Title of Invention


Abstract A method of mass transfer of a material or heat comprising the steps of: providing a cross-passage packing (1) having a plurality of vertically disposed corrugated layers (11, 12') disposed in parallel relation for a descending flow of liquid thereon, each said layer having an imperforated surface defining flow passages (13) disposed in crisscrossing relation to an adjacent layer and at an angle of less than approximately 100° for a flow of vapor therethrough; and loading said packing (1) with a liquid; characterized in that said packing (1) is acted on by a relatively small liquid loading; and the value for the liquid loading is selected in accordance with the relationship: L/a<10 1/mh, wherein: L is the specific surface loading in volume units of the liquid per surface unit of the packing cross-section; and a is the specific surface area of said layers.
Full Text The present invention relates to a method of mass transfer of a material or heat.
The invention relates to use of a cross-passage packing made of a metal fabric in accordance with the preamble of claim 1.
Packings with a cross-passage structure have been known for some dec¬ades: see e.g. the patent CH-A- 398 503, for which the application was submitted in 1962. The cross-passage packings are as a rule composed of a plurality of packing elements arranged on top of one another, with each packing element being made up of a plurality of parallel layers. The layers, which consist in accordance with the named patent specification in each case of a "corrugated lamella", contact one another: they form the cross-passage structure together with flow passages which are inclined with respect to the vertical (column axis) and are open with respect to one another. An exchange of material and /or heat can be carried out with such a column packing which takes place at a phase interface between a falling liquid film on the packing surface and a gas stream flowing through the passages.
In the named CH-A- 398 503, a cross-passage packing is illustrated whose "corrugated lamellae" are perforated. A further cross-passage packing, in which the holes are arranged in a particular manner, is described in DE-A-26 01 890. In this publication, reference is made to the purpose of the perforation which was already known from the prior art at the time: "The
reasons for the presence of the orifices are improved gas exchange over the cross-section of the packing member and reduction of the pressure drop along the column axis". The lamellae can be manufactured, for example, of metallic foils, knitted fabrics or fabrics. The flow passages, which are each formed by a lamella and thus belong to the same layer, are connected by the holes such that compensation procedures can take place with respect to differences in concentration and in pressure.
In the course of the following years, it was considered a matter of course that the holes have to be present, among other things for the reduction of the pressure drop. In the striving to achieve ever better results in the use of cross-passage packings, one arrived at a point where one asked oneself the following: had a measure actually been taken with the perforation which is advantageous? For there is at least the disadvantage that material is lost with the perforation; the holes represent a lack of surface which is not available for the exchange of material and/or heat.
It is the object of the invention to provide a use of cross-passage packings with which better results can be achieved in comparison with the known uses. This object is satisfied by the use defined in claim 1.
The use of a cross-passage packing of a metal fabric relates to a method in which an exchange of material and/or heat is carried out between a liquid stream and a stream of gas or vapour. The fabric packing used is composed of vertical layers which consist of corrugated or pleated metal fabrics forming flow passages. The stream of gas or vapour flows in the flow passages and the liquid stream flows on the metal fabric. The flow passages of adjacent layers cross openly. The angle between crossing passages is smaller than approximately 100°. In this method, the fabric packing is acted on by a relatively small liquid loading. The metal fabric forms
a carrier for the liquid stream which is largely free of holes or other openings. Values are chosen for the liquid loading in accordance with the relationship L/a If the pressure loss is determined in the use of the fabric packing in accordance with the invention and if a corresponding measurement is carried out for the known packing which is made of perforated metal fabrics, an unexpected result is found. In this comparative measurement, a parameter decisive for the material exchange process is set equal, namely the wetted surface of the packing at the same volume. Contrary to the older teaching, in accordance with which the pressure drop along the column axis could be reduced by the perforation, a pressure drop was surprisingly found with the hole-free fabric packing which is significantly smaller. This applies as long as the fabric packing is acted on by a relatively small liquid loading in the process and the gas stream is therefore also low to a corresponding degree. Since the metal fabrics form "self-wetting" carriers of the liquid stream, a small liquid loading is actually also realisable.
Comparative measurements were carried out with fabric packings whose hole proportions were of different size. On an evaluation of the trials, in which a change of the hydraulic diameter was also taken into account, one arrived at the recognition that, with the fabric packing with perforations, the holes contribute to an increase in pressure loss. This fact is contrary to the school of thought. Consequently, one should largely or completely leave out a perforation in the fabric packing under the recited conditions.
The invention will be explained in the following with reference to the drawings. There are shown:
Fig. 1 an upper part of a column with packing elements;
Fig. 2 a fragment of a packing with a cross-passage structure;
Fig. 3 a diagram on the separation efficiency of two fabric packings
compared to one another; and
Fig. 4 a diagram on the pressure loss for the same packings.
A column 2 having an axis 20 - in accordance with Fig. 1 - contains a packing 1 and a liquid distributor (infeed tube 210, distributor passages 211). A plurality of packing elements 10, 10', 10" are arranged on top of one another. When the column is used, a liquid and a gas or vapour flow in counter flow.
In special embodiments of the column 2, a lower end zone 102, a central zone 100 and an upper end zone 102 can respectively be distinguished. The flow resistance in the end zones 101 and 102 at the ends of the packing elements 10 is reduced with respect to that of the central zone due to a suitable shaping. Such advantageous embodiments are known from the patent specification EP 0 858 366.
Each packaging element 10 is built up of a plurality of parallel layers 11', 12' - see Fig. 2. Parallel passages 13 with triangular cross-sections 14 are formed in the layers 11', 12' by metal fabrics 11 and 12 respectively folded in zig-zag manner. (The metal fabrics 11, 12 can also be corrugated.) The passages are inclined with respect to the vertical 20' - a parallel line to the
column axis 20: they include an inclination angle cp with it. At a contact plane 15 between adjacent layers 11', 12', the passages 13 of the layer 12', which are open in this plane 15, cross corresponding passages of the adjacent layer 11'. The crossing angle which amounts to 2(p is lower than approximately 100°. The cross-section 14 has the shape of an isosceles triangle with a height h (= width of the layer 12'), sides s and a base b which is also termed a step. The angle a between the sides s and the base b in many cases amounts to 45°. The specific surface a of this packing with a = 45° is given in the ideal case that the folding edges have no roundings by the expression 2^2 jh. Both sides of the metal fabric are counted in this process.
The specific surface a is defined independently of whether a perforation is present or not. The wetted surface a', in contrast, depends on whether the metal fabric is perforated. In the aforementioned comparative trials, packings were compared in which the wetted surfaces a' were of equal size.
The following dimensions were selected for a first fabric packing PI with a large portion of perforation: layer height = 6.5 mm; base b = 10.2 mm; specific surface a = 507 m2/m3; wetted surface a' = 450 m2/m3; inclination angle cp = 30°; perforation: 11% hole proportion, i.e. proportion of the fabric surface which is open (hole diameter: 4 mm).
The following dimensions were selected for a second fabric packing P2 with a smaller portion of perforation: layer height = 7 mm; base b = 10.2 mm; specific surface a = 475 m2/m3; wetted surface a' = 450 m2/m3; inclination angle (p = 30°; perforation: 5% hole proportion (hole diameter: 4 mm).
Measurements were taken with the two packings PI and P2 in a column with a diameter of 250 mm and with a head pressure of 50 mbar. The measurements were carried out with a mixture to be separated of chloro-benzene and ethylbenzene.
In the diagrams of the Figures 3 and 4, measured results are shown for the two packings PI and P2 (logarithmic scales). In the diagram of Fig. 3 the separation efficiency is recited in dependence on the F factor F = vgVpo (where VG = flow rate and po = density of the gas G). The separation efficiency is expressed as the number n of theoretical separation stages per meter (NTSM). No significant difference can be found for the two packings PI and P2. However, there is a difference in the diagram of Fig. 4. This shown the pressure loss measured in each case in the packings PI and P2.
The compared packings P1 and P2 have the same wetted surface a', but different specific surfaces a, and thus different hydraulic diameters dh. With a larger hydraulic diameter (P2 with dh = 7.9 mm), the pressure drop is somewhat smaller than with a smaller hydraulic diameter (PI with dh = 7.4 mm). Surprisingly, the pressure loss in the packing P2 is reduced to a greater degree than would be expected due to the hydraulic diameter.
As far as the pressure loss is concerned, under the conditions typical for the packings investigated, this is approximately proportional to the inverse hydraulic diameter. This can be shown with reference to a proven pressure loss model (see J. A. Rocha, J. L. Bravo, J. R. Fair, "Distillation Columns Containing Structured Packings: A Comprehensive Model for Their Performance. 1. Hydraulic Models", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1993, 32, 641-651). It thus results that the packing P2 should have to produce a pres-
sure loss lower by 6.3% than the packing P1. However, a much larger reduction is measured (cf. Fig. 4, namely a reduction by 20%.
If the number of holes is lowered with an equally wetted surface, the following would be expected: a) reduction of the pressure loss by approximately 6 to 7%, because the hydraulic diameter increases (demonstrable with correlations matched to experiments); b) increase of the pressure loss by an amount which cannot be put into figures, because fewer holes are there and the packing is less permeable; c) the two amounts could at best cancel one another out.
In actual fact, the following experience was made:
• The pressure loss is reduced by approximately 6 to 7%, because the hydraulic diameter increases.
• The pressure loss is reduced by a further approximately 14%, which can only be due to the change in the number of holes.
Consequently, the holes in the fabric packing contribute to an increase in pressure loss. This fact is diametrically opposed to the school of thought.
In the use in accordance with the invention of a cross-passage packing of a metal fabric, the metal fabric forms a carrier for the liquid stream which is largely free of holes or of other openings. It is required for this method that values are chosen for the liquid loading in accordance with the following relationship
q' = L/a - L is the specific surface loading in volume units of the liquid per surface unit of the column cross-section;
- a is the specific surface which the metal fabric spans; and
- q' is the liquid volume per time unit and yardage of the fabric.
(The yardage is double the counted length of the fabric edge, measured on a column cross-section).
The amount q' = 10 m 1/mh corresponds to L = 4.5 m3/m2h (per square meter column cross-section and hour) for a fabric packing, for which a = a' = 450 m2/m3 (no perforation). This maximum loading is typical for a total reflux and for the following cases:
• Test mixture cis-/transdekalin at 50 mbar head pressure and an F factor F lower than 2.2 VPa
• Test mixture cis-/transdekalin at 10 mbar head pressure and F • Test mixture chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene at 50 mbar head pressure and F • Text mixture chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene at 100 mbar head pressure and F The loading is thus typical for the use of the cross-passage packing in vacuum at 100 mbar.
The use in accordance with the invention of a cross-passage packing is particularly suitable when a plurality of packing elements (10, 10', 10") are arranged on top of one another and when the following applies: a lower
end zone (102), a central zone (100) and an upper end zone (102) can be respectively distinguished in the packing elements. The flow resistance in the end zones (101, 102) at at least one of the ends of the packing elements is reduced with respect to that of the central zone due to a suitable shaping. In this packing, an additional improvement results with respect to the pressure drop. The shaping of the end zone (101, 102) is in particular designed such that the local direction of the flow passages changes progressively in each case such that the flow passages have a sigmoid course.

We Claim:
1. A method of mass transfer of a material or heat comprising the steps of:
providing a cross-passage packing (1) having a plurality of vertically disposed corrugated layers (11', 12') disposed in parallel relation for a descending flow of liquid thereon, each said layer having an unperforated surface defining flow passages (13) disposed in crisscrossing relation to an adjacent layer and at an angle of less than approximately 100° for a flow of vapor therethrough; and
loading said packing (1) with a liquid; characterized in that said packing (1) is acted on by a relatively small liquid loading; and the value for the liquid loading is selected in accordance with the relationship: L/a L is the specific surface loading in volume units of the liquid per surface unit of
the packing cross-section; and
a is the specific surface area of said layers.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the flow of liquid and the flow of vapour are in counter flow.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein L/a is less than 1 1/mh.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein L/a is less than 0.2 1/mh.
5. A method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 4, wherein the specific surface area a of the packing amounts to between 300 and 800 m /m .
6. A method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 4, wherein the specific surface area a of the packing amounts to between 300 and 500 m /m .
7. A method as claimed in claim 1, comprising the steps of stacking a plurality of packing elements (10, 10', 10") vertically on top of one another to define a lower end zone (102), a central zone (100) and an upper end zone (102), wherein the packing elements are shaped to

impart a flow resistance in said end zone (101, 102) at at least one of the ends of the packing elements lower than the flow resistance of the central zone (100).
8. A method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the shaping of a respective end zone is effective to progressively change the local direction of the flow passages therein.



Patent Number 268410
Indian Patent Application Number 440/DEL/2004
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 28-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 15-Mar-2004
Name of Patentee SULZER CHEMTECH AG.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 20/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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