Title of Invention


Abstract A Despensing device (1) for separately storing two substances, adapted to dispense and apply proportional amounts of said substances, said substances, said device (1) comprising a longitudinal axis (3) about which two receptacles (4.4). composed of a flexible material, are disposed, each receptacle (4.4) containing one of said two substances and comprising an outlet (5) through which said substance can be squeezed , said dispensing device (1) being adapted to be folded about the lingutudinal axis (3)
The present invention is directed to a dispensing device and, in particular, to' a dispensing device for separately storing, dispensing and applying proportional amounts of two substances. The invention has been developed primarily for dispensing glue or adhesive in the form of an epoxy and a hardener and will be described with reference to this application. However, it will be appreciated that the invention is not limited to this particular field of use.
Many devices are known which are useful for dispensing proportional amounts of two materials, typically epoxy and hardeners, kept sqiarately prior to dispensing. Commonly, prior art devices comprise two collapsible tubes along with a means for holding the two tubes together. While the use of two tubes held together to dispense an epoxy and a hardener would appear to be effective, there are certain disadvantages. The use of a common sleeve or yoke to hold the devices together can interfere with the evacuation of the tubes. In addition, it is difficult to ensure that the proportional amounts of the substances within the lubes are dispensed. This is particularly the case when dispensing small amounts of the substances. Prior art devices are commonly provided for larger scale applications, meaning the aibes or containers holding the epoxy and hardener must be resealed after use. As a result blockage of the tube or dispensing device is common. This can render the glue unusable or difficult to apply in a consistent manner. There is therefore a need for a device for separating and dispensing epoxy and hardeners in a single use pack.
The device generally requires two hands for dispensing the contents. The distance between the nozzles of thetwo tubes can make proper mixing of the two substances difficult.
Prior art devices also include more complicated dispensing systems utilising ah- pressure or a displacement pump to remove epoxy and hardener from separate chambers. Wlu'le many of these systems arc effective, these mnchines are not intended for use in small applications and require significant outlay of money and investment of space and time.
It is an object of the invention to provide a dispensing device which will overcome or substantially ameliorate at least some of the deficiencies of the prior art, or to at least provide an alternative.
hi one aspect of the present invention, mere is provided a dispensing device for separately storing two substances, adapted to dispense and apply proportional amounts of said substances, said device comprising a longitudinal axis about which two receptacles, composed of a flexible material, are disposed, each receptacle containing one of said two substances and comprising an outlet through which said substance can be squeezed, said dispensing device being adapted to be folded about the longitudinal axis.
Preferably the receptacles arc disposed such that one of said receptacles on one side of the longitudinal axis is a transposed mirror image of the other receptacle on the other side of the longitudinal axis, and said receptacles are substantially equidistant from the longitudinal axis.
Preferably the outlets include a weakened region which can comprise a scored or vacuum formed tear line or be adapted such that the substances contained within the receptacle will burst through the weakened region upon the receptacle being squeezed by a user.
Preferably the receptacles include indicia indicating where a thumb and forefinger should be positioned for use.
Preferably the dispensing device comprises two flexible laminae positioned adjacent one another and sealed together so as to define the two substance-containing receptacles.
Preferably the laminae are composed of different materials such as foil, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyviuyl chloride, polyvitiyl acetate or foil coated with polypropylene.
Preferably the substances in the receptacles •undergo a chemical or physical rcaclion upon mixing.
Preferably one receptacle contains an epoxy and the other receptacle contains a hardener. Alternately the receptacles contain foodstuffs, or Pharmaceuticals, liquids, pastes or gels used in imedical or dental work,
Preferably the dispensing device is adapted to be folded and manipulated by a user in a one-handed operation such that the outlets are easily aligned and the substances contamed within the receptacles are simultaneously dispensed, mixed and proportionately applied.
Preferably the dispensing device is adapted to be used once and disposed of.
Preferably the outlets are positioned at or adjacent to the side edges of the dispensing device.
hi a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a dispensing device, lor separately storing an epoxy and a hardener, adapted to dispense, mix and apply proportional amounts of the epoxy and hardener, the device comprising a longitudinal axis about which tvo receptacles, composed of a flexible material, arc disposed, each recepfaclc containing either epoxy or hardener and comprising an outlet through which the epoxy or hardener can In; squeezed, the dispensing device being adapted to be folded about the longitudinal a.\is.
Preferably, the dispensing device is adapted to he folded and manipulated by a user one-handed operation suchthat (he outlets are easily aligned and the; eposy and hardener are
simultaneously dispensed, mixed and proportionately applied, such device is adapted to be used once and disposed of.
A preferred embodiment of the invention will now be described, by way of example only, with reference; to the u^eoinprmying figure in which:
FIG 1 is a plan vusv of a dispensing device in accordance with a prefeircd embodiment of the
present invention.
FIG 2 is tin elevation view of the dispensing device shown in Kg. 1. FIG 3 is a perspective view of the dispensing device of Fig. 1 in a partially folded
configuration. FIG 4 is a perspective view of the dispensing device 1 of Fig 1, in a folded configuration and
turn open. FIG 5 is a perspective view of the dispensing device as a user squeezes it.
Referral"to Figs. 1 -- 5, there is shown an embodiment of a dispensing device for separately storing two substances in accordance with the present invention. The device is adapted to dispense, mix and.applv proportional amounts of the substances. The dispensing device 1 comprises a Mib-qnruially flat thin flexible web 2. The web 2 includes a longitudinal axis 3 which is preferably scored or vacuum formed lo enable a user to easily fold the dispensing device 1 about longitudinal axis 3.
Two ivcepiacli: 2nd 4' are disposed about longitudinal axis 3. The receptacles 4 and 4' are disposed.such then- receptacle 4 on one side of the longitudinal axis 3 is a transposed mirror image of the of the 4' on the other side of the lomutudmal axis 3.
The receptacles 4 and 4' each include an outlet 5. The outlet 5 is noxxJe shaped to allow a substance contained within the receptacle 4 to be easily evacuated from the receptacle 4. The outlet 5 is positioned on or adjacent the side edge of the web 2, distal from I he longitudinal axis 3. It can be seen that when folded, the receptacle 4 on one side of the longitudinal axis 3 is substantially aligned with the receptacle 4' on the oilier side of the longitudinal axis 3.
The web 2 and receptacles 4 and 4' may be integral to one another or may be composed of separate materials and sealed or otherwise affixed to one another. The materials are flexible to allow a substance contained within receptacle 4 to be squeezed through outlet 5. The web may be composed of foil or polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate or foil coated with one of the plastics, specifically polypropylene. The receptacles 4 and 4' may similarly be coimwscd of a foil or polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate or foil coaled with on of the plastics, specifically polypropylene. The web 2 and receptacles 4 and 4' may comprise one or more laminae. The laminae may be composed of foil or polyeth3'lene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate or foil coated with on of the plastics, specifically polypropylene or each lamina may be composed of a separate material. The laminae are then scaled together to form the receptacles 4 and 4'.
The receptacles 4 and 4' further include indicia or markings 6 to indicate where a user is to place his or her thumb and forefinger in order to evacuate a substance contained within receptacles 4 and 4' through outlet 5. The indicia 6 can be incorporated into the shape of the receptacles 4 and 4' or can be painted or printed thereon. It can be seen that, these, indicia 6 allow for substantially complete evacuation of receptacle 4 through outlet 5. Moreover, it can be seen that the indicia 6 allow for easy one-handed use of the dispensing device 1.
Outlet 5 may include a weakened point or region (not illustrated). In usu the substances contained within the two receptacles 4 and 4' will burst through '.he weakened region upon user squcczing receptacle 4. Alternately, web . and outlet 5 can incorporate a scored or vacuum formed tear line 7. Tear lino 7 may he double die-cut. The luar line 7 leads through the weakest point of outlet 5. It can be seen in Figs. 4 and 5 that upon a user cutting or tearing
along tear lino 7. the seal on oullct 5 would be opened allowing the substances contained within the receptacles 4 to be evacuated by squeezing.
The substances contained within the two receptacles 4 and 4' in this embodiment may be an epoxy and a hardener, however any preferred substances can be used. In use it is important that proportional amounts of these substances be applied to a surface (not illustrated). In use the epoxy and hardener can be in the proportions 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:100 or any suitable proportions. The receptacles 4 and 4' can be molded to any predetermined size. When the receptacles 4 and 4' are of differing sizes the outlets 5 are still substantially aligned. It can be seen that in the present invention the proportion of the substances used is defined by the size of the receptacles 4.
in other embodiments the substances contained within the two receptacles 4 and 4' may be foodstuffs, pharmacculieals, medical or dental products, beauty aids or any liquid, paste or gel substances designed for separate storage and simultaneous application. In use the receptacles 4 and 4' may be independently evacuated such that one or other of the two substances contained
therein is dispensed.
The dispensing device 1 is designed to be used once and then disposed of. The dispensing device 1 can be sold in single application packs which comprise two receptacles 4 or in multiple application packs (not illustrated) where each pair of receptacles 4 corresponds to one application.
The dispensing device 1 may preferably have dimensions of approximately 60mm by 45 mm. The receplaelcs and 4' may preferably be approximately 7.5 mm in radius at their base (not illustraned) and approximately 5mm in radius at their top (not illustrated). The outlets 5 may prdferably taper toan end approximately 15 mm from the centre of the receptacles 4 and 4'. In this case the receptales 4 and 4' contain between approximately 1 nil and approximately 5 ml of substances. Howere the receptacles 4 and 4' can be molded to contain any prcicrable volume of substances and may contain different amounts from one another.
The dispensing device 1 is adapted to be folded and manipulated by a user in a one-handed operation such that the outlets 5 are easily aligned and the substances contained within receptacles 4 and 41 arc simultaneously dispensed, mixed and proportionately applied to a surface, in use the receptacles A and 4' extend outwardly once folded. hi use the 11 at edges K of outlets 5 assist in mixing the two substances when they conic into contact after application to the surface (not illustrated).
The foregoing describes only a preferred embodiment of the present invention and modifications, obvious to those skilled in the art, may be made thereto without deparling from the scope of the present invention.
The term "comprising" (and its grammatical variations) as used herein is used in the inclusive sense of "having" or "including" and not in the exclusive sense "consist ing only of.

1. A one-use dispensing device for separately storing and dispensing l\vo
substances, comprising a respective flexible receptacle for each substance, and a line of
fold extending over the device between the receptacles and about which the device is
foldablc so that the receptacles are supeiposable, each receptacle defining a respective
rupturable outlet, which outlets converge lowards the line of fold, the arrangement being
such that when the device is folded about the line of fold the outlets are superposed for
dispensing and mixing the substances when the receptacles.
2. A. dispensing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said receptacles are disposed
such that one of said receptacles on one side of the line of fold is a transposed mirror
image of the other receptacle on the other side of the line of fold and said receptacles
arc substantially equidistant from the line of fold.
3. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 1 or Claim 2, wherein each of said
outlets includes a weakened region.
4. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 3, wherein said weakened region
comprises a scored or vacuum formed tear line.
5. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 4, the scored or vacuum formed tear
line leads to the weakened region of (he outlet.
6. A dispensing device as claimed in any of Claims 3 to 5, wherein each outlet is
adapted to comprise a narrow orifice intermediate the length of the outlet such that
when its respective receptacle is squeeml by the user said respective substance
contained therein will burst through said weakened region.

7. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein said receptacles
include indicia indicating where a thumb and forefinger of a user should be positioned
for use.
8. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein said device
comprises two flexible laminae positioned adjacent one another ami sealed together so
as to define said two receptacles.
9. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 8, wherein the laminae arc composed
of foil, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate or foil coaled
willi polypropylene.
10. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 9, wherein each of the laminae are
composed of different materials. .
11. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein upon said
substances being squeezed from said device and meeting, said substances undergo a
chemical on physical reaction.
1 2. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein one of said two receptacles contains an epoxy and the other of said two receptacles contains a hardener.
13. A dispensing device as claimed in any of Claims 1 to 10, wherein the receptacles
contain foodstuffs.
14. A dispensing device as claimed in any of claims 1 to 10 wherein the receptacles
contain pliarmaceuliculs or other liquids, pastes or gels used in medical or dental work.
1 5. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein said device is adapted to be folded and manipulated by a user in a one-handed operation such that said outlets are easily aligned and said substances contained within said receptacles are simultaneously dispensed, mixed and proportionately applied.

16. A dispensing device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein the outlets are
positioned at or adjacent to the side edges of the dispensing device.
17. A one-use device for separately storing and dispensing an epoxy and a hardener,
adapted to dispense, mix and apply proportional amounts of the epoxy and hardener, the
device comprising a line of fold about which two receptacles, composed of a flexible
material, arc disposed, each receptacle containing either epoxy or hardener and
comprising an outlet through which the epoxy or hardener can be squee/ed, the
dispensing device being adapted to be folded about the line of fold so that the
receptacles are superposed.
18. A dispensing device as claimed in Claim 15. adapted to be folded and
manipulated by a user in a one-handed operation such that the outlets are easily aligned
and the epoxy and hardener arc simultaneously dispensed, mixed and proportionately
19. A one-use dispensing device, substantially as hereinbefore described with
reference to the accompanying drawings.
20. A one-use device for separately storing and dispensing an epoxy and a hardener,
substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 268325
Indian Patent Application Number 5180/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 35/2015
Publication Date 28-Aug-2015
Grant Date 26-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 08-Sep-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65D 81/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/AU2005/000327
PCT International Filing date 2005-03-09
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2004901278 2004-03-11 Australia