
d. making a threat determination using commonly accepted principals and
53. A method for reporting which files are currently being acquired on a peer to peer
network having at least two nodes, said method consisting oft
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect search requests mat are in a filename format.
54. A method of automatically collecting and recording the location of files on a peer to
peer network, said method consisting oft
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network configured for;
b. requesting from a list of client IDs that they upload a file index number
starting at N, where N is a real number, to said improvement node; and
c. recording said specific file name that is sent; and
d. automatically incrementing the file index number and repeating the request
until such time as the nodes no longer responds; and
e. automatically recording the client identification and their responses into a data
collection system.
55. A method as set forth in claim 23 wherein said list is generated by recording the client
identification of nodes that are responding to requests.
56. A method as set forth in claim 23 wherein said list is generated by recording the client
identification of nodes that are responding to a specific search request.
57. A method as set forth in claim 23 wherein said list is generated by recording the client
identification of nodes whose responses match a certain term.
58. A method as set form in claim 23 wherein said list is generated by recording the client
identification of nodes who respond to the improvement node when the improvement
node sends a specific request.
59. A method for monitoring supplemental search requests for selected objects by a node
on a peer to peer network, said network having at least two nodes, and providing a
response to substantially all of such requesting nodes, said method comprising the
steps of:
a. interposing at least one improvement node on said network, said improvement
node configured to provide at least one IP address and optionally at least one
client ID, said improvement node having at least one stored object
corresponding to a request object stored at said improvement node;
b. monitoring said network through at least one of said improvement node to
detect supplemental search requests matching at least one of said stored
c. acquiring a unique ID generated by any network node requesting said abject
matching said stored object; and
d. responding to each node representing an ID that the request is available from
the improvement node; and
e. transmitting invalid data to said node upon its connection to improvement
60. A method as set forth in any one of the preceding claims wherein said improvement
node comprises a pseudonode.







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4810-delnp-2006-Description (Complete)-(19-11-2013).pdf

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4810-delnp-2006-mark Claims-(22-01-2015).pdf








Patent Number 265696
Indian Patent Application Number 4810/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 05-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 22-Aug-2006
Name of Patentee TIVERSA INC.
Applicant Address 6028 HAWTHORN DRIVE, MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108, U.S.A.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 29/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/001623
PCT International Filing date 2005-01-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA