Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to the field of telecommunication, and more particularly, to a caller name identification and authentication method and system in Multi Functional Peripheral (MFP) devices. This invention explains a method for sending dynamic information about a caller to an MFP device of the called subscriber comprising the steps of: the caller entering the number to be dialed following by the message; the caller system appending the dynamic information using a standard; the caller system generating and sending the DTMF tones corresponding to the said dynamic information; receiving and parsing the DTMF tones by the telecom exchange and establishing a call; sending the caller ID and the dynamic information added in the standard way to the called subscriber; receiving the ID and the dynamic information by the called subscriber; and remapping the value of the said dynamic information and displaying the said information at the called subscriber
The present invention relates to the field of telecommunication, and particularly, to a caller name identification and authentication method and system in Multi Functional Peripheral (MFP) devices. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method for sending dynamic information in MFP.
US Patent no. 6771755 titled "Personalized Caller Identification in a Telephone Network" discloses a method and a system for identifying a caller. The caller enters a personal identification number, which is searched for in a database available with the telephone exchange. A message corresponding to the PIN stored in the database is retrieved and displayed on the called phone device before initiating the call. However, dynamic information cannot be provided to the called phone device, rather, only pre-defined personalized messages stored in the database are provided to the called phone device.
US20020076021 titled "Calling Party Identification" discloses a method for calling party identification. The patent publication mentions providing identity of the caller irrespective of the place from where the caller makes the call before initiating the call. However, a subscriber can at most identify ten caller defined by him. Further, dynamic information from the caller is not provided to the subscriber, rather, only defined names or numbers of the defined callers are provided to the subscriber.
US20020168063 titled "Telephone Call Information Delivery System" discloses a method and a system for call information delivery system. The patent publication mentions about providing voice information of the caller to be provided to the called subscriber. The caller provides information to the called subscriber phone after the call has been established or initiated. The called subscriber phone records the voice information received and provides the information vocally to the called

subscriber. However, the caller cannot provide information without initiating the call. Further, the caller cannot provide information by pressing the keys in his/her phone. However, the above Patents have the inability to Display the Dynamic Caller Name (CLIP displays caller number and anyone can call from that number) If caller name can be added conveys more info.
The present invention relates to the field of telecommunication and more particularly, to a caller name identification and authentication method in Multi Functional Peripheral (MFP) devices. The invention describes a method for sending dynamic information about a caller to an MFP device of the called subscriber. The caller dials phone number of the called subscriber to connect to his/her MFP device. The caller further keys in the message that is to be displayed on the MFP device of the called subscriber. Module in the MFP device of the caller generates a number corresponding to the message keyed in by the caller. The module in the MFP device of the caller then converts the phone number dialed by the caller and the generated number into a sequence of Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) tones. This sequence of the DTMF tones is sent to telephone exchange. The telephone exchange segregates sequence of the DTMF tones into the dialed number and DTMF tones corresponding to the message. The DTMF tones corresponding to the message is attached with Caller Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) information, which is the phone number of the caller. The CLIP information is sent to the MFP device of the called subscriber. The MFP device of the called subscriber receives the CLIP information with the attached DTMF tones. The attached DTMF tones are converted back to the message using the module in the MFP device of the called subscriber. The CLIP information and the message are displayed on the screen of the MFP device of the called. The invention thereby allows the caller to send dynamic information to the called as part of call establishment.

Accordingly this invention explains a method for sending dynamic information about a caller to an MFP device of the called subscriber comprising the steps of:
(a) the caller entering the number to be dialed following by the message;
(b) the caller system appending the dynamic information using a standard;
(c) the caller system generating and sending the DTMF tones corresponding to the said dynamic information;
(d) receiving and parsing the DTMF tones by the telecom exchange and establishing a call;
(e) sending the caller ID and the dynamic information added in the standard way to the called subscriber;
receiving the ID and the dynamic information by the called subscriber; and
(f) remapping the value of the said dynamic information and displaying the said
information at the called subscriber.
The caller system generates a number corresponding to the dynamic information keyed in by the caller. The caller system converts the phone number dialed by the caller and the generated number into a sequence of DTMF tones where the said sequence of the DTMF tones is sent to telephone exchange. The telephone exchange segregates sequence of the DTMF tones into the dialed number and DTMF tones corresponding to the message. The DTMF tones corresponding to the message is attached with CLIP information, and the said CLIP information is sent to the called subscriber. The called subscriber receives the CLIP information with the attached DTMF tones and the said attached DTMF tones are converted back to the message at the called subscriber where both the CLIP information and the message are displayed on the screen of the called subscriber. The caller system has a user interface which contain a display from where the user enters the dynamic information. The caller system has a module to generate standard Unique DTMF signals. The caller system has a module which will append to the dialed number a standard separator and the standard DTMF tones corresponding to the message. The telecom exchange establishes calls and parses the DTMF and separates receiver number and dynamic information in a standard way and then forwards the dynamic information by appending the dynamic information after the

callers ID in the Standard way. The called subscriber gets the calls and information send by CLIP functionality where the called subscriber system has a module which deciphers and display the dynamic information appended in a standard way.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more readily apparent from the detailed description taken in conjunction with the drawings and the claims.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the present invention.
Figure 2 shows the Ul which converts the dynamic information into numerical code.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
This invention relates to MFP and applications of telephony like Telephone, Mobile in which the receiver can get the Dynamic Caller Name or Pre-defined Authentication from the sender. The input can be used to identify the caller based on the caller name rather than the caller id which remains the same irrespective of the caller. The input can be used to authenticate the unknown caller wherein a filter based on the same can be applied to authenticate the user, e.g. MFP programmed

to accept FAX calls which will have authentication enabled based on the data sent by receiver.
The Dynamic Input can be of any standard accepted form.
The MFP can forward the Dynamic Information to a mobile to which the mobile can send back as acknowledgement a dynamic data based on which the decision on the action to be performed can be made.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the present invention.
1) The sender MFP USER "A" Enters the number to be dialed followed by the message.
2) The Module in MFP appends the Dl in a standard way.
3) Then the MFP generates DTMF tones.
4) The Telecom Exchange receives the DTMF, parses it, finds the receiver number and establish a call and sends the caller ID followed by the Dl added in the standard way to the receiving number.
5) The caller ID followed by the Dl is sent to the receiver in the same way as CLIP (calling line identification presentation) information is sent by activating CLIP function.
6) The receiver gets and identifies it as a Dl and remaps the value to the text and displays the same.
Illustration: Example
1) The sender MFP USER "A" Enters the number to be dialed followed by the message. (26051234*** LION )
2) The Module in MFP appends the Dl in a standard way. ( LION is mapped to DTMF TONES as per table).

3) Then the MFP S generates sequence of DTMF tones corresponding to numbers. (26051234***12091514)
4) The Telecom Server receives the DTMF tones and parses the same and finds out the DTMF tones w.r.t Dl in a standard way. The telecom server would parse for the *** after a valid number.
5) The Telecom Server appends the DTMF tones to the CLIP information. (26053254***12091514) where 26053254 is the CLIP information.
6) The CLIP is received in MFP R and the module on MFP R displays the Dl if any by parsing the CLIP in a same way.
Figure 2 shows the Ul which converts the dynamic information into numerical code.
Referring to Figure 1:
User Interface: It has a display from where the user can enter the Dynamic Information (Dl) to be sent. E.g. (Caller Name : LION).
MFP S (Sender): Has the program to generate standard Unique DTMF signals so that it conveys it is not Number dialed rather the Dl.
Send Dynamic Information(DI): Has the program which will append to the dialed number a standard separator and the standard DTMF tones corresponding to the message so that the same can be deciphered by the Telephone exchange server.
Telephone exchange server: Takes care of call establishment and parses the DTMF and separates Receiver number and Dl in standard way. Then forward the Dl by appending the Dl after the Callers ID in the Standard way so the same can be deciphered by the receiver by using the CLIP service.
MFP R (Receiver): Gets the call and information send by CLIP functionality. Has program which can decipher the Dl appended in a standard way and can display

the same.
Pre-requisite: The mechanism for parsing Dl like start, end and maximum size, etc are standardized and associated with uniquely identifiable numerical value and followed by anyone implementing the same.
The above-presented description is of the best mode contemplated for carrying out the present invention. The manner and process of making and using it is in such a full, clear, concise and exact terms as to enable to any person skilled in the art to which it pertains to make and use this invention. New embodiments in particular, which also lie within the scope of the invention can be created, in which different details of the different examples can in a purposeful way be combined with one another.
This invention is however, susceptible to modifications and alternate constructions from that disclosed above which are fully equivalent. Consequently, it is not the intention to limit this invention to the particular embodiment disclosed. On the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications and alternate constructions coming within the spirit and scope of the invention as generally expressed by the following claims which particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter of the invention.

1. A method for sending dynamic information about a caller to an MFP device of
the called subscriber comprising the steps of:
(a) the caller entering the number to be dialed following by the message;
(b) the caller system appending the dynamic information using a standard;
(c) the caller system generating and sending the DTMF tones corresponding to the said dynamic information;
(d) receiving and parsing the DTMF tones by the telecom exchange and establishing a call;
(e) sending the caller ID and the dynamic information added in the standard way to the called subscriber;
(f) receiving the ID and the dynamic information by the called subscriber; and
(g) remapping the value of the said dynamic information and displaying the said information at the called subscriber.

2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the caller system generates a number corresponding to the dynamic information keyed in by the caller.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the caller system converts the phone number dialed by the caller and the generated number into a sequence of DTMF tones where the said sequence of the DTMF tones is sent to telephone exchange.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the telephone exchange segregates sequence of the DTMF tones into the dialed number and DTMF tones corresponding to the message.

5. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the DTMF tones corresponding to the message is attached with CLIP information, and the said CLIP information is sent to the called subscriber.
6. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the called subscriber receives the CLIP information with the attached DTMF tones and the said attached DTMF tones are converted back to the message at the called subscriber where both the CLIP information and the message are displayed on the screen of the called subscriber.
7. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the caller system has a user interface which contain a display from where the user enters the dynamic information.
8. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the caller system has a module to generate standard Unique DTMF signals.
9. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the caller system has a module which will append to the dialed number a standard separator and the standard DTMF tones corresponding to the message.
10. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the telecom exchange establishes calls and parses the DTMF and separates receiver number and dynamic information in a standard way and then forwards the dynamic information by appending the dynamic information after the callers ID in the Standard way.
11. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the called subscriber gets the calls and information send by CLIP functionality where the called subscriber system has a module which deciphers and display the dynamic information appended in a standard way.

12. A method for sending dynamic information about a caller to an MFP device of the called subscriber substantially described particularly with reference to the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 268420
Indian Patent Application Number 1705/CHE/2005
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 28-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 22-Nov-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04N 1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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