Title of Invention


Abstract Compositions, kits and methods for the treatment or prevention of ocular allergies and inflammation and the symptoms thereof comprising alcaftadine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
This invention is directed to the treatment or prevention of ocular
conditions. More specifically, the invention is directed to compositions of
alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11 -(1 -methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1 -
b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid, as well as methods for using such
compositions for the treatment or prevention of ocular inflammation and
This application is a continuation-in-part of a non-provisional filing U.S.
App. Pat. Ser. No. 11/688,016, which claims priority from a provisional filing,
U.S. App. Pat. Ser. No. 60/788185, entitled "Ocular Allergy Treatments," which
was filed on, March 31, 2006.
Allergic disorders of the ocular surface include a wide variety of
pathological conditions including Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis ("SAC"),
Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis ("PAC"), Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis and Atopic
Keratoconjunctivitis. It is estimated that over 20% of the general population
suffer from some form of ocular allergy. Of those, approximately 90% suffer
from either SAC, PAC or both.
The ocular allergic reaction is an IgE-dependent (Type I) hypersensitivity
inflammatory response that most commonly affects adults between 20 and 40
years of age. In susceptible individuals, initial exposure of allergen to the
ocular surface stimulates the production of allergen specific immunologic
antibodies (IgE). IgE then binds to the membrane bound FceR-1 receptor of
naive mast cells in the ocular mucosa. The mast cell is a granulocyte,
containing a number of preformed mediators, including histamine and
proteoglycans. Once the mast cell is activated, newly formed chemical
mediators are formed, which include prostaglandin D2, leukotrienes, and
platelet aggregating factor. Subsequent exposure of allergen to the IgE coated
mast cells leads to the release of preformed, as well as newly formed,
mediators contained within the granules of the mast cell.

The clinical symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis include itching, redness,
swelling of the eyelid, chemosis and tearing. Histamine is the primary mediator
in the allergic response. After mast cell degranulation, histamine binds to
receptors located in the conjunctiva. The binding of histamine to H1 receptors
on nerve cells induces itching. Activation of H1 and H2 receptors on the vaso-
endothelium induces vasodilatation and increases vascular permeability
facilitating the migration of inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1α and IL-1 β,
into the blood vessel and the subsequent recruitment of leukocytes into the
conjunctival tissue. Activation of the histamine receptors leads to ocular
hyperemia, chemosis, lid swelling and exudation of fluid from blood vessels into
the surrounding tissue, which in turn causes inflammation. The chemotaxis of
leukocytes such as eosinophils and neutrophils into the conjunctival tissue in
turn leads to further tissue damage.
Historically, antihistamines have been the mainstay for treatment of
ocular allergic disease. These therapies vary in potency, specificity and
duration of action. First generation anti-histamines such as pheniramine and
antazoline are known for their rapid onset of action. Unfortunately, these
compounds also cause ocular discomfort and their efficacy diminishes after
only a few hours. Second-generation H1 antagonists such as levocabastine
and emadastine present less ocular discomfort and have a somewhat longer
duration of action. However, these compounds have limited anti-inflammatory
effects, and do little to inhibit the late-phase components of the inflammatory
Currently, the most effective therapies for the management of ocular
allergy are drugs such as olopatadine, ketotifen and azelastine, which have
both anti-histaminic and mast cell stabilizing properties. These therapies are
generally well tolerated and their effects can last up to 8 to 12 hours. Although
reported to be superior to compounds that effect only a single component of the
allergic response, these compounds often fail to provide relief more than one
ocular allergy symptoms.
A drug's affect on ocular redness, chemosis and eyelid swelling offers a
significant improvement over existing therapies. Additionally, since the majority
of newer ophthalmic anti-allergic agents have limited durations of action, twice

daily dosing is required. A topical preparation with a longer duration of action
will be advantageous because it may be instilled once daily. Thus, new
therapies that can offer advantages in areas such as efficacy and duration of
action, while offering similar safety profiles, are needed. The instant invention
is directed to these and other objectives.
The invention includes methods of treating or preventing ocular allergy
by administering alcaftadine to the eye of a patient. The inventions described
herein are based at least in part on the surprising discovery that alcaftadine
treats or prevents a number of different symptoms of ocular allergy that make it
especially useful for the treatment or prevention of ocular allergy. The
methods, ophthalmic compositions, and kits of the present invention alleviate
clinical symptoms of ocular allergy and ocular inflammation with minimal
systemic absorption of the active drug. This unusual combination of properties,
together with an excellent safety profile and tolerability when formulated for
topical administration to the eye, makes the drug especially useful for the
treatment or prevention of ocular allergy. Specifically, the invention includes a
method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective amount of
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
Alcaftadine, also known by the chemical name 6,11 -dihydro-11 -(1 -
methyl-4-piperidinylidene)-5H-imidazo [2,1 -b] [3] benzazepine-3-
carboxaldehyde, has the following chemical formula:

The compound and methods for its preparation are disclosed in United States.
Patent No. 5,468,743, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety
for all purposes. The preferred methods and ophthalmic compositions of the
invention contain the alcaftadine compound of Formula I, but may alternatively
be present as an alcaftadine salt. Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of
alcaftadine can be formed from organic and inorganic acids. Suitable acids
include, but are not limited to, acetic, 4-acetamido benzoic acid,
benzenesulfonic, camphorsulfonic, citric, 2,3:4,6-di-0-isopropylidene-2-
keto-L-gulonic acid monohydrate, formic, fumaric, hydrochloric, hydrobromic,
lactic, maleic, L-(-)malic, malic, malonic, mandelic, methanesulfonic,
naphthalenesulfonic, nitric, oxalic, phthalic, phosphoric, propionic,
DL-pyroglutamic, saccharin, salicyclic, succinic, sulfuric, tartaric, trifluoro acetic,
L-(+)tartaric, and toluenesulfonic acids.
As used herein the terms "ocular allergy" refers to an allergic disorder of
the ocular surface caused by pathogenic allergens. Allergic conjunctivitis is the
preferred ocular allergy and includes a wide variety of pathological conditions
including Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis ("SAC"), Perennial Allergic
Conjunctivitis ("PAC"), Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis and Atopic
"Clinical symptoms" of ocular allergy include but are not limited to ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, tearing, and nasal
inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis and ear/palate
pruritis, and sneezing. It is preferred that the methods of the invention treat or
prevent at least two clinical symptoms, more preferably at least three, even
more preferably more that four. For example, the methods of the invention
treat or prevent at least one of the following clinical symptoms associated with
allergic conjunctivitis ocular itching, ocular redness, chemosis, tearing, swelling
of lid nasal congestion, or rhinorrhea. Preferably the methods of the invention
treat or prevent, ocular itching and ocular redness; treat or prevent ocular
itching, ocular redness, and chemosis; treat or prevent ocular itching, ocular
redness, chemosis, and tearing; treat or prevent ocular itching, ocular redness,
chemosis, tearing, and swelling of the lid; treat or prevent ocular itching, ocular
redness, chemosis, tearing, swelling of the lid, and nasal congestion; treat or

prevent ocular itching, ocular redness, chemosis, tearing, swelling of the lid,
nasal congestion, and rhinorrhea; treat or prevent nasal congestion and
The term "patient," as used herein, refers to animals, including
mammals, preferably humans. The "effective amount" of alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, is the amount the substance
required to treat or prevent the symptoms of ocular allergy. The effective
amount may vary from patient to patient depending upon the ability of
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, alone or in combination
with one or more combination drugs to elicit a desired response in the patient.
Other factors determining the effective amount will include, but are not limited
to the disease state or severity of the condition to be alleviated, hormone
levels, age, sex, weight of the patient, the state of being of the patient, and the
severity of the pathological condition being treated, concurrent medication or
special diets then being followed by the particular patient, and other factors
which those ordinarily skilled in the art will recognize, with the appropriate
dosage ultimately being at the discretion of the attending physician. Dosage
regimens may be adjusted to provide the improved therapeutic response. An
effective amount is also one in which any toxic or detrimental effects of the
components are outweighed by the therapeutically beneficial effects. It is
preferred that for most patients a 50 uL drop of a 0.25% ocular solution
contains 0.125 mg of alcaftadine. Assuming that 100% of drug is systemically
absorbed, a 70 kg person, using the eye drops bilaterally, meaning in each eye,
once daily, would be exposed to a dose of 0.25 mg/d, or 3.57pg/kg per day. It
is reasonable to assume that the actual systemic exposure will be lower, since
it is likely that not all of the amount will be absorbed. It is preferred that the
effective amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-
oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, is
between less than about 0.25 mg and greater than or equal to about 0.015 mg,
more preferably, between about 0.030 mg and about 0.14 mg, more preferably
between about 0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.

The term "pharmaceutically acceptable" as used herein refers to
materials that are generally not toxic or injurious to a patient when used with
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, the present invention,
including when the alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-
oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof,, is
formulated as ophthalmic compositions, as defined herein.
Alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, may be administered to
the patient by any route of administration capable of delivering the drug to the
eye of the patient, in any pharmaceutically acceptable dosage form. Thus, the
drug may be administered to the patient in the form of an ophthalmic
composition, as defined herein, or any other formulation, device or mechanism
suitable for the short term or long term delivery of an effective amount of the
drug to the patient's eye. The drug may be administered to the patient in an
ophthalmic inserts containing or coated with alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof, including but not limited to contact lenses, punctal plugs, or,
ocular inserts. In preferred methods of the present invention, the drug is
administered topically in the form of an ophthalmic composition selected from
the group consisting of ophthalmic solutions or suspensions (i.e., eye drops),
ophthalmic ointments, or ophthalmic gels.
Further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of
a patient an effective amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable
salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures
thereof. The terms alcaftadine, clinical symptom, patient, pharmaceutically
acceptable, pharmaceutically acceptable salts, and effective amount all have
their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges. The term ocular
inflammation refers to inflammation of any part of the anterior portion of the
eye. Such ocular inflammation may be caused by any of the following or any
combination of the following dry eye, contact lens wear, bacterial infections,

fungal infections, or viral infections. The preferred causes of ocular
inflammation are bacterial infections or viral infections.
In addition the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
mechanistic symptom associated with ocular allergy or ocular inflammation
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective amount of
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms alcaftadine,
patient pharmaceutically acceptable, pharmaceutically acceptable salts,
effective amount, ocular allergy, and ocular inflammation all have their
aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges. "Mechanistic symptoms" are
cellular reactions that either elicit or suppress symptoms of a disease state
such as ocular allergy or ocular inflammation. Mechanistic symptoms include
but are not limited to vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, modulation of them receptor, and mast
cell degradation. The preferred methods of the invention treat or prevent at
least two mechanistic symptoms, more preferably treat or prevent at least three
mechanistic symptoms, even more preferably treat or prevent at least four
mechanistic symptoms. For example the preferred methods treat or prevent
vascular leakage, and a reduction in the integrity of the conjunctival epithelial
tight; treat or prevent vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, and modulation of theH4 receptor; treat or
prevent vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the conjunctival
epithelial tight junctions, modulation of theH4 receptor, and mast cell
Further still, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
nasal symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the nose of a
patient an effective amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable
salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures
thereof. The terms alcaftadine, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable,
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, ocular allergy, and effective amount all have
their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges. "Nasal symptoms" of
allergy are a subset of clinical symptoms as defined above and include nasal

inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, and sneezing. The
preferred nasal symptoms are rhinorrhea and nasal congestion.
Alfcaftadine may be administered to the patient in the form of an
ophthalmic composition, as defined herein, or any other formulation, device or
mechanism suitable for the short term or long term delivery of an effective
amount of the drug to the patient's nose, preferably the patient's nostrils. In the
preferred methods of the present invention, alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof, is administered to the patient's nostrils topically in the form of
an ophthalmic composition selected from the group consisting of ophthalmic
solutions or suspensions (i.e., nasal drops and spray), ophthalmic ointments, or
ophthalmic gels (as defined herein).
Further the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a
patient an ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. The terms alcaftadine, clinical symptom, ocular allergy,
patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, all
have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
As used herein the term "ophthalmic composition" refers to any
pharmaceutically acceptable formulation, delivery device, mechanism or
system suitable for administration to the eye. The term "ophthalmic
compositions" includes but are not limited to solutions, suspensions, gels,
ointments, contact lenses, implants, sprays, depots or any other type of
formulation, device or mechanism suitable for short term or long term delivery
of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, to the eye. In contrast to
oral or injectable formulations, ophthalmic compositions exhibit specific
technical characteristics associated with their application to the eyes, including
the use of pharmaceutically acceptable ophthalmic vehicles that avoid inducing
various reactions such as, for example, irritation of the conjunctiva and cornea,
closure of the eyelids, secretion of tears and painful reactions. Preferred
ophthalmic compositions according to the invention are advantageously in the

form of ophthalmic solutions or suspensions (i.e., eye drops), ophthalmic
ointments, or ophthalmic gels containing alcaftadine, its pharmaceutical
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. Depending upon the particular form selected, the
compositions may contain various additives such as buffering agents,
isotonizing agents, solubilizers, preservatives, viscosity-increasing agents,
chelating agents, antioxidizing agents, and pH regulators.
Examples of suitable preservatives include, but are not limited to
chlorobutanol, sodium dehydroacetate, benzalkonium chloride, cetyl pyridinium
chloride, phenethyl alcohol, parahydroxybenzoic acid esters, and
benzethonium chloride. The viscosity-increasing agents may be selected, for
example, from methylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose,
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, carboxymethylcellulose,
chondroitin sulfate, and salts thereof. Suitable solubilizers include, but are not
limited to, polyoxyethylene hydrogenated castor oil, polyethylene glycol,
polysorbate 80, and polyoxyethylene monostearate. Typical
chelating agents include, but are not limited to, sodium edetate citric acid,
stabilizing agents as defined in U.S. App. Pat. No. 60/783,557 filed on, March
17,2006, entitled "Methods for Stabilizing Oxidatively Unstable Pharmaceutical
Compositions" and its corresponding non-provisional filing which are hereby
incorporated by reference in their entirety. The stabilizers include, but are not
limited to for example, sodium edetate and sodium hydrogen sulfite.
Useful pH regulators are commonly selected, for example, from sodium
hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, citric acid, phosphoric acid,
acetic acid, and hydrochloric acid. The pH of the ophthalmic compositions may
range from about 5 to about 8, more preferably from about 6.5 to about 7.5.
Even more preferably, the pH of the ophthalmic compositions is about 7.0.
Useful buffers include, but are not limited to borate buffers, phosphate buffers,
carbonate buffers, and acetate buffers. The concentration of buffer in the
ophthalmic compositions may vary from about 1 mM to about 150 mM or more,
depending on the particular buffer chosen. Preferably, the concentration of
buffer is less than 100, more preferably from about 1 mM to about 25 mM, with
a concentration of about 1 mM to about 20 mM more preferred.

As used herein, the term "vehicle" is intended to include any carrier,
diluent or excipient suitable for ophthalmic use. "Excipient" refers to an
ingredient that provides one or more of bulk, imparts satisfactory processing
characteristics, helps control the dissolution rate, and otherwise gives
additional desirable characteristics to the compositions. Included within this
term, inter alia, are compounds well known to those of ordinary skill in the art,
as described, for example, in the Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients,
(American Pharmaceutical Association, Washington, D.C. and Pharmaceutical
Press, London, England, 4th ed. 2003), incorporated herein by reference in its
entirety. In particular, the excipients are selected such that the ophthalmic
composition does not trigger a secretion of tears that will entrain the active
ingredient. Acceptable excipients are well known to a person skilled in the art,
who will know how to select them depending on the desired formulation.
When concentrations, amounts, percentages, and other numerical data
are expressed or presented herein in a range format, it is to be understood that
such a range format is used merely for convenience and brevity and thus are to
be interpreted flexibly to include not only the numerical values explicitly recited
as the limits of the range, but also to include each of the individual numerical
values or sub-ranges encompassed within that range as if each numerical
value and sub-range is explicitly recited. As an illustration, a concentration
range of "about 1 weight % to about 10 weight %" is to be interpreted to include
not only the explicitly recited concentration of about 1 weight % to about 10
weight %, but also individual concentrations and the sub-ranges within the
indicated range. Thus, included in this numerical range are individual
concentrations such as 2 weight %, 5 weight %, and 8 weight %, and sub-
ranges such as from 1 weight % to 3 weight %, from 5 weight % to 9 weight %
and so forth. As used herein, the term "about" means plus or minus
approximately ten percent of the indicated value, such that "about 50% by
weight" indicates approximately 45% to 55% by weight.
Typically, the concentration of alcaftadine in the ophthalmic
compositions of the present invention will be from about 0.005% by weight to
about 10.0% by weight, with concentrations of from about 0.005 to about 0.4 %
being preferred, and concentrations of about 0.1% to about 0.35% being

particularly preferred. A 50 uL drop of a 0.25% ocular solution contains 0.125
mg of alcaftadine. Assuming that 100% of drug is systemically absorbed, a 70
kg person, using the eye drops bilaterally, meaning in each eye, once daily,
would be exposed to a dose of 0.25 mg/d, or 3.57pg/kg per day. It is
reasonable to assume that the actual systemic exposure will be lower, since it
is likely that not all of the amount will be absorbed.
Further, still the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
mechanistic symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a
patient an ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. The terms alcaftadine, mechanistic symptom, patient,
pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, all have
their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Still further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of
a patient an ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms alcaftadine, clinical
symptom, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, ocular inflammation, and ophthalmic composition all have
their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Yet still further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing
a mechanistic symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the
eye of a patient an ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms alcaftadine, mechanistic
symptom, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, ocular inflammation, ophthalmic composition all have their
aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Further, the invention includes an ophthalmic composition comprising
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms ophthalmic
composition, alcaftadine, pharmaceutically acceptable salts all have their

aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges. It is preferred that said
ophthalmic composition further comprise a vehicle as defined herein.
Yet further still, the invention includes use of alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament
for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular allergy. The
terms alcaftadine, clinical symptom, ocular allergy pharmaceutically acceptable
salts all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges
Yet still further, the invention includes use of alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament
for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular inflammation.
The terms alcaftadine, clinical symptom, ocular inflammation pharmaceutically
acceptable salts all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Yet further still, the invention includes use of alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament
for the treatment or prevention of a mechanistic symptom of ocular allergy or
ocular inflammation. The terms alcaftadine, mechanistic symptom, ocular
allergy, ocular inflammation, pharmaceutically acceptable salts all have their
aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges
Still further, the invention includes a kit comprising an ophthalmic
composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its
N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof,
contained within a container prepared from a pharmaceutically acceptable
packaging material. The terms ophthalmic composition, alcaftadine,
pharmaceutically acceptable salts all have their aforementioned meanings and
preferred ranges. Pharmaceutically acceptable packaging materials include
but are not limited to low density polyethylene ("LDPE"), high density
polyethylene ("HDPE"), polypropylene, polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyesters
(such as polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene naphthalate), nylon,
polyvinyl chloride), polyvinyl id ine chloride), poly(tetrafluoroethylene) and other
materials known to those of ordinary skill in the art. Flexible bottles prepared

from LDPE or HDPE are particularly preferred. Commercial sources of such
materials include but are not limited to DuPont 20 Series specialty
polyethylene, manufactured by DuPont, Tenite Polyethylene 1830F Natural,
manufactured by Eastman Chemical Company, Purell 1840 Polyethylene,
manufactured by Basell. The particularly preferred material is DUPONT™ 20-
6064 (E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, DE), a preferred
LDPE packaging material, is commonly used for preparing flexible dropper
bottles containing ophthalmic compositions by an injection blow molding
process, and is approved for such use by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. The kits may contain multiple doses of ophthalmic
compositions containing alcaftadine or single use doses of alcaftadine.
Prior to filling, such bottles are routinely sterilized by gamma irradiation
or with ethylene oxide gas, by methods widely known to those skilled in the art.
Applicants have surprisingly found, however, that it is preferable to sterilize
LDPE bottles with ethylene oxide gas, instead of with gamma radiation, as
bottles sterilized with gamma radiation may exhibit decreased stability of the
active ingredient.
b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid ("CAS # 147083-93-0") has the following
chemical formula

The compound of Formula II was disclosed in United States Patent No.
5,468,743. Preferred methods and ophthalmic compositions may contain
Formula II as depicted, but Formula II may be present in the methods and
ophthalmic compositions as its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.

Specifically the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a
patient an effective amount of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula II, clinical symptom,
ocular allergy, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
The term "effective amount" of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof is the amount of this substance required to treat or prevent the
symptoms of ocular allergy. As described earlier in reference to the effective
amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, the effective
amount of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its
N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof, may
vary from patient to patient depending upon the ability of a compound of
Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, and mixtures thereof, alone or in combination with one
or more combination drugs to elicit a desired response in a patient. Factors
used to determine the effective amount are known to those of ordinary skill and
some those factors are mentioned herein. It is preferred that the effect amount
of a compound of Formula II is between less than about 0.25 mg and greater
than or equal to about 0.015 mg, more preferably, between about 0.030 mg
and about 0.14 mg, more preferably between about 0.075 mg and about 0.125
Further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of
a patient an effective amount of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula II, clinical symptom,
ocular inflammation patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, and effective amount all have their aforementioned meanings
and preferred ranges.

In addition the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
mechanistic symptom associated with ocular allergy or ocular inflammation
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective amount of a
compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms a
compound of Formula II, patient pharmaceutically acceptable, pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, effective amount, mechanistic symptoms, ocular allergy, and
ocular inflammation all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred
Further still, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
nasal symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the nose of a
patient an effective amount of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula II, patient,
pharmaceutically acceptable, pharmaceutically acceptable salts, nasal
symptoms, and effective amount all have their aforementioned meanings and
preferred ranges.
Further the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a
patient an ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula
II, clinical symptom, patient, ophthalmic composition, pharmaceutically
acceptable, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, all have their
aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Further, still the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
mechanistic symptom of ocular allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a
patient an ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula
II, mechanistic symptom, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, all have their aforementioned meanings and
preferred ranges.

Still further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing a
clinical symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of
a patient an ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula
II, clinical symptom, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, ocular inflammation, and ophthalmic composition all have
their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Yet still further, the invention includes a method of treating or preventing
a mechanistic symptom of ocular inflammation, comprising administering to the
eye of a patient an ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula
II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms a compound of Formula
II, mechanistic symptom, patient, pharmaceutically acceptable, and
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, ocular inflammation, ophthalmic composition
all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Further, the invention includes an ophthalmic composition comprising a
compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof. The terms
ophthalmic composition, a compound of Formula II, pharmaceutically
acceptable salts all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
It is preferred that said ophthalmic composition further comprise a vehicle as
defined herein.
Yet further still, the invention includes use of a compound of Formula II,
its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament
for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular allergy. The
terms a compound of Formula II, clinical symptom, ocular allergy
pharmaceutically acceptable salts all have their aforementioned meanings and
preferred ranges
Yet still further, the invention includes use of a compound of Formula II,
its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament

for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular inflammation.
The terms a compound of Formula II, clinical symptom, ocular inflammation
pharmaceutically acceptable salts all have their aforementioned meanings and
preferred ranges.
Yet further still, the invention includes use of a compound of Formula II,
its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament
for the treatment or prevention of a mechanistic symptom of ocular allergy or
ocular inflammation. The terms a compound of Formula II, mechanistic
symptom, ocular allergy, ocular inflammation, pharmaceutically acceptable
salts all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred ranges.
Still further, the invention includes a kit comprising an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof contained within a container prepared from a pharmaceutically
acceptable packaging material. The terms ophthalmic composition,
alcaftadine, pharmaceutically acceptable salts and pharmaceutically acceptable
packaging material, all have their aforementioned meanings and preferred
The invention is further demonstrated in the following examples. The examples
are for purposes of illustration and are not intended to limit the scope of the
present invention.
Example 1: Alcaftadine ophthalmic solutions
Ophthalmic solutions containing alcaftadine were prepared in
accordance with Table I. To assure sterility, the solutions were passed through
0.22 micron sterilizing filter prior to being filled into LDPE bottles that had
previously undergone ethylene oxide sterilization.

Example 2: Anti-allergic activity
The effect of alcaftadine against acute-phase reactions of allergic
conjunctivitis (edema and erythema) was compared to the effect of other known
anti-allergens in guinea pigs that were systemically sensitized to rabbit skin
squames and topically challenged 17 days later with rabbit allergens.
Anesthetized male albino guinea pigs (Dunkin-Hartley) weighing about
230 to 250 g were injected intramuscularly at the left quadriceps with 50 ul of
purified rabbit allergens. The rabbit allergens consisted of AI(OH)3-adsorbed
rabbit squames (Halab, Brussels, Belgium), which had been homogenized and
washed clean of preservative (0.5% (V7V) phenol) with sterile physiologic
Alcaftadine was orally administered to each eye in dosages ranging from
0.005 mg/kg to 1.0 mg/kg at 24 hours and 1 hour before challenge. Other test
compounds included oxatomide, ketotifen, astemizole, cetirizine, loratadine and
terfenadine, administered at dosages of 0.1 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg.
At day 17 post sensitization the left eye was challenged by instilling 25 ul
of 100% normal rabbit serum. At the same time as the allergen challenge, the
right eye was instilled with 25 ul of 1.5 mg/ml histamine dihydrochloride (98%,
Sigma) dissolved in deionised, Millipore-filtered water.
Thirty minutes after challenge, edema and erythema were assessed in
the tarsal and bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes and scored as absent (0), weak

(1), moderate (2), severe (3), or very severe (4) by a trained technician.
Alcaftadine significantly alleviated the acute allergic symptoms beginning at
doses of 0.1 mg/kg. In this test, alcaftadine was found to be more potent (on
an equivalent mg/kg basis) than oxatomide, ketotifen and terfenadine and
significantly more potent than astemizole, cetirizine and loratadine.
Example 3: Activity of topical alcaftadine in allergic conjunctivitis
Alcaftadine has been shown to prevent signs and symptoms of allergic
conjunctivitis in a murine model of active anaphylaxis.
Male SWR/J mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine), aged
5-7 weeks and weighing between 12.55 and 17.73 grams, were sensitized with
a 100 μl dose of a suspension of 50 ug short ragweed allergen (Greer Labs,
Inc., Lenoir, NC) and 1 mg of aluminum hydroxide (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh,
PA) by intraperitoneal injection at two weeks and prior to treatment and
On Day 14, the mice were first given baseline exams to ensure that they
did not present with significant irritation prior to treatment administration and
challenge. The mice were then dosed topically in the eye with an alcaftadine
0.0625% ophthalmic solution, positive control (ophthalmic solution comprising
combination of ketotifen 0.05% and pheniramine 0.5%), or placebo prior to an
ocular challenge with 1.5 mg short ragweed allergen in phosphate buffered
Fifteen (15) minutes after allergen challenge, mice were evaluated for
clinical signs of allergic conjunctivitis by scoring for conjunctival redness,
chemosis, tearing, and lid edema. Severity of clinical signs was scored by a
trained technician using a standardized 0-2 scale. Alcaftadine was more
effective than the positive control in preventing itching, redness, chemosis and
lid edema, alcaftadine was as effective as the positive control and more
effective than placebo in preventing tearing.
Example 4: Effects of alcaftadine ophthalmic solution in humans-
The anti-allergic effect of a single dose of each of the three concentrations of
alcaftadine ophthalmic solutions from Example 1 was assessed in a
Conjunctival Allergen Challenge ("CAC") performed on adult volunteers with a

history of allergic conjunctivitis. Subjects were selected after two visits to
confirm reactivity to the allergen challenge. Subjects qualified for the study if
they had a positive skin test and ocular reaction to at least one of several
common allergens such as cat hair, cat dander, tree pollen, grass pollen, and
the like. Subjects were then challenged with allergen by instilling reconstituted
commercially available allergen into each eye on two separate visits 16 hours
and 15 minutes after the bilateral instillation of alcaftadine, PATANOL®
olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution 0.1% (Alcon, Inc., Forth Worth,
TX) or vehicle, and the clinical response assessed.
Prevention of Ocular Itching
Patients administered alcaftadine 16 hours prior to challenge exhibited a dose-
related inhibition of ocular itching. All concentrations of alcaftadine showed
lower mean itching scores based on subject evaluation using a 5 point scale
(i.e., less itching) than vehicle or PATANOL at 3, 5 and 7 minutes post-
challenge. When challenged 15 minutes post-treatment, the alcaftadine-
treated subjects exhibited a dose-related inhibition of ocular itching as
compared to placebo, and the 0.25% treatment group had lower itching scores
than vehicle or PATANOL.
Prevention of Conjunctival Redness
Patients administered alcaftadine 16 hours prior to challenge also exhibited a
dose-related inhibition of conjunctival redness. Assessments were made at 7,
15 and 20 minutes post challenge based on investigator evaluations of redness
using a 5 point scale. All concentrations of alcaftadine showed various degrees
of reduction in mean conjunctival redness scores at most assessment times.
When challenged at 15 minutes post-treatment, the 0.25% treatment group had
lower scores than vehicle or PATANOL.
Prevention of Nasal Symptoms
Similar results were observed for the prevention of nasal symptoms induced by
CAC. Nasal symptoms of sneezing, rhinorrhea, pruritis (nasal and ear/palate)
and nasal congestion were assessed by subjects using standardized scales.

All concentrations of alcaftadine showed some degree of relief of nasal
congestion and rhinorrhea at various time points. These numbers often
reached statistical significance versus either placebo and in some instances
active control (p≤ 0.05). Similar results were demonstrated for the parameters
of itching in the nose, palate and ear. No effect on sneezing was demonstrated
in this study; however, baseline sneezing incidence (pre-treatment) was likely
too low to detect a therapeutic effect if one existed. In summary, significant
reduction of rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, and pruritis of the palate/ear were
seen at majority of timepoints at both onset and duration visits.
Example 5: Effect of Sterilization with Gamma Irradiation
Alcaftadine is susceptible to oxidation and the primary degradation
product has been identified as the N-oxide structure below. The existence of
the N-oxide structures as the primary oxidative degradation peak was
confirmed as having the same HPLC relative retention time as a synthetically
produced N-oxide structures and also confirmed using mass spectroscopy.

To investigate the effects of the gamma irradiation process used to sterilize the
LDPE bottles, the chemical stability of alcaftadine was studied using different
lots of bottles, either gamma irradiated or non-sterilized.
Materials and Methods:
The following materials were used in this study.
2.5 mg/ml alfactadine solution
Non-sterilized 5 ml LDPE bottles (DUPONT 20-6064) from Bunder Glas
GmbH (Germany)
Non-sterilized 5 ml LDPE bottles (DUPONT 20-6064) from Rexam (France)

Sterilized (gamma irradiated at 25 kGy) LDPE bottles (DUPONT 20-6064)
from Bunder Glas GmbH
Scintillation vials - 20 ml clear glass with Teflon coated cap
Millex GV syringe filter unit
Chemical stability results for alcaftadine solution stored in either non-
sterilized bottles (Rexam or Bunder Glas) or gamma-irradiated bottles (Bunder
Glas) are summarized in Table 2. All samples were assayed by HPLC after 6
and 14 days of storage at 50°C. Light exposure was not controlled during
storage. The solution was stored in either Rexam bottles (without sterilization),
Bunder Glas bottles (sterilized with γ Irradiation or without sterilization) and in
glass vials.

"Sample showed significant evaporation, consistent with the higher assay value
Alcaftadine stored in gamma irradiated Bunder Glas bottles showed
significantly increased levels of N-oxide formation compared with glass vials
and non-sterilized Rexam and Bunder Glas bottles. This data suggests that the

gamma irradiation sterilization process may be the primary cause of oxidation
by inducing chemical or physical changes in the polyethylene bottle.
Example 6: Effect of Sterilization with Ethylene Oxide
Both non-sterilized Rexam and Bunder Glas bottles were sterilized using
ethylene oxide. Stability studies were initiated and ethylene oxide levels
determined to be test method (ANSI/AAMI/ISO: 10993-7) by AppTec (Marietta, Georgia).
Materials and Methods:
The 2.5 mg/ml alcaftadine solution was used in this study. Bottles were
sterilized using ethylene oxide in accordance with the protocol set forth in Table

The chemical stability results for alcaftadine stored in ethylene oxide
sterilized Rexam and Bunder Glas bottles are summarized in Table 4.

Conclusions: Based on 14 days of storage at 50°C under ambient light
conditions, alfactadine has significantly lower N-oxide levels in ethylene oxide
sterilized Bunder Glas bottles than gamma irradiated bottles. In this study, the
amount of N-oxide formation in Rexam bottles is similar to that observed in the
glass vials (0.025% and 0.028%, respectively) and slightly higher in the Bunder
Glas bottles (0.074%) after 14 days of storage at 50°C.
Example 7: Effect of alcaftadine on mast cell degranulation
The cell stabilization potential of alcaftadine was evaluated using the
RBL-CCR1 (Rat Basophil Leukemia- Chemokine Receptor-1) cell line as a way
of investigating its ability to effect mast cell stabilization. The use of basophil
cell lines to assess anti-allergic drugs for cell stabilization potential is well
established. Physiologically, basophils are similar to mast cells, containing
pre-formed inflammatory mediators that are released through a similar
degranulation process involving IgE cross-linking. Because these cell lines are
readily available, they present efficiencies over conducting stabilization assays
in mast cell lines.
Cultured RBL-CCR1 cells were sensitized to anti-DNP IgE. Following
sensitization, cells were treated with various concentrations of alcaftadine or its
major active metabolite (0.083%, 0.0083% and 0.00083%) or ophthalmic

vehicle (placebo), and stimulated with DNP and/or MIP-1α( Macrophage
Inflammatory Protein-1 alpha, a degranulation enhancer) to induce
degranulation. A 10x and 100x placebo control solution (ophthalmic vehicle
solution) in D-DEM (Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium) was also employed.
Stimulation with DNP-HSA (2,4-Dinitrophenyl hapten conjugated to
Human Serum Albumin) alone and MIP-1α alone did not induce significant
levels of degranulation. However, co-stimulation induced a robust
degranulation response. With all three degranulation stimuli, (DNP-HAS alone,
MIP-1αalone, and co-stimulation) the highest concentration of parent drug,
metabolite, and placebo caused unanticipated and significant degranulation,
In the co-stimulation assay, alcaftadine concentrations of 0.0083% and
0.00083% were superior at cell stabilization compared to co-stimulation control
and negative controls (placebo 10x [vehicle 3.3% in D-MEM] and placebo 100x
[vehicle 0.33% in D-MEM] respectively). This superiority was statistically
significant (p (1 -methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1 -b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid
(CAS # 147083-93-0) at concentrations of 0.0083% and 0.00083% was also
superior at cell stabilization compared to co-stimulation control and negative
controls (placebo 10x and placebo 100x, respectively). Again, statistical
significance was achieved (p placebo 10x alone also indicated some stabilization compared to the co-
stimulation control and the effect was statistically significant (p The addition of the alcaftadine or 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) enhanced the stabilization effect at the 10x dose level,
demonstrating the positive effect of the test agents at membrane stabilization.
Stabilization was not observed at the 100x dilution level. Overall, the results of
this study suggest the alcaftadine and 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) are effective membrane stabilizing agents.

Example 8: Effect of alcaftadine on human H4 receptor
The pharmacological activity of alcaftadine or 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-
4-piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) on the human histamine H4 receptor (H4R) was investigated. The
H4R is the fourth histamine receptor that has been identified and it appears to
be primarily expressed on eosinophils, T cells, dendritic cells, basophils and
mast cells, cell types intimately involved with development and perpetuation of
allergic responses. H4R has been shown to mediate mast cell, eosinophil and
dendritic cell chemotaxis and can effect cytokine production from dendritic cells
and T cells. Antagonists for the receptor are clearly anti-inflammatory in vivo
and are efficacious in animal models of asthma and colitis. Alcaftadine and
3-carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) were tested using cells transfected with
the receptor for binding to the H4R and for an indication as to whether they
were agonists or antagonists of the receptor.
Alcaftadine and 6,11 -dihydro-11-(1 -methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-
imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) were
prepared at 10 mM in 100% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for the binding assays
and at 10 mM in Na/K phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, for the cellular assays. Cell
pellets from SK-N-MC cells transfected with human H4 receptor were
homogenized in 20 mM Tris-HCI/0.5 mM ethylendediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) pH 8.0 (TE buffer). Supematants collected after centrifugation at 800 g
were recentrifuged at 30,000 g for 30 min. Pellets were re-homogenized in TE
buffer. For competition binding studies, membranes were incubated with 10
nM [3H]histamine with or without test compounds for 45 min at 25 °C. Non-
specific binding was defined with 100 uM cold histamine. Ki values were
calculated based on an experimentally determined Kd value of 5 nM for
[3H]histamine and a ligand concentration of 10 nM according to Cheng and
Prusoff. Seven concentrations of compound were tested spanning 10-11 to 10-5
M with each concentration being run in triplicate. The triplicates were averaged
and an IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) curve was generated. This assay
was run twice and the results are reported as the average of the two runs.SK-
N-MC cell lines were created that express a reporter gene construct and the

human H4 receptor full-coding region. The reporter gene was β -galactosidase
under the control of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) responsive
elements. Cells were plated in 96-well plates the night before the assay.
Antagonists were added 10 min prior to the addition of histamine, which was
added directly to the cell medium. Forskolin (5 μM final concentration) was
added 10 min after the addition of histamine. Cells were returned to the
incubator for 6 h at 37 °C. The medium was then aspirated and cells were lysed
with 25 μL of 0.1 x assay buffer (10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 8, 0.2 mM
MgSO4, 0.01 mM MnCl2) and incubated at room temperature for 10 min. Cells
were then incubated for 10 min with 100 μL of 1x assay buffer containing 0.5%
Triton and 40 mM β-mercaptoethanol. Color was developed using 25 μL of 1
mg/mL substrate solution (chlorophenol red β-D-galactopyranoside; Roche
Molecular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN). Color was quantitated on a
microplate reader at absorbance 570 nm. For agonist determination a titration
of compounds from 10-11 to 10-4 M in duplicate were added in the absence of
histamine. The values for the duplicates were averaged and used to calculate
the EC50 (effective concentration 50) for the inhibition of cyclic AMP
production by forskolin. This assay was repeated three times. For antagonist
determination a titration of histamine from 10-10 to 10-3 M was run in duplicate in
the presence of 1.2, 3.7,11, 33, and 100 μM compound. The duplicates were
averaged and the EC50 for histamine at each of the different concentrations of
compound were used for a Schild plot to derived the pA2 values, which are the
negative log of the concentration of compound needed to shift the histamine
EC50 by 2-fold.
The alcaftadine and 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-
imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) were
tested for their ability to displace [3H]-histamine binding to membranes from SK-
N-MC cells stablely transfected with histamine H4 receptor. Competition with
[3H]-histamine indicates that the compounds can bind to the receptor. The
binding curves showed that alcaftadine binds to the receptor with an average Ki
value of 2.9 μM, whereas 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-
imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) does not
bind to the receptor at concentrations up to 10 μM.

To test whether alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11 -(1 -methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) were H4 receptor agonists, functional assays were carried out in
SK-N-MC cells transfected with thehuman histamine H4 receptor. The ability of
the compounds to inhibit forskolin-induced cAMP increases was assessed. The
results showed that histamine is an agonist of the receptor and causes a dose-
dependent inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP levels. However, neither
alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11-(1 -methyl-4-piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1 -
b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) showed any inhibition
of cAMP levels and therefore neither is an agonist of the H4 receptor at
concentrations up to 100 μM.
To test whether alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11 -(1 -methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) were antagonists of the H4 receptor, the ability of the compounds
shift the EC50 of the histamine inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP increases
was assessed in SK-N-MC cells transfected with the human histamine H4
receptor. The results showed that increasing concentrations of alcaftadine
caused parallel and rightward shifts in the histamine (HA) dose response
curves leading to an increase in the EC50 for histamine modulation of theH4
receptor. This effect indicates that alcaftadine is a competitive antagonist of the
receptor. The x-intercept of the Schild plot gives a pA2 value of 5.6, which
represents the negative log of the concentration of antagonist need to induce a
2-fold shift in the histamine EC50. Theoretically the pA2 value should be equal
to the pKi, which is indeed observed (5.6 versus 5.5). Alcaftadine or 6,11-
carboxylic acid (CAS # 147083-93-0) did not cause any shift at concentrations
up to 100 μM, which is consistent with its inability to bind to the receptor.
These results indicate that alcaftadine binds to the H4 receptor with an
average Ki value of 2.9 μM. Neither alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #
147083-93-0) is an agonist of the H4 receptor at concentrations up to 100 μM.
However, alcaftadine, but not alcaftadine or 6,11 -dihydro-11-(1 -methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylic acid (CAS #

147083-93-0) (up to 100 μM), is an antagonist of the human histamine H4
receptor with a Ki value of 2.9 pM and pA2 value of 5.6.
Example 9: Effects of alcaftadine on the integrity of conjunctival
To investigate the ability of alcaftadine to maintain the integrity of
conjunctival epithelium, changes in the expression of the tight junction proteins
ZO-1 and E-cadherin (an induction for E-cadherin and qualitative change-from
focal to diffuse for ZO-1) were evaluated following specific conjunctival allergen
challenge. These changes are associated with an increased permeability of the
conjunctival and other epithelial tissues. This in vivo experiment examined what
effect alcaftadine (topical administration 1 and 2 hours pre-challenge) had on
the modulation of these proteins.
Mice were sensitized with short ragweed (SRW) in aluminum hydroxide
via intraperitoneal administration (Day 0, 7, and 15) and eye drop instillation
(Day 8 and 15). On Day 20, mice were further sensitized with eye drops
containing only SRW. On Day 27, the mice were treated topically with either
5uL alcaftadine or vehicle at 1 and 2 hours prior to challenge. SRW was
instilled topically to both eyes. The expression of these proteins in naive eyes
were also monitored. Changes in the expression of the tight junction proteins
ZO-1 and E-cadherin were observed 1-hour post conjunctival allergen
challenge with SRW. The proteins were detected using FITC-conjugated
monoclonal antibodies specific for ZO-1 and E-cadherin and were visualized by
confocal microscopy (Ziess). Naive eyes were from mice that had not been
sensitized or challenged.
The naive (no challenge and no treatment) ZO-1 and E-cadherin
proteins showed focal qualitative properties. However, comparing this to
vehicle treated proteins, the vehicle treated proteins showed diffuse qualitative
changes. The transition from focal to diffuse staining is associated with
increased permeability of the epithelium. Comparing naive ZO-1 and E-
cadherin proteins with alcaftadine-treated proteins, the results show minimal
difference in qualitative properties. Images of ZO-1 and E-cadherin proteins
showed no or minimal difference between naïve (negative control) and

alcaftadine treatment, while there was a clear and distinct difference with
vehicle treatment.
These results suggest alcaftadine maintains the integrity of conjunctival
epithelial tight junctions (typified by focal ZO-1 expression) and inhibits the
induction of E-cadherin expression normally observed following specific
conjunctival allergen challenge.
Example 10: Effect of alcaftadine on vascular leakage and cellular
Allergic inflammation can be separated into two distinct phases, the
early phase and the late phase. The early phase inflammatory response occurs
rapidly following mast cell degranulation and is characterized by vascular
endothelial cell gaping and leakage (i.e. swelling) and itching. The late phase
inflammatory response peaks approximately 24 hours after mast cell
degranulation and is characterized by the appearance of cellular infiltrates
(eosinophils and neutrophils). Both eosinophils and neutrophils are known to
have a profound effect on exponentiating the late phase of the inflammatory
response. Upon arriving at the site of inflammation, these cells release various
peroxidases and other antimicrobial factors that function to kill off invading
pathogens but, in the case of severe or chronic inflammation, damage
surrounding tissues and cause further release of pro-inflammatory mediators.
Alcaftadine ophthalmic solution was evaluated to determine if topical
treatment could reduce early phase and late phase allergic inflammation in a
murine model of allergic conjunctivitis. Evans Blue Dye Leakage was used to
assess the impact on vascular permeability during the early phase
inflammatory response. Conjunctiva was taken at 24 hours, stained, and
assessed for presence of neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration to evaluate late
phase anti-inflammatory activity.
All mice were sensitized with short ragweed (SRW) in aluminum
hydroxide via intraperitoneal administration (Day 0, 7, and 14) and eye drop
instillation (Day 8 and 15). On Day 20, mice were again sensitized with eye
drops of SRW.
On Day 27, two topical administrations of the clinical dose of alcaftadine
2.5 mg/ml or vehicle were instilled at 1 and 2 hours pre-challenge. Alcaftadine

and vehicle were administered topically at a 5μL saturating dose as treatment
arms based on a randomization code. The treatment arms were as follows:
1. Negative Control. Sensitized, No challenge, no treatment (negative
control) (N=12)
2. Sensitized, Challenge, no treatment (positive control) (N=12)
3. Sensitized, Challenge, alcaftadine 2.5 mg/ml treatment (N=10)
4. Sensitized, Challenge, vehicle treatment (N=12)
Vascular leak was determined by means of Evans Blue Dye Extravasation
following allergen challenge for N=6 animals except the alcaftadine treatment
arm, where N=4 animals were sacrificed and tested (two animals died during
the procedure). The treatment groups were compared using T-test and p was considered to be statistically significant. Dissection was performed on the
remaining animals, N=6 per treatment arm, 24 hours post-conjunctival allergen
challenge (CAC) to assess eosinophil and neutrophil recruitment in the
forniceal area. The tissues were processed either as frozen or plastic blocks
prior to sectioning on a microtome. The numbers of eosinophils and neutrophils
were determined both by light microscopy of Giemsa or H&E stained sections
or by immunohistochemistry using cell specific monoclonal antibodies. The
treatment groups were compared using T-test and p be statistically significant.
There was no significant difference between the Negative Control (no
challenge group- Group 1) and Challenged but untreated (Group 2) group
However, as expected, there was a numerical difference with Group 2 having
higher scores of vascular leak. There was a significant difference between the
vehicle treatment (Group 4) and alcaftadine treatment (Group 3) (p groups with alcaftadine successfully preventing vascular leakage compared to
vehicle. As expected, there was a significant difference between the negative
control (no challenge group-Group 1) and untreated but challenged group
(Group 2). Alcaftadine (Group 3) did not prevent eosinophil or neutrophil
recruitment compared to controls.

Regarding vascular leakage, the typical induction of vascular leak was
not observed in Group 2 (Challenged and untreated). However, alcaftadine did
significantly inhibit vascular leak following CAC as compared to mice treated
with vehicle alone. Based on observations from previous studies, the low level
of vascular leak in Group 2 is atypical and is most likely due to experimental
error associated with in vivo experiments. The decreased vascular leak in the
alcaftadine treated animals is supportive of a therapeutic role for alcaftadine in
this conjunctival allergen challenge model.
In the evaluation of eosinophil or neutrophil recruitment, the significant
difference between the negative and positive controls suggests the model
worked as expected. However, at the dose used, alcaftadine does not inhibit
eosinophil or neutrophil recruitment in the late phase response, in the murine
model of allergic conjunctivitis following allergen challenge in sensitized mice.
The results of this study indicate that alcaftadine did significantly inhibit
vascular leak following conjunctival allergen challenge. However, it does not
appear to inhibit eosinophil or neutrophil recruitment in the late phase
response, in the murine model of allergic conjunctivitis following allergen
challenge in sensitized mice.
Example 11: Systemic Levels of Alcaftadine in Patients
Patients were bilaterally dosed with 0.25% ophthalmic solutions of
alcaftadine for seven days. The plasma levels of those patients was assessed
pre-dose, and 0.25, 0.5,1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, and 18 hour post medication
instillation on days one and seven. Plasma concentrations of Alcaftadine
reached Cmax rapidly and declined to below the lower limit of quantification
(0.01 ng/mL ) by 3 hours post dosing. Mean Cmax values (highest value
measured at any time point) were quite low, mean of 0.051 ng/mL on Day 1
and 0.060 ng/mL on Day 7; the maximum plasma concentrations were less
than 0.12 ng/mL for all subjects.
Example 12: Systemic Levels of 6,11-dihydro-11-(1-methyl-4-
piperdinylidene)-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][3]benazepine-3-carboxylie acid in

Patients were bilaterally dosed with 0.25% ophthalmic solutions of 6,11-
carboxylic acid for seven days. The plasma levels of those patients was
assessed pre-dose, and 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 18 hour post
medication instillation on days one and seven. Plasma concentrations of 6,11-
carboxylic acid reacheached Cmax rapidly and declined to below the lower limit
of quantification (0.1 ng/mL) by 12 hours post dosing. Mean Cmax values of
3.228 ng/mL on Day 1 and 2.715 ng/mL on Day 7; the maximum plasma
concentrations was 7.23 ng/mL.
The entire disclosure of each patent, patent application, and publication
cited or described in this document is hereby incorporated by reference.
Those skilled in the art will appreciate that numerous changes and
modifications can be made to the preferred embodiments of the invention and
that such changes and modifications can be made without departing from the
spirit of the invention. It is, therefore, intended that the appended claims cover
all such equivalent variations as fall within the true spirit and scope of the

What is claimed is
1. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective amount of
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the ocular allergy is allergic
3. The method of claim 1 wherein said clinical symptom is selected from
the group consisting of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids,
chemosis, tearing, and nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal
pruritis, ear/palate prurtis, and sneezing.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular itching
5. The method of claim 1 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular redness.
6. The method of claim 1 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
7. The method of claim 6 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness
8. The method of claim 1, further comprising treating or preventing at least
three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular itching,
ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
9. The method of claim 1 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
10. The method of claim 1 wherein the effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.

11. The method of claim 1 comprising administering an effective amount of
12. The method of claim 11 wherein effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
13. The method of claim 11 wherein the effective amount is between less
than about 0.25 mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
14. The method of claim 11 wherein the clinical symptom is ocular itching.
15. The method of claim 11 wherein the clinical symptom is ocular redness
16. The method of claim 11 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
17. The method of claim 16 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness
18. The method of claim 11, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
19. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular
inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective
amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
20. The method of claim 19 wherein said clinical symptom is selected from
the group consisting of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids,
chemosis, tearing, and nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea,
pruritis (nasal and ear/palate), and sneezing.

21. The method of claim 19 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular itching
22. The method of claim 19 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular redness.
23. The method of claim 19 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
24. The method of claim 19, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
25. The method of claim 19 wherein effective amount is between less than
about 7.1 ug/kg per day and about 3.5 ug/kg per day.
26. The method of claim 19 wherein the effective amount is between less
than about 0.25 mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
27. The method of claim 19 comprising administering an effective amount of
28. The method of claim 27 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
29. The method of claim 27 wherein the effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
30. The method of claim 27 wherein the clinical symptom is ocular itching.
31. The method of claim 27 wherein the clinical symptom is ocular redness
32. The method of claim 27 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.

33. The method of claim 32 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness
34. The method of claim 27, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
35. A method of treating or preventing a mechanistic symptom associated
with ocular allergy or ocular inflammation comprising administering to the eye
of a patient an effective amount of alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable
salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures
36. The method of claim 35 wherein said mechanistic symptom is selected
from the group consisting of vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, modulation of the H4 receptor, and mast
cell degradation.
37. The method of claim 35 comprising administering an effective amount of
38. The method of claim 37 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg
39. The method of claim 37 wherein the effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
40. A method of treating or preventing a nasal symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the nose of a patient an effective amount of
alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.

41. The method of claim 40 wherein the nasal symptom of allergy is
selected from the group consisting of nasal inflammation, nasal congestion,
rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, and sneezing.
42. The method of claim 41 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two nasal symptoms of allergy.
43. The method of claim 41 comprising administering an effective amount of
44. The method of claim 43 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
45. The method of claim 43 wherein the effective amount is between
between about 0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
46. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an ophthalmic composition
comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
47. The method of claim 46 wherein the ocular allergy is allergic
48. The method of claim 46 comprising administering an ophthalmic
composition comprising alcaftadine.
49. The method of claim 48 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.005% to about 10% by weight of alcaftadine.
50. The method of claim 48 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.2% to about 0.35% by weight of alcaftadine.

51. The method of claim 48 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms of ocular allergy selected from the group consisting of of
ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, tearing, and
nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, ear/palate
pruritis, and sneezing.
52. An ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof.
53. The ophthalmic composition of claim 52, further comprising a vehicle.
54. The ophthalmic composition of claim 52 comprising alcaftadine and a
pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle.
55. The ophthalmic composition of claim 52 wherein the ophthalmic
composition comprises from about 0.005% to about 10% by weight of
56. The ophthalmic composition of claim 52 wherein the ophthalmic
composition comprises from about 0.2% to about 0.35% by weight of
57. A kit comprising an ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof contained within a container
prepared from a pharmaceutically acceptable packaging material.
58. The kit of claim 57 wherein the ophthalmic composition is in the form of
an ophthalmic solution or suspension.
59. The kit of claim 57 wherein the ophthalmic solution comprises between
about 0.1% by weight and about 0.4% by weight of alcaftadine.

60. The kit of claim 59 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable packaging
material is low density polyethylene or high density polyethylene.
61. The kit of claim 59 wherein said container is sterilized with ethylene
oxide prior of filing with said ophthalmic solution.
62. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective amount of a
compound of

its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
63. The method of claim 62 wherein the ocular allergy is allergic
64. The method of claim 62 wherein said clinical symptom is selected from
the group consisting of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids,
chemosis, tearing, and nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal
pruritis, ear/palate prurtis, and sneezing.
65. The method of claim 62 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular itching
66. The method of claim 62 wherein said clinical symptom is ocular redness.

67. The method of claim 62 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
68. The method of claim 67 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness
69. The method of claim 62, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
70. The method of claim 62 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
71. The method of claim 62 wherein the effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
72. The method of claim 62 comprising administering an effective amount of
a compound of Formula II.
73. The method of claim 72 wherein effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
74. The method of claim 72 wherein the effective amount is between less
than about 0.25 mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
75. The method of claim 72 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
76. The method of claim 75 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness

77. The method of claim 72, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
78. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular
inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of a patient an effective
amount of a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its
N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof
79. The method of claim 78 wherein said clinical symptom is selected from
the group consisting of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids,
chemosis, tearing, and nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea,
pruritis (nasal and ear/palate), and sneezing.
80. The method of claim 79 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
81. The method of claim 79, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
82. The method of claim 79 wherein the effective amount is between less
than about 0.25 mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
83. The method of claim 79 comprising administering an effective amount of
a compound of Formula II.
84. The method of claim 83 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
85. The method of claim 83 wherein the effective amount is between about
0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.

86. The method of claim 83 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two clinical symptoms.
87. The method of claim 86 wherein said at least two clinical symptoms are
ocular itching and ocular redness
88. The method of claim 83, further comprising treating or preventing at
least three clinical symptoms selected from the group consisting of ocular
itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, and tearing
89 A method of treating or preventing a mechanistic symptom associated
with ocular allergy or ocular inflammation comprising administering to the eye
of a patient an effective amount of a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs,
pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
90. The method of claim 89 wherein said mechanistic symptom is selected
from the group consisting of vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, and mast cell degradation.
91. The method of claim 89 comprising administering an effective amount of
a compound of Formula II.
92. The method of claim 91 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg
93. The method of claim 91 wherein the effective amount is between
Ibetween about 0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
94. A method of treating or preventing a nasal symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the nose of a patient an effective amount of a
compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides,
hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.

95. The method of claim 94 wherein the nasal symptom of allergy is
selected from the group consisting of nasal inflammation, nasal congestion,
rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, and sneezing.
96. The method of claim 94 further comprising treating or preventing at least
two nasal symptoms of allergy.
97. The method of claim 94 comprising administering an effective amount of
a compound of Formula II.
98. The method of claim 97 wherein effective amount is less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015 mg.
99. The method of claim 97 wherein the effective amount is between
between about 0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
100. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular allergy,
comprising administering to the eye of a patient an ophthalmic composition
comprising a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its
N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
101. The method of claim 100 wherein the ocular allergy is allergic
102. The method of claim 100 comprising administering an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II.
103. The method of claim 100 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.005% to about 10% by weight of a compound of Formula II.
104. The method of claim 100 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.2% to about 0.35% by weight of a compound of Formula II.

105. The method of claim 100 further comprising treating or preventing at
least two clinical symptoms of ocular allergy selected from the group consisting
of of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, tearing,
and nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, ear/palate
pruritis, and sneezing.
106. A method of treating or preventing a mechanistic symptom of ocular
allergy, comprising administering to the eye of a patient an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof.
107. The method of claim 106 wherein said mechanistic symptom is selected
from the group consisting of vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, and mast cell degradation.
108. The method of claim 106 comprising administering an effective amount
of a compound of Formula II.
109. The method of claim 106 wherein effective amount is less than about
0.25 mg to greater than about 0.015 mg
110. The method of claim 108 wherein the effective amount is between
Ibetween about 0.075 mg and about 0.125 mg.
111. A method of treating or preventing a clinical symptom of ocular
inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of a patient an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof.
112. The method of claim 111 wherein the ocular allergy is allergic

113. The method of claim 110 comprising administering an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II.
114. The method of claim 110 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.005% to about 10% by weight of a compound of Formula II
115. The method of claim 110 wherein the ophthalmic composition comprises
from about 0.2% to about 0.35% by weight of a compound of Formula II.
116. The method of claim 110 further comprising treating or preventing at
least two clinical symptoms of ocular allergy selected from the group consisting
of ocular itching, ocular redness, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis, tearing, and
nasal inflammation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritis, ear/palate
pruritis, and sneezing.
117. A method of treating or preventing a mechanistic symptom of ocular
inflammation, comprising administering to the eye of a patient an ophthalmic
composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof.
118. The method of claim 117 wherein said mechanistic symptom is selected
from the group consisting of vascular leakage, a reduction in the integrity of the
conjunctival epithelial tight junctions, and mast cell degradation.
119. An ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof.
120. The ophthalmic composition of claim 119, further comprising a vehicle.

121. The ophthalmic composition of claim 119 comprising a compound of
Formula II and a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle.
122. The ophthalmic composition of claim 121 wherein the ophthalmic
composition comprises from about 0.005% to about 10% by weight of a
compound of Formula II.
123. The ophthalmic composition of claim 119 wherein the ophthalmic
composition comprises from about 0.2% to about 0.35% by weight of a
compound of Formula II.
124. A kit comprising an ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of
Formula II, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates,
solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof contained within a
container prepared from a pharmaceutically acceptable packaging material.
125. The kit of claim 124 wherein the ophthalmic composition is in the form of
an ophthalmic solution or suspension.
126. The kit of claim 124 wherein the ophthalmic solution comprises between
about 0.1 % by weight and about 0.4% by weight of a compound of Formula II.
127. The kit of claim 124 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable packaging
material is low density polyethylene or high density polyethylene.
128. The kit of claim 127 wherein said container is sterilized with ethylene
oxide prior of filing with said ophthalmic solution.
129. A ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular

130. A ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of ocular
131. A ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a clinical symptom of allergic
132. A ophthalmic composition comprising alcaftadine, its pharmaceutically
acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates, polymorphs, pro-drugs, or
mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a mechanistic symptom of
ocular allergy or ocular inflammation.
133. A ophthalmic composition according to any of claims 129 to 32, wherein
said treatment or prevention comprises the ocular or nasal administration of
said composition.
134. A ophthalmic composition according to claim 133, wherein said
treatment or prevention comprises the administration of less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015mg of alcaftadine.
135. A ophthalmic composition according to claim 133 comprising between
about 0.1 % by weight and about 0.4% by weight of alcaftadine.
136. A ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a
clinical symptom of ocular allergy.
137. A ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,

polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a
clinical symptom of ocular inflammation.
138. A ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a
clinical symptom of allergic conjunctivitis.
139. A ophthalmic composition comprising a compound of Formula II, its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its N-oxides, hydrates, solvates,
polymorphs, pro-drugs, or mixtures thereof for the treatment or prevention of a
mechanistic symptom of ocular allergy or ocular inflammation.
140. A ophthalmic composition according to any of claims 136 to 39, wherein
said treatment or prevention comprises the ocular or nasal administration of
said composition.
141. A ophthalmic composition according to claim 140, wherein said
treatment or prevention comprises the administration of less than about 0.25
mg to greater than about 0.015mg of a compound of Formula II.
142. A ophthalmic composition according to claim 140 comprising between
about 0.1 % by weight and about 0.4% by weight of a compound of Formula II.

Compositions, kits and methods for the treatment or prevention of ocular allergies and inflammation and the symptoms thereof comprising alcaftadine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.





4198-KOLNP-2008-(16-10-2014)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf






4198-KOLNP-2008-(20-10-2014)-PETITION UNDER SECTION8 (1).pdf

4198-KOLNP-2008-(28-09-2012)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




4198-KOLNP-2008-(29-08-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf






4198-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

4198-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf


4198-kolnp-2008-description (complete).pdf

4198-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

4198-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf

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4198-kolnp-2008-form 3.pdf

4198-kolnp-2008-form 5.pdf


4198-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

4198-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

4198-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf


Patent Number 265737
Indian Patent Application Number 4198/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 11-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 16-Oct-2008
Applicant Address 7500 CENTURION PARKWAY, SUITE 100, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 31/55
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2007/064911
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/788,185 2006-03-31 U.S.A.
2 11/688,016 2007-03-19 U.S.A.