Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a needle webbing machine which comprises two weft needles (2a, 2b) which work simultaneously and in opposite directions on both ribbon sides, in addition to knitting needles (28a, 28b) which are arranged on both ribbon sides. A yam lifter (18a, 18b) which works individually and which is used to advance a weft thread (4a, 4b) to a weft needle (2a, 2b), which is open, is provided on each side of the ribbon in order to improve the production thereof.
Full Text

Method and needle ribbon weaving machine for weaving a ribbon
Technical field
The invention relates to a method f or weaving a ribbon on a needle ribbon weaving machine according to the preamble of claim 1 and to a needle ribbon weaving machine for carrying out the method according to the preamble of claim 5.
Prior art
A method and a needle ribbon weaving machine for weaving a ribbon of the type initially mentioned are known from DE 40 09 455A. The method described there for producing a ribbon on a needle ribbon weaving machine takes place by means of two closed weft needles operating contradirectionally, the ribbon being woven by both weft needles as a result of insertion into a common shed. The heads of the contradirectionally inserted weft thread loops are secured on each ribbon side by means of wales which are formed in each case from an auxiliary thread and which are located at the two edges of the ribbon. The disadvantage, then, is that always two weft thread loops have to be inserted into a common shed, so that, in the event of a shed change, two weft thread loops, that is to say four weft thread portions, have to be tied in simultaneously. The stability of the ribbon to be produced is irrpaired as a result. There are also no variations of any kind possible, since closed weft needles having guide loops on which a weft thread is always arranged are used.
Presentation of the invention
The object of the invention is to improve the method for weaving a ribbon on a needle ribbon rrachine having

two simultaneously and contradirectionally operating weft needles.
The object is achieved:
a. for the method initially mentioned by the
characterizing features of claim 1;
b. for the needle ribbon weaving machine initially
mentioned, by the characterizing features of
clai m 5.
Since only that weft which is presented to one of the two weft needles is inserted, any desired weft sequence is possible. Not just two weft threads may be introduced simultaneously into the shed, as is afforded in the prior art, but, in particular as claimed in claim2, the weft threads may be inserted alternately from ribbon sides to ribbon sides, so that, in the event of each shed change, only one weft thread 1oop is inserted. Furthermore, it is possible, moreover, to present weft threads even of changing color and quality to the weft needles. This not only affords a mechanically improved quality of the ribbon produced, but the pattern possibility is also increased.
According to claim 3, on each ribbon side, the weft thread loops may be knitted together with themselves, or, accoding to claim 4, they may be knitted by means of an interlaced auxiliary thread.
For the needle ribbon weaving machine serving for carrying out the method, it is essential that an individually operating thread lifter for presenting a weft thread to a weft needle designed to be open is present on each ribbon side.
Claim 6 describes a preferred design of the weft needle which has a fork, arranged on the needle shank, for

receiving the weft thready and also a guide slot for the weft thread, said guide slot running along the needle shank to just short of the fork.
Brief description of the drawings
Exerrplary embodiments of the invention are described in more detail below by means of the drawings showing the weaving region of a needle ribbon weaving machine in various weaving phases, specifically the tie-off of an inserted weft thread loop by means of an auxiliary thread in figures 1 to 4 and the tie-off of inserted weft thread loops without an auxiliary thread in figures 5 to 7. In the drawings:
figure 1 shows the weaving region during the beating-
up of a weft thread loop inserted by the left weft needle in a diagrammatic illustration;
figure 2 shows the weaving region of figure 1 during
the insertion of a weft thread loop by means of the right weft needle;
figure 3 shows the weaving region of figure 2 with an
inserted weft thread loop and before the tie-off of the latter;
f igur e 4 shows the w eaving r egi on of f igur e 3 during
the beating-up of the weft thread loop inserted by the right weft needle and during the presentation of the weft thread to the left weft needle;
figure 5 shows the weaving region during the beating-up of a weft thread loop inserted by the right weft needle;
figure 6 shows the weaving region of figure 5 during
the ins erti on of a w ef t thr ead 1 oop ins ert ed by the left weft needle;
figure 7 shows the weaving region of figure 6 during
the interlacing of the inserted weft thread loop.

Ways of implemeting the invention
Figures 1 to 4 show the weaving region of a needle ribbon weaving machine with two contradirectionally driven weft needles 2a, 2b which insert weft threads Aa, 4b into a shed 6. In the shed 6 formed from warp threads 8, the weft threads are beaten up at the beat ing-up edge 10 by means of a reed 9, thus giving rise to the ribbon 12.
The weft needles 2a, 2b are in each case open needles, i. e. they have at the front end of a needle shank 14a, 14b a fork 16 a, 16 b, into which the respective weft thread 4a, 4b is introduced by means of a thread lifter 18 a, 18 b movable up and down. The weft needles 2a, 2b contain in each case guide slots 20a, 20b which run along the needle shank 14a, 14b and which reach beyond the forks 16a, 16b. The guide slots 20a, 20b serve for guiding the weft thread 4a, 4b when the weft thread is not inserted into the shed 6, and for making it easier to introduce into the fork 16a, 16b with the aid of the respective thread lifter 18a, 18b. The web thread loop 22a, 22b inserted in each case is secured by means of an auxiliary thread 2 4a, 2 4b which is in each case presented to knitting needles 28a, 28b by means of a thread guide 26a, 26b such that said auxiliary thread is interlaced with the weft thread loops 22a, 22b.
In the position shown in figure 1, the left weft needle 2a has just inserted a weft thread loop 22a into the shed 6 and has been beaten up at the beating-up edge 10 by means of the r eed 11, By means of the 1eft thread lifter 18a, the left weft thread 4a is raised on the f ork 16a of the weft needle 2a as a result of the raising of the thread lifter 18a, to an extent such that said left weft thread cannot be grasped by the fork 16a of the weft needle 2 a. On the right sid e of

the shed, the thread lifter 18b is lowered and brings the weft thread 4b into engagement on the fork 16b of the weft needle 2b, so that, the latter can insert the weft thread loop 22b into the open shed 6, as shown in figure 2. The left weft needle 2a runs, errpty, into the shed, the weft thread 4a being guided in the guide slot 20 a.
When the weft thread loop 22b has been inserted conpletely into the shed, as is evident from figure 3, the left knitting needle 28a grasps the auxiliary thread 2 4a and draws the latter through the inserted weft thread loop 22b and further on through the last 1 oop 30 a of the auxiliary thread 24a. On the right side, the auxiliary thread 24b is int erlac ed with itself, that is to say with its last loop 30b, without being drawn through a weft thread loop. After this securing of the inserted weft thread loop 22b by means of the auxiliary thread 24a, the weft needles 2a, 2b 1eave the shed, and the reed 11 beats up the weft thread loop thus inserted at the beating-up edge 10. The thread lifter 18b is then raised again and prevents an engagement of the weft thread 4b on the fork 16b of the weft needle 2b. Instead, by means of the thread lifter 18a, the weft thread 4a is brought into engagement on the fork 16a of the weft needle 2a, in order, during the next shed opening, to insert a further weft thread loop 22a from the left ribbon side in a si milar way.
Figures 5 to 7 show a needle ribbon weaving machine which is constructed similarly to the needle ribbon weaving nachine of figures 1 to 4, and therefore parts identical to the first exemplary embodiment ar e given the same reference symbols. Reference is made to the relevant statements with regard to figures 1 t o 4. In the exerrplary embodiment of f igures 5 to 7, however, no auxiliary threads are used, but, instead, the weft

threads 40a, 40b are interlaced with themselves. Figure 6 shows how the weft thread loop 42a from the weft thread 40 a is inserted into the shed by means of the left weft needle 2a. After complete insertion, the right knitting needle 28b grasps the inserted weft thread 1oop 42a and draws the 1atter through the already knocked-over weft thread loop 42a. During the insertion of the weft thread loop 42a by means of the weft needle 2a from the left side of the ribbon, the right weft needle 2b moves, empty, through the shed. The weft thread 40b is in this case guided in the guide slot 20b of the right weft needle 2b, as may be gathered from figure 7. As soon as the weft needles 2a, 2b are drawn back out of the shed, the beating-up of the inserted weft thread loop 42a by means of the reed 11 at the beating-up edge 10 takes place, as illustrated in figure 5. The shed change is followed by the insertion of the weft thread loop on the right side of the ribbon, the operation taking place in a similar way to the insertion of the weft thread on the left ribbon side.

List of reference symbols
2a Weft n eedle
2b Weft n eedle
4a Weft thread
4b Weft thread
6 Shed
8 Warp thread
10 B eat i n g -up ed g e
11 Reed
12 Ribbon
14a Needle shank
14b Needle shank
16a Fork
16 b Fork
18a Thread lifter
18b Thread lifter
20a Guide slot
20b Guide slot
22a Weft thread loop
22b Weft thread loop
2 4a Auxiliary thread
24b Auxiliary thread
26 a Thr ead guid e
26b Thread guide
28a Knitting needle
28b Knitting needle
40a Weft thread
40b Weft thread
42a Weft thread loop
42b Weft thread loop

Patent Claims
1. A method for weaving a ribbon on a needle ribbon machine with two weft needles (2a, 2b) operating simultaneously and contradirectionally from both ribbon sides, characterized in that only that weft thread (4a, 4b, 40a, 40b) which is presented to one of the two weft needles (2a, 2 b) is ins ert ed, so that any desired weft sequence is possible.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the weft threads (4a, 4b, 40a, 40b) are inserted alternately from ribbon side to ribbon side.
3. The method as claimed in claim1 or 2, characterized in that, on each ribbon side, the weft thread loops (42a, 42b) are knitted together with themselves.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, characterized in that, on each ribbon side, the weft thread loops (22a, 22 b) are tied off by means of an interlaced auxiliary thread (24a, 24b).
5. A needle ribbon weaving machine for carrying out the method as claimed in one of claims 1 to 4, with two weft needles (2a, 2 b) operating simultanecusly and contradirectionally from both ribbon sides and with knitting needles (28a, 28b) arranged on both ribbon sides, characterized in that an individually operating thread lifter (18a, 18b) for presenting a weft thread (4a, 4b, 40a, 40b) to a weft needle (2a, 2b) designed to be open is pres ent on each ribbon sid e.
6. The n eedle ribbon weaving machine as clai med in claim 5, characterized in that the weft needle (2a, 2b) has a f ork ( 16a, 16b), arranged on a needle shank (14a, 14b), for receiving the weft thread (4a, 4b, 40a, 40b),

and a guide slot (20a, 20b) for the weft thread (4a, 4b, 40a, 40b), said guide slot running along the needle shank (14a, 14b) to just short of the fork (16a, 16b).


1685-CHENP-2008 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 18-02-2015.pdf

1685-CHENP-2008 AMENDED CLAIMS 18-02-2015.pdf


1685-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 19-08-2014.pdf


1685-CHENP-2008 FORM-1 18-02-2015.pdf

1685-CHENP-2008 FORM-3 18-02-2015.pdf

1685-chenp-2008 correspondence others-08-07-2009.pdf

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1685-CHENP-2008-Petiton for Filing particulars.pdf

1685-CHENP-2008-Petiton for Filing particulars.pdf ONLINE

1685-CHENP-2008-Petiton for POR.pdf

1685-CHENP-2008-Petiton for POR.pdf ONLINE

Patent Number 265752
Indian Patent Application Number 1685/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 12-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 03-Apr-2008
Name of Patentee TEXTILMA AG
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number D03D 47/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/CH06/00489
PCT International Filing date 2006-09-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 1615/05 2005-10-06 Switzerland