Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a thin, layered, variable label structure with built - in electronic functionality. The display and/or other functional element in the structure may be formed by printing processes. The label structure includes a thin, layered structure with an active display, comprising a base layer and a cover layer of material and a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer. The display is formed with a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair or spaced apart electrodes. The cover layer includes a window to allow for the layer of electrochromic ink to be visible through the cover layer. The label also is configured to respond to an actuating event by completing an electrical connection between a power source and the pair of spaced apart electrodes of the display component, thereby causing the display to change its appearance. The actuating event may include a variety of occurrences, such as : pressing a switch on the label, introducing a power source to activate the display, and a sensor sensing a condition near the label.
Full Text WO 2006/110622 PCT/US2006/013236
[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No.
60/670,076, filed April 11, 2005 and U.S. Patent Application No. 11/209,345, filed
August 22, 2005.
[0002] The present invention relates to a thin, layered, active label structure with built-in
electronic functionality, for example an embedded active display and associated
electronics for driving the display. The display and/or other functional elements in the
structure are formed by printing processes.
[0003] Product labels have played an important role in communicating information to
people and devices. Typically, the primary purpose of labels is to provide information
such as: directions for use; product identification; trademarks; promotions; production;
freshness or "use-by" dates; product authentication; and other product-related
information. Existing labels generally convey static information such as type, logos,
graphics and product identification information, such as barcodes and the like. Although
variable information (e.g., product serial numbers) has been introduced to individual parts
of some existing labels, once such labels are produced, the image cannot be changed
without removing layers or physically altering the surface.
[0004] Though it is highly desirable to include an active image in product labels, few
effective and affordable methods currently achieve this function. Currently, labels are
generally produced in extremely large volumes at very low cost using traditional printing
processes. Thus, the desire to include active image functionality to the labels through
existing methods has also been limited by the inability to introduce an active image
without modifying the existing manufacturing processes and absorbing the associated
costs. The desire to provide active image functionality through existing methods is also

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present for applications that are not labels in the usual sense (i.e. labels are usually
affixed to the product or its container) but are closely associated with a product or
service; for example, a timer token packaged with a product indicating elapsed time
relating to product use, variable use instructions, or other active package inserts may be
produced to accompany product packaging or be constructed directly on product
[0005] Some methods exist in the art to provide active image labels through the use of
thermochromic or photochromic inks that respond to environmental conditions such as
temperature or light. However, the utility of such approaches is limited due to the
extreme environmental changes required to alter the image. Likewise, optically variable
images have been used to add active components to labels, but the utility of such
approaches is limited by the inability to control the activation of an alternate image.
[0006] Other active labels implement methods to communicate information from the
label to a machine through the use of RF energy for providing information. Although this
method provides additional information to compatible machines, it does not allow
additional communication to humans, because the stored information is not
communicated visually.
[0007] Another approach for providing active images in labels has been through thin
displays. Displays are generally differentiated from print by the capability to actively
change an image. Print is considered static, because once the image is produced, it
cannot change or be influenced by the external environment. Displays, on the other hand,
have the ability to change, based on a given input or environmental condition.
[0008] Another differentiating factor between displays and traditional printed labels is
cost. The cost for traditional print is very low due to the large volumes produced; the
substrate used (paper) and the production processes. Typical printing processes run at
very high speeds and use low cost substrates to convey information at the extremely low
cost point necessary for widespread application. Print processes can easily change over
from one print job to the next. Trillions of square feet of static print are produced

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annually via these processes on a global basis. They include newspapers, product
packaging, product labels, publications and many other applications.
[0009] By contrast, conventional displays are typically produced by traditional electronic
assembly processes. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and Organic Light Emitting Diodes
(OLEDs) are produced in conventional electronic fabrication plants, using micro-
assembly techniques, and are built on polarized glass. Extreme precision is required on
the disposition of the active components, and environmental conditions also must be
tightly controlled.
[0010] Displays can vary in complexity from simple, single dot or icon images to full-
color video. The information content depends on the purpose of the specific display and
the particular communication need. Examples may include a single icon that
communicates a desired warning message, an alpha-numeric display that communicates
words and numeric values or a matrix addressable display that communicates more
complex images such as maps or pictures. The rate at which the display can change or
update determines the stream of information which can be updated.
[0011] Display technology has evolved to meet society's need for increased information.
Of particular interest is the need to provide displays that are thin and withstand flexing at
a cost that allows widespread implementation on disposable items in extremely high
[0012] Several attempts have been made to produce such displays. LCDs were
developed using glass as the substrate. Some recent flexible LCD developments achieve
the necessary flexibility but are still extremely costly to produce. Other flexible
technologies include electrophoretic displays such as those described in U.S. Patent No.
6,445,489. Electrophoretic displays exhibit the necessary flexibility but currently cannot
be produced with existing high-volume and low-cost printing production processes.
[0013] Other advances have been made in higher content displays as well. OLEDs
provide color and very high resolution. OLEDs can be made flexible but require
significant power and are most suitable for high value, high content applications.

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[0014] As described, printing techniques generally benefit from cost savings and
production efficiencies. Electro-phoretic displays take advantage of some of the print
manufacturing process benefits. This technology may implement screen printing to
deposit the active layer between a conductive front and backplane. However, relatively
thick layers of ink are required and cell thickness must be tightly controlled. Moreover,
operating voltages for electro-phoretic displays are high, typically more than 7 volts,
which requires additional components to alter the power from traditional batteries.
[0015] Thus, there is a need for a thin and flexible, layered label structure with built-in
electronic functionality, such as an embedded active display and associated electronics
for driving the display. This need also extends to non-label structures as well, such as
timer tokens, variable instructions, electrochromic holographic structures, or other active
structures. There is also a need for such label and non-label structures with active
displays that visually convey desired information to humans. Moreover, there is a need
to produce a structure with electronic functionality through low-cost methods, such as
printing processes, that allow for widespread implementation on disposable items in
extremely high volumes. There is also a need for the structure with electronic
functionality to be powered by a relatively low voltage and/or current.
[0016] The present invention relates to a thin, layered, variable label structure with built-
in electronic functionality. The display and/or other functional elements in the structure
may be formed by printing processes. The label structure includes a thin, layered
structure with an active display, comprising a base layer and a cover layer of material and
a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer. The display is
formed with a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair of spaced apart electrodes. The
cover layer includes a window to allow for the layer of electrochromic ink to be visible
through the cover layer. The label also is configured to respond to an actuating event by
completing an electrical connection between a power source and the pair of spaced apart
electrodes of the display component, thereby causing the display to change its
appearance. The actuating event may include a variety of occurrences, such as: pressing

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a switch on the label, introducing a power source to activate the display, and a sensor
sensing a condition near the label.
[0017] Figure 1 is a plan view of a display electrode configuration with a side-by-side
contact arrangement.
[0018] Figure 2A is a schematic cross-section side view of a label structure of the present
invention incorporating an active display and terminals for contacting an external power
probe for powering the display.
[0019] Figure 2B is a schematic cross-section side view of a label structure of the present
invention incorporating an active display and an RF antenna for powering the display.
[0020] Figure 2C is a schematic cross-section side view of a label structure of the present
invention incorporating an active display and an internal battery for powering the display.
[0021] Figure 2D is a schematic cross-section side view of a label structure of the present
invention incorporating an active display, an internal battery for powering the display,
and a sensor for actuating the display.
[0022] Figure 3 A is a schematic cross-section side view of a label structure of the present
invention including a switch and internal battery and being configured to show elapsed
[0023] Figure 3B is a schematic cross-section top view of another label structure of the
present invention including a switch and internal battery and being configured to show
elapsed time.
[0024] Figure 4A is a top view of the label structure shown in Figure 3 A.
[0025] Figure 4B is a top view of a label structure of the present invention including two
switches and being configured to show elapsed time.

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[0026] Figure 4C is a top view of a label structure of the present invention including a
sensor and being configured to show elapsed time.
[0027] Figure 4D is a top view of a label structure of the present invention including two
sensors and two pixels.
[0028] Figure 4E is a top view of a label structure of the present invention including two
sensors, two switches, and two pixels.
[0029] Figure 4F is a top view of the label structure shown in Figure 3B including
timeline on the graphic ink layer to give context to the imaging display material.
[0030] Figures 5A-5J are top views of a label structure of the present invention at various
stations of a print process.
[0031] Figure 6 is a top view of a label structure of the present invention including six
switches and being configured to show a product dosage size.
[0032] Introduction
[0033] The present invention relates to label display technology that can be produced
entirely or primarily through printing processes, such as the flexographic, gravure, or
rotary screen processes. The resulting display labels are extremely thin and flexible and
can be printed on a variety of substrates such as papers, films, foils or other flexible
substrates. The low cost associated with the printing processes and the label materials
allows implementation at very high volumes that cannot be achieved with current display
technologies. The display labels may be powered through a variety of means, such as an
external probe, an RF antenna, or an internal embedded or printed battery. The label
structures described herein may also be constructed in non-label embodiments as well,
such as timer tokens, package instructions, electrochromic holographic structures, or
other active structures.

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[0034] The display labels provide active images that can be controlled by a variety of
actuating events that cause the label to display visual information. The display labels of
the present invention typically employ electrochromic material as the display, which
responds chemically and visibly to an actuating event. The display may be produced
with existing print processes used to manufacture conventional static images by
depositing the electrochromic material in the desired configuration, as described in more
detail below. Activation of the label's image requires an electrical input, which can be
controlled through the use of printed switches, sensors, or other low cost actuation
[0035] The invention allows for the combination of active images in the electrochromic
display material with static images elsewhere in the label, which increases the quantity of
information communicated visually by the label. The information communicated by the
display label may be simple, such as an "on/off message indicator or "good/bad"
message indicator. Alternatively, more complicated infonnation may also be
communicated through the display label through the use of configurations such as an
active matrix display. Regardless of the complexity of the infonnation communicated,
the image of the active display generally changes in response to an actuating event.
[0036] Display
[0037] With reference to Figure 1, the display label includes an electrochromic display
material 110 deposited in the label structure in contact with a pair of spaced apart
electrodes 120 and 130, which may be described as the anode and cathode of the display.
The display construction, described in more detail below, requires the positive electrode
(cathode) 130 and negative electrode (anode) 120 be configured to supply a direct current
and potential across the display material 110. The electrochromic display material 110 is
typically formed with non-aqueous electro-active ink. Examples of such inks are
disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos. 6,639,709, 6,744,549, and 6,879,424, and U.S. Application
No. 11/029,201, entitled "Universal Display Module, filed January 4, 2005, each hereby
incorporated by reference.

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[0038] A variety of actuating events, as described below, may trigger a change in the
display material 110. An actuating event creates a potential difference across the two
electrodes 120 and 130, which in turn causes at least a portion of the display material 110
to image, i.e., to present a visible change in the display material 110. Specifically, the
display material 110 is caused to image by connecting the electrodes to a DC power
supply. The applied voltage causes current to run across the display material 110, which,
in turn results in illumination or "imaging" of the display material ink. The non-aqueous
ink described above is known to image at about 1.2 volts DC, but lower voltages such as
0.8 volts may suffice in certain configurations.
[0039] The geometry of the electrodes and display material can be varied independent of
the power source provided, as is described in more detail below. The electrodes are
configured in either a planar configuration, formed side-by-side on the same substrate of
the display label, or in a co-planar geometry, formed on different substrates of the display
label. In the co-planar arrangement, the anode and cathode are spatially and electrically
separated by spacer or a suitable dielectric material.
[0040] Label Construction
[0041] The display label components of the present invention are produced through
traditional print processes such as the rotary or flat screen printing, flexography, or
gravure processes. The construction of the label structure, including the display material
and power source, may be produced through a high speed print process, which allows for
high-quantity and low-cost production of the labels. Additionally, non-printed,
preformed components, such as integrated circuits and sensors, may be inserted to the
label structure during or after the printing process.
[0042] Suitable print processes include offset lithography, flexography, gravure, screen
printing and digital printing such as electrostatic toners and ink jet. Offset lithography
dominates the traditional print markets due to the high speeds, full color and substrate
tolerances achieved. The next highest volume print methods include flexography and
gravure. The primary advantages of these processes are that a wide variety of inks and
substrates can be used at high speed. Screen printing can be used in either a rotary format

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or flat-bed format. The primary advantage of screen printing is that thicker ink layers can
be deposited than by either lithography, flexography or gravure, but the process typically
runs much slower. These methods do not typically allow for changes on a sheet-by-sheet
basis. However, when variability of the image is not a dominating consideration or the
print run is long, these methods entail much lower cost than other print methods.
[0043] The primary advantage of digital print methods is the ability to change images on
a sheet-by-sheet or cell-by-cell basis which allows variable print and is particularly
economical when only short print runs are required. This method may be desirable when
variable images are required, such as serialization of a set of labels.
[0044] Figures 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D show a schematic cross-section side view of a label
structure 200 incorporating an active display 110, each powered by different means in
accordance with embodiments of the present invention. The label structure 200 includes
several discrete layers, which are applied sequentially during the printing process. In the
embodiments shown in Figures 2A-2D, these layers, or components, include a base layer
210, circuitry 220, display material 110, a laminating adhesive 230, a cover film 240, and
a graphic ink layer 250.
[0045] The base layer, or base substrate, 210 supports the overall label structure. Base
layer 210 is typically a traditional label stock and may include a poly-coated paper or
film with a pressure sensitive adhesive coated on one side and may be laminated to a
silicone coated release sheet. However, different substrates may be suitable for the base
layer 210, such as paper, card stocks, un-supported films and the like.
[0046] The circuitry 220 includes anodic electrode 120 and cathodic electrode 130, along
with their respective conductive traces 290 and 280 connecting them to a power source
and any other desired interconnecting circuits and pixels. The electrodes 120 and 130
and conductive traces 290 and 280 may be produced using a variety of conductive
materials for both the anode and cathode. For planar electrode configurations, examples
of suitable electrode conductor materials for the circuitry layer 220 include printed
conductive silver, etched or stamped foils, printed conductive carbon or die cut metallic
foils. The cathode conductor 130 should have chemical resistance to the electro-active

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ink, suitable conductivity, and the ability to pattern the electrodes spatially. Typically,
the traces 280 and 290 are produced by a printing process with the same conductive
material. For co-planar electrode configurations, suitable backplanes in circuitry layer
220 on base layer 210 can be constructed using a wide variety of conductive materials.
The backplane typically forms the display image, which can be as complex as a matrix
addressable pattern or as simple as a single pixel indicator.
[0047] The laminating adhesive 230 encloses the display material 110, and the cover film
240 encapsulates the top portion of the display material 110. The adhesive 230 is applied
by printing around the display material 110 and adheres the cover film 240 to the base
layer 210 or the circuitry layer 220. The cover film 240 is a clear film of any number of
suitable materials, such as polyester, polyethylene, or PVC, and it is laminated over the
display material 110 and adhesive 230. In a side-by-side, or planar, configuration as
shown in Figs. 2A-2D, where the positive electrode 130 and negative electrode 120 are
both situated in the same layer, namely the circuitry layer 220, the display material 110 is
encased by cover film 240, which is a clear overprint to protect the lower layers and
contain the display materials. The anodic and cathodic electrodes 120 and 130 are
produced as pail of circuitry layer 220 on top of layer 210. When power is applied to the
traces 280 and 290, the current flows between the two electrodes 120/130 and activates
the display.
[0048] Alternatively, cover film 240 may be a clear conductive film, such as Indium Tin
Oxide coated polyester (ITO film). In this case, the cathode is printed and the ITO both
forms the anode and functions as the protective layer. The ITO film is attached to the
backplane through the use of a printed laminating adhesive. A conductive adhesive can
also be printed to provide an electrical connection between the ITO and the backplane, if
desired. Connection of the frontplane conductor 240 to the backplane, if desired, may
also be achieved by depositing a drop of conductive adhesive which provides an
electrical connection between the anode and the anode circuit on the backplane. When
voltage is applied to the display, current flows between the backplane conductor and the
surface of the ITO film.

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[0049] If a cover film 240 is not desired, a protective layer, such as varnish, can be
printed over the display 110 to protect and contain it. The varnish is deposited as a
printed coating and is cured through UV or EB radiation or through-thermal drying
during the print process.
[0050] A graphic ink layer 250 may be applied to the cover film 240. The graphic ink
layer 250 is printed with traditional graphic inks to produce the desired static image,
message, or other information for the label, such as calibration marks having a specified
relation to the display or directions for use. The graphic ink layer 250 includes a window
to allow the display material 100 to be visible, which allows the static images of the
graphic ink layer 250 to be used in concert with the active images produced by in the
display material 110. For example, it may be desirable for certain applications to print a
reference color or color scale on the graphic ink layer 250 that approximates the active
color of the display material 110 in proximity of the active image to provide a visual
reference for the user.
[0051] In some embodiments, the label structure 200 includes an IC, sensor, or other
electrical component that is not printable and which is in electrical connection with the
electrodes 120/130 and configured to drive display material 110. The IC provides
dynamic communication to the display 110 to achieve varying images as desired. The
incorporation of an IC, sensor, or other electrical component provides a means to increase
the complexity of display possibilities, thereby achieving greater information
communication. For example, Figure 2D shows a label structure 200 including a sensor
330 embedded into circuitry layer 220 by adhesive 230. The sensor 330 may be any
number of known sensors, such as an environmental sensor that measures temperature or
pressure. The sensor may be placed so as to sense conditions actually present in or near a
product or to sense more generally the conditions surrounding a product.
[0052] In addition to the particular layers and components described, for particular
applications of the label structure 200, a variety of other layers and electrical components
maybe incorporated into circuitry 220 or even other layers of the structure 200. The
surfaces of the structure 200 and the various constituent layers can be used to carry the

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necessary connecting circuitry for electrical elements. Each layer's front and back may
be used.for circuitry, including printable resistive, dielectric, or other components.
Techniques such as through-hole printing may be employed to bring a conductive circuit
from one face of a layer to the other. This is accomplished by providing a via through a
film layer that is connected electrically by providing a conductive material through the
via. The circuitry may be in the form of conductive traces such as printed silver or other
conductive, resistive, or dielectric materials that are known in the art. For example, in
one embodiment of the present invention the label structure is usable as a timer device.
In this embodiment, printed resistors may be provided to govern the current flow to
individual pixels of the display material 110, which alters the rate of imaging of each
pixel. As described in more detail below, by appropriately calibrating the resistors as a
function of time, the individual pixels are thereby sequentially activated, which allows
the label to function as a low cost timer.
[0053] Thus, all of the elements and components of the label structure 200 may either be
printed in a printing line or readily added to the steps occurring in a printing line. Known
processes may be used to print, or build with printed layers, a wide variety of elements
such as display pixels, conductive traces, resistors, switches, batteries, capacitors,
conductive adhesive, electrodes, capacitors, and antennas. These processes are described
in more detail in U.S. Patent Application No. 11/209,345, entitled, "Layered Structure
with Printed Elements," filed August 22, 2005, which is herein incorporated by reference.
[0054] Power
[0055] In addition to the need to produce the label structure in high volumes, a low cost
means to stimulate and control the display must be implemented. Electrical power is
required to activate most display technologies, and minimizing the power required to
activate the display reduces the overall cost of the display label. The electrochromic
display technology described in U.S. Patent Nos. 6,639,709, 6,744,549, and 6,879,424
operates at low voltage and current (on the order of 0.8 to 3.0 volts). For instance, in
some embodiments the minimum voltage required to activate the image may be less than
IV. The electrical current required for this technology is a function of the display

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thickness. For example, display thicknesses may be printed at .011, .005, and .003
inches. The corresponding response time for each display (i.e., the time from application
of power to a visible change) under identical power conditions is 250 milliseconds, 80
milliseconds, and 50 milliseconds respectively.
[0056] Generally, the actuating event that activates the display material does so by
completing a circuit between a power source and the electrodes 120/130. The displays
may be activated by a variety of power sources, such as external probes, RF fields, and
internal power. The selection of power source may be dictated by the particular
application of the display label.
[0057] In one embodiment of the present invention, an external power supply such as a
probe is employed to activate the display. With reference to Figure 2A, the label
structure 200 includes a positive terminal 260 and a negative terminal 270 that are
electrically connected to electrodes 130 and 120 respectively. The terminals are
connected to the electrodes by conductive traces 280 and 290. Because structure 200
includes a plurality of layers, each layer, front and back, may be used for circuitry,
including printable conductive traces. Techniques such as through-hole printing may be
employed to bring a conductive traces 280 and 290 from one face of a layer to the other
as shown in Figure 2A. The conductive traces may be a printed silver or other
conductive material that is known in the art. This process is described in more detail in
U.S. Patent Application No. 11/209,345. Because terminals 260 and 270 are situated on
an outer surface of the label structure, they are exposed such that they may be contacted
by an external probe to supply the desired voltage and current to the display, which
changes the image of the display material 110. The external supply may be part of a
larger assembly, if desired. Typically, such an external supply is battery operated and
portable. With the external probe, the actuating event is typically the action of bringing
the probe into contact with terminals 260 and 270. Such a label provides an inexpensive
way to display an otherwise invisible authentication marking.
[0058] As shown in Figure 2B, in another embodiment of the present invention the label
structure 200 includes a properly tuned RF antenna 310. The antenna 310 is electrically

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connected directly to the electrodes 120 and 130 by traces 290 and 280 and may be
printed through the processes described below using conductive material such as that
used to construct the display backplane. With an RF power source, the actuating event is
typically the action of bringing an RF transmitter (not shown) into sufficient proximity to
RF antenna 310. A current is generated through the display when the antenna is
inductively coupled to the transmitter with sufficient power. Because this power source
provides an alternating current, a diode must be included in the display circuit to convert
the current to direct current, which is required to activate the displays of the present
invention. The diode can be provided through a traditional surface mount component or
can be printed along with the other electrical components of the label. If the diode circuit
is pre-produced on the desired label substrate in a pre-determined location, it may
subsequently be finished through the printing process to add the other display
components. Such a label provides an inexpensive way to display an otherwise invisible
authentication marking.
[0059] As shown in Figures 2C and 2D, in yet another embodiment of the invention the
display is powered by an internal battery 310, so that an external power source is not
required. As with the RF antenna 300, the battery 300 is electrically connected to
electrodes 120 and 130. The internal battery 310 may be apre-made component that is
encapsulated or entirely printed into the label structure as an integrated part of the label.
Specifically, during the label construction, the anode and cathode of the battery are
printed along with the desired display image. This process is described in more detail in
U.S. Patent Application No. 11/209,345. The display is actuated by external stimuli,
such as touch, or by internal stimuli, such as sensor 330. For example, a traditional
membrane switch 320 or other means to turn the display on and off is provided and may
be printed through known printing processes, as shown in Figure 2C. The switch 320 can
be made permanent by providing a small conductive adhesive pad that permanently
closes the switch when activated. Alternatively, an internal stimuli may actuate the
display, such as sensor 330 that may be pre-made and incorporated into circuitiy layer
220 during the printing process. The sensor 330 may be as simple as a component that
closes a switch in response to an environmental condition being satisfied. For example,
the sensor 330 may be an environmental sensor that measures temperature. Here, the

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actuating event is the structure reaching a predetermined high or low temperature, in
response to which the sensor completes the electrical connection between electrodes
120/130 and the power source, battery 310. As a further alternative, the sensor 330 can
be one that accumulates or integrates over time other variables to which it is sensitive.
Then, the sensor may deliver an activation output from the battery 310 only after a period
of time; such a circuit may sense a longer term temperature exposure rather than a single
threshold event.
[0060] The label structure of the present invention has numerous applications, each of
which provides for activating the display material in response to an actuating event. In
one example, a label structure is externally powered with a probe and the display material
includes only a single pixel with planar electrodes and a graphic over-lay 250. In another
example, a display includes a single pixel with planar electrodes and graphic overlay and
the display material is RF-activated. In yet another example, a display label includes a
multi-pixel display with co-planar electrodes, and the display material is battery-powered
and actuated by closing a membrane switch. In still yet another example, a display label
includes RFID and a display and is actuated by an RF transmitter.
[0061] Timer
[0062] The present invention may be configured to provide a label structure with an
active display that indicates a time interval. Because the color change in the display
material 110 is a function of several controllable variables, such as voltage, current, and
display material volume, a desired configuration of power supply, circuitry, and display
material may provide a label structure that communicates elapsed time.
[0063] With reference to Figure 3A, a label structure 400 may be assembled to
communicate elapsed time by forming anodic electrode 120 to include a series of printed
resistors 410a-410e in circuitry layer 220. Cathodic electrode 130 is formed at the
intersection of display material 110 and cover film 240. This arrangement provides for
five planar pixels or pixel areas 420a-420e within the display material 110.

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[0064] In the configuration shown in Fig. 3A, the power source is printed battery 310,
such as a carbon zinc battery with a battery cathode connected to the common electrode
130 and the battery anode connected to the anode 120, which includes separated printed
resistors 410a-420e that connect to pixels 420a-420e respectively. Each of resistors
410a-410e has a distinct resistance. Although a battery provides the power source in this
example, other power sources described herein and known in the art may also be suitable
for timer constructions in accordance with the present invention.
[0065] In operation, responsive to an actuation event such as closing switch 320, the
individual pixels 420a-420e are powered in parallel by the same power source 310. The
current thereby supplied to each pixel 420 is greater for resistors 410 with lower
resistance and lower for resistors 410 with greater resistance. Accordingly, because the
development of color in each pixel 420 is a function of the current supplied that pixel, the
resistance value of each resistor 420 may be specifically selected to correspond to the
desired color development rate of the associated pixel. A static graphic in graphics layer
250 may be printed proximate each pixel 420 to indicate the corresponding elapsed time.
[0066] As shown in Figures 3 A and 4A, in one example of this embodiment, backplane
circuitry 220 is printed with five separate resistors 410. The resistors 410 are produced
using a carbon resist ink well known in the art. The spacing between the five anodes
within anode 120 and the common cathode 130 is 1 mm and the power supply is a printed
carbon zinc battery 310 providing a potential difference of 1.5 volts. Resistor 410a has
zero resistance, printed resistor 410b has a resistance of 140 Kohms, printed resistor 410c
has a resistance of 350 Kohms, resistor 410d has a resistance of 600 Kohms, and resistor
410e has a resistance of 800 Kohms. Once actuated through switch 320, pixel 420a is
activated in approximately one minute, which occurs when the color change of the
display material 110 at pixel 420a becomes visible. Pixel 420b is activated in
approximately three minutes, pixel 420c is activated in approximately five minutes, pixel
420d is activated in approximately eight minutes, and pixel 420e is activated in
approximately ten minutes.

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[0067] Graphic ink layer 250 may include additional static information that provides
context for the display 110, such as a time scale, time indicia, or other temporal visual
image. For example, as shown in Figure 4A, which is a top view of the structure shown
in Figure 3A, the graphic ink layer 250 includes the word "Minutes" and numbers
corresponding to each pixel's 420 associated time. Graphic ink layer 250 also includes
the word "Start" proximate switch 320, which actuates the timer. Numerous variations of
this timer label are possible. For instance, with reference to Figure 4B, a one minute and
five minute, two pixel label structure can be constructed using two of the previous
resistors, resistor 410a and 410c. Figure 4B also includes a second switch 340, which is
configured to clear the existing display pixels 420a and 420c to allow for a subsequent
timer actuation with switch 320. With reference to Figure 4C, a single pixel, ten minute
indicator may be constructed by printing only resistor 410e from the label structure
described above. Alternatively the display material 110 volume, instead of or in
combination with a resistor, may be used to achieve coloration of the pixel at the desired
[0068] All or most of the components of the label structure 400 may be produced using
the flexographic printing process, and one example print run is shown in Figures 5A-5J.
In this example, the base substrate 210, shown in Figure 5A, is a pressure sensitive coated
2 mil polyester film laminated to a silicone release liner. As shown in Figure 5B, the first
print station prints cathode and anode current collectors 510 and 520 for the battery
power source 310, as part of circuitry layer 220, onto base substrate 210. As shown in
Figure 5C, the second print station applies the conductive silver circuit that forms the
anode and cathode circuits 120/130, conductive traces 280/290, and the switch 320 layers
to the base layer 210 as part of circuitry layer 220. An optional resistor 410 may also be
printed along trace 290, as shown in Figure 5C. As shown in Figure 5D, the third print
station prints a manganese dioxide cathode 530 over the cathode current collector 510.
As shown in Figure 5E, the next print station applies a metallic zinc ink 540 over anode
current collector 520. As shown in Figure 5F, the following print station applies the
electro-active display material 110 to form at least one pixel area 420. As shown in
Figure 5G, the next station applies the battery electrolyte 550 over both the cathode 530
and the anode 540 to complete the battery power source 310. As shown in Figure 5H, the

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next station prints a UV curable laminating adhesive 230, which provides a surround that
encloses both the electro-active display area 110 and the battery area 310, and which may
also cover the battery 310. As shown in Figure 51, the next station laminates the cover
film 240 over the display material 110 and adhesive 230 to encapsulate the display.
Cover film 240 includes a window of transparent material such that display 110 is visible
[0069] As shown in Figure 5J, the next station applies graphics layer 250, which may be
pre-printed with both the label graphics as well as a shorting pad for switch 320. The
pre-printed web of graphics layer 250 is laminated to the cover film 240 using common
laminating techniques well known in the art. Upon lamination, the laminating adhesive is
cured with UV energy to seal the entire structure. Those skilled in the art will recognize
the desired web path to achieve the above label construction.
[0070] The web produced above can be finished into the final desired construction using
label finishing techniques such as die cutting with matrix stripping to achieve singulated
labels. The product can be serialized by the use of ink jet, laser printing or thermal
transfer of serial numbers to each individual label.
[0071] In yet another embodiment, the timer construction shown in Figures 3B and 4F
provides for a development of color in display material 110 at a fixed resistance and
voltage. Cathodic electrode 130 is arranged askew relative to anodic electrode 120, such
that the display material 110 will image sooner at points where the electrodes are closer
and later at points where the electrodes are further apart. The display material 110
images along the electrodes substantially linearly with respect to time. As shown in
Figure 4F, by providing visual time or color references in graphics layer 250, the elapsed
time is determined by comparing the progression of imaged display material 110 or the
color visibly developed in the display material 110 against the visual reference. By
changing the resistance of resistor 410 in anodic electrode 120, a change in the time scale
is achieved, which allows timers with various ranges to be produced from the same basic
design and materials.

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[0072] Variable Instructions and Other Applications
[0073] In still another embodiment, the present invention makes possible a new way of
presenting use instructions. For some medicines or nutriceuticals, the recommended dose
or amount to be consumed is variable depending on age or weight or other patent
dimensions. A conventional way to present this information is in the form of a table or
verbal description printed on an instruction sheet. If the table is complex, this can be
difficult to understand and may be too large to present on a small container, at least in
print fonts of reasonable size.
[0074] In Figure 6 is shown a label configuration in which the user can select a button
switch 320 for one of several weight ranges. By closing the switch, the user completes a
circuit for a particular configuration of a segmented display 420, which identifies the
dose or amount to be consumed, e.g., "1.5 TSP" or "0.5 oz." Each switch may be
electrically connected to complete a separate circuit corresponding to unique deposits of
display material. Alternatively, each switch may be electrically configured to logic
components arranged to display different information on the same display material
depending on the selected switch.
[0075] In another embodiment of the present invention, a holographic product
authentication label can be produced that provides the user with an active mark when
activated through an external power source. In this example, a co-planar geometry is
employed with a conductive ITO sputtered front plane and patterned backplane which
form the image. In this particular example, an embossed polyester film is sputtered with
ITO to achieve a holographic effect on the surface of the display. When the display is
inactive, the label appears to have a traditional hologram on the surface, which is formed
in graphics layer 250. When the display is activated, the hologram is altered with either a
discreet image or the entire hologram can change color.
[0076] The display is activated by providing an external probe which provides at least
1.5 V to the display. The use of the probe eliminates the need for an internal power source
and allows the hologram to be "activated" using a special probe to increase the security
of the device. A further dimension of security may be added by use of the timing

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structures discussed above, such that the hologram is altered only after a specified lapse
of time.
[0077] In another embodiment of the present invention, the timer label described above is
both powered and activated through the use of RF energy. In this example, a RF antenna
is included in the conductive circuit. The antenna couples with a reader which provides
the power for the timer circuit. Since the label is inactive until power is provided, moving
the label within the reader range activates the timer thereby functioning as the switch as
well. Radio frequency readers typically operate at 13.56 Mhz although other frequencies
are employed as well. The energy inductively coupled is in the form of Alternating
Current therefore a diode is included to convert the power to Direct Current to power the
display. Therefore the timer is active whenever the antenna is coupled to the reader.
[0078] In another embodiment of the present invention, a holographic display suitable for
product authentication is produced, which is both powered and activated through the use
of RF energy. In this example, the label has the appearance of a traditional hologram until
it passes through a reader field where the display activates, providing an active hologram.
[0079] The label construction may also be configured with variations of the
aforementioned arrangements. For example, Figures 4D and 4E show label constructions
that include two sensors 330/360, where the sensors are configured to complete the
electrical connection between electrodes 120/130 and battery 310 responsive to a desired
environmental condition being satisfied, such as temperature. Sensor 330 is configured
to actuate a display pixel 420 if a predetermined low temperature is sensed and sensor
360 is configured to actuate a different display pixel 420 if a predetermined high
temperature is sensed. The label construction shown in Figure 4E further includes two
switches 320/340 for providing a secondary actuator for each pixel 420.
[0080] Conclusion
The above examples illustrate the range and flexibility of the printed structure of the
present invention. In particular, the present invention may be used to produce efficiently
an active display in label and non-label constructions that provide specified electronic

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functionality of a variety uses. Those skilled in the art will recognize that other
components and configurations can be practiced and are within the scope of the present

WO 2006/110622 PCT/US2006/013236
1. A thin, layered structure with an active display, comprising:
a base layer and a cover layer of material;
a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer, the
display component including a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair of
spaced apart electrodes in electrical connection with the layer of
electrochromic ink, wherein the layer of electrochromic ink is visible
through a window in the cover layer; and
an actuator configured to complete an electrical connection between a power
source and the pair of spaced apart electrodes of the display component,
2. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the power source includes a battery
situated between the base layer and the cover layer.
3. The layered structure of claim 2, wherein the actuator includes a switch for
completing the electrical connection between the power source and the pair of spaced
apart electrodes.
4. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the actuator includes an environmental
sensor for selectively completing the electrical connection between the power source and
the pair of spaced apart electrodes upon the occurrence of a sensed condition.
5. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the power source includes a pair of
terminals, the pair of terminals being exposed external to the cover layer.
6. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the actuator includes a pair of terminals
adopted to receive an external probe of the power source thereby completing the
electrical connection between the power source and the pair of spaced apart electrodes.

WO 2006/110622 PCT/US2006/013236
7. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the power source includes an RF
antenna situated between the base layer and the cover layer.
8. The layered structure of claim 7, wherein the actuator includes a RF transmitter
configured to transmit RF waves receivable by the RF antenna thereby providing an
electrical current to the spaced apart electrodes.
9. The layered structure of claim 1, further comprising a graphics layer situated over
the cover layer, the graphics layer having a static image.
10. The layered structure of claim 9, wherein the graphics layer includes a window
configured to allow the display component to be visible therethrough.
11. The layered structure of claim 9, wherein the graphics layer includes a
holographic film configured to allow the display component to be visible therethrough.
12. The layered structure of claim 10, wherein the static image includes a visual
reference arranged such that the visual reference provides context to the display
13. The layered structure of claim 12, wherein the visual reference includes a first
shade of a color associated with a first elapsed time value and a second shade of the color
associated with a second elapsed time value.
14. The layered structure of claim 12, wherein the visional reference includes a time
scale associated with an elapsed time value corresponding to a known time at which a
volume of the layer of electrochromic ink images.
15. The layered structure of claim 1, wherein the base layer includes an adhesive
coating sufficient to adhere the layered structure to another object.

WO 2006/110622 PCT/US2006/013236
16. A thin, layered timer structure with an active display for communicating elapsed
time, comprising:
a base layer and a cover layer of material;
a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer, the
display component including a layer of electrochromic ink forming a first
pixel and a second pixel, wherein the first and second pixels are visible
through a window in the cover layer;
a first electrode and a second electrode, the first electrode and the second
electrode being spaced apart and being in electrical connection with the
layer of electrochromic ink, the first electrode being in electrical
connection with the first pixel with a first resistance therebetween and the
first electrode further being in electrical connection with the second pixel
with a second resistance therebetween;
a power source and a pair of electrical traces for electrically connecting the power
source to the first and second electrodes; and
an actuator configured to complete an electrical connection between the power
source and the first and second electrodes of the display component.
17. The layered structure of claim 16, further comprising a graphics layer situated
over the cover layer, the graphics layer having a time scale and a window configured to
allow the first and second pixels to be visible therethrough.
18. The layered structure of claim 17, wherein the time scale provides distinct
temporal contexts to the first and second pixels.
19. The layered structure of claim 18, wherein the time scale includes a first elapsed
time value proximate the first pixel and a second elapsed time value proximate the second
20. The layered structure of claim 16, wherein the power source includes a battery
situated between the base layer and the cover layer.

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21. The layered structure of claim 20, wherein the actuator includes a switch for
completing the electrical connection between the power source and the first and second
22. The layered structure of claim 16, wherein the actuator includes a sensor for
completing the electrical connection between the power source and the first and second
23. A thing, layered structure with an active display comprising:
a base layer and a cover layer;
a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer, the
display component including a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair of
spaced apart electrodes in electrical connection with the layer of
electrochromic ink, wherein the layer of electrochromic ink is visible
through a window in the cover layer;
a power source and a pair of electrical traces for electrically connecting the power
source to the pair of spaced apart electrodes; and
a user selectable input with at least two states, the display providing a first display
with the input in a first state and a second display with the input in a
second state.
24. A thin, layered structure with an active display, comprising:
a base layer and a cover layer of material;
a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer, the
display component including a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair of
spaced apart electrodes in electrical connection with the layer of
electrochromic ink, wherein the layer of electrochromic ink is visible
through a window in the cover layer;
a power source and a pair of electrical traces for electrically connecting the power
source to the pair of spaced apart electrodes; and

WO 2006/110622 PCT/US2006/013236
an actuator configured to complete an electrical connection between the power
source and the pair of spaced apart electrodes of the display component.
25. The layered structure of claim 24, wherein the power source includes a battery
situated between the base layer and the cover layer.
26. The layered structure of claim 25, wherein the actuator includes a switch for
completing the electrical connection between the power source and the pair of spaced
apart electrodes.
27. The layered structure of claim 24, wherein the actuator includes an environmental
sensor for selectively completing the electrical connection between the power source and
the pair of spaced apart electrodes upon the occurrence of a sensed condition.
28. The layered structure of claim 24, wherein the power source includes a pair of
terminals, the pair of terminals being exposed external to the cover layer.
29. The layered structure of claim 28, wherein the actuator includes an external probe
configured to contact the pair of terminals thereby completing the electrical connection
between the power source and the pair of spaced apart electrodes.
30. The layered structure of claim 24, wherein the power source includes an RF
antenna situated between the base layer and the cover layer.
31. The layered structure of claim 30, wherein the actuator includes a RF transmitter
configured to transmit RF waves receivable by the RF antenna thereby providing an
electrical current to the spaced apart electrodes.
32. The layered structure of claim 24, further comprising a graphics layer situated
over the cover layer, the graphics layer having a static image.

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33. The layered structure of claim 32, wherein the graphics layer includes a window
configured to allow the display component to be visible therethrough.
34. The layered structure of claim 32, wherein the graphics layer includes a
holographic film configured to allow the display component to be visible therethrough.
35. The layered structure of claim 27, wherein the static image includes a visual
reference arranged such that the visual reference provides context to the display
36. The layered structure of claim 35, wherein the visual reference includes a first
shade of a color associated with a first elapsed time value and a second shade of the color
associated with a second elapsed time value.
37. The layered structure of claim 24, wherein the base layer includes an adhesive
coating sufficient to adhere the layered structure to another object.


The present invention relates to a thin, layered, variable label structure with built - in
electronic functionality. The display and/or other functional element in the structure
may be formed by printing processes. The label structure includes a thin, layered
structure with an active display, comprising a base layer and a cover layer of material
and a display component situated between the base layer and the cover layer. The
display is formed with a layer of electrochromic ink and a pair or spaced apart
electrodes. The cover layer includes a window to allow for the layer of electrochromic
ink to be visible through the cover layer. The label also is configured to respond to an
actuating event by completing an electrical connection between a power source and the
pair of spaced apart electrodes of the display component, thereby causing the display
to change its appearance. The actuating event may include a variety of occurrences,
such as : pressing a switch on the label, introducing a power source to activate the
display, and a sensor sensing a condition near the label.



Patent Number 268813
Indian Patent Application Number 4219/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 39/2015
Publication Date 25-Sep-2015
Grant Date 17-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 02-Nov-2007
Name of Patentee AVESO, INC.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H05K 7/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/013236
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/231,360 2005-09-19 U.S.A.
2 60/670,076 2005-04-11 U.S.A.
3 11/209,345 2005-08-22 U.S.A.