Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a torque control system comprising : a torque correction factor module (442) that determines a first torque correction factor and a second torque correction factor; a RPM-torque transition module (444) that stores the first torque correction factor and that determines a third torque correction factor based on the first torque correction factor; a selection module (450) that selectively outputs one of the third torque correction factor and the second torque correction factor based on a control mode of the torque control system; characterized by comprising a torque-RPM transition module (448) that sets the torque integral component of the first torque correction to zero when a torque control time is less than a predetermined value, wherein the torque correction factor module (442) updates the first torque, correction factor based on the setting of the torque integral component to zero, and wherein the torque-RPM module (448) determines a fourth torque correction factor based on the updated first torque correction factor.
Full Text

This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
Application No. 60/984,882, filed on November 2, 2007. The disclosure of the
above application is incorporated herein by reference.
FIELD The present disclosure relates to control of internal combustion
engines and, more particularly, to learning and initializing a torque integral of
torque-based control of internal combustion engines.
The background description provided herein is for the purpose
of generally presenting the context of the disclosure. Work of the presently
named inventors, to the extent it is described in this background section, as well
as aspects of the description that may not otherwise qualify as prior art at the
time of filing, are neither expressly nor impliedly admitted as prior art against the
present disclosure.
Internal combustion engines combust an air and fuel mixture
within cylinders to drive pistons, which produces drive torque. Air flow into the
engine is regulated via a throttle. More specifically, the throttle adjusts throttle

area, which increases or decreases air flow into the engine. As the throttle area
increases, the air flow into the engine increases. A fuel control system adjusts
the rate that fuel is injected to provide a desired air/fuel mixture to the cylinders.
Increasing the air and fuel to the cylinders increases the torque output of the
Engine control systems have been developed to control engine
torque output to achieve a desired predicted torque. Traditional engine control
systems, however, do not control the engine torque output as accurately as
desired. Further, traditional engine control systems do not provide as rapid of a
response to control signals as is desired or coordinate engine torque control
among various devices that affect engine torque output.
SUMMARY A torque control system comprises a torque correction factor
module, a RPM-torque transition module, and a selection module. The torque
correction factor module determines a first torque correction factor and a second
torque correction factor. The RPM-torque transition module stores the first
torque correction factor. The selection module selectively outputs one of the first
torque correction factor and the second torque correction factor based on a
control mode of the torque control system.
A method of operating a torque control system comprises
determining a first torque correction factor and a second torque correction factor,
storing the first torque correction factor, and selectively outputting one of the first

torque correction factor and the second torque correction factor based on a
control mode of the torque control system.
Further areas of applicability of the present disclosure will
become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should be
understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while indicating
the preferred embodiment of the disclosure, are intended for purposes of
illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the disclosure.
The present disclosure will become more fully understood from
the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary engine
system according to the principles of the present disclosure;
FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary
implementation of an engine control module according to the principles of the
present disclosure;
FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary
implementation of a closed-loop torque control module according to the principles
of the present disclosure; and
FIG. 4 is a flowchart depicting exemplary steps performed by
the closed-loop torque control module according to the principles of the present

The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is
not intended to limit the present disclosure, application, or uses. For purposes of
clarity, the same reference numbers will be used in the drawings to identify
similar elements. As used herein, the phrase at least one of A, B, and C should
be construed to mean a logical (A or B or C), using a non-exclusive logical or. It
should be understood that steps within a method may be executed in different
order without altering the principles of the present disclosure.
As used herein, the term module refers to an Application
Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), an electronic circuit, a processor (shared,
dedicated, or group) and memory that execute one or more software or firmware
programs, a combinational logic circuit, and/or other suitable components that
provide the described functionality.
Referring now to FIG. 1, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary implementation of an engine system 100 is presented. The engine
system 100 includes an engine 102 that combusts an air/fuel mixture to produce
drive torque for a vehicle based on a driver input module 104. Air is drawn into
an intake manifold 110 through a throttle valve 112. An engine control module
(ECM) 114 commands a throttle actuator module 116 to regulate opening of the
throttle valve 112 to control the amount of air drawn into the intake manifold 110.
Air from the intake manifold 110 is drawn into cylinders of the
engine 102. While the engine 102 may include multiple cylinders, for illustration
purposes, a single representative cylinder 118 is shown. For example only, the

engine 102 may include 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and/or 12 cylinders. The ECM 114
may instruct a cylinder actuator module 120 to selectively deactivate some of the
cylinders to improve fuel economy.
Air from the intake manifold 110 is drawn into the cylinder 118
through an intake valve 122. The ECM 114 controls the amount of fuel injected
by a fuel injection system 124. The fuel injection system 124 may inject fuel into
the intake manifold 110 at a central location or may inject fuel into the intake
manifold 110 at multiple locations, such as near the intake valve of each of the
cylinders. Alternatively, the fuel injection system 124 may inject fuel directly into
the cylinders.
The injected fuel mixes with the air and creates the air/fuel
mixture in the cylinder 118. A piston (not shown) within the cylinder 118
compresses the air/fuel mixture. Based upon a signal from the ECM 114, a
spark actuator module 126 energizes a spark plug 128 in the cylinder 118, which
ignites the air/fuel mixture. The timing of the spark may be specified relative to
the time when the piston is at its topmost position, referred to as top dead center
(TDC), the point at which the air/fuel mixture is most compressed.
The combustion of the air/fuel mixture drives the piston down,
thereby driving a rotating crankshaft (not shown). The piston then begins moving
up again and expels the byproducts of combustion through an exhaust valve 130.
The byproducts of combustion are exhausted from the vehicle via an exhaust
system 134.

The intake valve 122 may be controlled by an intake camshaft
140, while the exhaust valve 130 may be controlled by an exhaust camshaft 142.
In various implementations, multiple intake camshafts may control multiple intake
valves per cylinder and/or may control the intake valves of multiple banks of
cylinders. Similarly, multiple exhaust camshafts may control multiple exhaust
valves per cylinder and/or may control the exhaust valves of multiple banks of
cylinders. The cylinder actuator module 120 may deactivate cylinders by halting
provision of fuel and spark and/or disabling their exhaust and/or intake valves.
The time at which the intake valve 122 is opened may be varied
with respect to piston TDC by an intake cam phaser 148. The time at which the
exhaust valve 130 is opened may be varied with respect to piston TDC by an
exhaust cam phaser 150. A phaser actuator module 158 controls the intake cam
phaser 148 and the exhaust cam phaser 150 based on signals from the ECM
The engine system 100 may include a boost device that
provides pressurized air to the intake manifold 110. For example, FIG. 1 depicts
a turbocharger 160. The turbocharger 160 is powered by exhaust gases flowing
through the exhaust system 134, and provides a compressed air charge to the
intake manifold 110. The air used to produce the compressed air charge may be
taken from the intake manifold 110.
A wastegate 164 may allow exhaust gas to bypass the
turbocharger 160, thereby reducing the turbocharger's output (or boost). The
ECM 114 controls the turbocharger 160 via a boost actuator module 162. The

boost actuator module 162 may modulate the boost of the turbocharger 160 by
controlling the position of the wastegate 164. The compressed air charge is
provided to the intake manifold 110 by the turbocharger 160. An intercooler (not
shown) may dissipate some of the compressed air charge's heat, which is
determined when air is compressed and may also be increased by proximity to
the exhaust system 134. Alternate engine systems may include a supercharger
that provides compressed air to the intake manifold 110 and is driven by the
The engine system 100 may include an exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) valve 170, which selectively redirects exhaust gas back to
the intake manifold 110. The engine system 100 may measure the speed of the
crankshaft in revolutions per minute (RPM) using an RPM sensor 180. The
temperature of the engine coolant may be measured using an engine coolant
temperature (ECT) sensor 182. The ECT sensor 182 may be located within the
engine 102 or at other locations where the coolant is circulated, such as a
radiator (not shown).
The pressure within the intake manifold 110 may be measured
using a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor 184. In various
implementations, engine vacuum may be measured, where engine vacuum is the
difference between ambient air pressure and the pressure within the intake
manifold 110. The mass of air flowing into the intake manifold 110 may be
measured using a mass airflow (MAF) sensor 186.

The throttle actuator module 116 may monitor the position of the
throttle valve 112 using one or more throttle position sensors (TPS) 190. The
ambient temperature of air being drawn into the engine system 100 may be
measured using an intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 192. The ECM 114 may
use signals from the sensors to make control decisions for the engine system
The ECM 114 may communicate with a transmission control
module 194 to coordinate shifting gears in a transmission (not shown). For
example, the ECM 114 may reduce torque during a gear shift.
To abstractly refer to the various control mechanisms of the
engine 102, each system that varies an engine parameter may be referred to as
an actuator. For example, the throttle actuator module 116 can change the blade
position, and therefore the opening area, of the throttle valve 112. The throttle
actuator module 116 can therefore be referred to as an actuator, and the throttle
opening area can be referred to as an actuator position.
Similarly, the spark actuator module 126 can be referred to as
an actuator, while the corresponding actuator position is an amount of a spark
advance. Other actuators include the boost actuator module 162, the EGR valve
170, the phaser actuator module 158, the fuel injection system 124, and the
cylinder actuator module 120. The term actuator position with respect to these
actuators may correspond to boost pressure, EGR valve opening, intake and
exhaust cam phaser angles, air/fuel ratio, and number of cylinders activated,

When an engine transitions from producing one torque to
producing another torque, many actuator positions will change to produce the
new torque most efficiently. For example, the spark advance, throttle position,
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) regulation, and cam phaser positions may
change. Changing one of these actuator positions often creates engine
conditions that would benefit from changes to other actuator positions, which
might then result in changes to the original actuators. This feedback results in
iteratively updating actuator positions until they are all positioned to produce a
desired predicted torque most efficiently.
Large changes in torque often cause significant changes in
engine actuators, which cyclically cause significant change in other engine
actuators. This is especially true when using a boost device, such as a
turbocharger or supercharger. For example, when the engine is commanded to
significantly increase a torque output, the engine may request that the
turbocharger increase boost.
In various implementations, when boost pressure is increased,
detonation, or engine knock, is more likely. Therefore, as the turbocharger
approaches this increased boost level, the spark advance may need to be
decreased. Once the spark advance is decreased, the desired turbocharger
boost may need to be increased to achieve the. desired predicted torque.
This circular dependency causes the engine to reach the
desired predicted torque more slowly. This problem is exacerbated because of
the already slow response of turbocharger boost, commonly referred to as turbo

lag. FIG. 2 depicts an engine control system capable of accelerating the circular
dependency of boost and spark advance.
FIG. 3 depicts a closed-loop torque control module that
determines a torque correction factor at the new torque level and determines a
commanded torque based on the torque correction factor. The closed-loop
torque control module outputs the commanded torque to a predicted torque
control module. The predicted torque control module estimates the airflow that
will be present at the commanded torque and determines desired actuator
positions based on the estimated airflow. The predicted torque control module
then determines engine parameters based on the desired actuator positions and
the desired predicted torque. For example, the engine parameters may include
desired manifold absolute pressure (MAP), desired throttle area, and/or desired
air per cylinder (APC).
In other words, the predicted torque control module can
essentially perform the first iteration of actuator position updating in software.
The actuator positions commanded should then be closer to the final actuator
positions. FIG. 4 depicts exemplary steps performed by the closed-loop torque
control module to determine when and how to perform this modeled iteration.
Referring now to FIG. 2, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary implementation of the ECM 114 is presented. The ECM 114 includes
a driver interpretation module 314. The driver interpretation module 314 receives
driver inputs from the driver input module 104. For example, the driver inputs
may include an accelerator pedal position. The driver interpretation module

outputs a driver torque, which is the amount of torque requested by a driver via
the driver inputs.
The ECM 114 includes an axle torque arbitration module 316.
The axle torque arbitration module 316 arbitrates between driver inputs from the
driver interpretation module 314 and other axle torque requests. Other axle
torque requests may include torque reduction requested during a gear shift by
the transmission control module 194, torque reduction requested during wheel
slip by a traction control system, and torque requests to control speed from a
cruise control system.
The axle torque arbitration module 316 outputs a predicted
torque and a torque desired immediate torque. The predicted torque is the
amount of torque that will be required in the future to meet the driver's torque
and/or speed requests. The torque desired immediate torque is the torque
required at the present moment to meet temporary torque requests, such as
torque reductions when shifting gears or when traction control senses wheel
The torque desired immediate torque may be achieved by
engine actuators that respond quickly, while slower engine actuators are targeted
to achieve the predicted torque. For example, a spark actuator may be able to
quickly change the spark advance, while cam phaser or throttle actuators may be
slower to respond. The axle torque arbitration module 316 outputs the predicted
torque and the torque desired immediate torque to a propulsion torque arbitration
module 318.

The propulsion torque arbitration module 318 arbitrates between
the predicted torque, the torque desired immediate torque and propulsion torque
requests. Propulsion torque requests may include torque reductions for engine
over-speed protection and torque increases for stall prevention.
An actuation mode module 320 receives the predicted torque
and the torque desired immediate torque from the propulsion torque arbitration
module 318. Based upon a mode setting, the actuation mode module 320
determines how the predicted torque and the torque desired immediate torque
will be achieved. For example, in a first mode of operation, the actuation mode
module 320 may output the predicted torque to a driver torque filter 322.
In the first mode of operation, the actuation mode module 320
may instruct an immediate torque control module 324 to set the spark advance to
a calibration value that achieves the maximum possible torque. The immediate
torque control module 324 may control engine parameters that change relatively
more quickly than engine parameters controlled by a predicted torque control
module 326. For example, the immediate torque control module 324 may control
spark advance, which may reach a commanded value by the time the next
cylinder fires. In the first mode of operation, the torque desired immediate torque
is ignored by the predicted torque control module 326 and by the immediate
torque control module 324.
In a second mode of operation, the actuation mode module 320
may output the predicted torque to the driver torque filter 322. However, the
actuation mode module 320 may instruct the immediate torque control module

324 to attempt to achieve the torque desired immediate torque, such as by
retarding the spark.
In a third mode of operation, the actuation mode module 320
may instruct the cylinder actuator module 120 to deactivate cylinders if necessary
to achieve the torque desired immediate torque, in this mode of operation, the
predicted torque is output to the driver torque filter 322 and the torque desired
immediate torque is output to a first selection module 328. For example only, the
first selection module 328 may be a multiplexer or a switch.
In a fourth mode of operation, the actuation mode module 320
outputs a reduced torque to the driver torque filter 322. The predicted torque
may be reduced only so far as is necessary to allow the immediate torque control
module 324 to achieve the torque desired immediate torque using spark retard.
The driver torque filter 322 receives the predicted torque from
the actuation mode module 320. The driver torque filter 322 may receive signals
from the axle torque arbitration module 316 and/or the propulsion torque
arbitration module 318 indicating whether the predicted torque is a result of driver
input. If so, the driver torque filter 322 may filter out high frequency torque
changes, such as those that may be caused by the driver's foot modulating the
accelerator pedal while on rough road. The driver torque filter 322 outputs the
predicted torque to a torque control module 330.
The ECM 114 includes a mode determination module 332. For
example only, the mode determination module 332 may receive a torque desired
predicted torque from the torque control module 330. The mode determination

module 332 may determine a control mode based on the torque desired
predicted torque. When the torque desired predicted torque is less than a
calibrated torque, the control mode may be an RPM control mode. When the
torque desired predicted torque is greater than or equal to the calibrated torque,
the control mode may be a torque control mode. The control mode MODEi may
be determined by the following equation:

where Ttorque is the torque desired predicted torque and CALT is
the calibrated torque.
The torque control module 330 receives the predicted torque
from the driver torque filter 322, the control mode from the mode determination
module 332, and an RPM desired predicted torque from an RPM control module
334. The torque control module 330 determines (i.e., initializes) a delta torque
based on the predicted torque and the RPM desired predicted torque when the
control mode is transitioning from the RPM control mode to the torque control
mode. The delta torque Tdeita may be determined by the following equation:
(2) T,Mw = TRPMLC ~ T:ero •
where TRPMLC is a last commanded RPM desired predicted
torque, and Tzero is a torque value at a zero accelerator pedal position (i.e., when
the driver's foot is off the accelerator pedal) that is determined based on the
predicted torque. The torque control module 330 may decay each term of the
equation defining the delta torque to zero when the control mode is the torque

control mode. For example only, the delta torque may be decayed linearly,
exponentially, and/or in pieces.
The torque control module 330 adds the delta torque to the
predicted torque to determine the torque desired predicted torque. The torque
desired predicted torque Ttorque may be determined by the following equation:
(3) Twrqm = Tpp + T:ero + Tdelm ,
where Tpp is a torque value at the accelerator pedal position that
is determined based on the predicted torque.
Further discussion of the functionality of the torque control
module 330 may be found in commonly assigned U.S. Patent No. 7,021,282,
issued on April 4, 2006 and entitled "Coordinated Engine Torque Control," the
disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The torque
control module 330 outputs the torque desired predicted torque to a second
selection module 336. For example only, the second selection module 336 may
be a multiplexer or a switch.
The ECM 114 includes an RPM trajectory module 338. The
RPM trajectory module 338 determines a desired RPM based on a standard
block of RPM control described in detail in commonly assigned U.S. Patent No.
6,405,587, issued on June 18, 2002 and entitled "System and Method of
Controlling the Coastdown of a Vehicle," the disclosure of which is expressly
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. For example only, the desired
RPM may include a desired idle RPM, a stabilized RPM, a target RPM, or a
current RPM.

The RPM control module 334 receives the desired RPM from
the RPM trajectory module 338, the control mode from the mode determination
module 332, an RPM signal from the RPM sensor 180, a MAF signal from the
MAF sensor 186, and the torque desired predicted torque from the torque control
module 330. The RPM control module 334 determines a minimum torque
required to maintain the desired RPM, for example, from a look-up table. The
RPM control module 334 determines a reserve torque. The reserve torque is an
additional amount of torque that is incorporated to compensate for unknown
loads that can suddenly load the engine system 100.
The RPM control module 334 determines a run torque based on
the MAF signal. The run torque Trun is determined based on the following
where APCact is an actual air per cylinder value that is
determined based on the MAF signal, S is the spark advance, I is intake cam
phaser positions, and E is exhaust cam phaser positions.
The RPM control module 334 compares the desired RPM to the
RPM signal to determine an RPM correction factor. The RPM control module
334 adds the RPM correction factor to the minimum and reserve torques to
determine the RPM desired predicted torque. The RPM control module 334
subtracts the reserve torque from the run torque and adds this value to the RPM
correction factor to determine an RPM desired immediate torque.

In various implementations, the RPM control module 334 may
simply determine the RPM correction factor equal to the difference between the
desired RPM and the RPM signal. Alternatively, the RPM control module 334
may use a proportional-integral (PI) control scheme to meet the desired RPM
from the RPM trajectory module 338. The RPM correction factor may include an
RPM proportional, or a proportional offset based on the difference between the
desired RPM and the RPM signal. The RPM correction factor may also include
an RPM integral, or an offset based on an integral of the difference between the
desired RPM and the RPM signal. The RPM proportional Prpm may be
determined by the following equation:
(5) PRPil = Kp * (MM,,,, - RPM),
where Kp is a pre-determined proportional constant. The RPM
integral IRPM may be determined by the following equation:
where K| is a pre-determined integral constant.
Further discussion of PI control can be found in commonly
assigned patent application 11/656929, filed 1/23/2007, and entitled "Engine
Torque Control at High Pressure Ratio," the disclosure of which is incorporated
herein by reference in its entirety. Additional discussion regarding PI control of
engine speed can be found in commonly assigned patent application 60/861492,
filed 11/28/2006, and entitled "Torque Based Engine Speed Control," the
disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

The RPM control module 334 determines (i.e., initializes) the
RPM integral based on the minimum torque and the torque desired predicted
torque when the control mode is transitioning from the torque control mode to the
RPM control mode. The RPM integral IRPM may be determined by the following
where Tt0rqueLc is a last commanded torque desired predicted
torque and Tmjn is the minimum torque.
The RPM desired predicted torque TRPM may be determined by
the following equation:
(8) TRPM = Tn.n + Tres + Pmi + IRn,,
where Tres is the reserve torque. Further discussion of the
functionality of the RPM control module 334 may be found in commonly assigned
patent application 60/861492, filed 11/28/2006, and entitled "Torque Based
Speed Control," the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its
entirety. The RPM control module 334 outputs the RPM desired predicted torque
to the second selection module 336 and the RPM desired immediate torque to
the first selection module 328.
The second selection module 336 receives the torque desired
predicted torque from the torque control module 330 and the RPM desired
predicted torque from the RPM control module 334. The mode determination
module 332 controls the second selection module 336 to choose whether the
torque desired predicted torque or the RPM desired predicted torque should be

used to determine a desired predicted torque. The mode determination module
332 therefore instructs the second selection module 336 to output the desired
predicted torque from either the torque control module 330 or the RPM control
module 334.
The mode determination module 332 may select the desired
predicted torque based upon the control mode. The mode determination module
332 may select the desired predicted torque to be based upon the torque desired
predicted torque when the control mode is the torque control mode. The mode
determination module 332 may select the desired predicted torque to be based
upon the RPM desired predicted torque when the control mode is the RPM
control mode. The second selection module 336 outputs the desired predicted
torque to a closed-loop torque control module 340.
The closed-loop torque control module 340 receives the desired
predicted torque from the second selection module 336, the control mode from
the mode determination module 332, and an estimated torque from a torque
estimation module 342. The estimated torque may be defined as the amount of
torque that could immediately be produced by setting the spark advance to a
calibrated value. This value may be calibrated to be the minimum spark advance
that achieves the greatest torque for a given RPM and air per cylinder. The
torque estimation module 342 may use the MA.F signal from the MAF sensor 186
and the RPM signal from the RPM sensor 180 to determine the estimated torque.
Further discussion of torque estimation can be found in commonly assigned U.S.
Patent No. 6,704,638, issued on March 9, 2004 and entitled "Torque Estimator

for Engine RPM and Torque Control," the disclosure of which is incorporated
herein by reference in its entirety.
The closed-loop torque control module 340 compares the
desired predicted torque to the estimated torque to determine a torque correction
factor. The closed-loop torque control module 340 adds the torque correction
factor to the desired predicted torque to determine a commanded torque.
In various implementations, the closed-loop torque control
module 340 may simply determine the torque correction factor equal to the
difference between the desired predicted torque and the estimated torque.
Alternatively, the closed-loop torque control module 340 may use a PI control
scheme to meet the desired predicted torque from the second selection module
336. The torque correction factor may include a torque proportional, or a
proportional offset based on the difference between the desired predicted torque
and the estimated torque. The torque correction factor may also include a torque
integral, or an offset based on an integral of the difference between the desired
predicted torque and the estimated torque. The torque correction factor TPi may
be determined by the following equation:
(9) Tpl=Kp*{Tdcs-Tj+K,*j{Tdcs-Tjdt,
where KP is a pre-determined proportional constant and K| is a
pre-determined integral constant.
The closed-loop torque control module 340 outputs the
commanded torque to the predicted torque control module 326. The predicted
torque control module 326 receives the commanded torque, the control mode

from the mode determination module 332, the MAF signal from the MAF sensor
186, the RPM signal from the RPM sensor 180, and the MAP signal from the
MAP sensor 184. The predicted torque control module 326 converts the
commanded torque to desired engine parameters, such as desired manifold
absolute pressure (MAP), desired throttle area, and/or desired air per cylinder
(APC). For example only, the predicted torque control module 326 may
determine the desired throttle area, which is output to the throttle actuator
module 116. The throttle actuator module 116 then regulates the throttle valve
112 to produce the desired throttle area.
The first selection module 328 receives the torque desired
immediate torque from the actuation mode module 320 and the RPM desired
immediate torque from the RPM control module 334. The mode determination
module 332 controls the first selection module 328 to choose whether the torque
desired immediate torque or the RPM desired immediate torque should be used
to determine a desired immediate torque. The mode determination module 332
therefore instructs the first selection module 328 to output the desired immediate
torque from either the propulsion torque arbitration module 318 or the RPM
control module 334.
The mode determination module 332 may select the desired
immediate torque based upon the control mode. The mode determination
module 332 may select the desired immediate torque to be based upon the
torque desired immediate torque when the control mode is the torque control
mode. The mode determination module 332 may select the desired immediate

torque to be based upon the RPM desired immediate torque when the control
mode is the RPM control mode. The first selection module 328 outputs the
desired immediate torque to the immediate torque control module 324.
The immediate torque control module 324 receives the desired
immediate torque from the first selection module 328 and the estimated torque
from the torque estimation module 342. The immediate torque control module
324 may set the spark advance using the spark actuator module 126 to achieve
the desired immediate torque. The immediate torque control module 324 can
then select a smaller spark advance that reduces the estimated torque to the
desired immediate torque.
Referring now to FIG. 3, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary implementation of the closed-loop torque control module 340 is
presented. The closed-loop torque control module 340 includes a PI module
442. The PI module 442 receives the desired predicted torque from the second
selection module 336 and the estimated torque from the torque estimation
module 342.
The PI module 442 compares the desired predicted torque to
the estimated torque to determine a first torque correction factor and a second
torque correction factor. The PI module 442 may use the PI control scheme, or
other control schemes, to meet the desired. predicted torque. The first and
second torque correction factors may each include at least one of a torque
proportional and a torque integral.

A RPM-torque transition module 444 receives the first torque
correction factor from the PI module 442. For example only, the RPM-torque
transition module 444 may determine a previous torque correction factor based
on the first torque correction factor and a previous torque integral. The previous
torque integral may be a previously-stored (i.e., learned) torque integral of a
previous first torque correction factor. To determine the previous torque
correction factor, the RPM-torque transition module 444 may set the torque
integral of the first torque correction factor to the previous torque integral. The
RPM-torque transition module 444 may then store (i.e., learn) the torque integral
of the first torque correction factor as the previous torque integral.
The closed-loop torque control module 340 includes a torque
control time module 446. The torque control time module 446 receives the
estimated torque from the torque estimation module 342 and the control mode
from the mode determination module 332. The torque control time module 446
increments a torque control time when the control mode is the torque control
mode and when the estimated torque is greater than a calibrated torque. The
torque control time At may be determined by the following equation:
(10) Atk=toi_l+l,ifTal>CALTt
where Test is the estimated torque, and CALT is the calibrated
A torque-RPM transition module 448 receives the first torque
correction factor jrom the PI module 442 and the torque control time from the
torque control time module 446. The torque-RPM transition module 448

determines a third torque correction factor based on the first torque correction
factor when the torque control time is greater than a calibrated time. The torque-
RPM transition module 448 sets the torque integral of the first torque correction
factor to zero and determines the third torque correction factor based on the new
first torque correction factor when the torque control time is less than the
calibrated time. The torque integral of the third torque correction factor lT0 may
be determined by the following equation:

where CALt is the calibrated time and ATdes is a change in the
desired predicted torque.
A selection module 450 receives the second torque correction
factor from the PI module 442, the previous torque correction factor from the
RPM-torque transition module 444, and the third torque correction factor from the
torque-RPM transition module 448. The mode determination module 332
controls the selection module 450 to choose whether the second torque
correction factor, the previous torque correction factor, or the third torque
correction factor should be used to determine a fourth torque correction factor.
The mode determination module 332 therefore instructs the selection module
450 to determine the fourth torque correction factor from the PI module 442, the
RPM-torque transition module 444, or the torque-RPM transition module 448.
The selection module 450 determines the fourth torque
correction factor from the PI module 442 when the control mode is the torque

control mode. The selection module 450 determines the fourth torque correction
factor from the PI module 442 when the control mode is the RPM control mode.
In other words, the torque integral of the fourth torque correction factor is learned
from the PI module 442 when the control mode is the torque control mode or the
RPM control mode.
The selection module 450 determines the fourth torque
correction factor from the RPM-torque transition module 444 when the control
mode is transitioning from the RPM control mode to the torque control mode. In
other words, the torque integral of the fourth torque correction factor is initialized
to the previous torque integral when the control mode is transitioning from the
RPM control mode to the torque control mode. The selection module 450 determines the fourth torque correction factor from the torque-RPM transition
module 448 when the control mode is transitioning from the torque control mode
to the RPM control mode. In other words, the torque integral of the fourth torque
correction factor is initialized to zero or to the torque integral of the second torque
correction factor when the control mode is transitioning from the torque control
mode to the RPM control mode.
A summation module 452 receives the fourth torque correction
factor from the selection module 450 and the desired predicted torque from the
second selection module 336. The summation module 452 adds the fourth
torque correction factor and the desired predicted torque to determine the
commanded torque. The summation module 452 outputs the commanded torque
to the predicted torque control module 326.

Referring now to FIG. 4, a flowchart depicts exemplary steps
performed by the closed-loop torque control module 340. Control begins in step
602, where the control mode is stored as a previous control mode. Control
continues in step 604, where the torque integral is stored as the previous torque
Control continues in step 606, where the control mode is
determined. Control continues in step 608, where control determines whether
the control mode is the torque control mode or the RPM control mode, if the
control mode is the torque control mode, control continues in step 610;
otherwise, control continues in step 612.
In step 610, control determines whether the previous control
mode is the torque control mode or the RPM control mode. If the previous
control mode is the torque control mode, control continues in step 614;
otherwise, control continues in step 616. In step 614, the estimated torque is
determined. Control continues in step 618, where control determines whether
the estimated torque is greater than the calibrated torque. If the estimated torque
is greater than the calibrated torque, control continues in step 620; otherwise,
control continues in step 622. In step 620, the torque control time is
incremented. Control continues in step 622. In step 616, the torque integral is
set to the previous torque integral. Control returns to step 602.
In steP 612, control determines whether the previous control
mode is the torque control mode or the RPM control mode. If the previous
control mode is the torque control mode, control continues in step 624;

otherwise, control continues in step 626. in step 624, control determines whether
the torque control time is less than the calibrated time. If the torque control time
is less than the calibrated time, control continues in step 628; otherwise, control
continues in step 630. In step 628, the torque control time is set to zero. Control
continues in step 632, where the torque integral is set to zero. Control returns to
step 602. In step 630, the torque control time is set to zero. Control continues in
step 626. In step 626, the estimated torque is determined. Control continues in
step 622.
In step 622, the desired predicted torque is determined. Control
continues in step 634, where the torque integral is determined based on the
desired predicted torque and the estimated torque. Control returns to step 602.
Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the foregoing
description that the broad teachings of the disclosure can be implemented in a
variety of forms. Therefore, while this disclosure includes particular examples,
the true scope of the disclosure should not be so limited since other modifications
will become apparent to the skilled practitioner upon a study of the drawings, the
specification and the following claims.

1. A torque control system comprising :
a torque correction factor module (442) that determines a first torque
correction factor and a second torque correction factor;
a RPM-torque transition module (444) that stores the first torque
correction factor and that determines a third torque correction factor
based on the first torque correction factor;
a selection module (450) that selectively outputs one of the third torque
correction factor and the second torque correction factor based on a
control mode of the torque control system;
characterized by comprising a torque-RPM transition module (448) that
sets the torque integral component of the first torque correction to zero
when a torque control time is less than a predetermined value, wherein
the torque correction factor module (442) updates the first torque
correction factor based on the setting of the torque integral component to
zero, and
wherein the torque-RPM module (448) determines a fourth torque
correction factor based on the updated first torque correction factor.
2. The torque control system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the torque
correction factor module (442) determines the first and second torque
correction factors based on a desired torque and an estimated torque.
3. The torque control system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the first and
second torque correction factors each comprise at least one of a torque
proportional component and a torque integral component.

4. The torque control system as claimed in claim 1 comprising a torque-RPM
transition module (448) that determines a fourth torque correction factor
based on the first torque correction factor when a torque control time is
greater than a predetermined value.
5. The torque control system as claimed in claim 4 comprising a torque
control time module (446) that increments the torque control time when
the torque control system is in a torque control mode and when an
estimated torque is greater than a predetermined value.

6. The torque control system as claimed in claim 5 wherein the torque
control time module (446) sets the torque control time to zero when the
torque control system is transitioning from the torque control mode to an
engine speed (RPM) control mode.
7. The torque control system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the selection
module (450) determines a fourth torque correction factor based on the
second torque correction factor when the torque control system is in one
of a torque control mode and an RPM control mode.

8. The torque control system as claimed in claim 7 wherein the selection
module (450) determines the fourth torque correction factor based on a
fifth torque correction factor when the torque control system is
transitioning from the torque control mode to the RPM control mode.

9. The torque control system as claimed in claim 7 wherein the selection
module (450) determines the fourth torque correction factor based on the
third torque correction factor when the torque control system is
transitioning from the RPM control mode to the torque control mode.
10. The torque control system as claimed in claim 7 comprising a summation
module (452) that determines a commanded torque based on the fourth
torque correction factor and a desired torque and that outputs the
commanded torque to an actuator module, wherein an actuator module
(116) controls an actuator of an engine (102) based on the commanded
11. A method of operating a torque control system comprising:
determining a first torque correction factor and a second torque correction
storing the first torque correction factor;
determining a third torque correction factor based on the first torque
correction factor;
selectively outputting one of the third torque correction factor and the
second torque correction factor based on a control mode of the torque
control system;
setting a torque integral component of the first torque correction factor to
zero when a torque control time is less than a predetermined value;
updating the first torque correction factor based on the setting; and
determining a fourth torque correction factor based on the updated first
torque correction factor.

12. The method as claimed in claim 11 comprising determining the first and
second torque correction factors based on a desired torque and an
estimated torque.
13. The method as claimed in claim 11 comprising determining a fourth
torque correction factor based on the first torque correction factor when a
torque control time is greater than a predetermined value.
14. The method as claimed in claim 13 comprising incrementing the torque
control time when the torque system is in a torque control mode and
when an estimated torque is greater than a predetermined value.
15. The method as claimed in claim 13 comprising setting the torque control
time to zero when the torque control system is transitioning from the
torque control mode to an RPM control mode.
16. The method as claimed in claim 11 comprising determining a fourth
torque correction factor based on the second torque correction factor
when the torque control system is in one of a torque control mode and an
RPM control mode.
17. The method as claimed in claim 16 comprising determining the fourth
torque correction factor based on a fifth torque correction factor when the
torque control system is transitioning from the torque control mode to the
RPM control mode.

18. The method as claimed in claim 16 comprising determining the fourth
torque correction factor based on the third torque correction factor when
the torque control system is transitioning from the RPM control mode to
the torque control mode.
19. The method as claimed in claim 16 comprising :
determining a commanded torque based on the fourth torque correction
factor and a desired torque; and
outputting the commanded torque to an actuator module.


TITLE :" A torque control system and a method of operating a
torque control system"
The invention relates to a torque control system comprising : a torque
correction factor module (442) that determines a first torque correction
factor and a second torque correction factor; a RPM-torque transition
module (444) that stores the first torque correction factor and that
determines a third torque correction factor based on the first torque
correction factor; a selection module (450) that selectively outputs one of
the third torque correction factor and the second torque correction factor
based on a control mode of the torque control system; characterized by
comprising a torque-RPM transition module (448) that sets the torque
integral component of the first torque correction to zero when a torque
control time is less than a predetermined value, wherein the torque
correction factor module (442) updates the first torque, correction factor
based on the setting of the torque integral component to zero, and
wherein the torque-RPM module (448) determines a fourth torque
correction factor based on the updated first torque correction factor.



Patent Number 268309
Indian Patent Application Number 1842/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 35/2015
Publication Date 28-Aug-2015
Grant Date 25-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 27-Oct-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F19/00;B60W30/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/984882 2007-11-02 U.S.A.