Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT (2927/CHE/2007) This invention relates to a metHod and system for prevention of collision between vehicles (or) between vehicles and pedestrians (or) between vehicles and other road users including animals. This invention envisages the use of identification devices which is capable of generating signals comprises plurality of sensors. The signals generated in turn transmitted to local area station which is equipped with capturing means for capturing signals, a processing means and a control unit for processing signals received and to determine the possibility of collision between the road users especially between vehicles. The control unit sends the signals to the alarm unit or brake unit for avoiding the collision. Fig:3
Full Text

Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a method and system for prevention of collision between vehicles (or) between vehicles and pedestrians (or) between vehicles and other road users including animals. Background of the Invention
With the advent of the industrial age, travel increased within a local area as internationally, particularly travel over land has not only increased in speed but also in density. Which means that , at any given time not only is the movement very fast over land but there are also several competing road users , mechanized or otherwise which increase in density and frequency of traffic. The increase in traffic cause unintentional collision between road users. The increase in this kind of accidents has led to the setting up of a science by itself referred to as disaster management.
A serious accident is nothing else but a man made disaster on the road. A scientific study of accidents reveals that the basic principles of the justice system as applied to accidents, particularly in countries like India skewed very much in favor of the slower and not automatically moving objects on a road. Manually moving objects such as pedestrian, a cyclist (or) an animal using the road pose a greater danger to an accident environment rather than mechanized users such as two wheelers and four wheelers. This is because pedestrians, cyclists and animals can change direction almost instantaneously as compared to vehicles such as two wheelers and four wheelers.
It is known that a high percentage of accidents could be avoided by anticipated reaction by the driver. As a consequence various anti-collision systems designed to monitor the environment surrounding the motor vehicle and to indicate the presence of obstacles to the driver in particular under conditions of poor or reduced visibility, typically as a result of fog, but also as a lack of attention by the driver, have been investigated and proposed for a number of years.

In particular various systems, either of the passive type such as television, cameras, which however have the disadvantage that they require complex computing for the determination of the distance and of the active optical type such as laser devices which however subject to atmospheric absorption, in particular in fog.
The simplest known arrangements are of the fixed beam type with straight line observation of the area of the road in front of the vehicle. These arrangements have proved to be of little reliability and are subject to numerous errors, particularly on bends, because of the inability of the system to distinguish objects like pedestrian, animals, cyclist etc which actually lie in the vehicles path from objects which lie in a straight line in front of the vehicle but not in its path, such as trees growing by the edge of the road on as bend or vehicles traveling in the opposite direction.
What is often forgotten in an accidental circumstance is the effect of momentum on the requirement to avoid accidents. Momentum which is equated to mass X acceleration shows that a typical four wheeler carrying a ton of load cannot come to a grinding halt, even if it is as such slow speed as 25 to 30 kms an nour which translates to about 15 to 20 mts, thus if such a vehicle carrying a ton of load was to be stopped instantaneously by jamming the brakes, this veh cle will come to a grinding halt in about 25mts. Therefore if in the fonA/ard direction of such a vehicle, a pedestrian, animal or cyclist were to suddenly change its direction in the path of the vehicle within 25mts of a vehicle even moving at 30km/hr, the vehicle and the non-motorized user such as pedestrian/cyclist is bound to be hit by the vehicle, even though the brakes may be jammed instantaneously therefore there is a need for avoiding accidents bet\Areen vehicles and particularly between non-motorized users such as pedestrians, cyclists and animals.

Summary of the Invention
This invention envisages the use of Identification devices provided on any person coming out on to the road. Thus a pedestrian who wishes to come on to the road will be required to wear a signal generating identification device such as a bracelet, similarly cyclists and animals using the road particularly in urban areas will be required to wear such identification tags or on to bracelets which are capable of generating signals. Similarly vehicles coming on to the road will be fitted with such identification signal generating tags, such signals may be typically radiofrequency signals (or) frequency modulated signals. All signals within a given local area can be captured by means of signal capturing device which will not only read all the signals passing on a particular road way but will also read the speed of movement and direction of the signals.
The signal capturing means will further fed captured signals to a signal processing device which will alert a motorized user of an obstruction in its path. In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, the signal processing means is further adapted to send a pressure accentuating signal to the braking system of a motorized vehicle. This invention therefore assures that the breaks of the motorized vehicle vyill be applied automatically to the vehicle in the event of the likelihood of the obstruction in the path of the vehicle.
It is obvious that such breaks may be applied within the safe braking distance. Thus it is envisaged that on the one hand accidents will be prevented and on the other hand if an accident were to take place, the signals generated by the respective parties will be identified and therefore a hit and run accident will not remain hidden as it would be easily read from a server in which all the signals are received and stored. Hence it is believed that with this invention in the long run the number accidents will be significantly reduced. Object of the Invention
The main object of this invention is to provide a method for preventing accidents by collision between vehicles or between motorized and non motorized road users.

The other object of this invention is to provide a system for preventing accidents by collision between vehicles or between motorized and non motorized road users.
Still another object of this invention is to provide a signal identification device such as tags or bracelets which is capable of generating signals for vehi(jles or motorized and non motorized road users.
Yet another object of this invention is to provide a system which is capable of generating signals so as to control the brake unit which is fixed in the motor vehicles. Brief doscription of the drawings
Fig:1 shows the schematic representation of the identification device in accdrdance with the present invention.
Fig:2 shows the block diagram of the system which sends alarm signal to the vehicle to avoid collision in accordance with the present invention.
Fig:3 shows the block diagram of the system which send brake controlling signals to the vehicle to avoid collision in accordance with the present invention.
Detaiiled description of the Invention
As referred in Fig:1 the identification device (5) which is capable of generating signals comprises of sensors such as position sensor(1), direction sensor(2) and speed sensor(3). As the name indicates position sensor indicates the position of the vehicle, pedestrian or the animal on the road likewise direction sensors will determine the direction and speed sensor determines the speed of the >^ehicle, pedestrian or the animal on the road. The inputs received from the aboN'e sensors are transmitted as radio frequency signals or frequency modulated signals (4) to the local area station. The said identification device can be in the form of tag or bracelet which can be worn by pedestrian, cyclist etc or can be placed in the vehicle or required to wear by animals. The sensors can be a scanning sensor or a collision sensor.
Fig:2 shows the block diagram of the system in accordance with the invention. The identification devices as referred in Fig:1 generates the signals

which determines the position, direction and speed of the vehicles, pedestrian, cyclists, and animals on the road and transmits the signals to the local area station.
A signal capturing means (6) provided in the local area station captures the signals send by all the identification devices in that local area. An analog to digital converter (7) placed at the local area station converts the signals from analog version to digital version and fed the signals to the processor means (8). The processor means (8) is stored with a map database of the given local area.
The processor means (8) correlates all the signals such as position direction and speed of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and animals with the map stored in the database. It determines the possibility of collision between them by correlating the signals received from them. In the case vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist and animals crossed the predetermined range the processor will analyze the same and send signals (data) to the control unit.
The control unit (9) will generate signals and send for conversion to digital analog converter (10) wherein the signals convert to analog form. Then the signals will be transmitted to the alarm means equipped with the vehicle to indicate the user, a possibility of collision so that to avoid an accident.
Fig:3 shows the block diagram of the system which sends brake controlling signals to the vehicle to avoid collision in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention.
The identification device which is capable of generating signals comprises of sensors such as position sensor (1), direction sensor (2) and speed sensor (3). As the name indicated position sensor indicates the position of the vehicle, pedestrian or the animal on the road likewise direction sensors will determine the direction and speed sensor determines the speed of the vehicle, pedestrian or the animal on the road. The inputs received from the above sensors are transmitted as radio frequency signals or frequency modulated signals (4) to the local area station.
A signal capturing means (6) provided in the local area station captures the signals send by all the identification devices in that local area. An analog to

digital converter (7) placed at the local area station converts the signals from ana og version to digital version and fed the signals to the processor means (8). The processor means (8) is stored with a map database of the given local area.
The processor means (8) correlates all the signals such as position direction and speed of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and animals with the map stored in the database. It determines the possibility of collision between them by cornjiating the signals received from them. In the case vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist and animals crossed the predetermined range the processor will analyze the same and send signals (data) to the control unit.
The control unit (9) will generate signals and send for conversion to digital analog converter (10) wherein the signals convert to analog form. Then the signals will be transmitted to the automatic brake control unit equipped within the vehic;le for controlling the brake. By controlling the brake the vehicle can be decelerated and collision can be avoided.
While considerable emphasis has been placed herein on the specific structure of the preferred embodiment, it will be appreciated that many alterations can be made and that many modifications can be made in the preferred embodiment with out departing from the principles of the invention. These and other changes in the preferred embodiment as well as other embodiments of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the disclosure herein, whenjby it is to be distinctly understood that the forgoing descriptive matter is interpreted merely as illustrative of the invention and not as a limitation.

1. A system for prevention of collision between vehicles or between vehicles
and pedestrians or between vehicles and other road users including
animals comprising
an identification device (5) which is capable of generating signals comprises of plurality of sensors for determining position, direction and speed of the said vehicles, pedestrians and animals;
a signal capturing means (6) for capturing signals generated by the said identification device;
a processor means (8) equipped with the map database for correlating the signals received from the said identification device(5) which is captured by the said capturing means (6);
said processor means calculates a correlation involving the distance between the vehicles and other road users including pedestrians, animals based on the signals received from the identification device;
a control unit (9) for obtaining the results of correlation from the said processor means and generating a signal in turn send to the vehicle to operate the alann means (11) equipped with the vehicle to avoid collision.
2. The system as claimed in claiml, wherein the signals can be radio frequency signals or frequency modulated signals.
3. The system as claimed in claiml and 2, wherein the identification device can be a tag or bracelet which are capable of generating signals.
4. The system as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein sensor can be scanning sensor, speed sensor, direction sensor or a collision sensor.
5. The method for prevention of collision between vehicles and pedestrians or between vehicles and other road users including animals comprising;

Providing an identification device (5) wliich is capable of generating signals comprising of plurality of sensors for determining position, direction and speed of the said vehicles, pedestrians and animals;
Transmitting the generated signals to the capturing means (6) wherein the signals received by the capturing means will be fed to the said processing means (8) for determining the possibility of collision by correlating the signals received from the said identification device and the map database equipped within the processor means;
Feeding the data obtained from the said processor means to the control unit (9) for generating signals which in turn send to the brake control means (12) equipped with the vehicle for controlling the brake in order for decelerating the vehicle so that collision will be avoided.
8. An identification device (5) which is capable of generating signals comprises of plurality of sensors for determining position, direction and speed of the vehicles, pedestrians and animals.
9. The identification device as claimed in claims, wherein signals generated can be radio frequency signals or frequency modulated signals.
10. The identification device as claimed in claims and 9, wherein the said
device can be a tag or bracelet.


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Patent Number 265745
Indian Patent Application Number 2927/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 11-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 06-Dec-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B60R 19/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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