Title of Invention


Abstract A method and apparatus for determining a voltage potential in a power switching device(110). The method and apparatus uses a conductive shield surrounding a coil positioned around a connector in a power switching device. The coil is used to provide a current measuring device within the power switching device. The combination of the shield(310), connector and the dielectric between them forms a capacitor, which is the high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider circuit. The capacitive voltage divider has a low voltage leg made of one or more capacitors. The capacitors of the low voltage leg may be removed in order to adjust the output of the capacitive voltage divider. The output of the voltage divider circuit is measured, converted and displayed to a user.
Full Text WO 2006/007456 PCT/US2005/021775
[0001] This application claims the priority of U.S. provisional patent application Ser.
No. 60/581,451 filed on June 21, 2004, entitled "Voltage Measuring Using Shield Capacitance," the contents of which are relied upon and incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) is hereby claimed
[0002] The present invention relates to a power switching device and more
particularly to a method of measuring voltage potential levels in a power switching device.
[0003] In the power generation and distribution industry, utility companies generate
and distribute electricity to customers. To facilitate the process of distributing electricity,
various types of power switching devices are used. In a distribution circuit, electricity flows
through the power switching devices from a power generation source (a substation or the
like) to the consumer. When a fault is detected in the distribution circuit, the power
switching device is opened and the electrical connection is broken.
[0004] Various controllers and protective relays are used by the utility company to
detect faults that occur in the distribution circuit. This most controllers use a microprocessor programmed to respond to the fault based on the type of fault and the type of power switching device connected to the controller. The controller may respond to a particular fault by causing the power switching device to open. Alternatively, upon the detection of a fault, the controller may cause the power switching device to open and close multiple times.
[0005] In order to make the most efficient switching in the distribution circuit and
isolate the fault, the controllers need to monitor both the voltage present at the power

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switching device and electrical current flowing through the power switching device. If the
amount of current exceeds a preprogrammed threshold for a certain period of time, the
controller instructs the power switching device to perform the preprogrammed response.
Should the fault continue to persist, the power switching device opens and remains open.
[0006] Monitoring the voltage levels at the power switching device is essential for
determining, for example, the direction of power flow, if the power switching device is being
back-fed, or if the three phases of power are synchronized. Additionally, the utility
personnel can use this information to monitor the output and efficiency of the distribution
transformers providing power through the power switching devices. Presently, utility
company personnel monitor voltage levels present at the power switching device by using
dedicated potential transformers that are connected to the power switching devices. The
controllers sample the output of the potential transformers and report this information to the
craftsperson or other utility personnel. Voltage levels may be monitored at both the input
connector and the output connector of the power switching device.
[0007] Using a dedicated potential transformer as a voltage measuring device is
cumbersome and expensive because each voltage phase must be monitored separately.
If voltage is measured at both connectors, two dedicated potential transformers are
required per phase and there may not be enough room on the utility pole for each of the
potential transformers. One solution is to use a voltage divider circuit connected to a
conductor of a power device. The voltage divider circuit can be designed to include
resistors or capacitors. Typically, the voltage drop over a divider load impedance (low
voltage leg) is measured with respect to a voltage drop over a reference impedance (high
voltage leg). From this ratio a value of the voltage potential is determined.
[0008] The use of a capacitive voltage divider in a power switching device to
measure voltage is described in US Pat No. 4,074,193 ("the '193 patent"). The '193 patent discloses the use of a separate cylindrical conductor as an electrode forming in part the high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider. The corresponding voltage from the low voltage leg of the capacitive voltage divider is amplified and sent to a voltage potential measuring device, meter or controller.

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[0009] The present invention eliminates the need for a separate dedicated conductor
for the high voltage leg of the capacitive voltage divider. The present invention instead uses an existing shield of a current measuring device such as, for example, a transformer or Rogowski coil in the power switching device. The capacitive relationship between the shield and the high voltage conductor form the high voltage leg of the capacitive voltage divider. By using the existing shield, the cost of the separate conductor is eliminated. The present invention also allows the capacitive voltage divider to be tuned to thereby provide greater accuracy in measuring the voltage potential at the power switching device.

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[0010] A method of determining a voltage potential on a conductor in a power
switching device the method having the steps of:
providing a current transformer housed in the power switching device, the current
transformer having a shield, the shield in relation to the conductor forming a high
voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider;
connecting the shield to a low voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider; and,
measuring the voltage potential across the low voltage leg.
[0011] A method of determining a voltage potential on a conductor in a power
switching device, the method having the steps of:
providing a coil housed in the power switching device, the coil having a shield, the
shield in relation to the conductor forming a high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage
connecting the shield to a low voltage leg of the capacitive voltage divider, the low
voltage leg having a plurality of capacitors,
adjusting the capacitive voltage divider by removing at least one of the capacitors,
measuring the voltage potential across the low voltage leg,
determining a value of the voltage potential.
[0012] A voltage potential measuring circuit for use with a power switching device
the circuit having:
a coil, the coil surrounded by a shield,
a conductor, the coil and the shield positioned around the conductor,
a dielectric formed between the shield and the conductor such that the dielectric, the
shield, and the conductor comprise a high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider
and, a low voltage leg comprising one or more capacitors.

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[0013] The invention is further described in the detailed description that follows, by
reference to the noted drawings by way of non-limiting illustrative embodiments of the
invention, in which like reference numerals represent similar elements throughout the
several views of the drawings, and wherein:
[0014] Figure 1 illustrates a block diagram of a typical power switching
[0015] Figure 2 illustrates a cross sectional view of a recloser used in the power
generation and distribution industry.
[0016] Figure 3 illustrates an exploded cross sectional view of a current transformer
installed in the power switching device.
[0017] Figure 4 illustrates a schematic diagram of a capacitive voltage divider circuit
in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

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[0018] Figure 1 shows a block diagram of a typical power switching configuration
100. The power switching configuration 100 has a power switching device 110 which is connected in series between a power source 120 and a load 130. The electrical circuit between the power source 120 and the load 130 is referred to as the power distribution circuit 140. The power switching device 110 is connected to a controller 112 by a bidirectional communications bus 114. A microprocessor 115 provides the controller 112 with the processing capability to monitor the power switching device 110 for faults as well as operating conditions. In the preferred embodiment, a Motorola HC12D60 microprocessor is used. A user 118 configures the controller 112 and receives information from the controller 112 via a user interface 116. The user interface 116 connects to the controller 112 through a communication means 122. The distribution circuit 140 is shown as a single phase of a three phase circuit for ease of illustration. The other two phases are identical.
[0019] The power switching device 110 connects the power source 120 to the load
130. A power source 120 used with the present invention is a substation.that provides, for
example, a 1 kilovolt(kV) up to 40kV source of three phase AC power. An individual
distribution transformer or bank of transformers connected together comprises the load
130. The transformers may be three phase transformers for large industrial applications or
single phase transformers used to provide electricity to a residential consumer.
[0020] Three types of power switching devices 110 that utility companies use in the
power switching configuration 100 are fault interrupters, breakers and reclosers. Each power switching device 110 performs a preprogrammed response when a fault condition in the power distribution circuit 140 is detected by the controller 112. For example, the fault interrupter opens once and remains open when a fault condition is detected. The breaker opens after a fault, but attempts to close before remaining open if the fault continues to exist. A recloser opens and closes multiple times when a fault condition exists. By

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opening and closing multiple times, the recloser attempts to dear the fault. Should the fault condition continue to exist, the recloser opens and remains open until reset manually. The recloser enters a "lock out" state when this occurs.
[0021] A fault condition occurs when one phase of power becomes shorted to
ground, phases become shorted to each other, or when lightning strikes the distribution
circuit 140. When a fault condition occurs, large amounts of current flow through the power
distribution circuit 140. The controller 112 monitors the voltage and current levels
communicated to it by the power switching device 110. The power switching device 110
sends this information to the controller 112 through the bidirectional communications bus
114. When an abnormal current level is detected by the controller 112, the controller 112
signals the power switching device 110 to execute the preprogrammed response. Two
example controllers 112 used with the present invention are the ICD (Intelligent Control
Device) and the PCD (Programmable Control Device), manufactured by ABB Inc.
[0022] A user 118 may be the utility craftsperson who is at the power switching
device location. The craftsperson can use a laptop PC as the user interface 116 and
connect directly to a serial port on the controller 112. The connection to the serial port is
the communication means 122. Another user 118 may be the utility maintenance person
remotely logged into the controller 112. In this example, the remotely located utility
maintenance person uses a desktop PC for the user interface 116 and a modem
configuration as the communication means 122 to connect to the controller 112.
[0023] A cross sectional view of a typical power switching device 110 in the form of a
recloser 200 such as the OVR 1 Single Phase Recloser manufactured by ABB Inc. is illustrated in Figure 2. Current flows through the recloser 200 from an H1 connector 212, through a vacuum interrupter 230 and a current transfer assembly 224 to an H2 connector 214. The vacuum interrupter 230 provides an enclosure that houses a stationary contact 232 and a moveable contact 234. The stationary contact 232 is directly connected to the H1 connector 212. The current transfer assembly 224 provides the electrical connection between the moveable contact 234 and the H2 connector 214.

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[0024] Mounted around the H2 connector 214 is a current transformer 236. The
current transformer 236 provides a current to the controller 112 that is proportional to the current flowing through the H2 connector 214. The controller 112 samples the proportional current and determines an appropriate value which is in turn conveyed to the user 118 through the user interface 116.
[0025] A cross-sectional view of the current transformer 236 along the axis X-X of
Figure 2 is shown in Figure 3. The current transformer 236 has wire wound around an annular shaped ferrous core 306 to form a winding 308. The winding 308 and magnetic core 306 are encased in an electrostatic shield 310. In one embodiment, conductive tape or semi-conductive tape is used for the electrostatic shield 310. In another embodiment, the electrostatic shield is an aluminum coating applied to the core 306 and winding 308. In between the H2 connector 214 and the current transformer 236 is a layer of filler material 304 such as epoxy or polyurethane. This is the same material that is used for the housing 210 of the recloser 200.
[0026] The current transformer 236 is electrically connected to the bidirectional
communications bus 114 by the two winding leads 312 and the shield lead 314. The
winding leads 312 are connected to the winding 308 and the shield lead 314 is connected
to the shield 310. The bidirectional communications bus 114 routes the electrical signals
from the winding leads 312 and the shield lead 314 to the controller 112 for processing.
Inside the controller 112, the signals from the winding leads 312 are connected to a current
sensing circuit (not shown) and the signal from the shield lead 314 is connected to a
capacitive voltage divider circuit 400, one embodiment of which is shown in Fig. 4.
[0027] The layer 304 between the current transformer 236 and the H2 conductor 214
provides a consistent and predictable dielectric property between the shield 310 and the H2 connector 214. The combination of the shield 310, the layer 304, and the H2 connector 214 form a capacitor C1 which is shown in the schematic of Figure 4. The capacitor C1 forms a high voltage leg of the capacitive voltage divider 400. In the previously described OVR-1 recloser 200, the capacitance of C1 is approximately 30-50 pF.

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[0028] As shown in Figure 4, the shield lead 314 connects to the low voltage leg 404
of the capacitive voltage divider 400. In this embodiment, the low voltage leg 404
comprises individual capacitors C2-C21, which are connected between the shield 310 and
ground. Removing one or more of the capacitors C2-C21 allows the capacitive voltage
divider 400 to be tuned. This is explained in further detail in subsequent sections.
Alternatively, should the capacitive voltage divider 400 not need to be adjusted, the
capacitors C2-C21 may be combined into one single capacitor.
[0029] Within the controller 112, the output voltage Vout across the low voltage leg
404 is sent to an amplification stage (not shown) and then to an analog to digital converter
circuit stage (not shown). In a preferred embodiment, the microprocessor 115 has several
built-in A/D converters which are connected to the amplification stage. The microprocessor
115 determines the appropriate voltage potential value from the output of the A/D converter
and that value is displayed to a user 118 via the user interface 116.
[0030] In a preferred embodiment, the capacitors C2-C21 of the low voltage leg 404
are mounted on a printed circuit board (not shown) within the controller 112 and are easily accessible by manufacturing personnel or a craftsperson. In this embodiment, the capacitors C4-C21 may be removed by breaking or cutting them off the printed circuit board while capacitors C2 and C3 are not removable. Removing one or all of the capacitors C4-C21 reduces the total capacitance of the low voltage leg 404 and increases the value of the output voltage Vout. The values of the capacitors C4-C21 are chosen to allow the capacitive voltage divider 400 to be tuned with as much granularity as possible. In one exemplary capacitive voltage divider 400 based on the capacitance of C1 being approximately 40pF, the capacitance for each of capacitors C2-C21 and the percent change in Vout resulting from removal of each of capacitors C4-C21 are shown in the table below.

WO 2006/007456


Capacitors Value Percentage Change
C2, C3 0.1 uF Non-Removable
C4-C7 0.033 µF 7.5%
C8-C15 0.01 µF 2%
C16-21 3300 pF .76%
[0031] The voltage divider 400 is tuned to account for any variance in the
capacitance of the high voltage leg C1. For the embodiment of Figure 4, the tuned capacitance ratio of the low voltage leg 404 to the high voltage leg C1 is approximately 10,000:1 .This ratio was chosen to provide the controller circuitry (amplification stage and A/D conversion stage) with an AC voltage within a sampling area. Those skilled in the art appreciate that this ratio is also a de-facto industry standard. As an illustrative example, should the low voltage leg 404 of the capacitive voltage divider 400 need to be tuned down by 18.5%, capacitors C4, C5, C8, C16 and C17 are removed and the output voltage Vout increases by 18.5%.
[0032] As discussed previously, the capacitors C4-21 within the controller 112 are
accessible to manufacturing or utility personnel. During the manufacturing and assembly process, the controller 112 may be paired with a power switching device 110. In this case, the capacitive voltage divider circuitry 400 may be adjusted for the unique capacitance value C1 of the power switching device 110 prior to shipment. The manufacturing person measures the capacitance of C1 and then removes the appropriate capacitors C4-C21 to achieve the 10,000:1 ratio. If the controller 112 is shipped to the field separately, the utility craftsperson may tune the voltage divider 400 at the installation site performing the same steps prior to bringing the power switching device110 on line.
[0033] The present invention may also be applied to power switching devices 110
using other types of shielded coils for use in measuring current and voltage, such as shielded Rogowski coils. Those skilled in the art appreciate that the Rogowski coil is an air

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core toroidal coil placed around a conductor. The core of the Rogowski coil is constructed
of a non-ferrous material. An alternating magnetic field within the coil, produced by the
current flowing in the conductor, induces a voltage which is proportional to the rate of
change of the current. The output of the Rogowski coil is sent to an integrator where the
value of voltage is extrapolated. The voltage measured with the Rogowski coil is a function
of the amount of current flowing through the power switching device 110.
[0034] While the Rogowski coil is not shown in any of the drawing figures, Figure 4
does show the shield lead 406 of the Rogowski coil and the conductor 408 around which
the air core toroidal coil of the Rogowski coil is placed. The capacitor C1 of circuit 400 is
formed from the combination of the shield of the Rogowski coil, the conductor 408 and the
air core there between. In this embodiment, the air core is the dielectric of capacitor C1.
The low voltage leg 404 of the capacitive voltage divider 400 is designed with the
appropriate values for capacitors C2-C21 to provide the preferred ratio of 10,000:1. The
present invention measures the voltage potential at the conductor 408 independent of the
amount of current flowing through the power switching device 110.
[0035] It is to be understood that the foregoing description has been provided merely
for the purpose of explanation and is in no way to be construed as limiting of the invention. Where the invention has been described with reference to embodiments, it is understood that the words which have been used herein are words of description and illustration, rather than words of limitation. Further, although the invention has been described herein with reference to particular structure, materials and/or embodiments, the invention is not intended to be limited to the particulars disclosed herein. Rather, the invention extends to all functionally equivalent structures, methods and uses, such as are within the scope of the appended claims. Those skilled in the art, having the benefit of the teachings of this specification, may effect numerous modifications thereto and changes may be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention in its aspects.

WO 2006/007456 PCT/US2005/021775
We claim:
1. A method of determining a voltage potential on a conductor in a power switching
device comprising:
providing a current measuring device housed in said power switching device, said current measuring device having a shield, said shield in spaced relationship to said conductor forming a capacitor in a high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider; connecting said shield to one,or more capacitors forming a low voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider; and, measuring the voltage potential across the low voltage leg.
2. The method of Claim 1 wherein the measuring of the voltage potential further
comprises connecting the low voltage leg to an analog to digital converter.
3. The method of Claim 1 further comprising displaying the measured voltage potential
to a user.
. 4. The method of Claim 1 wherein measuring the voltage potential is performed by a controller.
5. The method of Claim 4 wherein a microprocessor is used to measure the voltage
6. The method of Claim 5 wherein an analog to digital conversion circuit of the
microprocessor is used to measure the voltage potential.
7. The method of Claim 1 wherein the shield comprises a conductive or semi-
conductive tape.

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8. The method of Claim 1 wherein the shield comprises an aluminum coating.
9. A voltage potential measuring circuit for use with a power switching device
a coil, said coil surrounded by a shield;
a conductor, said coil and said shield positioned around said conductor;
a dielectric formed between said shield and said conductor such that said dielectric,
said shield and said conductor comprise a high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage
divider; and,
a low voltage leg of said capacitive voltage divider.
10. The circuit of Claim 9 wherein the low voltage leg further comprises one or more
11. The circuit of Claim 10 wherein the low voltage leg is tunable by removing one or
more capacitors.
12. The circuit of Claim 9 wherein the coil is installed in a current transformer.
13. The circuit of Claim 9 wherein the coil is a Rogowski coil.
14. A method of determining a voltage potential on a conductor in a power switching
device comprising:
providing a coil housed in said power switching device, said coil having a shield,
said shield in spaced relationship to said conductor forming a high voltage leg of a
capacitive voltage divider,
connecting said shield to a low voltage leg of said capacitive voltage divider,
said low voltage leg comprising a plurality of capacitors,
adjusting said capacitive voltage divider by removing at least one of the

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capacitors, and
measuring the voltage potential across the low voltage leg.
15. The method of Claim 14 wherein the measuring of the voltage potential further
comprises connecting the low voltage leg to an analog to digital converter.
16. The method of Claim 14 further comprising displaying the voltage potential to a
17. The method of Claim 14 wherein measuring the voltage potential is performed by a
18. The method of Claim 17 wherein a microprocessor is used to measure the voltage
19. The method of Claim 18 wherein an analog to digital conversion circuit of the
microprocessor is used to measure the voltage potential.
A method and apparatus for determining a voltage potential in a power switching device (110). The method and apparatus uses a conductive shield surrounding a coil positioned around a connector in a power switching device. The coil is used to provide a current measuring device within the power switching device. The combination of the shield (310), connector and the dielectric between them forms a capacitor, which is the high voltage leg of a capacitive voltage divider circuit. The capacitive voltage divider has a low voltage leg made of one or more capacitors. The capacitors of the low voltage leg may be removed in order to adjust the output of the capacitive voltage divider. The output of the voltage divider circuit is measured, converted and displayed to a user.



Patent Number 268626
Indian Patent Application Number 3931/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 08-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 27-Dec-2006
Name of Patentee ABB TECHNOLOGY AG
Applicant Address AFFOLTERNSTRASSE 44, CH-8050,ZURICH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01R19/00; G01R19/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/021775
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/581,451 2004-06-21 U.S.A.