Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention also relates to a method for preparing metal- loaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieve said method comprising: a) form- ing a reaction mixture containing a texture influencing agent (TIA), an organic templating agent (TEMP), at least a reactive inorganic source of MeO2 insoluble in the TIA, reactive sources of A12O3 and P2O5, b) crystallizing the above reaction mixture thus formed until crystals of the metalloaluminophosphate are formed, c) recovering a solid reaction product, d) washing it with water to remove the TIA and e) calcinating it to remove the organic template. In a usual embodiment said reaction mixture has a composition expressed in terms of molar oxide ratios of :TEMP/A12O3= 0.3-5, more desirable 0.5-2 MeO2/Al2O3= 0.005-2.0, more desir- able 0.022-0.8 P2O5/A12O3 = 0.5-2, more desirable 0.8-1.2 TIA/Al2O3 = 3-30, more desirable 6-20. In a usual embodiment the metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieves made with the above method have a lamellar crystal morphology having an empirical chemical composition on an anhydrous basis, after synthe- sis and calcination, expressed by the formula HxMeyAlzPkO2 wherein, y+z+k=l, x<=y; y has a value ranging from 0.0008 to 0.4 and more desirable from 0.005 to 0.18; z has a value ranging from 0.25 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.38 to 0.5525; k has a value ranging from 0.2 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.36 to 0.54 said molecular sieve having predominantly a plate crystal morphology. In an advantageous embodiment the MeAPO made by the method of the invention have essentially a structure CHA or AEI or a mixture thereof. Preferably they have essentially the structure SAPO 18 or SAPO 34 or a mixture thereof. The present invention also relates to catalysts consisting of the above MeAPO molecular sieves made by the method of the invention or comprising the above MeAPO molecular sieves made by the method of the invention. The present invention also relates to a process for making an olefin product from an oxygen-containing, halogenide-con- taining or sulphur-containing organic feedstock wherein said oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing or- ganic feedstock is contacted with the above catalyst under conditions effective to convert the oxygen-containing, halogenide-con- taining or sulphur-containing organic feedstock to olefin products.
[Field of the invention]
The present invention relates to a method for preparing
metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieve. The
metalloaluminophosphate molecular sieves of the invention are useful as
catalysts in a variety of processes including cracking, hydrocracking,
isomerization, reforming, dewaxing, alkylation, transalkylation, conversion of
methanol to light olefins. The limited supply and increasing cost of crude oil has
prompted the search for alternative processes for producing hydrocarbon
products. One such process is the conversion of oxygen-containing,
halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic compounds to
hydrocarbons and especially light olefins (by light olefins is meant C2 to C4
olefins) or gasoline and aromatics. The interest in the methanol to olefin (MTO)
process is based on the fact that oxygenates, especially methanol can be
obtained from coal, biomass, organic waste or natural gas by the production of
synthesis gas which is then processed to produce methanol.
[Background of the invention]
US 4,440,871 describes microporous crystalline silicoaluminophosphates
(referred as SAPO) the pores of which are uniform and have nominal diameters
of greater than about 3 Angstroms and whose essential empirical chemical
composition in the as-synthesized and anhydrous form is mR:(Six Aly Pz)O2
wherein "R" represents at least one organic templating agent present in the
intracrystalline pore system; "m" has a value of from 0.02 to 0.3; "m" represents
the moles of "R" present per mole of (Six Aly Pz)O2 ; "x", "y" and "z" represent
the mole fractions of silicon, aluminum and phosphorus respectively, present as
tetrahedral oxides, said mole fractions being such that they are within a specific
area in the ternary diagram Six Aly Pz . Process for preparing said SAPO
comprises forming a reaction mixture containing reactive sources of SiO2, AI2
O3, and P2 O5 and an organic templating agent, said reaction mixture having a
composition expressed in terms of molar oxide ratios of: aR2 O:(Six Aly PZ)O2
:bH2O wherein "R" is an organic templating agent; "a" has a value large enough
to constitute an effective amount of "R" and is within the range of greater than 0
to 3; "b" has a value of from zero to 500; "x", "y" and "z" represent the mole
fractions, respectively, of silicon, aluminum and phosphorus in the (Six Aly Pz)O2
constituent and each has a value of at least 0.01 and crystallizing the reaction
mixture thus formed at a temperature of at least 100° C until crystals of the
silicoaluminophosphate are formed.
US 6,207,872 relates to a process for converting methanol to light olefins
comprising contacting the methanol with a catalyst at conversion conditions, the
catalyst comprising a crystalline metallo aluminophosphate molecular sieve
having a chemical composition on an anhydrous basis expressed by an
empirical formula of: (ELxAlyPz)O2 where EL is a metal selected from the group
consisting of silicon, magnesium, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese,
chromium and mixtures thereof, "x" is the mole fraction of EL and has a value of
at least 0.005, "y" is the mole fraction of Al and has a value of at least 0. 01, "z"
is the mole fraction of P and has a value of at least 0.01 and x+y+z=1, the
molecular sieve characterized in that it has predominantly a plate crystal
morphology, wherein the average smallest crystal dimension is at least 0.1
micron and has an aspect ratio of less than or equal to 5.
US 6,334,994 relates to a microporous crystalline silico-alumino-phosphate
composition, the theoretical composition of which, on a water-free basis after
synthesis and calcination, is: HwSixAlyPzO2 where w and x have a value between
0.01 and 0.05 and y and z are values between 0.4 and 0.6, wherein the
composition is a mixed phase product comprising silico-alumino-phosphates of
AEI and CHA structure prepared in one batch crystallization, not including mere
physical mixtures, the product after calcination in air at 550° C for 4 hours,
produces a specific X-ray diffractogram and XRD-profiles.
EP 893159 relates to a method for preparing catalysts comprising silica-
modified crystalline silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieves, which comprises
adding an aluminum alkoxide to an aqueous amine or organic ammonium salt
solution cooled at a temperature of not higher than 20°C, followed by hydrolysis,
until a uniform aqueous aluminum hydroxide colloid or solution is formed,
adding, to the colloid or solution, silica or other Si-source compounds, and
phosphoric acid or other P-source compounds, if desired, along with a metal
source selected from the group of Li, Ti, Zr, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, Be, Mg, Ca,
B, Ga and Ge, hydrothermally treating the resulting mixture to prepare a
crystalline silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve, and then modifying the
crystalline silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve with silica.
US 2005 0096214 (US 6953767) relates to a process for making an olefin
product from an oxygenate feedstock comprising contacting said oxygenate
feedstock with a catalyst comprising a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve
comprising at least one intergrown phase of molecular sieves having AEI and
CHA framework types, wherein said intergrown phase has an AEI/CHA ratio of
from about 5/95 to 40/60 as determined by DIFFaX analysis, using the powder
X-ray diffraction pattern of a calcined sample of said silicoaluminophosphate
molecular sieve, under conditions effective to form an olefin product.
It also describes a method for preparing the molecular sieve of said process
that comprises
(a) combining a reactive source of silicon, a reactive source of phosphorus and
a hydrated aluminum oxide in the presence of an organic structure directing
agent (template) to form a mixture;
(b) mixing and heating continuously the mixture prepared at step a) up to the
crystallization temperature;
(c) maintaining the mixture at the crystallization temperature and under stirring
for a period of time of from 2 to 150 hours;
(d) recovering crystals of the silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve
(e) wherein the mixture prepared at step a) has a molar composition within the
following ranges:
P2 O5:AI2O3 frorn 0.6:1 to 1.2:1
SiO2:AI2O3 from 0.005:1 to 0.35:1
H2 O:AI2O3 fronni 10:1 to 40:1
and the template is a tetraethylammonium compound.
In all the above prior arts only template and/or specific reaction conditions are
used to influence the crystal structure of the material. It has been discovered
that preparing said MeAPO in the presence of one template, one texture
influencing agent (a kind of template), inorganic metal source insoluble in the
texture influencing agent, Al and P source, all these ingredients being in specific
proportions, MeAPO with high efficiency in MTO process are obtained. The
template can be tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) or an amine. The
texture influencing agent can be an alcohol, a diol or glycerol.
US 6,540,970 relates to a method for making a metalloaluminophosphate
(MeAPO) molecular sieve, said process comprising the steps of:
providing a source of alumina, a source of phosphorus, water, and a template
suitable for forming a MeAPO molecular sieve;
providing a source of metal including metal particles, said metal particles
measuring, in their largest dimension, equal to or less than five nanometers;
providing a water soluble organic solvent capable of solubilizing said source of
forming a synthesis mixture from said source of alumina, said source of
phosphorus, said water, said template, said source of metal, and said solvent;
and forming a MeAPO molecular sieve from said synthesis mixture.
Desirably, the water soluble organic solvent capable of solubilizing the source of
the metal is selected from the group consisting of sulfoxides and C 1 to C 5
oxygenated hydrocarbons. Desirably, the oxygenated hydrocarbon is selected
from the group consisting of alcohols (branched or normal), ketones, aldehydes,
diols and acids. Useful solvents include one or more solvents selected from the
group consisting of acetone, 1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, methanol,
ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, butanol, and ethylene glycol. Desirably, the
solvent is an alcohol. The products obtained are isocrystalline spheroidal
particles comprising a SAPO molecular sieve. The particle measures from 0.5
microns to 30 microns in diameter.
This process doesn't lead to MeAPO with very thin lamellar plate crystal
[Brief summary of the invention]
The present invention relates to a method for preparing
metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieve said method comprising :
a) forming a reaction mixture containing a texture influencing agent (TIA),
an organic templating agent (TEMP), at least a reactive inorganic source of
Me02essentially insoluble in the TIA, reactive sources of AI2 O3 and P2 O5,
b) crystallizing the above reaction mixture thus formed until crystals of the
metalloaluminophosphate are formed,
c) recovering a solid reaction product,
d) washing it with water to remove the TIA and
e) calcinating it to remove the organic template.
In a usual embodiment said reaction mixture has a composition expressed in
terms of molar oxide ratios of:
TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.3-5 , more desirable 0.5-2
MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.005-2.0, more desirable 0.022-0.8
P2O5/AI2O3 =0.5-2, more desirable 0.8-1.2
TIA/AI2O3= 3-30, more desirable 6-20
In an advantageous embodiment TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.5-2 ; MeO2/Al2O3 =
0.022-0.8; P2O5/AI2O3= 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3= 6-20.
In a first preferred embodiment TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.5-2 ; MeO2/Al2O3 =
0.022-0.7; P2O5/AI2O3 = 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3 = 6-20.
In a second preferred embodiment TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.7-2 ; MeO2/AI2O3 =
0.05-0.7; P2O5/Al2O3= 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3 = 6-20.
In a third preferred embodiment TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.7-2 ; MeO2/Al2O3 =
0.05-0.6; P2O5/AI2O3= 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3 = 6-20.
The metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieves made with the
above method have a lamellar crystal morphology.
In a usual embodiment the metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO)
molecular sieves made with the above method have a lamellar crystal
morphology having an empirical chemical composition on an anhydrous basis,
after synthesis and calcination, expressed by the formula HxMeyAlzPkO2
x y has a value ranging from 0.0008 to 0.4 and more desirable from 0.005 to 0.18
z has a value ranging from 0.25 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.38 to 0.55
k has a value ranging from 0.2 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.36 to 0.54
said molecular sieve having predominantly a plate crystal morphology.
The values of y, z and k in the usual embodiment are obtained by the
ratios of the ingredients described in the usual embodiment method above
In an advantageous embodiment y has a value ranging from 0.005 to
0.18, z has a value ranging from 0.38 to 0.55 and k has a value ranging from
0.36 to 0.54.
In a first preferred embodiment y has a value ranging from 0.005 to 0.16,
z has a value ranging from 0.39 to 0.55 and k has a value ranging from 0.37 to
In a second preferred embodiment y has a value ranging from 0.011 to
0.16, z has a value ranging from 0.39 to 0.55 and k has a value ranging from
0.37 to 0.54.
In a third preferred embodiment y has a value ranging from 0.011 to
0.14, z has a value ranging from 0.40 to 0.55 and k has a value ranging from
0.38 to 0.54.
The values of y, z and k in the advantageous, first, second and third
embodiments described above are obtained by using the ingredients ratios
described respectively in the advantageous, first, second and third
embodiments of the method described above.
In an advantageous embodiment the MeAPO made by the method of the
invention have essentially a structure CHA or AEI or a mixture thereof.
Preferably they have essentially the structure SAPO 18 or SAPO 34 or a
mixture thereof.
The present invention also relates to catalysts consisting of the above
MeAPO molecular sieves made by the method of the invention or comprising
the above MeAPO molecular sieves made by the method of the invention.
The present invention also relates to a process for making an olefin
product from an oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing
organic feedstock wherein said oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or
sulphur-containing organic feedstock is contacted with the above catalyst under
conditions effective to convert the oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or
sulphur-containing organic feedstock to olefin products.
According to an advantageous embodiment of the invention said olefin
products are fractionnated to form a stream comprising essentially ethylene and
at least a part of said stream is recycled on the catalyst to increase the
propylene production and then the flexibility of ethylene vs propylene
production. Advantageously the ratio of ethylene to the oxygen-containing,
halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock is 1.8 or less.
[Detailed description of the invention]
With regards to the plate crystal morphology, by predominantly is
meant advantageously greater than 50% of the crystals. Preferably at least 70%
of the crystals have a plate morphology and most preferably at least 90% of the
crystals have a plate morphology. About "essentially" referring to the CHA or
AEI structure it means that advantageously more than 80% by weight,
preferably more than 90%, of the MeAPO of the invention has the structure
CHA or AEI or a mixture thereof. About "essentially" referring to the SAPO 18 or
SAPO 34 structure it means that advantageously more than 80% by weight,
preferably more than 90%, of the MeAPO of the invention has the structure
SAPO 18 or SAPO 34 or a mixture thereof.
With regards to Me, it is advantageously a metal selected from the
group consisting of silicon, germanium, magnesium, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel,
manganese, chromium and mixtures thereof. Preferred metals are silicon,
magnesium and cobalt with silicon or germanium being especially preferred.
With regards to the TIA, mention may be made, by way of example, of
1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol,
butanol, glycerol or ethylene glycol.
With regards to the organic templating agent, it can be any of those
heretofore proposed for use in the synthesis of conventional zeolitic
aluminosilicates and microporous aluminophosphates. In general these
compounds contain elements of Group VA of the Periodic Table of Elements,
particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony, preferably N or P and
most preferably N, which compounds also contain at least one alkyl or aryl
group having from 1 to 8 carbon atoms. Particularly preferred nitrogen-
containing compounds for use as templating agents are the amines and
quaternary ammonium compounds, the latter being represented generally by
the formula R4N+ wherein each R is an alkyl or aryl group containing from 1 to 8
carbon atoms. Polymeric quaternary ammonium salts such as
[(C14H32N2)(OH)2]x wherein "x" has a value of at least 2 are also suitably
employed. Both mono-, di and tri-amines are advantageously utilized, either
alone or in combination with a quaternary ammonium compound or other
templating compound. Representative templating agents include
tetramethylammonium, tetraethylammonium, tetrapropylammonium or
tetrabutylammonium cations; di-n-propylamine, tripropylamine, triethylamine;
diethylamine, triethanolamine; piperidine; morpholine; cyclohexylamine; 2-
methylpyridine; N,N-dimethylbenzylamine; N,N-diethylethanolamine;
dicyclohexylamine; N,N-dimethylethanolamine; choline; N,N'-
dimethylpiperazine; 1,4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2)octane; N-methyldiethanolamine, N-
methylethanolarnine; N-methylpiperidine; 3-methylpiperidine; N-
methylcyclohexylamine; 3-methylpyridine; 4-methylpyridine; quinuclidine; N,N'-
dimethyl-1,4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2)octane ion; di-n-butylamine, neopentylamine; di-
n-pentylamine; isopropylamine; t-butylamine; ethylenediamine; pyrrolidine; and
2-imidazolidone. Advantageously organic templating agent is selected among
tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEAOH), diisopropylethylamine (DPEA),
tetraethyl ammonium salts, cyclopentylamine, aminomethyl cyclohexane,
piperidine, triethylamine, diethylamine, cyclohexylamine, triethyl
hydroxyethylamine, morpholine, dipropylamine, pyridine, isopropylamine di-n-
propylamine, tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide, diisopropylamine, di-n-
propylamine, n- butylethylamine, di-n-butylamine, and di-n-pentylamine and
combinations thereof. Preferably the template, is a tetraethyl ammonium
compound selected from the group of tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide
(TEAOH), tetraethyl ammonium phosphate, tetraethyl ammonium fluoride,
tetraethyl ammonium bromide, tetraethyl ammonium chloride, tetraethyl
ammonium acetate. Most preferably, the template is tetraethyl ammonium
With regards to the reactive inorganic source of MeO2 essentially
insoluble in the TIA and relating to silicon, non-limiting examples of useful
inorganic silicon source materials non-soluble in alcohols include, fumed silica,
aerosol, pyrogenic silica, precipitated silica and silica gel.
With regards to the reactive sources of Al2 O3 , it can be any
aluminum species capable of being dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous
synthesis solution. Useful sources of alumina are one or more sources selected
from the group consisting of the following: hydrated alumina, organo alumina, in
particularly AI(OiPr)3, pseudo-boehmite, aluminum hydroxide, colloidal alumina,
aluminium halides, aluminium carboxylates, aluminium sulfates and mixtures
With regards to the reactive sources of P2 O5, it can be one or more
sources selected from the group consisting of phosphoric acid; organic
phosphates, such as triethyl phosphate, tetraethyl-ammonium phosphate;
aluminophosphates; and mixtures thereof. The phosphorous source should also
be capable of being dispersed or dissolved in an alcohol synthesis solution.
With regards to the step b), the reaction mixture obtained by mixing the
reactive sources of alumina, MeO2, phosphorus, organic templating agent and
TIA is submitted to autogenous pressure and elevated temperature. The
reaction mixture is heated up to the crystallization temperature that may range
from about 120°C. to 250°C, preferably from 130°C. to 225°C, most preferably
from 150°C. to 200°C. Heating up to the crystallization temperature is typically
carried for a period of time ranging from about 0,5 to about 16 hours, preferably
from about 1 to 12 hours, most preferably from about 2 to 9 hours. The
temperature may be increased stepwise or continuously. However, continuous
heating is preferred. The reaction mixture may be kept static or agitated by
means of tumbling or stirring the reaction vessel during hydrothermal treatment.
Preferably, the reaction mixture is tumbled or stirred, most preferably stirred.
The temperature is then maintained at the crystallization temperature for a
period of time ranging from 2 to 200 hours. Heat and agitation is applied for a
period of time effective to form crystalline product. In a specific embodiment, the
reaction mixture is kept at the crystallization temperature for a period of from 16
to 96 hours.
With regards to the step c), the usual means can be used. Typically,
the crystalline molecular sieve product is formed as a slurry and can be
recovered by standard means, such as by sedimentation, centrifugation or
With regards to the step d), the separated molecular sieve product is
washed, recovered by sedimentation, centrifugation or filtration and dried.
With regards to the step e), calcination of molecular sieves is known
per se. As a result of the molecular sieve crystallization process, the recovered
molecular sieve contains within its pores at least a portion of the template used.
In a preferred embodiment, activation is performed in such a manner that the
template is removed from the molecular sieve, leaving active catalytic sites with
the microporous channels of the molecular sieve open for contact with a
feedstock. The activation process is typically accomplished by calcining, or
essentially heating the molecular sieve comprising the template at a
temperature of from 200 to 800° C in the presence of an oxygen-containing gas.
In some cases, it may be desirable to heat the molecular sieve in an
environment having a low oxygen concentration. This type of process can be
used for partial or complete removal of the template from the intracrystalline
pore system.
Additionally, if during the synthesis alkaline or alkaline earth metals have
been used, the molecular sieve might be subjected to an ion-exchange step.
Conventionally, ion-exchange is done in aqueous solutions using ammonium
salts or inorganic acids.
Once the molecular sieve is made, it can be used as itself as a catalyst.
In another embodiment it can be formulated into a catalyst by combining the
molecular sieve with other materials that provide additional hardness or catalytic
activity to the finished catalyst product. The present invention also relates to
catalysts consisting of the above MeAPO molecular sieves made by the method
of the invention or comprising the above MeAPO molecular sieves made by the
method of the invention.
Materials which can be blended with the molecular sieve can be various
inert or catalytically active materials, or various binder materials. These
materials include compositions such as kaolin and other clays, various forms of
rare earth metals, alumina or alumina sol, titania, zirconia, quartz, silica or silica
sol, and mixtures thereof. These components are effective in densifying the
catalyst and increasing the strength of the formulated catalyst. When blended
with non-metalloaluminophosphate molecular sieve materials, the amount of
MeAPO of the present invention, which is contained in the final catalyst product
ranges from 10 to 90 weight percent of the total catalyst, preferably 20 to 70
weight percent of the total catalyst.
The MeAPO molecular sieves synthesized in accordance with the
present method can be used to dry gases and liquids; for selective molecular
separation based on size and polar properties; as ion-exchangers; as catalysts
in cracking, hydrocracking, disproportionation, alkylation, isomerization,
oxidation; as chemical carriers; in gas chromatography; and in the petroleum
industry to remove normal paraffins from distillates. More precisely they are
useful as catalysts in a variety of processes including cracking of, for example,
a naphtha feed to light olefin(s) or higher molecular weight (MW) hydrocarbons
to lower MW hydrocarbons; hydrocracking of, for example, heavy petroleum
and/or cyclic feedstock; isomerization of, for example, aromatics such as
xylene; polymerization of, for example, one or more olefin(s) to produce a
oligomer product; dewaxing of, for example, hydrocarbons to remove straight
chain paraffins; absorption of, for example, alkyl aromatic compounds for
separating out isomers thereof; oligomerization of, for example, straight and
branched chain olefin(s); and the synthesis of monoalkylamines and
The MeAPO made by the method of the present invention are particularly
suited for the catalytic conversion of oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing
or sulphur-containing organic compounds to hydrocarbons. Accordingly, the
present invention also relates to a method for making an olefin product from an
oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic
feedstock wherein said oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-
containing organic feedstock is contacted with the catalyst of this invention
comprising the molecular sieve of this invention under conditions effective to
convert the oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing
organic feedstock to olefin products. In this process a feedstock containing an
oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic
compound contacts the above described catalyst in a reaction zone of a reactor
at conditions effective to produce light olefins, particularly ethylene and
propylene. Typically, the oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-
containing organic feedstock is contacted with the catalyst when the oxygen-
containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic compounds is
in vapour phase. Alternately, the process may be carried out in a liquid or a
mixed vapour/liquid phase. In this process, converting oxygen-containing,
halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic compounds , olefins can
generally be produced at a wide range of temperatures. An effective operating
temperature range can be from about 200° C. to 700° C. At the lower end of the
temperature range, the formation of the desired olefin products may become
markedly slow. At the upper end of the temperature range, the process may not
form an optimum amount of product. An operating temperature of at least 300°
C, and up to 575° C is preferred.
The pressure also may vary over a wide range. Preferred pressures are
in the range of about 5 kPa to about 5 MPa, with the most preferred range being
of from about 50 kPa to about 0.5 MPa. The foregoing pressures refer to the
partial pressure of the oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing, sulphur-
containing organic compounds and/or mixtures thereof.
The process can be carried out in any system using a variety of transport
beds, although a fixed bed or moving bed system could be used.
Advantageously a fluidized bed is used. It is particularly desirable to operate the
reaction process at high space velocities. The process can be conducted in a
single reaction zone or a number of reaction zones arranged in series or in
parallel. Any standard commercial scale reactor system can be used, for
example fixed bed, fluidised or moving bed systems. The commercial scale
reactor systems can be operated at a weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of
from 0.1 hr-1to 1000 hr-1.
One or more inert diluents may be present in the feedstock, for example,
in an amount of from 1 to 95 molar percent, based on the total number of moles
of all feed and diluent components fed to the reaction zone. Typical diluents
include, but are not necessarily limited to helium, argon, nitrogen, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water, paraffins, alkanes (especially
methane, ethane, and propane), aromatic compounds, and mixtures thereof.
The preferred diluents are water and nitrogen. Water can be injected in either
liquid or vapour form.
The oxygenate feedstock is any feedstock containing a molecule or any
chemical having at least an oxygen atom and capable, in the presence of the
above MeAPO catalyst, to be converted to olefin products. The oxygenate
feedstock comprises at least one organic compound which contains at least one
oxygen atom, such as aliphatic alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds
(aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carbonates, esters and the like).
Representative oxygenates include but are not necessarily limited to lower
straight and branched chain aliphatic alcohols and their unsaturated
counterparts. Examples of suitable oxygenate compounds include, but are not
limited to: methanol; ethanol; n-propanol; isopropanol; C4-C20 alcohols; methyl
ethyl ether; dimethyl ether; diethyl ether; di-isopropyl ether; formaldehyde;
dimethyl carbonate; dimethyl ketone; acetic acid; and mixtures thereof.
Representative oxygenates include lower straight chain or branched aliphatic
alcohols, their unsaturated counterparts.
Analogously to these oxygenates, compounds containing sulphur or
halides may be used. Examples of suitable compounds include methyl
mercaptan; dimethyl sulfide; ethyl mercaptan; di-ethyl sulfide; ethyl
monochloride; methyl monochloride, methyl dichloride, n-alkyl halides, n-alkyl
sulfides having n-alkyl groups of comprising the range of from about 1 to about
10 carbon atoms; and mixtures thereof. Preferred oxygenate compounds are
methanol, dimethyl ether, or a mixture thereof.
The method of making the olefin products from an oxygenate feedstock
can include the additional step of making the oxygenase feedstock from
hydrocarbons such as oil, coal, tar sand, shale, biomass and natural gas.
Methods for making oxygen-containing, halogenide-cojitaining, sulphur-
containing-containing organic feedstocks are known in the art. These methods
include fermentation to alcohol or ether, making synthesis gas, then converting
the synthesis gas to alcohol or ether. Synthesis gas can be produced by known
processes such as steam reforming, autothermal reforming and partial
oxidization in case of gas feedstocks or by reforming or gasification using
oxygen and steam in case of solid (coal, organic waste) orf liquid feedstocks.
Methanol, methylsulfide and methylhalides can be produced by oxidation of
methane with the help of dioxygen, sulphur or halides in the corresponding
oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-cbntaining organic
One skilled in the art will also appreciate that the olefirji products made by
the oxygenate-to-olefin conversion reaction using the molecular sieve of the
present invention can be polymerized to form polycjlefins, particularly
polyethylenes and polypropylenes.
In the following examples :
EG means ethylene glycol,
Eth means ethanol,
MeOH means methanol,
XRD means X ray diffraction,
SEM means scanning electron microscopy,
Aerosil 200® is a fumed silica supplied by Degussa.
Examples 1-3
A reaction mixture of TIA, phosphoric acid (85% in vyater) and TEAOH
solution (40 % in water) was prepared in a teflon vessel. In this solution were
added corresponding amount of Al source and Si-source respectively. This
slurry was mixed until homogeneous for about 30 min at foom temperature.
Then the teflon vessel was put into a stainless autoclave, this autoclave was
kept under temperature. After cooling to room temperature, a sample was
taken, washed and dried. Separation of the solid from the liquid phase after
synthesis was performed by centrifugation. Separated solid Was dried at 110°C
overnight and calcined in air flow at 600°C for 10h. Proportions and operating
conditions are in the following table. This procedure was applied for all the

Examples 7-8

Example 9
Synthesis at higher temperature

Examples 10-11
Reduced amount of TIA

Example 12
Synthesis with reduced amount of template

Example 13
Synthesis with increased amount of template in presence of EG

Example 14
Synthesis at lower Si-content

Comparative example I
The essential of this recipe: the source of Si must be soluble in alcohol. In the
present invention all Si sources are not soluble in TIA.
Synthesis of SAPOs in presence of alcohol with organic souifce of Si according
to US 6 540 970 protocol :

Morphology of the samples synthesized according to this recipe is different from
lamellar. Indeed, a very particular spheroidal morphology has been described in
this patent for SAPO-34 sample. The crystallites have a width, at their largest
dimension, of from about 0.5pm to about 30pm.
Reproduction of example for SAPO-18 synthesis led to materials with cubic
Comparative example II
Synthesis of SAPO-18 (Chen's recipe)
-Verified Syntheses of Zeolitic Materials, H. Robson, Elsevier, p.81,
- Catalysis Letters 28 (1994) 241-248
- J. Chern. Soc, Chem. Comm., 1994, 603-604
- J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98, 10216-10224

Comparative example III
Synthesis of SAPOs according to recipe of US 6 334 994 at high and low Si
Comparative example IV (US 6 953 767 B2)
Inventors in the US 6953767B2 described a synthesii of SAPOs phase
mixed structure. 18/34 phase ratio was tuned by changing ^he turning rate of
autoclave during the synthesis.
The results showed, that phase composition is reproducible but the
morphology was not lamellar.
Example 15 (MTO)
Catalyst tests were performed on 2g catalyst samples with a essentially
pure methanol feed at 450°C, at a pressure of 0,5 barg and WHSV=1.6h-1, in a
fixed-bed, down flow stainless-steel reactor. Catalyst powders was pressed into
wafers and crushed to 35-45 mesh particles. Prior to catalytic run all catalysts
were heated in flowing N2 (5 Nl/h) up to the reaction temperature. Analysis of
the products has been performed on-line by a gas chromatograph equipped
with a capillary column. Catalytic performances of MeAPOs molecular sieves
were compared at 100% of methanol conversion and maximum of catalyst
activity just before appearance of DME in the effluent. The results are in table 1
hereunder. The values in table 1 are the effluent of the MTO reactor and are the
weight percent on carbon basis.
Example 16
Catalyst tests were performed on 2g catalyst samples with a
methanol/H20: 70/30 feed at 450°C, at a pressure of 0,2 barg, WHSV=2.9 h-1, in
a fixed-bed, down flow stainless-steel reactor. Catalyst powders was pressed
into wafers and crushed to 35-45 mesh particles. Prior to catalytic run all
catalysts were heated in flowing N2 (5 Nl/h) up to the reaction temperature.
Analysis of the products has been performed on-line by a gas chromatograph
equipped with a capillary column. Catalytic performances of SAPOs molecular
sieves were compared at 100% of methanol conversion and maximum of
catalyst activity just before appearance of DME in the effluent. The results are in
table 2 hereunder. The values in table 2 are the effluent of the MTO reactor and
are the weight percent on carbon basis.
1 Method for preparing metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO)
molecular sieve said method comprising :
a) forming a reaction mixture containing a texture influencing agent (TIA),
an organic templating agent (TEMP), at least a reactive inorganic source of
MeO2 insoluble in the TIA, reactive sources of Al2 O3 and P2 O5,
b) crystallizing the above reaction mixture thus formed until crystals of the
metalloaluminophosphate are formed,
c) recovering a solid reaction product,
d) washing it with water to remove the TIA and
e) calcinating it to remove the organic template.
2 Method according to claim 1 wherein said reaction mixture has a
composition expressed in terms of molar oxide ratios of:
TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.3-5 ,
MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.005-2.0,
P2O5/AI2O3= 0.5-2,
3 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the
ratio TEMP/AI2O3 =0.5-2.
4 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the
ratio MeO2/Al2O3 =0.022-0.8.
5 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the
ratio P2O5/AI2O3 = 0.8-1.2.
6 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the
ratio TIA/AI2O3= 6-20.
7 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein
TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.5-2 ; MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.022-0.8; P2O5/AI2O3 = 0.8-1.2 and
8 Method according to claim 7 wherein TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.5-2 ;
MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.022-0.7; P2O5/AI2O3= 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3= 6-20.
9 Method according to claim 8 wherein TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.7-2 ;
MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.05-0.7; P2O5/AI2O3= 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3 = 6-20.
10 Method according to claim 9 wherein TEMP/AI2O3 = 0.7-2 ;
MeO2/Al2O3 = 0.05-0.6; P2O5/AI2O3 = 0.8-1.2 and TIA/AI2O3 = 6-20.
11 Method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein Me
is silicon.
12 Method according to any one of claims 10-11 wherein the texture
influencing agent (TIA) is selected among 1,2-propanedipl, 1,3-propanediol,
methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, butanol, glycerol or ethylene glycol.
13 MeAPO made by the method according any one of the preceding
14 MeAPO according to claim 13 wherein the structure is essentially
CHA or AEI or a mixture thereof.
15 MeAPO according to any one of claims 12-13 wherein the
structure is essentially SAPO 18 or SAPO 34 or a mixture thereof.
16 Catalysts consisting of the MeAPO molecular] sieves according to
any one of claims 13 to 15 or comprising the MeAPO molecular sieves
according to any one of claims 13 to 15.
17 Process for making an olefin product from an oxygenate feedstock
wherein said oxygenate feedstock is contacted with the catalyst of claim 16
under conditions effective to convert the oxygenate feedstock to olefin products.
18 Process according to claim 17 wherein the oxygenate compounds
are methanol, dimethyl ether, or a mixture thereof.
19 Process for making an olefin product from an organic sulphur
feedstock wherein said organic sulphur feedstock is contacted with the catalyst
of claim 16 under conditions effective to convert the organic sulphur feedstock
to olefin products.
20 Process for making an olefin product from an organic halide
feedstock wherein said organic halide feedstock is contacted with the catalyst of
claim 16 under conditions effective to convert the organic halide feedstock to
olefin products.
21 Process according to any one of claims 17 to 20 wherein said
olefin products are fractionnated to form a stream comprising essentially
ethylene and at least a part of said stream is recycled on the catalyst to
increase the propylene production.
22 Process according to any one of claims 17 to 21 wherein ethylene
is further polymerized optionally with one or more comonomers.
23 Process according to any one of claims 17 to 21 wherein
propylene is further polymerized optionally with one or more comonomers.

The present invention also relates to a method for preparing metal-
loaluminophosphate (MeAPO) molecular sieve said method comprising: a) form-
ing a reaction mixture containing a texture influencing agent (TIA), an organic
templating agent (TEMP), at least a reactive inorganic source of MeO2 insoluble
in the TIA, reactive sources of A12O3 and P2O5, b) crystallizing the above reaction
mixture thus formed until crystals of the metalloaluminophosphate are formed, c)
recovering a solid reaction product, d) washing it with water to remove the TIA
and e) calcinating it to remove the organic template. In a usual embodiment said
reaction mixture has a composition expressed in terms of molar oxide ratios of
:TEMP/A12O3= 0.3-5, more desirable 0.5-2 MeO2/Al2O3= 0.005-2.0, more desir-
able 0.022-0.8 P2O5/A12O3 = 0.5-2, more desirable 0.8-1.2 TIA/Al2O3 = 3-30, more
desirable 6-20. In a usual embodiment the metalloaluminophosphate (MeAPO)
molecular sieves made with the above method have a lamellar crystal morphology
having an empirical chemical composition on an anhydrous basis, after synthe-
sis and calcination, expressed by the formula HxMeyAlzPkO2 wherein, y+z+k=l,
x to 0.18; z has a value ranging from 0.25 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.38 to
0.5525; k has a value ranging from 0.2 to 0.67 and more desirable from 0.36 to
0.54 said molecular sieve having predominantly a plate crystal morphology. In
an advantageous embodiment the MeAPO made by the method of the invention
have essentially a structure CHA or AEI or a mixture thereof. Preferably they have
essentially the structure SAPO 18 or SAPO 34 or a mixture thereof. The present
invention also relates to catalysts consisting of the above MeAPO molecular sieves
made by the method of the invention or comprising the above MeAPO molecular
sieves made by the method of the invention. The present invention also relates to a
process for making an olefin product from an oxygen-containing, halogenide-con-
taining or sulphur-containing organic feedstock wherein said oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing or-
ganic feedstock is contacted with the above catalyst under conditions effective to convert the oxygen-containing, halogenide-con-
taining or sulphur-containing organic feedstock to olefin products.






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3500-kolnp-2009-pct priority document notification.pdf

3500-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 266025
Indian Patent Application Number 3500/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 14/2015
Publication Date 03-Apr-2015
Grant Date 27-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 08-Oct-2009
Applicant Address 3, RUE MICHEL ANGE, F-75016 PARIS, FRANCE
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C01B37/08; B01J29/85; C07C1/20
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2008/052813
PCT International Filing date 2008-03-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 07300861.7 2007-03-13 EUROPEAN UNION
2 60/939,456 2007-05-22 EUROPEAN UNION