Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to flavonoid sugar addition products and a method for making the same. It also relates to the' use of these addition products for modifying the taste of food products.
Full Text Flavonoid sugar addition products, method for manufacture and use thereof
The present invention relates to flavonoid sugar addition products, a method for their manufacture and their use.
Flavonoids and their polymers constitute a class of food constituents, which alter metabolic processes and have a positive impact on health. Flavonoids have thus attracted considerable interest as food components or food additives„
While flavonoids provide for a variety of health benefits, flavonoid-containing foods often suffer from bitter and astringent taste. This can be compensated by processing the food so that it contains less flavonoids. For instance, methods for the treatment of cocoa to remove or inhibit such bitter and astringent taste properties are disclosed in EP-A 1 106 073. This method attends to the water content and proposes alkalization and roasting. JP-A 11318338 discloses a method based on a pressure and heat treatment together with the use of alkali. While these methods lead to a better taste in terms of bitterness and astringency, they by and large sacrifice the flavonoids and thus the health benefits associated therewith.
In an alternative approach, one can also mask the bitter and astringent taste by adding a variety of compounds such as sweeteners and/or fat components. Taste modified hard confectionary compositions containing functional ingredients are disclosed in EP-B 1 364 584 (oil/fat modification) . Various other bitter/astringent taste modifiers are described

in US-A 20030003212 (esters of guinic and cinnamic esters),-US-A 20030008046 (neotame); WO02/100192 (chlorogenic acids); JP-A 58162260 (decomposition product of aspartame); JF-A 10248501 (sweetener); US 5,562,941 (thiosulfate); US 3,753,726 (acids); WO04/093571 (plant sterol esters); US 4,183,965 (cyclotetradecen-1-ones) ; JP-A 08298930 (dextrin, cyclodextrin, starch and cyclomaltodextringlucano-transferase); WO 96/01568A1 (Chinese gutta pcrcha leaves and ginseng) . However, not only do these components change the characteristics of the product, they may not be desirable constituents of the product at all.
It is thus noted that the prior art did not provide for a satisfactory solution for overcoming bitter and astringent taste without changing the characteristics of the product or impairing its properties.
The present invention is based on the surprising finding that certain flavonoid sugar addition products can mask bitter and astringent taste notes. Unexpectedly these compounds modify the taste profile of various products towards less astringent and milder. This sensory impact is even further unexpected and surprising in light of the fact that many flavonoids such as catechin or epicatechin are bitter and astringent, while the compounds of the present invention act in the direct opposite manner and bitter and astringent taste properties are reversed. Thus, the novel compounds are effective taste modifiers for astringent and bitter taste in edible preparations, pharmaceutical preparations and cosmetics with mouth contact (i.e. tooth paste., mouth wash). Both the taste intensity and the taste profile perception is improved by the novel compounds.
The compounds offer opportunities as flavouring preparations or ingredients to achieve a less bitter and/or astringent tasting product. The compounds can be used as such or more advantageously in preparations or extracts from flavonoid-

rich food. The extracts are a preferred embodiment of the present invention. While other methods to reduce astringency sacrifice the flavonoids and consequently their antioxidant capacity, the present invention conserves the antioxidant capacity of the ingredient, preparation or food product even though the flavonoids have been converted into a sugar addition product. The sugar addition products of the invention not only impart superior taste properties to the food, pharmaceutical preparation or cosmetic, but even more advantageously also increase the antioxidant capacity of preparations, ingredients and edible food products
The present invention also discloses a process for making the addition products.
Sugar derivatives of flavonoids are known from e.g. EP-A 1 2 60 517; JP-A07179489; JP-A05176786 and JP-A2001046096. All of these references relate to O-glycosides. Known uses for these flavonoid O-glycoside preparations are disclosed in US 4,906,480 (sweetness and flavor enhancer); JP-A 2001240532 (cosmetics); and in JP-A 08217674 (inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase).
Flavonoids are a subclass of polyphenols. They generally consist of two aromatic rings, each containing at least one hydrpxyl group. The two rings are connected through a three-carbon "bridge" which forms part of a six-membered heterocyclic ring. The flavonoids are further divided into subclasses based on the connection of an aromatic ring to the heterocyclic ring, as well as the oxidation state and functional groups of the heterocyclic ring. Within each subclass, individual compounds are characterized by specific hydroxylation and conjugation patterns..
Typically, flavonoids in foods have the following general structure showing three rings (A, B and C) and numbering pattern;

The substituents R3 through R6 may represent hydrogen or a variety of groups such as hydroxyl groups, oxo groups and CI to C6 linear or branched alkyl groups. For most food flavonoids R4 ' and R6 represent a hydrogen atom while- R5 represents a hydroxy group. In biochanin A R4' represents a methyl group; in formononetin R4' also represents a methyl group while R5 and R6 represent hydrogen atoms; in glycetein R5 represents a hydrogen atom while R6 represents a hydroxyl group.
The C-ring may also be unsaturated and contain further functional groups. The link between the B and the C ring may be in 2 or 3 position.
The structural diversity of flavonoid aglycones in foods is shown in the Table on page 5. Such compounds are often found in the form of O-glycosylated flavonoids, whereby the
structural diversity is increased even further.
Some of the more prominent food flavonoids and their structural characteristics are summarised in the table below:

All flavonoids are suitable for forming the addition products of the present invention at carbon atoms which do not bear a functional group. Conjugation of the sugar to the flavonoid in order to form the sugar addition product is also possible at the C-ring of the flavonoid which is a site of the molecule with high reactivity. Particularly preferred are flavonoids with a hydroxyl group in 5 position such as catechin and epicatechin.
The flavonoid addition products according to the present invention can be obtained from pure flavonoid starting materials or a variety of flavonoid-containing materials such as plant parts, plant extracts and the 1ike. For instance, one may use cocoa nibs as well as extracts from cocoa which contain higher levels of flavonoids (e.g. Cocoa extract from Naturex, France, #148200, standardized to 40% polyphenols). Other preferred sources for flavonoid starting materials are green tea extracts with high levels of catechins (e.g. green tea extract from Naturex, France, standardized to 95% polyphenols, 75% catechins, 40% epigallocatechingallate); grape seed or skin extracts (e.g. exGrape grape seed polyphenol powder OPC 40 #84 8F/84 8G supplied by Breko, Germany with 4 0% of oligomer ic proanthocyanidins; grape polyphenol powder P80, white, #834F; supplied by Breko, Germany with 80% polyphenols).
Preferred compounds according to the present invention are obtained by adding a sugar in 6 and/or 8 position to the A-ring of the above basic structure.
A suitable sugar in the sense of the present invention is a reducing sugar. A reducing sugar is a sugar with a ketone or an aldehyde group. Reducing sugars include fructose, glucose, galactose, glyceraldehydes, lactose, arabinose and maltose. All monosaccharides which contain ketone groups are known as ketoses, and those which contain aldehyde groups are known as

aldoses. All ketoses and aldoses are useful within the concept of the present invention. This is also true for non-reducing sugars such as sucrose, as long as they may be converted into reducing sugars by known means.
In addition, suitable reducing sugars for the present invention may be produced from oligo- or polysaccharides by enzymatic treatment or hydrolysis.
The most preferred sugars according to the present invention are glucose and galactose.
While not wishing to be bound by theory, it is assumed that the below-exemplified reaction between catechin or epicatechin and glucose is representative for the reaction between other flavonoids and reducing sugars as proposed by
the present invention:

Flavonoid addition products according to the present
invention wherein the reducing sugar is added in 6 and/or 8
position are most preferred. This is particularly true for
the addition products of catechin or epicatechin and glucose
and/or galactose. The most preferred compounds according to
the present invention are (-) -catechin-6-C-[3-D-
glucopyranoside, (- ) -catechin-8-C-f$-D-glucopyranoside,
(-)-catechin-6-C-8-C-P-D-diglucopyranoside, (-)-epicatechin-
6-C-f$-D-glucopyranoside; (-) -epicatechin-8-C-|5-D-
glucopyranoside, and (-) -epicatechin-6-C-8~C-J3-D-
The compounds according to the present invention can be prepared by reacting the flavonoid starting material with the reducing sugar. The reaction proceeds favourably with an excess of sugar. For instance, if cocoa nibs are used as the starting material one may use as much as 1 to lOOg sugar per 200g cocoa nibs.
Processing under conditions, of pH 6 to 14, preferably pH 8 to 12, and especially at-pHalO is preferred.
The reaction is preferably conducted in an aqueous mixture, however other solvents such as alcohols or solvent mixtures are also suitable as long as they do not interfere with the addition reaction.
It is advantageous to heat the reaction mixture. Preferred reaction temperatures are in the range of 20 to 120C, preferably 60 to 100C and especially 70 to 90C. Very good results have been obtained at around 80C, i.e. at 75 to 85C.
The reaction time is not particularly limited. It is generally governed by the progress of the reaction and adapted accordingly. General ly speaking, however, react ion times are in the order of a few hours, e.g. up to 2 hours, and preferably less than one hour.

The sugar addition products may be used as such, after further processing such as drying, in liquid preparations, immobilized on carriers, etc. or may be extracted with a suitable solvents selected from alcohol, acetone, ethyl acetate and the like. The sugar addition products may be further enriched by selective liquid-liquid partitioning and/or solid phase extraction/chromatography with suitable solid supports such as polymeric resins, reversed-phase silica gel, ion exchange resins and the like.
The sugar addition products of the present invention are useful to lower astringency and bitterness in large variety of products. This includes cocoa and related products, coffee and coffee-based products, tea beverages and tea extracts. Especially the latter are used for their health benefits. Here the products of the present invention allow for a fortification of these health benefits as they allow for higher quantities and increase palatability of high-flavonoid products. Moreover, the adoption products of the present invention themselves contribute to the benefits of such products as they maintain the high antioxidative potential of the underlying flavonoid. This in fact is true for a wide variety of products including grape extracts.
The compounds of the present invention also allow to lower the astringency in red wines, and provide for a more mellow taste by softening tannin-notes.
The compounds of the present invention may also reduce the pungency of capsaicins, gingerols, etc. which are present in spicy foods with green and red pepper, ginger, etc.
The present compounds also reduce the "sharp, burning" taste sensation of alcohol containing beverages.

The compounds of the present invention are also useful taste modifiers in pharmaceutical compositions and cosmetic : preparations for use in the oral cavity.
The novel compounds can be prepared from (epi-)catechin (2mmol) with a reducing sugar such as glucose or galactose (20mmol) with 1440 mg of K2CO3 added to 25 ml solution (in water, the pH is approx. 10) and reacted at 80°C for 20 min.
The resulting reaction flavor is finally freeze-dried. The individual compounds may be extracted from the reaction flavor by solvent extraction with aqueous acetone or methanol and then isolated by chromatography on RP-18 material using water-methanol gradients. Finally, the compounds were evaporated in vacuo, and the remaining solvent carefully removed by double freeze-drying.
Example 2
Sensory tasting (5 persons) showed that alkalized cocoa powder (5g/200ml) + 50 ppm of 8-C-glycosylated catechin was perceived as less bitter and less.astringent than a reference without addition.
Non-alkalized cocoa powder (5g/200ml) + 50 ppm of 8-C-glycosylated catechin was perceived as milder and less astringent than a reference without addition.
Example 3
Grape seed extract (2000 ppm) + ca. 10 ppm 8-C-glucosylated catechin was tasted against reference of grape seed extract (2000 ppm) and tasters found a decrease in astringency.

Example 4
Theobromine (600 ppm) + ca. 10 ppm 8-C-glucosylated catechin. The tasters did not a perceive a decrease in bitterness intensity but noted a delay in bitterness perception compared to pure theobromine.
Example 5
77mg of a solution of catechin-8-C-glucoside dissolved in propylene glycol (7.8%) was added to 20g of molten dark chocolate with strong astringent taste characteristics. After solidification, the chocolate was tasted against a non-treated reference chocolate. It was perceived that the astringency was lower while bitterness remained unchanged. 4 of 5 tasters noticed a "smoothing out" effect, meaning the bitterness and astringency is not masked but is not perceived so much as an upfront hit and does not linger as much as from the blank.
Example 6
8 persons tasted alkalized cocoa powder at 5g/200ml against alkalized cocoa powder (5g/200ml) + 50 ppm Cat-6-C-Glc (ppm refer to 1 kg of water) . It was- found that there was a lower maximum bitterness intensity than in the control sample, a flat bitterness profile and a "softer bitterness quality
Example 7
The modified product of example 6 was further compared to alkalized cocoa powder (5g/200ml) + 50 ppm Epicat-6-C-Glc (ppm refer to 1 kg of water) . The sensory evaluation revealed a lower maximum bitterness intensity than control, a flatter bitterness profile and a "softer" bitterness quality.

Example 8
The modified product of example 6 was further compared to alkalized cocoa powder (5g/2 00ml) + 50 ppm Cat-6, 8-C-di-Glc (ppm refer to 1 kg of water), The sensory evaluation revealed a lower maximum bitterness intensity than control, a flatter bitterness profile and a "softer" bitterness quality.
Example 9
The examples were repeated with the catechin and epicatechin galactosides and the same sensory results were obtained- As a result, galactose as a reducing sugar to produce the sugar addition products is equally effective as glucose.
Example 10
Food ingredients were prepared starting from green tea extract (5g) or grape seed extract (5g) by reaction with glucose (4g) and 3% K2C03 in 100 ml of water. The reaction was done at 80°C for exactly 20 min. The resulting flavour reaction mix was freeze-dried to obtain a dark red-brown mass which was then added to astringent tasting chocolate at various levels. In a first screening sensory tasting, the optimum level of addition was identified as 3 00 ppm. The resulting chocolate showed a cleaner taste with reduced astringency compared to a non-treated reference sample.
Ingredients prepared from grape seed extract and tea extract in such a manner when added to dark chocolate at 330 ppm decreased the perceived sensory perception of astringency in the dark chocolate.
Example 11
The following experiments were conducted to demonstrate the utility of various starting materials. The table indicates

the concentration [mg/kg]a based on a dry weight basis in
cocoa nibs: -

a Concentrations are given as the mean of duplicates. b t.a. trace amounts. c n.d. not detected.
The table below indicates the concentrations ([mg/kg]a dry-weight) of sugar addition products (C-glycosides) obtained when applying different alkalization processes to cocoa nibs (glc indicates glucose; gal indicates galactose) :

a Concentrations are given as the mean of duplicates.
b t.a. trace amounts.
c In all samples c-6,8-C-gal was detected in trace amounts.
d n.d. not detected.
The modification of the cocoa nibs in order to achieve higher quantities of sugar addition products was done as follows:

time 50 min, T=80 °C, m=10 g glucose, 4,4% K2CO3 (200g of cocoa nibs).
If other sources of flavonoids other cocoa nibs are used, reaction parameters need to be adjusted to achieve maximum conversion rates to the sugar addition products.
Example 12
To investigate the influence of taste modification of (-) -catechin-8-C-j3-D-glucopyranoside on theobromine in comparison to the aglycons ( + ) -catechin and (-) -epicatechin as well as further C-glycosides like apigenin~8-C-f$-D-glucopyranoside (vitexin) and apigenin-6-C-|i-D~glucopyranoside (isovitexin) , theobromine (3 mmol/L) was spiked with different concentrations of (-) -catechin-8-C-P-D-glucopyranoside, '( + ) -catechin, {-)-epicatechin as well as apigenin-8-C-p-D-glucopyranoside (vitexin) and apigenin-6-C-p-D-glucopyranoside (isovitexin). The results are summarized in the table below:

a Eight panelists were asked to compare a solution of theobromine (3 mmol/L) with the a solution of theobromine (3 mmol/L) spiked with different amounts (-)-catechin-8-C-p-D-glucopyranoside, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, vitexin, and isovitexin by means of a triangel test. b If the sample was detected correctly (c.f. a) , the changes in taste and taste intensities should be evaluated in comparison to the reference solution of theobromine, which was evaluated with a bitterness of 5.0.

1. Flavonoid sugar-addition product, which is
(-) -catechin-6~C-p-D-glucopyranoside, {- ) -catechin-8-C-(3-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C-8-C~P-D-diglucopyranoside or (_)-epicatechin-6-C-8-C-p-D-glucopyranoside or the same aglycons with galactoside residues or with another reducing sugar.
2. Composition comprising an addition product according
to claim 1.
3 . Composition according to claim 2 which is an edible product.
4. Composition according to claim 3 which is a modified plant extract.
5 . Composition according to any one of claims 2 to 4 wherein the composition is cocoa or a cocoa-based product such as chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
6. Composition according to any one of claims 2 to 3 wherein the composition is coffee or a coffee-based product.
7. Use of flavonoid sugar-addition product, characterized in that the flavonoid is C-glycosylated with a reducing sugar, or of a composition comprising the addition product as an agent for modifying the taste of food products, pharmaceutical preparations or cosmetics for contact with the oral cavity.
8. Use of flavonoid sugar-addition product, characterized in that the flavonoid is C-glycosylated with a reducing sugar,

or of a composition comprising the addition product to impart a velvety, soft mouth-coating taste sensation to a food product or pharmaceutical product.
9. The use according to claim 7 or 8 wherein the food product is cocoa, coffee or a product derived therefrom.
10. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 9 wherein the reducing sugar is added to a C-atom without substituent, preferably in 6 and/or 8 position.
11. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 10 wherein the flavonoid is a flavan, flavane oligomer, flavan polymer, flavone, flavonol or flavanone, catechin, catechin and epicatechin.
12. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 11, wherein the reducing sugar is a hexose or pentose, such as glucose and galactose, a disaccharide or an oligosaccharide.
13. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 12, wherein the sugar-addition product is (-) - catechin- 6 -C~(3 -D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-8-C-p-D-glucopyranoside, and
(-)-catechin-6-C-8-C-p-D-diglucopyranoside or the same aglycons with galactoside residues, or the same sugars with the aglycon epicatechin.
14. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 13 wherein the composition is an edible product.
15. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 14 wherein the composition is a modified plant extract.

16. The use according to any one of claims 7 to 15 wherein
the composition is cocoa or a cocoa-based product such as
chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
17. The use according to claim 14 or 15, wherein the
composition is coffee or a coffee-based product.
18. A process for manufacturing the addition product
according to claim 1, comprising the step of reacting a
flavonoid-containing starting material with a sugar at a pH of 8
to 12, wherein the starting material is catechin or epicatechin
and wherein the sugar is a glucose or galactose or another
reducing sugar.



Patent Number 268526
Indian Patent Application Number 1063/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 02-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 21-May-2007
Name of Patentee KRAT FOODS R&D INC
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A23L01/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 06010370.2 2006-05-19 EUROPEAN UNION