Title of Invention


Abstract A shore protection device, comprising a horizontally disposable base portion provided with downwardly and sidewardly projecting ridges on the bottom side of the base portion; side walls provided on the top side of the base portion, two of the adjacent ends of the side walls being positionable facing the sea a channel provided between the side walls on the top side of the said base portion. (Figure 1)
Full Text This invention relates to a shore protection device, that is to say, a device, which accumulates sediments for beach protection from coastai erosion.
The said device reduces the impact of agitating waves in the surf zone of the beach.
When the device is placed near the sea, it reduces the dynamic energy of waves in the surf zone and. breaker zone to enhance the settlement of moving sediments due to coastal processes.
The said device accumulates the suspended and bed load sediments in the surf zone and deposits the same on the beach in order to provide beach protection. Accumulated sand acts as buffer in case of severe ocean weather conditions. Multiple number of units of the said device can be used either perpendicular or parallel or in combination in the form of honeycomb structures on the beach to protect the required beach length depending on the site conditions.
The channel portion of the device acts as a diasipater of energy. Friction pJates on the top of the device provide surface resistance against wave run-up and corresponding arrest of movement of sediments accumulated around the device.

1. Placement of multiple units of the said device reinforces the beach and the ingress of sea onto the land can be prevented.
2. The said device does not create any negative impact on the neighboring coast It is therefore environment friendly.
3. Installation procedure to keep the said device in place along the beach ia very simple, requiring little time for implem entation.
4. This invention provides a comparatively inexpensive shore erosion solution.
5. The weight of a single device is such that it is safe against local site conditions that include severe monsoon waves and cyclones. The device is easily liftable with simple machinery.
6. The units of the said device provide emergency relief for shore protection that can be implemented in a short period.
By way of example it can be said that the construction may have any of the following alternatives:
1. Concrete beams with OT without reinforcement steel bars and/ or pre-stressing of steel bars
2. Protection of reinforcement rods with corrosive resistant paints

3. Protection of whole device with corrosive resistive paints
4. Gabion box with requisite fills forming a unit of the said device.
5. Specially stitched geo-bag with required fill for the functional requirements of SAB units. The SU can be sand or sand with granite chips or jelly stones or dredged sand
6. Friction plates can be made from metal, wire mesh, any flexible mass like rubber or similar kind of material which does not harm, beach walkers.
The ahoTe protection device, according to this invention, comprises a horizontally disposable base portion provided with downwardly and sidewardly projecting ridges on the bottom side of the base portion; side walls provided on the top side of the base portion, two of the adjacent ends of the side walls being positionable facing the sea: a channel provided between the side walls on the top side of the said base portion.
This invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, which illustrate, by way of example, and not by way of limitation, one of various possible embodiments of the device proposed herein. Pig. t illustrating & view in perspective of the embodiment Fig. 2 illustrating a beach profile without the embodiment

Fig. 3 illustrating the beach profile immediately after
installation of the embodiments
Fig. 4 illustrating the beach with a changed profile brought
about by accumulated sediments created by the said
The embodiment will be seen to have a horizontally disposable base portion P provided with downwardly and aidewardly projecting ridges Rl and R2 at the bottom of the base portion. The said ridges are intended to provide a aecure grip on the seashore.
The top side of the base portion has side walls "W inclined downwardly at Tl, the end of Che lower part of the aide walls being sloped at T2 with the said slopes being positionabJe facing the sea which is generally indicated by S. The said slopes Tl and T2 are optional depending onthe requirements of a particular case. A channel C is provided between the aidewalls W on the topside of the said base portion. The said channel allows the passage of seawater at reduced speed. A plurality of spaced friction plates F is provided on the top surface of the side walls W. The said friction plates dissipate wave energy and are also optional depending on the requirement of a particular application.

A plurality of such embodiments is located on the sand. Fig. 4 in particular illustrates in particular the changed profile of the shore after installation of the embodiments, caused by the deposition of sand material compensating for the erosion earlier caused by the sea.
The dimensions of the embodiment, their number and their alignment on the shore and the material of construction depend upon the requirements of a particular case-It wi]} be appreciated from the foregoing description that various other embodiments of the said device are possible without departing from the scope and ambit of this invention.

I Claim:
1. A shore protection device, comprising a horizontally disposable base portion provided with downwardly and sidewardly projecting ridges on the bottom side of the base portion-, aide walls provided on the top side of the base portion, two of the adjacent ends of the aide walla being positionable facing the sea: a channel provided between the side walls on the top side of the said base portion.
2. A shore protection device as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the sidewatts are inclined downwardly.
3. A shore protection device as claimed in Claim 2 wherein the ends of the lower part of the inclined sidewalls are positionable facing the sea.
4. A shore protection device as claimed in Claim 2 or Claim 3 wherein the ends of the lower part of the inclined sidewalls are sloped.

5. A shore protection device as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims wherein the side walls incorporate, on their top surface, a plurality of spaced friction plates.
6. A shore protection device substantially as herein described with reference to, and as illustrated in, the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 268563
Indian Patent Application Number 253/CHE/2009
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 03-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 05-Feb-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01K87/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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