Title of Invention


Abstract One embodiment of the invention is directed to the containerization of content units that are accessed using an identifier. Applicants have appreciated that file systems sometimes impose limits on the number of files that may be stored therein that are too restrictive. Thus, in one embodiment, multiple content units may be stored in a single file, called a container file, in a file system. Each content unit may have an identifier associated with it. When an accessing entity requests access to a previously-stored content unit and provides the identifier for the content unit, the identifier may be used to locate the container file in which the content unit is stored.
Full Text WO 2007/001596 PCT/US2006/014180
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to managing the storage of content.
Description of the Related Art
A file system is a logical data structure that may be used to organize data. A file
system generally has a plurality of logical partitions;, often referred to as directories or
folders, that may be arranged in a hierarchy. In many file systems, there is a single
directory at the top of the hierarchy, referred to as the root directory. Data may be
arranged into logical units of storage, called files, which are stored in the file system's
Typically, the file system is installed on a computer system having one or more
underlying storage devices (e.g., a disk or a tape) on which the data is physically stored.
The logical arrangement of files and directories in the file system may have little or
nothing to do with the way the data is physically stored on the physical storage device.
Thus, a map typically is used to map logical storage locations in the file system to the
actual physical storage locations (e.g., blocks) on the storage device(s).
Many file systems impose limits on the number of files that may be stored in each
directory and the total number of files that may be stored in the file system. These limits
may be imposed by the file system for any number of reasons. For example, the
performance of the file system may significantly, decrease as the number of files
increases. Further, the limit may be imposed, for example, to guarantee disaster recovery
in a certain amount of time, if, for example, the file system data structure is lost and
needs to be restored from a backup copy.
Summary of the Invention
One embodiment of the invention is directed to a method of managing content
units in a file system, the method comprising acts of: receiving a first request to store a
first content unit, the first content unit having a first content address that is computed
based, at least in part, on the content of the first content unit; in response to the first

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request, storing the first content unit in a file in the file system; receiving a second
request to store the second content unit, the second content unit having a second address
that is computed based, at least in part, on the content of the second content unit; and in
response to the second request, storing the second content unit in the file. Another
embodiment is directed to at least one computer readable medium encoded with
instructions that, when executed on a computer system, perform the above-described
A further embodiment is directed to a computer that manages content units in a
file system comprising: at least one input; and at least one controller coupled to the at
least one input that: receives, via the input, a first request to store a first content unit, the
first content unit having a first content address that is computed based, at least in part, on
the content of the first content unit; in response to the first request, stores the first content
unit in a file in the file system; receives, via Hie input, a second request to store the
second content unit, the second content unit having a second address that is computed
based, at least in part, on the content of the second content unit; and in response to the
second request, stores the second content unit in the file.
Another embodiment is directed to a method of accessing a content unit having
acontent address that is based, at least in part, on the content of the content unit, wherein
the content unit is stored in a file in a file system, the method comprising acts of:
receiving a request to access the content unit, wherein the request identifies the content
unit using an identifier, and wherein the file in which the content unit is stored stores at
least one additional content unit, the at least one additional content unit having a content
address that is based, at least in part, on the content of the content unit; locating the file
in which the content unit is stored using the identifier; and locating the content unit in the
file in which the content unit is stored. A further embodiment is directed to at least one
computer readable medium encoded with instructions that, when executed on a computer
system, perform the above-described method.
Another embodiment is directed to a computer that accesses a content unit having
a content address that is based, at least in part, on the content of the content unit, wherein
the content unit is stored in a file in a file system, the computer comprising: an input; and
at least one controller, coupled to the input, that: receives, via the input, a request to
access the content unit, wherein the request identifies the content unit using an identifier,

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and wherein the file in which the content unit is stored stores at least one additional
content unit, the at least one additional content unit having a content address that is
based, at least in part, on the content of the content unit; locates the file in which the
content unit is stored using the identifier; and locates the content unit in the file in which
the content unit is stored.
A further embodiment is directed to a method of storing content units in a
hierarchical file system having a plurality of directories arranged in a hierarchical tree
that has a plurality of levels, each of the plurality of levels corresponding to a unit of
time, the hierarchical tree comprising at least one root directory and a plurality of non-
root directories that each has a parent directory, wherein at least one of the plurality of
directories in the tree correspond to a period of time subsumed by a period of time
corresponding to its respective parent directory, the method comprising acts of:
determining a rate at which content units are received for storage; and dynamically
determining one of the plurality of levels at which to store content units based on the rate
at which content units are received for storage. Another embodiment is directed to at
least one computer readable medium encoded with instructions that, when executed on a
computer system, perform the above-described method.
A further embodiment is directed to a computer that stores content units in a
hierarchical file system having a plurality of directories arranged in a hierarchical tree
that has a plurality of levels, each of the plurality of levels corresponding to a unit of
time, the hierarchical tree comprising at least one root directory and a plurality of non-
root directories that each has a parent directory, wherein at least one of the plurality of
directories in the tree correspond to a period of time subsumed by a period of time
corresponding to its respective parent directory, the computer comprising: an input; and
at least one controller that: determines a rate at which content units are received through
the input for storage; and dynamically determines one of the plurality of levels at which
to store content units based on the rate at which content units are received for storage.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1A is a block diagram of a system for containerizing content units, in
accordance with one embodiment of the invention;

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Figure IB is a block diagram of system for containerizing content units that
employs hierarchical storage management techniques, in accordance with one
Figure 2 is a diagram of an example of a time-based directory structure which
may be employed in embodiments of the invention;
Figure 3 is a block diagram of a system in which replicated content units may be
containerized, in accordance with one embodiment;
Figure 4 is a block diagram illustrating the relationship between a container index
file and a container file, in accordance with one embodiment;
Figure 5 is a block diagram of an example of a deletion data structure, in
accordance with one embodiment;
Figure 6 is a block diagram of an example of a container file, in accordance with
one embodiment;
Figure 7 is a diagram of an example of a storetime container file, in accordance
with one embodiment; and
Figure 8 is a diagram of an example of a deletion container file, in accordance
with one embodiment.
Detailed Description
Applicants have appreciated that, in some situations, a file system-imposed limit
on the number of files may be too restrictive to store all the desired data and* it may thus
be desired to store the data in the file system in a manner that does not violate the limit.
Thus, one embodiment of the invention is directed to containerization of logically
distinct content units, so that multiple distinct content units can be stored in the same file.
Content units that are logically distinct typically are stored in separate files in a file
system. For example, each document that is created by a word processing application
usually is stored in a separate file because these documents are logically separate from
each other: However, in one embodiment of the invention content units that are logically
separate may be containerized. That is, two or more content units that are logically
separate may be stored in a single file, called a container file, in the file system. In one
embodiment, each content unit that is stored in the container may have its own identifier
(e.g., a file name or other identifier) so that an entity accessing the content (e.g., a human

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user, an application program, or a host computer) can use this identifier to access the
content unit.
In one embodiment, the use of containers is transparent to entities storing and
retrieving content units on the system, so that these users can store and retrieve content
units without knowledge that the content units have been stored in container files with
other content units, and may access the content units as if they were each stored in
separate files.
The use of containers can decrease the number of files managed by the file
system, and can allow a greater amount of data (grouped in container files) to be stored
in the file system before reaching the limit on the maximum number of flies permitted to
be stored thereby.
Using container files to store multiple content units may be done in any suitable
way, as the invention is not limited to any particular implementation technique. For
example, as shown in Figure 1 A, a host computer 109 may include an accessing entity
101 (e.g., an application program), processing software 103, and afile system 105. The
accessing entity 101 may communicate with processing software 103 which stores and
retrieves data from file system 105. The data that is logically stored in file system 105
may be physically stored on a storage device 107. When storing a content unit,
accessing entity 101 may send the content unit to processing software 103 for storage.
An identifier that has previously been associated with the content unit and of which
accessing entity 101 is aware may be used by accessing entity 101 to later retrieve the
content unit. Alternatively, the identifier may be assigned at the time of storage of the
content unit in file system 105 by processing software 103 and returned to accessing
entity 101 as acknowledgement of receipt of the request to store the content unit.
Processing software 103 may receive the content unit from accessing entity 101 and may
store the content unit in file system 105 in a container file that may also store other
content units. If a container file that is suitable for storing the content unit does not exist,
such a container file may be created and the content unit may be stored therein.
In the example of Figure 1 A, accessing entity 101, processing software 103, and
file system 105 execute on host computer 109. However, the invention is not limited in
this respect, as each of these layers may execute on a different computer or on any
suitable combination of computers. For example, accessing entity 101 may execute on a

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storage system that replicates content units to host computer 109. Further, storage device
107 may be any suitable type of storage device and may be an internal storage device of
host computer 109 or storage device external to host computer 109, as the invention is
not limited in this respect.
Accessing entity 101 may be any type of entity that accesses content, as the
invention is not limited in this respect. For example, accessing entity 101 may be, for
example, an application program, a human user, another computer, or any other suitable
entity. In one embodiment, accessing entity may be a storage system (not shown) that
communicates with processing software 103 to replicate content units stored on the
storage system to storage device 107.
The identifier that is associated with the content unit may be any suitable
identifier, as the invention is not limited in this respect. The identifier may be, for
example, a human-readable name, or any other suitable type of identifier. In one
embodiment, the identifier is a content address that is computed based, at least in part, on
the content of the content unit. For example, the content unit may be hashed (using any
suitable hashing algorithm) and the hash value may be used as all or part of the content
address. While in one embodiment the content address may include only the hash value
with no additional information, the invention is not limited in this respect as the content
address may include any other suitable information in addition to the hash value. For
example, the content address may also include a timestamp that indicates a time at which
the content unit was created or initially stored in the file system or on another storage
system. The content address may also include, for example, a guaranteed unique
identifier (GUBD), which is a series of bits that are guaranteed to be unique and may be
used to ensure that no two content addresses are identical. The content address may also
include other information such as a flag that indicates what type of data is included in the
content of the content unit. Examples of content addresses and the situations in which
content addresses may be used are described in the applications listed in Table 1, each of
which is incorporated by reference herein.
Storage device 107 may be any suitable type of storage device, as the invention is
not limited in this respect. For example, storage device 107 may be a magnetic disk
storage device, an optical disc storage device, a tape storage device, and/or any other
suitable type of storage device. Similarly, any suitable file system software may be used

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to implement the file system 105, as the invention is not limited in this respect In one
embodiment, file system 105 is the StorNext™ file system sold by Advance Digital
Information Corporation, having a place of business at 11431 Willows Road NE,
Redmond, Washington, but the invention is not limited to this or any other particular file
In one embodiment, hierarchical storage management (HSM) may be employed.
HSM is a technique by which data is automatically moved between more expensive, but
faster storage devices (e.g., magnetic disk drives) and less expensive, but slower storage
devices (e.g., optical disc drives and/or magnetic tape drives). Thus, in situations where
it is prohibitively expensive to provide enough storage capacity on the faster storage
devices, data may be stored on the slower storage devices and the faster storage device
may be treated as a cache for the slower storage devices.
An example of system mat employs HSM techniques is shown in Figure IB. In
Figure IB, logically stored in file system 105 may be stored on storage device 113 and a
portion of this data may be cached on storage device 111. Thus, storage device 111 may
be a more expensive, but faster storage devices, whereas storage device 113 is a less
expensive, but slower storage devices. If processing software 103 requests a content unit
stored logically in file system 103, if the content of that content unit is already cached on
storage device 111, they the content may be retrieved from storage device 111.
However, if the content is not already cached on storage device 111, then the content
may be moved from storage device 113 into the cache (i.e., storage device 111) and may
be returned to processing software 103.
In one embodiment, file system 105 is responsible for performing the HSM
functions, although the invention is not limited in this respect For example, file system
105 may allow a user to configure policies for certain directories and/or files that specify
when and for how long the data stored in those directories and/or files should be kept in
the cache (i.e., stored on storage device 111) and/or when that data should be moved to
the storage device 113. File system 105 then moves the data between storage device 111
and storage device 113 in accordance with this policy.
As discussed above, processing software 103 may either store a new content unit
in an existing container file or create a new container file in which to store the content
unit. The decision as to whether to store the content unit in an existing container file or a

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new container file may be made in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in
this respect. Examples of techniques for making this decision are discussed below in
greater detail. Processing software 103 may select any suitable container file in which to
store a content unit and may select any suitable directory in file system 105 in which to
store a container file, as the invention is not limited in this respect. Examples of
techniques for selecting a directory in which to store a container file are discussed below
in greater detail.
When accessing entity 101 desires to retrieve a previously-stored content unit,
accessing entity 101 may provide the identifier associated with the content unit to
processing software 103. Processing software 103 may determine in which container file
the content unit is stored, access the container file, locate the requested content unit in
the container file, and return the content unit to the accessing entity 101. Processing
software 103 may locate the appropriate container file in any suitable way, as the
invention is not limited in this respect. Similarly, processing software 103 may locate
the requested content unit within a particular container file in any suitable way, as tihe
invention is not limited in this respect. Examples of techniques for locating the container
file in which a particular content unit is stored and for locating a content unit within a
container file are discussed below in greater detail.
The accessing entity 101 may perform any of numerous types of access requests
to a content unit stored in file system 105 using the identifier associated with the content
unit, including reads, writes, and query requests. A query request is a request to identify
and/or return content units that satisfy one or more criteria specified in the request. An
example of one type of query request that may be issued by accessing entity 101 is a
time-based query request. A time-based query request is a request to identify and/or
return content units that were stored during a particular time range. In accordance with
one embodiment, in response to a time based query request, processing software may
locate container files that include content units stored during the time range specified in
the request and return the identifiers of such content units and/or the content units
themselves. This may be done in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this
respect. Examples of techniques for processing and responding to query requests are
discussed below in greater detail.

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In one embodiment, the file system 105 may have a time based directory structure
that may be used to logically store container files. A time based directory structure is
one in which directories and files are organized based, at least in part, on the time at
which the content units were stored and/or created by the source (e.g., an application
program). Any suitable time based directory structure may be used, as the invention is
not limited in this respect. In one embodiment, the time-based directory structure may be
organized as a plurality of hierarchical directories, where each directory represents a
period of time and each subdirectory represents a period of time that is subsumed by the
period of time of its parent directory. Files may be stored in the bottom-level or "leaf'
directories (i.e., directories that represent lie smallest units of time) and the leaf directory
in which a particular file is stored may be selected based on a time of storage or a time of
creation of the file.
An example of such a time based directory structure is shown in Figure 2. Figure
2 shows a directory structure 200 having six levels (labeled L1-L6), wherein directories
at level LI designate the year in which the file was stored, directories at level L2
designate the month, directories at level L3 designate the day, directories at level L4
designate the hour, directories at level L5 designate the minute, and directories at level
L6 designate the second. It should be appreciated that the entire hierarchy of directories
in directory structure 200 is, for the sake of clarity, not expanded and that each non-leaf
directory shown in Figure 2 may have one or more subdirectories that are not shown in
Figure 2.
As discussed above, files may be stored in the leaf directory that corresponds to
the time at which they were stored and/or created. Thus, for example, a file stored on
January 1,2005 at 11:00 PM may be stored in the L6 directory 201, which has a path of
/2005/January/01/23/00/00, wherein "2005" is the LI directory corresponding to the year
2005, "January" is a subdirectory of the 2005 directory corresponding to the month of
January 2005, the subdirectory "01" of the "January" directory is the L3 directory
corresponding to the 1st day of January 2005, the subdirectory "23" of the "01" directory
is the L4 directory corresponding to the 24th hour of the 1st day of January 2005, the
subdirectory "00" of the "23" directory is the L5 directory corresponding to the 1st
minute of the 24th hour of the 1st day of January 2005, and the subdirectory "00" of the

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"00" L5 directory is the L6 directory corresponding to the 1st second of the 1st minute of
the 24th hour of the 1st day of January 2005.
It should be appreciated that the embodiments of the present invention described
below that employ time in specifying a directory structure for storing content units are
not limited to use with directory structures having the arrangement of the particular
example shown in Figure 2, as the embodiments of the present invention can be
implemented in any of numerous ways, including with directory structures using
different units of time (or different granularities) as establishing boundaries for the
subdirectory levels.
In the example of Figure 2, the hierarchical directory structure has six levels and
the smallest unit of time granularity (i.e., the lowest level in the hierarchy) corresponds
to the second in which a content unit was stored. However, as mentioned above,
embodiments of the invention described .herein are not limited in this respect, as they can
be used with directory structures having any suitable number of levels, with each level
corresponding to any suitable unit of time. For example, the directory structure may
include only four levels, with the smallest unit of time granularity being hours. In this
respect, the total number of directories may be reduced (as compared to a directory
structure with six levels) and the number of content units stored in each "leaf directory
may increase. Alternatively the number of levels hi the hierarchy may be increased to,
for example, seven levels with the lowest level of granularity corresponding to
milliseconds or some other sub-second unit of time. As a result, the number of "leaf
directories may be increased and there may be fewer content units stored in each "leaf "
Applicants have appreciated that the number of content units stored in each leaf
directory may affect the performance of the system. As discussed above, the file system
may map locations in the file system directory structure to physical storage locations
(e.g., blocks). The mapping information that the file system uses to do this may be large,
such that it may not be possible and/or feasible to store the entire map in tie memory of
the computer on which the file system is-executing. Thus, only parts of the map may be
cached hi memory at any particular point in time, while the rest remains stored on non-
volatile storage (e.g. disk) used by the computer on which the file system executes. If
there are a large number of directories and only a small number of content units stored in

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each directory, then it is less likely that the file system location of a content unit to be
retrieved will be in the portion of the map that is cached. As a result, the file system may
have to frequently retrieve the relevant portions of the map from disk, resulting in a
decrease in performance. However, if the number of directories in the directory structure
is small and there are a large number of content units in each directory, the time spent
locating the desired content unit within the appropriate directory may be increased,
resulting in a decrease in performance.
It may be desirable to select a directory structure that balances these two
competing factors. The optimum number of levels in the hierarchical structure may
depend, for example, on the number of content units stored in the directory structure, the
distribution of content units across the directory structure, and the frequency at which
content units are stored in the directory structure. Thus, in one embodiment, the number
of levels in the directory hierarchy is configurable and is alterable during operation of the
system. This may be accomplished in any suitable way. For example, increasing the
number of levels can be accomplished by creating additional subdirectories for each leaf
directory and moving content units down into the appropriate additional subdirectories
and decreasing the number of levels can be accomplished by moving content units up
into a parent directory of the subdirectory in which they are stored and removing the
subdirectory from the hierarchy.
In one embodiment, a time based directory structure that employs the
containerization aspects of the present invention may serve as a replication target for a
storage system. It is often desirable to create copies of content units stored on a storage
system on a storage device that is external to the storage system so that, in case of
unrecoverable failure of the storage system (or components thereof), a backup copy of
the data exists. As used here in, replication of a content unit refers to creating a copy of
the content unit on a storage device external to the storage system. An exemplary
replication system is shown in Figure 3, wherein a storage system 301 replicates content
units to replication target 303. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention,
replication target 303 includes processing software 305 which processes access requests
from storage system 301 (for example, as described above in connection with Figure 1A)
and stores content units in and retrieves content units from container files in file system

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307. Files logically stored in file system 307 may be physically stored on underlying
storage device 309.
It should be appreciated that although in Figure 3, replication target 303 using
only a single storage device 309, the invention is not limited in this respect. Indeed,
replication target 303 may use multiple storage devices, and these storage devices may
be arranged in a hierarchical fashion, such that the HSM techniques described above in
connection with Figure IB may be employed.
In one embodiment, the frequency at which content units are replicated from
storage system 301 to replication target 303 may be used to determine the number of
levels in the hierarchy and the granularity of the leaf levels in the file system 307. For
example, if it is determined that, on average, thirty content units per second are
replicated to replication target 303 and it is desired to store approximately ten content
units hi each container file, then if the file system 307 were using the time-based
directory structure shown in Figure 2, there may be, on average, three container files in
each leaf directory. If it is desired to increase the number of files in each leaf directory,
then the granularity of the L6 directories maybe increased such that each directory
represents a period of time greater than one second. For example, each leaf directory
may represent a period of five seconds, such that each L5 directory has twelve
subdirectories, rather than sixty subdirectories. As a result, each leaf directory may
store, on average, fifteen content units rather than three content units. Alternatively, the
number of levels in the hierarchy of directory structure 200 may be reduced. For
example, the files stored in each L6 directory may be moved to its parent L5 directory
and the L6 directory may be removed. Thus, each L5 leaf directory will, on average,
store one hundred eighty files, rather than the three files previously stored by each L6
leaf directory.
In the example described above, the time-based directory structure was altered
based on the rate at which content units were replicated to the replication target.
However, the invention is not limited in this respect as the time-based directory structure
may be altered to manage the number of files in each directory and the number of
container files in each directory for any reason. For example, the time-based directory
structure may be altered based on the frequency at which write requests for initial storage
of content units (as opposed to write requests for replication of content units) are

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received. It should be appreciated that techniques for altering the time-based directory
structure are not limited to use with container files, as the time-based directory structure
may be also be used with files that include only a single content unit. In this respect, the
number of files in directories may be managed by altering the time-based directory
structure and/or storing files in non-leaf directories in the time-based directory structure.
The time-based directory structure may be managed to control the number of files
stored in directories either manually or automatically, as the invention is not limited in
this respect. When managed manually, a user may specify what time granularity the leaf
directories in the directory structure should have and the system may alter the time-based
directory structure based on this specification. In one embodiment, when a user changes
the time granularity, the. time granularity may be altered for directories that correspond to
future times. That is, the portion of the directory structure that has already been created
and/or already store files may not be altered based on the new granularity specification.
However, the invention is not limited in this respect, as in one embodiment, both future
time and past time directories may be altered to have the newly specified granularity.
When managed automatically, the system may automatically select the time
granularity of the leaf directories based on the frequency at which content units are
written to the system. This may be done in any suitable way, as the invention is not
limited in this respect. In one embodiment, the system may select a granularity of the
leaf directories at which to store content units based on the current frequency at which
content units are being received for storage. If the frequency increases, the granularity of
the leaf directories may be changed, for example, by creating subdirectories of the
current leaf directories, but that have a smaller time granularity. For example, the system
may determine that content units are being received with a frequency of sixty per hour
and may thus elect to limit the directory structure for future directories to four levels with
the leaf directory having a time granularity of hours. Thus, if write requests continue to
be received at this rate, then sixty content units may be stored in each leaf directory. It
should be appreciated that if content units are containerized, then multiple content units
may be stored in a single container file, such that there may be less than sixty files in the
directory (depending on how many content units are stored in each container file).
However, this aspect of the invention is not limited to use with container files, as each
content unit may be stored in a separate file.

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If the number of content units received for storage subsequently increases, the
directory structure may be expanded. That is, for example, if the leaf directory currently
has a granularity of hours and the frequency of requests increases from, for example,
sixty per hour to six hundred per hour, then subdirectories of the current hours directory
may be created, wherein each of these subdirectories corresponds to a minute within the
hour represented by its parent directory. In this way, the time granularity may be
decreased to minutes and subsequently received content units may be stored in the
minutes directory. The time-based directory structure may continue to be created with
leaf directories representing minutes. If the frequency at which write requests are
received later decreases, minutes directories may no longer be created and content units
may again be stored in the hours directories.
In the example above, because the time-based directory structure is expanded as
time progresses (i.e., additional directories are created to represent the new times), the
number of the levels in directory structure and the granularity of the leaf levels may be
dynamically altered. Thus, a first portion of the directory structure that correspond to a
first period of time may have a different number of levels than a second portion of the
directory structure that corresponds to a second period of time. Further, because the
decision to expand or contract the directory structure may be made at any time, a
directory may not have a complete set of leaf directories. For example, if content units
are being stored in the leaf hour directory that corresponds to the time period from 1:00
PM -1:59 PM on a certain day, and a decision is made to decrease the granularity to
minutes starting at 1:30 PM, there will only be thirty leaf subdirectories of the hours
directory (i.e., one subdirectory for each minute from 1:30 PM -1:59 PM). That is,
content units stored from 1:00 PM -1:29 PM may be stored in the parent hours directory,
while content units stored from 1:30 PM -1:59 PM may be stored m one of the minutes
subdirectories of the hour directory representing the time period from 1:00 PM -1:59 PM.
Thus, the hours directory may have only thirty subdirectories, each having a time
granularity of one minute, instead of sixty subdirectories (i.e., one subdirectory for each
minute in the hour).
It should be appreciated that, in the example above, content units may be stored
in leaf directories of the directory structure and/or non-leaf directories. Thus, in one
embodiment, when requests to read content units stored in the time-based directory

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structure are subsequently received, non-leaf directories may also be searched to locate
content units identified by the requests.
In one embodiment a go-deeper file that indicates that a directory has
subdirectories which contains content units may be employed to aid in locating content
units on subsequent read requests. This may be done in any suitable way, as the
invention is not limited in this respect. For example, as discussed above, when content
units are being stored in a directory having a first time granularity, it may be decided that
the time granularity of directories should be decreased by creating a new level of
subdirectories that have smaller time granularities and storing content units in these
subdirectories. A go-deeper file may be created and stored in the parent directory of
these subdirectories. In one embodiment, when a read request that identifies a content
unit is received, the content unit may be located, for example, by determining the period
of time at which the content unit was stored and locating the highest level directory in the
time-based directory structure that corresponds to the storage time and that stores content
units. If the content unit is not found in the highest level directory corresponding to the
storage time that has content units stored therein, it may be determined whether there is a
go-deeper file in the directory. If there is a go-deeper file, then the subdirectory of the
highest level directory that corresponds to the period of time may be searched to locate
the content unit. This subdirectory might also contain a go-deeper file.
In one embodiment, the go-deeper file may indicate the time at which a decision
to expand the directory structure (e.g., by adding an additional level into the hierarchy)
was made. Thus, on a read request for a content unit having a content address that
includes a timestamp that indicates a time later than the time specified in the go-deeper
file, processing software 305 may proceed to the appropriate subdirectory at the lower
level, without having to examine content units in the directory of the go-deeper file.
In the example described above, the granularity of the directory structure is
altered based on the frequency at which content units are received for storage. However,
the invention is not limited to this respect, as the granularity may be determined based on
any suitable criterion or criteria.
It should be appreciated that the scenarios provided above are merely examples of
ways in which a time based directory structure may be configured to impact the number

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of files that are stored in each directory. The invention is not limited to these particular
examples, as any suitable directory structure may be used.
In the. examples above, an average of thirty contentunits per second were
replicated to the replication target 303 and container files were expected to store ten
content units each. It should be appreciated that the replication rate and the expected
number of content units in each container file were provided only as examples, and any •
suitable replication rate and/or number of content units may be used. For example, it .
may be expected that a container file store fifty, seventy-five, one hundred, or any other
suitable number of content units.
In the examples above, the directory structure 200 was altered to increase the
number of files stored in each directory. It should be appreciated that directory structure
200 may also be altered to decrease the number of files stored in each directory. This
may be done in any suitable way. For example, the time period represented by each leaf
directory may be increased or an additional level of directories may be added to the
hierarchy with a smaller granularity time period.
In Figure 3, replication target 303 serves as the replication target for one storage
system (i.e., storage system 301). However, it should be appreciated that the invention is
not limited in this respect, as replication target 303 may serve as the replication target for
any suitable number of storage systems. Replication target 303 may be a storage system,
a host computer, an appliance, or any other suitable entity. In this respect, the storage
device 309 may be an internal storage device of replication target 303, such as, for
example, a disk drive, or may be an external storage device, such as an external tape
storage device, attached to the replication target 303.
In one of the examples described above, container files were referred to as having
a limit on the content units stored therein. The recognition that a container file should
not store additional content units and that a new container file should be created may be
made in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this respect. For example,
processing software 305 may impose a limit on the number of content units stored in a
particular container file. Alternatively, in one embodiment, a new container file may be
created after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The time interval at which to create
new container files may be based on, for example, the desired average number of content
units stored in each container file. That is, for example, if it is known or determined that

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replication target 303 receives, on average, thirty content units per second for replication
and it is desired to have approximately one hundred fifty content units in each container
file, then a new container file may be created, for example, every five seconds.
In one embodiment, a container file may include information in addition to the
content units themselves. Any suitable information may be included, as the invention is
not limited in this respect. For example, in addition to the content units, a container file
may include the content addresses of content units stored therein and a size of each
content unit. An example of container file 600 is shown in Figure 6. In the example of
Figure 6, container file 600 stores three content units and thus has three entries 601a,
601b, and 601c (i.e., one entry for each content unit). Each entry in container file 600
includes three piece of information: the content address of the corresponding content
unit; the size of the content of the content unit; and the content of the content unit.
The serial organization of entries in container file 600 is only one example of a
way in which entries in a container file may be organized. It should be appreciated that
container files may be organized in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in
this respect.
Processing software 305 (Figure 3) may select a directory in which to store a
container file in any suitable way. For example, in embodiments where file system 307
includes a time based directory structure, a container file may be stored in the time based
directory in the leaf directory that corresponds to the time at which the container file was
created. In this respect, in embodiments where a new container file is created after a
certain time interval, the time period of the leaf directory in which the container file is
stored may be greater than the time interval at which new container files are created.
Thus, content units that are stored in the container file are also stored in the leaf directory
that corresponds to the time of storage of the content units. For example, if a leaf
directory corresponds to a time period of thirty seconds (e.g., March 20,2005 at
1 l:30:00-March 20,2005 at 11:30:29) and a new container file is created every five
seconds, there may be six container files in the leaf directory and any content units
received by replication target 303 during the thirty second time period that the leaf
directory represents may be stored in one of the six container files in the leaf directory;
By contrast, if a leaf directory corresponds to a time period of one second, but the time
interval at which new container files are created is five seconds, then only one out of

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every five leaf directories may store a container file. Consequently, content units that
were received by replication target 303 during a time period that is represented by a leaf
directory which does not store a container file may be stored in a leaf directory that does
not correspond to the period of time during which the content unit was received by
replication target 303.
While the invention is not limited to storing a content unit in a container file that
is stored in a directory that corresponds to the time period during which the content unit
was received, doing so may aid in locating a particular content unit in the container file
in which it is stored, as is described below in greater detail.
A container file may have any suitable filename, as the invention is not limited in
this respect. In one embodiment, the filename of a container file may be a timestamp
that indicates a time at which the container file was created. However, any other suitable
filename may be used.
In embodiments of the invention where content units are replicated to a
replication target (e.g., as shown in Figure 3), there may be two storage times associated
with a content unit. First, the content unit may have a storage time that reflects the time
at which the content unit was initially stored on storage system 301. Second, the content
unit may have a storage time that reflects the time at which the content unit was stored
on replication target 303. Thus, in embodiments of the invention which use as the
identifier for a content unit a content address that includes timestamp information,
because the content unit was initially stored on storage system 301 (i.e., when the content
address was initially assigned), timestamp information included in the content address
may reflect the initial time of storage on storage system 301 and not the time of storage
on replication target 303. However, the container file in which the content unit is stored
and, consequently, the time-based directory in which the content unit is stored on the
replication target 303 is based on the time of storage of the content unit on replication
target 303, and not the time indicated by the timestamp in the content address.
The timestamp in the content address of content unit stored on the replication
target may not, by itself, indicate in which time based directory a content ■unit is stored,
as the time-based directory is selected based on a storage time on the replication target,
whereas the timestamp reflects the storage time on the replication source (i.e., the storage
system). Thus, in one embodiment, in addition to employing container files to store

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content units, one or more container index files may be created and stored in the
directory structure of the replication target. The directory in which a container index file
is stored may be based on the timestamps of the content addresses of content units
referenced by the container index file (i.e., the time of storage on storage system 301).
For example, when a request is received by replication target 303 to store a content unit,
processing software 305 may store the content unit in a container file located in one of
the time based directories in 307, that corresponds to the period of time during which the
content unit was received for storage by replication target 303. Additionally, an entry
may be made in a container index file that identifies the content unit by its content
address and indicates in which container file the content unit is stored. The container
index file may be stored in a time based directory that corresponds to the time at which
the content unit was initially stored on storage system 301.
In one embodiment, the content address of a content unit may not include a
timestamp. Thus, the initial time of storage of the content unit on storage system 301
may not be known. Thus, creating an index entry in a time-based file system for the
content unit may present challenges. In one embodiment, a hash function that takes as
input a content address or a portion of a content address and outputs a time value is used.
The content address or a portion of the content address may be input to the hash function
and the time based directory corresponding to the time value output by the hash function
may be selected. The container index file may be stored in the selected time-based
directory. Thus, the container index file is not necessarily stored in the directory selected
based upon the time at which the content unit was initially stored on storage system 301,
but rather a directory selected upon the time value generated by the hash function. Thus,
an entry in a container index file stored in a directory in a time-based directory structure
may be made for a content unit even where there is no timestamp information in the
content address and the initial time of storage on the storage system may not be known.
While subsequent examples may refer to the container index file and associated files
being stored in a directory that corresponds to the time at which a content unit was
initially stored on storage system 301, it should be appreciated that the container index
file and associated files may be stored in a directory corresponding to the time value
generated by the hash function.

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When a request to access the content unit is later received and identifies the
content unit by its content address, processing software 305 may locate the container
index file that references the content unit using the timestamp information in the content
address or, if the content address does not include a timestamp, using the hash function
to generate a time value from the content address and may locate an entry in the
container index file that corresponds to the content unit. This entry may identify the
container file in which the content unit is stored and/or provide a pointer to this container
file. Thus, rather than searching all container files for the content unit that has the
content address specified in the request, a pointer to the appropriate container file may be
located using the timestamp information in the content address and an exhaustive search
for the container file need not be performed.
The use of container index files may be particularly beneficial in systems which
employ HSM techniques. For example, if container files are stored on the slower storage
device and it were necessary to search all container files to locate a particular content
unit, then many container files (which are typically much larger than container index
files, as they contain content units) may have to be transferred between the slower
storage device into the cache (i.e., the faster storage device). The use of container index
files allows processing software 305 to determine in which container file a requested
content unit is stored, and thus it is not necessary to move many large container files
from the slow storage device (e.g., a tape system) to the faster storage device (e.g., a
magnetic disk drive). Rather, only the container file that includes the content may be
moved from the slow storage device to the faster storage device, if it is not already stored
on the faster storage device.
Figure 4 shows one example of a relationship between a container index file 401
and container files 405 and 407. Container index file 401 includes a plurality of entries,
403 a, 403b, and 403 c, each of which identifies a content unit by its content address and
also includes information that may be used to locate the content unit. In one
embodiment, this information includes a pointer .that specifies the location of the
container file in which the content unit is stored and an offset within the container file at
which the content unit begins. Thus, for example, entry 403 a may include a pointer to
container file 405 and may indicate that the corresponding content unit begins a certain
number of bytes into the container file. In addition, an entry in a container index file

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may also include information that indicates the next index with the same hash as the
current entry. It should be appreciated that some of this information need not be
included in the container index file and any other suitable information may be included
in the index file, as the invention is not limited in this respect
In one embodiment, the container index file may have any suitable number of
entries, wherein each entry identifies a content unit and the container file in which it is
stored. However, the invention is not limited to this situation, as the container index file
may have any suitable form. In one embodiment, each container index file may
correspond to a particular time period. Thus, a container index file may include entries
for content units whose content addresses include timestamps that fall within the time
period of the container index file. The time period that corresponds to a container index
file may be of any suitable duration, as the invention is not limited in this respect.
However, in one embodiment, the duration of the time period of a container index file is
less than or equal to the duration of the time period represented by the leaf directory in
which the container index file is stored. For example, if a container index file is stored in
a leaf directory in a time based directory structure wherein the lowest level leaf
directories correspond to a time period of thirty seconds, then the container index file
may correspond to the same time period or a shorter time period. Thus, when an entry
for a content unit is made in the container index file that corresponds to a time period
encompassing the time indicated by the timestamp in the content unit's content address,
the container index file will be stored in a leaf directory that also encompasses the time
indicated by the timestamp in the content unit's content address.
A container index file may also have any suitable filename, as the invention is not
limited in this respect. In one embodiment, a container index file may have a filename
that indicates the period of time to which the container index file corresponds. It should
be appreciated that this is only one example of a filename that may be used and the
invention is not limited to this particular example.
In embodiments of the invention where the container index file corresponds to a
time period shorter in duration than the duration of the time period represented by the
leaf directory in which it is stored, there may be multiple container index files in a leaf
directory. For example, if a leaf directory represents a thirty second time period (e.g.,
March 20,2005 at 11:30:00-March 20,2005 at 11:30:29) and each container index file

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corresponds to a fifteen second time period, then there may be two container index files
in the leaf directory: one that corresponds to the March20,2005 at 11:30:00- March 20,
2005 at 11:30:14 time period and another that corresponds to the March 20,2005 at
11:30:15 - March 20,2005 at 11:30:29 time period.
The duration of the time period'of a container index file may be selected in any
suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this respect. For example, in one
embodiment the duration may be selected to correspond to the interval at which new
container files are created. Thus, for example, if a new container file is created every
five seconds, then the duration of the time period of a container index file may also be
five seconds. Alternatively, the duration may be selected based on the maximum number
of desired container index files in a leaf directory. That is, for example, if the duration of
the time period represented by the leaf directory is thirty seconds, and it is desired to
have a maximum of five container index files in the leaf directory, then the duration of
the time period of each container index file in the leaf directory may be six seconds.
These are just examples of ways in which the duration of the time period of a container
index file may be selected and any other suitable way may be used. For example, all
container index files need not be of the same duration.
Processing software 305 need not create container index files if replication target
303 does not store any content units that would have entries in the container index files.
Thus, for example, if replication target 303 does not store any content units whose
content addresses have a timestamp that indicates a time of storage between March 20,
2005 at 11:30:15 and March 20,2005 at 11:30:29, then it may not be necessary to create
a container index file that corresponds to the March 20,2005 at 11:30:15 - March 20,
2005 at 11:30:29 time period, as there would be no entries in the container file if it were
to be created.
Similarly, it should be appreciated that a directory in the time-based directory
structure need not be created if there are rio files to be stored in the directory. For
example, referring to directory structure 200 in Figure 2, there is a subdirectory 203 in
the directory structure that corresponds to February 2005, If there are no content units
initially stored on storage system 301 during February 2005 and no content units
replicated to replication target 303 during February 2005, then subdirectory 203 (and all

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of the subdirectories that would normally descend therefrom in the hierarchy) need not
be created.
In one embodiment, each container index file may also have an associated header
file, called an index header file, that may be used to aid in locating a particular entry
within the container index file and to aid in deletion of content units. To aid in locating
an entry in the container index file, the index header file may include, for example, an
array of pointers into the container index file. Each pointer in the array may indicate the
location of an entry in the container index file and the array may be organized, for
example, based on hashes of the content addresses stored in entries in the container index
file. Thus, to locate an entry in the index container file using a content address of a
corresponding content unit, the content address may be hashed to determine the location
of the pointer to the entry in the array. The pointer may then be used to determine the
location of the entry in the container index file that corresponds to the hashed content
The index header file may also include information helpful in managing deletion
of content units. In one embodiment of the invention, deletion may be handled as
follows. When processing software 305 receives a request to delete a content unit and
identifies the content unit by its content address, rather than locating the content unit and
removing its corresponding entries from the appropriate container file and container
index file, the entries may remain in the files and a notation that the content unit has been
deleted may be recorded so that subsequent requests to access the content unit may be
denied. Such a notation may be made in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited
hi this respect. In one embodiment, the notation may be recorded in the index header
For example, as shown in Figure 5, a deletion data structure 500 may be stored hi
the index header file. The deletion data structure associates a bit with each entry in the
index container file associated with the index header file. If the bit for an entry is at one
value (e.g., has a value of' 1'), then the entry has not been deleted, whereas if the bit for
an entry is at the other value (e.g., has a value of '0'), then the entry has been deleted.
When processing software 305 receives a request to store a content unit and creates an
entry corresponding to the content unit in a container index file, processing software may
also add a bit for this entry in the deletion data structure 500 in the corresponding index

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header file with the bit initially set (i.e., having a value of' 1 ')• When a subsequent
request to delete the content unit is received, the bit may be reset to a value of 0'
indicating that the content unit has been deleted. As a result, when processing software
305 receives a subsequent request to read the data, processing software may check the
deletion data structure 500 in the index header file to determine if the content unit has
been deleted prior to returning the content unit. If it is determined that the content unit
has been deleted, a response indicating that the content unit does not exist and/or that the
content unit has been deleted may be returned to the accessing entity.
The index header file may also include any other suitable information, such as the
current number of entries in its associated container index file. Further, the example of
the deletion data structure described above is only one implementation of a data structure
that may be used to track which content units have been deleted. The invention is not
limited to this particular example, as the deletion data structure may take any suitable
As mentioned above, although in one embodiment individual entries from
container index files and container files are not removed in response to a delete request,
an entire container index file and index header file may be deleted if a delete request for
each entry in the container index file has been received. For example, as mentioned
above, a container index file may have an associated index header file that includes a
deletion data structure. If each bit in the deletion data structure is set to '0', indicating
that a delete request for each entry in the container index file has been received, then
both the index header file and the container index file may be deleted in accordance with
one embodiment.
In one embodiment, each container file may also have a header file, called a
container header file, associated with it. The container header file may be used to
determine when a container file may be deleted. For example, a container header file
may indicate how many content units are stored in its associated container file and how
many of these content units have been deleted. Thus, for example, when processing
software 305 receives a request to delete a content unit, processing software 305 may
determine in which container file the content unit is stored using the appropriate
container index file and, in addition to updating the deletion data structure in the index
header file associated with the container index file, may also update the container header

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file to reflect the number of content units that have been deleted from its associated
container file. When the number of deleted content units is the same as the number of
content units currently stored in the container file, then the container file and its
associated container header file may be deleted.
The description above provides one example of a manner in which it may be
determined if a content unit has been deleted and/or when a container file, container
index file, and index header file may be deleted. The invention is not limited to this
particular example, as any these determinations may be made in any suitable way.
As discussed above, in addition to receiving access requests to retrieve one or
more particular content units (e.g., identified by content addresses), processing software
305 may also receive a query access request that requests identification of content units
that satisfy one or more criteria. In one embodiment of the invention, processing
software 305 may process time-based query requests that request identification of
content units stored to replication target 303 during a time range specified in the request.
This may be done in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this respect. For
example, in one embodiment, in response to a query request, processing software 305
may determine which leaf directories in the time based directory structure fall within the
time range specified in the request. Processing software 305 may access the container
files stored in these directories and return the content addresses of content units stored
In one embodiment, processing software 305 may, either, in addition to or instead
of the returning the content addresses, return the content units themselves. Because a
container file and its associated container header file does not include information
indicating which of the content units stored in the container file have been deleted, in one
embodiment processing software may, in response to the time-based query, identify
content units that have been deleted, when used with such an embodiment.
To address this issue, in one embodiment, the container header file for a container
file may also include a deletion data structure, similar to deletion data structure included
in the index header file, that indicates which content units in the associated container file
have been deleted. To maintain this data structure, when a delete request is received for
a content unit, the deletion data structure in the container header file for the container file
in which the content unit is stored should be updated. Further, in embodiments in which

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processing software 305, in response to a time based query request, returns a content
address of identified content units but does not return the content unit itself, multiple-
container files may have to be transferred from the storage device to the memory of
replication target 303 to determine the content addresses of content units that match the
specified time range. Often, the container files may be large because they include the
content of many content units. As a result, transferring these files from the storage
device may increase latency in responding to the time based query request.
In another embodiment, rather than maintaining a deletion data structure in the
container header file of a container file, a pointer to the container index file that
references a content unit may be stored with the entry for each content unit in a container
file. Thus, when a time-based query request is received, processing software 305 may
access the container files that are stored in leaf directories that fall within the specified
time range and, before identifying a content unit in response the request, may use the
pointer to the container index file in the entry for the content unit to determine if the
content unit is deleted (e.g., via the deletion data structure in the index header file). In
this embodiment, it is not necessary to maintain a deletion data structure for each
container file and update it whenever a content unit stored in the container file is deleted.
Rather, a back pointer to the appropriate container index file may be included in the
content unit's entry in the container file when the content unit is initially stored.
In the embodiments in which a container header file includes a deletion data
structure or in which container file entries include back pointers to container index files,
many large container files may be transferred from the storage device to the memory of
the replication target to obtain the content address for a content unit that meets the
criteria specified in a time based query request, even though the content of the content
unit need not be returned in response to the request. Further, in embodiments in which
HSM techniques are employed, not only would these large container files have to be
moved from the storage device to the memory of the replication target, these container
files may also first have to be moved from a slower storage device in the storage
hierarchy (e.g., a tape drive) to the storage device which may be, for example, a disk
To address this, in one embodiment a storetime container file may be employed.
A storetime container file, like a container file, may correspond to a specific time period,

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and may have entries for content units stored during that time period. Thus, a storetime
container file may be stored in the leaf directory that encompasses the time period of the
storetime container file. When a content unit is initially stored in a container file, an
entry for the content unit may be made in the appropriate storetime container file.
An example of a storetime container file 700 is shown in Figure 7. Storetime
container file 700 includes two entries: 701a and 701b. Each of these entries
corresponds to a content unit stored in a container file and may include information that
may be used in responding to a time-based query request For example, an entry may
include the content address of the content unit, a pointer to the container index file that
references the content unit, the time of storage of the content unit, and the size of the
content of me content unit. Any other suitable information maybe included, as the
invention is not limited in this respect.
When a time based query request is received, processing software 305 may
determine the leaf directories that correspond to the time range specified in the request
and access the storetime container files stored in those directories. For each entry in the
storetime container files, processing software 305 may determine if the content unit
corresponding to the entry has been deleted by using the pointer to the container index
file in the entry to access the deletion data structure in its associated index header file. If
the content unit has been deleted, it may not be identified in response to the request. If
the content unit has not been deleted, then the content address of the content unit may be
returned in response to the request, along with any other suitable information, such as,
for example, the time of storage of the content unit and the size of its content.
In one embodiment, a storetime header file may be created for each storetime
container file. The storetime header file may be used, for example, to determine if a
storetime container file may be deleted (i.e., if the content units corresponding to all the
entries in the storetime container file have been deleted). The storetime header file may
indicate the current number of entries in the storetime container file (which may be
updated when entries are added to the storetime container file) and may indicate the
number of entries that correspond to deleted content units (which may be updated each
time a content unit corresponding to one of the entries is deleted). If the number of
entries corresponding to deleted content units is the same as the number of entries in the

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storetime container file, then storetime container file may be deleted (e.g., by processing
software 305)
In one embodiment, in addition to responding to query requests to identity
content units stored during a specified time range, processing software 305 may respond ,
to query requests to identity content units deleted during a specified time range. This
may be done in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this respect.
For example, a deletion container file may be created that corresponds to a
particular time period and may have entries for content units deleted during that time
period. The deletion container file may be stored in the leaf directory that corresponds to
the time period of the deletion container file. When a content unit is deleted, an entry for
the content unit may be made in the deietion container file that encompasses the time of
deletion of the content unit. An example of a deletion container file 800 that includes
two entries, 801a and 801b, is shown in Figure 8. Each entry in the deletion container
file may correspond to a deleted content unit and include any suitable information. For
example, an entry may include the content address of the deleted content unit, the time of
deletion, and the reason for deletion.
When a query request is received requesting identification of content units
deleted during a specified time range, processing software 305 may determine the leaf
directories that correspond to time periods falling within the specified time range.
Processing software 305 may then access the deletion container files stored in these
directories and return information for each content unit identified in the deletion
container files. Any suitable information may be returned, as the invention is not limited
in this respect. For example, in response to the query request, the content address of
content units deleted during the time range may be returned, along with the time of
deletion of the content units and the reason for deletion.
The aspects of the present invention described herein can be used with systems
that store two different types of content units: blobs and content descriptor files (CDFs),
with each blob being referenced by at least one CDF. A blob may store application data,
while a CDF that references the blob may store metadata about the blob. Accessing
entities may not directly access blobs and may only directly access CDFs. Thus, an
accessing entity may not be aware of the content address of a blob, but only the content
address of a CDF. To access a blob, an accessing entity may send a request for the CDF

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that references the blob. In response, the accessing entity may receive the requested
CDF and the blobs referenced by the CDF. In this regard, an accessing entity may also
not directly request deletion a blob. The accessing entity may request deletion of a CDF
that references the blob. If there are no CDFs referencing a blob, the blob may be
In one embodiment, separate container files may be used for blobs and CDFs.
Thus, a leaf directory in the time based directory structure may have some blob container
files and some container files (i.e., if there were blob(s) and CDF(s) stored to replication
target 303 during the time period of the leaf directory). Similarly, separate container
index files may be used for blobs and CDFs. As mentioned above, hi one embodiment,
blobs may not be directly deleted by an accessing entity. Thus, hi one embodiment,
rather than including a deletion data structure in the index header file associated with a
blob container index file associated, the index header file may include a reference count
map. The reference count map includes an entry for each blob entry hi the blob
container index file that indicates how many CDFs are referencing the blob. The
reference count map for a blob may be updated when a new CDF is created that
references the blob or when a CDF referencing the blob is deleted, m this respect, if
every entry in the reference count map is '0', indicating that there are no CDFs
referencing any of the blobs referenced hi the blob index container file, then the blob
index file may be deleted.
As mentioned above, container files may be deleted when the information in the
container header file indicates that all content units stored in the container file are
deleted. However, in one embodiment that employs blob and CDF content unit types,
CDF container files may not be deleted, even if it is determined that every CDF stored hi
the CDF container file has been deleted. This may be done for any suitable reason and
the invention is not limited in this respect. For example, the CDF container file may
serve as an audit log, such that information about deleted CDFs (and deleted blobs
referenced by the deleted CDFs) still exists on the replication target and may be used to
determine information about the deleted content units. In embodiments hi which CDF
container files are not deleted, it may not be necessary to maintain a container header file
for CDF container files. Because the container header file is primarily used to determine
if its associated container file may be deleted (i.e., by detemining if all content units in

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its associated container file have been deleted) and because CDF container files are not
deleted, it may not be necessary to create and maintain a container header file for CDF
container files.
Applicants have appreciated that, in some situations, it may be desirable to allow
storage of a particular content unit only one time. Thus, if a user attempts to store a
content unit that is already stored on the computer, the computer may bypass storage of
the content unit, so that two copies of the same content unit are not stored on the storage
system. However, from the perspective of the entity requesting storage of the content
unit, the storage system has accepted and processed the storage request. This may be
done in any suitable way, as the invention is not limited in this respect.
In one embodiment where content addresses for content units do not include a
timestamp, when a request to write a content unit is received, the content address may be
input to a hash function to derive a time value, as discussed above. This time value may
be used to select a directory that stores a container index file for the content unit. The
appropriate container index file corresponding to the time value may be selected and it
may be determined if there is another content unit having the same content address
already stored therein. If there is another content unit with the same content address
stored therein, another copy of the content unit need not be saved in a container file in
the time based directory structure. However, the reference count for the content unit in
the reference count map discussed above may be incremented so that a request from a
first entity that stored a first copy of the content unit to delete the content unit will not
result in deletion of the content unit so that a second entity that stored a second copy of
the content unit may still access the content unit.
In embodiments in which content addresses for content units include timestamps
indicating an initial time of storage of the content unit, two copies of the same content
unit may have different timestamps in their content addresses. Thus, when a request to
store a content unit is received, it may be difficult to determine if a previous copy of the
content unit has been stored. To address this, in one embodiment a single instance store
(SIS) file may be employed. When a request to write a content unit is received, in
addition to storing an entry for the content unit in a container index file and storing the
content unit in a container file, the content address (or a portion of the content address)
of the content unit may be input into a hash function that outputs a time value based, at

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least in part, on the content address. The timestamp may be removed from the content
address prior to inputting the content address into the hash function such that the hash
function only operates on the portion of the content address that is generated using the
content of the content unit. An SIS file corresponding to the content unit may be created
in the time based directory corresponding to the time value output by the hash function.
The SIS file may indicate the content address of the content unit. The SIS file may
further indicate the location of and identify the container index file which includes an
entry for the content unit. When a write request to store another content unit having the
same content is received, processing software 305 (Figure 3) may input the portion of the
content address generated using the content of the content unit to the hash function to
generate a time value. The directory corresponding to the time value may be located and
it may be determined if there is an SIS file that includes Hie content address (excluding
the timestamp) of the content unit. When the SIS file is found, the container index file
corresponding to the first copy of the content unit may be located and the location of the
container file that stores the first copy of the content unit may be determined. Then, an
entry may be made for the second copy of the content unit in a container index file in the
directory corresponding to the timestamp in the content address of the second copy of the
content unit. The entry may indicate as the location of the content unit the container file
that stores the first copy of the content unit. In this manner, a second copy of the content
unit need not be stored, but the content may be located using either the content address of
the first copy of the content unit or the content address of the second copy of the content
In one embodiment, the aspect of the present invention described herein can be
used in systems that employ virtual pools. Virtual pools are discussed in detail in
application serial nos. 10/910,985,10/911,330,10/911,248,10/911,247, and 10/911,360,
listed in Table 1 below. Content units may be logically grouped together for any suitable
reason. For example, content units may be grouped together to control access to certain
content units. That is, a first host computer may only be permitted to access content
units in Virtual Pool A, while a second host computer may only be permitted to access
content units in Virtual Pool B.
In one embodiment, information may be included, in an index container file,
storetime container file, and/or deletion container file, indicating in which virtual pool(s)

WO 2007/001596 PCT/US2006/014180
the content unit referenced by that entry belongs (if any). When an access request (e.g., a
read, write or query request) is received, processing software 305 may determine in
which virtual pool each requested content unit belongs and determine if the requesting
entity is permitted to access the virtual pool(s) before responding to the request.
Many of the examples described above employed the use of a time based
directory structure. In some of the examples, the use of time based directory structure is
convenient because the content address for content units to be stored included a
timestamp which aided in selection of directory in which to store the content unit.
Further, the time based directory structure can be used to aid in locating content units
when responding to a time based query request or a deletion time based query request.
However, it should be appreciated the invention is not limited to use in a time-based
directory structure. Indeed, the file system directory structure may be organized in any
suitable way. For example, the directory structure may be organized based on the hash
value in the content addresses of content units, rather than time, or in other ways.
Further, in the examples described above, files (e.g., container files, container
index files, storetime container files, and deletion container files, and their associated
header files) are stored in the leaf directories of the directory structure. The invention is
not limited to storing the above-described files in leaf directories, as such files may be
stored in any suitable directory in the directory structure, as the invention is not limited
in this respect.
Further, in many of the examples above a content address was used as the
identifier in identifying content units. The invention is not limited to use with a content
address as the identifier as any suitable identifier may be used.
Additionally, many of the examples provided above are described in the context
of a storage system replicating content units to a replication target (e.g., a host
computer). The invention is not limited to use with systems that employ replication, as
embodiments of the invention may be used in any suitable system configuration. For
example, embodiments of the invention may be used on a system (e.g., a host computer)
that is used as the primary storage location of content units instead of, or in addition to,
serving as the backup storage location (i.e., the replication target).
The above-described embodiments of the present invention can be implemented
on any suitable computer or system. Examples of suitable computers and/or systems are

WO 2007/001596 'PCT/US2006/014180
described in the patent applications listed below in Table 1 (collectively "the CAS
applications"), each of which is incorporated herein by reference. It should be
appreciated that the computers and systems described in these applications are only
examples of computers and systems on which the embodiments of the present invention
may be implemented, as the invention is not limited to implementation on any of these
content addressable storage systems, or to content addressable storage systems at all.
Table 1
Title Serial No. Filing Date
Content AddressableInformation, Encapsulation,Representation, Andransfer 09/236,366 January 21, 1999

Access To Content 09/235,146 January 21,1999
Addressable Data Over A
System And Method For 09/391,360 • September 7,1999
Secure Storage Transfer
And Retrieval Of Content
Addressable Information
Method And Apparatus For 10/731,790 December 9, 2003
Data Retention In A
Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/731,613 December 9, 2003
For Facilitating Access To
Content In A Data Storage
Methods And Apparatus 10/731,796 December 9,2003
For Caching A Location
Index In A Data Storage

WO 2007/001596 PCT/US2006/014180

Methods And Apparatus 10/731,603 December 9,2003
For Parsing A Content
Address To Facilitate
Selection Of A Physical
Storage Location In A Data
Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/731,845 December 9, 2003
For Generating A Content
Address To Indicate Data
Units Written To A Storage
System Proximate In Time.
Methods And Apparatus 10/762,044 January 21, 2004
For Modifying A Retention
Period For Data In A
Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/761,826 January 21,2004
For Extending A Retention
Period For Data In A
Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/762,036 January 21,2004
For Indirectly Identifying A
Retention Period For Data
In A Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/762,043 January 21, 2004
For Indirectly Identifying A
Retention Period For Data
In A Storage System
Methods And ApparatusFor Increasing Data StorageCapacity 10/787,337 February 26,2004

WO2007/001596 PCT/US2006/014180

Methods And Apparatus 10/787,670 February 26, 2004
For Storing Data In A
Storage Environment
Methods And Apparatus 10/910,985 August 4, 2004
For Segregating A Content
Addressable Computer
Methods And Apparatus 10/911,330 August 4,2004
For Accessing Content In A
Virtual Pool On A Content
Addressable Storage
Methods and Apparatus For 10/911,248 August 4,2004
Including Storage System
Capability Information In
An Access Request To A
Content Addressable
Storage System
Methods And Apparatus 10/911,247 August 4,2004
For Tracking Content
Storage In A Content
Addressable Storage

WO 2007/001596 PCT/US2006/014180

Methods and Apparatus For 10/911,360 August 4, 2004
Storing Information
Identifying A Source Of A
Content Unit Stored On A
Content Addressable
Software System For 11/021,892 December 23,2004
Providing Storage System
Software System For 11/022,022 December 23,2004
Providing Content
Addressable Storage
System Functionality
Methods And Apparatus 11/022,077 December 23,2004
For Providing Data
Retention Capability Via A
Network Attached Storage
Methods And Apparatus 11/021,756 December 23,2004
For Managing Storage In A
Computer System
Methods And Apparatus 11/021,012 December 23,2004
For Processing Access
Requests In A Computer
Methods And Apparatus 11/021,378 December 23,2004
For Accessing Information
In A Hierarchical File

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Methods And ApparatusFor Storing A ReflectionOn A Storage System 11/034,613 January 12,2005 ,
Method And Apparatus ForModifying A RetentionPeriod 11/034,737 January 12, 20Q5
Methods And ApparatusFor Managing Deletion ofData 11/034,732 January 12, 2005
Methods And ApparatusFor Managing The StorageOf Content 11/107,520 April 15, 2005
Methods And ApparatusFor Retrieval Of ContentUnits In A Time-BasedDirectory Structure 11/107,063 April 15,2005
Methods And ApparatusFor Managing TheReplication Of Content 11/107,194 April 15,2005

The above-described embodiments of the present invention can be implemented
in any of numerous ways. For example, the embodiments may be implemented using
hardware, software or a combination thereof. When implemented in software, the
software code can be executed on any suitable processor or collection of processors,
whether provided in a single computer or distributed among multiple computers. It
should be appreciated that any component or collection of components that perform the
functions described above can be generically considered as one or more controllers that
control the above-discussed functions. The one or more controllers can be implemented
in numerous ways, such as with dedicated hardware, or with general purpose hardware
(e.g., one or more processors) that is programmed using microcode or software to
perform the functions recited above.

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In this respect, it should be appreciated that one implementation of the
embodiments of the present invention comprises at least one computer-readable medium
(e.g., a computer memory, a floppy disk, a compact disk, a tape, etc.) encoded with a
computer program (i.e., a plurality of instructions), which, when executed on a processor,
performs the above-discussed functions of the embodiments of the present invention.
The computer-readable medium can be transportable such that the program stored
thereon can be loaded onto any computer environment resource to implement the aspects
of the present invention discussed herein. In addition, it should be appreciated that the
reference to a computer program which, when executed, performs the above-discussed
functions, is not limited to an application program running on a host computer. Rather,
the term computer program is used herein in a generic sense to reference any type of
computer code (e.g., software or microcode) that can be employed to program a
processor to implement the above-discussed aspects of the present invention.
It should be appreciated that in accordance with several embodiments of the
present invention wherein processes are implemented in a computer readable medium,
the computer implemented processes may, during the course of their execution, receive
input manually (e.g., from a user).
The phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description
and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of "including," "comprising," "having,"
"containing", "involving", and variations thereof, is meant to encompass the items listed
thereafter and additional items. j
Having described several embodiments of the invention in detail, various
modifications and improvements will readily occur to those skilled in the art. Such
modifications and improvements are intended to be within the spirit and scope of the
invention. Accordingly, the foregoing description is by way of example only, and is not
intended as limiting. The invention is limited only as defined by the following claims
and the equivalents thereto.
What is claimed is:

1. A method of managing content units in a file system, the method comprising acts
receiving a first request to store a first content unit, the first content unit having a
(first content address that is computed based, at least in part, on the content of the first
content unit;
in response to the first request, storing the first content unit in a file in the file
receiving a second request to store a second content unit that is logically distinct
from the first content unit, the second content unit having a second address that is
computed based, at least, in part, on the content of the second content unit; and
in response to the second request, storing the second content unit in the file.
2. The meihod of claim 1, wherein the file system includes a time-based director)'
structure having a plurality of directories, wherein each of the plurality of directories
corresponds to a period of time, and wherein the file is stored in one of the plurality of
directories that corresponds to a period of time during which the first and second request
requests were received.
3. The method of claim 2, where the first request is received from a storage system
that stores the first content unit, and wherein the first content address includes a
timestamp that indicates a time related to the time of storage of the first content unit on
the storage system.
4. The method of claim 3, further comprising acts of:
in response to the first request, determining one the plurality of directories that
corresponds to a period of time that includes the time indicated in the timestamp; and
storing, in the one the plurality of directories that corresponds to a period of time
that includes the time indicated in the timestamp, an indication of the file that stores first
the content unit.
5. The method of claim 4, further comprising an act of:

in response to the first request, associating an identifier with the first content unit.
6. A computer that accesses a content unit having a first content address that is
based, at least in part, on the content of the content unit, wherein the content unit is
stored in a file in a file system, the computer comprising:
an input; and
at least one controller, coupled to the input, that:
receives from an application program, via the input, a request to access
the content unit, wherein the request identifies the content unit using the first
content address, and wherein the file in which the content unit is stored stores at
least one additional content unit, the at least one additional content unit having a
second content address that is based, at least in part, on the content of the
additional content unit;
locates the file in which the content unit is stored using the content
address; and
locates the content unit in the file in which the content unit is stored.
7. The computer of claim 6, wherein the file system includes a time-based directory
structure having a plurality of directories, wherein each of the plurality of directories
corresponds to a period of time, and wherein the file is stored in one of the plurality of
directories that corresponds to a period of time during which the content unit was stored
in the file system.
8. The computer of claim 7, wherein the content address for the content unit
includes a timestamp.
9. The computer of claim 8, wherein the content unit was stored in the file system
via replication from a storage system that stores the content unit and wherein the
timestamp corresponds to a time at which the content unit was stored on the storage .

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10. The computer of claim 9, wherein the file system is a hierarchical file system and
the plurality of directories are arranged in a hierarchical tree, comprising at least one root
directory and a plurality of non-root directories that each has a parent directory, wherein
at least one of the plurality of directories in the tree correspond to a period of time
subsumed by a period of time corresponding to its respective parent directory.

One embodiment of the invention is directed to the containerization of content units that are accessed using an identifier. Applicants have appreciated that file systems sometimes impose limits on the number of files that may be stored therein that are too restrictive. Thus, in one embodiment, multiple content units may be stored in a single file, called a container file, in a file system. Each content unit may have an identifier associated with it. When an accessing entity requests access to a previously-stored content unit and provides the identifier for the content unit, the identifier may be used to locate the container file in which the content unit is stored.



Patent Number 268379
Indian Patent Application Number 1554/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 27-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 01-May-2007
Name of Patentee EMC CORPORATION
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F 17/30
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/014180
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/165,103 2005-06-23 U.S.A.
2 11/165,104 2005-06-23 U.S.A.
3 11/165,102 2005-06-23 U.S.A.