Title of Invention


Abstract A broadband wireless access communication system including a serving BS which broadcasts a MOB_NBR-ADV message to an MS is provided. A method for configuring the MOB_NBR-ADV message is also provided, and includes adding a specific field, which represents whether at least one information field constituting the MOB_NBR-ADV message exists, to the MOB_NBR-ADV message, determining if at least one information field is included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message, and determining a bit value of the specific field according to whether at least one information field is included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message.
Full Text

1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a broadband wireless access
communication system, and more particularly to a system and a method for
10 configuring a neighbor base station advertisement (hereinafter referred to as
'MOB_NBR-ADV') message including neighbor base station information.
2. Description of the Related Art
In a next generation communication system, that is, a 4th generation
15 (hereinafter referred to as '4G') communication system, much research has been
undertaken to provide users with services which have various qualities of service
(hereinafter referred to as 'QoS') and to support a transmission speed of about
100 Mbps. Particularly, in the current 4G communication system, research is
being vigorously pursued to support high-speed services to broadband wireless
20 access (hereinafter referred to as 'BWA') communication systems such as
wireless local area network (hereinafter referred to as 'WLAN') communication
systems and wireless metropolitan area network (hereinafter referred to as
'WMAN') communication systems by ensuring both mobility and various QoSs.
A typical communication system for this purpose is an IEEE (Institute of
25 Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.16 communication system.
The IEEE 802.16 communication system is a communication system
which applies an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (hereinafter referred
to as 'OFDM')/orthogonal frequency division multiple access (hereinafter
referred to as 'OFDMA') scheme in order to support a broadband transmission
30 network to a physical channel of the WMAN system.
A structure of an IEEE 802.16 communication system will now be
described with reference to FIG. 1, which schematically illustrates the common
IEEE 802.16e communication system.
Referring to FIG. 1, the IEEE 802/16e communication system has a
35 multiple cell structure, for example, it has cells 100 and 150. The IEEE 802.16e
communication system also includes a base station (hereinafter referred to as
'BS') 110 controlling the cell 100, a BS 140 controlling the cell 150, and a
plurality of mobile stations (hereinafter referred to as 'MS') 111, 113, 130, 151,

and 153. Signal transmission/reception between the BSs 110, 140 and the MSs
111, 113, 130, 151, and 153 is implemented using the OFDM/OFDMA scheme.
In addition, from among the MSs 111, 113, 130, 151, and 153, the MS 130 exists
in a boundary area between the cells 100 and 150, that is, a handover area. Thus,
5 the BS 100 or the BS 150 must be capable of supporting handover of the MS 130.
For example, when the MS 130 moves to an area covered by the cell 150
while it communicates with the BS 110 in the cell 100, and the MS 130 undergoes
handover to the BS 140, the MS 130 must conduct a network re-entry procedure
with the BS 140. This is because the BS 110 and the BS 140 have different
10 physical layers and different medium access control (hereinafter referred to as
'MAC') layer structures.
If an MS conducts a network re-entry procedure during handover from a
serving BS, in which the MS is currently located, to a neighbor BS as stated
above, a data service in transmission/reception is interrupted and must newly be
15 started after the MS completes the handover to the neighbor BS. In order to
handover to the neighbor BS in this way, the MS must be capable of recognizing
neighbor BS information. The neighbor BS information may be recognized by
receiving an MOB_NBR-ADV message which each BS periodically broadcasts.
Hereinafter, an MOB-NBR-ADV message format will be described with
20 reference to FIGs. 2A and 2D, which illustrate a format of a common
MOB_NBR-ADV message.
Referring to FIGs. 2A and 2D, the MOB_NBR-ADV message is
configured of a plurality of information elements (hereinafter referred to as 'IE'),
and the IEs are as follows:
25 - Management Message Type: represents the type of a transmitted
- Operator ID: represents an unique identifier assigned to a operator,
- Configuration Change Count: each time message configuration changes,
increases by 1 to indicate whether a corresponding message has changed;
30 - Fragmentation Index: represents the number of times that a message is
transmitted when the MOB_NBR-ADV message is fragmented and the
fragmented messages are separately transmitted;
- Total Fragmentation: represents the total number of fragmented
35 - Skip-Optional-Fields Flag: indicates a BS-ID when the BS-ID is
omitted in a corresponding message;
- N-NEIGHBORS: represents information on how many neighbor BSs
are included in a current message; that is, it represents the number of neighbor

- Length: represents information field length according to BS~Ids;
- PHY Profile ID: indicates an information ID of a radio channel used in a
corresponding BS;
5 - FA Index: indicates an inherent ID representing a frequency allocated to
a corresponding BS;
- BS EIRP: represents transmission power intensity of a corresponding
- Neighbor BS-ID: indicates IDs of neighbor BSs;
10 - Preamble Index: indicates an ID of a preamble to be used in a
corresponding sector of a corresponding BS;
- HO Process Optimization: dividedly indicates information about
indispensable procedures and information about omissible procedures during
handover to a corresponding BS;
15 - Scheduling Service Supported: indicates QoS classes supportable by a
corresponding BS, from among various QoS classes predefined between BSs;
- Available Radio Resource: indicates the degree of availability of radio
channel resources of a corresponding BS;
- Handoff Neighbor Preference: defines the degree of logical preference
20 when a serving BS controls an MS to handover to a neighbor BS;
- DCD Configuration Change Count: indicates the DCD (Downlink
Channel Descriptor) information serial number of a corresponding neighbor BS;
- UCD Configuration Change Count: indicates the UCD (Uplink Channel
Descriptor) information serial number of a corresponding neighbor BS;
25 - Other neighbor information (hereinafter referred to as "TLV
(Type/Length/Value) Encoded Neighbor Information'): represents all information
related to a neighbor BS other than the aforementioned information.
Now, the MOB_NBR-ADV message will be described in more detail.
The MS, having received the MOB_NBR-ADV message periodically
30 broadcasted from the serving BS, can acquire scanning information for measuring
signal intensities of neighbor BSs. The MS can identify neighbor BSs by using
Neighbor BS-ID information included in the MOBNBR-ADV message, and thus
comes to recognize physical frequency band search information, which is
necessary for scanning the neighbor BSs, through the Physical Frequency field.
35 In this way, the serving BS periodically broadcasts the MOB NBR-ADV
message to provide information which the MS requires for handover.
Therefore, the conventional MOB_NBR-ADV message includes a lot of
information, and its large size is problematic.

Here, the MS may require, or may not necessarily require, the
information included in the MOB_NBR-ADV depending on the present
circumstances. Also, the MOB_NBR-ADV message is not a message which is
transmitted to a specific MS, but is a broadcast message which is repeatedly
5 transmitted to many unspecified MSs in very short cycles. On account of this,
bandwidth consumption in a radio channel section is very large. In the end,
there is a problem in that radio channel resources are wasted because a network
operator must include unnecessary information in the MOBNBR-ADV message.
Accordingly, the present invention has been made to solve at least the
above-mentioned problems occurring in the prior art, and an object of the present
invention is to provide a system and a method for configuring an MOBNBR-
15 ADV message in a broadband wireless access communication system, which can
reduce the size of the MOB_NBR-ADV message.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a system and a
method for efficiently using radio channel resources in a broadband wireless
access communication system.
20 In order to accomplish these objects, in accordance with one aspect of the
present invention, there is provided a method for configuring a MOBNBR-ADV
message in a broadband wireless access communication system including a
serving BS which broadcasts neighbor BS information to an MS, the method
including adding a specific field, which represents whether at least one
25 information field constituting the MOBNBR-ADV message exists, to the
MOB_NBR-ADV message; deciding if at least one information field is included
in the MOB_NBR-ADV message; and determining a bit value of the specific field
according to whether at least one information field is included in the M0B_NBR-
ADV message.
30 In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is
provided a system for configuring a MOB_NBR-ADV message in a broadband
wireless access communication system including a serving BS which broadcasts
neighbor BS information to an MS, the system including a serving BS for adding
a specific field, which represents whether at least one information field
35 constituting the MOB_NBR-ADV message exists, to the MOB_NBR-ADV
message, deciding if at least one information field is included in the MOB_NBR-
ADV message, and determining a bit value of the specific field according to
whether at least one information field is included in the MOB NBR-ADV

5 The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present
invention will be more apparent from the following detailed description taken in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIG. 1 is a schematic view illustrating a structure of a common IEEE
802.16e communication system;
10 FIGs. 2 A and 2D are views illustrating a format of a common
MOB_NBR-ADV message;
FIGs. 3A to 3D are views illustrating a format of a new MOBNBR-
ADV message in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
invention; and
15 FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating a process of setting up an NBR_FLAG
field when the MOB NBR-ADV message is configured in accordance with a
preferred embodiment of the present invention.
Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be
described with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be noted that
similar components are designated by similar reference numerals although they
are illustrated in different drawings. Also, in the following description, a
25 detailed description of known functions and configurations incorporated herein
will be omitted when it may obscure the subject matter of the present invention.
The present invention proposes a method for newly configuring an
MOB_NBR-ADV message in a broadband wireless access communication
30 To be specific, whenever a BS periodically broadcasts the MOBNBR-
ADV message, it determines what information fields are to be included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message, and adds to a new field information about whether
the information fields exist in order to clarify the information according to the
above determination.
35 Referring again to the conventional MOB_NBR-ADV message of FIGs.
2A and 2 B, prior to a description of the present invention, an Operator ID field is
a field indicating an inherent ID of a BS which transmits the MOBNBR-ADV
message. However, the Operator ID is information which an MS has already

recognized through a network entry procedure previously conducted with a
serving BS in which the MS is currently located. Thus, the Operator ID is not
information which the serving BS must periodically transmit to the MS.
Also, in the conventional MOB_NBR-ADV message, the Neighbor BS-
5 ID field is included in the message while a bit value of the Skip-Optional-Fields
Flag is set to '0' only when a physical layer scheme of a network is an OFDMA
scheme. Thus, a broadband wireless access communication system employing
an OFDM or single carrier scheme does not include the Neighbor BS-ID field
while the bit value of the Skip-Optional-Fields Flag is set to '1'.
10 Moreover, in the conventional MOB_NBR-ADV message, the HO
Process Optimization field need not be nessarily included in the message because
there may be a case in which a serving BS cannot support handover to some
neighbor BSs.
Furthermore, in the conventional MOB_NBR-ADV message, fields
15 related to QoS (Quality of Service)s (i.e., Scheduling Service Supported,
Available Radio Resource and Handover neighbor Preference fields) are not
supportable by all BSs. Even if any BS is capable of supporting the QoS relation
information, it cannot always provide the information in a case where it is
impossible for the BS to collect neighbor BS information in real-time.
20 In conclusion, the aforementioned fields can be omitted from the
MOB_NBR-ADV message, and each BS, that is, each network operator, can
reduce the length of the MOB_NBR-ADV message by properly inserting or
omitting the omissible fields into or from the MOB_NBR-ADV message
according to the present invention.
25 An MOB_NBR-ADV message format newly proposed in the present
invention will be described with reference to FIGs. 3A to 3D, which illustrate the
new MOB_NBR-ADV message format in accordance with a preferred
embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIGs. 3A to 3D, first, the new MOB_NBR-ADV message
30 includes an NBR-FLAG field which is added to the conventional MOBNBR-
ADV message. Although the size of the NBR_FLAG field is specified by 8 bits
in this embodiment of the present invention, it should be noted that a network
operator may appropriately change the size according to system situations. In
the following description, it is assumed that the NBR_FLAG field has a size of 8
35 bits.
In the added NBR_FLAG field of 8 bits, its first 4 bits are used for
clarifying whether specific fields exist in the MOB_NBR-ADV message, and its
last 4 bits are reserved bits available for future function extension.

The 4 bits in the NBR_FLAG, which are used for clarifying whether
specific fields exist in the MOB_NBR-ADV message, may be configured as
Bit [0]: is located in the first place of the 8 bits in the NBR_FLAG field,
5 and informs whether the Operator ID field is included in the MOB NBR-ADV
message. For example, if a value of bit [0] is '0', this means that the Operator
ID field is included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message. Otherwise, if a value of
bit [0] is '1', this means that the Operator ID field is not included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message.
10 Bit [1]: is located in the second place of the 8 bits in the NBR_FLAG
field, and informs whether the Neighbor BS-ID field is included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message. For example, if a value of bit [1] is '0', this means
that the Neighbor BS-ID field is included in the MOBNBR-ADV message.
Otherwise, if a value of bit [1] is '1', this means that the Neighbor BS-ID field is
15 not included in the MOBNBR-ADV message.
Bit [2]: is located in the third place of the 8 bits in the NBR_FLAG field,
and informs whether the HO Process Optimization field is included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message. For example, if a value of bit [2] is '0', this means
that the HO Process Optimization field is included in the MOBNBR-ADV
20 message. Otherwise, if a value of bit [2] is '1', this means that the HO Process
Optimization field is not included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message.
Bit [3]: is located in the fourth place of the 8 bits in the NBR_FLAG field,
and informs whether QoS related fields are included in the MOBNBR-ADV
message. For example, if a value of bit [3] is '0', this means that the QoS
25 related fields are included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message. Otherwise, if a
value of bit [3] is T, this means that the QoS related fields are not included in
the MOB_NBR-ADV message.
Here, the QoS related fields included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message
refer to the Scheduling Service Supported field, the Available Radio resource field
30 and the Handover Neighbor Preference field.
Besides the aforementioned bits, bits [4] to [7] are reserved bits.
For example, if the NBR_FLAG field has a value of '1001 0000', this
means that the Operator ID field and the QoS related fields do not exist, but the
Neighbor BS-ID field and the HO Process Optimization field exist in the
35 MOB_NBR-AD V message.
As stated above, by removing unnecessary fields from the MOBNBR-
ADV message and clarifying the presence/absence of the fields in the
NBR_FALG field, the size of the MOBNBR-ADV message can be reduced.

That is, it is possible to configure an MOB_NBR-ADV message having flexibility
in size (length). In addition, a serving BS may configure and transmit the new
MOB_NBR-ADV message according to the present invention every single period
or every several periods. That is, when information fields constituting an
5 MOBNBR-ADV message to be transmitted in a current period must be
configured differently from those transmitted in a previous period, the serving BS
can newly configure and transmit the MOB_NBR-ADV message according to the
preferred embodiment of the present invention.
Now, a process of setting up the NBRFLAG field of the MOBNBR-
10 ADV message will be described with reference to FIG. 4, which is a flowchart
illustrating the process of setting up the NBRFLAG field when the MOBNBR-
ADV message is configured in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
present invention.
Referring to FIG. 4, a serving BS must configure first the MOB_NBR-
15 ADV message according to the preferred embodiment of the present invention in
order to periodically transmit the MOB NBR-ADV message. Thus, in step 402,
the serving BS begins to set up an NBR_FLAG field in the MOB NBR-ADV
message, and proceeds to step 404. In step 404, the serving BS determines if an
Operator ID field is inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message. According to
20 is the determination made in step-404, the serving BS proceeds to step 406 when
the Operator ID field is inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message, or proceeds
to step 408 when the Operator ID field is not inserted.
In step 406, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [0] = 0', which means
that the MOB_NBR-ADV message includes the Operator ID field, and proceeds
25 to step 410. In step 408, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [0] = 1', which
means that the MOB_NBR-ADV message does not include the Operator ID field,
and proceeds to step 410.
In step 410, the serving BS determines if a Neighbor BS-ID field is
inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message. According to is the determination
30 made in step 410, the serving BS proceeds to step 412 when the Neighbor BS-ID
field is inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message, and proceeds to step 414
when the Neighbor BS-ID field is not inserted.
In step 412, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [1] = 0', which means
that the MOB_NBR-ADV message includes the Neighbor BS-ID field, and
35 proceeds to step 416. In step 414, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [1] = 1',
which means that the MOB_NBR-ADV message does not include the Neighbor
BS-ID field, and proceeds to step 416.
In step 416, the serving BS determines if an HO Process Optimization

field is inserted into the MOBNBR-ADV message. According to the
determination made in step 416, the serving BS proceeds to step 418 when the
HO Process Optimization field is inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message,
and proceeds to step 420 when the HO Process Optimization field is not inserted.
5 In step 418, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [2] = 0', which means
that the MOB_NBR-ADV message includes the HO Process Optimization field,
and proceeds to step 422. In step 420, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [2] =
1', which means that the MOB_NBR-ADV message does not include the HO
Process Optimization field, and proceeds to step 422.
10 In step 422, the serving BS determines if QoS related fields are inserted
into the MOB_NBR-ADV message. According to is the determination made in
step 422, the serving BS proceeds to step 424 when the QoS related fields are
inserted into the MOB_NBR-ADV message, and proceeds to step 426 when the
QoS related fields are not inserted.
15 In step 424, the serving BS sets to 'NBR_FLAG [3] = 0', which means
that the MOBNBR-ADV message includes the QoS related fields or, in step 426,
the serving BS sets to 'NBRFLAG [3] = 1', which means that the MOBNBR-
ADV message does not include the QoS related fields, and completes the setup of
the NBRFLAG field.
20 Although information fields, which may not be included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message, are limited to the Operator ID field, the Neighbor
BS-ID field, the HO Process Optimization field and the QoS related fields in the
description of FIG. 4, these are merely one example. That is, it should be
understood that a network operator may configure the new MOBNBR-ADV
25 message by using other information fields in combination with those stated above.
It should be also noted that new information fields constituting the MOBNBR-
ADV message may be added and extended.
As described above, since a field, which informs whether specific
information fields are included in neighbor BS information broadcast message,
30 that is, an MOB_NBR-ADV message, is newly added to the message, and
omissible information fields are omitted according to the circumstances of a BS
in the present invention, the MOB_NBR-ADV message can be flexibly
configured. Therefore, there is an advantage in that the size of the MOB_NBR-
ADV message is reduced as compared with that of the existing MOB NBR-ADV
35 message and thus radio channel resources can be efficiently utilized.
While the invention has been shown and described with reference to
certain preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in
the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without

1. A method for configuring a MOB_NBR-ADV message in a broadband
wireless access communication system including a serving BS which broadcasts
5 neighbor BS information to an MS, the method comprising:
adding a specific field, which represents whether at least one information
field constituting the MOBNBR-ADV message exists, to the MOB NBR-ADV
determining if at least one information field is included in the
10 MOB_NBR-ADV message; and
determining a bit value of the specific field according to whether at least
one information field is included in the MOBNBR-ADV message.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bit value of the specific
15 field can be set to '0' or '1' for information fields included in the MOBNBR-
ADV message from among a plurality of the information fields.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bit value of the specific
field can be set to '0' or '1' for information fields not included the MOBNBR-
20 ADV message from among a plurality of the information fields.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising configuring the
MOBNBR-ADV message with information fields which are determined to be
included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message according to the determination on
25 whether to include a plurality of information fields.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information field is
Operator ID field, which represents an inherent identifier of a base station.
30 6. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information field is
neighbor BS identifier (Neighbor BS-ID) field.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information field is
handover process optimization (HO Process Optimization) field, which represents
35 information about indispensable procedures and information about omissible
procedures during handover to a neighbor BS.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information field is

- 12-
related to quality of service (QoS) fields, which represents QoS classes
supportable by a neighbor BS.
9. A system for configuring a MOB_NBR-ADV message in a broadband
5 wireless access communication system including a serving BS which broadcasts
neighbor BS information to an MS, the system comprising:
a serving BS for adding a specific field, which represents whether at least
one information field constituting the MOB_NBR-ADV message exists, to the
MOB_NBR-ADV message, determining if at least one information field is
10 included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message, and determining a bit value of the
specific field according to whether at least one information field is included in the
MOBNBR-ADV message.
10. The system as claimed in claim 9, wherein bit value of the specific
15 field can be set to '0' or '1' for information fields included in the MOB_NBR-
ADV message from among a plurality of the information fields.
11. The system as claimed in claim 9, wherein the bit value of the specific
field can be set to '0' or '1' for information fields not included the MOB_NBR-
20 ADV message from among a plurality of the information fields.
12. The system as claimed in claim 9, wherein the serving BS configures
the MOBNBR-ADV message with information fields which are determined to
be included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message according to the decision on the
25 determination of a plurality of information fields, and transmits the MOBNBR-
ADV message to the MS.
13. A method for generating a neighbor advertisement (MOBNBR-
ADV) message in a broadband wireless access communication system including a
30 serving base station which broadcasts neighbor base station information to a
mobile station, the method comprising:
determining if at least one information field is included in the
MOBNBR-ADV message;
adding a NBR-FLAG field, which is at least one bit represents whether
35 one information field constituting the MOB_NBR-ADV message is omitted or
not, to the MOB_NBR-ADV message; and
determining a bit value of the NBR-FLAG field according to determining
whether the information field is included or not in the MOBNBR-ADV message.

14. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein the information field
includes one of a Operator ID field, a Neighbor BS-ID field, a handover process
optimization (HO Process Optimization) field and a QoS related field.

A broadband wireless access communication system including a serving
BS which broadcasts a MOB_NBR-ADV message to an MS is provided. A
method for configuring the MOB_NBR-ADV message is also provided, and
includes adding a specific field, which represents whether at least one information
field constituting the MOB_NBR-ADV message exists, to the MOB_NBR-ADV
message, determining if at least one information field is included in the
MOB_NBR-ADV message, and determining a bit value of the specific field
according to whether at least one information field is included in the MOB_NBR-ADV message.




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1198-KOLNP-2007-(21-02-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

1198-KOLNP-2007-(22-10-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf









Patent Number 265886
Indian Patent Application Number 1198/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 13/2015
Publication Date 27-Mar-2015
Grant Date 20-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 05-Apr-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2005/003723
PCT International Filing date 2005-11-04
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2004-0089488 2004-11-04 Republic of Korea