Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a voice recognition (VR) system that utilizes a combination of speaker independent (SI) (230 and 232) and speaker dependent (SD) (234) acoustic models. At least one SI acoustic model (230 and 232) is used in combination with at least one SD acoustic model (234) to provide a level of speech recognition performance that at least equals that of a purely SI acoustic model. The disclosed hybrid SI/SD VR system continually uses unsupervised training to update the acoustic templates in the one ore more SD acoustic models (234). The hybrid VR system then uses the updated SD acoustic models (234) in combination with the at least one SI acoustic model (230 and 232) to provide improved VR performance during VR testing. Figure 2.
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[1001] The present invention relates to speech signal processing. More
particularly, the present invention relates to a novel voice recognition method
and apparatus for achieving improved performance through unsupervised
[1002] Voice recognition represents one of the most important techniques to endow a machine with simulated Intelligence to recognize user voiced commands and to facilitate human interface with the machine. Systems that employ techniques to recover a linguistic message from an acoustic speech signal are called voice recognition (VR) systems. FIG. 1 shows a basic VR system having a preemphasis filter 102, an acoustic feature extraction (AFE) unit 104, and a pattern matching engine 110. The AFE unit 104 converts a series of digital voice samples into a set of measurement values (for example, extracted frequency components) called an acoustic feature vector. The pattem matching engine 110 matches a series of acoustic feature vectors with the templates contained in a VR acoustic model 112. VR pattem matching engines generally employ either Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or Hidden Markov Model (HMM) techniques. Both DTW and HMM are well known in the art, and are described in detail in Rabiner. L. R. and Juan, B. H.. FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH RECOGNITION. Prentice Hall, 1993. When a series of acoustic features matches a template in the acoustic model 112, the identified template is used to generate a desired format of output, such as an identified sequence of linguistic words corresponding to input speech.
[1003] As noted above, the acoustic model 112 is generally either a HMM model or a DTW model. A DTW acoustic model may be thought of as a

database of templates associated with each of the words that need to be recognized. In general, a DTW template consists of a sequence of feature vectors that has been averaged over many examples of the associated word. DTW pattern matching generally involves locating a stored template that has minimal distance to the input feature vector sequence representing input speech. A template used in an HMM based acoustic model contains a detailed statistical description of the associated speech utterance. In general, a HMM template stores a sequence of mean vectors, variance vectors and a set of transition probabilities. These parameters are used to describe the statistics of a speech unit and are estimated from many examples of the speech unit. HMM pattern matching generally involves generating a probability for each template in the model based on the series of input feature vectors associated with the input speech. The template having the highest probability is selected as the most likely input utterance,
[1004] Training" refers to the process of collecting speech samples of a particular speech segment or syllable from one or more speakers in order to generate templates in the acoustic model 112. Each template in the acoustic model is associated with a particular word or speech segment called an utterance class. There may be multiple templates in the acoustic model associated with the same utterance class. "Testing" refers to the procedure for matching the templates in the acoustic model to a sequence of feature vectors extracted from input speech. The performance of a given system depends largely upon the degree of match between the input speech of the end-user and the contents of the database, and hence on the match between the reference templates created through training and the speech samples used for VR testing. [1005] The two common types of training are supervised training and unsupervised training. In supervised training, the utterance class associated with each set of training feature vectors is known a priori. The speaker providing the input speech is often provided with a script of words or speech segments corresponding to the predetermined utterance classes. The feature vectors resulting from the reading of the script may then be incorporated into the acoustic model templates associated with the connect utterance classes. [1006] In unsupervised training, the utterance class associated with a set of training feature vectors is not known a priori. The utterance class must be

correctly identified before a set of training feature vectors can be incorporated into the correct acoustic model template. In unsupervised training, a mistake in identifying the utterance class for a set of training feature vectors can lead to a modification in the wrong acoustic model template. Such a mistake generally degrades, rather than improves, speech recognition performance. In order to avoid such a mistake, any modification of an acoustic model based on unsupervised training must generally be done very conservatively. A set of training feature vectors is incorporated into the acoustic mode! only if there is relatively high confidence that the utterance class has been correctly identified. Such necessary conservatism makes building an SD acoustic model through unsupervised training a very slow process. Until the SD acoustic model is built in this way, VR performance will probably be unacceptable to most users. [1007] Optimally, the end-user provides speech acoustic feature vectors during both training and testing, so that the acoustic model 112 will match strongly with the speech of the end-user. An individualized acoustic model that is tailored to a single speaker-is also called a speaker dependent (SD) acoustic^ model Generating an SD acoustic model generally requires the end-user to provide a large amount of supervised training samples. First, the user must provide training samples for a large variety of utterance classes. Also, in order to achieve the best performance, the end-user must provide multiple templates representing a variety of possible acoustic environments for each utterance doss. Because most users are unable or unwilling to provide the input speech necessary to generate an SD acoustic model, many existing VR systems instead use generalized acoustic models that are trained using the speech of many "representative" speakers. Such acoustic models are referred to as speaker independent (SI) acoustic models, and are designed to have the best performance over a broad range of users. SI acoustic models, however, may not be optimized to any single user. A VR system that uses an SI acoustic model will not perform as well for a specific user as a VR system that uses an SD acoustic model tailored to that user. For some users, such as those having a strong foreign accents, the performance of a VR system using an SI acoustic model can be so poor that they cannot effectively use VR services at all. [1008] Optimally, an SD acoustic model would be generated for each individual user. As discussed above, building SD acoustic models using

supervised training is unpractical. But using unsupervised training to generate a SD acoustic model can take a ion time, during which VR performance based on a partial SD acoustic model may be very poor. There is a need \n the art for a VR system that performs reasonably well before and during the generation of an SD acoustic model using unsupervised training.
[1009] The methods and apparatus disclosed herein are directed to a novel and improved voice recognition (VR) system that utilizes a combination of speaker independent (SI) and speaker dependent (SD) acoustic models. At least one SI acoustic model is used in combination with at least one SD acoustic model to provide a level of speech recognition performance that at least equals that of a purely SI acoustic model. The disclosed hybrid SI/SD VR system continually uses unsupervised training to update the acoustic templates in the one of more SD acoustic models.' The hybrid VR system then uses the updated SD acoustic models, alone or in combination with the at least one SI acoustic model, to provide improved VR performance during VR testing. [1010] The word "exemplary" is used herein to mean "serving as an example, instance, or illustration." Any embodiment described as an "exemplary embodimenf is not necessarily to be construed as being preferred or advantageous over another embodiment.
[1011] The features, objects, and advantages of the presently disclosed
method and apparatus will become more apparent from the detailed description
set forth below when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which like
reference characters identify correspondingly throughout and wherein:
[1012] FIG. 1 shows a basic voice recognition system;
[10131 FIG. 2 shows a voice recognition system according to an exemplary
[1014] FIG. 3 shows a method for performing unsupervised training.

[1015] FIG. 4 shows an exemplar^' approach to generating a combined
matching score used in unsupervised training.
[1016] FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing a method for performing voice
recognition (testing) using both speaker independent (SI) and speaker
dependent (SD) matching scores;
[1017] FIG. 6 shows an approach to generating a combined matching score
from both speaker independent (SI) and speaker dependent (SD) matching
scores; and
[1018] FIG. 2 shows an exemplary embodiment of a hybrid voice recognition (VR) system as might be implemented within a wireless remote station 202. In an exemplary embodiment, the remote station 202 communicates through a wireless channel (not shown) with a wireless communication network (not shown). For example, the remote station 202 may be a wireless phone communicating with a wireless phone system. One skilled in the art will recognize that the techniques described herein may be equally applied to a VR system that is fixed (non-portable) or does not involve a wireless channel. [1019] In the embodiment shown, voice signals from a user are converted into electrical signals in a microphone (MIC) 210 and converted into digital speech samples in an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 212. The digital sample stream is then filtered using a preemphasis (PE) filter 214, for example a finite impulse response (FIR) filter that attenuates low-frequency signal components. [1020] The filtered samples are then analyzed in an acoustic feature extraction (AFE) unit 216. The AFE unit 216 converts digital voice samples into acoustic feature vectors. In an exemplary embodiment, the AFE unit 216 performs a Fourier Transform on a segment of consecutive digital samples to generate a vector of signal strengths corresponding to different frequency bins. In an exemplary embodiment, the frequency bins have varying bandwidths in accordance with a bark scale. In a bark scale, the bandwidth of each frequency bin bears a relation to the center frequency of the bin, such that higher-frequency bins have wider frequency bands than lower-frequency bins. The

bark scale is described in Rabiner, L R. and Juang, B. H., FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH RECOGNITION, Prentice Hatl, 1993 and is well known in the art. [1021] In an exemplary embodiment, each acoustic feature vector is extracted from a series of speech samples collected over a fixed time interval. In an exemplary embodiment, these time intervals overlap. For example, acoustic features may be obtained from 20-millisecond intervals of speech data beginning every ten milliseconds, such that each two consecutive intervals share a 10-millisecond segment One skilled in the art would recognize that the time intervals might instead be non-overlapping or have non-fixed duration without departing from the scope of the embodiments described herein. [1022] The acoustic feature vectors generated by the AFE unit 216 are provided to a VR engine 220, which performs pattern matching to characterize the acoustic feature vector based on the contents of one or more acoustic models 230, 232. and 234.
[1023] In the exemplary embodiment shown in FIG- 2, three acoustic models are shown: a speaker-independent (SI) Hidden Markov Model (HMM) model 230, a speaker-independent Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) model 232, and a speaker-dependent (SD) acoustic model 234. One skilled in the art will recognize that different combinations of SI acoustic models may be used in alternate embodiments. For example, a remote station 202 might include just the SIHMM acoustic model 230 and the SD acoustic model 234 and omit the SIDTW acoustic model 232. Altematively, a remote station 202 might include a single SIHMM acoustic model 230, a SD acoustic model 234 and two different SIDTW acoustic models 232. In addition, one swayed in the art will recognize that the SD acoustic model 234 may be of the HMM type or the DTW type or a combination of the two. In an exemplary embodiment, the SD acoustic model 234 is a DTW acoustic model.
[1024] As described above, the VR engine 220 performs pattern matching to determine the degree of matching between the acoustic feature vectors and the contents of one or more acoustic models 230,232, and 234. In an exemplary embodiment, the VR engine 220 generates matching scores based on matching acoustic feature vectors wittier the different acoustic templates in each of the acoustic models 230, 232, and 234. For example, the VR engine 220 generates HMM matching scores based on matching a set of acoustic feature

vectors with multiple HMM templates in the SIHMM acoustic model 23C. Likewise, the VR engine 220 generates DTW matching scores based on matching the acoustic feature vectors with multiple DTW templates in the SIDTW acoustic mode! 232. The VR engine 220 generates matching scores based on matching the acoustic feature vectors with the templates in the SD acoustic mode! 234,
[1025] As described above, each template In an acoustic model is associated with an utterance class. In an exemplary embodiment, the VR engine 220 combines scores for templates associated with the same utterance class to create a combined matching score to be used in unsupen/ised training. For example, the VR engine 220 combines SIHMM and SIDTW scores obtained from correlating an input set of acoustic feature vectors to generate a combined SI score. Based on that combined matching score, the VR engine 220 determines whether to store the input set of acoustic feature vectors as a SD template in the SD acoustic model 2.34. In an exemplary embodiment, unsupervised training to update the SD acoustic model 234 is performed using exclusively SI matching scores. This prevents additive errors that might otherwise result from using an evolving SD acoustic model 234 for unsupervised training of itself. An exemplary method of performing this unsupervised training is described in greater detail below. [1026] In addition to unsupervised training, the VR engine 220 uses the various acoustic models (230, 232, 234) during testing. In an exemplary embodiment, the VR engine 220 retrieves matching scores from the acoustic models (230, 232, 234) and generates combined matching scores for each utterance class. The combined matching scores are used to select the utterance class that best matches the input speech. The VR engine 220 groups consecutive utterance classes together as necessary to recognize whole words or phrases. The VR engine 220 then provides information about the recognized word or phrase to a control processor 222, which uses the Information to determine the appropriate response to the speech information or command. For example, in response to the recognized word or phrase, the control processor 222 may provide feedback to the user through a display or other user interface. In another example, the control processor 222 may send a message through a wireless modem 218 and an antenna 224 to a wireless network (not

shown), initiating a mobile phone caa! to a destination phone number associated with the person whose name was uttered and recognized. [t027] The wireless modem 218 may transmit signals through any of a variety of wireless channel types including CDMA, TDMA, or FDMA. In addition, the wireless modem 218 may be replaced with other types of communications interfaces that communicate over a non-wireless channel without departing from the scope of the described embodiments. For example, the remote station 202 may transmit signaling information through any of a variety of types of communications channel including land-line modems. T1/E1, ISDN, DSL, ethernet, or even farces on a printed circuit board (PCB). [1028] FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing an exemplary method for performing unsupervised training. At step 302, analog speech data is sampled in an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) (212 in FIG. 2). The digital sample stream is then filtered at step 304 using a preemphasis (PE) filter (214 in FIG, 2). At step 306, input acoustic feature vectors are extracted from the filtered samples in an acoustic feature extraction (AFE) unit (216 in FIG. 2). The VR engine (220 in FIG- 2) receives the input acoustic feature vectors from the AFE unit 216 and performs pattern matching of the input acoustic feature vectors against the contents of the SI acoustic models (230 and 232 in FIG. 2). At step 308, the VR engine 220 generates matching scores from the results of the pattem matching. The VR engine 220 generates SIHMM matching scores by matching the input acoustic feature vectors with the SIHMM acoustic model 230, and generates SIDTW matching scores by matching the input acoustic feature vectors with the SIDTW acoustic model 232. Each acoustic template in the SIHMM and SIDTW
acoustic models (230 and 232) is associated vetch a particular utterance class. At step 310. SIHMM and SIDTW scores are combined to form combined matching scores.
[1029] FIG. 4 shows the generation of combined matching scores for use in unsupervised training. In the exemplary embodiment shown, the speaker independent combined matching score SIX)MOBS for a particular utterance dass is a weighted sum according to EQN. 1 as shown, where:
SHIM is the SIHMM matching score for the target utterance class;

SIHMMNT is the next best matching score for a template in the SIHMM acoustic model tilt is associated with a non-target utterance class (an utterance class other than the target utterance class); SIHMMG is the SIHMM matching score for the "garbage" utterance class; SIDTWT is the SIDTW matching score for the target utterance class; SIDTWNT is the next best matching score for a template in the SIDTW acoustic model that is associated with a non-target utterance class; and SIDTWG is the SIDTW matching score for the "garbage" utterance class. [1030] The various individual matching scores SIHMMn and SlDTWn may be viewed as representing a distance value between a series of input acoustic feature vectors and a template in the acoustic model. The greater the distance between the input acoustic feature vectors and a template, the greater the matching score. A close match between a template and the input acoustic feature vectors yields a very low matching score. If comparing a series of input acoustic feature vectors to two templates associated with different utterances classes yields two matching scores that are nearly equal; Hen the VR system may be unable to recognize either is the "correct" utterance class. [1031] SIHMMG and SIT are matching scores for "garbage" utterance classes. The template or templates associated with the garbage utterance class are called garbage templates and do not correspond to a specific word or phrase. For this reason, they tend to be equally uncorrelated to all input speech. Garbage matching scores are useful as a sort of noise floor measurement In a VR system. Generally, a series of input acoustic feature vectors should have a much better degree of matching with a template associated with a target utterance class than with the garbage template before the utterance class can be confidently recognized.
[1032] Before the VR system can confidently recognize an utterance class as the "correct" one, the input acoustic feature vectors should have a higher degree of matching with templates associated with that utterance class than with garbage templates or templates associated other utterance classes. Combined matching scores generated from a variety of acoustic models can more confidently discriminate between utterance classes than matching scores based on only one acoustic model. In an exemplary embodiment, the VR system uses such combination matching scores to determine whether to

replace a template in the SD acoustic model (234 in FIG. 2) with one derived from a new set of input acoustic feature vectors.
[1033] The weighting factors (Wi ,. .We} are selected to provide the best training performance over a!! acoustic environments. In an exemplary embodiment, the weighting factors (Wi . . . We) are constant for all utterance classes. In other words, the Wn used to create the combined matching score for a first target utterance class is the same as the Wn value used to create the combined matching score for another target utterance class. In an alternate embodiment, the weighting factors vary based on the target utterance class. Other ways of combining shown in FIG. 4 will be obvious to one skilled in the art, and are to be viewed as within the scope of the embodiments described herein. For example, more than six or less than six weighted inputs may also be used. Another obvious variation would be to generate a combined matching score based on one type of acoustic model. For example, a combined matching score could be generated based on SIHMMT. SIHMMNT» and SIHMMG. Or, a combined matching score could be generated based on SIDTWT,
[1034] In an exemplary embodiment, Wi and W4 are negative numbers, and a greater (or less negative) value of SCOMB indicates a greater degree of matching (smaller distance) between a target utterance class and a series of input acoustic feature vectors. One of skill in the art will appreciate that the signs of the weighting factors may easily be rearranged such that a greater degree of matching corresponds to a lesser value without departing from the scope of the disclosed embodiments.
[1035] Turning back to FIG. 3, at step 310, combined matching scores are generated for utterance classes associated with templates in the HMM and DTW acoustic models (230 and 232). In an exemplary embodiment, combined matching scores are generated only for utterance classes associated with the best n SIHMM matching scores and for utterance classes associated with the best m SIDTW matching scores. This limit may be desirable to conserve computing resources, even though a much larger amount of computing power is consumed while generating the individual matching scores. For example, if n=/7?=3, combined matching scores are generated for the utterance classes associated with the top three SIHMM and utterance classes associated with the

top three SIDTW matching scores. Depending on whether the utterance classes associated with the top three SSHMM matching scores are the same as the utterance classes associated with the top three SIDTW matching scores, this approach will produce three to six different combined matching scores. [1036] At step 312. the remote station 202 compares the combined matching scores with the combined matching scores stored with corresponding templates (associated with the same utterance class) in the SD acoustic model. If the new series of input acoustic feature vectors has a greater degree of matching than that of an older template stored in the SD model for the same utterance class, then a new SD template is generated from the new series of input acoustic feature vectors. In an embodiment wherein a SD acoustic model is a DTW acoustic model, the series of input acoustic vectors itself constitutes the new SD template. The older template is then replaced with the new template, and the combined matching score associated with the new template is stored in the SD acoustic model to be used in future comparisons.
[1037] In an alternate embodiment, unsupervised training is used to update one or more templates in a speaker dependent hidden Marko model (SDHMM) acoustic model. This SDHMM acoustic model could be used either in place of an SDDTW model or in addition to an SDDTW acoustic model within the SD acoustic model 234.
[1038] In an exemplary embodiment, the comparison at step 312 also includes comparing the combined matching score of a prospective new SD template with a constant training threshold. Even If there has not yet been any template stored in a SD acoustic model for a particular utterance class, a new template will not be stored in the SD acoustic model unless it has a combined matching score that is better (indicative of a greater degree of matching) than the training threshold value,
[1039] In an alternate embodiment before any templates in the SD acoustic model have been replaced, the SD acoustic model is populated by default with templates from the SI acoustic model. Such an initialization provides an alternate approach to ensuring that VR performance using the SD acoustic model will start out at least as good as VR performance using just the SI acoustic model. As more and more of the templates irate SD acoustic model

are updated, the VR performance using the SD acoustic model will surpass VR performance using just the SI acoustic model.
[1040] In an automate embodiment, the VR system allows a user to perform supervised training. The user must put the VR system into a supervised training mode before performing such supen/ised training. During supervised training, the VR system has a priori knowledge of the con-act utterance class. If the combined matching score for the input speech is better than the combined matching score for the SD template previously stored for that utterance class, then the input speech is used to form a replacement SD template. In an alternate embodiment, the VR system allows the user to force replacement of existing SD templates during supervised training.
[1041] The SD acoustic model may be designed with room for multiple (two or more) templates for a single utterance class. In an exemplary embodiment, two templates are stored in the SD acoustic model for each utterance class. The comparison at step 312 therefore entails comparing the matching score obtained with a new template with the matching scores obtained for both templates in the SD acoustic model for the same utterance class. If the new template has a better matching score than either older template in the SD acoustic model, then at step 314 the SD acoustic model template having the worst matching score is replaced with the new template. If the matching score of the new template is no better than either older template, then step 314 is . Additionally, at step 312, the matching score obtained with the new template is compared against a matching score threshold. So, until new templates having a matching score that is better than the threshold are stored in the SD acoustic model, the new templates are compared against this threshold value before they will be used to venerate the prior contents of the SD acoustic model. Obvious variations, such as storing the SD acoustic model templates in sorted order according to combined matching score and comparing new matching scores only with the lowest, are anticipated and are to be considered within the scope of the embodiments disclosed herein. Obvious variations on numbers of templates stored in the acoustic model for each utterance class are also anticipated. For example, the SD acoustic model may contain more than two templates for each utterance class, or may contain different numbers of templates for different utterance classes.

[1042] FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing an exemplary method for performing VR testing using a combination of SI and SD acoustic models. Steps 302, 304, 306, and 308 are the same as described for FIG. 3. The exemplary method diverges from the method shown in FIG. 3 at step 510. At step 510, the VR engine 220 generates SD matching scores based on comparing the input acoustic feature vectors with templates in the SD acoustic model. In an exemplary embodiment, SD matching scores are generated only for utterance classes associated with the best n SIHMM matching scores and the best m SIDTW matching scores. In an exemplary embodiment, n=m=3. Depending on the degree of overlap between the two sets of utterance classes, this will result in generation of SD matching scores for three to six utterance classes. As discussed above, the SD acoustic model may contain multiple templates for a single utterance class. At step 512, the VR engine 220 generates hybrid combined matching scores for use in VR testing. In an exemplary embodiment, these hybrid combined matching scores are based on both Individual SI and individual SD matching scores. At step 514, the word or utterance having the best combined matching score is selected and compared against a testing threshold. An utterance is only deemed recognized if its combined matching score exceeds this testing threshold. In an exemplary embodiment, the weights [Wi . . . We] used to generate combined scores for training (as shown in FIG. 4) are equal to the weights [Wi . .. We] used to generate combined scores for testing (as shown in FIG. 6), but the training threshold is not equal to the testing threshold.
[1043] FIG. 6 shows the generation of hybrid combined matching scores performed at step 512. The exemplary embodiment shown operates identically to the combiner shown in FIG. 4, except that the weighting factor W4 is applied to DTWT instead of SIDTWT and the weighting factor W5 is applied to DTWNT instead of SIDTWNT. DTWT (the dynamic time warping matching score for the target utterance class) Is selected from the best of the SIDTW and SDDTW scores associated with the target utterance class. Similarly, DTWNT (the dynamic time warping matching score for the remaining non-target utterance classes) is selected from the best of the SIDTW and SDDTW scores associated with non-target utterance classes.

[1044} The SS/SD hybrid score SCOMB_H for a particular utterance class is a weighted sum according to EQN, 2 as shown, where SIHMMT, SIHMMNT, SIHMMG, and SIDTWG are the same as in EQN. t. Specifically, in EQN. 2:
SIHMMT is the SIHMM matching score for the target utterance class;
SIHMMNT is the next best matching score for a template in the SIHMM
acoustic model that is associated with a non-target utterance class (an
utterance class other than the target utterance class);
SIHMMG is the SIHMM matching score for the "garbage" utterance class;
DTWT is the best DTW matching score for SI and SD templates
corresponding to the target utterance class;
DTWNT is the best DTW matching score for SI and SD templates
corresponding to non-target utterance classes; and
SIDTWQ is the SIDTW matdiing score for the "garbage" utterance class. Thus, the SI/SD hybrid score SCOMB.H is a combination of individual SI and SD matching scores. The resulting combination matching score does not rely entirely on either SI or SD cubistic models. If the matching score SIDTWT is better than any SDDTWj score, then the SI/SD hybrid score is computed from the better SIDTWj score. Similarly, if the matching score SDDTWj is better than any SIDTWT score, then the SI/SD hybrid score is computed from the better SDDTWT score. As a result, if the templates in the SD acoustic model yield poor matching scores, the VR system may still recognize the input speech based on the SI portions of the SI/SD hybrid scores. Such poor SD matching scores might have a variety of causes including differences between acoustic environments during training and testing or perhaps poor quality input used for training.
[1045] In an alternate embodiment, the SI scores are weighted less heavily than the SD scores, or may even be ignored entirety. For example, DTWT is selected from the best of the SDDTW scores associated with the target utterance class, ignoring the Stet scores for the target utterance class. Also, DTWNT may be selected from the best of either the SIDTW or SDDTW scores associated with non-target utterance classes, instead of using both sets of scores.
[1046] Though the exemplary embodiment is described using only SDDTW acoustic models for speaker dependent modeling, the hybrid approach

described herein is equally applicable to a VR system using SDHMM acoustic models or even a combination of SDDTW and SDHMM acoustic models. For example, by modifying the approach shown in RG. 6, the weighting factor Wi could be applied to a matching score selected from the best of SIHMMT and SDHMMT scores. The weighting factor W2 could be applied to a matching score selected from the best of SIHMMNT and SDHMMNT scores. [1047] Thus, disclosed herein is a VR method and apparatus utilizing a combination of SI and SD acoustic models for improved VR performance during unsupervised training and testing. Those of skill in the art would understand that information and signals may be represented using any of a variety of different technologies and techniques. For example, data, instructions, commands, information signals, bits, symbols, and chips that may be referenced throughout the above description may be represented by voltages, currents, electromagnetic waves, magnetic fields or particles, optical fields or particles, or any combination thereof.. Also, though the embodiments are described primarily in tennis of Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or Hidden Markov Model (HMM) acoustic models, the described techniques may be applied to other types of acoustic models such as neural network acoustic models. [1048] Those of skill would further appreciate that the various illustrative logical blocks, modules, circuits, and algorithm steps described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein may be implemented as electronic hardware, computer software, or combinations of both. To clearly illustrate this interchangeability of hardware and software, various illustrative components, blocks, modules, circuits, and steps have been described above generally in terms of their functionality. Whether such functionality is implemented as hardware or software depends upon the particular application and design constraints imposed on the overall system. Skilled artisans may implement the described functionality in varying ways for each particular application, but such implementation decisions should not be interpreted as causing a departure from the scope of tiie present invention.
[1049] The various illustrative logical blocks, modules, and circuits described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein may be implemented or performed with a general purpose processor, a digital signal processor (DSP), an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), a field programmable gate array

(FPGA) or other programmable logic device, discrete gate or transistor logic, discrete hardware components, or any combination thereof designed to perform the functions described herein. A general purpose processor may be a microprocessor, but in the alternative, the processor may be any conventional processor, controller, micro controller, or state machine. A processor may also be implemented as a combination of computing devices, e.g., a combination of a DSP and a microprocessor, a plurality of microprocessors, one or more microprocessors In conjunction with a DSP core, or any other such configuration.
[1050] The steps of a method or algorithm described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein may be embodied directly in hardware, in a software module executed by a processor, or in a combination of the two. A software module may reside in RAM memory, flash memory, ROM memory, EPROM memory, EEPROM memory, registers, hard disk, a removable disk, a CD-ROM, or any other form of storage medium known in the art. An exemplary storage medium is coupled to the processor such the processor can read information from, and write information to, the storage medium. In the alternative, the storage medium may be integral to the processor. The processor and the storage medium may reside in an ASIC. In the alternative, the processor and the storage medium may reside as discrete components in a usertemiinal.
[1051] The previous description of the disclosed embodiments is provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use the present Invention. Various modifications to these embodiments will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art, and the generic principles defined herein may be applied to other embodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein but Is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed herein.

1. A method for performing voice recognition comprising:
Performing pattem matching (308) of a first input speech segment with at least one speaker independent acoustic template to produce at least one input pattem matching score and to determine a recognized utterance class;
comparing (312) the at least one input pattem matching score with a score associated with a stored acoustic template corresponding to the recognized utterance class;
based on the results of said comparing, replacing (314) the stored acoustic template with a new template derived fiow the first input speech segment; and
replacing the score associated with the stored acoustic template with the at least one input pattem matching score associated with the new template.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said performing pattem
matching comprises:
performing hidden Marko model (HMM) pattem matching (308) of the first input speech segment with at least one HMM template to generate at least one HMM matching score;
performing dynamic time warping (DTW) pattem matching (308) of the first input speech segment with at least one DTW template to generate at least one DTW matching score; and
performing at least one weighted sum (310) of said at least one HMM matching score and said at least one DTW matching score to generate said at least one input pattem matching score.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, comprising:

performing (308) pattern matching of a second input speech segment with at least one speaker independent acoustic template to generate at least one speaker independent matching score;
performing (510) pattem matching of the second input speech segment with the stored acoustic template to generate a speaker dependent matching score; and combining (512) the at least one speaker independent matching score with the speaker dependent matching score to generate at least one combined matching score.
4. The method as claimed in claim 3 comprising identifying an utterance class associated with the best of the at least one combined matching score.
5. An apparatus (202) for performing voice recognition comprising:
means for performing pattem matching of a first input speech segment with at least one speaker independent acoustic template to produce at least one input pattem matching score and to determine a recognized utterance class;
means for comparing the at least one input pattem matching score with a score associated with a stored acoustic template corresponding to the recognized utterance class;
means for replacing the stored acoustic template with a new template derived fi*om the first input speech segment on the results of said comparing; and
Means for replacing the score associated with the stored acoustic template with the at least one input pattem matching score associated with the new template.


5549-CHENP-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 24-12-2013.pdf

5549-CHENP-2007 ASSIGNMENT 24-12-2013.pdf


5549-CHENP-2007 FORM-3 24-12-2013.pdf

5549-CHENP-2007 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 24-12-2013.pdf

5549-CHENP-2007 OTHERS 24-12-2013.pdf

5549-CHENP-2007 CLAIMS 26-02-2015.pdf








5549-chenp-2007-form 1.pdf

5549-chenp-2007-form 26.pdf

5549-chenp-2007-form 3.pdf

5549-chenp-2007-form 5.pdf

Patent Number 265876
Indian Patent Application Number 5549/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 13/2015
Publication Date 27-Mar-2015
Grant Date 20-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 03-Dec-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G107L 15/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/US02/08727
PCT International Filing date 2002-03-22
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 09/821,606 2001-03-28 U.S.A.