Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention has its application in the field of devices and methods for the product physical and chemical mixing and refers particularly to a cartridge for sterile mixing of a two-phase compound. The cartridge consists of a first tubular body (2) defining a first collection chamber (3) for a solid phase, a second tubular body (4) defining a second collection chamber (5) for a liquid phase, means for transferring (6) the liquid phase from the second (5) to the first chamber (3), means for mixing (7) the phases. The means for mixing (7) comprise agitator means (8) acting on the mixture inside the first chamber (3) with the first tubular body (2) in substantially stationary conditions, so as to favour the dispersion of the solid phase inside the liquid phase thus obtaining a compound with uniform physical and mechanical properties.
Technical Field
The present invention finds its application in the field of devices and methods
for physical and chemical mixing of products and refers particularly to a
cartridge for sterile mixing of a two-phase compound.
Background Art
As is known, in arthroplasty operations, performed to treat bone or vertebra
pathologies, and in operations for the implanting and stabilisation of bone
prostheses, acrylic resins or bone cements are usually used to be introduced in
the specific area to be treated.
The materials normally used in this field of surgery consist of a liquid phase,
generally monomeric, used as a solvent for the polymerisation of a resin in
powder form, to which may be added antibiotic drags, promoters of growth or
the like.
For these operations, the resin must be prepared directly in the operating fheatre.
Consequently, the two phases are initially enclosed in two separate containers
and then mixed immediately before introduction into the bone or vertebra area
to be treated.
Considering the critical nature of these types of operations, it is most important
that the utmost sterility of the resin and the resin dispensing devices be
guaranteed at all stages.
Normally, the liquid is kept inside a plastic bag or a glass phial and then poured
into a container in which powder has been previously collected. Subsequently,
an operator mixes the two components using a spatula driven manually or
mechanically. Finally, the compound thus obtained is introduced into a
dispensing syringe and then injected under pressure through a special needle,
into the bone cavity of the implant.
Such known solutions have the evident and recognised disadvantage of placing
the compound into contact with the outside environment, thereby negatively
affecting the sterility of the operation and making the resin a hazardous vehicle

of infections for the person undergoing therapy. At the same time, the operator is placed in contact with a highly-reactive and toxic monomeric liquid, the vapours of which can freely spread in the work environment, with high risk of inhalation by the operator.
The preparation and the final composition of the mixture is, furthermore, strongly dependent on the particular skill of the operator, and so the risk exists of obtaining cements that are not perfectly homogeneous or, again, with incorrect proportions between the two phases.
In an attempt to overcome the above disadvantages, various solutions have been placed at disposal whereby one or more of such disadvantages are overcome. From US-A-5435645, in the name of the same applicant, a device is known for mixing bone cements in which the preparation of the cement is carried out in conditions of sterility and safety for the operator. The liquid is in fact initially placed inside a first chamber and then forced to pass into a second chamber containing the powder. This way a cement is also obtained that has the right proportions between monomer and powder.
A drawback of such solution is however represented by the fact that the mixing of the two phases is done by manually shaking the whole device. This operation thus strongly depends on the skill of the single mixing operator. Being naturally impossible to precisely establish the shaking time and energy required to obtain a uniform component mix, it follows that the compound is not always shaken enough and this does not therefore show the most suitable physical characteristics. The operation is also not at all easy.
From WO-A-0183094 a device is known for mixing a bone cement in which the mixture of liquid and solid is favoured by the sliding of an agitator disc inside the mixing chamber. This way, a uniform compound is produced of correct phase proportions. Nevertheless, an evident disadvantage of such solution is represented by the fact that the liquid phase is initially taken from a container by means of a common syringe and then introduced into the mixing chamber. These phases therefore do not guarantee absolute sterility of the cement besides being inconvenient and dangerous for the operator.

From documents WO 97/18031. US 5 934 803, US 6 017 349 A,WO 99/37256 A, US 2003/021180 A1, US 2004/066706 A1, and US 6 024 480 A there are known other solutions and devices for mixing together a liquid and a solid component or phase, so as to obtain a two-phase compound, in which in particular the two phases are mixed by suitable mixing means, operable manually from the outside and provided either for moving axially inside the device or to rotate about an axis. However even these known devices have not totally exempt from drawbacks, and in particular they would request to have a more compact construction, as well as a use involving simpler manual operations and a more practical handling. In particular, at least for some of them, it would be desirable that the user have not to handle and use auxiliary tools, other than the device itself, for performing the mixing and dispensing steps of the compound, and/or even to remove from the mixing device the container for one of the basic phases, namely the liquid phase, once such container has been used and emptied of the liquid phase contained therein. Disclosure of the Invention

The purpose of this invention is to overcome the above drawbacks and make a
cartridge for mixing a two-phase compound with clearly efficient features and
which is relatively inexpensive.
A particular purpose is to make a cartridge for mixing a two-phase compound
that permits obtaining a compound with homogeneous chemical, physical and
mechanical characteristics in conditions of absolute sterility.
A further purpose is to make a cartridge for mixing a two-phase compound
which is easy and safe to use for each operator.
Such purposes, as well as others which will appear clearer later on, are achieved
by a cartridge for the sterile mixing of a two-phase compound, as in claim 1,
comprising a first tubular body defining a first collection chamber substantially
longitudinal for a solid phase, a second tubular body defining a second
collection chamber for a liquid phase, means for mixing the liquid phase with
the solid phase, characterized by the fact that the mixing means comprise
agitator means acting on the mixture inside the first chamber with the first
tubular body in substantially stationary conditions.
Thanks to this particular configuration, the cartridge according to the invention
favours the dispersion of the solid phase inside the liquid phase thus making it
possible to obtain a compound with uniform chemical, physical and mechanical
properties in conditions of absolute sterility. The presence of agitator means in
fact permits the uniform diffusion of the solid phase in the liquid phase, thereby
ensuring perfect component mixing homogeneousness.
Advantageously, the agitator means can include a mobile agitator element
which will be housed inside the first chamber and can be at least partially
hollow and will be preferably transversal and shaped like a grid.
Preferably, the mobile agitator element can be coupled to means of movement
that can be operated by an operator.
Advantageously, the means of movement can include a gripping element
outside the first and second chamber and rigidly coupled to the mobile agitator
element by means of suitable linking means. The latter may, in turn, comprise at
least one, preferably a pair of rods with a first end connected to the gripping
element and a second end connected to the mobile agitator element.

Preferably, the first tubular body can feature a top cover with at least a first
guide opening for the connection rod which can be shaped like a slot.
Thanks to this characteristic, it will be possible to make a cartridge for mixing a
two-phase compound that is easy and safe to use by each operator. The agitator
element will in fact be of simple and light manufacture and may, furthermore,
be easily operated by means of the alternate movement of the grip element and
with minimum expenditure of energy. Moreover, the characteristics of the
compound will always be reproducible to the same extent.
As required, the means for transferring the liquid phase into the first chamber
can comprise at least one through cavity made on the end portion of the second
tubular body.
Preferably, the transfer means can comprise pressure means operating between
the first and the second chamber and, according to a particular form of
embodiment, the pressure means can feature an open portion of the side wall of
the second tubular body enclosed by an elastically yielding membrane
deformable towards the inside.
Thanks to this latter characteristic, during mixing, the compound components
are prevented from coming into contact with the outside and sterility is
Brief description of the drawings
Further characteristics and advantages of the invention will appear even more
evident from the detailed description of a preferred, but not exclusive, form of
embodiment of a mixing cartridge according to this invention, illustrated by
way of non limiting example in the attached drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1 is a front view of a cartridge according to the invention in a first
preferred embodiment;
FIG.2 is an exploded view of cartridge of FIG. I;
FIG.3 is an enlarged view of a detail of FIG.2;
FIG.4 is a view from above of a first detail of FIG. 1;
FIG.5 is a section view according to the tracing plan /-J of a further detail of the
cartridge in FIG. 1;
FIG.6 is a front view of a cartridge according to the invention in a second

preferred form of embodiment.
Ways of carrying out the invention
With reference to the above mentioned figures, the cartridge according to the
invention, generally designated by reference numeral 1, may be used to mix, in
sterile conditions, the components of a bone cement acrylic resin for
arthroplasty operations or bone or joint prostheses implants. The compound will
consist of a liquid phase, generally monomeric, and of a solid phase in powder
state, if necessary with the addition of antibiotic agents or growth promoters,
which polymerises once dissolved in the liquid phase. According to another
possible use, the compound may also be a pharmaceutical product chosen from
among the antibiotics, vitamins or the like. The two phases will, in any case, be
initially kept separate.
As shown particularly in Figures 1 and 2, the cartridge comprises a first tubular
body 2, defining a first collection chamber 3 substantially longitudinal for the
solid phase, and a second tubular body 4, defining a second collection chamber
5 for the liquid phase. The sterile transit of the liquid phase from the second
chamber 5 into the first chamber 3 is by means of suitable transfer means 6
which maintain sterility.
The different parts of the cartridge 1 can be made of plastic, rigid or semi-rigid,
with suitable stress resistance characteristics.
Preferably the material will be transparent and the cartridge 1 will be of the
disposable type.
According to the invention, means 7 are comprised for mixing the liquid phase
with the solid phase which comprise further agitator means 8 to favour the
dispersion of the solid phase inside the liquid phase while keeping the first
tubular body 2 substantially stationary.
As illustrated, the second tubular body 4 features the lower end portion 9
housed sliding and coaxially inside the first tubular body 2.
Suitably, at end portion 9 is a ring-shaped flange 10 with outer diameter dl
slightly less than the diameter d2 of the first chamber 3. The flange 10, together
with the end portion 9, will act as a piston 11 in the last resin dispensing phase.
As specifically shown in Figure 4, the first tubular body 2 will feature an upper

portion 12 with an entry door 13 made in central position to allow transit of the second tubular body 4. The first body 2 will on the other hand be closed in opposite position by a rear wall 14 featuring a through hole 15 for dispensing the mixed resin towards suitable external implantation means E. During the mixing stage, the through hole 15 will be closed by a closing element 16, such as, for example, a cap that screws onto it, which will be removed when the compound is dispensed ready for use.
Advantageously, the transfer means 6 for putting the collection chambers 3, 5 in fluid communication will comprise a series of through cavities 17 made on the lower wall 18 of the second body 4, visible in Figure 5.
The liquid phase can be introduced into the second chamber 5 inside a suitable container F, such as for instance a breakable glass phial, through specific breaking means 19 positioned inside the second chamber 5. The means 19 will preferably comprise an upper cylindrical element 20 sliding inside the second chamber 5, and a pointed element 21 longitudinally opposite. The upper element 20 will be operated from outside so as to push the phial F against the pointed element 21 causing this to break and, therefore, the liquid phase to pour into the first chamber 3 passing through the through cavities 17. Downstream of the latter, a first filter element 22 will also be located to prevent the transit of fragments of glass produced by the breakage of phial F or, again, the transit of the solid phase in the opposite direction.
Preferably, to favour the transit of the liquid phase inside the first chamber 3, the transfer means 6 can comprise pressure means 23 able to determine, inside the first chamber 3, a reduction in pressure and consequently a lower pressure compared to that existing inside the second chamber 5. This way, the liquid will be recalled inside the first chamber 3 by the vacuum generated inside this. In a first preferred but not exclusive form of embodiment of the invention, shown in figures 1 and 2, the pressure means 23 will comprise an elastically yielding membrane 24 which closes an open portion 25 of the side wall 26 of the second tubular body 4. By adjusting the pressure on membrane 24, the operator can change the volume inside the second collection chamber 5 and when this is released, the above vacuum will be produced.

In a second form of embodiment, shown in fig. 6; the pressure means 23 can consist of the same piston 11 which, operated by the altemative sliding m axial direction of the second tubular body 4, will determine the vacuum inside the first collection chamber 3 and, consequently, the transit of the liquid inside this. In each configuration, a stop element 27 will also be fitted to restrict the movement of the piston 11. The element 27 will be substantially longitudinal, and will protrude inside the first chamber 3 and will be associated with the closing element 16. This way, any contact between piston 11 and the powder will be avoided during generation of the vacuum in the first chamber 3. In order to achieve a strong vacuum inside the first chamber 3, the transfer means 6 will comprise suitable-^fluid coimecting means 28 of the first collection chamber 3 to the external vacuum means E. The connecting means 28 will comprise a pipe 29 made inside the stop element 27 and having a longitudinal direction X, according to the development of element 27 itself. The pipe 29 will feature a fi:ee entrance 30 inside the Gist chamber 3 and an exit 31 inside the closing element 16 and downstream of which a second filter element 32 will be positioned. The latter can be a microbiological filter, for example of the active charcoal type, designed to preserve the sterility of the compound housed in the first collection chamber 3, particularly during the vacuum creation phase. After the transit of the liquid phase inside the first chamber 3, the mixing will occur of the two phases present at the same time inside the first chamber 3, manually operating the agitator means 8, particularly shown in Fig. 3. Advantageously, the means 8 will comprise a mobile agitator element 33 inside the first chamber 3 and at least partially hollow. Preferably, the element 33 will be configured like a flat grid with development substantially transversal witii respect to the longitudinal dimension of the cartridge 1, its being possible fiuthermore to make it of the same material as cartridge 1 or of a similar material.
The movement of the agitator element 33 will be suitably simplified by coupling this with suitable means of movement 34 that can be operated from outside by an operator. The means 34 will comprise a gripping element 35 outside the collection

chamber of phases 3, 5 configured like a round crown coaxial to the second tubular body 4, rigidly coupled to the agitator element 33 by means of specific linking means 36. The latter will be substantially a pair of rods 37 arranged symmetrically to the development axis X.
The rods 37 will have a first end 38 connected to the gripping element 35 and a second end 38' connected to the agitator element 33, Furthermore, the rods 37 will be conducted through respective guide openings 39 made in a ring nut 40 that can be fitted at the upper portion 12 of the first tubular body 2, so as to slide sealed. The guide openings 39 will be configured as slots to permit partial rotation of the agitator means 8 around the longitudinal direction X, so as to ensure more efficient mixing of the phases. After mixing, the resin will be ready to be dispensed towards the external implantation means. For this purpose, the closing element 16 will be removed from the hole 15 on the rear wall 14, the implantation means E will be connected and the resin will be dispensed by means of adequate pressure applied by means of piston 11. operated by means of the thrust applied by the operator on the second tubular body 4. From the above description, it is evident that the cartridge according to the invention achieves the intended purposes, and particularly to allow the phase mixing so as to obtain a two-phase compound with homogenuous chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics and in conditions of absolute sterility. Furthermore, thanks to the special configuration of the mixing means, it is possible to achieve a cartridge being safe and easy to use for any operator. The cartridge according to the invention is susceptible of numerous modifications and variations, all of which falling within the scope of the inventive concept as contained in the enclosed claims. All the details can be replaced with others that are technically equivalent and the materials used may be any according to requirements without because of this moving outside the protection scope of the invention.
The cartridge has also been described with special reference to the attached figures, the reference numbers used in the description and claims are used to upgrade the intelligence of the invention and do not represent any limitation to the claimed protection scope.

1. A cartridge for the sterile mixing of a two-phase compound, particularly an acrylic resin, consisting of a liquid phase and a solid phase which can be mixed immediately before dispensing, comprising:
- a first tubular body (2) defining a first collection chamber (3) for a solid phase, said first tubular body (2) extending substantially longitudinal along a longitudinal axis (X),
- a second tubular body (4) defining a second collection chamber (5) for a liquid phase, said second tubular body (4) being arranged for sliding coaxially to and inside said first tubular body (2),
- transfer means (6) of said liquid phase from said second (5) to said first chamber (3), and
- means for mixing (7) said liquid phase with said solid phase,
wherein said means for mixing (7) comprise agitator means (8) acting on the mixture of said phases inside said first chamber (3) with said first tubular body (2) in substantially stationary conditions, so as to favour the dispersion of the solid phase inside the liquid phase thus obtaining a compound with uniform physical and mechanical properties in conditions of absolute sterility,
said cartridge being characterized in that said agitator means (8) comprise an agitator body (33, 36, 37) which is arranged for moving coaxially to and between said first tubular body (2) and said second tubular body (4), said agitator body (33, 36, 37) being substantially hollow for housing and receiving axially said second tubular body (4),
in that said agitator means (8) comprise a mobile agitator element (33) integral with said agitator body and housed inside said first chamber (3),
in that said agitator means (8) are coupled to means of movement (34), comprising a gripping element (35) arranged outside said first (3) and said second (5) chamber, which are suitable to be operated by an operator for moving said mobile agitator element (33) in said first chamber (3), and
in that said agitator body of said agitator means (8) includes suitable linking means (36), spaced from said longitudinal axis (X), which are provided for rigidly coupling said gripping element (35) to said mobile agitator element (33).

2. Cartridge according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that said agitator element (33) is at least partially hollow and with a development substantially transversal with respect to the longitudinal dimension of said first tubular body (2).
3. Cartridge according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that said mobile agitator element (33) is substantially shaped like a grid.
4. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said linking means (36) comprise at least one, preferably a pair of rods (37) with a first end (38) connected to said gripping element (35) and a second end (38') connected to said mobile agitator element (33),
5. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said first tubular body (2) features an upper portion (12) with an entry door (13) for said second tubular body (4) and a ring nut (40) with at least one guide opening (39) for said at least one rod (37), said first body (2) also featuring a rear wall (14) with a through hole (15) for dispensing the mixed compound and a removable closing element (16) for shutting said through hole (15).
6. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said at least one guide opening (39) is configured as a slot to permit at least a partial rotation of said agitator means (8) around the longitudinal development direction (X) of said first tubular body (2).
7. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said second tubular body (4) features an end portion (9) housed sliding and coaxially inside said first tubular body (2) passing through said entry door (13) of said upper portion (12).
8. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said end portion (9) of said second body (4) features a ring-shaped flange (10) with outer diameter (dl) corresponding to diameter (d2) of said first chamber (3) to define a piston (11) for dispensing the mixed compound.
9. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that said transfer means (6) of said liquid phase from said second (5) to said first chamber (3) comprise at least one through cavity (17) made by said end portion (9) of said second tubular body (4), said at least one through cavity (17) being fitted with at least one first filter element (22).

10. Cartridge according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that said transfer
means (6) comprise pressure means (23) acting between said first (3) and said
second chamber (5).
11. Cartridge according to the preceding claim, characterized by the fact that
said pressure means (23) comprise an open portion (25) of the side wall (26) of said
second tubular body (4), closed by an elastically yielding membrane (24)
deformable towards the inside.
12. Cartridge according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that it comprises a
stop element (27) for said agitator element (33) substantially longitudinal and
associated with said closing element (16) and protruding inside said first chamber
13. Cartridge according to claim 1 characterized by the fact that said transfer means (6) comprise fluid connecting means (28) of said first collection chamber (3) to the external vacuum means (E) so as to increase the vacuum inside said first chamber (3).
14. Cartridge according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that said fluid connecting means (28) comprise a substantially longitudinal pipe (29) made inside said stop element (27), said pipe (29) having an entrance (30) inside said first chamber and an exit (31) inside said closing element (16), said closing element (16) featuring a second filter element (32) downstream said exit (31).


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Patent Number 265705
Indian Patent Application Number 450/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 09-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 28-Jan-2008
Name of Patentee TECRES S.P.A
Applicant Address VIA A. DORIA, 6, 37066 SOMMACAMPAGNA (VR), ITALY.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61F 2/46
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB2006/001275
PCT International Filing date 2006-05-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 VI2005A000187 2005-06-28 Italy