Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle having multiple bayonet bends of particular angles to facilitate easy access during root canal irrigation. The self-navigatory needle in the present invention is having two to five bends, preferably three bends. The bends in the needles are placed at a particular location, so that needle can easily be located and have easy access to the root canal during the root canal irrigation. The self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle is made up of conventional material. The present invention also has an object to develop a method of irrigating root canal using root canal irrigation needle having a multiple bends at particular angle and at a particular location of the root canal irrigation needle. Present invention also claims the method of manufacturing of self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle.
Field of the present invention
The present invention relates to a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle more particularly to a root canal irrigation needle having multiple bayonet bends to facilitate easy access during root canal irrigation.
Background of the present invention
In various practices root canal irrigation needle have been used to release the fluid into the root canals. Hence, it is required to first to properly locate the root canal orifice with the help of root canal irrigation needle and release the fluid into the root canal.
The repeated location of the root canals, during RC irrigation, is an important and difficult step for the reasons firstly, that these canal openings are very small and vary in number from 1 to 5 from tooth to tooth. Secondly, these root canal openings lie very close to one another with a variable distance of .25 to 1 mm apart at the base of the tooth. Sometimes there may be a single hole / opening and 2 root canals can be located & approached by directing the reamers in two different directions. The whole process of RCT consists of repetition of use of files/reamers and other root canal instruments by passing these through these openings into the root canals and alternatively irrigating the loosened necrotic material from the root canals with the help of irrigating solution. The configuration of root canals, in majority of cases, is not linear but curved. Each time during the reaming / filing of the canals, the practitioner first very carefully places the tip of these instruments onto the opening of these canals by viewing these indirectly through dental mirror, removes the dental mirror out of the mouth and manipulates the files/reamers slowly into the whole length of the root canals with different motions & techniques with tactile sensation and blindly in an attempt to loosen and extirpate the necrotic or dead pulp tissue. After each maneuver with the file / reamer he very carefully takes the tip of the irrigating needle to the opening of the canal and delivers the solution with intermittent pressure into the canals.
The irrigation of the root canals forms an important step in the root canal procedure because these are carried out very frequently to deliver the irrigating solution, essentially sodium hypochlorite, into the root canals. Different irrigating needle-types have been used for irrigation of root canals. For the root canal irrigations, mostly medical syringes with luer-lock or without luer-lock interchangeable needles of different diameters and lengths are being used by the dentists. The most commonly used are the (i) blunt stainless needles with a single bend ranging about 30 to 90 degrees, (ii) the needles with holes on the sides of the needles so that the irrigating solution can be directly delivered on to the walls of the root canals, (iii) the needles with an additional internal lumen for the aspiration of the irrigated solution (iv) flexible needle made up nickel titanium fitted on angulated shafts so that these can be inserted, without breakage, as far apical as possible in an attempt to deliver the irrigating solution right at near the apices (v) needles with the adjustable stop to prevent its insertion beyond the desired distance, (v) nickel titanium needles with a side bend in the distal end and irrigating needles fitted on adjustable sleeve in which the angle adjustment can be made into this sleeve .
Objects of the present Invention
The main object of the present invention is to develop a root canal irrigation needle to facilitate easy access during root canal irrigation.
Another main object of the present invention is to develop a root canal irrigation needle having multiple bends of particular angles.
Yet another object of the present invention is to develop a method of irrigating root canal using a self-navigatory root canal irrigation specific needle having multiple bends of particular angles.
One another object of the present invention is to develop a method for manufacturing a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle to ease the root canal irrigations which are carried out many times during the root canal treatment.
Summary of the present Invention
The present invention relates to a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle with multiple bends of particular angles to facilitate easy access to the orifices of root canals during root canal irrigation.
Statement of invention:
The present invention relates to a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle with multiple bends.
Brief description of drawing
Figure 1 shows a conventionally used root canal irrigation needle.
Figure 2 shows a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle of instant invention with three bends.
Description of the present Invention
The present invention is based on the fact that the root canals which may vary in number from two to five lie very close to one another at a variable distance of practically nil to about approx 5mm. It is very tiring for the practitioner to place the tip of the instrument/irrigating needle at the openings of the root canal each time, by looking indirectly through the reflection of the tooth in the dental mirror. Half of the energy of the operating dentists can be saved if the irrigating needle can be placed at the openings of the root canal with a navigational irrigating needle of the present invention, made self-directing with the incorporation of three buoyant bends as in the present invention.
Despite the different types of delivery systems for the root canal irrigating solution available in the market the most commonly used method is of using a blunt / rounded tip needle with the single bend ranging from 30 to 90 degrees.
The present invention incorporates bayonet bends in the range of 2 to 5 in the needle preferably 3 bends as shown in the diagram (example) which can be a little bit adjusted with the help of the grip of the slit of the handle of the tweezers or any holding instrument, to suit a particular tooth and the operator. Similarly, these bends can be also incorporated into any adjustable sleeve or system that will hold the hard or the flexible needle. Since it does not incorporate additional instruments and very less expenditure for the dentists so it is expected that it will readily be taken up in practice by the dentists and help dentist markedly save the working time and also lessen the fatigue to the practitioner.
The multiple-bayonet bend-irrigating needle along with the normal I/M syringe or other delivery systems would be self-navigational and self-directing. The practitioner can locate the opening of the root canal even without looking into the dental mirror. This is a miracle root canal irrigating needle.
Detailed description of the present Invention
The present invention provides a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle with multiple bends.
Yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the number of bends are in the range of 2 to 5.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein number of bends in the needles are preferably 3.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein inner angles of the bends in two bend needle are preferably in the range of 270° to 195°, and 90° to 160° starting from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein inner angles of the bends in three bend needles are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160° and 100° to 175° starting from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein inner angles of the bends in four bend needle are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160°, 100° to 175° and 120° to 170° starting from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein inner angles of the bends in five bend needle are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160°, 100° to 175°, 120° to 170° and 150° to 175° starting from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the bends in the two-bend needle are at a distance of 5% to 30%> and 10% to 60%> of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein bends in the three bends needles are at a distance in the range of 5% to 30%, 10% to 60% and 30% to 90% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein bends in the four bend needle are located at a distance in the range of 5% to 30%, 10% to 60% and 30% to 90% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein bends in the five bend needle are located at a distance of 5% to 30 %, 10% to 60%, 30% to 90%, 50% to 95% and 70% to 97% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the bends are in one or more planes.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the bends of the needle are rounded in curvature.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the needle is made up of conventional material.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the needle is optionally provided with holes on its sides to irrigate walls of the root canal.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, a method of irrigating root canal, using self-navigatory Root Canal irrigation needle having multiple bends, said method comprising steps of
a. exposing root canals
b. directing the tip of the self navigational needle to the root canal openings and
c. irrigating the canal
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the subject for the root canal irrigation is an animal or human.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein bends of needle are manually adjusted to provide easy entry in to root canal.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, a method for manufacturing a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle to provide easy access to root canal, said method comprising steps of
a. introducing multiple bends into the conventional root canal needle, and
b. obtaining a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle.
Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein material for manufacturing of the self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle is selected from a group comprising stainless steel, nickel titanium (NiTi), or any other non corroding, non reactive material.

We Claim:
1. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle with multiple bends.
2. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the number of bends are in the range of 2 to 5.
3. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein number of bends in the needles are preferably 3.
4. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein inner angles of the bends in two bend needle are preferably in the range of 270° to 195°, and 90° to 160° starting from the hub respectively.
5. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein inner angles of the bends in three bend needles are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160° and 100° to 175° starting from the hub respectively.
6. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein inner angles of the bends in four bend needle are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160°, 100° to 175° and 120° to 170° starting from the hub respectively.
7. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein inner angles of the bends in five bend needle are preferably in the range of 90° to 165°, 90° to 160°, 100° to 175°, 120° to 170° and 150° to 175° starting from the hub respectively.
8. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bends in the two-bend needle are at a distance of 5% to 30% and 10% to 60% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
9. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein bends in the three bends needles are at a distance in the range of 5% to 30%, 10% to 60% and 30% to 90% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
10. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein bends in the four bend needle are located at a distance in the range of 5% to 30%, 10% to 60% and 30% to 90% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
11. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein bends in the five bend needle are located at a distance of 5% to 30 %, 10% to 60%, 30% to 90%, 50% to 95% and 70% to 97% of the length of the needle from the hub respectively.
12. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bends are in one or more planes.
13. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bends are rounded in curvature.
14. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the needle is made up of conventional material.
15. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle as claimed in claim 1, wherein the needle is optionally provided with holes on its sides to irrigate walls of the root canal.
16. A method of irrigating root canal, using self-navigatory Root Canal irrigation needle having multiple bends, said method comprising steps of

a) exposing root canals
b) directing the tip of the self navigational needle to the root canal openings and
c) irrigating the canal

17. A method of irrigating as claimed in claim 16, wherein bends of needle are manually adjusted to provide easy entry in to root canal.
18. A method for manufacturing a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle to provide easy access to root canal, said method comprising steps of

a) introducing multiple bends into the conventional root canal needle, and
b) obtaining a self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle.
19. A method as claimed in claim 18, wherein material for manufacturing of the self-
navigatory root canal irrigation needle is selected from a group comprising
stainless steel, nickel titanium (NiTi), or any other non corroding, non reactive
20. A self-navigatory root canal irrigation needle and a method of irrigating root canal, substantially as herein described and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 268636
Indian Patent Application Number 1613/DEL/2005
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 09-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 22-Jun-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61C 5/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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