Title of Invention


Abstract AMENDED 1 1168/DELNP/2008 ABSTRACT An Armor Unit to Resist Wave Brealcing An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters, revetments and groins for shore protection and hydraulic and maritime structures, the armor unit being made of a material so as to resist against wave breaking is disclosed. The armor unit comprising a shape selected from a solid cubic shape and a parallelepiped shape (2), and wherein said armor unit comprises a protrusion (1) on at least one face of the armor unit and said protrusion being arranged so as to be centered in both a length direction and a height direction on the face, such that a combination of an armor unit weight and the arrangement of the protrusion provokes a random placement of the armor unit, prevents a coupling between faces of adjacent armor units and increases interlocking of the armor units with an underlayer of quarrystone, during the construction process and throughout the structure's lifetime, wherein the material is made of concrete. (Fig. 1a) 9
Full Text f
Object of the Invention
The present invention relates to an armor unit to construct armor layers of
mound breakwaters, coastal revetments and groins for shore protection in maritime
and hydraulic structures.
Specifically, the object of the invention is an armor unit to protect against
large waves which has a basic cubic or parallelepiped shape characterized by one
or more protrusions on its faces to prevent coupling between units and to increase
interlocking with the underlayer of quarrystone.
Background of the Invention
The manufacture of artificial quarrystone for the construction of mound
breakwaters and shore protection structures is a well-known problem. Until now,
different solutions have been applied unsuccessfully, through the design of
numerous armor units, generally made of concrete, to construct armor layers of
mound breakwaters for protection against wind wave attack.
It is worth highlighting that said concrete units for breakwater armor layers
are not to be confused with those used for the construction of artificial reefs,
since said armor units are designed to resist against large wave breaking and are
characterized by specific features such as stability and strength while the artificial
reefs are used to improve or protect marine habitats and almost any unit made of
any material denser than water is considered suitable.
Concrete armor units for mound breakwaters may be classified according
to the design, the construction process and the resistant performance against the
wave storms. There are three main methods to place armor units in the
construction of an armor layer: (a) random placement, (b) placed in a single layer
and (c) regular uniform placement.
The armor units with random placement (a) are the conventional armor
units for substituting quarrystone, which are placed in more than one single layer
and basically resist by gravity. Both simple and complex armor units can be
found within the group of random placement units.
Cubic and parallelepiped blocks are simple armor units, robust, solid, easy
to construct and flexible in their performance against the wave storms. Further,
they do not undergo significant unit breaking fractures nor do they lose stability,
and any errors in design usually increase armor erosion but rarely lead to the
complete destruction of the breakwater. However, these are units which have
serious drawbacks as regards face-to-face fitting, which can result in significant
permeability changes when the packing density increases in the lower areas
causing a displacement of armor units from the upper areas (heterogeneous
packing). Face-to-face fitting can also result in a reduction in friction with the
underlayer and other problems derived from a certain self-arrangement of the
armor units which should be placed and maintained in a random position.
The group of complex armor units with random placement includes the socalled
"Tetrapod" armor units, which have a higher stability coefficient as a result
of their resistance due to interlocking. Nevertheless, the ease with which these
units break if they are too large is considered a major drawback. They are brittle
and are not resistant to large unit movements; therefore, any error in the design
wave storm may lead to the unexpected complete destruction of the breakwater
in the first intense storm after construction.
The group of armor units with non-random placement (b) in a single layer
includes the so-called "Accropode" and "Core-Loc" armor units which have a
good interlocking between units, but have a relatively brittle structural
performance because when any of the units fail, a progressive failure takes
place. These armor units require less concrete but they must be placed with
great care. Any error in the construction or calculation of the design wave storm
can lead to the total destruction of the structure.
Finally, the armor units with regular uniform placement (c) may be either
simple in shape like the so-called "Seabee" or "Hollow" shapes or more complex
in shape such as the "Cob" or "Shed" ones. These units are usually placed in a
single, uniform layer and their resistance depends fundamentally on gravity,
friction and interlocking between the armor units, forming an assembly. As in the
previous case, these armor units are also quite resistant at the start of damage
due to the tight interlocking between armor units, but they have a very brittle
structural performance because they tend to present a progressive failure to
destruction if any of the armor units fail.
Focusing on the armor units with random placement, and more specifically
on the mentioned cubic and parallelepiped blocks which, as stated earlier, are
robust and easy to manufacture and are used along many coasts such as those of
Spain, these units have serious drawbacks due to face-to-face fitting or selfpacking
arrangement. The reason is the parallelepiped design tends to pack armor
units in the lower areas with small movements, forming armor layers with many
planar faces coupled in the critical areas at sea level, decreasing the water friction
on the slope of the mound and thus allowing a higher run-up and overtopping and
even the flooding of the rear side of the breakwater if the wave is very large.
Description of the Invention
The armor unit described in the present invention, being of the cubic and
parallelepiped type usually manufactured for random placement, effectively
solves the aforementioned drawbacks, and is considered an excellent solution
for problems related to the self-arrangement and the decrease in friction.
Specifically, the improvement is achieved by means of cubic or
parallelepiped armor units which feature protrusions to prevent coupling between
the faces of the armor units and to diminish their tendency to self-arrangement
while, at the same time, increasing the friction with the underlayer, which implies a
reduction in run-up and overtopping rates.
Said protrusions, which are located centered in both a length direction and
a height direction on the face of the unit and which can also have different
shapes, such as a frustoconical or truncated pyramidal shape. These different
shapes of said protrusions provide the unit greater friction with the underlayer,
made of natural or artificial quarrystone, because said protrusions tend to
penetrate into the underlayer, generating a passive resistance which clearly
improves the tendency of the cubic or parallelepiped blocks to place the faces
parallel to the underlayer layer with an increased degree of friction between
In addition to the increased friction with the underlayer, the said
protrusions of the armor unit prevent the face-to-face fitting caused by the
movements of the armor units during the structure's lifetime, which leads to selfarrangement
and reduces the porosity of the lower areas of the armor layer.
Preventing the face-to-face fitting in the lower areas of the armor layer and the
corresponding porosity reduction, the downward armor unit displacement is
reduced as well as the displacement of armor units from the upper area, near the
water level, which has an effect similar to erosion due to armor unit extraction.
The reduction or suppression of the heterogeneous packing problem in the armor
layer maintains the high hydraulic resistance capacity of the armor layer to armor
unit extraction caused by wave attack.
Finally, another advantage of the invention is related to the possible
fracture or erosion of the protrusions over time which results in a conventional
cubic or parallelepiped unit; therefore, at the very least the invention will have the
stability and robustness features of those conventional armor units.
Description of the Accompanying Drawings
To complement the description herein and to enhance the understanding
the features of the invention according to a preferred practical embodiment thereof,
a set of drawings is attached as an integral part of said description, in which the
' following is shown with an illustrative and non-limiting character:
Figures 1 a and 1 b show a perspective view and a cross-section of the armor
unit of the invention in a cubic embodiment, the protrusions of which are formed by
truncated pyramids with a square section.
Figures 2a, 2b and 2c show a perspective view and two cross-sections of
the armor unit of the invention, a longitudinal section and a cross-section, in a
parallelepiped embodiment, the protrusions of which are formed by truncated
pyramids with a square section.
Figure 3 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures 1 a and 1 b

with spherical protrusions.
Figure 4 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures 1 a and 1 b
with pyramidal protrusions with a square section.
Figure 5 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures 1 a and 1 b
with pyramidal protrusions with a triangular section.
Figure 6 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures 1a and 1b
with conical protrusions.
Figure 7 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures la and lb
with cylindrical protrusions.
Figure 8 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures la and lb
with frusto-conical-shaped protrusions.
Figure 9 shows a perspective view of the armor unit of Figures la and lb
with different types of protrusions.
Figure 10 shows a perspective view of a main armor area formed by cubic
armor units such as those of Figures 1 a and 1b on an underlayer of quarrystone.
Figure 11 shows a detail of the previous figure (10) in which the armor unit
penetrates the underlayer.
Description of the Preferred Embodiment of the Invention
In view of the indicated figures, one can easily note how the armor unit to
construct armor layers of mound breakwaters of the present invention, based on a
simple cubic or parallelepiped structure (2), has a series of protrusions (1) which
are located centered in both a length direction and a height direction on the
Said protrusions (1) can likewise have different shapes such as pyramidal,
conical, cylindrical, spherical, etc., as well as any shape which aims to prevent the
face-to-face fitting and the corresponding self-arrangement and to increase the
friction with the underlayer (3) of the armor, as seen in Figure 11.
Furthermore, to obtain different degrees of separation between the armor
units, said protrusions (1) can also adopt different shapes and sizes, as can be
inferred by observing the figures. Alternative embodiment armor units are shown
with combinations of different protrusions (1) on the same unit.
In a preferred embodiment, the dimensions of the protrusions (1) are small
compared to those of the basic cube or parallelepiped (2) armor unit because their
main purpose is to prevent their face-to-face fitting, maintaining the robustness of
the conventional basic unit.
In a possible embodiment, said projections (1) have, for example, a volume
such that the sum of the volumes of all is one order of magnitude less than the
volume of the basic unit, in other words, less than 15%.
In any case, the armor unit for the construction of the armor layer of mound
breakwaters of the present invention usually has a cubic or parallelepiped
fundamental structural base (2), solid, with the majority of the volume made of a
heavy material, such as concrete, reinforced or prestressed concrete and the like,
and protrusions (1) including only a small part of the volume of the armor unit and
made of a resistant material, such as concrete or steel, among others.

1.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters, revetments
and groins for shore protection and hydraulic and maritime structures, the armor
unit being made of a material so as to resist against wave breaking, said armor
unit comprising a shape selected from a solid cubic shape and a parallelepiped
shape (2), and wherein said armor unit comprises a protrusion (1) on at least one
face of the armor unit, and said protrusion being arranged so as to be centered in
both a length direction and a height direction on the face, such that a
combination of an armor unit weight and the arrangement of the protrusion
provokes a random placement of the armor unit, prevents a coupling between
faces of adjacent armor units and increases interlocking of the armor units with I
an underlayer of quarrystone, during the construction process and throughout the I
structure's lifetime, wherein the material is made of concrete. I
2.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as I
claimed in claim 1, wherein the combined volume of said at least one protrusions I
(1) is less than the total volume of the armor unit without said at least one
protrusions (1).
3.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 2, wherein the combined volume of said at least one protrusions
(1) is one order of magnitude lower than the volume of the armor unit without
said at least one protrusions (1). [
4.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 3, wherein the combined volume of said at least one protrusions
(1) is less than 15% of the total volume of the unit without said at least one
protrusion (1).
5.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one protrusions (1) comprises a shape
7 ^-
selected from a pyramidal and a truncated pyramidal shape.
6.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one protrusions (1) comprises a shape
selected from a conical and a frusto-conical shape.
7.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one protrusions (1) comprises a
cylindrical shape.
8.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one protrusions (1) comprises a
spherical shape. |
9.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as {
claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one protrusions (1) on the at least one
face comprises protrusions with different shapes. I
10.- An armor unit to construct armor layers of mound breakwaters as
claimed in claim 1, wherein the concrete is selected from reinforced and
prestressed concrete.
Dated this 11* day of February 2008. '^l"^*^
I ^
(Sujijt Kumar Gue)
Regn No- IN/PA-892
ofD. P. Ahuja&Co.
Applicant's Agent








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1168-delnp-2008-Correspondence Others-(04-02-2013).pdf

1168-delnp-2008-Correspondence Others-(26-06-2009).pdf





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Patent Number 265741
Indian Patent Application Number 1168/DELNP/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 11-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 11-Feb-2008
Applicant Address CTT-DIFIL Y i2, CAMINO DE VERA S/N, E-46022 VALENCIA, SPAIN.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E02B 3/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/ES2006/00395
PCT International Filing date 2006-07-11
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA