Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a method for blending a combination of petroleum refinery streams from among a plurality of such refinery streams, the selected blend to be used in manufacturing a lubricant base stock for a particular lubricant application, each of the streams being capable of being refined into lubricant base stocks characterizable according to a plurality of compositional components common to a plurality of the base stocks, each compositional component varying in amount with respect to each base stock, the method comprising the steps of identifying particular ones of the plurality of compositional components in a base stock that, in combination, are probative of lubricant performance for the particular application; determining an acceptable range for a combination of the identified compositional components at least two viscosities from a plurality of performance tests on a plurality of lubricant products, each lubricant product having a viscosity, the plurality of lubricant products having a plurality of different viscosities, thereby defining a compositional model at each of the at least two viscosities; adjusting for viscosity variations for lubricant base stocks whose viscosities differ from that of the at least two viscosities by adjustment of the compositional model"s parameters from at least two compositional models at values of viscosity differing from those of a candidate lubricant base stock to derive an acceptable range of compositional components, in combination, at the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base stock; identifying the amounts of the identified compositional components for a lubricant base stock which is to be refined from the plurality of refinery stream; determining the composition of the blend of the streams in accordance with the combination of identified components within the acceptable range for such identified components for the particular application, and blending the streams in accordance with the determined composition.
The present invention is directed to the production of petroieunvbased lubricants. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method for controlling lubricant quality and the lubricant production process by refining and lending oy a method which includes a predictive technique relating the quality of the fina iuoncant product and its performance to compositional parameters.
Lubricating oils are, for the most part, based on petroleum fractions that boil above 232°C (450°F). The molecular weight of the hydrocarbon constituents is high and these constituents display almost all conceivable structures and structure types depending in large part on the type of crude oil from which they were prepared.
The rationale in lubricant refining is that a suitable crude oil, as shown by experience or by assay, can be refined into lubricant base stock having a predetermined set of properties such as, for example, appropriate viscosity, oxidation stability, and maintenance of fluidity at low temperatures. The refining process employed to isolate the lubricant base stock currently consists of a set of subtractive unit operations which remove the unwanted components. These unit operations include distillation, solvent refining, hydroprocessing, and dewaxing, each of which is basically a separation process.
A lubricant base stock (i.e. from a refined crude oil) may be used as a lubricant component, or it may be blended with another lubricant base sioc* having somewhat different properties. A particular base stock, prior to use as a luoricant, is conventionally compounded with one or more additives such as antioxidants, extreme pressure additives, and viscosity index (V.I.) improvers. As used herein, the term "stock," regardless of whether the term is further qualified, refers only to a hydrocarbon oil without additives. The term "solvent-refined stock' or 'rafnnate" refers to an oil that has been solvent extracted, for example with furfural. The term "dewaxed stock" refers to an oil which has been treated by any method to remove or otherwise convert the wax contained therein and thereby reduce its pour point. The term "waxy" as used herein refers to an oil of sufficient wax content to result in a pour point greater than 4°C (+25°F). The term "base stock" refers to an oil refined to a

point suitable for some particular end use, such as for preparing an a-jtororve oil, marine oil, hydraulic oil, etc.
The current practice for the preparation of high grade lubricating oil base stocks is illustrated in Fig. 1. The overall process is designated as 10. The first step is to vacuum distill an atmospheric tower residuum from an appropriate crude oi. (step 100). This step provides one or more raw stocks within the boiling range of 70C*F to 1000°F designated as light 15 (from 700° to 810°F), medium 20 (from 8106 to 390#F), and heavy 30 neutrals (from 890° to 1000°F), and a vacuum residuum 40. Each stock is characterized by a different viscosity range, e.g., light neutral stocks have the lowest viscosity range (from 3.5 to 5.5 cS KV at 100°C) and heavy neutral stocks have the highest viscosity range (from 10.0 to 15.3 cS KV at 100°C). After preparation, each raw stock is extracted with a solvent, e.g., furfural, phenol or chlorex, which is selective for aromatic hydrocarbons, and which removes undesirable components (step 140). The vacuum residuum 140 usually requires an additional step to remove asphaltic material prior to solvent extraction (step 120). The raffinate from the solvent refining is generally very waxy and typically requires a dewaxing operation (step 160). Dewaxing raffinates is generally carried out by solvent dewaxing or catalytic dewaxing under conditions which produce a predetermined or target pour point for the base stock.
The art of lube base stock production may further require an additional step of hydroprocessing the dewaxed stock (step 180). Hydroprocessing is the addition of hydrogen to the stock for the purpose of removing certain impurities that may be detrimental to lubricant performance, depending upon the final iubricant product specifications. Hydroprocessing is especially useful for removing sutfur as the hydrogen combines with sulfur to form hydrogen sulfide. Either the dewaxing step (step 160) or the hydroprocessing step (step 180), or both, can yield a stock of sufficient quality to be used as a base stock for final lubricant formulation.
Suitable materials, or additives, are then added to the base stock to augment the base stock's lubricating properties and to meet the required specifications, such as viscosity index (VI) (shown in Figure 6).

Historically, lubricant manufacturing has been infieaDie. Base szock produced from new crude sources is considered to be a "new* base stock anc rust be approved for use as a lubricant. The lube base stock approve system reoji^es that a base stock produced from a new crude undergoes a costly and time-consuming approval process before it can be used as a lubricant oil. Fuli approval for samcies produced from a new crude or base stock requires extensive Dencn ana engine testing which generally takes 5 to 10 months to complete. Changes in process conditions also require re-approval with additional bench and engine testing Trie nigh cost of bench and engine testing discourages optimization of process conditions on all but the most frequently run crudes. In addition, the need to streamline this system has become increasingly important as a result of the rapid changes in crude mixes from at least some geographic locations, quality concerns over purchased base stocks, and the drive for economic benefits from increased lube flexibility. Therefore, there is a need in the art for increased flexibility in lubricant production and to streamline the approval system for lube crudes, base stocks, and blends of these stocks.
According to the present invention, a lubricant base stock for use in manufacturing a lubricant for a particular application can be selected by a saccular method. A candidate lubricant base stock is characterized according to a p'~ra *y of compositional components common to all lubricant base stocks anc each compositional component varies in amount with respect to each base stock A —oaei predicting the performance of a lubricant base stock in a final lubricant p-oajct is formed by identifying particular ones of the plurality of compositional components in a lubricant base stock that are probative of lubricant performance for a &j~ahty of applications, in combination.
An acceptable range is next determined for a combination of identified compositional components from a plurality of performance tests required of a plurality of lubricant products where the lubricant products each have a different viscosity. After the acceptable region is determined, adjustments are preferably made for viscosity variations of each lubricant base stock by predicting the amounts of the compositional components from at least one other acceptable range for a base stock of a different viscosity wherein the acceptable range is determined for a combination

of the identified compositional components from the plurality of pe-Tcrmance tests A candidate base stock is then analyzed to determine the amounts of tne bencfied components. It is then determined whether the amount of each identified coroonent, in combination, in the candidate base stock is within the acceptable performance range.
The lubricant base stocks whose composition falls outside of ihe acceptable region predicted by the compositional model can also be Wended to form a lubricant of satisfactory performance. This method begins with determining the acceptable region and adjusting for viscosity variations as described above. Next, two or more lubricant base stocks with complementary compositions are selected. The amount of each required to be combined to define the final lubricant composition within the acceptable region as predicted by the compositional model is calculated. The lubricant base stocks are then blended.
The predictive model can also be applied to the lubricant manufacturing process, making use of the effect of known refining parameters such as hydroprocessing conditions, solvent treat rate and temperature, on a given range of refinery stocks to be used in the manufacture of the lubricants. In this variant of the application of the predictive model,
a lubricant base stock which is to be used in manufacturing a lubricant for a particular application from a refinery stream is characterized according to a plurality of compositional components common to the base stock and to the refinery stream This method begins with determining the acceptable region and adjusting for viscosity variations as described above. Next, the amounts of the identified compositional components are identified for a lubricant base stock that, in combination are required for acceptable lubricant performance and the amounts of identified components, in combination, in the refinery stream are determined to be outside of the acceptable range for such identified components. The refinery stream is then refined to produce a lubricant base stock having a combination of identified components within the acceptable range as determined by the model.
By extension of this technique, combination of petroleum refinery streams which are to be refined into lubricant base stock can be blended into a refinery stream which can then be processed into the desired final stock or stocks. This method

begins with determining the acceptable region and adjusting for vrscosrty vacations as described above. Next, the amounts of the identified compositional comoonerre are identified for a lubricant base stock which is to be refined from the refinery sreams and the composition of the blend is determined in accordance with the combination of identified components within the acceptable range as determined by the node!. Tr\e streams are then blended in accordance with the determined composition ana refined. In one variation, the refinery streams are crudes. In another vanaton of this embodiment, the refinery streams are selected from any one of the unit processes in the refinery.
In the drawings:
Fig. 1 is a flow diagram showing an overview of a current lube base stock manufacturing process;
Fig. 2 is a flow diagram showing the method of the present invention;
Fig. 3 is a graph showing how a compositional specification model is made for a plurality of lubricant performance tests according to one embodiment of the present invention;
Fig. 4 is a graph showing the overlap of the compositional specification models developed for light and heavy neutral base stocks according to one embodiment of the present invention;
Fig. 5 is a graph showing a compositional specification model for light neutral base stocks, where such graph is used in connection with a method to blend a plurality of base stocks to yield a resulting blended base stock whose composition is within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model;
Fig. 6 is a graph similar to the graph of Fig. 5, and shows the compositional specification model of Fig. 5 used with extraction severity data to obtain a base stock whose composition is within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model; and
Fig. 7 is a block diagram illustrating the operation of an embodiment of the present invention.
In the present invention, a computer model (801 in Fig. 7) is created and used to predict the quality of a lubricant base stock for use in a plurality of products having a plurality of viscosities. The model is based upon a quantitative analysis of

key compositional parameters and performance criteria for a plurality of :roojcts representing a plurality of viscosities. Such model is herein referred tc as comprehensive compositional model and, as will be shown, is normally and preferably comprised of compositional models developed for specific viscosities.
The compositional models predict, among other things. wne:nef the composition of a new lubricant base stock is similar or dissimilar to known iubncant base stock compositions that have previously passed or failed performance tests. New lubricant base stock compositions are, thus, evaluated in light of Iubncant base stocks that have demonstrated acceptable performance in a plurality of products
Statistical analysis of base stock properties has shown that lubricant performance may be predicted from the chemical composition of the base SIOCK In particular, the various chemical compositional parameters are combined to obtain a comprehensive prediction of lubricant performance. Fig. 2 is a process flow diagram illustrating a method, to predict a base stock's lubricant performance in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. The compositional parameters incorporated into the compositional model are chemical components of the base stock that have been identified as significantly contributing to lubrication performance :step 200). Examples of such components are, for example, total suffur, aliphatic sutf JT basic nitrogen, aromatic distribution, nitrogen, aliphatic compound distributor oegree of aliphatic chain branching, molecular weight distribution or any combination t^'eof The preferred embodiment includes total sulfur, aliphatic suffur, basic naroge- total aromatics, aromatic ring distribution, or a combination of these parameters
At a minimum, only two of the factors are used to create the compositional model to accurately predict a base stock's lubricant performance in a final lubricant formulation. All of the components are quantitatively determined according to standard analytical chemistry techniques. Total aromatics, for example, are determined from a chemometric correlation of the UV spectrum. Specifically, a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 19 spectrometer is used. The aromatic ring distribution is determined by conventional techniques known to those skilled in the art for classifying aromatic rings. Basic nitrogen is determined according to ASTM Method D2896. Total sulfur is determined by ASTM method D2622. The aliphatic sulfur content may be determined by UV spectrophotometry based on the quantitation of an iodine

complex of the aliphatic sulfides according to the technique descried oy Drusne a->d Miller in Anal. Chem. 27, 495 (1955); and Anal Chern. 39, 1819(1957). This rnetnod, which suitably measures absorbance of the complex at 310 nm. provides a rei;ar>ie determination of aliphatic sulfur, being free of interferences by nitrogen cornoourxis and the aromatic hydrocarbons indigenous to lubestocks.
Determining the compositional model's performance parameter (step 2^0) comprises evaluating the performance of a plurality of products having different viscosities. Variation of the compositional model's parameters as described below in accordance with variations in the viscosity of the lubricant products provides superior prediction of lubricant performance as compared to scaling compositional parameters in accordance with viscosity. The viscosities of the products are, thus, a function of the products' end use. For example, the compositional model's performance parameters include engine oil performance of automotive engine lubricants, marine engine performance of marine engine lubricants, industrial equipment performance of industrial equipment lubricants, and hydraulic performance of hydraulic lubricants. As each application requires a product of a different viscosity, the compositional model thereby incorporates a plurality of kinetic viscosities ranging from 3.5 to at least 20 cS
Adjustments for viscosity variations may be made by simple linear interpolation derived from similar compositional models, having different determined parameters from different viscosities. It is also possible although less preferred to adjust for viscosity changes by scaling composition rather than model parameters for viscosity variations between samples processed to similar viscosity index from the same crude. The composition factors scale with viscosity according to a power law where the composition at a selected temperature and viscosity is related to the composition at a reference viscosity scaled by a power of the ratio between the viscosities at the selected temperature and the reference temperature; in this relationship, the exponent value varies typically from -2 to 2 (depending on measurement unit and possibly other empirically determined factors) for the compositional factors referred to above, with the value in many cases being in the range 0.1 to 1.0. The greatest sensitivity in the scaling relationship has been found to exist with respect to the basic nitrogen content and the least with total aromatics,

polycyclic aromatics (two or more rings) and sulfur (total and aliphatic; ocsjpyrg comparable intermediate rankings.
Minor variations in viscosity outside the range determined oy tne compositional model may also be extrapolated. It has been fomd satisfactory to generate compositional models for each lubricant type such as, for example, hght and heavy neutrals, using a limited range of viscosity values rather than to use a single value of viscosity for each type. As will be shown, the comprehensive compositional model will incorporate the separate compositional models.
The limits of the performance parameters are determined by industry standard performance tests specific to the particular products and corresponding viscosities. For example, for products made from light neutrals, the following performance tests (accompanied by the particular application and acceptable performance level) may be used as examples of performance tests by which lubricant performance may be assessed. Other performance tests may be used according to standard requirements of the lubricant manufacturer.
Test Performance Level
Sequence HIE (Automotive oils) ACEAA3-96
Sequence VE (Automotive Oils) ACEA A3-96
Mack T-8 (Automotive oils) Mack EOL
TOST life (Hydraulic oils) >1500 hr
For products made from heavy neutrals, the following performance tests (accompanied by the particular application and acceptable performance ieveQ may be used as examples of performance tests by which lubricant performance may be assessed. Other performance tests may be used according to standard requirements of the lubricant manufacturer:
Test Performance Level
Cat1-G2/1M-PC (Marine oils) CF
Cat 1M-PC (Automotive oils) CF
TOST life (Hydraulic oils) >1000 hr
Such tests are known to those skilled in the art of performance testing. For the purpose of making the compositional model, a lubricant product, when tested according to any one of the above tests, is designated as either "pass" or "fail."

Next, an acceptable region in a multi-dimensional space inScat-^ good lubricant performance, is determined by defining the performance touncanes (i.e., "pass" or "fail") with respect to key compositional parameters. This is accomplished over a broad range of product applications and viscosities. Such aooeptaWe region is then represented by the compositional model. The end result is that the compositional model allows lubricant performance to be predicted over all possible base stock compositions and viscosities.
To develop a comprehensive compositional model (step 220). separate compositional models are first developed for specific viscosities. The model parameters for a test viscosity are found by interpolating between the parameters of the model at the nearest higher viscosity and the parameters of the mode! at the nearest viscosity lower than the test viscosity. The following describes how to develop the comprehensive compositional model by first developing separate compositional models for a light neutral viscosity (kinematic viscosity at 100°C of 4.5 cSt) and a heavy neutral viscosity (kinematic viscosity at 100°C of 12.5 cSt). Small variations in the viscosity of the samples tested from these viscosities, such as within the viscosity grade, were accounted for by scaling the composition according to typical trends of composition with viscosity. These can be readily determined by those skilled in the art by fitting the trends in composition with viscosities that are produced from the same crude:
Composition Scaled = (composition at y KV 100°C) x (y/reference viscosity)^ wherein A is "taken to the power of;" the reference kinematic viscosity at 10O*C is 4.5 or 12.5 cSt; and z is typically between 0 and 1.
In view of the above, developing the acceptable region (step 220) for the individual compositional models are the same for base stocks of all viscosmes. A series of base stocks are performance tested for a plurality of product formulations that employ base stocks of the same viscosity range. Preferably, each of the lubricant product formulations are lubricant products for different applications, i.e., automotive, hydraulic, industrial, etc. As herein described, regions are drawn around the points that are a "pass" for each formulation, where such regions exclude the "failed" base stocks.

A method employed to determine the acceptable regions, i.e.. tne -egons drawn around the points that are a "pass" for each formulation is preferaay a technique involving cluster analysis of the performance test data. One such tecrruque is, for example, Soft Independent Classification Analysis (SIMCA) as Described by Muhammad A. Sharaf, Deborah L Iliman, and Bruce R. Kowalskfs Chemornesics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1986. SIMCA models were constructed to model base stock compositions that have either passed or failed engine tests. The SIMCA models first depend, however, on various feature or variable selection techniques used to screen the base stock properties. The screening techniques determine the optimal inputs for a classification model. Two univariate strategies, variance and Fischer weights, are employed to select the variables that discriminate between passing and failing engine tests.
The variance weight is the ratio of inter category variance and the sum of the intra-category variances for a given property. It approximates the distance between two distributions. For example the total variance for the percent aromatic fraction of the base stock is calculated for passing Caterpillar 1-G engine tests and is divided by the sum of the variance for the passing tests. Overall variance weights for n>2 categories are the geometric mean of the individual category variance weights. The variance weights are given by the formula:

w = Variance weight for two categories;
x = Base stock compositional parameter,
i.e. sulfur, aliphatic sulfur, basic nitrogen, or aromatic distribution;
N = Number of samples in a given class
P or F = Denotes the Pass or Fail data

The following is an example of variance weights for two 5a$e stock clusters:
Total 2+ Basic Sulfur Aliphatic Thiophen 2+-
Aromati Aromati Nitrog Sulfur es Thio
cs cs en

Larger numbers indicate a greater likelihood that the category discriminates between the passing and failing tests. In the current example, the largest number for thiophenes indicates that it is the most significant. In this way, one can choose to use the most significant categories first in the analysis.
A Fischer weight uses the distance between mean values in the two distributions divided by the sum of variances to determine the discriminating power of the variables. Overall, the Fischer weights for n>2 categories are the mean of the individual category fisher weights. The fisher weight is given by:

The SIMCA method uses principal component analysis to construct a model for each class, i.e. pass/fail. Factor analysis is used to calculate the significant chemical patterns for each class. The significant patterns are known as the principal components. The principal component analysis provides a convenient method for data compression. It also provides a rotation of the data (base stock composition) to

an orthonormal basis, removing any co-linearities in the data Tne Drrosa' components form a new set of axes for the data (base stock properties).
Two key statistical tests, the F-test and the Mahalanobis Distance, a-e used to evaluate the compositional models. The F-test is a measure of the residual error which describes the distance between a sample and the space defined t>y ne principal components. The Mahalanobis Distance describes the distance from tne compositional centroid of the compositional model. The F-test determines if the error associated with a sample is statistical error or whether it is due to the inability of tne principal components to model the data. The Mahalanobis distance indicates whether the prediction is an extrapolation of the compositional model.
The compositional models are used by projecting unknown samples into each model. The chemical patterns for each model are applied to the new base stock. The residual error and the distance from the centroid of each class form a basis for determining the similarity of unknown samples. The unknown samples may belong to one or several classes.
Soft models, i.e., the local clusters of data independently modeled and independent models, are used to accurately predict or classify samples. For example, base stock compositions that have demonstrated passing performance in the Caterpillar 1-G2, for example, can be considered as one cluster; failing base stock compositions are therefore another cluster. The passing samples will form the basis for one model and the failing samples form the basis for a second model. SIMCA combines cluster analysis with principal components regression. This technique involves supervised learning; the samples used to build the compositional models must be classified.
SIMCA uses principal component analysis (PCA) to calculate the
chemical patterns for each class. The PCA provides a statistical basis for selecting
the significant chemical patterns. The PCA provides a technique for re-expressing the
original data. The original data matrix, the base stock properties, Xi, is decomposed to
a linear combination of scores, U (weights) and eigenvector patterns VjT:
Xi = LiVi1 (A-3)
Several techniques are available for decomposing a matrix. One technique for decomposing a matrix is the Singular Value Decomposition, SVD as

described by Golub, Gene H., and Charles Van Loan, in Matrix Computatnns 2* Edition, p.70, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (1989):

The SVD provides two orthogonal matrices U and V that can be used to build the SIMCA models. The diagonal of the S matrix contains the singular values which are the positive square roots of the eigenvalues of the matrix XTX. The singula-values provide a direct indication of the rank of the matrix X Tne numDer of significant components used is determined by the cumulative variance calculated from the singular values. The matrix V contains the eigenvectors of X with the eigenvectors used as the chemical patterns for samples in the data matrix X. The matrix multiplication of US, gives the scores L
The terms "fitted" and "predicted" will now be used to identify various kinds of base stocks. These terms are not interchangeable. The term "fitted* denotes that a base stock sample was used to build the compositional model. "Predicted* indicates that a base stock sample is a true prediction and was not used in building the compositional model. All of the equations that follow are based on matrix calculations to facilitate the translation to Matlab, Matlab is commercial computation software available from Math Works, Inc. (Natick, MA) and provides a implementation of the singular value decomposition, SVD for matrices.
The SIMCA model requires that the residual error of eacn ciass be calculated. The principal components analysis provides some error filtering of the original data. Therefore, the residual of each base stock property is also examined. Residual error gives an indication of the "tightness" of each composition^ box. The SIMCA model uses the measured base stock properties and their chemical panems, or eigenvectors, to calculate the residual error of each sample. The residual error can be estimated using linear regression techniques. The fitted residual error is defined as the difference between the observed values Xj and the fitted, i.e., projected, values

*-Xt-Xi (A-Q
Xt-HXt (A-7)
The fitted values of Xi can be calculated from:
The matrix H is commonly referred to as the hat matrix and transforms observed
responses to fitted responses. The H matrix is estimated from
H = X(XTX)-}XT (A-8)
as described by Weisberg, Sanford, Applied Linear Regression, 2nd Edition, p.47, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1985. The fitted residual error can be re-expressed as
e = (l-H)Xi (A-9)
The orthogonal matrix U, truncated down to its most significant principle components, provides the basis for an important projection associated with the SVD:
UjUjT = projection on to range (X) (A-10)
The projection onto the range of X provides a method for transforming observed responses to fitted responses. The projection onto the range of X from the SVD of data matrix Xi provides a principal component based method for estimating the hat

The residual error of the fitted data is then estimated from the equation:

The residual variance of each class is calculated from the equation:

where NS is the number of samples, NV is the number of variables (base stock properties), and NC is the number of principal components.
The residual error of an unknown sample, Xu projected into class ei" is estimated from the significant eigenvectors and singular values:

An F-test is used to determine if the sample is outside the compositional box (volume):

As was discussed above, a second important statistic used in the SIMCA models is the Mahalanobis distance as described by Gordon, AD., Classification, Chapman and Hall, 1981, herein incorporated by reference. The Mahalanobis distance (M-distance) indicates whether a projection into the compositional model space is an extrapolation. The M-distance is estimated by

The covariance matrix I" is an unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix and can be calculated from:

The covariance matrix can be re-expressed in terms of the SVD of Xi:

The Mahalanobis distance for fitted samples becomes

and similarly the Mahalanobis (M) distance for predicted samples becomes

Thus, a plot of the M distance versus the calculated F value provioes a graphical representation of the base stock composition. The maximum M distance ts a direct measure of the size of the principal component space. Base stock samples should not exceed the M distance calculated from the data used to construct the compositional model. The F statistic indicates the type of residuals that remain after the sample is projected into the principal component space. Low values of F, for a model developed with a statistically significant number of base oil samples, F95% confidence limits indicate the base stock property residuals are null. The predictive errors are due to normal errors associated with collecting analytical data. If the F value is greater than 4, the principal components do not accurately model the data, and the sample does not fit into the compositional model.
To arrive at the comprehensive compositional model, separate compositional models for both light and heavy neutrals are constructed as described above. The compositional models for light and heavy neutrals are developed by repeating the above process for each of the respective base stock's performance tests such as those listed above.
Fig. 3 is a simplified illustration of how the acceptable region for each viscosity grade is generally developed. In Fig. 3, the performance of a senes of lubricant base stocks of the same viscosity grade were measured in two performance tests. The performance tests could be performed on either the same lubricant product formulation or on product formulations for different applications, i.e., automotive oil lubricants, industrial oil lubricants, marine oil lubricants, etc.
Still referring to Fig. 3, the "pass" regions, x and z, for each test are plotted on one graph. For simplicity, x and y represent the "pass" regions for only two performance tests of products made by either light or heavy neutral base stock. The overlapping "pass" regions become the acceptable region defining the respective

compositional model for light or heavy neutral base stocks and is, trus. preserve o* lubricant performance across a wide range of lubricant products.
Adjustments for viscosity variations (step 230) may be made at tnis ooint by, for example, simple linear interpolation derived from similar compositional rrooels having different determined parameters for different viscosities. Minor variations r viscosity outside the range determined by the compositional model may aiso be extrapolated. It has been found satisfactory to generate compositional rnooeis for each lubricant type such as, for example, light and heavy neutrals, using a limited range of viscosity values rather than to use a single value of viscosity for each type with adjustments for minor variations in the viscosities of the samples within each viscosity grade made by scaling composition according to typical trends of compositional variation with viscosity as described above. Thus, once the compositional model for the respective light and heavy neutral base stocks are developed, the comprehensive compositional model allows the accurate interpolation of the acceptable performance regions of base stocks of intermediate viscosity from the light and heavy neutral models. The interpolation is performed by another manipulation.
In order to interpolate the compositional model, the following compositional modeling principle is employed: a base stock of intermediate viscosity is approved if it is possible to mimic its composition as a blend of two acceptable fight and heavy neutrals.
In one embodiment of the present invention, the compositional model employs ellipses or ellipsoids to define the acceptable region, however, other geometrical figures can also be used. A simple linear interpolation of the prirapal component ends of the "ellipsoid" designated as the acceptable performance region, for example, could be used such that at every viscosity a different ellipse is used. Linear interpolations of orthogonal axes, however, are not orthogonal, and the desirable properties of the principal components would be lost.
Thus, the interpolations are accomplished by "morphing" one ellipsoid into another, i.e., linearly translating the center of the ellipse as a function of viscosity, while gradually rotating the ellipsoid, and expanding/contracting the ellipsoid axes according to their singular-value scales. This can be achieved if the compositional

models are in the same "space", and they have the same number of onrosa components.
In matrix notation, there is a square non-symmetric rotation transformation matrix T, that applied to a matrix V0 of mean-centered ortho-rorma! principal components, will rotate it exactly into the orthonormal principal components of another model, Vi:
TVo^V! (B1)
Since V0 is ortho-normal, T is simply expressed as
Tv0Vo = T = ViV0 . (B2)
Intermediate axes between model 0 and model 1 can be expressed as fractional rotations of T. Fortunately, well-developed matrix algebra exists for fractional transformations. If we define z=0 for model 0 (light neutral), and z=i for model 1 (heavy neutral), any intermediate set of rotated axes V2 can be expressed as
V2 = T2V0 = ED2EV0 (B3)
where T2 is the z-matrix power of T, computed from Ts eigen-analysis T E • E D, where E is ortho-normal and D is diagonal, and D2 is also diagonal, with the diagonal elements of D raised to the z power. Since T is not symmetric, both E and D will contain conjugate pairs of complex eigenvectors-eigenvalues, requiring como ex algebra.
Additional complications need to be addressed before computing v- *o- a given Vi and V0. One is chirality, and the other is alignment. Chiral objects a-e rv~cr images of each other. Therefore, it is impossible to rotate a chiral object into rts rv~or image. Likewise, a set of orthogonal vectors in multidimensional space has a certain characteristic or "sense* that is analogous to chirality. The only valid rotations r^at 00 not drastically deform the vectors into imaginary planes in intermediate steps are those that transform between sets of vectors with the same chirality, or sense. Tnus, to overcome this problem, the Vi columns are multiplied by -1 until the intermediary transformation vectors V0.5 are in the real plane.
The last complication of alignment is solved by computing all possible rotations in the real plane, and comparing their rotation "distance" for the 1st, 2nd, . . ., Nm principal components, until the rotation with the minimal angular change as a function of z change is found.

Once the proper rotation is found, the rest of the compcsrtiona" mooe parameters are interpolated accordingly. The average, axis scaling, ar>d MahaianoDes distance are interpolated linearly, while the f-ratio and the residual variance are interpolated quadratically.
This technique can be extended to a viscosity grade higher or lower than heavy or light neutrals, respectively. For example, by developing a compositional model for bright stocks (i.e. - VI of approximately 30 centastokes), one skilled in the art can readily interpolate for viscosity ranges between heavy neutrals and bnght stocks.
Prediction of product performance for products of all viscosities are made and compared to the actual performance at those viscosities. If the accuracy of the predictions at viscosities between those for which the compositional models were developed is less than that at the viscosities for which the compositional models were developed, additional compositional models can be developed at more viscosities until the accuracy is satisfactory. Once the comprehensive compositional model is determined across a plurality of products, for example, PVL, CVL, marine, and industrial lubricants, the comprehensive compositional model necessarily incorporates the performance levels of each finished product formulation. Thus, any lubricant base stock, selected according to any variety of ways, having any viscosity, whose lubricant performance is unknown in a finished lubricant product formulation, merely has to be analyzed for the chemical concentrations of the key compositional parameters (step 240). Once evaluated against the compositional model, the lubricant base stock either falls into the acceptable region or it does not. Thus, the compositional model predicts whether the lubricant base stock is acceptable for use in all lubricant prodL>cts or not acceptable for use as a lubricant, at least in its present form.
Fig. 4 shows the compositional model comprised of the acceptable compositional regions for the light and heavy neutral models. While there is considerable overlap between the acceptable regions for the light and heavy neutral compositional models, this is not the most efficient way to use the compositional model. Rather, the most efficient way to use the compositional model is in its comprehensive form as such comprehensive compositional model employs all reasonable interpolations for viscosity in between these extremes. Since both light

and heavy neutrals are produced from a given crude, the composftoral rnooe. as shown in Fig. 4, indicates that many potential crudes are suitable to be used for lubricant products over a plurality of viscosities, as long as there is overlap in tne acceptable areas as determined by the compositional model for the piurairty of viscosities. The lower sulfur and aromatics region, however, is acceptable for light neutrals but not acceptable for heavy neutrals. As shown, such a region generally provides good Sequence VE, Mack T-8, and CEO Caterpillar 1M-PC performance
As described above, the compositional model is based on lubricant base stock compositions known to yield good lubricants. In other embodiments of the invention, options are available for those base stock compositions that have been designated by the compositional model as "failed." For example, in one embodiment of the invention, the "failed" sample may be blended with a base stock that has "passed" to yield an acceptable composition. This embodiment is illustrated in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 shows an approximate two-dimensional representation of the acceptable region of the compositional model for a light neutral with the concentration of total aromatics versus total sulfur as the compositional parameters. The light neutral base stocks of a plurality of crudes are plotted on the graph according to the relative concentrations of total aromatics and total sulfur. Some of the crudes produce light neutrals whose compositional components fall within the acceptable region of the compositional model, and some do not. Those that do not fall within the acceptabJe region, however, may be blended with a base stock composition that does fail within the acceptable region. Base stock compositions can be blended only if the compositions between the two or more base stocks to be blended (step 250) are complementary. For example, in Fig. 5, the light neutral base stock produced from crude J contains a high amount of aromatics and a high concentration of total sulfur. Such base stock produced from crude J, could be blended with the fight neutral base stock produced from crude D, for example, which contains a lower level of both total aromatics and sulfur such that the combined product is well within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model. Knowing the concentrations of the compositional parameters allows a calculation of the amounts of each base stock required to achieve a resultant base stock composition whose compositional parameters are within the acceptable region (steps 270 and 280).

Two "failing" base stocks can also be combined in this manner as iong as their compositions are complementary in such a way that their combination win result in a base stock whose compositional parameters fall within the compositional mooe?'s predicted acceptable region. Referring again to Fig. 5, the light neutra' base stock produced from crude A, for example, can be combined with the light neutral base stock from crude X to form the "passing" light neutral base stock AX. In contrast the light neutral base stock produced from crude A cannot be combined with the iight neutral base stock from crude Y to yield a "passing" combination as the bias in composition of each base stock is not favorable enough to achieve a 'passing" resultant base stock.
The compositional model allows the integration of known refining data with the prediction of lubricant performance. For example, the compositions of the base stocks produced from the world's crudes can be readily determined by conventional analytical techniques by those skilled in the art. Thus, knowing either a selected crude or selected base stock's refining data allows one to determine whether the selected crude or base stock can be refined to within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model (step 285). In the case of a crude, knowing the selected crude's refining data allows one to determine whether the selected crude can be refined to produce a base stock whose composition is within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model. For example, it is known in the art of tube manufacturing that as the solvent, e.g. furfural, extraction severity is increased (step 140 in Fig. 1), certain key compositional components, such as, for example, total aromatics and aliphatic sulfur, decrease when a base stock is solvent extracted.
For this extraction step, any commercial refinery extraction process can be employed but normally, however, the extraction process is a continuous fiow process. In most continuous flow commercial processes, the oil is introduced into the lower part of the vessel with a multiplicity of mixers inside. The multiplicity of mixers allows the refinery to control the severity of the extraction. A solvent is introduced near the top of the vessel. The solvent is typically liquid sulfur dioxide mixed with benzene, furfural, propane, phenol, N-methylpyrrolidone, or the like. A furfural extraction is preferred. The solvent then works its way towards the bottom of the vessel dissolving the extract as it goes along. The remaining solvent-refined stock, or

raffinate, rises to the top of the vessel and is separated from the sofvsnt-conainLng extract.
In addition, hydroprocessing (step 180 in Fig. 1) may also De used to remove sulfur and other heteroatoms from the base stock. Any commercial refinery hydroprocessing method can be employed. Most commercial hydroprocessng operations entail mixing the stream of base stock with hydrogen at temperatures from 260° to 425°C. The oil combined with the hydrogen is then charged to a vessei filled with a catalyst so that the required reactions can occur. The oil is then sent to a flash tank to remove inorganic heteroatoms such as hydrogen sulfide and any light hydrocarbons that may have resulted during the catalytic reaction.
The effect of the commercial extraction processes on, for example, light neutral base stocks is shown relative to the light neutral compositional model with the concentration of total aromatics versus total sulfur as the compositional parameters in Fig. 6. To determine whether a base stock can be refined to yield a composition within the acceptable region, a series of base stocks produced from different crudes is plotted to illustrate the effects of extraction severity on the base stocks. The effects of the extraction processes on the viscosity index (VI) is also shown. Here, it is evident that if a base stock produced from a certain crude has a high concentration of. for example, total aromatics and total sulfur such that it is outside of the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model, such as, for example, the base stock produced by crude K, the base stock may be further refined (step 290) to a point where its composition does fall within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model. Likewise, the extracted base stocks can be combined in the manner described above to yield a composition within the acceptable region predicted by the compositional model.
The effect of refining of a number of different of crudes can enable a prediction of blend parameters to be made, based on the composftion of the base stocks produced from such crudes. Likewise, knowing the composition and viscosity of any stream in the refinery, such as, for example, those shown in Fig. 1, a composition can be predicted and blended that will further refine into a base stock having a composition within the acceptable region determined by the model.

The compositional changes that depend on changes in refining, ertner solvent or hydroprocessing, are well known and can easily be modeled for tne purposes of selecting suitable refinery streams from known crude sources and for selecting suitable crudes themselves. In particular, the effects of unit processes sucn as, for example, distillation, solvent extraction, dewaxing, and hydroprocessing can be modeled and used according to the present understanding. This modeling mduoes such elements as aromatics level and type, sulfur level and types, nitrogen level and types, and may include others as required. The effects of unit processes shouid include such parameters as distillation cut points, solvent dosage and temperatures, contact times, dewaxing dosages and temperature profiles, hydrogen pressure, temperature, catalyst type, conversion and hydrogen treat rate.
Referring now to Fig. 7, it is seen that in one embodiment of the present invention, the compositional model 801 developed as discussed above is run on a computer or processor 803 having attached memory 805. The processor 803 and memory 805 may be any appropriate processor and memory, respectively, without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. For example, the processor may be PC-based or main-frame-based and the memory may be RAM, ROM, or any appropriate storage device such as a hard drive and the like.
Still referring to Fig. 7, the compositional model typically receives as input data representing a base stock 807 or base stocks 807 (in the blending case), or data representing a crude 809 or crudes 809 (in a blending case). Regarding the data representing the crude(s) 809, the model may also receive as input data representing the refining data 810 of the particular crude(s) 809. Typically, the compositional parameters are, in fact, input in the base stock(s) case, or are predicted in the case of crude(s). Typically, appropriate information on the compositional parameters is available as assay data which is stored in the memory 805 in the case of the base stock(s). In the case of crudes, such compositional parameters may be predicted from a library of industry data which is also stored in the memory 805. Once presented with such data, the compositional model predicts whether the inputted base stock(s) 807 or crude(s) 809 are acceptable in accordance with the method as described above and provides an appropriate output 811.

1. A method for blending a combination of petroleum refinery streams from among a plurality of such refinery streams, the selected blend to be used in manufacturing a lubricant base stock for a particular lubricant application, each of the streams being capable of being refined into lubricant base stocks characterizable according to a plurality of compositional components common to a plurality of the base stocks, each compositional component varying in amount with respect to each base stock, the method comprising the steps of identifying particular ones of the plurality of compositional components in a base stock that, in combination, are probative of lubricant performance for the particular application; determining an acceptable range for a combination of the identified compositional components at least two viscosities from a plurality of performance tests on a plurality of lubricant products, each lubricant product having a viscosity, the plurality of lubricant products having a plurality of different viscosities, thereby defining a compositional model at each of the at least two viscosities; adjusting for viscosity variations for lubricant base stocks whose viscosities differ from that of the at least two viscosities by adjustment of the compositional model's parameters from at least two compositional models at values of viscosity differing from those of a candidate lubricant base stock to derive an acceptable range of compositional components, in combination, at the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base stock; identifying the amounts of the identified compositional components for a lubricant base stock which is to be refined from the plurality of refinery stream; determining the composition of the blend of the streams in accordance with the combination of identified components within the acceptable range for such identified components for the particular application, and blending the streams in accordance with the determined composition.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the determination of the blend of composition of the blend of streams is made in accordance with the composition of the streams and a refining processing model which correlates stream composition with the composition of the lubricant base stock according to the identified components.
3. The method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the determination of the blend of composition of the blend of streams is made in accordance with the composition of the streams and a refining processing model which correlates stream composition with the composition of the

lubricant base stock according to the identified components and with acceptable refining conditions.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, in which the refinery streams are raffinates produced by solvent extraction of a vacuum distillate.
5. The method as claimed in claim 4, wherein the raffinates are subjected to a refining process model comprised of unit subtractive refining operations including distillation, solvent extraction and dewaxing, wherein the refining process model accounts for compositional changes that depend on changes in the unit subtractive refining operations.
6. The method as claimed in claim 4, wherein the refining process model includes unit process models for dewaxing of the raffinate.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the determined acceptable range for each identified component is selected from the group consisting of an acceptable range that is independent of any other identified component and an acceptable range that is inter-related to an acceptable range of another identified component.

8. The method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the identifying step comprises selecting compositional components from the group consisting of basic nitrogen, sulfur, aliphatic sulfur, aromatics, and a combination thereof.
9. The method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the step of blending the required amount of each crude required in the crude composition.

10. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the step of blending the required amount of each refinery stream required in the composition of refinery streams.
11. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the plurality of refinery streams comprises distillates, raffinates, crudes, atmospheric residuals, bright stocks, dewaxed oils, base stocks, and any combination thereof.

12. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the refinery streams are raffinates produced by solvent extraction of a vacuum distillate.
13. A method for manufacturing a lubricant base stock composition by blending a plurality of lubricant base stocks, the base stock composition to be used in manufacturing a lubricant for a particular application, where none of the plurality of base stocks is acceptable as the lubricant base stock, the method comprising characterizing the lubricant base stock according to a plurality of compositional components common to the plurality of lubricant base stocks, each compositional component varying in amount with respect to each base stock, identifying particular ones of the plurality of compositional components in a base stock that, in combination, are probative of lubricant performance for the particular application; determining an acceptable range for a combination of the identified compositional components at least two viscosities from a plurality of performance tests on a plurality of lubricant products, each lubricant product having a viscosity, the plurality of lubricant products having a plurality of different viscosities, thereby defining a compositional model at each of the at least two viscosities; adjusting for viscosity variations for lubricant base stocks whose viscosities differ from that of the at least two viscosities by adjustment of the compositional model's parameters from at least two compositional models at values of viscosity differing from those of a candidate lubricant base stock to derive an acceptable range of compositional components, in combination, at the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base stock; identifying the amounts of the identified compositional components for each of the plurality of base stocks; determining a composition for a blend of selected ones of the base stocks such that the composition of the blended combination of base stocks with respect to the identified components is within the acceptable range for such identified components for the base stock for the particular application, and blending the base stocks in accordance with the composition determined for the blend.
14. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein the blend is a binary blend of two base stocks, neither of which has a composition which is acceptable for the selected base stock for the particular application.
15. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein the compositions of the base stocks, which are not acceptable for the selected base stock for the particular application, are complementary for at least one of the identified components.

16. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein at least one of the base stocks which is not
acceptable for the selected base stock has a composition in which the amount of at least one
of the identified components is below the acceptable range for that component in the selected
base stock and the amount of the same at least one component in the base stock having the
complementary composition is above the acceptable range for that at least one component.
17. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein the blend is a binary blend of two base
stocks neither of which is acceptable for the selected base stock.
18. The method as claimed in claim 1, 12 or 13, wherein the adjustment for viscosity
variations is made by interpolation of compositional model parameters between the
compositional model parameters for the compositional model at the viscosity next higher than
the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base stock and the compositional model parameters at
the viscosity next below the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base stock.
19. The method as claimed in claim 1, 12 or 13, wherein the adjustment for viscosity
variations is made by extrapolation of compositional model parameters from compositional
model parameters at viscosities differing from the viscosity of the candidate lubricant base



Patent Number 268788
Indian Patent Application Number 722/CHE/2008
PG Journal Number 38/2015
Publication Date 18-Sep-2015
Grant Date 16-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 25-Mar-2008
Applicant Address 3225 GALLOWS ROAD FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 22037
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10G25/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date 2000-01-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 09/240,976 1999-01-29 U.S.A.
2 09/240,027 1999-01-29 U.S.A.