Title of Invention


Abstract | Abstract invention relates to a gas water heater with harmful gas monitoring and warning functions and a monitoring and warning method of the gas water heater. The invention belongs to technical field of gas appliances for domestic use. The gas water heater of the invention adopts separately-disposed heater body and gas detector unit. The gas detector unit includes a gas sensor and is disposed at an indoor monitoring point and connected with a process control unit in the water heater body; one of the gas detector unit and the process control unit is connected with a warning unit. When the concentration of the harmful gas indoors increases, the process control unit or the data processing unit compares the transmitted signal with the preset flireshold, and control the waming process if the threshold is exceeded by the transmitted signal. The gas water heater and gas detection unit can be installed separately, thus overcoming the shortage of the existing technologies that can"t detect the other leakages from transportation pipelines etc and can"t detect the exhaust gas during the use of the other gas appliances. The invention can effectively prevent the accidents caused by indoor gas-leaking or excessive concentration of CO gas in using gas water heater and bring more use value to the user and the society.
Full Text

Gas Water Heater with Harmful Gas Monitoring and Warning Functions and the Method of Monitoring
4 and Warning
Technical Field of the Invention
The invention relates to a gas water heater with harmful gas monitoring and warning functions, especially a gas water heater that can monitor and warn of gas-leaking and/or CO gas. Meanwhile, it also relates to a monitoring and warning method of the gas water heater. The invention belongs to technical field of gas appliances for domestic use.
Background Art of the Invention
According to the statistics, the number of casualties caused by gas-leaking has ascended to the third place of abnormal casualty, which is only next to road traffic and work accidents. Among it, gas-leaking and CO gas poisoning caused by failure in using the gas water heater holds the first place. Recently, accidents, including gas-leaking, CO poisoning, and the possible fire, which are caused by using gas water heater have become the "leading killer" and the main cause that many families dare not use gas water heaters. This is also the direct reason that the market share of gas water heater is caught up by electric water heater. Now gas water heater only accounts for 40% of the market.
A Chinese utility model patent No. 00237346.7 "Joint Action Warning of Gas Water Heater " discloses a circuit that can integrally process joint actions and auto-control on gas water heater, ventilation equipment and gas-leaking and excessive exhaust gas warning. The circuit has realized the functions that a leaking sensor works intermittently under the control of a timing circular circuit. That the water heater will be turned off after excessive exhaust gas is warned of and the ventilation equipment will be run after gas-leaking is warned of. Besides, Chinese design patent application No. 200510049317.5 "Gas-leaking Protector of Gas Water Heater with an External A/D Converter" provides a gas-leaking protector of gas water, heater with an external A/D converter. Through the external A/D converter, a gas sensor output is connected with an I/O input port of a single-chip computer in a water heater controller. The water heater controller is connected with valve and warning circuits, so that the single-chip computer will cut off a gas source and give warning when the gas is excessive.
According to researches, the applicant of this patent application has found that Hie above existing technologies can't completely solve the problems of gas and CO gas leaking. Because in the practical application of water heater, besides the leaking of the water heater itself, other kinds of leaking also happen in gas transportation ^ ^ pipes and other sections. Other gas equipments (such as ovens) also let out exhaust gas. Obviously, the above existing technologies can't detect the concentration of gas and CO gas in indoor atmosphere, thus they can't effectively prevent the accidents caused by indoor gas-leaking or excessive concentration of CO gas in using gas water heaters. Besides, a detecting unit being always under a normal working condition is a necessity to ensure the safety of using gas water heater. However, the above existing technologies can't detect whether a warning unit is failed or not. They also didn't consider about the system operation mode after the warning unit is failed, thus these technologies have comparatively great limitations in practical applications.
US patent No. 5,797,358 "The Controlling System of Gas Water Heater" has provided a controlling system that gas sensor, CO sensor and water heater processor are electrically connected, in which the above described problems still remain unsolved.
Summary of the Invention
Aiming for the shortcomings of the above existing technologies, an object of the invention is to provide a gas water heater having harmful gas monitoring and warning functions, especially a gas water heater that can

monitor and warn of gas-leaking and/or CO gas, and corresponding monitoring and warning methods as well. Thus accidents caused by indoor gas-leaking or excessive CO concentration in using gas water heater can be ly prevented.
A further object of the invention is to provide a gas water heater that can detect whether a warning function is failed, thus to ensure the reliability and safety in using gas water heater.
In order to achieve the above object, the gas water heater of the invention adopts separately-disposed heater body and gas detector unit. The gas detector unit includes a gas sensor and is disposed at a indoor monitoring point and cormected with a process control imit in the water heater body; one of the gas detector unit and the process control unit is connected with a warning unit.
The monitoring and warning steps of the gas water heater in the invention are:
The gas detector unit converts a sensed signal of gas concentration into an electric signal, then transmits the same to the process control unit in the water heater body;
The process control unit in the water heater body compares the transmitted signal with a preset threshold. When the signal exceeds the threshold, a warning command is sent;
After receiving the warning command, the warning unit sends out a warning signal.
When a data processing unit is included in the gas detector unit itself, the monitoring and warning steps of the invention are:
The gas detector unit converts a received signal of gas concentration into an electric signal, and then transmits the same to the data processing unit;
The data processing unit compares the transmitted signal with a preset threshold, and at the same time transmits the signal to the process control unit in the water heater body; or the data processing unit directly transmits the signal to the process control unit in the water heater body, then the process control unit compares the received signal with a preset threshold;
When the signal exceeds the threshold, a warning command is sent by one of the data processing xmit and the process control unit:
After receiving the warning command, the warning unit sends out a warning signal.
To achieve the further object, the process control unit in the water heater body and the gas detector unit are connected by duplex wired or wireless communications. When in operation, the process control unit sends out a testing signal and transmits it to the gas detector unit;
If the gas detector unit fails to respond normally, the process control unit sends out an announcing signal.
A further improvement to the invention is that a control output port of the process control unit in the water heater body is connected with a controlled port of a gas valve in a gas supply pipeline. When the received detected signal exceeds the threshold, a control signal is sent out along with the warning command, so that the gas valve in the gas supply pipeline is cut off.
Thus, the gas detector unit can be flexibly disposed in indoor places where gas and CO concentration tends to accumutale, according to the actual needs. On the other hand, the water heater is installed in safe and easily-operated places. If the user doesn't need gas detecting function or the gas detector unit is failed and being repaired, the process control unit in the water heater body operates according to a no-waming-function mode. Meanwhile, an announcing message of "The gas detector unit is failed" is shown on the host machine.

When a main controller of the water heater detects that the gas detector unit works normally, it accepts and responds to the signal sent by the gas detector unit in real time, and controls the warning and the cut off of gas source through processing.
It is easily understood that the beneficial effects of the invention is: gas water heaters of various types (especially speedy gas water heaters) and the gas detector unit can be installed separately, thus overcoming the limitations of the existing technologies of being unable to monitor the leaking in transportation pipe or some other sections and other gas equipments that may let out exhaust gas in operation. Meanwhile, the invention can effectively prevent the accidents caused by indoor gas-leaking or excessive concentration of CO gas in using gas water heater and bring more use value to the user and the society.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 is a circuit diagram of example 1 of the invention.
Figure 2 is a principle frame figure corresponding to example in figure 1.
l""igure 3 is a circuit principle figure of example 2 of the invention.
Figure 4 is a principle frame figure corresponding to the example in figure 3.
Description of the Preferred Embodiments
Now the invention will be further explained with reference to the preferred examples in the drawings
Example 1
Gas water heater having gas-leaking and/or CO gas warning functions in this example is shown in Figure 1.
A gas detector unit 1 and a gas water heater body 2 are detachable and installed separately. The two parts perform data communications via serial port communication chips Ul (Type MAX202) and U2 (Type MAX202) and are powered by the water heater.
A data processing chip IC2 (Type H83694) functioning as a process control unit, a display module 9, a communication chip U2, a buzzer Fl and a gas valve Vavl are contained in the water heater body 2. The IC2 contains a memor>' unit EEPR0M8.
A CO sensor 5 (Type TGS2442) , a data processing chip ICl (Type Mega 8) and a ICl serial port communication chip Ul (Type MAX202) are contained in the gas detector unit 1, which performs serial port " communications with the water heater body 2. I/O ports PBl and PB2 of ICl output impulse signals that control tlie CO sensor 5 via switching transistors T3 and T4. The CO sensor 5 senses the gas concentration in the ambient environment by sensitive materials, and then outputs a changing voltage and transmits it to I/O port PCO of ICl. After receiving the changing voltage, PCO performs A/D conversion with an internal A/D conversion module and obtains an actual concentration value. Meanwhile, PCO detects whether the CO concentration exceeds a defined warning concentration. Then, via serial port data commimication chips Ul and U2, ICl sends information of the concentration value to the data processing chip IC2 in the water heater body. IC2 receives the data information from the gas detector unit 1 via the serial port communication chip U2, and then displays the same in real time via the display module 9. Meanwhile, IC2 saves the data in the EEPROM 8 according to the saving time set by a program, so as to retrieve useful data when necessary. At the same time, based on the data information from the serial port commimication chip U2, the IC2, using terminals PBl and PB2, controls the buzzer Fl and the gas valve switch Vavl via the switching transistors Tl, T2 and a relay Rel.
Besides, ICl can detect in real time whether the CO sensor 5 is failed and transmits the information to IC2 via

the communication chips Ul and U2. If the detection indicates the CO sensor 5 is failed, IC2 controls the operation of the water heater based on the information and provides a notification.
When the concentration value of indoor CO gas is lower than the defined warning value, IC2 outputs the information received from the serial port communication chip U2 to the display module 9, and the water heater works normally; when the concentration value of indoor CO gas is higher than the defined warning value, IC2 outputs a control signal to the switching transistor T2 and cuts off the power of the gas valve Vavl via the Relay Rel; at the same time, IC2 outputs a signal to the switching transistor Tl and controls the buzzer Fl to give warning; IC2 also provides a data signal and outputs warning codes via the display module 9.
When the user uses other gas equipments instead of the gas water heater (but here the water heater is electrically powered) , if the indoor CO concentration doesn't reach the defined warning concentration, the gas detector unit 1 feeds back a concentration signal to IC2; the main controller IC2 shows the signal on the display module 9 after receiving it; if the indoor CO concentration increases and reaches the defined warning concentration, the main controller IC2, after receiving the signal, starts the buzzer Fl and then controls the display module 9 to put up a flashing warning and sends out a relevant control signal to prevent the gas valve Vavl from being turned on. When the indoor gas concentration resumes to the normal condition, the gas detector unit 1 feeds back a signal to IC2; after receiving the signal, IC2 stops the acoustic-optic warning of the buzzer Fl and the display module 9 and releases the signal of forbidding turn-on the gas valve Vavl.
Referring to figure 2, the working process of the example can be simply described as follows: when there is flammable gas and/or CO gas within the room, the gas sensor 5 outputs a relevant signal to the data processing chip ICl after detecting the gas concentration; the data processing chip ICl converts corresponding concentration value after detecting the signal from the sensor 5, and judges if the concentration value exceeds the defined warning concentration. Then ICl transmits the relevant data to the water heater data processing chip IC2 via the data communication modules Ul and U2; based on the relevant data, IC2 controls the display module 9 to show the concentration and saves the data in the memory module 8. If the concentration value exceeds the defined warning concentration, IC2 makes the warning module 6 to put up an acoustic-optic warning and cut off the gas valve via a gas valve control module 7.
After detecting the signal from the sensor 5, the data processing chip ICl can also directly transmit the signal to the water heater data processing chip IC2 via the data communication modules Ul and U2. The data is converted into corresponding concentration values by IC2 and it is judged if the concentration value exceeds the defined warning concentration, then corresponding controlling measures are made. The data processing ^ chip ICl can also, after converting the signal from the sensor 5 into corresponding concentration value, transmit the concentration value to IC2 via the data commimication modules Ul and U2. Corresponding controlling measures can be made after judgement by IC2.
6' in the figure indicates that the warning module can be positioned within the detector unit instead and 8' indicates that the memory module can be extemally disposed instead.
Example 2
Basic condition of the circuit principle in this example is similar with that of example 1, just shown in Figure 3. Similarly, a gas detector unit 1 and a gas water heater body 2 are installed separately and connected with each other via signal lines. Their difference lies in that I/O ports P20 and P21 of a data processing chip IC (Type H83694) contained in the gas water heater body 2 output impulse signals, which control a sensor 5 of the gas detector unit 1 by switching transistors T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7; the CO sensor 5 senses the gas concentration in the ambient environment via sensitive materials, and then outputs a changing voltage and transmits the same to an I/O port PBO of CI. After receiving the changing voltage, PRO performs A/D conversion with an internal

A/D conversion module and obtains an actual concentration value. Meanwhile, PBO detects whether the CO concontration exceeds a defined warning concentration. The working principles thereof can be referred to the above described example 1.
Its working process is shown in Figure 4. When there is flammable gas and/or CO gas within the room, the gas sensor 5 outputs a relevant signal to a data processing chip IC after detecting the gas concentration; the data processing chip IC converts the signal into corresponding concentration value after detecting the signal fi-om the sensor 5 and judges if the concentration value exceeds the defined warning concentration. Then IC controls the display module 9 to show the concentration based on the concentration value and saves the data to the memory module 8. If the concentration value exceeds the defined warning concentration, IC makes the warning module 6 to put up acoustic-optic warning and cuts off the gas valve via a gas valve control module 7.
The invention is not limited to the above described examples; many other changing designs are permitted. For example, communication mode can include both wired and wireless, duplex and simplex; the warning unit can be controlled either by the process control unit in the water heater body, or by the data processing unit within the detector unit directly; display warning in the warning unit can either be shown on the screen of the gas water heater, or be set up separately; various separate devices within the circuit can be further integrated, and integrated devices can be further separated; and so on. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the examples shown herein but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed herein.

We claim:
1 .A water heater with gas leakage and/or CO gas warning function, characterized in that: a gas water heater body and a gas detector unit are separately disposed; the gas detector unit includes a gas sensor and is disposed at a indoor monitoring point and connected with a process control unit in the gas water heater body; one of the gas detector unit and the process control unit is connected with a warning unit.
2. The gas water heater of Claim 1, characterized in that the process control unit in the gas water heater body is connected with the gas detector unit via duplex communication,
3. The gas water heater of Claim 2, characterized in that a control output port of the process control unit in the gas water heater body is connected with a controlled port of a gas valve in a gas supply pipeline.
4. The gas water heater of Claim 2, characterized in that the gas water heater body includes a display module connected with the process control unit for displaying a CO gas density and a light warning signal.
5. The gas water heater of Claim 2, characterized in that the gas water heater body includes a memory unit connecled with the process control unit, the memory unit saves the detected data for later retrieval when required, the memory unit can be included in the detector unit instead.
6. A monitoring & warning method for the gas water heater of Claim 1, characterized in comprising:
the gas detector unit converts a sensed gas concentration signal into an electric signal and transmits the signal to the process control unit in the water heater body;
the process control unit in the water heater body compares the transmitted signal with a preset threshold, and when the signal exceeds the threshold, sends out a warning command;
after receiving the warning command, the warning unit sends out a warning signal.
7. A monitoring & warning method for the gas water heater of Claim 1, characterized in that when the gas
detector unit includes a data processing module, the monitoring & warning process is as follows,
the gas detector module converts a sensed gas concentration signal into an electric signal and transmits the
signal to the data processing module;
the data processing module compares the transmitted signal with a preset threshold and at the same time
transmits the signal to the process control unit in the water heater body; or the data processing module directly
transmits the signal to the process control unit in the water heater body, the process control unit compares the
received signal with a preset threshold;
when the signal exceeds the threshold, one of the data processing module and the process control unit sends out
a warning command;
after receiving the warning command, the waming unit sends out a warning signal.
8. The monitoring & waming method of Claim 6 or 7, characterized in that: the process control unit in the
water heater body is connected with the gas detector imit via duplex communication, and when in operation, the
process control unit sends out a testing signal and transmits it to the gas detector imit, when the gas detector
unit fails to respond normally, the process control unit sends out an announcing signal.
9. The monitoring & waming method of Claim 8, characterized in that: a control output port of the process
control unit in the water heater body is connected with a controlled port of a gas valve in a gas supply pipeline,
when the received detected signal exceeds the threshold, a control signal is sent out along with the waming
command, so that the gas valve in the gas supply pipeline is cut off.

10. A gas water heater with gas leakage and/or CO gas warning function, and a monitoring and warning method for the gas water heater, substantially



Patent Number 268424
Indian Patent Application Number 2290/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 29-Aug-2015
Date of Filing 11-Oct-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01N 27/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 200610097939.X 2006-11-22 China