Title of Invention


Abstract A surgical cassette have a rigid fluid channel formed into a rigid plastic component or housing. The piezoelectric crystals of an ultrasonic flow meter are positioned on one side of the fluid channel. The side wall of the fluid channel opposite the piezoelectric crystals is exposed to fluid in the flow channel on its' interior side and is exposed to ambient air on its exterior side. The interface between the wall and the air acts as an acoustic reflector for the operation of the ultrasonic flow meter.
Background of the Invention
The present invention relates to an ultrasonic flow sensor and more particularly to a surgical system and cassette having an ultrasonic flow sensor.
Conventional ophthalmic surgical instrument systems use vacuum to aspirate the surgical site and positive pressure to irrigate the site. Typically, a cassette is serially connected between the means used to generate pressure and the surgical instrument. The use of cassettes with surgical instruments to help manage irrigation and aspiration flows at a surgical site is well known. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,493,695 and 4,627,833 (Cook), 4,395,258 (Wang, et al.), 4,713,051 (Steppe, et al.), 4,798,850 (DeMeo, et al.), 4,758,238, 4,790,816 (Sundblom, et al.), and 5,267,956, 5,364,342 (Beuchat) and 5,747,824 (Jung, et al.) all disclose ophthalmic surgical cassettes with or without tubes, and they are incorporated in their entirety by this reference. Aspiration fluid flow rate, pump speed, vacuum level, irrigation fluid pressure, and irrigation fluid flow rate are some of the parameters that require precise control during ophthalmic surgery.
Prior art devices have used pressure sensors in the aspiration and irrigation lines and calculate fluid flow rates based on the sensed pressure. In the past, measuring of fluid pressures in surgical cassettes has been very precise and as the resistance in the fluid paths is known, fluid flow rates can be calculated reliably from fluid pressure. Recent improvements in the reliability of ultrasonic flow sensors, however, have now made it possible to non-invasively measure fluid flow accurately.
For example, one ultrasonic flow sensor disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 6,098,466 (Shkarlet) discloses a flow sensor-capable of accurately measuring fluid flow in vessels or tubes having decreased sensitivity to flow distribution non-uniformities and decreased overall size by employing multiple angled reflector surfaces which cause incident ultrasonic waves from one or more ultrasonic transducers to pass through the flow volume multiple times and in multiple directions without changing the planar orientation of the ultrasound waves. The wave paths resulting from the multiple reflections and multidirectional illumination of the flow

volume decreases the probe's size and sensitivity to spatial distribution non-uniformities. The multiple angled reflector surfaces also permit the transmitting and receiving ultrasonic transducers to be placed close to one another, thereby reducing the overall probe size and making them particularly useful for incorporation in the relatively small fluid flow cassette used in ophthalmic surgery. In order for an ultrasonic flow sensor to work, the transducer must be acoustically coupled to the tubing in which the fluid is flowing so that any air located between the transducer and the tubing is removed. Prior art flow sensors generally use an acoustic gel, such as a high water content hydrogel material, to accomplish the acoustic coupling. When the acoustic coupling needs to be used in connection with a surgical cassette installed within a surgical console, sterility arid cleanliness are of concern, making an acoustic gel less desirable than an acoustic coupling that is formed as part of the cassette or the console and that requires no gel.
One prior art device described in U.S. Patent No. 6,901,812 (Moscaritolo, et al.) uses the interior wall of the flow channel being measured as the acoustic reflector. This device, however, requires very precise machining of the interior wall in order to function. Such precise machine is difficult and expensive, especially with the relatively small and intricate fluid passages used in a surgical cassette.
Accordingly, a need continues to exist for a simple, reliable and accurate acoustic reflector that can be used on or with a surgical cassette.
Brief Description of the Invention
The present invention improves upon the prior art by providing a surgical cassette having a rigid fluid channel formed into a rigid plastic component or housing. The piezoelectric crystals of an ultrasonic flow meter are positioned on one side of the fluid channel. The side wall of the fluid channel opposite the piezoelectric crystals is exposed to fluid in the flow channel on its interior side and is exposed to ambient air on its exterior side. The interface between the wall and the air acts as an acoustic reflector for the operation of the ultrasonic flow meter.
Accordingly, one objective of the present invention is to provide a surgical cassette having an acoustic reflector.

Another objective of the present invention is to provide a surgical cassette having an acoustic reflector that is formed as part of the cassette.
Yet another objective of the present invention is to provide a surgical cassette having an acoustic air reflector.
These and other advantages and objectives of the present invention will become apparent from the detailed description, drawings and claims that follow.
Brief Description of the Drawings
FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of the cassette of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a rear perspective view of the cassette of the present invention. FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view of the cassette of the present invention, FIG. 4 is a partial cross-sectional view of the cassette of the present invention. FIG. 5 is a front perspective view of a surgical console that may be used with the cassette of the present invention.
Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
As best seen in FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, cassette 10 of the present invention generally included valve plate 12, body 14 and cover 16. Valve plate 12, body 14 and cover 16 may all be formed of a suitable, relatively rigid, thermoplastic. Valve plate 12 contains a plurality of openings 18 and pumping channel 20 that are sealed fluid tight by elastomers 22 and 24, forming a plurality of fluid paths. Ports 26 provide connectors between cassette 10 and surgical console 100 for the various irrigation and aspiration functions of cassette 10, such functions may requiring the use of filter 28. Forming part of fluid passage 34 is sidewall 35, which is formed as part of body 14. Portion 37 of sidewall 35 aligns with transmission window 125 in recess 36 when valve plate 12 is assembled onto body 14 in the manner shown in FIG. 3. Located within recess 36 on valve plate 12 is elastomeric acoustic coupler 38. When cassette 10 is installed in cassette receiving portion 110 of console 100, ultrasound transducer 120 presses against elastomeric acoustic coupler 38, providing an acoustic coupling between transducer 120 and fluid passage 34, thus allowing the use of ultrasound transducer 120 to measure the fluid flow rate in fluid passage 34 by projecting

ultrasonic waves into fluid passage 34 and receiving the ultrasonic waves reflected off of wall/air interface 41 formed by exterior 39 of wall portion 37. Elastomeric acoustic coupler 38 preferably is formed by over molding an elastomeric material, such as a thermoplastic elastomer or silicone rubber within recess 36 of valve plate 12. Such a construction method eliminates the need for adhesives to attach elastomeric acoustic coupler 38 to valve plate 12 and ensures the removal of any air from between elastomeric acoustic coupler 38 and valve plate 12. The use of exterior wall/air interface 41 formed by portion exterior 39 of wall portion 37 eliminates the need for a separate acoustic reflector, with its required couplant material, thereby increasing reliability of the flow sensor and reducing the complexity and cost of cassette 10.
This description is given for purposes of illustration and explanation. It will be apparent to those skilled in the relevant art that modifications may be made to the invention as herein described without departing from its scope or spirit.

We claim:
1. A surgical cassette, comprising:
a) a valve plate having a fluid passage and a transmission window
aligned with the fluid passage; and
b) a body attached to the valve plate, the body having an air interface that
aligns with the transmission window when the body is attached to the valve

2. The cassette of claim 1 further comprising a cover attached to the body
of a side opposite the valve body.
3. The cassette of claim 1 further comprising a plurality of elastomers
attached to the valve body, the elastomers forming a plurality of fluid paths.
4. The cassette of claim 1 further comprising an elastomeric acoustic
coupler attached to the valve plate, the elastomeric acoustic coupler located on the
valve plate so as to be aligned with the air interface on the body.
5. A surgical system, comprising:

a) a surgical console, the surgical console having a cassette receiving
b) an ultrasonic transducer located in the cassette receiving portion of the
surgical console, the ultrasonic transducer adapted for measuring fluid flow in
a fluid passage;
c) a surgical cassette having a plurality of fluid passages;
d) an acoustic air reflector forming part of the cassette, the acoustic air
reflector aligned with the ultrasonic transducer to the cassette when the
cassette is installed within the cassette receiving portion of the surgical
console so as to allow the ultrasonic transducer to measure fluid flow in at
least one of the plurality of fluid passages in the cassette.

6. The cassette of claim 5 further comprising an elastomeric acoustic coupler attached to the cassette, the elastomeric acoustic coupler located on the cassette so as to be aligned with and contact the ultrasonic transducer.



Patent Number 268329
Indian Patent Application Number 1690/DEL/2007
PG Journal Number 35/2015
Publication Date 28-Aug-2015
Grant Date 26-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 08-Aug-2007
Name of Patentee ALCON, INC.
Applicant Address P.O. BOX 62,BOSCH 69, CH-6331 HUNENBERG, SWITZERLAND,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61B19/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/510,903 2006-08-28 U.S.A.