Title of Invention


Abstract A bushing-type roller overrunning clutch comprising at least an inner or an outer ring (1) that comprises clamping ramps (2) adapted to the needles or rollers, said overrunning clutch further comprising a cage for the needles or rollers, as also pressure springs, said cage comprising cage elements that are made in one piece with the inner or outer ring (1), and a method of making a bushing-type roller overrunning clutch in which the inner or outer ring (1) together with the clamping ramps (2) and at least one border (3 or 4) arranged on one side of the clamping ramps (2) is made by deep-drawing, spring-retaining lugs (5) are cut out of the border (3 or 4), and the spring-retaining lugs (5) are bent radially towards the inner or outer ring (1) and the free-standing tabs (6) of the spring-retaining lugs (5) are bent over into the region of the clamping ramps (2).
Full Text Bushing-type roller overrunning clutch with a cage for needles or rollers
Field of the invention
Bushing-type roller overrunning clutch comprising at least an inner ring or an outer ring comprising clamping ramps adapted to the needles or rollers, and further comprising a cage for the needles or rollers, as also pressure springs.
Background of the invention
Different designs of a generic bushing-type overrunning clutch are known from the "Technical Handbook" of INA Walzlager Schaeffler oHG, 5th Revised Reprint, pages 270 and 271. These overrunning clutches comprise an outer ring with clamping ramps, a cage with needles being arranged in the outer ring and pressure springs being installed for establishing contact of the needles with the clamping ramps and with a smooth-faced inner ring, or, if used without an inner ring, with a shaft, so that a rapid engagement of the overrunning clutch is assured.
Such overrunning clutches have proved their worth and meet all requirements made of them. However, they are assembled out of a large number of separate parts which are cost-intensive.
Objects of the invention
It is therefore an object of the invention to simplify the generic overrunning clutch and make it less expensive without detracting from its proven functioning efficiency.
This and other objects and advantages of the invention will become obvious from the following detailed description.

Summary of the invention
The invention achieves the above objects by the fact that the cage comprises cage elements that are made in one piece with the inner or the outer ring. The outer ring against which the needles or rollers bear is also designated as a bushing of the bushing-type roller overrunning clutch.
Within the meaning of the invention, inner or outer ring means that, apart from the prior art overrunning clutches in which the outer ring is provided with clamping ramps, the invention also extends to those overrunning clutches in which the clamping ramps are provided on the outer surface of the inner ring and the needles or rollers are operatively connected to a smooth inner surface of an outer ring, that is to say, a bushing.
Due to the fact that the inner or the outer ring is made in one piece with the cage elements, the prior art cage made as a separate component requiring a high degree of dimensional exactitude is dispensed with.
According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the inner or the outer ring is made in one piece with clamping ramps and cage elements by the fact that the inner or the outer ring is deep-drawn together with the clamping ramps and with at least one border arranged on one side of the clamping ramps, that spring-retaining lugs are cut out of the border and that the spring-retaining lugs are bent radially towards the inner or outer ring and the free-standing tabs of the spring-retaining lugs are bent over into the region of the clamping ramps.
It may also be pointed out that a border can be provided not only on one but on both sides of the inner or outer ring and spring-retaining lugs can be cut out of both borders, the spring-retaining lugs being bent and the tabs being folded-in alternately on the two sides of the clamping ramps.
In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the spring-retaining lugs are cut only out of one border and then appropriately bent, while on the opposite side of the clamping ramps, an annular shoulder is integrally formed on the inner or outer ring, with a radially inward or outward orientation depending on whether the ring is an inner or an outer ring. In this embodiment, the annular shoulder forms the guide for the needles and even for larger rollers on the one side and the spring-retaining lugs assure guidance on the other side, while the bent-in tabs form supports for springs that press the needles or the rollers into the gap between the clamping ramps and the smooth counter surface. On their sides turned away from the tabs, the spring-retaining lugs may comprise extension tongues that assure or improve the lateral guidance of the needles or rollers.
According to a modified embodiment of the invention, the inner or outer ring is made as a pot-shaped component by deep-drawing and tabs are cut out of a bottom rim and bent over into the region of the clamping ramps. A continuous lateral limitation that is preserved even in the region of the bottom rim after the above operation assures an efficient guidance of the needles, particularly, of larger rollers.
Depending on the action of force on the overrunning clutch and also on the wall thickness of the inner or outer ring, the inner or outer ring can be pressed onto or into a support ring, also called gripping ring, which strengthens the inner or outer ring. This support ring can also be made economically by deep-drawing but equally well by shaping by machining. It may, however, also be explicitly pointed out that both the support ring and the inner or outer ring that is retained on or in this support ring can be made according to the invention out of strip material that is bent into the shape of a ring which is then joined together at its abutting ends, for example, by welding. Further, it is also possible to arrange the outer ring, i.e. the overrunning clutch bushing that is typically provided with clamping ramps, under stress within the closed support ring.
A radially inward or outward projecting collar is formed integrally on the gripping ring, preferably before the gripping ring is pressed together with the inner or outer ring. This collar forms a defined stop between the inner or outer ring and the gripping or support ring, and, depending on its size, it can also support the spring-retaining lugs and close the intermediate spaces between these because the support ring and the inner or outer ring are pressed together preferably in such a way that the collar adjoins the spring-retaining lugs.
Brief description of the drawings
For further elucidation, the invention will now be described with reference to the appended drawings in which an example of embodiment of the invention is illustrated in a simplified manner.
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an outer ring comprising borders arranged
next to the clamping ramps,
Fig. 2 is a perspective representation corresponding to Fig. 1, in which
one border has been worked and spring-retaining lugs have been cut out,
Fig. 3 is a perspective representation corresponding to Fig. 1, in which
the tabs of the spring-retaining lugs have been bent over,
Fig. 4 is a perspective representation corresponding to Fig. 1, in which,
additionally, the spring-retaining lugs have also been bent over,
Fig. 5, is a perspective representation corresponding to Fig. 4, with the
line of sight directed to the opposite side,
Fig. 6, is a perspective representation.of a modified outer ring in which
tabs have been cut out and bent over out of an angularly bent border,
Fig. 7 is a perspective representation corresponding to Fig. 6, with the
line of sight directed to the opposite side, and
Fig. 8 is a perspective representation of an outer ring ready-assembled
with inserted rollers and pressure springs.
Detailed description of the drawings
In Figs. 1 to 8, as far as shown in the particular figure, an outer ring is identified at 1 and comprises on its inner side, clamping ramps 2 and borders 3 and 4 adjoining the clamping ramps 2. The outer ring 1 is configured, preferably, in the form of a bushing and is made by deep-drawing. But it can also be made of strip material, which is shaped by stamping and then bent into the shape of a ring that is welded together at its abutting ends.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, spring-retaining lugs 5 are cut or punched out of the border 3, and the border 4 is bent over to form an annular shoulder that projects radially inwards. In one peripheral direction of the outer ring 1, the spring-retaining lugs 5 comprise tabs 6 and in the other direction, extension tongues 7.
As shown in Fig. 3, the tabs 6 of the spring-retaining lugs 5 are bent through an angle of approximately 90°, the spring-retaining lugs 5 on the outer ring 1 are then bent or folded inwards, so that the tabs 6 extend approximately parallel to the clamping ramps. However, it is also possible, to first bend the spring-retaining lugs 5 through an angle of 90° and then bend over the tabs 6. Not shown in the figures is that it is also possible to bend the tabs or spring-retaining lugs at angles other than 90°.
Needles or rollers are inserted into the ready-shaped outer ring 1 with bent or folded over tabs 6 and spring-retaining lugs 5, and the overrunning clutch is then mounted on an inner ring with a smooth outer surface or on a shaft with a smooth outer surface. If, in place of the outer ring 1, an inner ring comprises the clamping ramps 2 and the integrally formed spring-retaining lugs 5 and tabs 6 that constitute cage elements for guiding the clamping rollers, these parts are inserted into an outer ring with a smooth inner surface or into a solid component, for example, a housing component with an appropriate bore with a hardened surface, and thus form the overrunning clutch.
The length of the projecting extension tongues 7 of the spring-retaining lugs 5 in peripheral direction of the outer ring 1 is such that they assure an adequate axial retention of the needles or rollers. The same applies to the annular shoulder on the opposite side of the clamping ramps 2 on the outer ring 1.
In the example of embodiment of Figs. 6 to 8, the outer ring 1 is made with a bottom or a bottom rim 8 by deep-drawing. Where appropriate, a circular disk is punched out of the bottom. Further, the tabs 6 are cut out of the bottom rim 8 and bent to extend parallel to the clamping ramps. An annular shoulder is then formed integrally on the opposite side. Due to the fact that, in this embodiment, only the tabs are cut out of the bottom rim 8, this bottom rim indeed forms an indented limitation but this limitation is fully effective and continuous, so that a reliable guidance is guaranteed, as can best be seen in Fig. 8, even for larger rollers.
List of reference numerals
1 Outer ring
2 Clamping ramps
3 Border
4 Border
5 Spring-retaining lugs
6 Tabs
7 Extension tongues
8 Bottom rim

1. A bushing-type roller overrunning dutch comprising at least an Inner or an outer ring (1) comprising damping ramps (2) adapted to the needles or rollers, said overrunning clutch further comprising a cage for the needles or rollers, as also pressure springs, said cage comprising cage elements that are made in one piece with the inner or outer ring (1), characterized in that the cage elements are configured as spring-retaining lugs (5) and are arranged laterally on the inner or outer ring (1).
2. A bushing-type roller overrunning dutch of daim 1, wherein the spring-
retaining lugs (5) comprise free-standing tabs (6) that are arranged
inside or outside of the inner or outer ring (1) and are adjacent to the
clamping ramps (2).
3. A bushing-type roller overrunning clutch of one of the preceding daims,
wherein, on a side turned away from the spring-retaining lugs (5), the
inner or outer ring (1) comprises an annular shoulder.
4. A method of making a bushing-type roller overrunning clutch, particularly
a cage, of one of the preceding daims, characterized in that

- the inner or outer ring (1) together with the clamping ramps (2)
and with at least one border (3) arranged on one side of the
clamping ramps (2) is made by deep-drawing,
- spring-retaining lugs (5) are cut out of the border (3), and
- the spring-retaining lugs (5) are bent radially towards the inner or
outer ring (1) and the free-standing tabs (6) of the spring-retaining
lugs (5) are bent over into the region of the damping ramps (2).
5. A method of making a bushing-type roller overrunning clutch, particularly a cage, of one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that
- the inner or outer ring (1) together with the clamping ramps (2) is
made as a generally pot-shaped component by deep-drawing,
- the tabs (6) are cut out of a bottom rim (8) adjoining the damping
ramps (2), and
- the tabs (6) are bent over into the region of the damping ramps .
6. A method of one of claims 4 or 5, characterized in that
- borders (4) are integrally formed on the inner or outer ring (1) on
the side opposite to the border (3) or the bottom rim (8), and
- the border (4) is bent over radially to form an annular shoulder.

7. A method of one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the inner
or outer ring (1) is pressed onto or into a support ring.
8. A method of one of the preceding claims, characterized in that a collar
projecting radially inwards or outwards is formed integrally on the support
ring, preferably before the support ring is pressed together with the inner
or outer ring (1)






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Patent Number 265707
Indian Patent Application Number 438/DELNP/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 09-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 16-Jan-2008
Name of Patentee SCHAEFFLER KG
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16D 41/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/006420
PCT International Filing date 2006-07-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA