Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a roller pump (10) consisting of a stator with a pump bed (22) formed therein and a rotor for acting on a hose (12) inserted into the pump bed in arcuate form. In accordance with the invention, the ends of the tube guided out of the pump bed cross.
Full Text

The invention consists of a roller pump in accordance with the preamble of claim 1.
Roller pumps of this type are known, for example, from US 4,545,544 A. They consist
of a stator with a pump bed formed therein and a rotor for acting on a hose insertable
into the pump bed in arcuate form. It is already proposed here to connect the pump
hose segment, which is inserted into the pump bed of the roller pump, via a
connector to an incoming and an outgoing liquid hose. This connector prevents a
slipping of the pump hose segment during the pumping process. At the same time, it
is avoided on the basis of an asymmetry in the connector that the pre-assembled hose
segment is inserted in a laterally transposed manner. The pump hose segment is
preshaped in an arcuate manner by the connector. The incoming and outgoing liquid
hose is, in contrast, guided out of the connector in a parallel manner. This has the
result that the incoming and outgoing liquid hose in each case requires a great deal of
room outside the pump bed in order not to be kinked on a direction-changing hose
guidance. A simple bending of the hoses outside the pump bed is not possible since
otherwise the liquid flow would be interrupted.
It is the object of the invention to. further develop the generic roller pump such that
liquid-conducting hoses can be used in a particularly space-saving manner.
This object is solved in accordance with the invention by the combination of the
features of claim 1. Accordingly, a roller pump consists of a stator having a pump bed
formed therein and a rotor for acting on a hose inserted into the pump bed in arcuate
form, with the ends of the hose guided out of the pump bed crossing directly after
exiting the pump bed. A pump segment thus results in the form of a Greek

alpha. The hoses can be guided further in a space-saving manner below or next to
the roller pump due to this shape without there being any risk of kinking.
Further particularly preferred embodiment variants of the invention result from the
dependent claims following on from the main claim.
The hose can advantageously be fixable in the roller pump by a connector. The hose
inserted into the roller pump can be guidable through the connector and thus be
made as a hose in one piece. Alternatively, however, a separate hose piece
insertable into the pump bed and the infeeding and outgoing hose piece can also be
connected in the connector.
The connector can advantageously be made as an adapter, with the adapter being
insertable in the roller pump in corresponding reception recesses on the basis of its
shape. Due to this respective shape matching, a coding can be realized which can
also be supported by a corresponding coloring. The reception recesses of the
adapter engage laterally into two clip receivers, preferably of different shape. The
clipable adapter is matched to the corresponding shape of the clips.
In accordance with another advantageous aspect of the invention, a device,
preferably a pimple, is arranged at the adapter and cooperates with a senor
integrated in the roller pump or in the housing forming the roller pump. The sensor
confirms the functionally correct insertion of the adapter at the corresponding point.
The adapter particularly advantageously consists of a soft plastic, preferably soft
The advantages of the hose guidance in accordance with the invention result in a
very particularly advantageous manner when the connector is arranged laterally at
the pump bed with a horizontal alignment of the rotor axis. An optimum bleeding of
the hose segment can be achieved by this arrangement in cooperation with a
corresponding direction of rotation of the rotor. It is namely ensured that air which is

in the inlet region rises upwardly due to the lifting force. The corresponding pressing
rollers of the rotor engage into the hose segment disposed in the pump bed still
during the rising and guarantee a compulsory conveying of the corresponding air
bubbles. It is similar at the outlet of the hose segment. When the pressing rollers
release the hose segment again, the air taken along is already in the rising region of
the hose segment. There is thereby no force driving the air back into the pump. These
advantages cannot be achieved either with a U-shaped arrangement or with an re-
shaped arrangement of the hose segment in the pump bed such as were known in the
prior art.
To achieve the optimum bleeding, the roller pump has a control unit which sets the
corresponding rotary direction of the rotor in dependence on the lateral alignment of
the connector. The rotor is thus rotated counterclockwise when the hoses cross on
the right hand side and clockwise when the hoses cross on the left hand side.
The hose insertable into the roller pump can also be connected to a connector which
is made as an integrated cassette. Finally, the invention also relates to a hose set
having a connector such as was previously described as well as a hose to be inserted
into the pump bed and connected to the connector.
The invention also relates to a connector which can be inserted into a roller pump in
accordance with the invention.
Further features, details and advantages of the invention result from embodiments
shown in the drawing.
Fig. 1: a schematic view of a roller pump in accordance with a first embodiment
of the invention;
Fig. 2: a roller pump housing in different views;

Fig. 3: an adapter piece in different views and sections which can be inserted
into the roller pump in accordance with Fig. 2; and
Fig. 4: a schematic representation of the hose piece which can be inserted into
a roller pump not shown in any more detail here and which is connected
to a cassette.
In Fig. 1, a roller pump 10 is shown with a pump bed 22 and an inserted hose 12
which is connected to a connector 14 made as an adapter. An infeeding hose 16 and
an outgoing hose 18 are also shown as a hose set at the connector 14. The direction
of the arrow indicates the direction of flow of the liquid inside the hose. The ends of
the hose guided out of the pump bed cross in the connector 14 in this manner.
The flexible hose 12 is compressed continuously in the direction of the arrow A by a
rotor 11 of the roller pump 10 with corresponding rollers 13 so that the corresponding
pump effect for the liquid results. A space-saving infeed and outward guidance of the
hose 12 or of the hose parts 16 and 18 is possible due to the crossing guidance of the
hose 12 resulting from the representation in accordance with Fig. 1 or due to the hose
guidance formed by the hose parts 12, 16 and 18 and the connector 14 directly next
to the opening 24 of the pump bed 22. The hose shape shown in Fig. 1 can be
described as an alpha shape in which the ends of the hose 12 guided out of the pump
22 are guided out tangentially and in a crossing manner from the pump bed 22. The
hose parts 16 and 18 can also be guided out of the pump directly laterally (not
In Fig. 2, different views of a roller pump housing 20 made as an injection-molded
part are shown. Only the stator of the roller pump 10 is shown here. Fig. 2 a) shows a
plan view from above; Fig. 2 b) a side view; Fig. 2 c) a view from the front; and Fig, 2
d) a perspective view from above, whereas Fig. 2 e) shows a perspective view from
below. A pump bed 22 is formed in the roller pump housing 20 and the

arcuately shaped hose 12 can be inserted into it in a manner not shown in any more
detail here. The pump bed 22 has an opening 24 toward one side. The lateral end
regions of the opening 24 are formed by clip receivers 26 and 28 of different shape.
As can be seen from Fig. 2 d), the clip receivers 26 and 28 are separable from the
roller pump housing 20. They are fastenable to the housing 20 with corresponding
fastening pins 30 and are replaceable. The respective rotor with the corresponding
rollers for acting on the hose 12 insertable into the pump bed in arcuate shape is not
shown in any more detail here.
Fig. 3 a) shows a plan view of an adapter piece 32 which can close the opening 24
of the housing 20 in accordance with Fig. 2. In Fig. 3 b), a corresponding sectional
representation in accordance with the line of intersection lllb-IIIB through Fig: 3 a) is
shown. In Fig. 3 c), a corresponding sectional representation in accordance with the
line of intersection lllc-lllc in Fig. 3 a) is shown. It can first be seen from Fig. 3 that
the adapter 32 has corresponding connection regions 36 or 38 for the hoses 16 and
18 and connection regions 34 for the hose 12. When the corresponding hose pieces
are connected, they can be clipped into the housing 20 together with the adapter 32,
with them being fixed by the corresponding clip receivers 26 and 28. The
corresponding recesses 40 and 42 in the adapter 32 are each matched to the
shapes of the clip receivers 26 and 28. A specific association of the hose 12
provided with the adapter 32 to a corresponding roller pump 10 can take place here
by a corresponding association of the shape of the adapter 32 in the clip receivers
26 and 28. To ensure a simple recognizability for the user here, the adapters 32 can
be of different color to allow them to be associated more easily with the respective
roller pump 10. A pimple (not shown) is arranged at the lower side of the adapter 14
and cooperates with a sensor integrated in the roller pump to make the proper
assembly of the connector or of the correspondingly pre-assembled hose set
checkable by the control unit of the roller pump. Such a hose set can include a hose
connected to the adapter and to be inserted into the pump bed as well as
corresponding hoses leading away from the pump.

Fig. 4 shows a further embodiment of a roller pump 10 in accordance with the
invention. Here, only the hose 12 is shown without a roller pump housing. The
direction of rotation of the rotor 11 is indicated by the direction of the arrow A. An
integrated cassette 50 in which different functional units can be realized is provided
as the connector piece here. A pressure measuring device 52 is integrated here by
way of example. The ends of the hose guided out of the pump bed also cross in the
connector directly next to the rotor region of the pump, i.e. of the opening of the
pump bed, in this embodiment.
In the liquid guidance shown here, an optimum bleeding of the hose segment 12
likewise results. Air which lies in the inlet region of the hose 12 rises upwardly due to
the lifting force and is compulsorily guided within the rise by the pressure rollers of
the rotor along the hose 12. To the extent they arrive at the end region of the hose
12 (viewed in the direction of the arrow A), the air taken along is likewise located in
the rising region of the hose 12 so that they rise further and are carried out through
the hose 18. This advantageous bleeding results when the crossing part of the hose
is arranged on the right hand side and the rotor 11 simultaneously turns
counterclockwise. Alternatively, the advantageous bleeding results for the case that
the crossing part of the hose is on the left hand side when the rotor turns clockwise.
Generally, the structure in accordance with the invention of the roller pump also
permits a more flexible and space-saving design of the fluid guidance with an
integrated cassette.
As previously stated, the adapter 32 can be clipped into the housing 20. As in
particular results from Fig. 2 b), the clip receivers 26 and 28 have nose-like
projections 51, 53 at the upper end. When the adapter 34 is inserted, it moves
beneath these projections, which represents the actual clipping function. The right
hand projection 51 forming one side of the clip receiver protrudes further over the
margin of the recess of the inserted adapter than the projection 53 on the left hand
side (e.g. approximately 1 mm versus some 10ths mm). On the left hand side, the
shape 42 of the adapter piece (cf. Fig. 3) is roundish (approximated to an arc of a

circle here), whereas it is angled at the right hand side (reference symbol 40 in Fig.
3). This special geometric coding results in the advantage that the adapter 34 can be
released more easily on the round side than on the angled side on the removal from
the housing 20. This is now ensured, on the one hand, by the different overlap of the
projections 51, 53 (on the part of the housing 20) and, on the other hand, via the
better resilience of the round side 42 over the angled side 40 (on the part of the
The ejection of the adapter takes place via a pin 54 (cf. Fig. 2). The pin is made
close to the round clip receiver 28 such that, on the corresponding actuation of the
pin 54, the adapter 34 is initially separated from the housing on the round contact
side. The corresponding pin 54 can be moved out in a controlled manner not shown
in any more detail here by the pump-side housing so that the round side 42 of the
adapter 32 snaps out of the clip receiver.
A type of key/lock principle results by the design of the round recess 42, on the one
hand, in connection with the round projection 53 of the housing and the angled
recess 40 in connection with the angled projection 51 of the housing, for which
protection is claimed separately.
The tilt movement generated by the arrangement of the pin 54 on the ejection of the
adapter has yet another advantage. The roller pump 10 is equipped with two radial
pins such as is also described in US 4,545,544 A. The two pins are attached on
mutually oppositely disposed sides. When the left hand side of the adapter 34 is
raised and the right hand side of the adapter 34 is not raised, the lower pin can
move easily beneath the hose in the clockwise direction in order to raise this,
whereas the upper pin can first extend without problem over the still inserted hose.
With a simultaneous raising of both pins, a pin can catch in the pump hose system.
This is prevented by the tilt movement on the ejection of the adapter 32.
The adapter 32 is made such that it permits a cant-free connection between the
pump hose segment 12 and the outer segments 16, 18 which, as can be seen, for

example in Fig. 1, have different inner diameters. This can also be recognized in
Figs. 3b and 3c in which the openings 34 have a first width and the openings 36 and
38 have a second, smaller width. A transition region directly adjoins this opening.
The openings of the transition region correspond to the inner diameters of the hose
segments to be inserted. The transition region is characterized in accordance with
the invention by a constant transition of the inner diameter to achieve a
homogeneous flow which is as blood-compatible as possible.
Furthermore, the crossing region of the two hose segments 16 and 18 is already
disposed in a region in which the inner diameters of the two lines are substantially
reduced. In accordance with the invention, this permits an alignment of the total
pump loop which is as good and smooth'as possible so that there is no excessive
wear due to the hose guidance pins.
The pin 54 in accordance with Fig. 2 a) can simultaneously serve as a sensor for a
pimple provided at the adapter 32. The pin 54 is here displaced vertically in a
manner not shown in any more detail by pressing in the pimple, which can be
recognized by a light barrier likewise not shown in any more detail here.
It can be recognized in the section llld-llld, as it is shown in Fig. 3d, that the spacing
at the round recess 42 and at the angled recess 40 of the adapter 32 reduces from
top to bottom. This permits a better mold removability of the adapter in the
A second projection, not shown in the Figures, which acts as an abutment for the
tilting adapter 32 can be provided at the left hand clip receiver 52.
The geometrical associations not shown in this embodiment with respect to the left
hand side and the right hand side - namely those of the shape of the clip receivers,
those of the projections 51, 53, and also the arrangement of the pin 54, as well as of
the second projection - can be swapped as required.

It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the lines continuing the hose segments 16 and 18
cross at right angles in the adapter.

1. A roller pump (10) consisting of a stator with a pump bed (22) formed therein
and a rotor for acting on a hose (12) inserted into the pump bed in arcuate
form, wherein the hose is fixed in the roller pump by a connector (14),
characterized in that
a housing of the roller pump has two clip receivers (26, 28) of different shape
at the side, for the clipable connector matched to it in its shape, wherein one
clip receiver is made in the form of a round arc and the other is made in an
angled manner.
2. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ends of the hose guided out of
the pump bed cross.
3. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein the connector is made as an .
4. . A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein a hose piece insertable into the
pump bed as well as the infeeding and outgoing hose are connected to the
5. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein the clip receivers each have nose-
like projections at their upper end.
6. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein a pin for the ejection of the
connector is arranged in the housing.

7. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein a device of pimple is arranged at
the connector and cooperates with a sensor integrated in the roller pump.
8. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein the connector consists of a soft
plastic, preferably a soft PVC.
9. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein hose segments of different
diameter in the connector, with a transition region being arranged between the
hose segments within the connector which provides a constant transition
between two connectors of different inner diameter.
10. A roller pump as claimed in claim 1, wherein the lines continuing the hose
segments cross at right angles in the connector.
11. A connector by which a hose insertable into a pump bed of a roller pump in
arcuate form is fixed in the roller pump,
characterized in that
the connector is a clipable connector matched in its shape to two clip receivers
of different shape, wherein one clip receiver is made in the form of a round arc
and the other is made in an angled manner.
12. A connector as claimed in claim 11, wherein the connector is able to be used in
a roller pump in accordance with one of the claims 1 to 10.

13. A roller pump comprising a stator, a pump bed formed in the stator and a rotor
for acting on a hose inserted into the pump bed in arcuate form, the roller
pump having a housing comprising first and second clip receivers of different
shape at opposed sides of the housing, and constructed and arranged to
receive and secure a connector as claimed in claim 11.
14. A hose set having a connector as claimed in claim 11 or 12 as well as hose
segments to be inserted into the pump bed and connected to the connector.
15. A hose set as claimed in claim 14, wherein the connector and the hose
segments are connected to one another in a firmly bonded manner, i.e.
preferably adhesively bonded or welded.


The invention relates to a roller pump (10) consisting of a stator with a pump bed
(22) formed therein and a rotor for acting on a hose (12) inserted into the pump bed
in arcuate form. In accordance with the invention, the ends of the tube guided out of
the pump bed cross.


03195-kolnp-2006 abstract.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 claims.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 correspondence others.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 description(complete).pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 drawings.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 form-1.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 form-2.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 form-3.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 form-5.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 international publication.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 international search authority report.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 pct other document.pdf

03195-kolnp-2006 priority document.pdf




3195-KOLNP-2006-(12-03-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






3195-KOLNP-2006-(14-11-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



3195-KOLNP-2006-(14-11-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf







3195-KOLNP-2006-(14-11-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




3195-kolnp-2006-CANCELLED PAGES.pdf


3195-kolnp-2006-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf

3195-kolnp-2006-form 18.pdf

3195-kolnp-2006-FORM 26.pdf





3195-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

3195-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

3195-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

3195-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf





3195-kolnp-2006-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




Patent Number 266073
Indian Patent Application Number 3195/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 14/2015
Publication Date 03-Apr-2015
Grant Date 31-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 02-Nov-2006
Applicant Address Else-Kroner-Strasse 1 61346 Bad Homburg, Germany
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 LAUER, Martin Aut'den Hollerstock 8, 66606 St,Wendel
2 BAUMANN, MANFRED Deutschhoferstrasse 63, 97422 Schweinfurt Germany
3 HUGEL, Elmar Veitsberg 49,97618 Hohenroth
4 NEUBAUER, Herbert Stangenbrunnenweg 26, 97424 Schweinfurt
5 NURNBERGER, Thomas Kohlbergstrasse 6,97705 Burkardroth
6 SPENGLER, Gerhard Von-Henneberg-Strasse 24,97502 Euerbach
7 WAMSIEDLER, Ralf Larchenstrasse 3,97469 Goehsheim-Weyer
8 BIESEL, Wolfgang Henri-Dunant-Weg 3, 66564 Ottweiler
9 BUSSE, Christian Birkenweg 15,64295 Darmstradt
10 CARONNA, Marco Via Emilia Est 297,I-41100 Modena
11 JONAS, Jorg Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 3a,61273 Wehrheim
12 REITTER, Reinhold Via 4 Novembre, 41, I-26013 Crema
13 APEL, Jorn Petersbergstrasse 6, 66119 Saarbrucken
14 BREITKOPF, Berthhold Gretel-Baumbach-Strasse 11f, 97424 Schweinfurt
PCT International Classification Number F04B 43/12
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/005191
PCT International Filing date 2005-05-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2004 024 102.3 2004-05-14 Germany